gdritter repos brick-table / 394f506
Changed name from brick-spreadsheet to brick-table Getty Ritter 7 years ago
4 changed file(s) with 189 addition(s) and 189 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
brick-spreadsheet.cabal less more
1 name: brick-extras-spreadsheet
2 version:
3 -- synopsis:
4 -- description:
5 license: BSD3
6 license-file: LICENSE
7 author: Getty Ritter <>
8 maintainer: Getty Ritter <>
9 copyright: ©2017 Getty Ritter
10 -- category:
11 build-type: Simple
12 cabal-version: >= 1.14
14 library
15 exposed-modules: Brick.Extras.Spreadsheet
16 hs-source-dirs: src
17 ghc-options: -Wall
18 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.10
19 , brick
20 , vty
21 , array
22 default-language: Haskell2010
23 default-extensions: OverloadedStrings,
24 ScopedTypeVariables
1 name: brick-extras-table
2 version:
3 -- synopsis:
4 -- description:
5 license: BSD3
6 license-file: LICENSE
7 author: Getty Ritter <>
8 maintainer: Getty Ritter <>
9 copyright: ©2017 Getty Ritter
10 -- category:
11 build-type: Simple
12 cabal-version: >= 1.14
14 library
15 exposed-modules: Brick.Extras.Table
16 hs-source-dirs: src
17 ghc-options: -Wall
18 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.10
19 , brick
20 , vty
21 , array
22 default-language: Haskell2010
23 default-extensions: OverloadedStrings,
24 ScopedTypeVariables
src/Brick/Extras/Spreadsheet.hs less more
1 module Brick.Extras.Spreadsheet
2 ( Spreadsheet(..)
3 , spreadsheet
4 , handleSpreadsheetEvent
5 , handleSpreadsheetEventArrowKeys
6 , handleSpreadsheetEventVimKeys
7 , renderSpreadsheet
8 , getFocusedElement
9 , setFocusedElement
10 , getElement
11 , setElement
12 ) where
14 import qualified Brick as Brick
15 import qualified Data.Array as A
16 import qualified Data.Ix as Ix
17 import qualified Data.List as L
18 import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty
20 -- | Spreadsheet state. A spreadsheet is a two-dimensional array of
21 -- values as well as a cursor which is focuses on one of those values.
22 data Spreadsheet e n = Spreadsheet
23 { spreadsheetContents :: A.Array (Int, Int) e
24 -- ^ The array which represents the contents of the
25 -- spreadsheet. This always begins at index @(0,0)@.
26 , spreadsheetCurIndex :: (Int, Int)
27 -- ^ The currently focused index
28 , spreadsheetDraw :: e -> Bool -> Brick.Widget n
29 -- ^ The function the spreadsheet uses to draw its contents. The
30 -- boolean parameter will be 'True' if the element is the
31 -- currently focused element, and 'False' otherwise.
32 , spreadsheetName :: n
33 -- ^ The name of the spreadsheet
34 }
36 -- | Create a new spreadsheet state with a single default value for
37 -- all cells.
38 spreadsheet :: n
39 -- ^ The name of the spreadsheet (must be unique)
40 -> (Int, Int)
41 -- ^ The @(width, height)@ of the desired table
42 -> (e -> Bool -> Brick.Widget n)
43 -- ^ The rendering function for contents of the
44 -- spreadsheet. The boolean parameter will be 'True' if
45 -- the element is the currently focused element, and
46 -- 'False' otherwise.
47 -> e
48 -- ^ The default element with which to fill the spreadsheet
49 -> Spreadsheet e n
50 spreadsheet name (width, height) draw def = Spreadsheet
51 { spreadsheetContents = A.listArray bounds (repeat def)
52 , spreadsheetCurIndex = (0, 0)
53 , spreadsheetDraw = draw
54 , spreadsheetName = name
55 } where bounds = ((0, 0), (width-1, height-1))
57 left, right, up, down :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
58 left (x, y) = (x - 1, y)
59 right (x, y) = (x + 1, y)
60 up (x, y) = (x, y - 1)
61 down (x, y) = (x, y + 1)
63 clamp :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
64 clamp (x, y) (maxX, maxY) = (go x maxX, go y maxY)
65 where go n maxN
66 | n < 0 = 0
67 | n > maxN = maxN
68 | otherwise = n
70 -- | A representation of UI events which can change a spreadsheet's
71 -- state.
72 data SpreadsheetEvent
73 = MoveLeft
74 | MoveRight
75 | MoveUp
76 | MoveDown
77 deriving (Eq, Show)
79 -- | Extract the currently-focused element from a spreadsheet.
80 getFocusedElement :: Spreadsheet e n -> e
81 getFocusedElement Spreadsheet
82 { spreadsheetContents = cs
83 , spreadsheetCurIndex = idx
84 } = cs A.! idx
86 -- | Modify the element currenly focused in the spreadsheet.
87 setFocusedElement :: Spreadsheet e n -> e -> Spreadsheet e n
88 setFocusedElement sp@Spreadsheet
89 { spreadsheetContents = cs
90 , spreadsheetCurIndex = idx
91 } new = sp { spreadsheetContents = cs A.// [(idx, new)] }
93 -- | Extract an element at an arbitrary index from the
94 -- spreadsheet. This will return 'Nothing' if the index is outside the
95 -- bounds of the spreadsheet.
96 getElement :: Spreadsheet e n -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe e
97 getElement Spreadsheet { spreadsheetContents = cs } idx
98 | A.bounds cs `Ix.inRange` idx = Just (cs A.! idx)
99 | otherwise = Nothing
101 -- | Modify an element at an abitrary index in the spreadsheet. This
102 -- will return the spreadsheet unchanged if the index is outside the
103 -- bounds of the spreadsheet.
104 setElement :: Spreadsheet e n -> (Int, Int) -> e -> Spreadsheet e n
105 setElement sp@Spreadsheet { spreadsheetContents = cs } idx new
106 | A.bounds cs `Ix.inRange` idx =
107 sp { spreadsheetContents = cs A.// [(idx, new)] }
108 | otherwise = sp
110 -- | Handle a "vty" event by moving the currently focused item in
111 -- response to the arrow keys.
112 handleSpreadsheetEventArrowKeys :: Vty.Event -> Spreadsheet e n
113 -> Brick.EventM n (Spreadsheet e n)
114 handleSpreadsheetEventArrowKeys ev sp = case spEvent of
115 Just cmd -> handleSpreadsheetEvent cmd sp
116 Nothing -> return sp
117 where spEvent = case ev of
118 Vty.EvKey Vty.KUp [] -> Just MoveUp
119 Vty.EvKey Vty.KDown [] -> Just MoveDown
120 Vty.EvKey Vty.KLeft [] -> Just MoveLeft
121 Vty.EvKey Vty.KRight [] -> Just MoveRight
122 _ -> Nothing
124 -- | Handle a "vty" event by moving the currently focused item in
125 -- response to the vim-style movement keys @h@, @j@, @k@, or @l@.
126 handleSpreadsheetEventVimKeys :: Vty.Event -> Spreadsheet e n
127 -> Brick.EventM n (Spreadsheet e n)
128 handleSpreadsheetEventVimKeys ev sp = case spEvent of
129 Just cmd -> handleSpreadsheetEvent cmd sp
130 Nothing -> return sp
131 where spEvent = case ev of
132 Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar 'k') [] -> Just MoveUp
133 Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar 'j') [] -> Just MoveDown
134 Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar 'h') [] -> Just MoveLeft
135 Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar 'l') [] -> Just MoveRight
136 _ -> Nothing
138 -- | Handle a 'SpreadsheetEvent' event by modifying the state of the
139 -- spreadsheet accordingly. This allows you to choose your own
140 -- keybindings for events you want to handle.
141 handleSpreadsheetEvent :: SpreadsheetEvent -> Spreadsheet e n
142 -> Brick.EventM n (Spreadsheet e n)
143 handleSpreadsheetEvent e sp =
144 let (_, maxB) = A.bounds (spreadsheetContents sp)
145 curIndex = spreadsheetCurIndex sp
146 modify f = sp { spreadsheetCurIndex = clamp (f curIndex) maxB }
147 in return $ case e of
148 MoveUp -> modify up
149 MoveDown -> modify down
150 MoveLeft -> modify left
151 MoveRight -> modify right
153 -- | Render a spreadsheet to a "brick" 'Widget'.
154 renderSpreadsheet :: Bool -> Spreadsheet e n -> Brick.Widget n
155 renderSpreadsheet spFocus sp =
156 let (_, (maxX, maxY)) = A.bounds (spreadsheetContents sp)
157 in Brick.hBox $ L.intersperse (Brick.hLimit 1 (Brick.fill '│'))
158 [ Brick.vBox $ L.intersperse (Brick.vLimit 1 (Brick.fill '─'))
159 [ Brick.padLeft Brick.Max $ spreadsheetDraw sp item isFocus
160 | y <- [0..maxY]
161 , let item = spreadsheetContents sp A.! (x, y)
162 isFocus = spFocus && ((x, y) == spreadsheetCurIndex sp)
163 ]
164 | x <- [0..maxX]
165 ]
1 module Brick.Extras.Table
2 ( Table(..)
3 , table
4 , handleTableEvent
5 , handleTableEventArrowKeys
6 , handleTableEventVimKeys
7 , renderTable
8 , getFocusedElement
9 , setFocusedElement
10 , getElement
11 , setElement
12 ) where
14 import qualified Brick as Brick
15 import qualified Data.Array as A
16 import qualified Data.Ix as Ix
17 import qualified Data.List as L
18 import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty
20 -- | Table state. A table is a two-dimensional array of
21 -- values as well as a cursor which is focuses on one of those values.
22 data Table e n = Table
23 { tableContents :: A.Array (Int, Int) e
24 -- ^ The array which represents the contents of the
25 -- table. This always begins at index @(0,0)@.
26 , tableCurIndex :: (Int, Int)
27 -- ^ The currently focused index
28 , tableDraw :: e -> Bool -> Brick.Widget n
29 -- ^ The function the table uses to draw its contents. The
30 -- boolean parameter will be 'True' if the element is the
31 -- currently focused element, and 'False' otherwise.
32 , tableName :: n
33 -- ^ The name of the table
34 }
36 -- | Create a new table state with a single default value for
37 -- all cells.
38 table :: n
39 -- ^ The name of the table (must be unique)
40 -> (Int, Int)
41 -- ^ The @(width, height)@ of the desired table
42 -> (e -> Bool -> Brick.Widget n)
43 -- ^ The rendering function for contents of the
44 -- table. The boolean parameter will be 'True' if
45 -- the element is the currently focused element, and
46 -- 'False' otherwise.
47 -> e
48 -- ^ The default element with which to fill the table
49 -> Table e n
50 table name (width, height) draw def = Table
51 { tableContents = A.listArray bounds (repeat def)
52 , tableCurIndex = (0, 0)
53 , tableDraw = draw
54 , tableName = name
55 } where bounds = ((0, 0), (width-1, height-1))
57 left, right, up, down :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
58 left (x, y) = (x - 1, y)
59 right (x, y) = (x + 1, y)
60 up (x, y) = (x, y - 1)
61 down (x, y) = (x, y + 1)
63 clamp :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
64 clamp (x, y) (maxX, maxY) = (go x maxX, go y maxY)
65 where go n maxN
66 | n < 0 = 0
67 | n > maxN = maxN
68 | otherwise = n
70 -- | A representation of UI events which can change a table's
71 -- state.
72 data TableEvent
73 = MoveLeft
74 | MoveRight
75 | MoveUp
76 | MoveDown
77 deriving (Eq, Show)
79 -- | Extract the currently-focused element from a table.
80 getFocusedElement :: Table e n -> e
81 getFocusedElement Table
82 { tableContents = cs
83 , tableCurIndex = idx
84 } = cs A.! idx
86 -- | Modify the element currenly focused in the table.
87 setFocusedElement :: Table e n -> e -> Table e n
88 setFocusedElement sp@Table
89 { tableContents = cs
90 , tableCurIndex = idx
91 } new = sp { tableContents = cs A.// [(idx, new)] }
93 -- | Extract an element at an arbitrary index from the
94 -- table. This will return 'Nothing' if the index is outside the
95 -- bounds of the table.
96 getElement :: Table e n -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe e
97 getElement Table { tableContents = cs } idx
98 | A.bounds cs `Ix.inRange` idx = Just (cs A.! idx)
99 | otherwise = Nothing
101 -- | Modify an element at an abitrary index in the table. This
102 -- will return the table unchanged if the index is outside the
103 -- bounds of the table.
104 setElement :: Table e n -> (Int, Int) -> e -> Table e n
105 setElement sp@Table { tableContents = cs } idx new
106 | A.bounds cs `Ix.inRange` idx =
107 sp { tableContents = cs A.// [(idx, new)] }
108 | otherwise = sp
110 -- | Handle a "vty" event by moving the currently focused item in
111 -- response to the arrow keys.
112 handleTableEventArrowKeys :: Vty.Event -> Table e n
113 -> Brick.EventM n (Table e n)
114 handleTableEventArrowKeys ev sp = case spEvent of
115 Just cmd -> handleTableEvent cmd sp
116 Nothing -> return sp
117 where spEvent = case ev of
118 Vty.EvKey Vty.KUp [] -> Just MoveUp
119 Vty.EvKey Vty.KDown [] -> Just MoveDown
120 Vty.EvKey Vty.KLeft [] -> Just MoveLeft
121 Vty.EvKey Vty.KRight [] -> Just MoveRight
122 _ -> Nothing
124 -- | Handle a "vty" event by moving the currently focused item in
125 -- response to the vim-style movement keys @h@, @j@, @k@, or @l@.
126 handleTableEventVimKeys :: Vty.Event -> Table e n
127 -> Brick.EventM n (Table e n)
128 handleTableEventVimKeys ev sp = case spEvent of
129 Just cmd -> handleTableEvent cmd sp
130 Nothing -> return sp
131 where spEvent = case ev of
132 Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar 'k') [] -> Just MoveUp
133 Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar 'j') [] -> Just MoveDown
134 Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar 'h') [] -> Just MoveLeft
135 Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar 'l') [] -> Just MoveRight
136 _ -> Nothing
138 -- | Handle a 'TableEvent' event by modifying the state of the
139 -- table accordingly. This allows you to choose your own
140 -- keybindings for events you want to handle.
141 handleTableEvent :: TableEvent -> Table e n
142 -> Brick.EventM n (Table e n)
143 handleTableEvent e sp =
144 let (_, maxB) = A.bounds (tableContents sp)
145 curIndex = tableCurIndex sp
146 modify f = sp { tableCurIndex = clamp (f curIndex) maxB }
147 in return $ case e of
148 MoveUp -> modify up
149 MoveDown -> modify down
150 MoveLeft -> modify left
151 MoveRight -> modify right
153 -- | Render a table to a "brick" 'Widget'.
154 renderTable :: Bool -> Table e n -> Brick.Widget n
155 renderTable spFocus sp =
156 let (_, (maxX, maxY)) = A.bounds (tableContents sp)
157 in Brick.hBox $ L.intersperse (Brick.hLimit 1 (Brick.fill '│'))
158 [ Brick.vBox $ L.intersperse (Brick.vLimit 1 (Brick.fill '─'))
159 [ Brick.padLeft Brick.Max $ tableDraw sp item isFocus
160 | y <- [0..maxY]
161 , let item = tableContents sp A.! (x, y)
162 isFocus = spFocus && ((x, y) == tableCurIndex sp)
163 ]
164 | x <- [0..maxX]
165 ]