gdritter repos activitystreams-aeson / b957fac
Removes "provider" argument from `makeActivity` According to the spec, the only required fields are "actor" and "published". And I don't really have anything to put in the provider field yet. Jesse Hallett 10 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 3 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
226226 -- | Create an @Activity@ with an @actor@, @published@, and
227227 -- @provider@ property.
228 makeActivity :: Object -> DateTime -> Object -> Activity
229 makeActivity actor published provider = Activity
228 makeActivity :: Object -> DateTime -> Activity
229 makeActivity actor published = Activity
230230 $ HM.insert "actor" (toJSON actor)
231231 $ HM.insert "published" (toJSON published)
232 $ HM.insert "provider" (toJSON provider)
233232 $ HM.empty
235234 -- | Collection