gdritter repos adnot / 1487067
I do not know when I wrote this README, but I will commit it now Getty Ritter 7 years ago
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1 # Adnot
3 The *Adnot* format is a simple data and configuration format intended
4 to have a slightly enriched data model when compared to JSON or
5 s-expressions but still retain the comparative simplicity of those
6 formats. Unlike JSON, Adnot chooses to avoid redundant structural
7 information like punctuation; unlike s-expressions, Adnot values
8 natively express a wider range of basic data types.
10 *Adnot* is not intended to be a data interchange format, but rather to
11 be a richer and more convenient syntax for certain kinds of data
12 description that might otherwise be done in more unwieldy formats like
13 YAML. As a first approximation, Adnot may be treated as a more human-
14 and version-control-friendly version of JSON whose data model is
15 intended to resemble the data model of statically typed functional
16 programming languages.
18 A given Adnot value is either one of four basic types—an integer, a
19 double, a string, or an identifier—or one of three composite types: a
20 sequence of values, a mapping of symbols to values, or a tagged
21 sequence of values which begins with a symbol:
23 ```
24 expr ::= "{" (symbol expr) * "}"
25 | "(" symbol expr* ")"
26 | "[" expr* "]"
27 | string
28 | symbol
29 | integer
30 | double
31 ```
33 Strings are understood in the same way as JSON strings, with the same
34 encoding and the same set of escapes. Symbols are unquoted strings
35 that start with a Unicode character with the `XID_Start` and continue
36 with the `XID_Continue` characters, and thus should resemble the
37 identifier syntax for a large number of C-like languages.
39 The three kinds of composite types are meant to resemble records, sum
40 or variant types, and lists, respectively. Zero or more
41 symbol-expression pairs inside curly brackets form a _map_:
43 ```
44 # a basic map
45 {
46 x 2
47 y 3
48 z 4
49 }
50 ```
52 Pairs do not include colons and are not separated by commas. A map
53 _must_ contain an even number of sub-expressions, and every odd
54 subexpression _must_ be a symbol. (This restriction might be lifted in
55 the future?) Whitespace is ignored except as a separator between
56 tokens, so the above map is identical to
58 ```
59 {x 2 y 3 z 4}
60 ```
62 A _list_ is represented by square brackets with zero or more
63 possibly-heterogeneous expressions:
65 ```
66 # a basic list
67 [ 2 "foo" bar ]
68 ```
70 A _tagged expression_ is represented by parentheses with a single
71 symbol followed by zero or more possibly-heterogeneous expressions:
73 ```
74 # a basic tagged expression
75 (some_tag blah 7.8 "??")
76 ```
78 These are how tagged data-types are traditionally represented: because
79 the thing inside the parens _must_ be a symbol, it can correspond to a
80 data type in an ML-like language.