gdritter repos animated-dangerzone-sdl / 90c87bd
Adding existing components to git Getty Ritter 11 years ago
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1 import Distribution.Simple
2 main = defaultMain
1 -- Initial animated-dangerzone-sdl.cabal generated by cabal init. For
2 -- further documentation, see
4 name: animated-dangerzone-sdl
5 version:
6 synopsis: SDL-based client for ADz
7 -- description:
8 -- license:
9 license-file: LICENSE
10 author: Getty D. Ritter
11 maintainer: Getty D. Ritter
12 copyright: (c) 2013
13 category: Game
14 build-type: Simple
15 cabal-version: >=1.8
17 executable ad-sdlclient
18 main-is: SDLClient.hs
19 build-depends: base ==4.6.*,
20 array ==0.4.*,
21 SDL ==0.6.*,
22 aeson ==0.6.*,
23 bytestring ==0.10.*,
24 containers ==0.5.*,
25 animated-dangerzone ==0.1.*,
26 random,
27 stb-image,
28 zip-archive,
29 bitmap
30 hs-source-dirs: src
32 executable make-texture
33 main-is: MakeTexture.hs
34 build-depends: base ==4.6.*,
35 bytestring,
36 containers ==0.5.*,
37 animated-dangerzone ==0.1.*,
38 stb-image,
39 SDL,
40 array,
41 zip-archive,
42 bitmap
43 hs-source-dirs: src
1 module Main where
3 import Codec.Archive.Zip
4 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
5 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
6 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL8
7 import System.Environment (getArgs)
9 import SDLClient.SpriteSheet
11 usage :: String
12 usage = unlines [ "USAGE: make-texture [name] [width] [height] [type] [spritesheet] "
13 , " name : string"
14 , " width : int"
15 , " height : int"
16 , " type : basic | fence | blob"
17 , " spritesheet : png"
18 ]
20 main :: IO ()
21 main = do
22 args <- getArgs
23 case args of
24 (name:width:height:typ:sheet:_) -> do
25 imgContents <- BSL.readFile sheet
26 let desc = SpriteDescription
27 { sdSize = (read width, read height)
28 , sdName = (BS8.pack name)
29 , sdType = case typ of
30 "basic" -> BasicSprite
31 "fence" -> FenceSprite
32 "blob" -> BlobSprite
33 _ -> error "unknown sprite type"
34 }
35 let meta = toEntry "texture.hs" 0 (BSL8.pack (show desc))
36 let png = toEntry "sprites.png" 0 imgContents
37 let archive = meta `addEntryToArchive`
38 (png `addEntryToArchive` emptyArchive)
39 BSL.writeFile (name ++ ".texture") (fromArchive archive)
40 _ -> putStrLn usage
1 module SDLClient.Blob where
3 data SpriteType
4 | OneSprite
5 | RugSprite
6 | FenceSprite
7 | BlobSprite
8 deriving (Eq,Show)
1 module SDLClient.Draw where
3 import SDLClient.SpriteSheet
4 import AnimatedDangerzone.Types
6 import Data.Array
7 import qualified Data.Map as Map
8 import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
10 drawWorld :: World -> IO ()
11 drawWorld world = do
12 let playerLocs = map () (elems (w .^ worldPlayers))
13 mapM_ go (Map.fromList (w .^ worldBlocks))
14 where go ((x, y), b)
15 | Map.member (x, y) (w .^ w)
1 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 module SDLClient.SpriteSheet
5 ( SpriteSheet(..)
6 , SpriteDescription(..)
7 , SpriteSheetType(..)
8 , loadSpriteSheet
9 , drawMap
10 ) where
12 import Codec.Archive.Zip
13 import Codec.Image.STB (decodeImage)
14 import Control.Monad (mzero)
15 import Data.Array
16 import Data.Bitmap (withBitmap)
17 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
18 import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (unpack)
19 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
20 import qualified Data.Map as M
21 import Data.Word (Word32)
22 import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
24 data SpriteSheet = SpriteSheet
25 { drawSprite :: Neighborhood Adj -> SDL.Surface -> (Int, Int) -> IO ()
26 }
28 data SpriteSheetType
29 = BasicSprite -- Where adjacent tiles don't matter
30 | FenceSprite -- Where the Von Neumann neighborhood determines the sprite
31 | BlobSprite -- Where the Moore neighborhood determines the sprite
32 deriving (Eq,Show,Read)
34 type Pt = (Int, Int)
36 -- A Moore neighborhood, i.e. a tile and everything surrounding it
37 newtype Neighborhood a = N (a,a,a
38 ,a,a,a
39 ,a,a,a) deriving (Eq,Show)
41 instance Functor Neighborhood where
42 fmap f (N (a,b,c,d,e,g,h,i,j)) =
43 N (f a, f b, f c, f d, f e, f g, f h, f i, f j)
45 -- An adjacent tile is either the Same or Different
46 -- In the neighborhoods we create, the center will always
47 -- be S, because it's the same as itself
48 data Adj = S | D deriving (Eq,Show)
50 -- XXX: animated sprites as well
51 data SpriteDescription = SpriteDescription
52 { sdName :: BS.ByteString
53 , sdSize :: (Int, Int)
54 , sdType :: SpriteSheetType
55 } deriving (Eq,Show,Read)
57 mkSpriteSheet :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Neighborhood Adj -> Int) -> SDL.Surface -> IO SpriteSheet
58 mkSpriteSheet (sW, sH) (iW, iH) getIdx sprites = do
59 let drawSprite hood screen (xP, yP) = do
60 let n = getIdx hood
61 let (u, v) = (rem n iW * sW, div n iW * sH)
62 let (x, y) = (xP * sW, yP * sH)
63 SDL.blitSurface sprites (Just (SDL.Rect u v sW sH))
64 screen (Just (SDL.Rect x y sW sH))
65 return ()
66 return SpriteSheet { .. }
68 parseImg :: String -> BSL.ByteString -> IO SDL.Surface
69 parseImg errmsg bs = do
70 result <- decodeImage (BSL.toStrict bs)
71 case result of
72 Right img -> withBitmap img (\(width, height) chn pad ptr -> do
73 let pitch = (width * chn) + pad
74 let (r,g,b,a) = components chn
75 SDL.createRGBSurfaceFrom ptr width height (8 * chn) pitch r g b a)
76 Left err -> error (errmsg ++ ": " ++ err)
78 components :: Int -> (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32)
79 components 1 = (0xFF000000,0xFF000000,0xFF000000,0x00000000)
80 components 2 = (0x00FF0000,0x00FF0000,0x00FF0000,0xFF000000)
81 components 3 = (0x000000FF,0x0000FF00,0x00FF0000,0x00000000)
82 components 4 = (0x000000FF,0x0000FF00,0x00FF0000,0xFF000000)
85 loadSpriteSheet :: FilePath -> IO SpriteSheet
86 loadSpriteSheet path = do
87 rawArchive <- toArchive `fmap` BSL.readFile path
88 let Just meta = findEntryByPath "texture.hs" rawArchive
89 let Just png = findEntryByPath "sprites.png" rawArchive
90 let SpriteDescription { .. } = read (unpack (fromEntry meta))
91 let errmsg = "Error loading " ++ path ++ ": "
92 surface <- parseImg errmsg (fromEntry png)
93 let sz = case sdType of
94 BasicSprite -> (1,1)
95 FenceSprite -> (4,4)
96 BlobSprite -> (10,5)
97 let getIds = case sdType of
98 BasicSprite -> const 0
99 FenceSprite -> fenceLookup
100 BlobSprite -> blobLookup
101 mkSpriteSheet sdSize sz getIds surface
103 center :: Neighborhood a -> a
104 center (N (_,_,_,_,x,_,_,_,_)) = x
106 lkp :: Array Pt a -> Pt -> (Maybe a)
107 lkp arr pt
108 | inRange (bounds arr) pt = Just (arr ! pt)
109 | otherwise = Nothing
111 getNeighborhood :: Array Pt a -> Pt -> Neighborhood (Maybe a)
112 getNeighborhood arr (x, y) = N
113 ( go (x-1, y-1), go (x , y-1), go (x+1, y-1)
114 , go (x-1, y ), go (x , y ), go (x+1, y )
115 , go (x-1, y+1), go (x , y+1), go (x+1, y+1)
116 ) where go = lkp arr
118 getMapNeighborhood :: M.Map Pt a -> Pt -> Neighborhood (Maybe a)
119 getMapNeighborhood mp (x, y) = N
120 ( go (x-1, y-1), go (x , y-1), go (x+1, y-1)
121 , go (x-1, y ), go (x , y ), go (x+1, y )
122 , go (x-1, y+1), go (x , y+1), go (x+1, y+1)
123 ) where go pt = M.lookup pt mp
125 toAdj :: (Eq a) => Neighborhood (Maybe a) -> Neighborhood Adj
126 toAdj (N (a,b,c,d,Just e,f,g,h,i)) =
127 N (go a, go b, go c, go d, S, go f, go g, go h, go i)
128 where go (Just x) | x == e = S
129 | otherwise = D
130 go Nothing = S
132 drawMap :: (Eq a) => (a -> SpriteSheet) -> M.Map Pt a
133 -> SDL.Surface -> IO ()
134 drawMap spriteFor map surf = mapM_ go (M.assocs map)
135 where go ((x, y), b) = drawSprite sheet adj surf (x, y)
136 where hood = getMapNeighborhood map (x, y)
137 adj = toAdj hood
138 sheet = spriteFor b
140 fenceLookup :: Neighborhood Adj -> Int
141 fenceLookup (N (_,D,_
142 ,D,_,D
143 ,_,S,_)) = 0
144 fenceLookup (N (_,D,_
145 ,D,_,S
146 ,_,S,_)) = 1
147 fenceLookup (N (_,D,_
148 ,S,_,S
149 ,_,S,_)) = 2
150 fenceLookup (N (_,D,_
151 ,S,_,D
152 ,_,S,_)) = 3
153 fenceLookup (N (_,S,_
154 ,D,_,D
155 ,_,S,_)) = 4
156 fenceLookup (N (_,S,_
157 ,D,_,S
158 ,_,S,_)) = 5
159 fenceLookup (N (_,S,_
160 ,S,_,S
161 ,_,S,_)) = 6
162 fenceLookup (N (_,S,_
163 ,S,_,D
164 ,_,S,_)) = 7
165 fenceLookup (N (_,S,_
166 ,D,_,D
167 ,_,D,_)) = 8
168 fenceLookup (N (_,S,_
169 ,D,_,S
170 ,_,D,_)) = 9
171 fenceLookup (N (_,S,_
172 ,S,_,S
173 ,_,D,_)) = 10
174 fenceLookup (N (_,S,_
175 ,S,_,D
176 ,_,D,_)) = 11
177 fenceLookup (N (_,D,_
178 ,D,_,D
179 ,_,D,_)) = 12
180 fenceLookup (N (_,D,_
181 ,D,_,S
182 ,_,D,_)) = 13
183 fenceLookup (N (_,D,_
184 ,S,_,S
185 ,_,D,_)) = 14
186 fenceLookup (N (_,D,_
187 ,S,_,D
188 ,_,D,_)) = 15
190 blobLookup :: Neighborhood Adj -> Int
191 blobLookup (N (_,D,_
192 ,D,_,D
193 ,_,S,_)) = 0
194 blobLookup (N (_,D,_
195 ,D,_,S
196 ,_,S,S)) = 1
197 blobLookup (N (_,D,_
198 ,S,_,S
199 ,S,S,S)) = 2
200 blobLookup (N (_,D,_
201 ,S,_,D
202 ,S,S,_)) = 3
203 blobLookup (N (_,D,_
204 ,D,_,S
205 ,_,S,D)) = 4
206 blobLookup (N (_,D,_
207 ,S,_,S
208 ,D,S,D)) = 5
209 blobLookup (N (_,D,_
210 ,S,_,D
211 ,D,S,_)) = 6
212 blobLookup (N (S,S,S
213 ,S,_,S
214 ,S,S,D)) = 7
215 blobLookup (N (S,S,S
216 ,S,_,S
217 ,D,S,D)) = 8
218 blobLookup (N (S,S,S
219 ,S,_,S
220 ,D,S,S)) = 9
221 blobLookup (N (_,S,_
222 ,D,_,D
223 ,_,S,_)) = 10
224 blobLookup (N (_,S,S
225 ,D,_,S
226 ,_,S,S)) = 11
227 blobLookup (N (S,S,S
228 ,S,_,S
229 ,S,S,S)) = 12
230 blobLookup (N (S,S,_
231 ,S,_,D
232 ,S,S,_)) = 13
233 blobLookup (N (_,S,D
234 ,D,_,S
235 ,_,S,D)) = 14
236 blobLookup (N (_,D,_
237 ,D,_,D
238 ,_,D,_)) = 15
239 blobLookup (N (D,S,_
240 ,S,_,D
241 ,D,S,_)) = 16
242 blobLookup (N (S,S,D
243 ,S,_,S
244 ,S,S,D)) = 17
245 blobLookup (N (D,S,D
246 ,S,_,S
247 ,D,S,D)) = 18
248 blobLookup (N (D,S,S
249 ,S,_,S
250 ,D,S,S)) = 19
251 blobLookup (N (_,S,_
252 ,D,_,D
253 ,_,D,_)) = 20
254 blobLookup (N (_,S,S
255 ,D,_,S
256 ,_,D,_)) = 21
257 blobLookup (N (S,S,S
258 ,S,_,S
259 ,_,D,_)) = 22
260 blobLookup (N (S,S,_
261 ,S,_,D
262 ,_,D,_)) = 23
263 blobLookup (N (_,S,D
264 ,D,_,S
265 ,_,D,_)) = 24
266 blobLookup (N (D,S,D
267 ,S,_,S
268 ,_,D,_)) = 25
269 blobLookup (N (D,S,_
270 ,S,_,D
271 ,_,D,_)) = 26
272 blobLookup (N (S,S,D
273 ,S,_,S
274 ,S,S,S)) = 27
275 blobLookup (N (D,S,D
276 ,S,_,S
277 ,S,S,S)) = 28
278 blobLookup (N (D,S,S
279 ,S,_,S
280 ,S,S,S)) = 29
281 blobLookup (N (_,D,_
282 ,D,_,S
283 ,_,D,_)) = 31
284 blobLookup (N (_,D,_
285 ,S,_,S
286 ,_,D,_)) = 32
287 blobLookup (N (_,D,_
288 ,S,_,D
289 ,_,D,_)) = 33
290 blobLookup (N (_,D,_
291 ,S,_,S
292 ,S,S,D)) = 34
293 blobLookup (N (S,S,_
294 ,S,_,D
295 ,D,S,_)) = 35
296 blobLookup (N (_,S,_
297 ,D,_,S
298 ,_,S,D)) = 36
299 blobLookup (N (_,D,_
300 ,S,_,S
301 ,D,S,S)) = 37
302 blobLookup (N (S,S,D
303 ,S,_,S
304 ,D,S,D)) = 38
305 blobLookup (N (D,S,S
306 ,S,_,S
307 ,D,S,D)) = 39
308 blobLookup (N (S,S,D
309 ,S,_,S
310 ,D,S,S)) = 42
311 blobLookup (N (D,S,S
312 ,S,_,S
313 ,S,S,D)) = 43
314 blobLookup (N (_,S,D
315 ,D,_,S
316 ,_,S,S)) = 44
317 blobLookup (N (D,S,S
318 ,S,_,S
319 ,_,D,_)) = 45
320 blobLookup (N (S,S,D
321 ,S,_,S
322 ,_,D,_)) = 46
323 blobLookup (N (D,S,_
324 ,S,_,D
325 ,S,S,_)) = 47
326 blobLookup (N (D,S,D
327 ,S,_,S
328 ,S,S,D)) = 48
329 blobLookup (N (D,S,D
330 ,S,_,S
331 ,D,S,S)) = 49
1 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
3 module Main where
5 import Control.Monad
6 import qualified Data.Map as M
7 import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
8 import System.Environment (getArgs)
9 import System.Random
11 import SDLClient.SpriteSheet
13 rmap :: IO (M.Map (Int, Int) Int)
14 rmap = fmap M.fromList $ sequence $ [ go (x, y) | x <- [0..11], y <- [0..11] ]
15 where go (x, y) = do r <- randomIO
16 return ((x, y), r `mod` 3)
18 main :: IO ()
19 main = do
20 (texture:_) <- getArgs
21 SDL.init [SDL.InitVideo, SDL.InitAudio]
22 screen <- SDL.setVideoMode 640 480 8 [SDL.SWSurface]
23 s1 <- loadSpriteSheet "test.texture"
24 s2 <- loadSpriteSheet "rug.texture"
25 s3 <- loadSpriteSheet "black.texture"
26 let toSpriteSheet 0 = s1
27 toSpriteSheet 1 = s2
28 toSpriteSheet 2 = s3
29 pic <- rmap
30 drawMap toSpriteSheet pic screen
31 SDL.updateRect screen $ SDL.Rect 0 0 640 480
32 _ <- getLine
33 SDL.quit
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