Add travel rules as well
Getty Ritter
6 years ago
Binary diff not shown
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80 | % Modify this commands to define Class name, Base HP, Base Load and Damage Dice (only number) | |
81 | \newcommand{\Class}{Bard} | |
82 | \newcommand{\BaseHP}{6} | |
83 | \newcommand{\BaseLoad}{9} | |
84 | \newcommand{\Damage}{6} | |
85 | ||
86 | % Don't replace here, replace before every section | |
87 | \newcommand{\SectionTitle}{4} | |
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91 | ||
92 | \begin{document} | |
93 | \openup -0.3em | |
94 | ||
95 | %\input{figuras/TopBanner} | |
96 | %\input{figuras/TopBanner10Plus} %Use this instead when damage dice has 10 or more faces | |
97 | ||
98 | \begin{overpic}[width=7.47986in,height=1.0in]{figuras/templateRuleHeader.png} | |
99 | \put (1,2) {\fontsize{32}{40}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Travel Rules}} | |
100 | \end{overpic} | |
101 | ||
102 | \begin{multicols}{2} | |
103 | ||
104 | The rules in this section replace the standard Dungeon World moves | |
105 | \textbf{Make Camp}, \textbf{Take Watch}, \textbf{Undertake a | |
106 | Perilous Journey}, and \textbf{End of Session}. | |
107 | ||
108 | \begin{basicmove}{Undertake a Safe Journey} | |
109 | When you \textbf{travel by a safe route} through safe or dangerous | |
110 | lands, indicate your path and destination on the map. You can | |
111 | reliably travel 4 hexes per day during good weather, and 3 in poor | |
112 | weather, before you need to \textbf{Make Camp} and \textbf{Manage | |
113 | Provisions}. | |
114 | \end{basicmove} | |
115 | ||
116 | \begin{basicmove}{Undertake a Perilous Journey} | |
117 | When you \textbf{travel through dangerous land} and not on a safe | |
118 | route, indicate the course you want to take on the map and the | |
119 | destination you'd like to reach. Then, choose one party member to | |
120 | \textbf{scout ahead} and another one to \textbf{navigate}, | |
121 | resolving the moves in that order. | |
122 | \end{basicmove} | |
123 | ||
124 | \begin{basicmove}{Forage} | |
125 | When you \textbf{spend a day seeking food in the wild}, roll | |
126 | +WIS. \textbf{On a 10+}, collect 1d4 rations and choose 2 from the | |
127 | list below. \textbf{On a 7--9}, collect 1d4 rations and choose 1 | |
128 | from the list below. | |
129 | ||
130 | \begin{itemize} | |
131 | \item You find an extra +1d4 rations. | |
132 | \item You find 1d4 supply of a useful botanical; ask the GM what | |
133 | it is. | |
134 | \item You avoid attracting unwanted attention or a troublesome | |
135 | situation. | |
136 | \end{itemize} | |
137 | ||
138 | If you are foraging in a \textbf{barren} location, then reduce the | |
139 | number of rations you find by 2. | |
140 | \end{basicmove} | |
141 | ||
142 | \begin{basicmove}{Make Camp} | |
143 | When you \textbf{settle in to rest}, choose one member of the | |
144 | party to \textbf{Manage Provisions}. Then, if you eat and drink, | |
145 | and have enough XP, you may level up. | |
146 | ||
147 | Choose who is on watch for the evening. The GM asks that person to | |
148 | roll +nothing. \textbf{On a 10+}, choose 2 from the list | |
149 | below. \textbf{On a 7-9}, choose 1 from the list below. | |
150 | ||
151 | \begin{itemize} | |
152 | \item Everyone sleeps soundly; if you ate and drank, then heal | |
153 | damage equal to half your max HP. | |
154 | \item Your camp didn't draw unwanted attention. | |
155 | \end{itemize} | |
156 | \end{basicmove} | |
157 | ||
158 | \begin{basicmove}{Stay Sharp} | |
159 | When you are \textbf{on watch and something approaches}, roll | |
160 | +WIS. \textbf{On a 10+}, you notice in time to alert everyone and | |
161 | prepare a response; all party members take +1 forward. \textbf{On | |
162 | a 7--9}, you manage to sound the alarm, but no one has time to | |
163 | prepare. | |
164 | \end{basicmove} | |
165 | ||
166 | \begin{basicmove}{Scout Ahead} | |
167 | When you \textbf{take point and look for anything out of the | |
168 | ordinary}, roll +WIS. \textbf{On a 10+}, choose 2 from the list | |
169 | below. \textbf{On a 7--9}, choose 1 from the list below. | |
170 | ||
171 | \begin{itemize} | |
172 | \item You get the drop on whatever lies ahead. | |
173 | \item You discern a beneficial aspect of the terrain—shortcut, shelter, or | |
174 | tactical advantage. Describe it. | |
175 | \item You make a useful discovery; ask the GM what. | |
176 | \item You notice sign of a nearby danger—ask the GM what the sign | |
177 | is, and what it might signify. | |
178 | \end{itemize} | |
179 | \end{basicmove} | |
180 | ||
181 | \begin{basicmove}{Navigate} | |
182 | When you \textbf{plot the best course through dangerous or | |
183 | unfamiliar lands}, roll +INT. \textbf{On a 10+}, you avoid | |
184 | dangers and distractions and make good time; travel 3 | |
185 | hexes. \textbf{On a 7-9}, choose 1 from the list below: | |
186 | ||
187 | \begin{itemize} | |
188 | \item You make poor time; travel 2 hexes instead. | |
189 | \item You get lost and don't end up where you intend: you'll need to | |
190 | \textbf{Survey} again to find out where you are. | |
191 | \item You run into something dangerous. Better hope your scout has | |
192 | the drop on it! | |
193 | \end{itemize} | |
194 | \end{basicmove} | |
195 | ||
196 | \begin{basicmove}{Manage Provisions} | |
197 | When you \textbf{prepare and distribute food for the party}, roll | |
198 | +WIS. \textbf{On a 10+}, choose from the list below: | |
199 | ||
200 | \begin{itemize} | |
201 | \item Careful management reduces the amount of rations consumed (ask the | |
202 | GM by how much) | |
203 | \item The party consumed the expected amount and the food you prepare is | |
204 | excellent—describe it, and everyone who ate it takes +1 forward. | |
205 | \end{itemize} | |
206 | ||
207 | \textbf{On a 7--9}, the party consumes the expected amount of | |
208 | rations. \textbf{On a miss}, in addition to any other mishaps or | |
209 | misfortunes, one party member must choose spend an extra ration or | |
210 | go without food. | |
211 | \end{basicmove} | |
212 | ||
213 | \vfill\null | |
214 | \columnbreak | |
215 | ||
216 | \begin{basicmove}{Survey the Land} | |
217 | When you \textbf{survey the land to find out where you are and | |
218 | what's nearby}, roll +DEX. \textbf{On 10+}, ask the GM 3 | |
219 | questions from the list below. \textbf{On a 7--9}, ask the GM 1 | |
220 | question from the list below. | |
221 | ||
222 | \begin{itemize} | |
223 | \item Where exactly on the map are we? | |
224 | \item What can I tell about an adjacent hex to us? | |
225 | \item What's interesting to us in this area? | |
226 | \item What's valuable or useful to us in this area? | |
227 | \item What direction is the nearest settlement? | |
228 | \end{itemize} | |
229 | ||
230 | The GM will tell answer the questions honestly, and then ask you | |
231 | how you learned these things. \textbf{On a miss}, ask 1 anyway, | |
232 | but be prepared for the worst. | |
233 | \end{basicmove} | |
234 | ||
235 | \begin{basicmove}{Bail} | |
236 | When the session is about to end and \textbf{you need to get | |
237 | yourself or your whole party out of a situation right goddamn | |
238 | now}, roll +CON. \textbf{On a 10+}, you and your party make it | |
239 | out with yourselves and your stuff intact. \textbf{On a 7--9}, you | |
240 | and each member of your party must one from the list below: | |
241 | ||
242 | \begin{itemize} | |
243 | \item You lose a piece of equiment: tell the GM what it was and | |
244 | how it got lost. | |
245 | \item You lose one-tenth of the Coin you have on you. | |
246 | \item You take 1d6 damage. | |
247 | \item You draw the attention of someone or something who will | |
248 | remember you. | |
249 | \end{itemize} | |
250 | \end{basicmove} | |
251 | ||
252 | \begin{basicmove}{End of Session} | |
253 | When you reach the end of a session, choose one your bonds that | |
254 | you feel is resolved (completely explored, no longer relevant, or | |
255 | otherwise). Ask the player of the character you have the bond with | |
256 | if they agree. If they do, mark XP and write a new bond with | |
257 | whomever you wish. | |
258 | ||
259 | Once bonds have been updated look at your alignment. If you | |
260 | fulfilled that alignment at least once this session, mark XP. | |
261 | ||
262 | Then answer these three questions as a group: | |
263 | ||
264 | \begin{itemize} | |
265 | \item Did we discover a new place to put on the map? | |
266 | \item Did we learn a new piece of lore about the world or its inhabitants? | |
267 | \item Did we overcome a difficult or interesting situation? | |
268 | \end{itemize} | |
269 | ||
270 | For each ``yes'' answer everyone marks XP. | |
271 | ||
272 | Finally, choose two actions from the following list. The same | |
273 | action can be chosen twice as long as it targets different hexes. | |
274 | ||
275 | \begin{itemize} | |
276 | \item The Empress sends a scout to a particular location on the | |
277 | map: reveal the content of one hex. | |
278 | \item The Guild of Engineers constructs roads, facilitating safe | |
279 | travel in one hex. Treat travel on this hex as taking a | |
280 | \textbf{Safe Journey}. | |
281 | \item The Guild of Engineers builds an Outpost, facilitating safe | |
282 | stay in one hex. You do not need to \textbf{Make Camp} on this | |
283 | hex, but you still consume rations as usual. | |
284 | \item The Guild of Engineers builds a Keep on top of an Outpost, | |
285 | leading way to a town in that hex. The Explorer's Guild in this | |
286 | town will house and feed you, so you do not need to either | |
287 | \textbf{make camp} or \textbf{manage provisions} while staying | |
288 | in this hex. | |
289 | \end{itemize} | |
290 | ||
291 | If the players pool together 500 coin, they can also choose a | |
292 | third action from the above list. | |
293 | \end{basicmove} | |
294 | ||
295 | \vfill\null | |
296 | \end{multicols} | |
297 | ||
298 | \end{document} |