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1 {"Knight of Wands": {"Keywords": ["Boldness, bravado, passion, persuasion, advocacy"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Ask someone out. Set up a romantic evening and make it happen. Speak your heart, and challenge others to do the same. Be feverishly romantic. Pull out all the stops. After making sure your motives are pure, use your charisma to bowl someone over.", "Fortune Telling": "This card represents a man with a bold, passionate personality, likely born between July 12th and August 11th, who wants to sweep you off your feet.", "When? Between July 12th and August 11th": "", "Work": "If you are not equipped to be a charismatic advocate for your ideas, find a champion and enlist his or her aid. Your focus today is more on \"sizzle\" than \"steak.\" Sell your ideas and skills as boldly as you can without distorting or exaggerating their value. Stress benefits and push for commitments.", "Spirituality": "Without coming off as a fanatic, you can share your spiritual journey with others. Offer prayers. Mention important Truths you've learned to apply. Loan out your books. Mention your faith in a letter to a friend. Every time you share your Light, you aid in conquering Darkness.", "Personal Growth": "Share yourself. Watch for opportunities to lend a hand, offer your skills, or lead an effort others will avoid. Prove yourself in small things, and others will be willing to follow you into larger battles."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "The Marseilles Knight of Wands is a picture of distraction. Instead of looking forward, he's looking back. Despite his uncertainty, he's beating his horse, urging speed. Before you rush headlong into action, be sure you have a destination defined.", "Eliciting Involvement": "Before inviting people to join your venture, find out what benefits really interest them \u00c9 or you might gallop off into the distance, alone!", "Charging Forward": "Versions of this card based on RWS imagery often depict a fair young man streaking across the desert in full battle armor. Is the horse you're riding today galloping fast...or out of control?", "Pyramids": "In the background of RWS-inspired versions of this card, we frequently see pyramids. While his \"get things done\" attitude moves the Knight rapidly forward, the pyramids remind him that long-term application of force over time is more likely the key to lasting achievement."}, "Correspondences": {"Story": "The Main Character leads the effort to reach a common goal.", "Affirmation": "\"I can lead the way to success.\"", "Elemental": "Air of Fire.", "Personality": "The Knight of Wands can represent anyone who wants to lead the way (Knight) to a goal (Wands), especially in academic, romantic, and professional areas of life. The Knight may also represent the tendency to be more forceful than cooperative or the need to take action at any cost."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Charging ahead. Making rapid progress. Refusing limits. Dazzling those around you with your wit and charm. Convincing others of your right to leadership. Convincing others to follow you. Being a catalyst for change.", "Shadow": "Blundering forward with inadequate skill or information. Running roughshod over the feelings of others. Using sex appeal to manipulate others. Forcing your leadership or ideology on others. Beginning many projects without finishing any."}}, "Six of Coins": {"Keywords": ["Charity, fairness, cooperation, sharing"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "In a healthy relationship, partners help each other. Healthy partners agree on rules for dividing up chores, financial responsibilities, and social roles\u00d1and then honor those commitments. Define what equality means for you, and help each other achieve it.", "When? Between May 1st and May 10th": "", "Fortune Telling": "When you need help, ask for it. Remember, though: what you receive may be limited by what you've given to others in the past.", "Work": "Learn to delegate. Many people, working together, can achieve more than one person, working alone. So what if some people contribute less and still get credit? Good managers will recognize star contributors and reward them accordingly.", "Spirituality": "A mature soul seeks to come to the aid of others. This may involve traditional charity: giving time, money, or effort. Don't forget, though, that prayers and compassionate meditation can also change the world for good. Whatever form of service your spiritual path encourages, offer it with sincerity and regularity.", "Personal Growth": "Charity is based on a simple principle: we should all look out for each other. Self-interest comes naturally; interest in others and their well-being is the hallmark of maturity. Putting the needs of others first can ease your progress toward a balanced life."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Nature of Charity": "The wealthy merchant on many versions of this card won't miss a gold Coin or two, but the money he distributes could make a huge difference to someone less fortunate. Keep an eye out for a small gesture that could make a big difference in someone else's life.", "The Marseilles Image": "An elaborate vine divides six Coins into six virtually equal compartments: a place for everything, and everything in its place. With this image in mind, explore the equal division of responsibility in your own situation. To what extent is everyone pulling his or her weight?", "The Lone Giver": "The wealthy merchant can help a few, but his \u00d2lone wolf\u00d3 approach to charity will have its limits. What role does isolation play in your situation? How might joining a group of some kind influence your future?", "Scales": "Many versions of this card incorporate an image of a man with scales, doling out charity to grateful recipients. The scales emphasize the fairness with which his charity is delivered, making it possible for each person to receive exactly what's needed. In your own circumstance, what role does fairness play?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "6 (The Adjustment: cooperation, collaboration, interaction)", "Story": "The Main Character wins by cooperating instead of competing.", "Affirmation": "\"Knowing I will receive more, I share my resources freely.\"", "Astrology": "Moon in Taurus"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Giving time, money, or effort to a charity. Taking part in a group effort. Lending your resources to others without expecting anything in return. Making sure everyone is treated equally. Working together toward a common goal. Redistributing wealth, time, or attention. Tithing. Sharing credit for your success.", "Shadow": "Making a loan as a means of gaining control over someone. Using charitable acts to draw attention to yourself. Dividing work or resources unfairly. Failing to do your part in a group effort. Ignoring obligations and commitments."}}, "Five of Cups": {"Keywords": ["Loss, despair, re-evaluation, regret, uncertainty, repentance"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Maintaining an affair with memories of past lovers will prevent you from appreciating lovers in the here and now. Burned by past friends or partners? Thank them for the lesson learned and offer your heart to those who deserve your affection.", "Fortune Telling": "A breakup looms. Don't cry over spilt milk. Take your lumps and get back in the saddle.", "Work": "You can't look back. The \"good old days\" have given way to the \"here and now,\" and it's time to adjust your efforts accordingly. If you made mistakes, admit them, pick up the pieces, and return to work with renewed effort. Don't focus on losses; define new goals.", "Spirituality": "Your faith, at first, may seem like \"cold comfort\" in times of loss. But if you accept that all things unfold according to a larger pattern, you must look for the role this loss plays in the grand scheme of things. Three cups remain upright. What do you still have to be thankful for?", "Personal Growth": "Perspective is everything. Each of us is predisposed to focus on the positive or the negative; if you tend toward the latter, condition yourself to be more optimistic by reviewing how apparently dark events of the past gave rise to greater strength or insight.", "When? Between October 23rd and November 1st": ""}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "Growth continues (loss forces growth!), but the garden's getting cramped. How can you balance the need for emotional stability with the fact that time is marching on?", "The Posture of Defeat": "This card often depicts a cloaked figure with slumped shoulders. How is your current mood reflected in your posture? If your demeanor changed, might your mood change along with it?", "Weighing Options": "Do you focus on loss, or on the opportunity inherent in change? Do you grieve for the way things were \u00c9 or do you reassess your situation and adapt to it? How might this insight help you in your own situation?", "Three Cups Down, Two Cups Up": "Tradition leads many artists to draw this card with three Cups overturned and two still standing. The outcome (three) of your emotional or spiritual effort may be disappointing, but now it's time to focus on achieving a new sense of unity (two) elsewhere."}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "5 (The Catalyst: instability, resistance, confrontation)", "Story": "Shocked by loss, the Main Character considers giving up the quest. Alternatively, the Main Character's judgment is distorted by memories of loss.", "Affirmation": "\"I learn from my losses and move on.\"", "Astrology": "Mars in Scorpio"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Acknowledging loss and moving on. Focusing on how the glass remains \"half-full.\" Finding the silver lining in a dark cloud. Recognizing that loss is a natural part of life. Embracing healthy grief. Learning lessons from harsh consequences.", "Shadow": "Wallowing in unhealthy grief or self-pity. Refusing to move on and let go. Clinging to the past. Obsessing on past lives and past loves. Failing to live in the present. Beating yourself up over past mistakes. Allowing fear of failure to limit your efforts."}}, "Nine of Wands": {"Keywords": ["Toughness, persistence, stamina, loyalty, release"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Sometimes relationships of any kind are hard work. You and your partner must be able to count on each other when the going gets rough. If you've been unreliable, it's time to change your ways. If your partner doesn't seem to be in things for the long haul, you should plan accordingly.", "Fortune Telling": "Don't relax yet; there's more to come. The test you're facing now is happening for one reason: to show you who your real friends are.", "Work": "When there's hard work to be done, you learn who your real friends are. Call on others for support, especially if you feel overwhelmed. Take note of who responds. Recognize, too, when you've had enough; doggedly pressing on when you're broken benefits no one.", "Spirituality": "Meaningful progress takes time. You'll be tempted to give up, to abandon your practices, to shrug off your faith. Stick with it. Your transformation is slow, but steady. Encourage yourself by looking back and seeing how far you've come.", "When? December 3rd through 12th": "", "Personal Growth": "Know when to be a hero. Coached by phrases like \"When the going gets tough, the tough get going,\" you'll be tempted to crawl ahead even when you're down. Some causes deserve your total dedication; some don't. Knowing the difference is an important component of maturity."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Eight Background Wands": "Eight is the number of action and outer work; Wands is the suit of intention. In the background of many RWS versions of this card, we see eight Wands; they represent the work done to get this far. When you're exhausted, look back. Your achievements can give you the strength to keep moving forward.", "The Marseilles Image": "Another intrusive Wand appears, but the lattice of eight Wands is to strong to be broken. One imagines the entire structure sagging under the weight of this new addition. Will the work (suggested by the eight Wands) done so far hold up to this new challenge? Only time will tell.", "The Fullness of Intention": "A slightly different take on numerology positions this card as the \"fullness of intention.\" Having done all that can be done, we must let go.", "The Battered Hero": "The figure on RWS-inspired versions of this card looks exhausted; his Wand is more a prop than a weapon. Still, he persists. If you've been through a lot yourself, this card can be a reminder that there's light at the end of the tunnel."}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "9 (The Completion: fullness, readiness, ripeness)", "Story": "The Main Character continues to strive for the goal, despite terrible odds.", "Affirmation": "\"When the going gets tough, I stay the course.\"", "Astrology": "Moon in Sagittarius"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Sticking with it for the duration. Fulfilling your promises and obligations. Bearing up under incredible duress. Dragging yourself across the finish line. Picking yourself up by your own bootstraps. Refusing to quit. Going as far as you can go and being satisfied with your performance.", "Shadow": "Making yourself a martyr. Abandoning your post. Giving up at the first sign of opposition. Being prevented from fulfilling an obligation. Failing to be dependable. Refusing to let something go that needs to be released. Beating a dead horse."}}, "Page of Wands": {"Keywords": ["Enthusiasm, eagerness, confidence, validation, affirmation"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Be eager to try new things, especially activities that fall outside your comfort zone. Don't hide your emotions: let eagerness show. Be vulnerable; if you don't know what to do, admit it. Learn from a more experienced lover, or take someone under your wing.", "Fortune Telling": "This card represents a young man or woman with a fiery, enthusiastic demeanor, likely born a Cancer, Leo, or Virgo, who wants to start a new relationship with you.", "Work": "Be honest about your ability\u00d1or your lack of ability. When someone uses a term you don't know, ask for a definition. Watch for opportunities to be a student and to learn new programs and processes. Your ignorance can be a tool, helping you see what others will dismiss.", "Spirituality": "Pledge to fully experience (or recapture) the thrill of exploring new spiritual horizons. Read a book for beginners\u00d1even if you've been involved in your practice for decades. Consider teaching others; beginners should find a trustworthy teacher.", "Personal Growth": "Make something happen! List your goals, determine what needs to be done, pick a target, and take those first steps. Learning new tricks keep the mind and body young. A mature soul sets ego aside and embraces the unknown with eagerness.", "When? Between June 21st and September 22nd": ""}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Romantic Pose": "Most RWS-inspired cards will feature a young man in impractical attire, gazing at a Wand as though it were a lover. The Page feels intently the fiery grip of passion, but lacks the experience to know how such intense emotion should be put into action. Sound familiar?", "The Marseilles Image": "Is it a walking stick? Is it a weapon? The Marseilles Page of Wands isn't sure, and his stiff pose and awkward grip betray his uncertainty. Rather than allow your own actions to betray your uncertainties, be proactive: ask for help.", "The Need for Affirmation": "When learning a new skill, good feedback speeds our progress and boosts our confidence. The best students know this, and seek out worthy teachers to evaluate their work.", "Awkwardness": "In addition to the Page's yearning gaze, he is frequently posed in a manner that suggests awkwardness or clumsiness. Are you dealing with someone too young (or young at heart) to be emotionally or intentionally stable?"}, "Correspondences": {"Story": "The Main Character's doubts about himself or herself are dispelled by a positive experience.", "Affirmation": "\"I can do this.\"", "Elemental": "Earth of Fire.", "Personality": "The Page of Wands can represent anyone who wants to learn (Page) how to make something happen (Wands), especially in academic, romantic, and professional areas of life. The Page may also represent the tendency to be more eager than well-informed or a need to learn by doing."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Leaping at a new opportunity. Being a cheerleader or ardent advocate for your cause. Being a True Believer. Taking first steps toward independence. Trusting in your own abilities. Asking for feedback.", "Shadow": "Basing your entire self-image on what others think. Seizing every new idea that comes your way without question. Habitually discounting input or feedback from others. Being so eager to \"do it yourself\" that you hinder your own progress."}}, "Nine of Coins": {"Keywords": ["Training, discipline, confidence, enough"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "We learn about love from our parents, but their examples may or may not be suitable for relationships we forge for ourselves. Everyone has something to learn about love. Model the level of love and patience you want your partner to provide.", "Fortune Telling": "Until you appreciate what you have, you won't have any luck getting more.", "Work": "Many problems arise when people are assigned to tasks to which they are not suited by training or nature. Where's the disconnect? Identify what you don't know, and ask for appropriate training. When using unskilled workers to do an elaborate task, scale expectations accordingly.", "Spirituality": "Wanting what you have can transform your world. All too often, we get caught up in the ruthless cycle of pursuing \"bigger and better,\" when, in fact, we could very easily make do. Today, consider how you can delight in what you've already been given.", "When? Between September 2nd and 11th": "", "Personal Growth": "Be patient with yourself. Seek advice from those who easily do what you must strive to do. Give yourself time to learn a new process. If you're hoping to engineer a change in your own behavior, recognize the value of little steps toward your goal."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "The ninth Coin squeezes into position, disrupting the careful balance of the Eight. It bulges outward, forcing all other coins to the extreme ends of the card. In what way might your \"desire of the moment\" caught similar crowding in your own life?", "The Hooded Falcon": "Decks in the RWS family often illustrate this card with an image of a fine lady training a falcon. Training an animal requires patience and empathy. How might these qualities play a role in your situation today?", "Fullness": "The woman on many versions of this card appears to have plenty of resources at her disposal. For you, how much is too little? How much is too much? What would be \"just right?\"", "The Bumper Crop": "While the lady of the manor focuses on the task at hand, a rich harvest of pentacles grows. Her bounty looks effortless, but a crop this rich doesn't happen by accident. How have past efforts (or a lack of effort) shaped the situation you find yourself in now? To what extent is someone reaping what he or she has sown?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "9 (The Completion: fullness, readiness, ripeness)", "Story": "The Main Character outlines a detailed action plan, step-by-step. Alternatively, the Main Character is placed in a position for which he or she is completely unqualified.", "Affirmation": "\"I know enough to be confident in my decisions.\"", "Astrology": "Venus in Virgo"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Investing time in learning or teaching a difficult task. Restraining yourself from physical or financial extremes. Making sacrifices as a way of achieving larger goals. Breaking a complex task down into simple steps. Wanting what you have. Knowing the difference between needs and wants.", "Shadow": "Being assigned to a task without being trained to perform it. Pursuing a position for which you are not qualified. Disregarding requirements. Refusing to dedicate adequate time or attention when learning about something or someone new. Always craving more."}}, "Knight of Coins": {"Keywords": ["Caution, focus, realism, invention"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Relationships, like investments, should pay dividends. Your investment of time, attention, and affection should be returned by your friends and partners. Taking care of others is admirable; take care of yourself, too. Watch for creative ways to enjoy time together without spending money.", "Fortune Telling": "A stingy person may chide you for spending money. Be prepared to defend an economic or sexual decision.", "When? Between April 11th and May 10th": "", "Work": "Keep an eye on the bottom line. Some times call for penny-pinching. At other times, growth many depend on generosity. There's satisfaction in delivering a final, physical product. Keep an eye on the goal. Keep your commitments. Tackle big projects one step at a time.", "Spirituality": "Avoid taking a guru's claims at face value. Weigh any guidance received on the scales of your heart. Take spiritual advice (including advice from this book) with great caution and deliberation. Find practical, physical, creative ways to express your spiritual insights.", "Personal Growth": "There's a fine line between caution and pessimism. Believe in yourself and what you hope to achieve; at the same time, be sure to attend to the \"doing\" that leads to \"having.\" Encourage progress by keeping a physical reminder of upcoming rewards close at hand."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Unmoving Horse": "In many decks, the Knight of Coin's horse stands as rigid and still as a statue. There's a difference between proceeding with caution and allowing yourself to become paralyzed by pessimism. What do you need in order to get moving again?", "The Precious Pentacle": "Many versions of this card show a knight apparently hypnotized by the pentacle in his hand. Once you've attained the object of your quest, caution is required to protect, maintain, and preserve what you've won\u00d1but remember, too, that regarding something too highly is the best way to render it useless.", "Saving vs": "Spending. Knights embody extremes. The Knight of Coins could be a miser or a spendthrift, depending on which way his energy flows. What would a miser do? What might a spendthrift do? And might there be some middle ground worth pursuing?", "The Marseilles Image": "The well-grounded Marseilles Knight of Coins rides boldly forward, chasing a Coin that somehow always manages to remain just out of reach. To what extent might you also be chasing \"castles in the sky?\" How well-grounded are your own plans and methods? How might an emphasis on the practical speed your progress toward your goals?"}, "Correspondences": {"Story": "The Main Character takes a tentative first step toward a new solution.", "Affirmation": "\"I temper my actions with cautious optimism.\"", "Elemental": "Air of Earth.", "Personality": "The Knight of Coins can represent anyone who wants to lead the way (Knight) to greater physical and financial success (Coins). The Knight may also represent the tendency to be more cautious than adventuresome, or a compulsive desire to avoid risk by obsessing on tiny logistical or physical details."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Spending money wisely. Saving for a rainy day. Paying close attention to physical or financial details. Knowing where every dollar goes. Having safe sex. Preferring facts to \"good feelings.\" Finding creative ways to \"make do\" with resources on hand. Completing a new invention.", "Shadow": "Throwing caution to the four winds. Spending without regard for consequence. Spending on luxury when necessities are lacking. Escaping stress by spending money. Obsessing on tiny physical or financial details. Perpetually chasing after some new bauble. Copying another's work and claiming it as your own."}}, "Eight of Coins": {"Keywords": ["Effort, work diligence, skill"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Discover what your partner loves or needs and make a special effort to deliver those gifts, words, or service on a regular basis. Consider the value of a handmade gift. Partners should look for ways to demonstrate their dedication to each other. Busy? Make sure a request from your partner or friend rises to the top of your \"To Do\" list.", "When? Between August 23rd and September 1st": "", "Fortune Telling": "Stop over-analyzing, researching, and outlining. Buckle down and get the work done.", "Work": "All too often, compressed schedules demand we do \"just enough.\" Today, try going beyond the bare minimum. Add that extra touch. Devote a little personal time to completing your work. Even if the task is an ordinary one, strive to make today's product extraordinary. Others may not notice the difference\u00d1but you will.", "Spirituality": "Rituals can feel silly, and formal prayer can feel stiff and unnatural. Today, though, invest a little extra time and energy into your spiritual observations. Choose something to wear that reflects your faith. Acquire a special item for a home altar. Be in the moment, devoting extra attention to the small details of your faith.", "Personal Growth": "Instead of just getting by, a mature person recognizes that every project and every interaction is a reflection of character. What would recent projects say about you? With an eye toward improving your image and reputation, how might your work and speech need to change?"}, "Symbols and Insights": {"One Coin at a Time": "Our friend on many versions of this card has several coins hanging on the doorpost \u00c9 but he can only make one coin at a time. What small step can you take right now toward realizing a larger plan?", "The Devoted Craftsman": "RWS-inspired versions of this card often show an isolated worker carving a number of shiny new pentacles. Note how he loses himself in his work! What might happen if you shunned distraction, isolated yourself, and focused yourself entirely on the work at hand?", "The Marseilles Image": "Eight Coins have been arranged in two precisely balanced rows of four. The arrangement looks deliberate; someone worked hard to move each Coin into perfect alignment. When your work is done, what evidence will there be of your own dedication to perfection?", "Getting Lost in the Work": "In the rush to complete a project, we can easily lose our connection with the simple pleasure of work done well. How can you start taking pleasure in the process?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "8 (The Action: movement, outer work, swiftness)", "Story": "The Main Character is shown to be the very best at his or her chosen vocation.", "Affirmation": "\"I give myself wholeheartedly to the task of the moment.\"", "Astrology": "Sun in Virgo"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Doing your best. Bringing enthusiasm and zeal to your work. Making an effort to be the best you can be. Finding the work that is right for you. Taking care of the small details. Becoming a finely skilled craftsperson. Building something with your hands. Making a handmade gift.", "Shadow": "Working yourself to death. Doing a half-hearted or sloppy job. Continuing in a job you hate. Buying thoughtless gifts. Producing work with shoddy craftsmanship. Rushing through your work. Rejecting opportunities to learn more about your craft."}}, "Queen of Swords": {"Keywords": ["Grace, skill, wit, charm, aptitude"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "You can't change other people, but you can provide gentle prompts designed to help them be the best they can be. Know the difference in supporting and nagging. Know, too, that requested advice is always prized more highly than unsolicited observations. Until you're invited to speak, hold your tongue.", "When? Between September 12th and October 12th": "", "Fortune Telling": "This card represents a woman with an artistic, intellectual nature, likely born between September 12th and October 12th, who uses clever, positive communication to sway others to her point of view.", "Work": "Harsh criticism crushes morale, but finely-tuned words of praise can enhance performance and elicit remarkable productivity. Identify what must be changed, but express that change in terms of growth and benefit. Instead of problems, see challenges. Instead of deficits, see opportunities.", "Spirituality": "Practice the delivery of praise. When you receive blessings, voice your thanks. When others work for you, show your bright spirit by acknowledging their contributions. Whatever the situation, strive to be the soul of encouragement.", "Personal Growth": "Your insights, opinions, and attitudes influence others more than you know. Express your thoughts with care, making sure you phrase your observations in ways that encourage growth. If you need encouragement, encourage others to give it."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Winged Throne": "The Queen of Swords is frequently drawn ruling from a throne decorated with butterflies, birds, or other winged creatures, reinforcing the airiness of her suit. How does the element of air\u00d1matters of communication and intellect\u00d1play a role in your situation?", "The Marseilles Image": "The Marseilles Queen is focused on the Sword in her right hand\u00d1the hand of linear logic. How might the advice of a cooler, more objective advisor help you now? Where might you find such an advisor? How might you elicit his or her assistance?", "From Discord to Harmony": "What skill or aptitude, employed now, might transform the discord you're experiencing today into pure harmony?", "The Posture of Pronouncement": "The Queen of Swords often appears to be on the verge of making an important statement or rendering an important verdict. In your own situation, what needs to be said? Who needs to say it? What is the obstacle blocking this critical communication?"}, "Correspondences": {"Story": "The Main Character must deliver news that is difficult for others to receive with grace. Alternatively, the Main Character must confront the less desirable aspects of his or her personality.", "Affirmation": "\"I make the truth easier to hear.\"", "Elemental": "Water of Air.", "Personality": "The Queen of Swords can represent anyone who wants to encourage others (Queen) to be brighter and more communicative (Swords). The Queen may also represent the tendency to be more tactful than objective, or the need to express information more politely than precisely."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Exercising tact or using diplomacy. Defusing a tense situation. Knowing what to say and how to say it. Making others feel comfortable and confident. Bringing out the best in everyone. Having a way with words. Telling jokes. Possessing a knack for music, math, art, or science.", "Shadow": "Knowing exactly what to say to destroy another person. Withholding critical information. Using a barbed tongue to upset others. Employing sarcasm. Mimicking others unkindly. Making light of the less fortunate. Being disrespectful. Failing to use the talent you've been given."}}, "Eight of Cups": {"Keywords": ["Longing, dissatisfaction, quest, departure, withdrawal"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "If a relationship fails to supply what you need, consider looking elsewhere. Occasionally, a little time apart can restore perspective and reveal true character. Don't be afraid to be alone; it's okay to be your own person.", "Fortune Telling": "Someone's \"stepping out\" on you, now or in the near future. Maybe it's time to quit talking about the problem and just move on.", "When? Between February 19th through 28th": "", "Work": "Threatening to quit is never productive. Dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to a task...or move on without fanfare. A persistent feeling that \"something's missing\" should tell you something. Know when to say \"No!\" to overbearing bosses.", "Spirituality": "Consider the value a retreat might offer. Spend time alone in nature. By stepping outside of your daily routine, you automatically heighten your awareness. When you return to your every day world, you'll see it with fresh eyes.", "Personal Growth": "As children, we ridicule \"quitters.\" As adults, we need to realize the time does come to throw in the towel. In your own life, what habits or attitudes need to be abandoned, cold turkey? Don't think of it as quitting; see quitting as a step toward a new beginning."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Retreating Figure": "On many versions of this card, a weary figure walks away, heading toward the horizon. In your own life, what do you need to walk away from? What new experiences or insights might you gain from doing so?", "Stacked Chalices": "The RWS-inspired versions of this card frequently depict eight stacked Cups, arranging to emphasize the ninth cup's absence. What do you lack emotionally or spiritually? How willing are you to pursue it?", "Starting Again": "What risks are inherent in starting over? What would be lost? What benefits might you gain from a fresh start?", "The Marseilles Image": "What a labor (eight) of love (Cups) this arrangement must have been: such careful balance, such deliberate symmetry! Still, there's room for growth. What labor of love should you undertake today?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "8 (The Action: movement, outer work, swiftness)", "Story": "The Main Character finds his or her everyday life suddenly unrewarding. The Main Character sets off to find his or her destiny.", "Affirmation": "\"I am always open to opportunities for growth.\"", "Astrology": "Saturn in Pisces"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Wanting something better. Blazing your own trail. Realizing there must be more to life. Leaving an unhealthy situation behind. Starting your own business. Going on a retreat. Seeking the \"still, small voice.\"", "Shadow": "Being implacable. Finding fault. Nitpicking. Refusing to settle down. Running away from problems or confrontations. Saying, \"It's my way or the highway!\" Harping on past mistakes and disappointments. Threatening to quit as a strategy to get your way."}}, "Three of Coins": {"Keywords": ["Expression, production, work, contribution"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "What are the terms that govern your relationship? What have you agreed to do? What roles and responsibilities fall to your partner or friend? The health of any relationship is directly related to the effort both partners make to fulfill their obligations. If you haven't discussed terms, do so.", "When? December 31st through Jan 9th": "", "Fortune Telling": "A high-dollar contract is in your future. If you work hard, you'll succeed.", "Work": "It's time to review contracts and agreements. To what extent do you deliver an honest day's work? To what extent is this fairly compensated? If you agreed to work for a certain price, you should fulfill that agreement, even if you underestimated the time and effort involved in a project. A formula for success: know what you need, ask for it up front, and deliver more than promised.", "Spirituality": "In return for dedicated pursuit, a spiritual path should yield focus, fulfillment, and peace. To what extent is your own spiritual practice delivering the promised changes in mind, body, and prosperity? It may be time to evaluate what you're giving ... and receiving.", "Personal Growth": "Integrity is a fragile thing; one broken promise or one unmet commitment can shatter it forever. If you are out of integrity with someone, it's time to correct the situation by admitting fault and accepting consequences. If someone is out of integrity with you, you'll have to decide what value you place on giving them a second chance."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "A flowering vine shaped vaguely like a heart coils around three coins\u00d1two in a pair, one alone. When two people come together in work or in love, their union produces something entirely new. What is your friendship, romance, or cooperative effort producing? What does that product say about the nature of the relationship itself?", "The Product": "Your effort will likely be judged by the quality of its output. What is the final result of your labor? What does that product say about you, your ethics, and your level of expertise?", "Your Role as Creator": "How might a desire to revise the work of others play a role in your current situation? To what extent can you see yourself \"behind the scenes\" of what you're facing now? What could you produce that is distinctively yours?", "The Worker's Review": "In RWS-inspired decks, officials or patrons review a craftsman's labor. To what extent has he met their expectations? Others may view you as a craftsman\u00d1if only in the metaphorical sense. Will your work please or offend ... and why?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "3 (The Result: expression, productivity, output)", "Story": "The Main Character achieves a result that no other characters have been able to attain.", "Affirmation": "\"My work produces results.\"", "Astrology": "Mars in Capricorn"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Finishing a project. Setting and meeting standards. Performing according to specifications. Making something others value. Creating something new. Doing your part in a group project. Delivering exactly what others have asked for.", "Shadow": "Pandering to the tastes of others. Failing to deliver what you've promised. Not delivering your best work unless closely supervised. Ignoring or breaking agreements with those who have invested in you. Refusing to do your part. Failing to abide by a clearly-outlined agreement with yourself or others."}}, "Ten of Wands": {"Keywords": ["Exhaustion, resistance, burden, oppression"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Some relationships become a burden. When this happens, have the presence of mind to put them aside. Relationships involve more than one person. When you've done all you can do to make a relationship a success, there's no shame in withdrawing from a bad situation.", "When? Between December 13th and 21st": "", "Fortune Telling": "You're worn out! Back off, take a time out, and let someone else handle things for a while.", "Work": "Over-extending yourself on a regular basis is not a sign of strength: it's evidence of poor judgment. You cannot perform at your best when exhausted. There are too many irons in the fire. Review your values and make tough choices, letting go of work that isn't critical.", "Spirituality": "When we are exhausted, we tend to feel disconnected from Spirit. Restore yourself (and your spirit) by scheduling regular quiet time. Guard this appointment with contemplative silence as jealously as you would an appointment with a life-saving doctor. Disconnect\u00d1and reconnect.", "Personal Growth": "Knowing your own limits is a sign of maturity. Don't take on more than you can reliably handle. It's better to be respected for saying \"No\" than hated for saying \"Yes\" and failing to deliver. When unreasonable demands are made, point them out and sidestep them."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Distant Village": "Some RWS-inspired decks depict a distant village in the background of the card. The village is the light at the end of the tunnel: a reminded that the destination is close at hand. Your own \"way out\" may be as simple as declining an opportunity you lack the time or energy to complete.", "The Marseilles Image": "Though woven tightly together, the ten Wands seen here are as compressed as they can be. Adding another would likely cause an explosion! Intent and action have reached their limit; it's time to try another way of solving the problem at hand.", "Exhaustion": "Fullness has been exceeded, and the energy of the Wands suit becomes spoiled and over-extended. As a result, we\u00d5ve become slaves to our own intentions; a little searching, though, will help us find the key to escaping our self-made prisons.", "The Stooped Figure": "Most RWS-inspired decks depict a stooped, overburdened figure on this card. He has gone as far as sheer Will can take him; he is on the verge of collapse. There comes a point when too much is too much, and it's time to re-evaluate your approach to the problem."}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "10 (The End: finality, completion, exhaustion)", "Story": "The Main Character attempts a task he is not well-suited for, with disastrous results.", "Affirmation": "\"I respect my own limits.\"", "Astrology": "Saturn in Sagittarius"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Holding your own in extreme circumstances. Helping others carry their burdens. Coming to the aid of the oppressed. Knowing and being honest about your own limits. Recognizing when you are not well-suited for a particular task.", "Shadow": "Taking on more work than you know you can handle. Refusing to say \"No\" when you're already overloaded. Making a habit of working overtime. Shielding others from facing the consequences of their own poor judgment. Over-extending yourself on a regular basis."}}, "Five of Swords": {"Keywords": ["Selfishness, hostility, irrationality, self-preservation"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "It's crazy to think that one person in a relationship deserves more pleasure or power than the other. Balance must be restored. You're not thinking clearly now, so back off and rethink your approach. Take care of yourself, but try to do so without hurting those you love most.", "Fortune Telling": "Someone is stealing from you, financially or romantically. Be wary of friends who talk behind your back.", "Work": "Occasionally, one person's success will bring about another person's loss. When you're the successful one, don't gloat; be humble. When you suffer the loss, don't despair; pick up the pieces and move on. Don't drive yourself crazy asking \"Why?\" Breaking a rule may prove to be the key to innovation.", "Spirituality": "Suffering is a fact of life. How does your spiritual path deal with the reality of suffering or the pain of inequality? It's easy to be spiritual when all is well. Insulate yourself from instability by thinking\u00d1in advance\u00d1of how you'll deal with adversity when it comes your way.", "When? Between January 20th and 29th": "", "Personal Growth": "You can't win every fight. With this truth in mind, think in terms of how you want to win...and how you want to lose. Rather than be driven by emotion, make conscious choices in both situations. Resolve to be noble in both victory and defeat."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Unstable Logic": "When the instability of the Five combines with the thoughtfulness of the suit of Swords, logic gives way to irrationality. Rules are shattered, and the whole world turns upside down. What would happen if you broke some rules?", "The Stolen Swords": "Many see the figure in the foreground of RWS-inspired cards as a thief, stealing Swords at the expense of his associates. Just remember: victory achieved through dishonesty robs you of your integrity. Karma is a law; how long before someone steals your Swords?", "The Jolly Victor": "The victorious knight depicted on many versions of this card is gloating over his triumph. How we act when we win tells a lot about our character. What does your recent behavior say about you?", "The Marseilles Image": "Again, a central blade comes to cut down the growth we saw taking root in the Four. The four curved, protective blades remain, but now they are guarding a single decision. How has a protected decision (or sacred cow) influenced your situation today?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "5 (The Catalyst: instability, resistance, confrontation)", "Story": "Others are shocked or angered by the Main Character's apparently irrational actions. Alternatively, the Main Character must take an action that will cause pain for his or her loved ones.", "Affirmation": "\"Even as I care for myself, I am mindful of the needs of others.\"", "Astrology": "Venus in Aquarius"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Acting in your own best interest. Choosing to stand up for yourself. Not backing down from disagreement and discord. Taking a stand. Refusing to go along with an unethical plan. Knowing when to bend the rules.", "Shadow": "Taking advantage of others. Intimidating others. Acting in an unethical manner. Picking fights. Using words to goad others into violence and irrationality. Ignoring rules you've agreed to abide by. Looking out for yourself while allowing harm to come to others. Gloating over victory."}}, "Seven of Wands": {"Keywords": ["Bravery, resolve, determination"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "In a healthy relationship, each person feels secure. Partners and friends who constantly abuse others or tear people down must be confronted. Being in a relationship does not mean squelching your own unique insights; stand up for what you feel is right.", "Fortune Telling": "Don't be surprised by a personal attack. Prepare to defend yourself or someone you love.", "Work": "The workplace tends to reward aggression. Defend yourself and your own work, making sure you have hard data to back up your claims. If you must become involved in unpleasantness, be sure those you investigate have no valid reason to feel attacked.", "Spirituality": "Especially when you feel attacked, your spirituality should guide you. Don't be defensive; as a spiritual person, you know it's \"not about you.\" As dramas unfold, stand up for your beliefs, but avoid absorbing and reflecting the poisonous emotions of others.", "Personal Growth": "Standing up for yourself is healthy and reasonable. Turning the other cheek doesn't mean making yourself into a doormat. It's okay to insist on respect. Apply this principle to your interactions with others, too; it's easier to get fair treatment when you're known for treating others fairly.", "When? Between August 12th and 22nd": ""}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The King of the Hill": "Many illustrations for this card place the lone warrior on top of a small hill cliff. Is our friend a guard? If so, what is he guarding? And, more importantly, is it worth fighting for?", "The Marseilles Image": "Again, a lone wand comes to shatter the arrangement we worked so hard to establish! The lattice we built for the Six collapses. Why would someone do this? How can we prevent it from happening? And are these, in the end, the questions we should be asking?", "Crisis as a Clarifier": "A crisis has the power to reveal what we really value. In your situation, how far are you willing to go to stand up for what you believe in?", "Six Converging Wands": "On RWS-inspired decks, we often see a lone figure threatened by six converging Wands. Six is the number of collaboration, suggesting that many people have come together to launch an attack. But who is carrying those wands? Is the attack real...or imagined?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "7 (The Motive: imagination, inner work, psychology)", "Story": "The Main Character is attacked by the minions of his adversary.", "Affirmation": "\"I am willing to take a stand for what I believe in.\"", "Astrology": "Mars in Leo"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Refusing to be silenced through fear or intimidation. Continuing a fight against all odds. Being fierce. Defending yourself against physical and emotional attacks. Refusing to put up with abuse. Clinging to your values despite all pressure to abandon them.", "Shadow": "Having a chip on your shoulder. Taking unnecessary risks as a means of proving your fearlessness. Looking for an opportunity to take offense. Responding to constructive criticism with defensiveness. Refusing to stand up for yourself and your beliefs."}}, "Trump 17: The Star": {"Keywords": ["Hope, optimism, openness, certainty, faith, longing, truth"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Give freely of yourself and expect the best. Don't hold back genuine emotions; express them without shame. Consider exploring spiritual goals together. Astrology can offer important insights into compatibility. Let your honesty and openness encourage others to reveal their deepest thoughts.", "Fortune Telling": "Get an astrology chart drawn up. Someone is a little too starstruck. What's happening now has long been fore-ordained.", "Work": "Surround yourself with visual reminders of your goal because these can serve as guiding lights when you need a way to put the situation into perspective. Expect the best of yourself and your co-workers. You'll know when the time is right to take action; have confidence in your own judgment.", "When? Between January 20 and February 17": "", "Spirituality": "Prayer and quiet time communicate your openness to guidance from above. Don't hesitate to share your spiritual side with those around you. Seek out oracles. Allow the power of spirit to flow through you; let your spirituality color all aspects of your life.", "Personal Growth": "An optimist sees what is ... and what can be. Open yourself to possibility. Numbers never tell the whole story. Shed your ego; be yourself, no matter what others think. The only truly unique thing you have to share is the person you really are. Unmask!"}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Nudity": "Here, nudity communicates innocence, openness, and shamelessness. What would happen if you embraced yourself completely?", "The seven stars": "The seven stars seen on both the RWS and Marseilles cards likely refer to the seven classical planets. They orbit a central flamboyant star, which Waite, in The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, describes as a Masonic symbol. In your situation, who is following whom\u00d1and why?", "Eight-pointed stars": "Depending on the deck used, the number eight suggests the work associated with expressions of strength or the delivery of justice. Eight, the number of action, doubles four, the number of persistence and stability. Might the key to your situation be the application of consistent effort over time?", "The ibis": "The ibis is the representative of Thoth, the master magician of the Egyptians. It is associated with the idea of both initiation and meditation. In your situation, who is the magician, and who is the mediator?", "Pouring water": "There's no conservation going on here; the figure on most Star cards bears an inexhaustible supply of the Water of Life. What are your own inexhaustible resources? How can they help?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "The star that guided the Magi. Aphrodite. Venus. The Pleiades. Moses bringing forth water from the rock.", "Story": "After the darkness, comes the dawn! Just as the situation looks completely bleak, the main character discovers a way to move forward.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Aquarius", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Tzaddi/Fishhook/90 or, in some decks, He[as]/Window/5", "Numbers": "17 = 1 + 7 = 8 (action, movement, swiftness)", "Archetype": "The Heavenly Guide"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Hoping for the best. Believing good things happen to good people. Seeing events in the best possible light. Adopting a generous spirit. Seeking guidance from above. Embracing possibility over probability.", "Shadow": "Denying unpleasant truths. Denying personal accountability and saying, \"Things just happen!\" Ignoring signs and omens. Preferring illusion to reality. Spreading pessimism and stinginess of spirit."}}, "Two of Cups": {"Keywords": ["Union, attraction, combination, affection"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "In a healthy relationship, everyone involved feels safe enough to reveal how he or she really feels. Feeling attraction? Say so. Not invested? Say so. Reflected love is a balm for the soul, but hidden or repressed emotions will poison a relationship.", "When? Between June 21st and July 1st": "", "Fortune Telling": "Someone has a secret crush on you. Relationships should be mutual; get rid of a leech.", "Work": "Meet your goals more easily by recruiting others who see things your way. If what you're doing now doesn't thrill you, admit it. Do what delights you, or engineer a change of heart that allows you to enjoy what you're doing now.", "Spirituality": "The idea that your spiritual practice must satisfy anyone other than yourself is an illusion. Do what you feel drawn to do. Find support and solace with like-minded individuals. Forgive spiritual abuse and rediscover the power of unity.", "Personal Growth": "Rather than merely reflect the desires of others, identify what you want and be yourself. You can appreciate others without sacrificing your individuality. Honesty is power; be brave enough to admit what you really feel."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Mutuality": "Do your relationships and alliances incorporate a cycle of healthy interdependence and mutual support?", "The Romantic Couple": "Many versions of this card depict a couple caught up in intense, hypnotic passion. This symbolizes the power of reflected feeling: the unity achieved when yin and yang combine. In your situation, what's missing? What's needed in order to be complete?", "The Marseilles Image": "Two perfectly-balanced chalices give rise to a beautifully symmetrical blossom. Stability requires equality. Is everyone in your situation equally invested? What role do mutual feelings play?", "The Medicinal Angel": "In RWS-inspired decks, an angel and a caduceus (the medical symbol) rise from the two cups, signifying the healing power of love. How might affection be the balm for what ails you now?", "Responses to Mutuality": "RWS-inspired couples seem to be on the verge of a toast. What do you need to celebrate? To acknowledge? To embrace?", "Balance": "Note how often illustrations for this card incorporate themes of balance. Emotional extremes and obsessions unbalance us; tempering your feelings with wisdom may help you feel more empowered."}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "2 (The Other: duality, division, debate)", "Story": "The Main Character improves his or her lot by joining with likeminded others.", "Affirmation": "\"I am attuned to what my heart truly desires.\"", "Astrology": "Venus in Cancer"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Being drawn to someone. Longing for someone or something. Acting on your desires. Discovering a feeling is mutual. Doing what makes you feel good. Merging. Healing broken ties. Admitting two people feel differently about each other and moving on.", "Shadow": "Burning bridges. Becoming caught up in unhealthy codependency. Shutting out anyone but your chosen few. Obsessing on someone who does not return your affections. Despairing over finding \"The One.\" Deceiving yourself about your true orientation."}}, "Knight of Swords": {"Keywords": ["Bluntness, intelligence, incisiveness, investigation"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Words can hurt. In addition to knowing why you're saying what you're saying, think about how you're saying it. Don't read too much into the statements of others. If you aren't sure what someone means, ask for clarification. Resolve to be a better listener.", "When? Between January 10th and February 8th": "", "Fortune Telling": "A blunder leads someone to say something he or she regrets. If this was you, be prepared to apologize and move on.", "Work": "Ask good questions. Before rendering judgment, be sure you have all the facts. Refrain from cutting others short; even if you've heard it all before, give others a chance to share their ideas. Resist the urge to correct; open the door to free-wheeling creativity before you become an editor.", "Spirituality": "Consider the words that have been used to shape your understanding of yourself (and Spirit) over the years. If these terms have been poisoned by dogmatism and abusive spirituality, strive to find your own words for the higher powers and deeper realms you hope to explore.", "Personal Growth": "Rather than be defensive, relax. Give criticism a chance. A mature person acknowledges his or her capacity for improvement, and isn't intimidated by the observations of others. Take what will help you; discard the rest."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Upraised Sword": "Charge! In many different decks, the Knight of Swords is rushing off on a quest, sword upraised. But what is the quest? What's his destination? What are the terms of success? Charging ahead feels great\u00d1but before you do it, a little investigation and reflection can go a long way.", "Expertise": "Expertise can speed an investigation, allowing us to identify issues others would overlook. Who's the expert on your challenge? How can you encourage him or her to work with you?", "The Marseilles Image": "The Marseilles Knight of Swords is, perhaps, the most confident of his counterparts. His prancing horse and battle-ready posture exude a level of competence other Marseilles characters seem to lack. How does information impart confidence? How might getting more information help you be more confident now?", "Information vs": "Insight. The Knight of Swords is associated with information and investigation; be sure to pair this rush to research with intuition and a desire for insight!"}, "Correspondences": {"Story": "The Main Character's remarkable abilities cause some to become his enemies.", "Affirmation": "\"I temper my insights with tact.\"", "Elemental": "Air of Air.", "Personality": "The Knight of Swords can represent anyone who wants to lead the way (Knight) to greater knowledge and mental clarity (Swords). The Knight may also represent the tendency to be more intellectual than empathetic, or a compulsive desire to analyze or lecture others."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Speaking your mind. Making your opinions known. Offering constructive criticism. Sharing your knowledge. Making insightful observations. Pinpointing the problem. Clarifying what others have said. Giving clear direction to others. Uncovering the truth.", "Shadow": "Stating your opinions as fact. Picking fights. Starting arguments. Using clever insults to undermine the confidence of others. Tossing reason out the window. Speaking without taking the feelings of others into account. Going on a witch hunt. Distorting evidence."}}, "Trump 7: The Chariot": {"Keywords": ["Advancement, victory, triumph, success"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Moving forward to mutual victory requires trust and cooperation. If you have this already, depend on it during an upcoming challenge. If you lack it, consider what choices have prevented forming this kind of bond. Don't rest on your laurels; successful romance is an ongoing commitment.", "Fortune Telling": "Victory is a certainty. Move ahead with all plans. Beware the jealousy of others.", "Work": "What do you need to move forward? Now is the time to summon resources and plan for future success. Past successes might not be an indicator of current value. Remember that employers tend to ask \"What have you done for me lately?\" Work accordingly.", "When": "Between June 21 and July 22", "Spirituality": "Celebrate spiritual achievement, but be aware that a sense of having arrived can be the first step toward disastrous vanity. The goal is not to be a guru, but to achieve balance and stability. As you make progress, extend a helping hand to others who still await their chariot moment.", "Personal Growth": "Reaching a new plane of maturity is exciting, so some celebration is in order. Every ending, though, is a new beginning; keep an eye fixed on further growth. Having reached the limits of mundane success, it's time to work on deeper transformation."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Achievement vs": "momentum. In some decks, the illustration makes it difficult to tell whether the Chariot is standing still (having reached a strategic position) or moving forward (as if mounting an attack). Is it time for strategic thinking \u00c9 or action?", "The scepter": "The wand, a symbol of power used throughout the deck, appears in RWS-inspired decks as the charioteer's scepter. How should you channel your power today?", "The canopy": "Stars imprinted on the canopy of the Chariot signify the occupant's mastery over all things under heaven. How has past success (or a lack of it) played into this situation?", "The Lingam-Yoni": "The lingam is a cylindrical or phallic shape associated with male sexual potency; the yoni, shaped like a bowl, is considered the source of all that exists. How might your situation change if you commanded unlimited creative energy?", "The sphinxes": "Horses draw the Marseilles Chariot, but in other decks, sphinxes\u00d1keepers of riddles, wisdom, and hidden knowledge\u00d1pull the carriage. One is black and the other white, symbolizing the charioteer's dominion over masculine and feminine forces. Who guards the answer to your riddle?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "Odysseus. Jason. The search for the Holy Grail. Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem.", "Story": "With an eye toward solving the story's central problem, the main character commits to a quest, usually at the end of the first act.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Cancer", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Cheth/Fence/8", "Numbers": "7 (imagination, inner work, psychology)", "Archetype": "The Victorious Hero"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Breaking through barriers. Moving forward with confidence and authority. Reaching the pinnacle of success. Basking in the glory of achievement. Guiding an effort to total victory. Establishing yourself as a worthy leader.", "Shadow": "Resting on laurels. Riding roughshod over the feelings or expectations of others. Focusing more on past successes than future opportunities. Failing to rein in impulsive behavior."}}, "Trump 4: The Emperor": {"Keywords": ["Authority, regulation, direction, structure"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Without becoming false or deceptive, you can regulate your feelings and reactions. Beware the need to always be in control; a healthy relationship incorporates a fair division of labor. Be on the lookout for subtle (and not-so-subtle) efforts to wear the pants in the relationship.", "Fortune Telling": "A father figure arrives. A new employer or authority figure will give you orders. Expect discipline or correction in the near future.", "Work": "Efficient groups depend on centralized control. Seek ways to direct the flow without micromanaging the process. Encourage leaders (including yourself) to step up to the plate and embrace their obligations. Control what you can; don't worry about the rest.", "When": "Between March 20 and April 19", "Spirituality": "The stereotypical view of religion casts organized faith in restrictive terms. Rather than be constrained by structure, consider how structure and discipline might enhance your spiritual experience. Seek guidance and direction from those who have walked the path before you.", "Personal Growth": "In what ways do your attitudes toward authority seem to be shaped by your relationship with your father? A mature person recognizes that structure and authority are a requirement of civilization. Some resist purely out of habit or stubbornness; when you buck the system, be sure you have good reason to do so."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Fiery surroundings": "The Emperor often appears in a blasted desert landscape (suggestive of Mars). Here, the emotional stream that flowed so freely past the Empress is often compressed into a weak, regulated trickle. How might strict emotional control help you now?", "The beard": "The Emperor is often drawn with a full beard, suggesting masculinity and maturity. Significantly, many drawings of masculine deities (including the Christian God) incorporate long, flowing beards, emphasizing transcendent authority. Who's in charge of your situation, and by what authority?", "The ankh scepter": "The Emperor's distinctive scepter hints at his dominion over life and death. In the Marseilles-style decks, the Emperor holds a standard orb and cross scepter. In your situation, what do you really control?", "The ram": "The ram, absent in early versions of the card, suggests the Emperor's ties to Aries. Traditionally, the ram symbolizes the fiery energy of Aries and, physically, the head of the body. Are your efforts fruitful, or are you just butting your head against a wall?", "The cubic throne": "In stark contrast to the Empress's cushioned throne, the Emperor's seat often appears to be carved out of a single marble slab, reinforcing his monolithic authority. Would rigid control be more appropriate than gentle guidance today?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "Masculine gods, including the Hebrew God, the Christian God, Allah, and Zeus. Patriarchs (Abraham) and lawgivers (Moses). Vishnu, the Preserver.", "Story": "A stern figure seeks to control or restrain the main character by reminding him or her of responsibilities and obligations.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Mars/Aries", "Hebrew Alphabet": "He[as]/Window/5, or in some decks, Tzaddi/Fish hook/90", "Numbers": "4 (stability, equality, persistence)", "Archetype": "The Father"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Exercising authority. Defining limits. Directing the flow of work. Communicating clear guidelines. Being in control of yourself and others. Tempering aggressive masculinity with wisdom and experience.", "Shadow": "Micromanaging. Crushing the creativity of others with a rigid, iron-fisted approach. Insisting on getting your own way. Assuming a dictatorial mindset. Using overt force to achieve your goals and maintain order."}}, "Three of Swords": {"Keywords": ["Variance, difference, dissatisfaction, heartache, rejection"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "If things aren't turning out as planned, it's time to adjust your expectations...or look elsewhere. Don't allow rejection to deliver a fatal blow; you've lots to offer those who can appreciate it. It's okay to mourn the loss of a friend or lover\u00d1but don't let mourning become a way of avoiding further growth and new experiences.", "Fortune Telling": "Breakups and infidelity abound. What hurts now, though, will turn out to be good for you later on.", "Work": "You may find yourself playing the role of the lone wolf; for now, that's okay. Things don't always turn out as planned. Rather than pull out your hair, retrace your steps and identify objectively what went wrong. This information will come in handy in the future.", "Spirituality": "In the midst of heartbreak, it's not always possible to sit back and ask, \"What lesson does Spirit have for me in this situation?\" Give yourself time to move past emotional responses; once you do, you can think in terms of what an event might teach you.", "When? Between October 3rd and 12th": "", "Personal Growth": "If at first you don't succeed, try again. It's an old clich\u017d, but an important mantra for anyone determined to make the most of what he or she has been given. If recent efforts have fallen short, you must make a choice: despair...or embody the spirit of determination."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Pierced Heart": "This imagery, adapted from one of the earliest illustrated decks, doesn\u00d5t require a great deal of interpretation; it's meaning is clear to everyone who sees it. In your own situation, what role does disappointment play?", "Variation from Expectation": "Many disappointments are rooted in unrealistic expectations. How might letting go of expectations help you think more clearly about the realities of your situation?", "The Rain": "Few things dampen our spirits like a pouring rain, particularly if we're already distraught. Talk of silver linings may do little more than irritate us when the clouds are directly overhead. Still, it's good to realize that the weather will change, and that the rain won't last forever.", "The Marseilles Image": "The hardy blossom we saw on the Two has been split and destroyed by the arrival of a straight, solid Sword. Have any of your own decisions had unintended consequences lately? How might your own decisions have contributed to the setback you're facing now?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "3 (The Result: expression, productivity, output)", "Story": "The Main Character sees the error of his or her ways and changes course.", "Affirmation": "\"I learn from failures and setbacks.\"", "Astrology": "Saturn in Libra"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Being brave enough to see things as they really are. Exercising your critical eye. Being your own best critic. Acknowledging that things don't always turn out as planned. Moving past heartbreak to embrace a painful truth.", "Shadow": "Wallowing in despair. Allowing yourself to be completely crushed by the thoughts, words, or deeds of another. Judging yourself too harshly. Holding yourself to an unrealistic standard of excellence. Wearing your heart on your sleeve while carrying a chip on your shoulder."}}, "Six of Swords": {"Keywords": ["Adaptation, adjustments, science, travel"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Relationships involve give and take. Prepare for some compromises. Someone may have to adjust expectations in order to be happy. Look around; you may find better options elsewhere. How long since you sat down and discussed what works and what doesn't?", "Fortune Telling": "You'll soon go on a long journey over water. Actions have unexpected consequences, so be prepared.", "Work": "Times change, and the wise businessperson changes with them. Reinvent yourself and your approach to work. Seeking inspiration, go places you don't normally go. Find out what's on the \"cutting edge.\" Now is a good time for business trips, seminars, and training sessions.", "Spirituality": "Attend a workshop or seminar and learn new spiritual techniques. Consider taking a trip exclusively for the purpose of enhancing your spiritual perspective. If a discipline isn't helping you, abandon it, but not without defining what worked, what didn't work, and why.", "When? Between January 30th and February 8th": "", "Personal Growth": "Reaching out to others in need will rapidly advance your growth and maturity. Don't make the mistake of thinking everyone wants what you want; ask people what they need, and find a way to supply it without strings attached. Know why you do what you do."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Boatman": "On RWS versions of this card, a boatman steers a craft bearing one or two huddled figures. Lending aid to others in need encourages personal growth. In your situation, who needs help? To what extent are you positioned to supply that help?", "The Marseilles Image": "Six curved blades form a tight lattice. This careful placement would require a great deal of collaboration to construct; once complete, it creates, once again, a space for growth. How might thoughtful collaboration impact your situation today?", "Ways of Knowing": "Extended analysis or going with your gut: either approach can foster greater understanding. Which is your default? What might happen if you tried the other approach now?", "Swords in the Boat": "Many decks depict six Swords embedded in the deck of the boat. Do they form a defensive barrier? Are they needed in case of attack? Or are they products, being ferried to market? What might your answer suggest about your perspective?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "6 (The Adjustment: cooperation, collaboration, interaction)", "Story": "The Main Character comes up with a creative solution to handle an unforeseen complication.", "Affirmation": "\"I keep an open mind.\"", "Astrology": "Mercury in Aquarius"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Making the best of a bad situation. Recovering from defeat. Resetting expectations. Making allowances for unexpected circumstances. Helping others who find themselves in dire circumstances. Changing the way you see the world. Broadening your perspective through study or travel.", "Shadow": "Refusing to accept that things have changed. Playing the victim. Rejecting the idea that your actions have consequences. Applying scientific criteria to matters of faith, or confusing faith with science. Believing the whole world should be like your small corner of it."}}, "Trump 18: The Moon": {"Keywords": ["Mystery, fantasy, imagination, dreams, uncertainty"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Moonlight becomes you, so don't be afraid to indulge in a little romantic lunacy. Navigating your way to a fulfilling relationship involves risks. Some people will say you're crazy. Pay attention to your instincts, surround yourself with loyal guides, and make your move.", "Fortune Telling": "Watch for problems at the end of the month. Someone you know needs to howl at the moon more often. Someone is about to change his or her mind about an important decision.", "Work": "Avoid linear/logical approaches and go with your gut. Brainstorm. Put the rules aside and use your imagination. What would happen if restrictions were removed? What might happen? What could happen? A little lunacy can be a good thing; blow off steam, change your habits, and try working in a different light.", "When": "Between February 18 and March 19", "Spirituality": "How does your personal spiritual path incorporate the Divine Feminine? What qualities would a divine mother offer? Which aspects of your personal spirituality would benefit from a feminine touch? How might contact with the divine feminine benefit you today? How might you honor or invite that energy?", "Personal Growth": "Faced with an uncertain future, you might feel led to abandon your search for self and crawl back into your shell. You can move forward without tossing caution to the wind. Uncertainty can be the mother of great creativity. Listen your instincts, clarify your path, and keep going."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The two towers": "The path between the two towers leads into unknown territory. In your own situation, what remains unknown? How can you limit the influence of these variables?", "Brilliant droplets": "The Marseilles Moon (and many RWS-inspired Moons) exudes a shower of brilliant droplets; in The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, Waite calls these \"the dew of thought.\" To what extent might your own fears be rooted in imagination alone?", "Baying hounds/howling wolves": "Waite cast these as fears; later commentators position the hounds and wolves as faithful familiars\u00d1animal helpers who, like Hecate, lend aid on our journey through darkness. Which familiars can you call on for help today?", "The moon": "This \"lesser light to rule the night\" renews itself every 28 days, linking it to cycles of all sorts, including menstruation. By extension, it is also associated with rare events (\"once in a blue moon\"). How is your situation shaped by repeating events? By rare ones?", "The crayfish or lobster": "The night can put us in contact with our deepest, most instinctual fears. Here, this representative of our most primitive brain crawls up from the depths of the subconscious mind and bathes itself in the light of the moon. What is your greatest fear? Does it play a role in your current situation?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "Kali, the dark-skinned divine mother associated with time, the eternal night, and the female principle. Hecate, goddess of night and darkness, who, like Anubis, assists others in their travels to the underworld.", "Story": "With nothing left to lose, the main character commits to a dangerous or unlikely course of action as part of a last-ditch effort to reach his or her goal.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Pisces", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Koph/Back of the Head/100", "Numbers": "18 = 1 + 8 = 9 (fullness, readiness, ripeness)", "Archetype": "The Holy Feminine/The Crone"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Enjoying healthy fantasies and daydreams. Using your imagination. Practicing magic or celebrating the magic of everyday life. Attuning yourself to the cycles of nature. Embracing the unknown.", "Shadow": "Becoming unable to separate fantasy from reality. Suffering from delusions. Losing your appreciation for the fantastic or magical. Adopting a ruthlessly logical mindset. Failing to appreciate life's mysteries."}}, "Page of Swords": {"Keywords": ["Student, apprentice, scholarship, information"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Every relationship is an opportunity to learn about others and learn about yourself. Some relationships provide a lifetime of lessons; others run short of insights in a matter of weeks. Judge mistakes with kindness and affection; you're both learning.", "Fortune Telling": "This card represents a young man or woman with an airy, intellectual demeanor, likely born a Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces, who wants to learn something new from you or have a discussion with you.", "Work": "Get the training you need. Ask questions. Forget the stigma of \"not looking capable\"\u00d1smart and worthy superiors know who's faking it. Be up front about what you need in order to move forward with confidence. Get clarification and point out contradiction.", "Spirituality": "Spend time with whatever Scripture governs your path. Read books. Consult oracles. Ask a guide, priest, priestess, or other minister the questions that cloud your mind. Prayers for wisdom and patience can open doors to new insights and spiritual discoveries.", "When? Between December 22nd through March 20th": "", "Personal Growth": "Keep your mind young by playing the role of the perpetual student. Enroll in a course. Visit a museum. See a movie you'd normally avoid. Ask someone who enjoys an art you find annoying to explain what he or she loves about it. Do all you can to shift perspective and see the world from new and exciting angles."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Windswept Background": "In a nod to the airy nature of the suit of Swords, the background may be filled with puffy clouds and windswept landscapes. The Page, intrigued by every notion but lacking the experience to distinguish between fluff and hard information, is constantly blown in different directions. Sound familiar?", "The Desire to Know It All": "Dedicating yourself to pure research\u00d1holding off on conclusions until all the information has been gathered, organized, and weighed \u00d0 can become a means of putting off decision-making.", "Awkwardness and Silliness": "Most RWS-inspired cards will feature a young swordsman in a romantic pose, indicating he's more acquainted with the idea of battle than he is with its harsh realities. The Page of Swords wants to be an intellectual or scholar, but lacks the credentials or training to fill the role with much success at this time.", "The Marseilles Image": "The Page of Swords looks surprised to find a Sword in his scabbard! (\"Oh, so that's what this thing's for!\") Review the recent past. Has an off-hand decision, later overlooked or forgotten, contributed to your situation? If you've made mistakes, chalk them up to the learning process and move on."}, "Correspondences": {"Story": "The Main Character must humbly apply himself or herself to an apprenticeship or course of study.", "Affirmation": "\"I am ready to make good decisions.\"", "Elemental": "Earth of Air.", "Personality": "The Page of Swords can represent anyone who wants to (or needs to) learn (Page) more about intellectual pursuits, academic subjects, or good decision-making (Swords). Though eager to make a good impression, The Page may lack the experience or information needed to handle studies or assignments with responsibility and confidence. He or she may overcompensate for this with bluster, exaggerated credentials, or snap judgments."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Pursuing a course of study. Asking good questions. Investing time in study and practice. Doing research. Making a habit of learning new things. Starting an investigation. Outlining what you need to know. Finding a mentor or teacher.", "Shadow": "Pretending to knowledge or sophistication you do not possess. Cheating on an exam. Feigning interest as a way of gaining favor. Considering only the evidence that supports conclusions you've already drawn. Rejecting the wise counsel of experienced teachers."}}, "Trump 19: The Sun": {"Keywords": ["Joy, brilliance, validation, attention, energy"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "You're turning heads without realizing it. Attention is coming your way\u00d1and you deserve it! The admiration of others is a warm glow, so bask in it while you can. As all things begin to revolve around you, take care you don't get blinded or burned by your own brilliance.", "Fortune Telling": "Everything's coming up roses (or sunflowers, whatever the case may be). Whatever's on your mind, go for it because you can't lose today.", "Work": "With the proper strategy, you're all set to be the golden boy (or girl). Approval and praise are the order of the day. Accept all this admiration with humbleness; give credit where credit's due. Meanwhile, make hay while the sun shines. Remember: after noon, the rest of the day is a sunset!", "Spirituality": "As your meditative and spiritual practices hone your sensitivities, you begin to feel your connectedness to the energies around you. Branch out. Spread warmth, love, and joy through your attitudes and actions. Today, embody the universal light.", "Personal Growth": "Learn to win gracefully. Accept compliments with a humble heart. You can acknowledge and celebrate your own achievements without falling prey to greediness. Be who you are. You've earned this moment, but don't let pride in your progress hinder further growth!", "When? Within one year": ""}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The red banner": "The banner signifies the RWS child's victory over animal instincts and worldly influences. Might a spiritual transformation be overdue?", "The sunflowers": "Sunflowers turn to follow the path of the sun through the sky, modeling the sort of attention paid to any sunny personality. Their shape and color emulates the object of their attention. Might imitating a respected person be the key to solving your problem?", "The garden wall": "The wall separates citizens of the current world from spiritual purity. From Earth, like sunflowers following the sun, we gaze on this return to Eden with great longing. How does a loss of innocence figure in your challenge?", "The victor reborn": "In RWS-influenced decks, the Sun card depicts a single gleeful child. In other decks, we see two dancing cherubs. Both represent an energetic and mystical rebirth. In The Book of Thoth, Crowley writes, \"They represent ... the next stage which is to be attained by mankind.\" In your situation, what needs to evolve?", "The white horse": "RWS-influenced decks place a single child on a white horse, long considered proper conveyance for heroes. When all is said and done, will your actions guarantee you a place on a white steed?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "God the Father. Sun gods, including Ra, Apollo, and Helios. The moment of baptism. Claiming a new faith as your own.", "Story": "At the climax of the story, the main character is victorious.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "The sun", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Resh/Head/200", "Numbers": "19 = 1 + 9 = 10 (completion, exhaustion) 1 + 0 = 1 (starting point, opportunity)", "Archetype": "The Holy Masculine"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Seeing things clearly. Experiencing intense joy. Celebrating your own successes. Knowing you're good at what you do. Gaining recognition for your personal genius.", "Shadow": "Being dazzled by your own accomplishments. Becoming absorbed in your own self-image. Feeling rushed and distracted. Exerting yourself to the point of exhaustion. Overstating your abilities or misrepresenting your achievements."}}, "Trump 21: The World": {"* Specific people whose physical features resemble the portrait found on the court card": ["For years, the third option, based on physical features, was extremely popular. One version of this system assigns these meanings:", "Court Card (Gender and Age)"], "Cups": ["Also Called: Cauldrons, Chalices, Blue, Hearts, Vessels, Water.", "Dimension of Life: Emotion. Themes include impressions, intuition, ideas, instincts, reflections, feelings, receptivity, spirituality and religion, the subconscious, fantasies.", "Other Associations: Summer. The color blue. The East. The element of Water."], "* King-Male, older": ["Suit (Appearance)"], "* Coins- Physicality, practicality, senses, finances": ["Using this system, the Page of Coins might represent a person (of any gender, regardless of the apparent gender of the figure on the card) who is just leaning to manage his or her own finances. Alternatively, it might represent an enthusiastic, but as yet unskilled, student athlete.", "Other systems for interpreting court cards exist, including any number of methods for associating the courts with specific seasons, months, and astrological signs."], "The Suit Cards": ["The cards of the Minor Arcana are divided into four suits. For divinatory purposes, each suit is usually associated with one of four specific dimensions of life (Spirit, Emotion, Mind, and Body). Each suit has also been associated with seasons of the year, the four classical elements (Fire, Water, Air, and Earth), the four compass directions\u00d1in short, with almost any system or philosophy that organizes its elements into four distinct categories.", "Here is a list of the suits of the Minor Arcana, along with alternative names the suits may be called in other books or decks and some common associations made with each:"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "This could be the start of something big. It's time to evaluate what you really want; once you do, you can decide whether or not this opportunity can take you there. Be careful: overwhelming attraction can distort good judgment.", "When? Within 29": "5 years", "Fortune Telling": "Someone has the \"hots\" for you. A new job offer is coming your way. Walk softly, and carry a big stick.", "Work": "The only way to stop moving in circles is to define clear criteria for success. What's the goal? What do you need in order to achieve it? What steps must be taken to get from A to B? This card heralds the need for absolute clarity. Anything less breeds confusion.", "When? In the Spring": "", "Spirituality": "Where does your spiritual path lead? Walking a path without direction amounts to wandering in the wilderness: you may have some amazing experiences, but there's no easy way to measure progress. What signs of evolution should you see as you grow?", "Personal Growth": "Where should you be in five years? In ten years? Rather than float like a leaf on the river, consider the value of setting standards for yourself. In addition to defining a direction, give yourself milestones to meet. Before you know it, your dreams will be realities."}, "Coins": ["Also Called: Diamonds, Discs, Pentacles, Spheres, Earth.", "Dimension of Life: Body. Themes include physicality, practicality, the material world, the environment, money, finances, structure, sensuality, the senses.", "Other Associations: Winter. The color green or brown. The North. The element of Earth."], "Swords": ["Also Called: Blades, Daggers, Spades, Air.", "Dimension of Life: Mind. Themes include logic, reasoning, thoughts, deliberation, debate, communication, mathematics, numbers, the intellect, analysis, planning.", "Other Associations: Fall. The color yellow. The West. The element of Air."], "* Coins-Dark hair, dark skin": ["Using this system, the Page of Wands would represent a young man or woman with red hair and fair skin, while the King of Coins would represent an older man with dark hair and dark skin.", "The primary disadvantage of this method is immediately obvious: It severely restricts the Tarot's ability to represent both women and people of color!", "Today, a more popular system for reading courts involves reading the rank of the card as an approach or point of view and the suit of the card as a theme or area of emphasis:", "Court Card (Problem-Solving Approach)"], "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Being inspired. Identifying an important goal. Being given the opportunity to do whatever you want to do. Giving or receiving direction. Seeing a solution. Creating something new. Being aroused, sexually or creatively.", "Shadow": "Failing to take advantage of a great opportunity. Being ineffectual or lazy. Making an inadequate effort. Working toward a goal, but lacking the resources or initiative to achieve success. Setting inappropriate goals. Failing to take a stand."}, "Wands": ["Also Called: Arrows, Batons, Clubs, Flame, Rods, Scepters, Staves, Sticks, Fire.", "Dimension of Life: Spirit. Themes include intentions, goals, action, direction, masculine energy, arousal, activity, creativity, movement, inspiration.", "Other Associations: Spring. The color red. The South. The element of Fire."], "The Pip Cards": ["Generally, each suit in a Tarot deck also contains a series of cards numbered from Ace to 10. These numbered cards are often referred to as the pips, taking their name from the suit marker, or pip, found on each card.", "In a standard poker deck, the Six of Hearts bears six heart-shaped pips. Many Tarot decks follow this convention, too. The Six of Cups from the Tarot de Marseilles, for example, is decorated with six cup-shaped pips arranged in a simple geometric pattern.", "While the trump cards in many early Tarot decks feature elaborate illustrations, the pip card illustrations in those decks often incorporate little more than suit markers and a few decorative elements (such as vines or flowers).", "By contrast, especially after the publication of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot in 1909, many modern decks feature intricate scenes on every single card. These pictures often incorporate the suit signs in clever ways, and are usually designed to suggest the divinatory meanings assigned with the card.", "For example: the Six of Cups from The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot shows two people helping each other, surrounded by six cups \u00d0 an illustration that suggests the meanings assigned to the card."], "* King- Controlling: Seeks authority or organization": ["Suit (Theme or Emphasis)"], "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "The ascended Christ. The Buddha attaining enlightenment. The alpha and the omega. The completion of the alchemist's great work.", "Story": "The Main Character has an opportunity to join the story's quest.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Saturn", "Numerology": "1 (The Origin: the starting point, the seed, opportunity)", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Tau/Cross/400", "Affirmation": "\"I jump at the opportunity to pursue my heart's desire.\"", "Numbers": "21 = 2 + 1 = 3 (expression, result)", "Archetype": "Enlightenment", "Astrology": "Aries, Leo, Sagittarius"}, "Keywords": ["Wholeness, integration, totality, completeness, fullness", "Desire, inspiration, vision, creation, invention"], "Ace of Wands": [""], "Symbols and Insights": {"Wands as a Symbol": "As a suit marker, Wands suggest the power and potency of a king's scepter. When a Magician wants something to happen, he waves his magic wand to make his intentions manifest. What action must you take to convert your dreams into realities?", "The baton": "In many decks, the central figure holds a baton; in RWS-influenced decks, he or she holds two. This is no longer the singular wand of the Magician! What might happen if you put both your magical and practical powers to work today?", "The Nature of the Ace": "Compressed into the Ace are all the qualities of all the other cards of the suit. In this way, the Ace can be said to be the \"root\" or \"seed\" of its associated element. How might your situation contain the seeds of future action?", "Your First Impressions": "When you see the Ace, what's your first impression? Is the Wand hovering there, waiting for you to take it? Is the hand offering you the Wand...or moving to hit you with it? What might that suggest about the nature of your desires?", "The central figure": "The Wheel has been replaced by the victorious central figure, indicating that luck and fate have given way to the greater force of self-realization. In the Visconti deck, the central figure is a white city: the New Jerusalem. In some decks, it is the Christ. In others, it appears to be a hermaphrodite\u00d1the ultimate reunion of male and female energies in a single body. In your own situation, what would be the best ultimate outcome?", "The four evangelists": "Previously seen in the corners of the Wheel, the signs of the four evangelists once again evoke the ultimate integration of all things. What do you need to bring together? How can you promote the stability of your solution?", "Types of Wands": "Many decks depict budding Wands, suggesting the potential for growth. Wands in general are a tool for focusing creative energy. In your situation, will growth happen on its own, or will you have to focus your creative energy to move ahead?", "The mandolora": "Both the Marseilles and RWS-inspired decks surround the central figure with a wreath, or mandalora. Like the oroborous, the snake that swallows its own tail, the mandalora has no beginning or end. Its shape also suggests the number zero\u00d1the designation of the Fool. If you examine the current situation in light of past events, what next step makes the most sense?", "The Hand of God": "On the Aces in Marseilles and RWS-inspired decks, a heavenly hand extends from the clouds, offering the viewer the suit's distinctive marker. When opportunity comes your way, take advantage of it; the hand that extends an offer can always withdraw it."}, "The Minor Arcana": ["In general, the cards of the Minor Arcana are said to reflect day-to-day concerns and ordinary events. When the Minor Arcana dominates a reading, many readers conclude that the issue under consideration can be greatly influenced by the actions of everyday people."], "The Court Cards": ["In addition to the ten numbered pip cards, each suit also incorporates court cards (also called people cards).", "Observant readers will notice that the Tarot court, unlike the more familiar three-card court in poker decks, contains four members: page, knight, queen, and king. Many deck designers rename these cards to suit their own purposes\u00d1substituting daughter, son, mother, and father, for example.", "Generally, Tarot readers associate the court cards with one of the following:"]}, "Four of Wands": {"Keywords": ["Celebration, jubilation, community, teamwork, completion"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Have you been together for ten years? Celebrate. Have you been together ten days? Celebrate. Do something to recognize the contribution of both partners. Alone? Celebrate yourself.", "When? Between April 11th and April 20th": "", "Fortune Telling": "Someone is watching and evaluating your work. You may get a wedding invitation soon.", "Work": "Assign duties, delegate, and get out of the way. Allow others to contribute, even if their contributions aren't exactly up to your personal standards. When projects end, thank everyone involved in a meaningful way.", "Spirituality": "It's easy to allow any ritual to become empty. Get back in touch with what your rituals were meant to teach or inspire. When you restore meaning to your spiritual practice, every prayer becomes a celebration.", "Personal Growth": "You can amplify individual achievements by becoming part of a group. Without decreasing the importance of your own contribution, you'll achieve more...and have more to celebrate, too."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Laurels and Grapes": "Some RWS-inspired decks feature figures wearing laurel leaves and carrying bunches of flowers or grapes. Laurel leaves have long been given as tokens of recognition. Grapes suggest both harvest and celebration. Might it be time for a ceremony recognizing contributions?", "The Arbor": "Most RWS-inspired illustrations for this card incorporate a celebratory arbor. What do you have to celebrate?", "Shared Labor, Shared Rewards": "To what extent is everyone in your group doing his or her part in your \u00d2harvest?\u00d3 How might a celebration (or being reminded of what\u00d5s worth celebrating) better integrate the people working with you?", "The Marseilles Image": "Four Wands have been woven together, creating a sturdy arrangement that might well serve as the top of a simple arbor. How might a celebration better integrate the people in your circle?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "4 (The Status Quo: stability, equality, persistence)", "Story": "We see a demonstration of the Main Character's special gifts.", "Affirmation": "\"My contributions are worthy of celebration.\"", "Astrology": "Venus in Aries"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Sharing in a great celebration. Sharing in a communal sense of achievement and success. Preparing for a party. Working together toward a common goal. Giving or winning awards.", "Shadow": "Keeping your nose to the grindstone. Recognizing good work by demanding more work. Failing to share in a group celebration. Allowing sour grapes to poison your moment in the sun. Refusing to do your part."}}, "Trump 8: Strength": {"Advice": {"Relationships": "You're in control. You can't tame others, but you can rein yourself in. Watch for old habits or weaknesses to surface, and use your wits to avoid upcoming pitfalls.", "Fortune Telling": "Your self-control will be tested. A woman will seek to change her partner or lover. You are a strong, capable person.", "Work": "Emotions and distractions can hinder progress. Identify the cause of dissention and take steps to moderate it. Allow people (including yourself) to do what they do best. An objective perspective yields more effective action.", "Spirituality": "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Your own willpower may not be strong enough to resist the temptations that come your way. (That's okay; you're human.) Turn challenges over to a higher power, and allow yourself to be led.", "Personal Growth": "Identify problematic habits and unhealthy tendencies, and weigh their overall impact on your life. Consider, too, the value of leaving these behind for healthier options. A good measure of maturity is the ability to forgo immediate gratification to reap benefits later.", "When? If Strength = 11, between September 23 and October 22 (Libra)": "If Strength = 8, between July 23 and August 27 (Leo)."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Imposing restrictions on yourself for your own benefit. Bringing your passions under the control of reason. Resisting impulses that work against your best interests. Taking bold action.", "Shadow": "Indulging weakness, even when you know it will damage your health and happiness. Languishing in addiction. Allowing your instincts to tame and conquer you. Failing to take a stand when necessary."}, "Note": ["In decks influenced by the Rider-Waite-Smith tradition, Strength (or its equivalent) is Trump 8 and Justice (or its equivalent) is Trump 11. But in some decks, the two cards are reversed.", "Neither arrangement is inherently better than the other. In this book, however, you'll find the entry for Justice under Trump 11."], "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "Samson. Hercules. Daniel in the lion's den. The sinless Christ.", "Story": "An event hints at the main character's hidden strength, which he or she will use (or choose not to use) to resolve the story. Alternatively, a physical or emotional weakness hinders the main character's progress.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Leo or Libra", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Theth/Snake/9 or Lamed/Outstretched Arms/30", "Numbers": "11 = 1 + 1 = 2 (debate, duality) or 8 (movement, outer work)", "Archetype": "The Id"}, "Keywords": ["Discipline, boldness, self-discipline, power, vitality"], "Symbols and Insights": {"The lion": "Generally, the lion (king of beasts) suggests bestial, untamed instincts. Closing the mouth of the lion graphically illustrates the power the central figure has over instinctual forces. What instinctual responses need to be curbed?", "The lemniscate": "Again, in the Marseilles decks, many see a lemniscate, or infinity symbol, concealed in the brim of the figure's hat. RWS-inspired decks emphasize the symbol, suggesting infinite self-discipline. What role does self-control play in your situation?", "Symbols of strength": "Some illustrators use Hercules on this card; a gentle woman is more frequently seen, though. What course of action would best symbolize your own moral strength?"}}, "Eight of Swords": {"Keywords": ["Restriction, limitation, confinement, helplessness"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Feeling boxed in? You have exactly as many options as you imagine you do. There is a way out, but someone is refusing to see it. A relationship should broaden horizons, not limit them. If the rules are uncomfortable, perhaps it's time to re-examine them.", "When? Between May 21st and 31st": "", "Fortune Telling": "Get over playing the victim. Once you realize you are your own biggest obstacle, nothing can hold you back.", "Work": "Some restrictions are necessary; others are merely tradition. Ethics demand you play by the rules; sacred cows, however, are fair game. What are the obstacles, exactly? If your limits didn't exist, how might you move forward? Thinking freely will open unexpected options.", "Spirituality": "The free spirit cannot be contained by the physical constraints. As you learn to cultivate balance and focus, you may find that most obstacles are self-imposed and most limits are strictly imaginary. When you focus your will, blindfolds and bonds will fall away.", "Personal Growth": "Knowing your own limits is important; respect them. Whatever the issue, you're balking for a reason. There's no harm in refusing to move forward for now, and no shame in saying, \"No.\" A mature person communicates what he or she needs with absolute confidence."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Drop the Blindfold": "Take a look around. Has the Universe been showing you an escape route you've been too proud or too distracted to see? What might happen if, instead of moving obediently from A to B, you rudely jumped over the walls?", "The Marseilles Image": "Eight sharp, curved blades interlock in a double knot of steel. A single blossom, all but crushed, remains, along with four unopened buds. Even when options are severely limited, the potential for growth remains.", "The Blade Barrier": "RWS-inspired versions of this card depict a woman trapped in the middle of a circle of swords. Many have noted the circle is incomplete; escape is simply a matter of casting off the blindfold and taking that first step. How many of your own limitations are strictly imagined?", "The Loose Bonds": "Many versions of this card feature someone tied with what appear to be very loose bonds. (Compare the chains around the fawns' necks on Trump XIII.) In your own situation, have you abandoned all hope of escape too soon? Might just a bit more struggle cause your bonds to drop away?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "8 (The Action: movement, outer work, swiftness)", "Story": "The Main Character must call on his or her ingenuity to escape a trap.", "Affirmation": "\"I know my own limits.\"", "Astrology": "Jupiter in Gemini"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Honoring limits. Respecting the rules. Deciding to go on a diet for your health's sake. Recognizing you cannot always be in control. Identifying obstacles to further progress. Refusing to think about unhealthy or unethical options. Asking for assistance.", "Shadow": "Feeling trapped. Being lost in a maze of rules and regulations. Giving in to despair. Playing the victim. Allowing others to dictate what you can and cannot do. Being rendered helpless. Having very few options. Failing to look for a way out."}}, "Trump 11: Justice": {"Advice": {"Relationships": "Relationships are rarely 50/50 propositions, but the closer you come to an even division of responsibility, the better. What do you really need to be satisfied? Knowing your standards empowers you to evaluate your feelings more clearly.", "Fortune Telling": "A legal verdict will be rendered soon. Someone is making a decision. You need to get the facts.", "Work": "Work toward a more equitable division of labor. Learn to delegate. Evaluate your own work using the same standard you bring to bear on the work of others. Know what matters most, and prioritize accordingly.", "Spirituality": "In all things, seek balance. When faced with a decision, quiet your mind and allow your heart to weigh the moment. Trust in the law of karma; avoid personal efforts to mete out universal justice.", "When? If Justice = 8, between July 23 and August 27 (Leo)": "If Justice = 11, between September 23 and October 22 (Libra).", "Personal Growth": "Everyone faces limitations of some kind. Learn your own limits. Rather than allow them to define you, use what you know to better position yourself for success. Learn when to say yes; know when to say no."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Making an objective decision. Weighing an issue carefully before taking action. Appropriately scaling your reaction to a situation. Getting all the facts. Considering evidence. Deliberating.", "Shadow": "Delivering harsh criticism. Obsessing on rules and regulations. Playing by the book even when it is destructive or counterproductive to do so. Confusing snap decisions with timely action. Playing favorites."}, "Note": ["In decks influenced by the Rider-Waite-Smith tradition, Justice (or its equivalent) is Trump 11 and Strength (or its equivalent) is Trump 8. But in some decks, the two cards are reversed.", "Neither arrangement is inherently better than the other. In this book, however, you'll find the entry for Strength under Trump 8."], "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "Themis or Justitia. Ma'at. Solomon dividing a baby. The Sword of Damocles. The giving of the Ten Commandments.", "Story": "During the main character's initial challenge, his or her ability, knowledge, or personal suitability is found to be lacking.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Libra or Leo", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Lamed/Outstretched Arms/30 or Theth/Snake/9", "Numbers": "8 (movement, work) or 11 = 1 + 1 = 2 (debate, duality)", "Archetype": "The Law"}, "Keywords": ["Balance, law, fairness, objectivity"], "Symbols and Insights": {"The blindfold": "Themis does not wear a blindfold, emphasizing her ability to foresee the future; Justitia does, emphasizing her objectivity. How can you enhance your own objectivity?", "The temple columns": "In RWS-influenced decks, we once again see the pillars from Solomon's Temple. The veil now represents human law. What would a judge or lawyer do in your situation?", "The scales": "Scales have long been a symbol of balance and evaluation. The Egyptian god Ma'at weighed souls to determine purity of heart. What needs to be evaluated or weighed today?", "The sword": "Swords symbolize decision-making and clarity, along with the responsibility such talents bring. (Ask Damocles!) What information is crucial to your decision? What are the pros and cons?"}}, "Ten of Cups": {"Keywords": ["Joy, fulfillment, overwhelming emotion, giddiness"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Having it all may be a matter of perspective. Rather than pursue a fantasy romance, decide what you really want and need. Your relationship doesn't require anyone else's stamp of approval. Do what delights you, and be grateful for what you have.", "Fortune Telling": "Marriage and family are in the cards. Expect a friendship to blossom into a romance.", "Work": "Fulfilling work is rare indeed. Be careful how you define success; don't get so caught up in reaching the next goal that you forget to celebrate your achievements so far. Feeling overwhelmed? Take time out to count your blessings and realign your work with what matters most.", "Spirituality": "While we may glimpse nirvana in meditation, maintaining a constant state of bliss may prove to be an unrealistic goal. Delight in the small steps you take along the Path. Don't be overly concerned with spiritual arrival; enjoy the journey.", "When? Between March 11th and March 20th": "", "Personal Growth": "Gratitude enhances success. While celebrating your achievements, remember to give credit to those who helped you achieve it. Overwhelm others with sincere recognition, and you'll find yourself surrounded by an army of eager supporters."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "Just when you thought a card could contain no more Cups...bam! A huge Cup appears, obliterating the struggling blossoms last seen on the nine. In your own situation, what are the signs that, emotionally, things have gone too far?", "The Rainbow": "RWS-inspired decks often place a rainbow at the top of this card. Since Biblical times, rainbows have been symbols of promise. In your situation, what's been promised? Who has a promise to keep? What will it take to fulfill that promise?", "The Happy Family": "Most RWS-inspired decks depict a joyful couple with dancing children. How do you define family? What makes a group of people a family? How might family play a role in your current situation?", "Overabundance of Emotion": "Some readers believe tens represent the point at which fullness has been exceeded, and the energy of the suit becomes spoiled and over-extended. Sometimes, emotions spill over, leaving everyone feeling ragged and raw. Might it be time to curb excessive emotions?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "10 (The End: finality, completion, exhaustion)", "Story": "The Main Character finds himself or herself in a relationship more fulfilling or intense than expected.", "Affirmation": "\"I take time to appreciate what I've been given.\"", "Astrology": "Mars in Pisces"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Having more than you ever dreamed. Being deeply thankful for all you've been given. Recognizing the Hand of God in the gifts the Universe brings your way. Experiencing transcendent joy. Achieving domestic bliss.", "Shadow": "Comparing your achievements or relationships to unrealistic fantasy standards. Experiencing emotions so intense they blunt your ability to cope with reality. Feeling overwhelmed. Envying the achievements and happiness of others."}}, "Trump 6: The Lovers": {"Keywords": ["Love, passion, unity, choice"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "This is a time to celebrate unity, love, and romance in all its forms. Souls are coming together, and a unique opportunity exists for people to enjoy an unusual degree of interdependence and cooperation. Let your heart guide your choices today.", "Fortune Telling": "A new personal or professional relationship blossoms. Sexual opportunities abound. Unexpectedly, a friend becomes a lover.", "Work": "Call group meetings, pursue mergers, and find solid business partners during this rare opportunity for successful cooperation. Pay special attention to opportunities to supply what others need. Lay a foundation for future success by watching for team members with skills you lack. Make choices based on what you truly enjoy doing.", "When": "Between May 21 and June 20", "Spirituality": "Open yourself to new and diverse spiritual experiences. See opportunities to love others (even romantically) as chances to be a channel for divine love. Every small blessing you receive is an expression of universal love; give thanks and embrace what life brings you.", "Personal Growth": "Now is a good time to deal with outstanding issues related to sexuality and relationships. Rather than be overwhelmed with Hollywood-style passion, consider the extent to which your qualities might be balanced or enhanced by those of your potential partner. In other areas, find your passion and pursue it."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The serpent": "An expert at manipulating loopholes, the Biblical serpent tempted Eve. In your situation, should you honor the letter or the spirit of the law?", "The wedding": "Centuries ago, alchemists (the forefathers of modern chemists) used the phrase \"the Alchemical Wedding\" to describe the moment when long-divided opposites were brought together to create something new. They saw this reunion as a symbol for personal transformation and, eventually, enlightenment. What enlightenment might you achieve by bringing together opposing points of view?", "The angel": "Whether seen as Cupid (in the Marseilles deck) or Eros (in the RWS-influenced decks), the influence of the angel draws the lovers together. If you were Cupid, whom might you bring together to resolve your challenge?", "The players": "RWS-influenced decks depict Adam and Eve. The Marseilles decks depict a young man making a choice between two women: a young wife and (depending on whom you ask) his mother or an older woman. Who are the players in your situation, and what choices do they face?", "The trees": "Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil but were driven out of the Garden of Eden before they could partake of the Tree of Life and become \"as gods.\" Choices have consequences; note how RWS-influenced deck and the Marseilles deck all drive this point home."}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "Obviously, Adam and Eve, who are depicted in RWS-influenced decks. Also Venus and Cupid, Aphrodite and Eros.", "Story": "The main character encounters a love interest or must choose between love and doing what is right.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Gemini", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Zain/Sword/ 7", "Numbers": "6 (cooperation, collaboration, interaction)", "Archetype": "The Lover/Sexual Awakening"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Being in love. Showing your love to others. Expressing passion or romantic feelings. Aligning yourself with groups or like-minded others. Bringing people together. Making well-informed decisions.", "Shadow": "Debilitating passion. Allowing an unhealthy desire for love to motivate destructive behavior. Disrupting unity. Working against the best interests of those who care about you. Ill-informed decisions."}}, "Page of Coins": {"Keywords": ["Practicality, prosperity, learning, growth, adolescence"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Don't rush into sexual situations that make you uncomfortable or that push your limits. Give a relationship time to flourish before opening a joint checking account. Lending money is a sure way to poison friendships and relationships. Before starting something new, ask \"What's in this for me?\"", "When? Between March 21st and June 20th": "", "Fortune Telling": "This card represents a young man or woman with an earthy, practical demeanor, likely born an Aries, Taurus, or Gemini, who playfully encourages you to take financial or sexual risks.", "Work": "Accepting lower pay as a means of gaining experience makes sense when starting your career\u00d1but experienced workers should view such arrangements with skepticism. Know what you're worth. Look for opportunities to learn while doing. Subject all work to the practicality test.", "Spirituality": "Consider what role your faith should play in making financial and sexual decisions. To what extent would your financial or sexual activity differ if you were not on your current spiritual path? Your body is a precious gift; treat it as such. Keep material blessings in perspective.", "Personal Growth": "Whatever our station in life, we can always be better stewards of the blessings we've received. Do old habits threaten your health? Set them aside. Today, make a point to take special care of whatever you've been given."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "In many versions of the Marseilles image, the Page of Coins gazes romantically at the Coin in his hand, but is oblivious to an identical Coin on the ground before him. How might enthusiasm or inexperience be blinding you to more practical alternatives?", "Awkwardness and Silliness": "The RWS Page of Pentacles romanticizes his Pentacle, holding it like a treasured bauble. This suggests a degree of impracticality; how might this quality play a role in your situation?", "Earthiness vs": "Inexperience. The Page of Coins combines the practicality of Coins with the awkwardness of a Page. The result is someone who longs for more financial or sexual skill then he or she actually possesses. Sound familiar?", "Learning by Doing": "A little preparation in advance of a task can eliminate distraction and limit the potential for disaster. Just remember: once the action starts, you\u00d5re committed!"}, "Correspondences": {"Story": "The Main Character must compensate for or learn from an earlier financial or sexual impropriety.", "Affirmation": "\"I am physically and financially responsible.\"", "Elemental": "Earth of Earth.", "Personality": "The Page of Coins can represent anyone who wants to or needs to learn (Page) more about money, health, or sexuality (Coins). Though fascinated with the physical realm, The Page may lack the experience or information needed to handle money or human sexuality with responsibility and confidence. He or she may overcompensate for this by wasting money, abusing his or her health, or over-indulging in or obsessing on sex."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Learning the value of a dollar. Starting a savings plan. Taking the first steps toward getting out of debt. Learning new physical tasks. Discovering your sexuality. Launching a diet, a weight-lifting program, or a health-related effort. Learning by doing.", "Shadow": "Trying to appear healthier or wealthier than you really are. Spending money carelessly. Living strictly for today, with no thought of tomorrow. Possessing immature attitudes toward sex and sexuality. Using wealth or beauty as an excuse for not having to learn and grow."}}, "Trump 16: The Tower": {"Keywords": ["Demolition, upheaval, deconstruction, disaster, destruction"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Extinguish old flames before they have an opportunity to dampen promising new relationships. Despite the pain involved, a clean break is healthier than a lingering, drawn-out departure. Break down the walls and communicate honestly about what's really happening.", "Fortune Telling": "Impending disaster. Cancel plans and reverse decisions. Someone wants to take you down a notch or two. Don't hold back; say what you really mean.", "Work": "Sacrifice some sacred cows. Harsh criticism from above can clear ground for a new breakthrough. Something is blocking progress; identify it and boldly sweep it aside. Document everything; should the climate suddenly change, you want your ducks in a row.", "When": "Within 23 months", "Spirituality": "Loss clears away the debris of the past, opening up new ground for new growth. As your heart opens, let old scar tissue fall away. Rather than live in fear of sudden loss, recognize that none of us owns anything. Practice detachment.", "Personal Growth": "Identify what holds you back and attack it. Embrace bold change. Criticism may come; if so, search each barbed word for a kernel of much-needed truth. Some of life's greatest lessons are tough ones! With time, a bruised ego can become fertile ground for personal growth and maturity."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Plummeting bodies": "Universally, humans fear falling from great heights. Significantly, we fall from grace; exposed criminals \"take the fall.\" The scapegoat may be called the \"fall guy. How might your situation be impacted by someone's metaphorical fear of falling?", "Darkness": "With the exception of early decks (like the Marseilles), many Tower cards depict darkened skies. The moment of disaster is our lowest point. In what ways have you hit bottom?", "The lightning bolt": "Many old traditions interpret disasters as divine commentary. A bolt from the blue might not be God knocking at the door, but a sudden change in circumstance may call your attention to a pattern you've overlooked.", "The toppled crown": "The crown in some illustrations represents the ego, or the self. Disasters and sudden challenges often clear the way for us to see ourselves in a new and unexpected light."}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "The Tower of Babel. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Shiva's destructive dance. The lightning of Zeus and Thor.", "Story": "In a moment of intense crisis, the main character apparently loses all. Alternatively, the utter setback at the end of act 2.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Mars", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Pe[as]/Open Mouth/80", "Numbers": "16 = 1 + 6 = 7 (psychology, imagination, inner work)", "Archetype": "The Shattered Ego"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Breaking out of old, confining habits and mindsets. Clearing the way for new growth. Dispelling the influence of an inflated ego. Getting back to basics. Stripping away harmful illusions. Receiving sudden insight.", "Shadow": "Clinging to traditions that repress growth. Engaging in willful blindness. Rejecting evidence that change is needed. Ignoring guidance from a higher power. Maliciously engaging in destructive behavior."}}, "Trump 3: The Empress": {"Keywords": ["Fertility, productivity, ripeness, nurturing"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Without going overboard, revel in your sensuality. Take care you don't produce more than you intended; the moment is pregnant with possibility. Be lavish with demonstrations of affection. Watch for what a friend or partner needs, and then supply it in abundance.", "Fortune Telling": "Pregnancy is in the cards. An opportunity to be involved in luxurious sexuality is coming. Beware a tendency toward addiction.", "Work": "Now is the time to get things done. Wrap up projects. Ask for resources. Meet deadlines. Move ahead. During this time of growth and expansion, be sure you have the skills and training you need. In the meantime, don't mistake a headlong rush for focused, verifiable progress.", "When? Within seven and one-half months": "", "Spirituality": "Women are the figurative and literal door to this world. This moment, too, can be a door for you\u00d1a threshold you cross into a new awareness. Watch for physical ways to express your spiritual insights. Reconnect with nurturing, feminine images of divinity, including nature.", "Personal Growth": "Your attitudes toward women (and your insights into your own feminine qualities) are likely rooted in early experiences. How can you emulate the best female role models you've encountered? How can you transcend female influences that harm or hold you back?"}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Pregnancy/Ripeness": "A universal sign for fertility is pregnancy; in many decks, the Empress is pregnant, emphasizing themes of fertility and productivity. In your situation, what outcome struggles to be born?", "Venus": "The familiar planetary symbol for Venus often appears in illustrations for Trump 3, stressing the Empress's association with domesticity, motherhood, and female sexuality. What course of action might these themes suggest?", "The rushing stream": "Unlike the vast, still, reflective body of water often shown behind the Priestess, the Empress is often seen near a rushing stream or waterfall. Is it time to put your intuition into motion?", "The scepter and crown": "The Empress's scepter (a symbol of authority) is topped by a cross and an orb, a sign of earthly dominion. In RWS-influenced images, the Empress wears a diadem of 12 stars, suggesting her dominion over the circle of the year. What do you have dominion over?", "The cushioned throne": "Unlike the rigid stone throne of the Emperor, the Empress is often depicted on a cushioned throne, emphasizing themes of luxury. How might themes of comfort or indulgence impact your situation?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "Gaia, Mother Earth, Ishtar, Demeter\u00d1mature, reproductive female divinity in every form. Also Aphrodite and Turan.", "Story": "A motherly or nurturing figure reminds the main character of the core values that are the essence of his or her character.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Venus", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Daleth/Door/4", "Numbers": "3 (expression, productivity, output)", "Archetype": "The Mother"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Nurturing yourself and others. Bearing fruit. Celebrating your body. Bearing (literal or figurative) children. Reveling in luxury. Mothering those around you in positive ways. Enjoying your sexuality. Getting things done.", "Shadow": "Overindulging. Being greedy. Smothering someone with attention. Debilitating someone by being overprotective. Inhibiting productivity by obsessing on productivity. Being overcome by addictive behavior."}}, "Six of Wands": {"Keywords": ["Victory, achievement, success, triumph"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "How often do you praise your friend or partner? You may be underestimating how effective a few words of sincere affirmation can be. Recognition doesn't have to be extravagant; often, all someone needs is a quiet expression of your appreciation.", "Fortune Telling": "Someone is planning a party for you, but not everyone feels so good about your recent success. Watch out for envious friends.", "Work": "In the rush to get work done, your personal contributions may be celebrated\u00d1or overlooked. Recognized or not, your skills have value. If you get a moment in the sun, bask in it. If not, don't allow yourself to be embittered when others get the recognition you feel you deserved.", "Spirituality": "Offer service quietly, and accept recognition with the same modest spirit. You aren't working for the recognition, but there's nothing wrong with allowing others to express the joy they take in the labor you provide.", "Personal Growth": "Ultimately, the opinions of others won't matter; you must, in the end, please yourself. What standards have you set? To what extent are you meeting them? Recognition is sweet...but meeting or exceeding your own personal criteria for success is even sweeter!", "When? Between August 2nd and August 11th": ""}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "The six Wands are woven together into an intricate lattice. The instability of the Five has given way to the interaction and cooperation of the six. As you strive for personal victory, you'd do well to interlace your efforts this efficiently with the work of others.", "Flags, Banners, and Laurels": "Many illustrations for this card show Wands with flags, banners, and laurels attached. There are many ways to reward victory; what kind of recognition do you crave? When the time comes to recognize the contribution of others, what visual signs of your approval do you offer?", "Responses to the Victory of Others": "When others are victorious, do you lose well? How might this person change her response for the better? How might you change yours?", "The Triumphal Procession": "The parade depicted on RWS-inspired decks calls to mind the modern \"ticker tape parade,\" in which heroes roll down boulevards, cheered on by crowds. Does your current level of performance warrant such recognition?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "6 (The Adjustment: cooperation, collaboration, interaction)", "Story": "The Main Character scores a small victory, boosting his or her own spirits, but angering the opposition.", "Affirmation": "\"I value sincere praise.\"", "Astrology": "Jupiter in Leo"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Outperforming your peers. Winning a competition. Being recognized as a capable person. Having your \"moment in the spotlight.\" Being cheered on by the crowd. Getting an award. Earning the admiration of others. Telling someone, \"Good job!\"", "Shadow": "Being a bad winner. Allowing your achievements to inflate your ego. Looking down on people who seem less capable. Craving to be the center of attention. Giving or receiving insincere praise. Envying the achievements of others."}}, "Trump 5: The Pope/Hierophant": {"Keywords": ["Guidance, knowledge, revelation, belief"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "A relationship should be more than just going through the motions. Seek the deeper meaning of small gestures and daily chores. Emphasize signs that those involved have real faith in the partnership. If necessary, seek guidance from a spiritual leader or counselor.", "Fortune Telling": "Expect to be caught in a misdeed and punished accordingly. Pray for forgiveness and confess wrongdoings. A more experienced man, spiritual leader, or father figure will come into your life.", "Work": "Seek training or a mentor, particularly if you are having difficulty understanding a complex assignment or when adjusting to new professional surroundings. See your daily work as an expression of your faith. Take traditional routes instead of innovative, unproven measures.", "When": "Between April 20 and May 20", "Spirituality": "See familiar spiritual symbols in a new light by pursuing a deeper understanding of them. If you're a lone practitioner, consider the value of joining a like-minded group or learning from a worthy teacher. What are the larger truths behind the rituals or stories you've learned?", "Personal Growth": "In time, everyone must deal with conflicts between experience and faith. Where do you find your personal center? Values dictate behavior, so work to define what you truly believe in. Don't shy away from the big questions, but be wary of gurus bearing quick answers."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The crossed keys": "The crossed keys are associated with St. Peter, considered by some traditions to be the first pope. Jesus gave Peter the keys of the kingdom. If you were in a respected position of power, what changes would you make?", "The three-tiered hat": "The three-tiered crown, called a triregnum or tiara, of the Pope dates to at least the thirteenth century. The number 3 suggests a connection with the trinity. How is your own faith (or lack of faith) reflected in this situation?", "The kneeling acolytes": "The acolytes or ministers wear robes adorned with roses and lilies in RWS-influenced decks, suggesting a connection with repressed male and female sexual energies. What urges or inclinations are you being called upon to control?", "The triple-cross scepter": "The Papal Cross is widely recognized as a symbol of the Pope's authority and office. Crowley's version in the Thoth deck is said to represent three distinct eras, concluding with the age of Horus, in which old beliefs are abandoned. Are there outdated beliefs you'd do well to abandon?", "The number 5": "The five points of the Hierophant's body (head, hands, feet) suggest an upright, five-pointed star. This upright pentagram places the head above the body, emphasizing the mind's ability to force bodily urges into submission. Five, the number of the senses, is also the number of humanity. Which might your situation call for: your head or your humanity?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "The Christ, the Apostle Peter, Buddha, Mohammed. Popes, priests, and intercessors of every faith and tradition", "Story": "A skilled advisor or capable initiate teaches the main character the secrets he or she needs to succeed.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Taurus/Earth", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Vau/Nail or Spike/6", "Numbers": "5 (instability, resistance, confrontation, evolution)", "Archetype": "The Guardian/The Church/Faith"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Teaching or guiding others. Searching for the truth. Asking for guidance from a higher power. Acknowledging the wisdom and experience of others. Taking vows. Engaging in heartfelt rituals. Volunteering.", "Shadow": "Using experience as a means of manipulating or misguiding others. Being dogmatic. Favoring tradition over what is expedient or necessary. Going through the motions of empty rituals. Concealing wisdom. Restricting access to spiritual truths or the gods."}}, "Seven of Swords": {"Keywords": ["Dishonesty, presumption, sneakiness, assumptions"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "If you could cheat and get away with it, would you? Your answer says a lot about you...and your sense of commitment. Secrets are toxic to healthy relationships. Act with integrity, and demand integrity in those closest to you. If you've wronged someone, accept the consequences.", "Fortune Telling": "Don't assume people around you are worthy of your trust. Ask for an accounting of where people have been, and what they've been doing.", "Work": "Embody honesty in the workplace. The smallest dishonest indulgence numbs the conscience, opening the door to larger abuses. Reign in a tendency to do as little as you can. Rather than \"get by,\" do your best, even if it won't always be appreciated.", "Spirituality": "While you must not obsess on darkness, you must confront your own Shadow from time to time. To what extent do you live up to your own highest standards? In what situations is your dedication to Spirit challenged most? To gain strength, learn from your weaknesses.", "When? Between February 9th and 18th": "", "Personal Growth": "You may fool others, but you cannot fool yourself. When you're alone, how do you behave? Your answer will provide meaningful insights into your true character."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "The Sword in the center is increasingly constrained by the curved blades surrounding it. The logic of the group (the six Swords) often limits new thought (the one Sword). In what ways are your own ideas being limited by the assumptions others have taught you to make?", "Shifted Perspective": "By focusing so completely on his prize, the character on this card might not foresee unexpected complications. Assumptions can blind us, keeping us from seeing critical information. What are you overlooking today?", "The Sneaky Man": "RWS-inspired illustrations often depict a sneaky figure, tip-toeing away with stolen goods. He carries five (the number of chaos), but leaves behind two (the number of duality). When you do something dishonest, you invite chaos into your life, and force others to question their high opinions of you.", "The Encampment": "In the background of many RWS-inspired cards, we see a cluster of distant tents. Is the figure in the foreground an outsider, come to steal...or an insider, taking advantage of his own people? Your answer may reveal important assumptions you make without even thinking about them."}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "7 (The Motive: imagination, inner work, psychology)", "Story": "The Main Character has an opportunity to win using dishonest means.", "Affirmation": "\"I hold myself to the highest ethical standards.\"", "Astrology": "Moon in Aquarius"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Refusing to do something dishonest, even when there's no chance of ever being caught. Handling a difficult situation with finesse. Pointing out assumptions. Acting ethically in public and in private. Living a life that is beyond reproach.", "Shadow": "Stealing or lying. Doing whatever you can get away with, simply because you can. Looking for a way around consequences. Justifying wicked behavior by focusing on the wickedness of others. Failing to examine your own motives and prejudices."}}, "Seven of Coins": {"Keywords": ["Assessment, evaluation, re-evaluation, reflection"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "When this relationship started, what did you imagine it could become? To what extent have your expectations been fulfilled? If it falls short, you have two options: confront the difference ... or revise your expectations. Which option is most likely to lead to happiness?", "Fortune Telling": "Things won't work out as expected. Pick up the pieces and prepare to move on.", "Work": "Fulfillment keeps work from becoming drudgery. What do you need in order to feel rewarded? To what extent is your current work providing this? A new project can breathe life back into a dull job. Be alert for opportunities to change your job without, necessarily, changing jobs.", "Spirituality": "Which are you more likely to do: look back on wasted days or focus on a brighter future? The past is the past; let it go. If you haven't achieved, spiritually speaking, what you hoped to achieve by now, deepen your resolve, set new goals, and pray for the strength to achieve them.", "Personal Growth": "You can waste an entire lifetime wrestling with regrets. Escape the trap. Shift your focus from the past to the future, and resolve to make the most of the here and now. No amount of looking back can rewrite history; by contrast, working in the here and now can radically alter tomorrow.", "When? Between May 11th and May 20th": ""}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Crop of Pentacles": "RWS-inspired illustrations portray a vine or tree bearing a crop of golden Coins: the fruit of past labor. Take stock of what you have today, and consider how past efforts have contributed to your current situation. If you're unhappy at all, change your strategy; to get different results, stop doing the same old thing.", "The Marseilles Image": "Seven coins are balanced like berries on vines that sag beneath their weight. In your situation, how might further growth be limited by past performance? Might some items be ripe for picking\u00d1creating room for new expansion and growth?", "The Unhappy Farmer": "RWS-influenced decks depict a man whose posture and expression suggest a level of exhaustion and regret that not even a bumper crop can alleviate. Most likely, his expectations were out of alignment with reality. What expectations do you have? How have these expectations shaped your efforts?", "Everyone's a Critic": "Each person sees his or her situation through a lens of his or her own making. What role might prejudices and assumptions play in your current situation?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "7 (The Motive: imagination, inner work, psychology)", "Story": "The Main Character looks back on what he or she has achieved and sees his or her work in a new light.", "Affirmation": "\"To stay on target, I measure my progress.\"", "Astrology": "Saturn in Taurus"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Measuring progress toward your goal. Looking at results with an eye toward improving performance. Asking, \"How happy am I?\" Coming up with ideas for improving your health or prosperity. Deciding it's time for a change. Expressing an honest opinion.", "Shadow": "Becoming distracted by melancholy thoughts. Longing for \"the good old days.\" Beating yourself up over lost opportunities. Judging your own work harshly. Holding others to inappropriate standards. Refusing to take part in a project, then whining about the quality of the outcome."}}, "Trump 20: Judgement": {"Keywords": ["Revival, renewal, resurrection, evaluation, invitation"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Freshen your relationship by taking advantage of opportunities to reinvent yourself (and each other). Swap roles. Seek out entertainment you would normally avoid. Shatter habits and breath new life into your partnerships. What you learn in the process could be a wake-up call for you both.", "When? Unexpectedly, if at all": "", "Fortune Telling": "An old issue you thought was over will come up again today. Get ready for huge changes: break-ups, sudden calls from old friends, and unexpected setbacks. God's trying to get your attention.", "Work": "If something or someone is holding you back, it's time for a \"Come to Jesus Meeting\" -- a time to air dirty laundry, read someone the riot act, or say out loud what, to this point, has only been said in private. Identify the problem and eliminate it before the decay spreads to other efforts. If things are going well, use this as an opportunity to define why, so you can replicate your success elsewhere.", "Spirituality": "With a shock, we realize the impermanent nature of this world. Use this sudden insight to your advantage. Answer the trumpet call and reinvent yourself by refusing to cling to distractions. Set aside your stumbling blocks and embrace transformation.", "Personal Growth": "The assessments of others cannot impact your true value. The only standard you must meet is being the very best version of yourself you can be. Identify your next steps ... and take them. Don't do this for others; do it for you."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Gabriel": "In the apocalyptic visions of the Book of Revelation, Gabriel summons the dead from their slumber with a blast of his trumpet. In your situation, who needs a wake-up call?", "The crossed banner": "In Tarot: History, Symbolism, and Divination, scholar Robert Place identifies this as Constantine's victory flag. \"When held by Christ or Gabriel, it represents victory over death.\" How would your life change if you put a fear of death or loss aside?", "The resurrected dead": "In both the Marseilles and RWS-influenced cards, the risen show only positive emotions. The trumpet call liberates and re-creates them. In what way do you need to be reborn?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "The resurrected Christ. The Last Judgment of Revelation. The phoenix, which rises to new life from its own ashes.", "Story": "Having earned a victory, the main character sees himself or herself differently. Alternatively, others see the main character in a new and flattering light.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Fire", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Sin/Tooth/300", "Numbers": "20 = 2 + 0 = 2 (division, duality)", "Archetype": "Resurrection"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Receiving a wake-up call. Discovering a new purpose in life. Becoming totally and completely yourself. Receiving a well-deserved reward. Passing an evaluation or examination. Welcoming the start of a new phase of life.", "Shadow": "Being weighed in the balances and found wanting. Failing to measure up to a well-defined standard. Being caught goofing off or misbehaving. Failing to prepare for an examination you know is coming. Rejecting an opportunity to reinvent yourself."}}, "Seven of Cups": {"Keywords": ["Imagination, dreams, illusions, goals"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Comparing your friendships and relationships to unrealistic, Hollywood-produced fantasies is a sure-fire formula for disappointment. Rather than imagine what things ought to be, face how things are...and then take the steps necessary to make your relationships more rewarding.", "When? Between November 13th and 22nd": "", "Fortune Telling": "You're being fed a line. Rather than be dazzled by fancy words and promises, demand something real.", "Work": "Plan for contingencies. At the same time, don't allow \"what might be\" to distract you from \"what is.\" Unless it's your job to build castles in the sky, be sure to invest more effort in hard work than sweet dreams.", "Spirituality": "Use meditation and prayer to build a clear vision of your spiritual goals, and call on this for inspiration in times of need. Pay attention to dreams; they have important messages for you.", "Personal Growth": "Your imagination is a powerful tool, capable of shaping your experience and your world. Focus your thoughts. See life as it should be, and then take personal responsibility for making your dreams come true. Always link imagination with action!"}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "The arrangement of Cups seen here suggests a conflict between opportunity (the one, central cup) and uncertain feelings (the two sets of three). What do you need in order to shift confidently from imagination to action? Until you know, growth will be limited.", "Dreaming isn\u00d5t Enough": "As engaging as dreams and fantasies can be, imagination without action is wasted energy. How might things change if you fantasized less about outcomes and more about new ways to take action?", "Dangers and Surprises": "In your situation, what is the worst possible outcome? What\u00d5s the best possible outcome? How are hopes and fears shaping your thoughts about the challenge of the moment?", "Contents of the Cups": "On RWS-inspired decks, we often see cups laden with all manner of intriguing options: masks, serpents, wreaths, jewels, elemental symbols, shrouded figures. Be aware of your fears and your motivations, and act accordingly."}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "7 (The Motive: imagination, inner work, psychology)", "Story": "The Main Character is hindered by unreasonable expectations or unfounded fears. Alternatively, the Main Character insists on remaining true to his or her original vision.", "Affirmation": "\"I use inner vision as a tool for growth.\"", "Astrology": "Venus in Scorpio"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Motivating yourself with images of future success. Using visualization to encourage progress. Taking an imaginative or creative approach to problem solving. Making dreams come true. Gleaning insight from personal visions.", "Shadow": "Obsessing on imaginary fears or uncertain consequences. Giving in to emotional or political terrorism. Spending more time dreaming than working. Failing to envision the possible repercussions of your choices. Being controlled by fear."}}, "Queen of Coins": {"Keywords": ["Luxury, comfort, resourcefulness, generosity, prosperity"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Over time, passion may give way to comfort; both of these incarnations of love have their benefits. A luxury shared with others becomes even more luxurious. Don't over-think sex and relationships. Instead, set reasonable limits and embrace what your body yearns for.", "Fortune Telling": "This card represents a woman with an expansive, sensual nature, likely born between December 13th and 31st, who uses sensual appeal and the promise of reward to sway others to her point of view.", "Work": "Strive to incorporate special touches and little extras in your products and services today. These may require more time or resources to complete, but the results will be well worth the investment. Don't be satisfied with anything less than the very best product possible.", "Spirituality": "Cocoon yourself in spiritual protection. Say an extra prayer. Burn an expensive stick of incense and savor the sweet aroma. Light a scented candle. Enjoy a ritual dinner. Alternatively, heighten your appreciation for your blessings by engaging in a period of voluntary simplicity. What can you do without?", "Personal Growth": "How often do you cheat yourself by opting for the less expensive, the less suitable, or the less than perfect? There's great pleasure in sacrificing for, saving for, and acquiring something \"just right.\" You may find anticipating something is more pleasurable than having it.", "When? Between December 13th and 31st": ""}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Luxurious Robes": "Reflecting themes of luxury and sensuality, the Queen of Coins is frequently clothed in rich fabrics and loose, comfortable robes. She loves the pentacle in her hands: its texture, its temperature, its smoothness, its weight. What might happen if you emulated her attention to sensual detail?", "The Marseilles Image": "The Marseilles Queen of Coins gazes into her Coin as though it were a crystal ball. In some ways, knowing the future is the ultimate luxury. What outcomes can you predict? With those predictions in mind, what actions should you be taking now as a means of securing your own comfort tomorrow?", "The Value of True Comfort": "Money and health come and go. How can you cultivate a level of comfort that transcends sudden and unexpected changes in your circumstances?", "The Treasured Pentacle": "What an object of art that Pentacle is! What might happen if you were to put your own best side forward, thrusting it into the spotlight for all to admire?"}, "Correspondences": {"Story": "The Main Character must avoid being lulled into complacency by the temptations of \"the good life.\"", "Affirmation": "\"I relish the best this world has to offer.\"", "Elemental": "Water of Earth.", "Personality": "The Queen of Coins can represent anyone who wants to encourage others (Queen) to appreciate the pleasures of the physical world (Coins). The Queen may also represent the tendency to be more materially-minded than spiritually-minded, or the need to pursue personal comfort at almost any cost."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Appreciating fine food, fine wine, beautiful art, beautiful bodies, or any of the better things in life. Reveling in healthy sexuality. Treating yourself. Splurging on the occasional \"nice to have\" item. Rewarding someone with compensation above and beyond expectations. Having it all.", "Shadow": "Indulging in gluttony or greediness. Becoming insatiable. Blunting the impact of treats by indulging in them too often. Providing physical comfort without providing for emotional needs. Allowing a feeling of entitlement to distort your gratitude for what you're given."}}, "Ten of Swords": {"Keywords": ["Exhaustion, ruin, disaster, stamina, obsession"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Preserving a relationship or friendship shouldn't require self-destruction. There's a strong possibility it's time to let this one go. Examine the logic you're using to justify maintaining this connection. A healthy relationship produces peace, not insanity.", "When? Between June 11th and June 20th": "", "Fortune Telling": "Disaster. Put off plans and do not take action until omens are better.", "Work": "Know when to say when. Continuing to take on more work and more responsibility is not the answer here. Be honest about your limits. If they've been exceeded, ask for relief. Diverting some of the work may mean eating some crow, but beats a complete systems failure later on.", "Spirituality": "It's hard to keep your eyes on heaven when you're face-down on the ground. When darkness overwhelms us, we may be tempted to abandon Spirit entirely. Finding just one thing to be thankful for, though, may provide you with the key to turning things around.", "Personal Growth": "Failure is a cruel but powerful teacher. When possible, make corrections before hitting bottom. If that time has passed, the mature thing to do is accept consequences, resolve to do better, and start the process of making amends. As they say: live one day at a time."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Human Pincushion": "Optimistic users of the RWS claim the Swords on this card pierce the pitiful figure's charkas, yielding enlightenment through trial. Other decks show the victim face-up, suggesting the additional agony of seeing a bad situation coming. In your situation, is there a way to extract a life lesson from the trial you're now facing? If so, what would that lesson be?", "The Marseilles Image": "Two crossed Swords pierce the eight curved blades, producing a dramatic image of mental excess. At this point, any further debate (the two Swords) will do little more than shred the mental work (the eight Swords) completed so far.", "Dark Skies": "RWS-inspired decks often depict a sunset (or sunrise) in the background of this card, suggesting that a change of some kind is at hand. How might your current situation contain the seeds of a turnaround?", "The End of Logic": "Numerology suggests the Ten is the point at which fullness has been exceeded, and the energy of the suit becomes spoiled and over-extended. Here, endless deliberation and over-thinking have exhausted all possibilities for growth. It\u00d5s time to try another approach."}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "10 (The End: finality, completion, exhaustion)", "Story": "The Main Character must acknowledge that all is apparently lost.", "Affirmation": "\"When my limits are exceeded, I take action on my own behalf.\"", "Astrology": "Sun in Gemini"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Seeing the signs that you've reached your limits. Paying attention to what your body is trying to tell you. Giving in to the need for rest and renewal. Acknowledging that you've hit bottom. Committing to a turnaround. Knowing the worst is over.", "Shadow": "Accepting defeat prematurely. Driving yourself to total exhaustion, especially mentally. Experiencing a mental breakdown. Obsessing on a problem to the breaking point. Giving up. Refusing to move from thought to action. Deeply unhealthy thoughts."}}, "Two of Wands": {"Keywords": ["Conflict, decision, option, individuality"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "To what extent does everyone involved in your situation want the same thing? The actions people take reveal their true inclinations. To gain insight into the goals of others, study what they do. Are their actions in line with their stated goals? Are yours?", "When? Between March 21st and March 30th": "", "Fortune Telling": "Beware false friends. Don't be mealy-mouthed; say what you think and do what you want to do.", "Work": "No one can serve two masters. Before proceeding, determine exactly how much authority you have in this matter. In addition, it's time to decide which \"To Do\" items move you closer to your personal goals...and which ones are merely consuming your limited time and energy.", "Spirituality": "Others will have their opinions, but ultimately, you must decide what spiritual practices are right for you. Speak your mind and share your own views with courage and honesty. Answering the call of Spirit may dictate taking the road less traveled by.", "Personal Growth": "While others become slaves to fashion and convention, you should work to express yourself. What sets you apart? What makes you unique? These are qualities worth celebrating. Rather than give in to brow-beating and peer pressure, set your own standards in all things."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Differing Goals": "Some people feel their needs outweigh the needs of the many; others feel the needs of the many trump the needs of the one. When goals conflict, what criteria will you use to plan your own response?", "The Moment of Choice": "When the road divides, which way should you go? Developing a clear picture of what matters most will help you make the right decision when the time comes.", "The Rose and Lilly Cross": "Here again, male and female energies are shown at odds, as masculine activity comes into conflict with the classically feminine energies of reflection and intuition. Consider both points of view, but only for a time; eventually, you must choose a course and move forward.", "The Bolted Wand": "In RWS-inspired decks, one of the two Wands is bolted to the wall. Do you need to abandon old habits for new, more flexible ones?", "The Marseilles Image": "Two solid Wands form a cross, diving the square card into four three-sided slices. Take a moment to appreciate the stark clarity of this simple illustration: progress will be barred until someone finds a way to align the two opposing forces.", "The Globe": "The figure on RWS-inspired decks carries \"the whole world in his hands\"\u00d1literally. He enjoys a clearly-defined value system, enabling him to make difficult choices with ease. Can you say the same?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "2 (The Other: division, debate, duality)", "Story": "The Main Character is confronted with an alternative goal.", "Affirmation": "\"With my goals in mind, I make confident choices.\"", "Astrology": "Mars in Aries"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Having a choice. Offering or being offered an option. Seeing the value of another person's approach. Understanding there's more than one way to \"skin a cat.\" Successfully doing more than one thing at a time. Being empowered to make a choice.", "Shadow": "Misrepresenting your intentions. Doing one thing while desiring another. Changing course mid-stream for no good reason. Refusing to change your goal even when pursuing it no longer makes sense. Disregarding the input of others."}}, "Queen of Cups": {"Keywords": ["Insightfulness, spirituality, compassion, empathy, instinct"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "No amount of hand-wringing or self-pity will make things better. Stop second-guessing yourself! Strong feelings should tell you something, not render you helpless. Reflect on what you really need, then take action; otherwise, you'll get bogged down.", "Fortune Telling": "This card represents a woman with an emotional, deeply spiritual nature, likely born between June 11th and July 11th, who uses emotional and spiritual appeals to sway others to her point of view.", "Work": "Strong emotions in the workplace can distract people from their everyday goals. (Many may welcome such distraction!) Rather than get caught up in all the agony and ecstasy, keep an even keel. Don't fret; trust your intuition and take appropriate action.", "Spirituality": "In truth, very few of us were meant for a life of constant contemplation. Most of us have to live in the real world! If you possess psychic abilities, be sure their deployment is regulated by your highest ethical standards.", "When? Between June 11th and July 11th": "", "Personal Growth": "Beating yourself up accomplishes nothing. Embracing your true feelings is one thing; wallowing in them is another. Pause to feel...and then move on, informed and enabled by your insights."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Pensive Expression": "Some see the Queen of Cups as pensive and moody. Are your own strong feelings an aid...or a distraction? What might happen if you set them aside for now?", "Feeling vs": "Thinking. The Queen of Cups feels things deeply \u00c9 and thinks deeply, too. Which approach is your personal default? How well can you integrate your thoughts and your feelings?", "The Marseilles Image": "The Marseilles Queen of Cups holds both a chalice and a sword. As a result, she may suggest the need to allow your emotions, your spirituality, or your psychic insights to inform your decisions. What would happen if you set pure logic aside?", "The Seashell Throne": "While the nature of the Queen's throne is difficult to see in the Marseilles version of this card, most RWS-inspired cards depict a throne integrating watery themes. Do your emotions support you...or rule you?"}, "Correspondences": {"Story": "The Main Character plays on sympathy to gain an advantage, or uses love, sex, or affection to gain cooperation.", "Affirmation": "\"I choose to be enabled, not disabled, by my strong emotions.\"", "Elemental": "Water of Water.", "Personality": "The Queen of Cups can represent anyone who wants to convince others (Queen) to be more spiritual and empathetic (Cups). The Queen may also represent the tendency to be more reflective than active, or the need to sway the opinions of others through emotional appeals."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Allowing yourself to be moved by the plight of others. Feeling strong emotions. Possessing unusual sympathy or empathy. Trusting your feelings to guide you. Calling on psychic abilities. Achieving unity with Spirit.", "Shadow": "Becoming so caught up in matters of Spirit, you become detached from the world. Allowing empathy to disable you (instead of inspire action). Using psychic abilities to wield covert influence. Wallowing in emotionalism, sentiment, or self-pity."}}, "Ten of Coins": {"Keywords": ["Wealth, abundance, acquisition, greed"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Being swept off your feet is one thing; being overwhelmed by sex or gifts is quite another. Keep a level head with regard to the importance of both presents and pleasure. Gifts and physical intimacy have an intensity all their own, but cannot compensate for genuine affection.", "Fortune Telling": "Big money is in the near future. Expect a powerful blessing to come your way.", "Work": "Your skills are for sale\u00d1not your soul. In the long run, will any amount of money compensate for the loss of your health or self-respect? Look carefully at the carrots being dangled before you. Know when to say no. Celebrate what you have; debate whether more is needed.", "Spirituality": "Lots of \"stuff\" can blind us to or distract us from our deepest, most important needs. Lighten the load. Consider giving away some of the possessions that weight you down. When blessings overflow, share them with others.", "Personal Growth": "You are not defined by your paycheck, by the size of your home, or by memberships in exclusive clubs. Behind all the possessions, behind the physical shell, there is only you; instead of focusing on the externals, make sure you're at peace with the person you really are.", "When? Between September 12th through 22nd": ""}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Tree of Life": "Students of Qabalah will recognize the ten Coins so often seen on the original RWS version of this card have been arranged to suggest the shape of the Tree of Life. In other decks, including the Marseilles, an overflow of Coins dominates the image. Either approach stresses the overflow of material blessings and should remind us to consider the higher purpose behind the \"ten thousand things\" in our lives.", "More Than Enough": "Numerology suggests the tens represent the point at which fullness has been exceeded, and the energy of the suit becomes spoiled and over-extended. Too much focus on material goods \u00d0 or even on the condition of our own bodies \u00d0 can be just as damaging as too little.", "The Pensive Elder": "On this card, RWS-inspired decks often depict an older man, deep in thought. What's on his mind? His wealth? His family? The future of his empire? How might these sobering topics play a role in your situation?", "The Marseilles Image": "Ten coins crowd the image. An additional coin would crush the central blossom, obliterating any room for growth. At some point, physical possessions and concerns can limit our progress. Are you there?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "10 (The End: finality, completion, exhaustion)", "Story": "The Main Character turns down an extravagant reward for his or her good work. Alternatively, the Main Character is offered an attractive bribe.", "Affirmation": "\"I keep physical and financial matters in perspective.\"", "Astrology": "Mercury in Virgo"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Celebrating your physical and financial blessings. Realizing how lucky or how blessed you are. Being satisfied with your physical and financial achievements. Taking best advantage of \"times of plenty.\" Enjoying a feast. Showering friends or family with gifts.", "Shadow": "Spending all of your money on extravagant gifts and possessions. Trying too hard to impress others with your wealth or physique. Giving an inappropriately expensive gift as a means of currying favor. Obsessing on matters of weight, health, or finance. Always asking, \"What's in it for me?\""}}, "Trump 12: The Hanged Man": {"Keywords": ["Enlightenment, sacrifice, perspective, suspension, reversals"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "What doesn't move forward isn't growing. If you're hanging by a thread, it might be time to grab the scissors. If you can learn from what's not working, do so, but don't equate learning with having to stay.", "Fortune Telling": "A traitor is revealed. One of your friends is working against you. Change your ways or suffer the consequences.", "Work": "Occasionally, no amount of effort will move a project to completion; progress simply isn't the cards, despite your best efforts. Learn from setbacks; turn disappointment into opportunity.", "Spirituality": "Sometimes the best action is no action at all. Suspend your need to have a hand in things. Consider, too, the value of small sacrifices. What you give away will come back to you greatly multiplied.", "When? When you least expect it": "", "Personal Growth": "One sign of maturity is your ability to deal effectively with the unexpected. Rather than be decimated, look for the lesson. If you're true to your own values, no disaster will get the best of you."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The serpent": "One occultist taught that the image of the Hanged Man was \"originally\" drawn right-side up, as a man stepping over a snake (thought to be a representation of the missing virtue of Prudence). What would be your most prudent course of action now?", "The inverted traitor": "Renaissance audiences would immediately recognize a hanged man as a traitor because hanging traitors by one foot was a common practice. Are you bound to any old habits that, in this situation, betray you?", "The halo of enlightenment": "The Marseilles Hanged Man is clearly being punished. As they mapped concepts of sacrificial enlightenment to this card, occultists added the halo. What have your own trials taught you? How might those lessons apply now?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "The Crucified Christ. Isaac as a sacrifice. Prometheus bound. Jonah and the whale. Lazarus. Any hanged or sacrificed god. Judas.", "Story": "One of the main character's allies is discovered to be working secretly for the antagonist.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Water", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Mem/Water/40", "Numbers": "12 = 1 + 2 = 3 (expression, productivity, output)", "Archetype": "The Traitor"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Seeing growth opportunities in unpleasant events. Experiencing a dramatic change in personal perspective. Making the best of an unforeseen change in your life or work. Suspending disbelief. Making sacrifices.", "Shadow": "Being untrue to yourself and your values. Refusing to make sacrifices when appropriate. Refusing to adapt to new situations. Blaming others. Profiting at the expense of others."}}, "Three of Wands": {"Keywords": ["Implementation, action, exploration"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Knowing what you want or need does you no good if you don't come up with a plan for achieving it! It's time to expand your horizons: go places you've never been, try sports you've never tried, meet people you've overlooked. As your world expands, so do your opportunities.", "Fortune Telling": "You'll be planning a trip soon. Be on the lookout: your ship is coming in.", "Work": "Lead by doing. Forge ahead with your plans, but don't forget to show others what you're doing and why you're doing it. Be proactive, brainstorming obstacles and minting solutions before breakdowns occur. Define very clearly your criteria for success and measure progress daily.", "Spirituality": "Rather than look for a guru or a well-worn path, take the spiritual initiative. If you could express your spirituality in any way, what form would you choose? If you could worship anywhere, where would you go? Break the mold. Remember: bearing new fruit takes time.", "When? Between March 31st and April 10th": "", "Personal Growth": "Routine is the enemy of growth. Take new roads. See new sights. Pick a new hobby. Order the menu items you don't recognize. Make a habit of blazing new trails."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "The two Wands from the earlier card are joined by a third, decisive Wand. The crossed purposes of the Two must now give way to the clear intention expressed by the Three. Have you clarified your own goals?", "Distant Ships": "In the background of RWS illustrations, this card often features ships sailing toward the horizon. In The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, Waite says these belong to the central figure, who sends them out to do his bidding.", "A Wand in Hand": "In RWS-inspired decks, this card often depicts a merchant and three wands. Two (the number of duality) have been planted in the ground, but one (the \"starting point\") is in hand\u00d1suggesting the time for debate has given way to a time for action."}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "3 (The Result: expression, productivity, output)", "Story": "The Main Character's initial plans are laid and launched.", "Affirmation": "\"I take the steps necessary to put my plans in action.\"", "Astrology": "Sun in Aries"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Putting a plan into motion. Taking that critical first step. Making good things happen. Going beyond your limits. Blazing new trails. Hitting the ground running. Seeing your plans come to fruition.", "Shadow": "Procrastinating. Knowing what to do, but refusing to do it. Launching a project without a clear definition of who should do what. Rejecting an opportunity to try something new. Failing to finish what you start."}}, "Five of Wands": {"Keywords": ["Confrontation, disruption, distinction, objection, strife"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Every relationship has its ups and downs; no two people can be together for any length of time without some friction. Without making things personal, air your grievances. Share how you feel. If you feel a confrontation coming on, ask yourself what triggers it and why.", "When? Between July 22nd and August 1st": "", "Fortune Telling": "Prepare for a fight with your best friend. Remember: once you let words loose, you can't take them back.", "Work": "If your workplace lacks harmony, getting things done requires far more time and effort. Create an atmosphere where people feel free to share what they really think. Avoid the blame game; talk in terms of what should happen...and what happens when the system breaks down.", "Spirituality": "It's easy to feel spiritually connected when meditating in a tranquil garden. But how can you maintain your balance when surrounded by emotionally-charged chaos? Remember: you are not your emotions. Withdraw. Breathe. Save anger for those few transgressions worthy of such a powerful emotion.", "Personal Growth": "What makes you angry? How do you respond when you loose your cool? Going berserk isn't the answer. Swallowing your feelings won't work either. Find constructive, level-headed ways to say what you need to say before you reach the boiling point."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Five Figures": "In RWS-inspired decks, five figures confront each other, Wands in hand. Are they fighting? Are they dancing? Are three watching while the other two battle to the death? Waite claimed the youths could be engaged in either sport or strife\u00d1or even a \"sham fight.\" It's worth asking whether or not your conflict, represented by this card, is the problem...or just a symptom.", "Meekness as an Alternative": "How might meekness (as opposed to confrontation) work in your situation? How might changing yourself change the outcome of this particular battle?", "Your Contribution to the Clash": "We're quick to see the errors of others, but slow to understand how our own actions might contribute to confrontations. How have your actions contributed to the crisis?", "The Marseilles Image": "Remember the stable Four of Wands? Now, someone comes along and thrusts an intrusive new Wand into the mix, shattering the delicate balances that gave rise to celebration. Will you let the Wands topple \u00c9 or work to restore balance somehow?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "5 (The Catalyst: instability, resistance, confrontation)", "Story": "The Main Character takes a stand and says, \"Enough is enough!\"", "Affirmation": "\"I can express dissent in constructive ways.\"", "Astrology": "Saturn in Leo"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Calmly expressing a dissenting opinion. Allowing someone to use his or her own methods to get a job done. Opening the floor for discussion or debate. Comparing progress made so far to standards set earlier.", "Shadow": "Berating others for their ridiculous opinions. Picking fights. Offering destructive criticism. Baiting people with barbed remarks. Disrupting progress with an endless stream of pointless objections."}}, "Trump 1: The Magician": {"Keywords": ["Capability, empowerment, activity"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "A relationship should empower you. Does yours generate positive change in your life? Do you feel happier and more fulfilled? A relationship that supports your goals is to be valued; a relationship that doesn't must be changed or cast aside.", "Fortune Telling": "A powerful man may play a role in your day. Your current situation must be seen as one element of a much larger plan.", "Work": "Exercise whatever authority you have. With the right resources, you'll succeed. But not everyone who appears empowered really is. With an eye toward growth, seek allies who focus on steak, not sizzle. Be a mentor ... or find one. Deploy tools and resources against well-defined goals.", "When? Within three months": "", "Spirituality": "If others were to see you and your life as an expression of the Divine, what would their impression of the Divine be? How can you improve that perception? How can you better dedicate yourself to being a channel for positive energy in the world?", "Personal Growth": "Asserting yourself can be an important step toward wholeness. When your work or life experience has given you special insights or talents, shrug off self-doubt and apply them fearlessly. Act confidently, and feelings of confidence will follow."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Magician's clothing": "The Magician's robe suggests masculine empowerment. He might also wear a belt fashioned like an oroborous (a snake swallowing its own tail, suggesting constant reinvention). How might direct action or reinvention aid you?", "The upraised wand": "The Magician often holds aloft a wand or caduceus (the snake-entwined symbol associated with the god Hermes and the medical profession). He channels the power of heaven to bring about change on earth: \"As above, so below!\" What might heaven channel through you?", "The lemniscate": "Symbolic of infinity and spiritual mastery, the lemniscate floats above the Magician's head; some also see it reflected in the oddly shaped brim of the Marseilles' Juggler's hat. How would access to infinite power change your situation? What would you do?", "Roses and lilies": "The flowers at the foot of the RWS Magician suggest the unification of the masculine and feminine, associated with the alchemist's goal of spiritual refinement and perfection. Which approach takes best advantage of both your masculine and feminine perspectives?", "The Magician's tools": "Very early decks depict the juggler with a wand, cups and balls, and a knife\u00d1tools of a common conjurer. Some later decks change these to a cup, a blade, a pentacle, and a wand, suggesting mastery over the four dimensions of life. Contemporary decks may use other symbols to suggest similar themes and additional alternatives for action. Which tool do you need today?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom, known to the Greeks as Hermes and to the Romans as Mercury. Christ working miracles. Brahma, the Creator.", "Story": "Consciously or unconsciously, the main character receives or controls a resource that holds the key to the story's primary challenge.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "The sun/Mercury", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Beth/House/2", "Numbers": "1 (origins, unity, seeds)", "Archetype": "The Ego/The Self"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Taking appropriate action. Receiving guidance from a higher power. Becoming a channel of divine will. Expressing masculine energy in appropriate and constructive ways. Being yourself in every way.", "Shadow": "Inflating your own ego. Abusing talents. Manipulating or deceiving others. Being too aggressive. Using cheap illusions to dazzle others. Refusing to invest the time and effort needed to master your craft. Taking shortcuts."}}, "Trump 13: Death": {"Advice": {"Relationships": "Identify what's not working and put it behind you. Take stock, too, of the relationship itself. Dying flames can be rekindled with mutual effort, but embrace an ending if, in fact, an ending is what's best for you. Poets used to call orgasm the \"little death,\" so, at times, this card can also point to a consummated relationship!", "Fortune Telling": "A relationship or illness ends suddenly. Limit travel and risk-taking. General gloom and doom.", "Work": "Close out lingering projects and tie up loose ends. Now is a good time to consider all your options, including the possibility of moving on. Alternatively, you could put an end to feelings of unrest by deciding, once and for all, to stay put. Do what's best for you.", "When": "Between October 23 and November 21", "Spirituality": "Spiritual scribes write of \"dying to the world\"\u00d1realizing that the physical world and its concerns are illusory at best. For you, the Death card is a reminder to focus on what really matters. Alternatively, the card can suggest a need to contact or honor your ancestors.", "Personal Growth": "Grasping the short, fleeting nature of life is one of life's hardest and most sobering lessons. Acknowledging your own impermanence can help you live your life more fully."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Bringing an unpleasant phase of life to an end. Recognizing and celebrating the conclusion of something. Putting bad habits to rest. Becoming a new person. Leaving one person, place, or thing for another. Letting go.", "Shadow": "Obsessing on death and dying. Refusing to give up old habits or unhealthy relationships. Insisting that everything and everyone should stay the same forever. Failing to take good care of yourself."}, "Note": ["When the Death card appears, don't panic. Remember: the language of the Tarot is symbolic. In the vast majority of cases, the Death card should be read as a metaphor, not as a warning of impending doom! Use common sense, and let context be your guide."], "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "Christ in the tomb. Hades. Hypnos. Thanatos. Stories of journeys into the underworld.", "Story": "At the midpoint of the story, the main character believes all is lost. Alternatively, a helper or valued ally dies or is believed dead.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Scorpio", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Nun/Fish/50", "Numbers": "13 = 1 + 3 = 4 (stability, persistence)", "Archetype": "Death"}, "Keywords": ["Ending, conclusion, transition, passage, departure"], "Symbols and Insights": {"Sunrise/sunset": "In many illustrations, it's difficult to tell whether the sun is rising or setting. Is your own situation just beginning, or is it coming to an end? How can you be sure?", "Doomed figures": "The sprawled bodies and scattered body parts seen on many cards reflect death's disruptive force. How might the need for disruption figure into your situation?", "The skeleton": "Bones persist long after the decay of the body; so, they are symbols of the enduring and eternal. Which aspects of your situation have persisted over time? Which aspects are temporary?", "The pale horse": "\"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death\" (Revelation 6:8). How do you feel about death? How might your feeling about death be a metaphor for how you feel now?", "The rose flag": "Oddly, in The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, Waite writes, \"[The] black banner emblazoned with the Mystic Rose ... signifies life.\" In your situation, how might ending one thing give rise to another?\""}}, "Trump 10: The Wheel": {"Keywords": ["Luck, randomness, cycles, karma, fate, revolution"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "You can't plan every moment. Be spontaneous. Rather than strive for control, let go of the reins and see where the relationship goes. Check your behaviors. Are you reliving mistakes of the past?", "Fortune Telling": "Some events are in the hands of heaven. You've lived through this before. What happened then?", "When? Within 12 years": "", "Work": "Feeling a little de[as]ja[ag]-vu? Return to old files; new solutions might be lying dormant there. Ask yourself what this new opportunity has in common with older challenges. In analysis, take into account all influences, including those beyond your control.", "Spirituality": "Behold the delicate machinery of heaven! As you watch events unfold, keep your perspective. What seems impossible to understand today will make sense with the passing of time. Look for the larger patterns.", "Personal Growth": "The actions you take today will influence your reality for days and years to come. Making wise choices now can free you from the unpleasant business of enduring repercussions further down the road."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The great wheel": "\"To everything there is a season; a time for every purpose under heaven.\" The wheel suggests the evolution of events, but also the cyclical nature of time and history. In your situation, what time has finally come?", "Symbols and letters": "Using TARO as an alternative spelling, occultists came up with an anagram: TAROT ROTA ORAT TORA ATOR, or \"The Tarot speaks the law of Hathor.\"(Hathor was an Egyptian goddess of motherhood and love.) The Hebrew letters spell out the unspeakable name of God. The symbols are alchemical glyphs for mercury, sulfur, water, and salt. What might happen if you rearranged the basic elements of your situation?", "The four evangelists": "Four winds of heaven, the four corners of the earth, four seasons, four classical elements, four fixed signs of the zodiac, and four Gospels. Matthew, who looks human, traced the human lineage of Christ. Mark, the Lion, wrote of someone \"crying\" (roaring) in the wilderness. Luke, the Ox, focused on Jesus as a sacrifice. John, the Eagle, emphasized the mystical, higher nature of the Christ. What strategy would help you most: tracing roots, communication, sacrifice, or mystery?", "Fantastic beasts": "The descending serpent or monkey once reigned. The Sphinx at the top now reigns. The ascending dog, or Anubis, will reign. Where are you in the cycle?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "The God in the Machine. Deus ex Machina. Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. Fortuna.", "Story": "An unforeseen event, completely out of the main character's control, changes everything. Alternatively, decisions made in the past have unexpected present-day consequences.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Jupiter", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Koph/Palm/20", "Numbers": "10 (finality, completion) and 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 (seed, opportunity)", "Archetype": "The Fates/Destiny"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Allowing events to unfold. Seeing the larger pattern in everyday events. Trusting your luck. Watching for cycles. Believing that \"what goes around, comes around.\"", "Shadow": "Losing money gambling. Refusing to do your part to bring a plan to fruition. Taking a fatalistic approach to life. Fighting the natural course of events."}}, "King of Swords": {"Ace of Coins": [""], "Advice": {"Relationships": "While money and sex can be used to \"buy\" attention, they cannot purchase true love. An opportunity to have what you've always wanted (at least, in a physical sense) may or may not satisfy your craving for genuine affection. The motive behind a gift means more than the gift itself.", "Fortune Telling": "Your health will improve. The check you're looking for really is in the mail.", "When? Between May 11th and June 10th": "", "Work": "An opportunity to earn more money or work in better conditions may come your way. As always, though, you must balance this against the requirements and constraints of such a position. Money is important, but not all-important. Weigh all your options before making a choice.", "Spirituality": "Your spiritual path should influence how you see the physical world, coloring attitudes about everything from possessions to your own body. Ponder the higher purpose your physical resources should play. What are you doing to use them to advance the greater good?", "Personal Growth": "The dream of the world offers us many shiny baubles and hypnotic pleasures, and most of us live in cultures that celebrate acquisition. An opportunity to possess more may come your way. To prevent imbalance, have your ethics clearly in mind, and be prepared to manage your new resources wisely.", "When? In the Winter": ""}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Outlining a plan for achieving prosperity. Becoming aware of opportunities to improve income or health. Realizing you have everything you need. Appreciating everything the Universe has given you. Receiving the perfect gift at the perfect time.", "Shadow": "Indulging in relentless consumerism. Wanting more, no matter how much you have. Obsessing on your account balance. Suffering from hypochondria. Consuming blessings without expressing gratitude. Taking what you want without concern for the needs of others."}, "Correspondences": {"Story": "At the last minute, the Main Character stumbles on a resource that will enable him or her to triumph.", "Numerology": "1 (The Origin: the starting point, the seed, opportunity)", "Elemental": "Fire of Air.", "Affirmation": "\"I am open to and thankful for my blessings.\"", "Personality": "The King of Swords can represent anyone who tends to control or seek to control (King) intellectual and verbal responses (Swords). The King may also represent the tendency to be more blunt than diplomatic, or the need to bring something to a conclusion once and for all.", "Astrology": "Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo"}, "Keywords": ["Genius, expertise, decision, verdict", "Health, wealth, practicality, receiving"], "Symbols and Insights": {"Coins as Symbols": "As a suit marker, Coins suggest practicality and physicality. Their domain extends beyond money and finance to all physical things, including the human body. Coins explore your attitude toward resources of all kinds: what you've been given, and what you do with it.", "The Nature of the Ace": "Compressed into the Ace are all the qualities of all the other cards of the suit. In this way, the Ace can be said to be the \"root\" or \"seed\" of its associated element. How might your situation contain the seeds of physical growth or financial prosperity?", "Your First Impressions": "When you see the Ace, what's your first impression? Is the Coin in a display case, elaborately decorated but out of reach? Is it being offered ... or taken away? Will the Hand of God freely give it ... or snatch it from your grasp? If you take this Coin, how long before you get another?", "The Marseilles Image": "The Marseilles King of Swords is composed and alert, maintaining a posture of readiness. He can be seen as a reminder that paying attention is half of solving any problem. Watch the actions of those around you. Weigh their statements carefully. Review records. With a holistic picture in hand, you'll make a better decision.", "Thoughtful Bravery": "How comfortable are you with the fact that not everyone may support or applaud your decisions? How willing are you to make decisions that alienate some people?", "The Airy Throne": "To emphasize the airiness of this suit, the throne of the King of Swords may be decorated with flying creatures \u00c9 or, in some decks, may hover in space. Air's qualities include logic and communication. How might these qualities be deployed to improve your situation?", "Pentacles": "In RWS-influenced decks, Coins are often called Pentacles. A pentacle's design (with the upright star in the middle) reminds us that physical blessings, from possessions to our bodies, are to be used for higher purposes. In your own life, how often do you focus on \"the star in the coin?\"", "Solomon Enthroned": "The gravity and wisdom of this King are unmistakable\u00d1he is an incarnation of Solomon, who ruthlessly applied logic in order to render wise decisions. In your own situation, should you rely more on logic or wisdom? What might happen if you blended the two?", "The Hand of God": "On RWS-inspired decks, a heavenly hand extends from the clouds, offering the viewer the suit's distinctive marker. When opportunity comes your way, take advantage of it; the hand that extends an offer can always withdraw it."}}, "Trump 14: Temperance": {"Keywords": ["Blending, synthesis, mediation, combination, harmony"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Set superficial relationships aside. Pursue trust and deep intimacy\u00d1the subtle blending of two people into one. Bring people together. Commit to introductions, parties, or gatherings. Seek out groups.", "Fortune Telling": "Someone's using drugs or alcohol to excess. It's time to get back on that diet.", "Work": "Many hands make work easier. Call meetings. Get input from every level at every step. If everyone has a hand in defining an effort, then everyone will feel ownership and investment. Moderate your tendency toward all-or-nothing work habits.", "When": "Between November 22 and December 21", "Spirituality": "Some spiritual advisors recommend extreme practices, from fasting to abstinence, as a means of boosting spiritual awareness. Consider the potential value of moderation in all things. You can value what is right here, right now, without craving more or surpassing healthy limits.", "Personal Growth": "Young people want to toss out tradition and forge ahead. Older people are more conservative. Between these extremes lies a healthier middle ground. Define the polarities and then ask, \"What lies between?\""}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The square and triangle": "In many RWS-inspired decks, a symbol on the angel's chest suggests the fiery spirit enshrined in stable matter. What meaning do your possessions have beyond their physical value?", "The blended cups": "Temperance often pours the contents of two cups together, blending water, water and wine, wine and milk, or even fire and water. How might blending two opposites resolve your challenge today?", "Land and water": "Occult decks frequently draw Temperance with one foot on stable land and one foot in emotional water. A dive-in-or-get-off-the-dock approach assumes extremes are the only options. Are they?", "Irises": "The flowers seen in RWS-inspired illustrations suggest their namesake, Iris, the goddess of the rainbow. What would happen if you reduced your situation to its most basic components, as a rainbow breaks down white light?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "The angel seen here may be the goddess Iris. By extension, priests, priesthoods, or the transfigured Christ.", "Story": "The main character learns to moderate impulses or habits that limit his or her ability to solve the story's central problem.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Sagittarius", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Samekh/Foundation/60", "Numbers": "14 = 1 + 4 = 5 (catalyst, instability, confrontation)", "Archetype": "The Mediator"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Bringing opposites together. Moderating your actions or emotions. Finding middle ground. Reaching compromises. Synthesizing solutions that please everyone involved. Using the old to make something new.", "Shadow": "Going to extremes. Disrupting group efforts. Ignoring healthy approaches to life. Becoming an addict. Practicing gluttony. Tearing something or someone apart. Breaking alliances."}}, "Four of Coins": {"Keywords": ["Protection, conservation, preservation, safety"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Seek balance in both physical and financial matters. Too much spending and too much sex leave everyone feeling exhausted and dazed. Too little spending and too little sex starve the soul, making everyone bitter. The healthier the relationship, the more generous the spirits of those involved.", "Fortune Telling": "A rainy day is coming\u00d1it's time to save.", "Work": "Conservation makes sense\u00d1and can keep an effort afloat, even in difficult times. Taken to extremes, though, short-sighted savings can alienate customers and shatter opportunities. Every short-cut and every opportunity to save has a cost. Be sure your approach is appropriate for the time.", "Spirituality": "A stingy spirit hampers growth. You simply cannot give more than the Universe can return! Let love, compassion, and interest in others flow freely. Share insights and personal stories. Open yourself to new experiences, new companions, and new points of view. Review your charitable contributions; is it possible to give more?", "When? Between January 10th and 19th": "", "Personal Growth": "A mature person elects to be responsible for both the body and the bottom line. Try to understand better how your actions impact both your health and your wealth. Rather than obsess on restriction, think in terms of your goal. With it in mind, what actions are appropriate?"}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "Four Coins surround an official seal. In your situation, what do the \"authorities\" have to say about your physical or financial situation? Are their verdicts designed to protect you\u00d1or their own authority?", "Resisting Change": "Sometimes we\u00d5re so intent on preserving what we have, we miss opportunities to have more. How might a blind dedication to protection be limiting your life?", "Reaching Limits": "It's possible to acquire so much, you render yourself incapable of receiving anything more. By letting something go you no longer need, you might open the door for new blessings.", "The Stingy King": "By definition, the King owns it all; on many RWS-influenced cards, we see a ruler who takes this idea to extremes. His possessions are (literally) on his mind and close to his heart; they also anchor his feet to the ground. How might greed or stinginess be distorting your perspective today?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "4 (The Status Quo: stability, equality, persistence)", "Story": "The Main Character must carefully manage a resource\u00d1time, money, people\u00d1in order to succeed.", "Affirmation": "\"I use my resources wisely.\"", "Astrology": "Sun in Capricorn"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Saving for a rainy day. Fasting as part of a spiritual practice. Dieting in an effort to improve your body. Abstaining from sex as a way of honoring a spiritual tradition or personal promise. Being financially conservative. Establishing a trust fund. Opening a savings account.", "Shadow": "Being stingy. Refusing to spend money that needs to be spent. Withholding sex from your partner. Taking care of your own needs exclusively, without regard for the needs of others. Spending a dollar to save a penny. Failing to be a good manager of the blessings you've been given."}}, "Two of Swords": {"Keywords": ["Denial, debate, impasse, truce"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "You may be in denial; if so, you're only fooling yourself. You serve your own best interests by seeing things as they really are. Stop avoiding unpleasant confrontations. An honest disagreement is better than a false peace.", "Fortune Telling": "Sometimes, the only way to win is to refuse to fight. You're stuck for now; let time pass before taking action.", "Work": "Consider all the facts before making your decision. Once you've made your decision, be prepared to defend it with well-reasoned arguments. If others continue to reject your counsel, be aware that you may have to let go, sit back, and let time prove that you were right, after all.", "Spirituality": "Spiritual maturity demands we see ourselves as we really are\u00d1and love ourselves in spite of our shortcomings. Rather than debate whether or not you're \"good enough,\" be thankful for the progress you've made thus far. Avoid beating yourself up with high-minded standards of perfection.", "Personal Growth": "What are you avoiding? Growth awaits the souls brave enough to cast aside blindfolds and see the situation for what it really is. Get past this personal stalemate by taking time to think clearly about what you want and where you're going.", "When? Between September 23rd and October 2nd": ""}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Blindfold": "In your situation, is there value in not knowing certain things? Should some information be repressed or ignored?", "The Crescent Moon": "Many versions of this card depict a sky punctuated by a crescent moon\u00d1a symbol for receptivity and cyclical change. What would happen if you took a \"wait and see\" approach to your current dilemma? How might your situation change over time?", "The Blindfolded Figure": "In RWS-inspired decks, we frequently see a blindfolded woman grasping two broadswords. Set apart from the waters of intuition, she is depending solely on logic to make a difficult decision. To what extent are your own decisions informed by logic? By emotion?", "Different Ways of Thinking": "In your situation, is it more important to think fast or to deliberate slowly? How can you declare a truce between frenzied thoughts and the need to think carefully? Could meditation help find an answer?", "The Marseilles Image": "The curved blades on the Two of Swords are hardly recognizable to modern eyes. They are crossed (suggesting conflict); between them, an elaborate flower blooms (suggesting growth). Faced with two options? Try evaluating each option in terms of the growth you'll experience, should you adopt it."}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "2 (The Other: duality, division, debate)", "Story": "The Main Character must defend his or her decisions. Alternatively, the Main Character rejects critical information and makes a bad decision.", "Affirmation": "\"I strive to see all sides of every issue.\"", "Astrology": "Moon in Libra"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Refusing to make a decision without getting the facts. Exploring both sides of an argument. Arguing passionately for what you believe in. Weighing the issues. Encouraging the open exchange of ideas. Discussing political or religious issues without getting \"hot under the collar.\"", "Shadow": "Rejecting evidence that conflicts with dearly-held beliefs. Arguing with others just for the sake of doing so. Nit-picking. Putting off a decision because you're afraid to face the consequences. Preventing others from getting the information they need to make good decisions."}}, "Nine of Cups": {"Keywords": ["Satisfaction, sensuality, luxury, pleasure"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Appreciate what you have. When things are good, it's easy to take someone for granted. Today, emphasize the ways your friendships and relationships are working for you. What's working? What's comforting? What do you have to smile about?", "Fortune Telling": "Whatever you want, you'll get it.", "When? March 1st through 10th": "", "Work": "Who should your work satisfy? What are the criteria used to evaluate your work's completeness? Knowing the answer to these questions is the key to success. Resist the urge to revise and revise; know when to be happy with your best effort.", "Spirituality": "Finding your center\u00d1a still point, a place of peace insulated from outer disturbances\u00d1will help you maintain an enlightened perspective. When pressured or rushed, remember to breathe. Pause, retreat, withdraw. Allow your spiritual discipline to yield practical results.", "Personal Growth": "A life of constant luxury breeds dullness. Learn when to push back; you can be satisfied with less than you think. With a little restraint in place, you'll be better equipped to enjoy real luxury when the time for indulgence comes."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "Strong emotions (represented by the nine Cups) have all but crowded out opportunities for growth and prosperity. To what extent do your emotional responses support your goals? How might they interfere with your achievement of satisfaction?", "The Happy Merchant": "The RWS-inspired merchant sits in front of a raised and curtained platform, looking as happy as he can be. The Gilded Tarot's wine maker is \"in his cups,\" merry as ever. What outcome would delight you? How can you make that outcome more likely?", "The Life of Leisure": "In the Blue 9, we see a picture of total relaxation: an escape from the worries and cares of the world. What steps would you have to take in order to experience this kind of peace? Do you know what it would take to satisfy you completely?", "What's behind the Curtain? The curtained shelf on RWS-inspired cards prompts much speculation": "What's the merchant hiding? And to what extent is that secret responsible for his apparent satisfaction? In your situation, what information is being hidden or repressed in order to maintain false happiness?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "9 (The Completion: fullness, readiness, ripeness)", "Story": "The Main Character expresses supreme confidence. Alternatively, the Main Character completes a task, but is denied the promised payment.", "Affirmation": "\"I have everything I need to be happy.\"", "Astrology": "Jupiter in Pisces"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Being delighted with your own achievements. Recognizing your own talents and abilities. Reveling in the good things life has to offer. Indulging yourself. Relaxing and unwinding. Having everything you need in order to feel complete.", "Shadow": "Being smug. Satisfying yourself at the expense of others. Being selfish. Over-indulging. Avoiding work that needs to be done. Claiming achievements or skills you do not possess. Never being satisfied, no matter how much you have."}}, "Two of Coins": {"Keywords": ["Evaluation, decision, budgeting, diagnosis"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "What does this relationship cost you? If this relationship were an investment, how profitable would it be? This card extends an invitation to consider the pros and cons of your relationship. Before taking action, consider what you have to gain ... and what you have to lose.", "Fortune Telling": "It's time to balance the budget. Avoid the temptation to spend critical funds on frivolous goods.", "Work": "How well do you balance demands of work and life? Remember: you should be working to live, not living to work. If the job is dominating your schedule, press back. If unfettered playtime is ruining your productivity, sober yourself by tallying up the time and money lost to distractions.", "When? Between December 22nd and 30th": "", "Spirituality": "Of the many options you have for service, which will ultimately do everyone the most good? Identify your skills and talents, and use these as a means of illuminating your own best contribution. Pair your resources with those of other, like-minded people and get twice as much done in half the time.", "Personal Growth": "Be aware of how you determine value. What matters? What doesn't? Before you can answer these questions, you must have a firm grip on your own value system. Making a choice becomes infinitely easier when you have a firm grip on what you value and why."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "In antique decks, the two Coins on this card are often encircled by a ribbon imprinted with the publisher's name and the date of publication. How might your decision be impacted by investigating who created this situation ... and when?", "The Juggling Man": "In RWS-inspired decks, a juggler carefully balances two Coins joined by a lemniscate (or \"infinity symbol\"). The world offers us infinite options; the choices we make are a result of weighing each option against our personal value system. What are your values? What action would they dictate today?", "Uncertain Seas, Distant Cities": "In some versions of this card, we see a rolling, unstable sea in the background\u00d1a sign the juggler's emotions are stirred as he struggles to \"get a grip\" on his dilemma. In other versions, we see a distant town, suggesting pressure to make a decision that conforms to the expectations of friends, family, and community. Would your decision be easier if you excluded emotional factors? How might your decision differ if you could make it without incurring the disapproval of others?", "Resource Management": "What course of action best suits your long-term goals? In your situation, what happens if you ask for help? What happens if you do what you can do without asking for additional resources?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "2 (The Other: duality, division, debate)", "Story": "The Main Character weighs the impact his or her course of action will have on everyone involved.", "Affirmation": "\"Before taking action, I consider costs.\"", "Astrology": "Jupiter in Capricorn"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Weighing options. Comparing prices. Determining the value of one option over another. Juggling resources to make ends meet. Making difficult choices based on what's best for your body or your bankbook. Looking at the bottom line. Asking for a second opinion on health issues.", "Shadow": "Engaging in endless price comparison. Putting off a buying decision for fear of finding a slightly better value later on. Buying something without regard for value. Breaking your budget with unnecessary expenses. Engaging in behavior with no regard for how your body or bankbook will be impacted."}}, "Trump 15: The Devil": {"Keywords": ["Shadow, materialism, bondage, delusion"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Avoid the temptation to blame everything on everyone else; own your own contribution to the relationship's success or failure. Doing what feels good is not always the best strategy. Take care that sexual attraction plays a healthy role; resist the tendency to be dominated by cravings.", "Fortune Telling": "Adultery and unfaithfulness. A string of extremely bad luck is coming your way. Beware evil influences and wolves in sheep's clothing.", "Work": "The bottom line is important, but not all-important. Do not allow material concerns to obscure human issues. There's nothing wrong with enjoying or being compensated for good work\u00d1but keep the money in perspective. Know when to say, \"Enough's enough.\"", "When": "Between December 22 and January 19", "Spirituality": "Many traditions position the body as bad or evil, something unclean. In your own spiritual practice, consider the wisdom of relishing the body and its spectrum of sensations. You can honor the pleasures of the body without being enslaved by them.", "Personal Growth": "Be honest: what habit or attitude holds you back most? You might find that the qualities you most detest in others are, in fact, reflections of your darkest self. Rather than be chained to old attitudes or habits, embrace your shortcomings and strive to make more conscious choices."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The beast": "The Marseilles Devil incorporates bat wings and sexual features. The RWS Devil, influenced by Pan and associations with Capricorn, is more bestial and fearsome. The Gilded Tarot emphasizes the attractiveness of the Devil; the Bright Idea Deck suggests that the Shadow is, in fact, within. Which plays the greatest role in your challenge: fear, attraction, or denial?", "Prisoners and chains": "The Devil is accompanied by fauns \u00d1 mythical half-goats whose horns and tails emphasize their bestial nature. Their fascination with the material prevents them from stepping away from the loose chains around their necks. Might someone in your situation need to escape the influence of his or her basest instincts?", "The hermaphrodite": "The Devil is often drawn as a hermaphrodite\u00d1a dark parody of the unity associated with enlightenment and divinity. How might false unity or misrepresented loyalty play a role in your situation?", "Flames": "Flames appear on the tip of the male faun's tail in the RWS. What all-consuming obsession or passion plays a role in your situation?", "The pentagram": "Upright, the pentagram is associated with the five points of the human body. Inverted, it suggests the head (the intellect) has been conquered by desire. In your situation, are you being led by your conscience or your cravings?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "The Biblical Satan, certainly. Fallen angels, including Lucifer. Bacchus and Pan. Tempters and serpents of every stripe.", "Story": "The main character comes face to face with his or her adversary. Alternatively, the main character realizes that his or her own perceptions or actions are the cause of the story's primary problem.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Capricorn", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Ayin/Eye/70", "Numbers": "15 = 1 + 5 = 6 (adjustment, collaboration)", "Archetype": "The Shadow, The Other"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Appreciating the luxuries that life has to offer. Being comfortable in your own skin. Enjoying your sexuality. Splurging on an expensive personal item. Embracing the fact that everyone has a darker side. Dealing with unhealthy impulses in healthy ways.", "Shadow": "Putting excessive emphasis on appearances. Always wanting more. Valuing possessions more than people or relationships. Allowing base instincts to govern your life. Being selfish. Attributing your own dark impulses to outside forces or other people."}}, "Trump 0: The Fool": {"Keywords": ["Freedom, faith, inexperience, innocence"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "There's a reason we say we \"fall\" in love! Each new romance makes us as giddy as a total beginner. Don't allow old habits to smother opportunities for growth. You can break rules without resorting to rash action\u00d1and you don't have to be in control all the time.", "When? Unexpectedly, if at all": "", "Fortune Telling": "Watch for new projects and new beginnings. Prepare to take something on faith. Something new comes your way; go for it.", "Work": "Leap over limits. Don't waver; now's the time to jump, even if you don't have all the facts in hand. Remember that once, every new direction was just another crazy idea. Be prepared, though. Later, your results will determine whether others deem you clever or crazy.", "Spirituality": "You are old and young, wise and inexperienced. Life is a cycle of cycles; find your place in the dance and start dancing. Reinvention is the key to transformation. See who you are, but acknowledge, too, the person you can be. Grace abounds; embrace it. Consider Zen meditation.", "Personal Growth": "Without falling for every scheme that comes your way, you can cultivate an openness to life. What are your limits? What boundaries define you? What might happen if you step outside those definitions? With eyes wide open, expand your world today."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Beggar": "While later Fools are fresh-faced characters cavorting on cliffs, earlier incarnations were beggars\u00d1the lowliest of the low, according to the Renaissance world view. How capable are you of embracing everyone, regardless of their social status?", "The Jester": "In the royal court, the jester's wit bought indulgence for his sharp-tongued commentary. As a result, he could say what the king (and others) could not. How might his strategy work for you?", "Possessions": "The RWS Fool carries a bag or wallet, presumably filled with lessons from a previous life. He may carry a white rose (innocence) or a red rose (will). How might your experience, or lack thereof, be the key to your situation?", "The Cliff": "The Fool is often shown just one footfall short of a tumble; in other decks, he is suspended in space. In your situation, what works best: your feet on the ground or head in the clouds?", "The Animal Familiar": "In different decks, different animals accompany the Fool. In the RWS, we see dog, the symbol of loyalty and instinct. In the Thoth deck, we see an entire menagerie, including a crocodile (the reptilian brain) and a tiger (violent instinct). Which quality suits you best today?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "Adam before the fall. Christ as a wandering holy madman. Deity wrapped in human flesh. The Holy Spirit.", "Story": "The Main Character as the story begins, unaware of complications to come.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Air", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Aleph/Ox/1", "Numbers": "0 (off the scale; pure potential)", "Archetype": "The Divine Madman"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Freeing yourself from limitation. Expressing joy and youthful vigor. Being open-minded. Taking a leap of faith. Attuning yourself to your instincts. Being eager or curious. Exploring your potential. Embracing innovation and change.", "Shadow": "Being gullible and naive. Taking unnecessary risks. Failing to be serious when required. Being silly or distracted. Lacking experience. Failing to honor well-established traditions and limits. Behaving inappropriately."}}, "Five of Coins": {"Keywords": ["Poverty, destitution, need, crisis"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "No matter how much is given, some people never feel they have enough. A relationship that drains your wallet and spirit may prove too expensive to maintain in the long run. If you accept offers of aid from loved ones, be sure you define and stick to the terms of repayment, or be prepared to lose the relationship.", "Fortune Telling": "Finances are getting tighter. Prepare for a setback.", "Work": "Too few customers. Too few innovations. Too few resources. All too often, we focus on what we lack. Turn this around by taking a fresh look at the resources you do have. Watch for offers of help. Consider mergers and partnerships. Rather than focus on the deficits, consider what could be.", "When? Between April 21st and 30th": "", "Spirituality": "Faith can turn trial into triumph. Rather than give in to a depletion of spirit, turn to your faith for support. Turn a difficult situation over to your higher power. Pray for guidance. Be bold: ask the Universe for what you really need. The response may surprise you.", "Personal Growth": "Whining achieves nothing. If the situation is unbearable, it's time to define exactly what resources you have on hand and what needs are critical. Prioritize! By focusing on what you can actually do, you'll avoid the trap of self-pity and depression."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Distractions of a Crisis": "When things are going wrong, strong emotions can interfere with making practical choices. To what extent might strong emotions be blinding you to quick and easy solutions?", "The Stained-Glass Window": "Many versions of this card depict a stained-glass window\u00d1which, by association, suggests a church. What organizations could come to your aid? What groups of people might leap at the chance to be involved in your situation? What keeps you from approaching them?", "The Destitute Figures": "The pitiful people on many RWS-inspired versions of this card are in dire straits indeed. Starving, freezing, and wounded in both body and spirit ... they limp right past an opportunity for aid. When feeling down, don't forget to look up.", "The Marseilles Image": "Four Coins, entwined with vines, surround and isolate a fifth. The central Coin, isolated from the others, cannot benefit from the resources they represent. How does isolation figure in your situation? How might your situation be enriched by reaching out to others?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "5 (The Catalyst: instability, resistance, confrontation)", "Story": "The Main Character refuses to see how he or she can be aided by others.", "Affirmation": "\"I have faith that what I need will appear.\"", "Astrology": "Mercury in Taurus"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Recognizing your needs and taking action to fulfill them. Doing as much as you can do with what little you have. Admitting you need help. Embracing the aid that comes your way. Focusing on what you have versus what you don't. Looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.", "Shadow": "Exaggerating your financial or physical needs. Adopting a poverty mentality. Refusing to support yourself. Refusing offers of support. Playing the martyr. Turning down opportunities to improve your health or finances. Wallowing in misery."}}, "Queen of Wands": {"Keywords": ["Attention, attraction, unification, collaboration"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Pull together a group of friends and organize a group date. If in an argument, make a special effort to see all sides. Refrain from thinking the issue at hand is \"all about you.\" Understand the motives of everyone involved, then go for common ground.", "When? Between March 11th and April 20th": "", "Fortune Telling": "This card represents a woman with an attractive, appealing personality, likely born between March 11th and April 20th, who wants to charm you into doing things her way.", "Work": "Progress is complicated by a lack of attention to details. Start from square one. Ask everyone involved to give a stamp of approval to the parts of a project they control. Get more people involved, and more people will be invested in the success of your project.", "Spirituality": "A quiet mind is a sign of a focused spirit. When you're feeling distracted, your spirit is pulled in every direction; when you're focused, your energies flow naturally toward success. Take a deep breath, close your door, and invest a few minutes in calming yourself and your soul.", "Personal Growth": "When you give someone your full and undivided attention, you give a rare and amazing gift. If you cultivate an ability to truly listen and respond, others will identify you as an intelligent, sensitive person they can trust with matters of real importance."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Black Cat": "The black cat on RWS-inspired versions of this card is a familiar, an animal helper sent to guard, assist, and protect. Having a \"familiar\"\u00d1an aide or openly or covertly embraces your ideology\u00d1in a group can help you steer participants toward agreement.", "Sunflowers": "Sunflowers twist on their stems, following the course of the Sun through the sky. Are they devoting exclusive attention to the Sun, or does its light and warmth merely distract them from the world around them?", "Biases and Agendas": "When pushed to cast your vote, be sure to know the biases and agendas of those who guide your collaborative efforts.", "The Marseilles Image": "The Marseilles Queen of Wands looks sharply away, slouching in her throne -- the picture of pure distraction. Still, her Wand is held at the ready. Should our attention wander from her, she's liable to offer a gentle tap of correction."}, "Correspondences": {"Story": "The Main Character must persuade others to follow his or her lead.", "Affirmation": "\"I use my influence to promote unity.\"", "Elemental": "Water of Fire.", "Personality": "The Queen of Wands can represent anyone who wants to convince others (Queen) to pursue a common goal (Wands), especially in academic, romantic, and professional areas of life. The Queen may also represent the tendency to be more manipulative than direct or the need to capture the attention of others."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Paying close attention. Helping others focus on the issue at hand. Getting everyone to work together. Identifying common ground. Bringing people together, despite their differences. Using reverse psychology.", "Shadow": "Being distracted, or using your charms or skills to distract others from the goal. Calling attention to yourself with negative or unhealthy behaviors. Disrupting group activities as a means of feeding your own ego."}}, "King of Wands": {"Advice": {"Relationships": "This is an opportunity to set logic aside and allow actions to be guided by feelings alone. Irrational? Perhaps. But in certain matters, logic does not apply. Be romantic. Be spiritual. This moment is a chance to see romance as an expression of spirituality, and vice-versa.", "Fortune Telling": "Romance is in the cards! A new relationship or marriage is just around the corner. Prayers are answered.", "Work": "How fulfilling is your work? If you're going through the motions, this card challenges you to get back in touch with what delights you. Find a way to integrate your labor with your dreams. If you're already fulfilled, watch for an opportunity to take your satisfaction to the next level.", "When? In the Summer": "", "Spirituality": "On rare occasions, Heaven opens, and the Hand of God offers us the opportunity to experience unexpected spiritual highs. Pay close attention to the events around you; one is a seed\u00d1an opportunity to be uniquely and totally immersed in the work and power of Spirit.", "When? Between November 13th and December 12th": "", "Personal Growth": "How comfortable are you with expressions of emotion? Of faith? This card challenges you to be more open with both. A centered person freely shares what he or she feels, and a truly spiritual person can share his or her faith in natural, non-aggressive ways. Give both a try."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Trusting your feelings. Opening yourself to spirit. Accepting and returning affection. Getting in touch with what motivates you. Taking advantage of an opportunity to express love to others. Listening to the still, small voice.", "Shadow": "Hiding your feelings. Spurning an opportunity to love or be loved. Numbing yourself to spiritual yearnings. Rejecting the counsel of your heart. Becoming a puppet of your own emotions. Indulging in hysteria or obsession."}, "Ace of Cups": [""], "Correspondences": {"Story": "The Main Character meets a love interest or discovers his or her true calling.", "Numerology": "1 (The Origin: the starting point, the seed, opportunity)", "Elemental": "Fire of Fire.", "Affirmation": "\"I listen to the counsel of my heart.\"", "Personality": "The King of Wands can represent anyone who wants to oversee or take control of (King) a situation (Wands), especially in academic, romantic, and professional areas of life. The King may also represent the tendency to be more authoritative than cooperative or the need to control the actions of others.", "Astrology": "Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces"}, "Keywords": ["Creativity, ingenuity, achievement, direction", "Intuition, spirituality, affection, motivation"], "Symbols and Insights": {"Cups as Symbols": "As a suit marker, Cups suggest receptivity: they are vessels, waiting to be filled. Cups have long been associated with divination (remember the uproar caused when Benjamin stole King Joseph's cup?) and, by extension, intuition. How can you enhance your own receptivity?", "The Nature of the Ace": "Compressed into the Ace are all the qualities of all the other cards of the suit. In this way, the Ace can be said to be the \"root\" or \"seed\" of its associated element. How might your situation contain the seeds of emotional or spiritual growth?", "The Holy Grail": "The RWS depicts the chalice as the Grail\u00d1the cup of the Christ. In addition to the spiritual connotations of the Grail, this card (like the Grail) can be connected with the Divine Feminine. What would your spiritual quest be? What hidden truths should you pursue?", "The Posture of Authority": "The posture of the King of Wands is generally relaxed, but authoritative. He often sits with legs apart, suggesting sexual dominance. There's a lesson here: half of being confident is acting confident.", "The Marseilles Image": "The Marseilles King of Wands looks positively splendid with his wide-brimmed crown, epaulets, and gleaming armor. He is the picture of confident command. His demeanor may hold the key to your situation. What would happen if you were to lead while clearly expecting others to follow?", "Your First Impressions": "When you see the Ace, what's your first impression? What will the cup contain? What actions are you expected to take?", "Power vs": "Preparedness. Many are eager for power and authority, but few are prepared to accept the consequences of absolute power. Are you?", "The Lion and Salamander": "The Lion, often seen on the throne of RWS-inspired versions of this card, has long been a symbol of royalty. The lowly salamander was once thought to be born in fire and capable of passing through flame without injury. In your situation, who is trying to appear impervious to attack? Why?", "The Hand of God": "On the Aces in Marseilles and RWS-inspired decks, a heavenly hand extends from the clouds, offering the viewer the suit's distinctive marker. When opportunity comes your way, take advantage of it; the hand that extends an offer can always withdraw it."}}, "Nine of Swords": {"Keywords": ["Remorse, worry, distraught, conclusion"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Comparing your current relationship to past or fantasy relationships is a formula for discontent and depression. Rather than wring your hands, say what's on your mind. Don't allow your past mistakes to smother your delight in the present.", "Fortune Telling": "If you take the action you're considering now, you'll be sorry in the future.", "When? Between June 1st and 10th": "", "Work": "The blame game can gobble up unlimited hours and energy; don't play it. Review errors only with an eye toward improving future performance. Instead of dwelling on missed opportunities, define what must be done to create new ones.", "Spirituality": "Everyone has regrets. Rather than be strangled by them, use your regrets as a means of enhancing empathy for others. Understanding that we've all made mistakes can help us remember to cut everyone a little slack. Use your pain to gain insight into the pain others feel.", "Personal Growth": "Worry wastes energy. If something happens, it happens; the energy expended on worry won't change a thing. Do what you can do, and let the Universe handle the rest. Maturity dictates letting go of unhealthy obsessions and learning to be happy with the here and now."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "The ninth Sword appears: stunted and blunted. Its decisive blade is trapped, interlaced with eight other blades, useless. There is a point at which logic and questions are no longer useful; pressing beyond this point does nothing but trap us. Perhaps it's time for you to shift from action?", "The Rack of Swords": "In the RWS, the Swords in this card point forward, suggesting a dread of future events. If you pause to define exactly what you fear, you may find that you diminish that fear's ability to rob you of a good night's sleep.", "Finding an Answer": "Logic has taken you as far as it can; beyond this point, all you can do is call into question (and devalue) the good work you\u00d5ve done. It may well be time for you to make a choice\u00d1and stick with it!", "The Distraught Figure": "In illustrations for this card, postures of agony abound. Consider how your inner emotions are shaping your posture (and, by extension, your approach to life.) How might a change in posture elicit a change in your circumstances?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "9 (The Completion: fullness, readiness, ripeness)", "Story": "The Main Character agonizes over a past mistake.", "Affirmation": "\"I do not worry about what I cannot control.\"", "Astrology": "Mars in Gemini"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Refusing to worry about what you cannot control. Rejecting anxiety. Judging your own performance with kindness and gentleness. Using meditation to quiet a troubled mind. Confronting nightmares and fears. Drawing a conclusion and putting an issue out of your mind.", "Shadow": "Torturing yourself with regrets. Second-guessing your every move. Beating yourself up for your mistakes. Depression. Obsessing on errors and overlooked details. Refusing to handle stress in healthy ways. Ruining your ability to appreciate the present by dwelling on the past. Debating irreversible decisions."}}, "Knight of Cups": {"Keywords": ["Fervor, zeal, moodiness, illumination"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "A desire for a Hollywood-style romance may blunt your ability to appreciate the value of everyday, garden-variety love. There's a fine line between passion and obsession; if your relationship leaves you upset and exhausted, consider other options.", "Fortune Telling": "This card represents a man with an emotional, sensitive personality, likely born between October 13th and November 11th, who wants you to rally around his latest passionate cause.", "Work": "Beware initiatives designed to do little more than stir everyone's emotions. Keep your own feelings in check, and don't hesitate to ask for details. Decisions may require more than the facts. What do your wisest advisors feel about your options?", "Spirituality": "Spirituality may incorporate extremes (speaking in tongues, intense rituals), but more modest spiritual experiences are also valid. Strive to find Spirit in everyday actions. When you do, the smallest gestures take on the aura of ministry.", "Personal Growth": "Temper your inclination to be driven to extremes. Love can be passionate without overwhelming you. Spirituality can be deep without becoming bizarre. In all things, seek the balance of the middle ground.", "When? Between October 13th and November 11th": ""}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Cup Held Aloft": "The Knight of Cups is frequently drawn with a cup held aloft\u00d1or, at least, carried reverently. Emotions are powerful; they must be treated with the utmost care. If we fail to take proper precautions, emotions will overrun our lives, drenching us in obsession and over-reaction.", "The Marseilles Image": "The Marseilles Knight of Cups regards his Cup with trepidation, as though terrified of spilling a single precious drop from the Grail. Even his horse is on tip-toe! To what extent are you \"tip-toeing\" around in an effort to avoid heated confrontation?", "Intuition and Illumination": "When emotion and spirituality are combined, we become enlightened, discovering a new way of thinking, seeing, and acting. That transcendence may not be appreciated by those who feel their own light is dimmed by your personal brilliance.", "The Animal's Attitude": "In RWS-inspired versions of this card, the Knight's steed looks almost contemplative. But Knights, by nature embody extremes. In times of extreme emotion, are you reflective...or berserk?"}, "Correspondences": {"Story": "Prompted by strong emotion, the Main Character launches into action.", "Affirmation": "\"I translate my passions into actions.\"", "Elemental": "Air of Water.", "Personality": "The Knight of Cups can represent anyone who wants to lead the way (Knight) to stronger emotions and deeper spiritual understanding (Cups). The Knight may also represent the tendency to be more emotional than reasonable, or an urgent desire to experience spiritual or emotional extremes."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Being deeply committed to a cause. Giving in to strong emotions, from excitement to depression. Acting on intuition alone. Solving problems intuitively. Believing in and basing decisions on ideals instead of realities. Bringing intuition or passion to the table.", "Shadow": "Becoming a fanatic. Rejecting information that suggests your intuitions are misguided. Allowing your emotions to control you. Giving in to jealousy, confrontation, and peer pressure. Hiding or ignoring intuitive insights."}}, "Four of Swords": {"Keywords": ["Meditation, contemplation, perspective, mindset"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Taking a break from each other might restore some perspective. Rather than over-analyze everything, clear your mind and take things at face value for once. If you can't achieve peace together, there's no shame in saying you need a rest.", "Fortune Telling": "Don't make any decision now. Wait, and you'll be glad you did.", "Work": "Running at top speed all the time wears down the most capable individuals. Insist on time to recharge your creative batteries. On even the most hectic days, steal ten minutes to be still and disconnect. See time off as an investment in maintaining your sharp edge.", "Spirituality": "Withdrawal from the world can help you achieve remarkable perspective. Schedule time for quiet contemplation. Rather than ponder solutions, just breathe\u00d1and let Spirit sort things out.", "When? Between October 13th and 22nd": "", "Personal Growth": "A mature person knows the value of stillness. Before taking action, set aside time to simply be. Associate calmness and focus with specific postures or breathing patterns, and you'll be able to summon a clear state of mind on demand."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Quiet Thoughts": "Quiet time can be used for research and personal growth, enhancing the work you do when more physically active.", "The Marseilles Image": "The curved blades form a protective barrier in which a new blossom can flourish. How might a retreat or a withdrawal provide you with a protected space in which to grow?", "The Still Figure": "On the original RWS cards, the figure of the sleeping knight is easily mistaken for a decorative touch on a stone sarcophagus. Or, perhaps, he\u00d5s asleep -- but with one Sword at the ready, just in case. The message? Even in rest, be prepared for action.", "Three and One": "The three Swords remaining on the wall suggest the knight's rest is a deliberate one\u00d1a course of action deliberately chosen. The single Sword in hand suggests opportunity. What opportunities might open for you if you made a conscious decision to integrate relaxation into your routine?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "4 (The Status Quo: stability, equality, persistence)", "Story": "The Main Character withdraws and spends time in quiet contemplation before taking action.", "Affirmation": "\"I think before taking action.\"", "Astrology": "Jupiter in Libra"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Thinking over your plans before putting them into action. Pausing to meditate or clear your mind. Taking time to understand someone or something before criticizing it. Resting. Occupying your thoughts with a healthy distraction.", "Shadow": "Failing to think things through. Mistaking procrastination for thoughtfulness. Adopting a point of view and refusing to reconsider your conclusions, even when presented with refuting evidence. Allowing chaos and whimsy to dominate your thoughts."}}, "Trump 9: The Hermit": {"Keywords": ["Solitude, experience, stillness, withdrawal"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Don't be afraid of being alone. Even the closest companions need some time apart. Being involved in a partnership does not eliminate your need to be your own person. To better please others, first learn how to please yourself.", "Fortune Telling": "A period of loneliness begins. One partner in a relationship departs. A search for love or money proves fruitless.", "Work": "Sometimes, you have to close the door, forward calls to voice mail, and shut down your email client to get things done. Demand the space and time you need to get your assignment done. If you're overwhelmed, consider bringing in a consultant or an experienced aid.", "When": "Between August 23 and September 22", "Spirituality": "Learn to be still. Doing so is a challenge in today's hurly-burly world, but the skill offers many benefits. Focus on meditation; condition yourself to slow your thoughts and lower your blood pressure with a few measured breaths. Daily practice will make a huge difference in the quality of your life.", "Personal Growth": "To be the best you can be, you must know who you really are. Reject the definitions others project on you. Search within. What do you really value? What do you really want to achieve? Empower yourself by embracing yourself, warts and all."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The remote setting": "The work of the Hermit requires isolation; he is usually drawn in a remote locale, emphasizing themes of withdrawal. What might happen if everyone in your situation backed off a bit?", "The robes": "The robes suggest the Hermit's status as an initiate or member of an esoteric order. Are you a member of a group that could prove helpful now?", "The raised lantern": "A raised lantern has long suggested knowledge: \"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.\" Here, the lantern shows the way to higher knowledge. What information do you need to bring to light today?", "The staff": "This incarnation of the scepter suggests a different use of power, recalling the staff of Moses. Instead of symbolizing power or intention, it facilitates progress. What support do you need today?", "The Star of David": "This hexagram is a symbol of Judaism and is also called the Seal of Solomon. It combines the symbols for water and fire, suggesting the union of male and female energies. How might faith unify those involved in your situation?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "The Christ, while fasting 40 days in the wilderness. Chronos, the god of time. Father Time. Hermes.", "Story": "On the verge of giving up, the main character withdraws, seeking clarity in isolation. He or she may receive advice from a wise person.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "Virgo", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Yod/Hand/10", "Numbers": "9 (fullness, readiness, ripeness)", "Archetype": "The Holy Man"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Becoming or seeking out a guru. Going on a retreat. Recharging spiritual or creative batteries. Lighting the way for those with less experience. Stepping back to gain perspective.", "Shadow": "Being a loner. Fearing contact with others. Becoming a know-it-all. Inflating claims of expertise. Hiding your skills and talents out of fear of unworthiness."}}, "King of Cups": {"Ace of Swords": [""], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Set your emotions aside for the moment and look at your relationship from an objective point of view. Would a judge or jury say this relationship is performing as it should? You're facing a difficult decision; make it with your head, not your heart.", "Fortune Telling": "The time to make a choice is now. Stop wavering and do what you know is best.", "Work": "Cut through emotionalism and get to the facts. In this situation, the devil's in the details. What happened and when? Slay some sacred cows, stop the blame game, and get down to brass tacks. What are the objectives? Where are you in relationship to your goals?", "Spirituality": "Your relationship with Spirit should inform all your decisions. Here's an opportunity to apply what you've learned in your inner life to decisions that impact your outer life. If you were to make this decision for someone else, what verdict would you render?", "When? Between February 9th and March 10th": "", "When? In the Fall": "", "Personal Growth": "At some point, we must go from seeking advice to making our own decisions. Gather information, draw on the experience of mentors, and get the facts...but be prepared, as a mature individual, to make decisions and own the consequences."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Making objective decisions. Applying logic. Reasoning your way out of a difficult situation. Solving puzzles. Thinking things through. Emphasizing the facts. Clearing your mind. Seeking clarity.", "Shadow": "Applying ruthless or twisted logic. Gloating over your own superior intellect. Using quick thinking to deceive or confuse others. Confusing snap judgments with quick thinking. Making decisions without thinking through consequences."}, "Correspondences": {"Story": "The Main Character must make an important decision that will determine his or her ultimate fate.", "Numerology": "1 (The Origin: the starting point, the seed, opportunity)", "Elemental": "Fire of Water.", "Affirmation": "\"I take the time to think things through.\"", "Personality": "The King of Cups can represent anyone who tends to control (King) emotional and spiritual responses (Cups). The King may also represent the tendency to be more sober than emotional, or the need to maintain order in the face of an overwhelming situation.", "Astrology": "Libra, Aquarius, Gemini"}, "Keywords": ["Wisdom, diplomacy, restraint, composure", "Logic, objectivity, intellect, choice"], "Symbols and Insights": {"Control under Pressure": "Despite the turbulent water surrounding him, the King maintains control over his feelings. How might shutting out the source of emotional noise and doubt help you make contact with what you really feel?", "The Nature of the Ace": "Compressed into the Ace are all the qualities of all the other cards of the suit. In this way, the Ace can be said to be the \"root\" or \"seed\" of its associated element. How might your situation contain the seeds of intellectual or logical growth?", "Your First Impressions": "When you see the Ace, what's your first impression? Is the Sword being offered as a gift...or wielded as a weapon? Does it point upward, to God, or downward, to Earth? Is it to heavy to bear, or something you could manage?", "Swords as Symbols": "As a suit marker, Swords suggest logic, clarity, and decision-making. Remember the story of wise King Solomon, who once offered to slice a baby in half in order to resolve a dispute over motherhood? Swords cut through confusion, revealing our agendas in the process.", "The Marseilles Image": "The Marseilles King of Cups strikes a relaxed pose; he looks almost sleepy! How might relaxing your need to control this situation help you (paradoxically) to gain better control of it?", "The Festooned Crown": "The Tarot of Marseilles and RWS-inspired decks picture the Sword topped by a festooned crown. If this decision were made by your Higher Self, freed from petty, earthly concerns, what verdict would be rendered?", "Emotional or Spiritual Focus": "What sort of mindset allows a person to remain calm in the face of an uproar? How can you keep the goal in mind, even in the midst of battle?", "The Watery Throne": "Many decks depict the King\u00d5s throne floating in water. Rather than sink into emotionalism, this King rises above it. What might happen if you elevated yourself above your conflicting emotions and saw things more clearly?", "The Hand of God": "On the Aces in Marseilles and RWS-inspired decks, a heavenly hand extends from the clouds, offering the viewer the suit's distinctive marker. When opportunity comes your way, take advantage of it; the hand that extends an offer can always withdraw it."}}, "Four of Cups": {"Keywords": ["Boredom, listlessness, lethargy, stability, ingratitude"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Without adequate attention, even the best relationships grow stale over time. Reignite the spark. Rediscover what brought you together. If on your own and unhappy about it, don't play the victim: get back in the game.", "When? Between July 12th and 21st": "", "Fortune Telling": "A lover is getting restless. Find out what he or she needs, or new opportunities may lure your partner away.", "Work": "Bored? It's time to ask for new challenges. When work fails to fulfill us, it quickly becomes drudgery. There's always plenty to do. You can shatter inertia by just getting started. Take that first step; others will follow.", "Spirituality": "Unless you tap into a fresh reservoir, your spiritual well will eventually run dry. Replenish your Spirit with a dip into new experiences: meditation, drumming, fasting. Open yourself to new possibilities.", "Personal Growth": "Boredom and ingratitude blind us to new opportunities. Don't fall into this trap! Alter your routine. Try new foods. Dress in different colors. Break the mold, and you'll never stop growing."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Extended Cup": "Remember the Ace? Here again, opportunity knocks, but we may be too distracted or dull-witted to hear it. What opportunities are you overlooking today?", "The Marseilles Image": "Four Cups anchor a flowering vine, providing stability, but also limiting further growth. What ingrained emotional responses, useful in the past, limit your personal evolution now?", "Delayed Gratification": "How might focusing on pleasure yet to come help you deal with the less attractive, less engaging responsibilities you face today?", "The Three Known Cups": "The figure in RWS-inspired decks already possesses three familiar, comforting cups. What emotional or spiritual resource are you taking for granted?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "4 (The Status Quo: stability, equality, persistence)", "Story": "For right or wrong, the Main Character refuses to re-evaluate his or her feelings about an important person or issue. Alternatively, the Main Character suffers from boredom.", "Affirmation": "\"I appreciate what I've been given.\"", "Astrology": "Moon in Cancer"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Maintaining your emotional stability. Refusing to give in to overwhelming emotions. Appreciating what you have and refusing to take it for granted. Seeing the value of long-term commitments.", "Shadow": "Being bored. Daydreaming at the expense of your work. Refusing to be engaged by opportunity. Taking people and relationships for granted. Ignoring romantic or spiritual opportunities. Spurning inspiration. Feeling everything should stay \"just like it is!\""}}, "Page of Cups": {"Keywords": ["Enthusiasm, first impressions, romanticism, superficiality"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Fools rush in. Don't mistake the heady rush of infatuation for the enduring stability of true love. Why rush? You've got plenty of time to decide what works (and doesn't work) for you. Before making commitments, learn the ropes.", "Fortune Telling": "This card represents a young man or woman with a watery, dreamy demeanor, likely born a Libra, Scorpio, or Sagittarius, who wants to start a new relationship with you.", "Work": "Be indulgent of beginners and channel their enthusiasm into useful projects. Be wary of those who overstate their skills. Keep your own skills sharp by pursuing every opportunity to be a student. Generate change by embodying enthusiasm.", "Spirituality": "Embrace a new faith. In addition to pursuing what feels right, plumb the depths. Invest time pursuing the roots of your spiritual practice. Become well-grounded in what you believe, so you'll be well-prepared to explain your practice to others.", "When? Between September 23rd and December 21st": "", "Personal Growth": "A gung-ho spirit goes a long way; be sure to pair it with due diligence. Pair your enthusiasm with practical preparation, and you'll find yourself maturing at a surprising rate."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Something Fishy": "In many decks, a playful fish peeks out of the Page's Cup. How might you recapture your own sense of wonder at the surprises served up by daily life?", "The Marseilles Image": "The Page of Cups walks stiffly, as though taking great care not to spill a single drop of his Cup's contents. His eyes are fixed on the Cup, the whole Cup, and nothing but the Cup. How might narrow focus be setting you up for a fall?", "Awkwardness and Silliness": "Most RWS-inspired cards will feature a young man in impractical attire\u00d1clothing suggesting a lack of connection with sober reality. The Page of Cups wants to play the part of the confident lover or spiritual leader, but lacks the experience required for such a role.", "Making an Impression": "Whatever you set out to do, some will be delighted and some will doubt you. Since you can't please everyone, why not abandon extreme strategies and just be yourself?"}, "Correspondences": {"Story": "The Main Character has a \"fish out of water\" experience, leaving him or her feeling uncertain and awkward.", "Affirmation": "\"I am ready to embrace love and Spirit.\"", "Elemental": "Earth of Water.", "Personality": "The Page of Wands can represent anyone who wants to or needs to learn (Page) more about love or spirituality (Cups). Though eager to make a good impression, The Page may lack the experience or information needed to handle new love or new faith with grace and confidence. He or she may overcompensate for this with over-the-top gestures and fanatical zeal."}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Showing your emotions freely. Throwing yourself into romance. Nursing a secret crush. Indulging in romantic fantasy. Starting a new relationship. Recalling your first love. Experiencing love for the first time. Converting to a new religion.", "Shadow": "Mistaking a crush for true love. Reading romantic intention into innocent action. Frantically trying to impress others. Indulging in overly-sweet sentimentality. Pretending to more romantic or spiritual experience than you possess."}}, "Trump 2: The Papess/High Priestess": {"Keywords": ["Intuition, reflection, purity, initiation"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Your heart is your best source of information now; listen to it. Set, communicate, and respect sexual limits. Don't tell everything you know; one element of attraction is mystery. Still, don't be a puzzle; communicate your needs and the reasons for them. Watch and learn.", "Fortune Telling": "A mysterious woman arrives. A sexual secret may surface. Someone knows more than he or she will reveal.", "Work": "Play your cards close to the vest. Reveal your insights to a chosen few. Rather than take rash action now, keep still and observe. Hold your tongue and learn by listening. Listen to your gut instincts. When the time comes for action, you'll know.", "Spirituality": "The unconventional image of a papess recalls the legend of the heretical, cross-dressing Pope Joan, whose true gender was revealed when she unexpectedly gave birth. Consider alternative spiritual paths or nontraditional applications of your familiar faith.", "Personal Growth": "Learning to listen can be the most difficult lesson of all. Invest energy in the transformational discipline of silence. Disengaging from the drive to respond will free you to reflect. As an observer, you will see patterns participants will overlook.", "When? Within 28 days": ""}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The lunar crescent": "The Priestess is closely associated with the moon and, by extension, with all lunar cycles (including menstruation). Which cycles are at work in your situation?", "Boaz and Jachin": "The B and J often seen on the columns to either side of the Priestess are the two pillars of Solomon's Temple. Their names mean \u00d2in strength\u00d3 and \u00d2God will establish.\u00d3 What might God (or the universe) be using your strength to establish?", "The scroll of the law": "Often, the Papess or High Priestess holds an unopened book, occasionally labeled TORA (\"law\"), an anagram of TARO. What laws govern your situation? Have they been expressed, or kept secret?", "The pomegranate veil": "Symbolizing fertility, pomegranates connect the Priestess with the myth of Persephone, whose consumption of three pomegranate seeds linked her with the underworld. The veil is the veil of the temple, symbolically marking the division between the realm of humanity and the realm of God. Might the seeds of this situation have been sown by a belief in an obstacle between you and the Divine?", "The waters": "The water often seen behind or beneath this archetype represents the unknown depths of the subconscious mind. What is your intuition telling you?"}, "Correspondences": {"Mythical/Spiritual": "The feminine aspect of divinity, particularity when expressed through virginity, as with the Virgin Mary or Isis.", "Story": "An unexpected event contains seeds of discord with potential to disrupt the main character's everyday world.", "Planetary/Astrological/Elemental": "The moon", "Hebrew Alphabet": "Gimel/Camel/3", "Numbers": "2 (division, debate, duality)", "Archetype": "The Virgin/The Maiden"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Listening to your feelings and intuitions. Exploring unconventional spirituality. Keeping secrets. Being receptive. Reflecting instead of acting. Observing others. Preserving purity.", "Shadow": "Being aloof. Obsessing on secrets and conspiracies. Rejecting guidance from spirit or intuition. Revealing all. Ignoring gut feelings. Refusing to become involved, even when involvement is appropriate."}}, "Three of Cups": {"Keywords": ["Celebration, expression, community, friendliness"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "Be open to unconventional relationships that defy your dearly-held expectations. Saying what you feel may not be enough; sometimes, actions speak louder than words. Think beyond sex. What service can you render as a way of showing your love?", "Fortune Telling": "Unconventional romance is coming your way: a gay or lesbian relationship, or a love affair with someone you've always dismissed.", "Work": "For insight into what you really love to do, monitor how you spend your time. We make time for what delights us. If your schedule is dominated by things you don't love doing, it's time to realign your priorities. Ask others how they manage their time.", "When? Between July 2nd and 11th": "", "Spirituality": "Especially when walking a solitary path, it's easy to neglect the rituals that are an integral part of living with Spirit. Become a part of a like-minded group. Celebrate the season. Seek outward, shared expressions of your inner faith.", "Personal Growth": "To have more friends, be one. Look for opportunities to serve others or aid them in their pursuits. Shared success is sweeter, and you'll find your own success is multiplied when you're helping others achieve their goals, too."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Marseilles Image": "The blossom seen on the Two of Cups has matured into a third cup: the \"offspring\" off the original pair. What fruit is being produced by your own spiritual work or emotional involvement?", "Celebration vs": "Inebriation. At what point do you cross the line from having fun \u00c9 to having too much fun? How can you know when enough's enough?", "The Dancing Women": "In RWS-inspired decks, this card frequently depicts three dancing women. How in touch are you with your more feminine emotions and instincts? To what extent do you regard \"expressing emotion\" as a feminine trait?", "Upraised Cups": "Upraised cups suggest a toast, which, by extension, is associated with wine. What deserves to be celebrated, and what form of recognition would be appropriate?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "3 (The Result: expression, productivity, output)", "Story": "The Main Character's actions show how he or she really feels.", "Affirmation": "\"I allow my actions to reflect my true emotions.\"", "Astrology": "Mercury in Cancer"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Celebrating your feelings or connections with others. Expressing joy through song, dance, or physical affection. Working together with others who share your feelings. Performing acts of service as a way of saying, \"I love you.\" Embracing unconventional romantic arrangements.", "Shadow": "Mistaking giddiness for true affection. Being dominated by manic emotions. Expecting everyone to always feel the same way you do. Demanding unreasonable support from friends or family. Partying to a dangerous or unhealthy extent."}}, "Six of Cups": {"Keywords": ["Charity, sharing, sacrifice, cooperation, fairness"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "We like to say relationships involve give and take; this card invites you to focus on giving more than receiving. Watch for opportunities to take on chores that neither you nor your friends (or partners) enjoy. Surprise a loved one with an unexpected, unmerited gift.", "When? Between November 2nd and 11th": "", "Fortune Telling": "A stingy spirit is strangling your enjoyment of life. Loosen up and think of others for once, why don't you?", "Work": "Most people focus on profit; what might happen if you focused on giving instead? A gift given with strings attached deserves a skeptical response. When charitable gestures are revealed (or perceived) as bribes, don't expect good results.", "Spirituality": "Few things energize the weary spirit like service. Volunteer. Lend a helping hand to someone in need. Give of your time, your money, and your talents\u00d1all three. In helping others, you help yourself.", "Personal Growth": "When you can give something without expecting anything in return, you've reached an important milestone. Accelerate your quest for maturity; practice giving with no thought of what's in it for you."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"The Exchange": "On many versions of this card, one figure passes a bouquet to another. Was money involved, or was this a free gift? How might expectations of payment (or repayment) be shaping your own situation?", "The Marseilles Image": "The cramped configuration of the Five has given way to the orderly balance of the Six. When emotions and spirituality are properly aligned, they become a channel for healthy growth.", "Giving Gifts": "What attitudes and emotions would motivate such an action? How might these attitudes and emotions play a role in solving your dilemma? What dictates the value of a gift?", "Flowers in Cups": "Many versions of this card depict chalices overflowing with blossoms: a reminder of the inexhaustible bounty available from the Universe. How can you escape a \"poverty mentality?\""}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "6 (The Adjustment: cooperation, collaboration, interaction)", "Story": "Defying conventional wisdom, the Main Character lends his or her support to a hopeless cause.", "Affirmation": "\"I freely give myself to others, expecting nothing in return.\"", "Astrology": "Sun in Scorpio"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Donating your time and talents to others. Taking satisfaction in knowing how your efforts will aid others. Creating a \"win-win\" scenario. Giving even when you know repayment is not possible. Being motivated to do a good deed.", "Shadow": "Linking your sense of self-worth to the appraisals of others. Striving to appear more needy than you really are. Taking undeserved or unmerited charity. Bragging about your charitable efforts. Profiteering in times of distress. Refusing to share a burden."}}, "Eight of Wands": {"Keywords": ["Speed, swiftness, responsiveness, change"], "Advice": {"Relationships": "People and situations are always changing; the key is deciding whether you want to grow together...or grow apart. What worked once might not work later; on the other hand, those you dismissed before might now be perfect mates. Embrace change, and you'll be surprised at how quickly good things happen.", "Fortune Telling": "Watch for a surprising letter in the mail. Your whole world is about to be turned on its ear.", "Work": "Yesterday's solutions aren't going to solve today's problems; in minutes, innovations become old news. Shake things up. Tap into a new stream of information. Bring in an expert from outside. Juggle your hours. Your adaptability will atrophy if you don't exercise it with new challenges.", "When": "Between November 23rd and December 2nd", "Spirituality": "Become aware of patterns of change: the seasons, the phases of the moon, the steady progression of the Church calendar. Time is passing faster than you realize, and using your faith as a means to honor and appreciate that transition will help you better appreciate the time you have.", "Personal Growth": "When things change, do you tend to procrastinate, or respond right away? Handling something now\u00d1taking action as soon as possible\u00d1can keep a small issue from becoming a large stumbling block. Resolve to handle challenges as soon as you possibly can."}, "Symbols and Insights": {"Flying Wands": "Waite, in The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, suggests the eight Wands seen on RWS-inspired versions of this card are just shy of impact. If your worst case scenario suddenly became reality, what would your action plan be?", "The Marseilles Image": "The Marseilles Eight of Wands presents a lattice even sturdier than the one last seen on the Six. We've wrapped our mind around the new influence that arrived with the Seven, and now we've integrated the new idea into our Work. The result? We're more stable than ever before.", "The Pastoral Landscape": "The quiet landscape seen in RWS versions of this card represents the calm before the storm. Even in times of peace, a wise person watches for incoming Wands...and prepares to deal with the changes generated by their arrival.", "Reflexive Action": "Are your actions driven by reflection \u00c9 or reflex? By what criteria would you judge your own response to a crisis?"}, "Correspondences": {"Numerology": "8 (The Action: movement, outer work, swiftness)", "Story": "The Main Character's adaptability is tested when he or she is thrown into unforeseen circumstances.", "Affirmation": "\"I adapt quickly to change.\"", "Astrology": "Mercury in Sagittarius"}, "Range of Meaning": {"Light": "Taking swift action. Moving forward with a plan as quickly as possible. Energizing yourself. Adapting to sudden changes. Taking setbacks in stride. Embracing the idea that nothing stays the same forever. Reacting quickly and appropriately to unforeseen problems.", "Shadow": "Giving in to panic. Running in circles and screaming. Insisting things must always stay the same. Stirring the pot just to see what will happen. Rushing others. Refusing to re-evaluate a schedule or program, even when it's clearly no longer appropriate."}}}