gdritter repos animaltransiro / c79df9e
Swapped loadstring for load Getty Ritter 7 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 3 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
2424 function loadBoard(filename)
2525 local f =
2626 if f then
27 data = loadstring('return ' .. f:read('*all'))()
27 data = load('return ' .. f:read('*all'))()
2828 local t = {
2929 base = {},
3030 entity = {},
77 function Entity:new(state, x, y, name)
88 local file ='entities/' .. name .. '.lua')
9 local char_data = loadstring('return' .. file:read('*all'))()
9 local char_data = load('return' .. file:read('*all'))()
1111 local sprites = {}
1212 for name, sprite in pairs(char_data.sprites) do
1313 local f ='tiles/' .. name .. '.lua')
1414 local t
1515 if f then
16 t = loadstring('return' .. f:read('*all'))()
16 t = load('return' .. f:read('*all'))()
1717 f:close()
1818 if t.animation then
1919 t.totalFrames = #t.animation