gdritter repos chalcedony-playbooks / 954929f
Switching to more traditional DW style, fitting more on Getty Ritter 5 years ago
11 changed file(s) with 1513 addition(s) and 238 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
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2 \put (3,28) {\fontsize{32}{40}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{\Class{}}}
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4 \put (51.5,22) {\fontsize{12}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Level}}
5 \put (70.8,22) {\fontsize{12}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{XP}}
6 \put (78,21.8) {\fontsize{9}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Load = \BaseLoad{} + STR}}
7 \put (78,23.7) {\fontsize{9}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{HP = \BaseHP{} + Constitution}}
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2 % names
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4 % look
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9 \put (7,18) {\fontsize{8.5}{10}\selectfont \textcolor{black}{Assign these scores to your stats: 16(\texttt{+}2), 15(\texttt{+}1), 13(\texttt{+}1), 12(0), 9(0), 8(\texttt{-}1)}}
7 % some stats
8 \put (25,4) {\makebox[0pt]{\fontsize{18}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{black}{D\Damage{}}}}
9 \put (89,6) {\fontsize{6}{8}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Your max HP is}}
10 \put (89,4.6) {\fontsize{6}{8}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{\BaseHP{} + Constitution}}
11 \put (1,14.5) {\fontsize{12}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Strength}}
12 \put (6.215,12.2) {\fontsize{7}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{black}{Weak \texttt{-}1}}
13 \put (1,8.6) {\fontsize{12}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Dexterity}}
14 \put (5.55,6.3) {\fontsize{7}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{black}{Shaky \texttt{-}1}}
15 \put (1,2.7) {\fontsize{12}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Constitution}}
16 \put (7.47,0.4) {\fontsize{7}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{black}{Sick \texttt{-}1}}
18 \put (33.5,14.5) {\fontsize{12}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Intelligence}}
19 \put (40.22,12.2) {\fontsize{7}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{black}{Stunned \texttt{-}1}}
20 \put (33.5,8.6) {\fontsize{12}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Wisdom}}
21 \put (38.545,6.3) {\fontsize{7}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{black}{Confused \texttt{-}1}}
22 \put (33.5,2.7) {\fontsize{12}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Charisma}}
23 \put (40.445,0.4) {\fontsize{7}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{black}{Scarred \texttt{-}1}}
25 \put (66.5,15.5) {\fontsize{9}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Actual}}
26 \put (72.5,15.5) {\fontsize{9}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Max}}
28 \put (78,14.5) {\fontsize{12}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{HP}}
29 \put (84.5,14.5) {\fontsize{12}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Armor}}
31 \put (67,2.7) {\fontsize{12}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Damage}}
32 \put (79.3,4.9) {\makebox[0pt]{\fontsize{14}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{black}{D\Damage{}}}}
33 \put (85,3) {\fontsize{9}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Max}}
34 \put (92,2.7) {\fontsize{12}{10}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{Load}}
3512 \end{overpic}
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113 % }
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101 \begin{overpic}[width=3.71260in,height=0.40945in]{assets/templateR.png}
116 \begin{overpic}[width=4.4in,height=0.45in]{assets/long_right.png}
102117 \put (5,4) {\fontsize{16}{40}\selectfont \textcolor{white}{\headingfont #1}}
103118 \end{overpic}
104119 }
125140 \input{assets/TopBanner}
126141 }
143 \newcommand{\charlower}{
144 \vfill\null
145 \begin{overpic}[width=7.47986in,height=1.0in]{assets/charsheet_lower.png}
146 \put (10,1) {\fontsize{32}{40}\selectfont\headingfont \textcolor{white}{The \Class}}
147 \end{overpic}
148 }
128150 \definecolor{CondRed}{RGB}{153,51,51}
129151 \definecolor{MoveBlue}{RGB}{51,102,153}
152 \definecolor{SpellPurp}{RGB}{153,51,102}
153 \definecolor{TagGreen}{RGB}{51,153,102}
131155 \newcommand{\condition}[1]{\textbf{\color{CondRed} #1}}
132156 \newcommand{\move}[1]{{\color{MoveBlue}$\diamond$#1}}
133 \newcommand{\spell}[1]{{\color{MoveBlue}$\star$#1}}
157 \newcommand{\spell}[1]{{\color{SpellPurp}$\star$#1}}
158 \newcommand{\itag}[1]{\textit{\color{TagGreen}#1}}
159 \newcommand{\ntag}[2]{\textit{\color{TagGreen}#1 #2}}
134161 \newcommand{\onSuccess}{\textbf{On a 10+}}
162 \newcommand{\onPlainSuccess}{\textbf{On a 10--11}}
163 \newcommand{\onMassiveSuccess}{\textbf{On a 12+}}
135164 \newcommand{\onPartial}{\textbf{On a 7--9}}
136165 \newcommand{\onHit}{\textbf{On a 7+}}
137166 \newcommand{\onMiss}{\textbf{On a miss}}
168 \newcommand{\firstAdvances}{$\triangleright$ When you \textbf{gain a
169 level from 2--5}, choose from these moves.}
170 \newcommand{\secondAdvances}{$\triangleright$ When you \textbf{gain a
171 level from 6--10}, choose from these moves or the level 2--5
172 moves.}
Binary diff not shown
77 \newcommand{\BaseHP}{6}
88 \newcommand{\BaseLoad}{9}
99 \newcommand{\Damage}{6}
11 \newcommand{\Names}{
12 \hangindent=0.2in Elf: Astrafel, Daelwyn, Feliana, Damarra, Sistranalle, Pendrell, Melliandre, Dagoliir
14 \hangindent=0.2in Human: Baldric, Leena, Dunwick, Willem, Edwyn, Florian, Seraphine, Quorra, Charlotte, Lily, Ramonde, Cassandra
16 \hangindent=0.2in Rihamm: Albis, Quren, Ulduqan, Ebresa, Yudrus, Depremm, Rubuqin}
18 \newcommand{\Look}{
19 Knowing Eyes, Fiery Eyes, or Joyous Eyes
21 Fancy Hair, Wild Hair, or Stylish Cap
23 Finery, Traveling Clothes, or Poor Clothes
25 Fit Body, Well-fed Body, or Thin Body}
1228 \begin{document}
128144 \vfill\null
129145 \end{multicols}
147 \charlower
130148 \clearpage
132150 \gearbanner
134152 \begin{multicols}{2}
136154 \begin{quote}
137 Your load is 9+Str. You have dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight). Choose one instrument, all are 0 weight for you:
155 Your load is 9+STR. You have dungeon rations (\ntag{5}{uses},
156 \ntag{1}{weight}). Choose one instrument, all are \ntag{0}{weight}
157 for you:
139159 \choice Your father’s mandolin, repaired
156176 \begin{quote}
157177 Choose your clothing:
159 \choice Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
161 \choice Ostentatious clothes (0 weight)
179 \choice Leather armor (\ntag{1}{armor}, \ntag{1}{weight})
181 \choice Ostentatious clothes (\ntag{0}{weight})
163183 Choose your armament:
165 \choice Dueling rapier (close, precise, 2 weight)
167 \choice Worn bow (near, 2 weight), bundle of arrows (3 ammo,
168 1 weight), and short sword (close, 1 weight)
185 \choice Dueling rapier (\itag{close}, \itag{precise}, \ntag{2}{weight})
187 \choice Worn bow (\itag{near}, \ntag{2}{weight}), bundle of arrows (\ntag{3}{ammo},
188 \itag{1 weight}), and short sword (\itag{close}, \ntag{1}{weight})
170190 Choose one:
172 \choice Adventuring gear (1 weight)
174 \choice Bandages (0 weight)
176 \choice Halfling pipeleaf (0 weight)
192 \choice Adventuring gear (\ntag{1}{weight})
194 \choice Bandages (\ntag{0}{weight})
196 \choice Halfling pipeleaf (\ntag{0}{weight})
178198 \choice 3 coins
183203 \end{multicols}
205 \widebanner{Advanced Moves}
185207 \begin{multicols}{2}
186 \leftbanner{Advanced Moves (2-5)}
188 When you \textbf{gain a level from 2--5}, choose from these moves.
190 \
208 \firstAdvances
192210 \begin{amove}{Healing Song}
193211 When you \condition{heal with \move{Arcane Art}}, you heal +1d8
253271 \vfill\null
254272 \columnbreak
256 \rightbanner{Advanced Moves (6-10)}
258 When you \textbf{gain a level from 6--10}, choose from these moves or
259 the level 2--5 moves.
261 \
274 \secondAdvances
263276 \begin{amove}{Healing Chorus}
264277 \textbf{Replaces}: \move{Healing Song}
88 \newcommand{\BaseLoad}{10}
99 \newcommand{\Damage}{6}
12 \newcommand{\Names}{
14 Dwarf: Durga, Aelfar, Gerda, Rurgosh, Bjorn, Drummond, Helga,
15 Siggrun, Freya
17 Human: Wesley, Brinton, Jon, Sara, Hawthorn, Elise, Clarke, Lenore,
18 Piotr, Dahlia, Carmine
20 Orc: FIXME
21 }
23 \newcommand{\Look}{
24 Kind Eyes, Sharp Eyes, or Sad Eyes
26 Tonsure, Strange Hair, or Bald
28 Flowing Robes, Habit, or Common Garb
30 Thin Body, Knobby Body, or Flabby Body
31 }
1134 \begin{document}
1235 \openup -0.2em
1437 \charbanner
16 \begin{multicols}{2}
39 \begin{minipage}[t]{3.2in}
1740 \leftbanner{Folk}
1942 \begin{amove}{Dwarf}
20 are one with stone. When you commune you are also granted a special
21 version of \textbf{Words of the Unspeaking} as a rote which only
22 works on stone.
43 You are one with stone. When you \move{Commune} you are also granted
44 a special version of \spell{Words of the Unspeaking} as a rote which
45 only works on stone.
2346 \end{amove}
2548 \begin{amove}{Human}
3053 \begin{amove}{Orc}
3154 Your soul is most at peace when you are prepared for any battle. You
32 are granted \textbf{Magic Weapon} as a rote.
55 are granted \spell{Magic Weapon} as a rote.
3356 \end{amove}
3558 \
5780 \vfill\null
58 \columnbreak
81 \end{minipage}
82 \begin{minipage}[t]{4.6in}
6183 \rightbanner{Starting Moves}
6385 \begin{basicmove}{Deity}
122144 \begin{basicmove}{Cast a Spell}
124146 When you \condition{unleash a spell granted to you by your deity},
125 roll+WIS. \onSuccess{On a 10+}, the spell is successfully cast and your
147 roll+WIS. \onSuccess, the spell is successfully cast and your
126148 deity does not revoke the spell, so you may cast it
127 again. \onPartial{On a 7–9}, the spell is cast, but choose one:
149 again. \onPartial, the spell is cast, but choose one:
129151 \begin{itemize}
130152 \item You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM
131153 will tell you how.
132154 \item Your casting distances you from your deity---take -1 ongoing
133 to cast a spell until the next time you commune.
155 to cast a spell until the next time you \move{Commune}.
134156 \item After you cast it, the spell is revoked by your deity. You
135 cannot cast the spell again until you commune and have it granted
136 to you.
157 cannot cast the spell again until you \move{Commune} and have it
158 granted to you.
137159 \end{itemize}
139161 Note that maintaining spells with ongoing effects will sometimes
141163 \end{basicmove}
143165 \vfill\null
144 \end{multicols}
166 \end{minipage}
168 \charlower
145169 \clearpage
147171 \gearbanner
149173 \begin{multicols}{2}
151175 \begin{quote}
152 Your Load is 10+STR. You carry dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight)
153 and some symbol of the divine, describe it (0 weight). Choose your
154 defenses:
176 Your Load is 10+STR. You carry dungeon rations (\ntag{5}{uses},
177 \ntag{1}{weight}) and some symbol of the divine, describe it
178 (\ntag{0}{weight}). Choose your defenses:
156180 \begin{quote}
157 \Checkbox{6pt} Chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight)
159 \Checkbox{6pt} Shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
181 \Checkbox{6pt} Chainmail (\ntag{1}{armor}, \ntag{1}{weight})
183 \Checkbox{6pt} Shield (\ntag{+1}{armor}, \ntag{2}{weight})
160184 \end{quote}
162186 Choose your armament:
163187 \begin{quote}
164 \Checkbox{6pt} Warhammer (close, 1 weight)
166 \Checkbox{6pt} Mace (close, 1 weight)
168 \Checkbox{6pt} Staff (close, two-handed, 1 weight) and bandages (0 weight)
188 \Checkbox{6pt} Warhammer (\itag{close}, \ntag{1}{weight})
190 \Checkbox{6pt} Mace (\itag{close}, \ntag{1}{weight})
192 \Checkbox{6pt} Staff (\itag{close}, \itag{two-handed},
193 \ntag{1}{weight}) and bandages (\ntag{0}{weight})
169194 \end{quote}
171196 Choose one:
172197 \begin{quote}
173 \Checkbox{6pt} Adventuring gear (1 weight) and dungeon rations (5
174 uses, 1 weight)
176 \Checkbox{6pt} Healing potion (0 weight)
198 \Checkbox{6pt} Adventuring gear (\ntag{1}{weight}) and dungeon
199 rations (\ntag{5}{uses}, \ntag{1}{weight})
201 \Checkbox{6pt} Healing potion (\ntag{0}{weight})
177202 \end{quote}
178203 \end{quote}
184209 \end{multicols}
211 \widebanner{Advanced Moves}
186213 \begin{multicols}{2}
187 \leftbanner{Advanced Moves (2-5)}
189214 When you \textbf{gain a level from 2--5}, choose from these moves.
191216 \begin{amove}{Chosen One}
194219 \end{amove}
196221 \begin{amove}{Invigorate}
197 When you heal someone they take +2 forward to their damage.
222 When you \condition{heal someone} they take +2 forward to their
223 damage.
198224 \end{amove}
200226 \begin{amove}{The Scales of Life and Death}
213239 \end{amove}
215241 \begin{amove}{Divine Intervention}
216 When you \move{commune} you get 1 hold and lose any hold you already
242 When you \move{Commune} you get 1 hold and lose any hold you already
217243 had. Spend that hold when you or an ally takes damage to call on
218244 your deity, they intervene with an appropriate manifestation (a
219245 sudden gust of wind, a lucky slip, a burst of light) and negate the
248274 \end{amove}
250276 \begin{amove}{Devoted Healer}
251 When you heal someone else of damage, add your level to the amount of damage healed.
277 When you \condition{heal someone else of damage}, add your level to
278 the amount of damage healed.
252279 \end{amove}
255282 \vfill\null
256283 \columnbreak
258 \rightbanner{Advanced Moves (6-10)}
260285 When you \textbf{gain a level from 6--10}, choose from these moves or
261286 the level 2--5 moves.
281306 \end{amove}
283308 \begin{amove}{Providence}
284 \textbf{Replaces}: Serenity
309 \textbf{Replaces}: \move{Serenity}
286311 You ignore the -1 penalty from two spells you maintain.
287312 \end{amove}
289314 \begin{amove}{Greater First Aid}
290 \textbf{Requires}: First Aid
315 \textbf{Requires}: \move{First Aid}
292317 \spell{Cure Moderate Wounds} is a rote for you, and therefore
293318 doesn’t count against your limit of granted spells.
294319 \end{amove}
296321 \begin{amove}{Divine Invincibility}
297 \textbf{Replaces}: Divine Intervention
299 When you commune you gain 2 hold and lose any hold you already
300 had. Spend that hold when you or an ally takes damage to call on
301 your deity, who intervenes with an appropriate manifestation (a
302 sudden gust of wind, a lucky slip, a burst of light) and negates the
303 damage.
322 \textbf{Replaces}: \move{Divine Intervention}
324 When you \move{Commune} you gain 2 hold and lose any hold you
325 already had. Spend that hold when you or an ally takes damage to
326 call on your deity, who intervenes with an appropriate manifestation
327 (a sudden gust of wind, a lucky slip, a burst of light) and negates
328 the damage.
304329 \end{amove}
306331 \begin{amove}{Martyr}
307 \textbf{Replaces}: Penitent
309 When you take damage and embrace the pain, you may take +1d4 damage
310 (ignoring armor). If you do, take +1 forward to cast a spell and add
311 your level to any damage done or healed by the spell.
332 \textbf{Replaces}: \move{Penitent}
334 When you \condition{take damage and embrace the pain}, you may take
335 +1d4 damage (ignoring armor). If you do, take +1 forward to cast a
336 spell and add your level to any damage done or healed by the spell.
312337 \end{amove}
314339 \begin{amove}{Divine Armor}
315 \textbf{Replaces}: Divine Protection
317 When you wear no armor or shield you get 3 armor.
340 \textbf{Replaces}: \move{Divine Protection}
342 When you \condition{wear no armor or shield} you get 3 armor.
318343 \end{amove}
320345 \begin{amove}{Greater Empower}
321 \textbf{Replaces}: Empower
323 When you cast a spell, on a 10–11 you have the option of choosing
324 from the 7–9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these effects as
325 well. On a 12+ you get to choose one of these effects for free.
346 \textbf{Replaces}: \move{Empower}
348 When you \move{Cast A Spell}, \textbf{on a 10--11} you have the option of
349 choosing from the 7–9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these
350 effects as well. \onMassiveSuccess, you get to choose one of these effects for
351 free.
327353 \begin{itemize}
328354 \item The spell’s effects are doubled
339365 \vfill\null
340366 \end{multicols}
367 \clearpage
369 \topbanner{Cleric Spells}
371 \
373 \widebanner{Rotes}
374 \begin{multicols}{2}
375 \begin{quote}
376 Every time you \move{Commune}, you gain access to all of your
377 rotes without having to select them or count them toward your
378 allotment of spells.
379 \end{quote}
381 \begin{amove}{Light}
382 An item you touch glows with divine light, about as bright as a
383 torch. It gives off no heat or sound and requires no fuel but is
384 otherwise like a mundane torch. You have complete control of the
385 color of the flame. The spell lasts as long as it is in your
386 presence.
387 \end{amove}
389 \vfill\null
390 \columnbreak
392 \begin{amove}{Sanctify}
393 Food or water you hold in your hands while you cast this spell is
394 consecrated by your deity. In addition to now being holy or
395 unholy, the affected substance is purified of any mundane
396 spoilage.
397 \end{amove}
399 \begin{amove}{Guidance}
400 The symbol of your deity appears before you and gestures towards
401 the direction or course of action your deity would have you take
402 then disappears. The message is through gesture only; your
403 communication through this spell is severely limited.
404 \end{amove}
405 \vfill\null
406 \end{multicols}
408 \widebanner{First Level Spells}
410 \begin{multicols}{2}
411 \begin{amove}{Bless}
412 Your deity smiles upon a combatant of your choice. They take +1
413 ongoing so long as battle continues and they stand and
414 fight. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
415 \end{amove}
417 \begin{amove}{Cure Light Wounds}
418 At your touch wounds scab and bones cease to ache. Heal an ally
419 you touch of 1d8 damage.
420 \end{amove}
422 \begin{amove}{Detect Alignment}
423 When you cast this spell choose an alignment: Good, Evil, Lawful,
424 or Chaotic. One of your senses is briefly able to detect that
425 alignment. The GM will tell you what here is of that alignment.
426 \end{amove}
428 \begin{amove}{Cause Fear}
429 Choose a target you can see and a nearby object. The target is
430 afraid of the object so long as you maintain the spell. Their
431 reaction is up to them: flee, panic, beg, fight. While this spell
432 is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. You cannot target entities
433 with less than animal intelligence (magical constructs, undead,
434 automatons, and the like).
435 \end{amove}
436 \vfill\null
437 \columnbreak
438 \begin{amove}{Magic Weapon}
439 The weapon you hold while casting does +1d4 damage until you
440 dismiss this spell. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to
441 cast a spell.
442 \end{amove}
444 \begin{amove}{Sanctuary}
445 As you cast this spell, you walk the perimeter of an area,
446 consecrating it to your deity. As long as you stay within that
447 area you are alerted whenever someone acts with malice within the
448 sanctuary (including entering with harmful intent). Anyone who
449 receives healing within a sanctuary heals +1d4 HP.
450 \end{amove}
452 \begin{amove}{Speak With Dead}
453 A corpse converses with you briefly. It will answer any three
454 questions you pose to it to the best of the knowledge it had in
455 life and the knowledge it gained in death.
456 \end{amove}
457 \vfill\null
458 \end{multicols}
459 \widebanner{Third Level Spells}
460 \begin{multicols}{2}
461 \begin{amove}{Animate Dead}
462 You invoke a hungry spirit to possess a recently-dead body and
463 serve you. This creates a zombie that follows your orders to the
464 best of its limited abilities. Treat the zombie as a character,
465 but with access to only the basic moves. It has a +1 modifier for
466 all stats and 1 HP. The zombie also gets your choice of 1d4 of
467 these traits:
468 \begin{itemize}
469 \item It’s talented. Give one stat a +2 modifier.
470 \item It’s durable. It has +2 HP for each level you have.
471 \item It has a functioning brain and can complete complex tasks.
472 \item It does not appear obviously dead, at least for a day or
473 two.
474 \end{itemize}
475 The zombie lasts until it is destroyed by taking damage in excess
476 of its HP, or until you end the spell. While this spell is ongoing
477 you take -1 to cast a spell.
478 \end{amove}
480 \begin{amove}{Cure Moderate Wounds}
481 You staunch bleeding and set bones through magic. Heal an ally you
482 touch of 2d8 damage.
483 \end{amove}
485 \begin{amove}{Darkness}
486 Choose an area you can see: it’s filled with supernatural darkness
487 and shadow. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a
488 spell.
489 \end{amove}
490 \vfill\null
491 \columnbreak
493 \begin{amove}{Resurrection}
494 Tell the GM you would like to resurrect a corpse whose soul has
495 not yet fully departed this world. Resurrection is always
496 possible, but the GM will give you one or more (possibly all) of
497 these conditions to fulfill:
498 \begin{itemize}
499 \item It’s going to take days/weeks/months
500 \item You must get help from \hrulefill
501 \item It will require a lot of money
502 \item You must sacrifice \hrulefill\ to do it
503 \end{itemize}
504 The GM may, depending on the circumstances, allow you to resurrect
505 the corpse now, with the understanding that the conditions must be
506 met before it’s permanent, or require you to meet the conditions
507 before the corpse is resurrected.
508 \end{amove}
510 \begin{amove}{Hold Person}
511 Choose a person you can see. Until you cast a spell or leave their
512 presence they cannot act except to speak. This effect ends
513 immediately if the target takes damage from any source.
514 \end{amove}
515 \vfill\null
516 \end{multicols}
517 \clearpage
519 \widebanner{Fifth Level Spells}
520 \widebanner{Seventh Level Spells}
521 \widebanner{Ninth Level Spells}
342523 \end{document}
77 \newcommand{\BaseLoad}{6}
88 \newcommand{\Damage}{6}
10 \newcommand{\Names}{
11 Elf: Hycorax, Ethanwe, Sinathel, Demanor, Menoliir, Mithralan,
12 Taeros, Aegor
14 Halfling: Tanner, Dunstan, Rose, Ivy, Robard, Mab, Thistle, Puck,
15 Anne, Serah
17 Human: Elana, Obelis, Herran, Syla, Andanna, Siobhan, Aziz, Pelin,
18 Sibel, Nils, Wei
20 Buleksh: Drukhtal, Meshim, Arrulgun, Rubashk, Pyestri, Damashchik,
21 Dyebarrh
22 }
24 \newcommand{\Look}{
25 Wise Eyes, Wild Eyes, or Haunting Eyes
27 Furry Hood, Messy Hair, or Braided Hair
29 Ceremonial Garb, Practical Leathers, or Weathered Hides
30 }
1032 \begin{document}
1133 \openup -0.2em
1335 \charbanner
15 \begin{multicols}{2}
37 \begin{minipage}[t]{3.2in}
1639 \leftbanner{Folk}
1841 \begin{amove}{Elf}
2750 \end{amove}
2952 \begin{amove}{Halfling}
30 You sing the healing songs of spring and brook. When you make camp,
31 you and your allies heal +1d6.
53 You sing the healing songs of spring and brook. When you \move{Make
54 Camp}, you and your allies heal +1d6.
3255 \end{amove}
3457 \begin{amove}{Buleksh}
5881 \leftbanner{Bonds}
60 \begin{quote}
61 \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
63 \enspace\hrulefill
65 \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
67 \enspace\hrulefill
69 \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
71 \enspace\hrulefill
73 \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
75 \enspace\hrulefill
77 \textbf{V:}\enspace\hrulefill
79 \enspace\hrulefill
80 \end{quote}
8383 \vfill\null
84 \columnbreak
84 \end{minipage}
85 \begin{minipage}[t]{4.6in}
8786 \rightbanner{Starting Moves}
8988 \begin{basicmove}{Born of the Soil}
91 You learned your magic in a place whose spirits are strong and ancient and they’ve marked you as one of their own. No matter where you go, they live within you and allow you to take their shape. Choose one of the following. It is the land to which you are attuned—when shapeshifting you may take the shape of any animal who might live in your Land.
90 You learned your magic in a place whose spirits are strong and
91 ancient and they’ve marked you as one of their own. No matter where
92 you go, they live within you and allow you to take their
93 shape. Choose one of the following. It is the land to which you are
94 attuned—when shapeshifting you may take the shape of any animal who
95 might live in your Land.
9397 \begin{quote}\begin{multicols}{2}
9498 \choice The Great Forests
122126 hair like leaves or eyes of glittering crystal. Your tell remains
123127 no matter what shape you take.
124128 \end{basicmove}
129 \
126131 \begin{basicmove}{By Nature Sustained}
127132 You don’t need to eat or drink. If a move tells you to mark off a
128133 ration just ignore it.
129134 \end{basicmove}
135 \
131137 \begin{basicmove}{Spirit Tongue}
132138 The grunts, barks, chirps, and calls of the creatures of the wild
133139 are as language to you. You can understand any animal native to your
134140 land or akin to one whose essence you have studied.
135141 \end{basicmove}
142 \
137144 \begin{basicmove}{Shapeshifter}
139 When you call upon the spirits to change your shape,
140 roll+Wis. \textbf{On a 10+}, hold 3. \textbf{On a 7–9}, hold
141 2. \textbf{On a miss}, hold 1 in addition to whatever the GM says.
145 When you \condition{call upon the spirits to change your shape},
146 roll +WIS. \onSuccess, hold 3. \onPartial, hold 2. \onMiss, hold 1
147 in addition to whatever the GM says.
143149 You may take on the physical form of any species whose essence you
144150 have studied or who lives in your land: you and your possessions
151157 of hold, you return to your natural form. At any time, you may spend
152158 all your hold and revert to your natural form.
153159 \end{basicmove}
160 \
155162 \begin{basicmove}{Studied Essence}
156 When you spend time in contemplation of an animal spirit, you may
157 add its species to those you can assume using shapeshifting.
163 When you \condition{spend time in contemplation of an animal
164 spirit}, you may add its species to those you can assume using
165 shapeshifting.
158166 \end{basicmove}
161169 \vfill\null
162 \end{multicols}
170 \end{minipage}
172 \charlower
163173 \clearpage
165175 \gearbanner
170180 Your load is 6+STR. You carry some token of your land, describe
171181 it. Choose your defenses:
172182 \begin{quote}
173 \choice Hide armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
175 \choice Wooden shield (+1 armor, 1 weight)
183 \choice Hide armor (\ntag{1}{armor}, \ntag{1}{weight})
185 \choice Wooden shield (\ntag{+1}{armor}, \ntag{1}{weight})
176186 \end{quote}
178188 Choose your armament:
180190 \begin{quote}
181 \choice Shillelagh (close, 2 weight)
183 \choice Staff (close, two-handed, 1 weight)
185 \choice Spear (close, thrown, near, 1 weight)
191 \choice Shillelagh (\itag{close}, \ntag{2}{weight})
193 \choice Staff (\itag{close}, \itag{two-handed},
194 \ntag{1}{weight})
196 \choice Spear (\itag{close}, \itag{thrown}, \itag{near},
197 \ntag{1}{weight})
186198 \end{quote}
188200 Choose one:
190202 \begin{quote}
191 \choice Adventuring gear (1 weight)
193 \choice Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight)
195 \choice Halfling pipeleaf (0 weight)
197 \choice 3 antitoxin (0 weight)
203 \choice Adventuring gear (\ntag{1}{weight})
205 \choice Poultices and herbs (\ntag{2}{uses}, \ntag{1}{weight})
207 \choice Halfling pipeleaf (\ntag{0}{weight})
209 \choice 3 antitoxin (\ntag{0}{weight})
198210 \end{quote}
199211 \end{quote}
207219 \end{multicols}
221 \widebanner{Advanced Moves}
209223 \begin{multicols}{2}
210 \leftbanner{Advanced Moves (2-5)}
212 When you \textbf{gain a level from 2--5}, choose from these moves.
214 \
225 \firstAdvances
216227 \begin{amove}{Hunter’s Brother}
217228 Choose one move from the ranger class list.
223234 \end{amove}
225236 \begin{amove}{Communion of Whispers}
226 When you spend time in a place, making note of its resident spirits
227 and calling on the spirits of the land, roll+Wis. You will be
228 granted a vision of significance to you, your allies, and the
229 spirits around you. \textbf{On a 10+}, the vision will be clear and
230 helpful to you. \textbf{On a 7–9}, the vision is unclear, its
231 meaning murky. \textbf{On a miss}, the vision is upsetting,
232 frightening, or traumatizing. The GM will describe it. Take -1
233 forward.
237 When you \condition{spend time in a place, making note of its
238 resident spirits and calling on the spirits of the land}, roll
239 +WIS. You will be granted a vision of significance to you, your
240 allies, and the spirits around you. \onSuccess, the vision will be
241 clear and helpful to you. \onPartial, the vision is unclear, its
242 meaning murky. \onMiss, the vision is upsetting, frightening, or
243 traumatizing. The GM will describe it. Take -1 forward.
234244 \end{amove}
236246 \begin{amove}{Barkskin}
238248 \end{amove}
240250 \begin{amove}{Eyes of the Tiger}
241 When you mark an animal (with mud, dirt, or blood) you can see
242 through that animal’s eyes as if they were your own, no matter what
243 distance separates you. Only one animal at a time may be marked in
244 this way.
251 When you \condition{mark an animal (with mud, dirt, or blood)} you
252 can see through that animal’s eyes as if they were your own, no
253 matter what distance separates you. Only one animal at a time may be
254 marked in this way.
245255 \end{amove}
247257 \begin{amove}{Shed}
248 When you take damage while shapeshifted you may choose to revert to
249 your natural form to negate the damage.
258 When you \condition{take damage while shapeshifted} you may choose
259 to revert to your natural form to negate the damage.
250260 \end{amove}
252262 \begin{amove}{Thing-Talker}
253263 You see the spirits in the sand, the sea and the stone. You may now
254 apply your spirit tongue, shapeshifting and studied essence to
255 inanimate natural objects (plants and rocks) or creatures made
264 apply your \move{Spirit Tongue}, shapeshifting and studied essence
265 to inanimate natural objects (plants and rocks) or creatures made
256266 thereof, as well as animals. Thing-talker forms can be exact copies
257267 or can be mobile vaguely humanoid-shaped entities.
258268 \end{amove}
260270 \begin{amove}{Formcrafter}
261 When you shapeshift choose a stat: you take +1 ongoing to rolls
262 using that stat while shifted. The GM will choose a stat, too: you
263 take -1 ongoing to rolls using that stat while shifted.
271 When you \move{Shapeshift} choose a stat: you take +1 ongoing to
272 rolls using that stat while shifted. The GM will choose a stat, too:
273 you take -1 ongoing to rolls using that stat while shifted.
264274 \end{amove}
266276 \begin{amove}{Elemental Mastery}
267 When you call on the primal spirits of fire, water, earth or air to
268 perform a task for you roll+Wis. \textbf{On a 10+} choose two. \textbf{On a 7–9}, choose one. \textbf{On a miss}, some catastrophe occurs as a result of your calling.
270 • The effect you desire comes to pass
272 • You avoid paying nature’s price
274 • You retain control
277 When you \condition{call on the primal spirits of fire, water, earth
278 or air to perform a task for you}, roll +WIS. \onSuccess, choose
279 two. \onPartial, choose one. \onMiss, some catastrophe occurs as a
280 result of your calling.
282 \begin{itemize}
283 \item The effect you desire comes to pass
284 \item You avoid paying nature’s price
285 \item You retain control
286 \end{itemize}
275287 \end{amove}
277289 \begin{amove}{Balance}
284296 \vfill\null
285297 \columnbreak
287 \rightbanner{Advanced Moves (6-10)}
289 When you \textbf{gain a level from 6--10}, choose from these moves or
290 the level 2--5 moves.
292 \
299 \secondAdvances
294301 \begin{amove}{Embracing No Form}
296 When you shapeshift, roll 1d4 and add that total to your hold.
302 When you shapeshift, roll 1d4 and add that total to your hold.
297303 \end{amove}
300306 \begin{amove}{Doppelgänger’s Dance}
302 You are able to study the essence of specific individuals to take
303 their exact form, including men, elves, or the like. Suppressing your
304 tell is possible, but if you do, take -1 ongoing until you return to
305 your own form.
307 You are able to study the essence of specific individuals to take
308 their exact form, including men, elves, or the like. Suppressing
309 your tell is possible, but if you do, take -1 ongoing until you
310 return to your own form.
306311 \end{amove}
308313 \begin{amove}{Blood and Thunder}
310 \textbf{Replaces}: Red of Tooth and Claw
312 When you are in an appropriate animal form (something dangerous)
313 increase your damage to d10.
314 \textbf{Replaces}: \move{Red of Tooth and Claw}
316 When you are in an appropriate animal form (something dangerous)
317 increase your damage to d10.
314318 \end{amove}
316320 \begin{amove}{The Druid Sleep}
318321 When you take this move, the next opportunity that you have safety
319322 and time to spend in an appropriate location, you may attune
320323 yourself to a new land. This effect occurs only once and the GM will
323326 \end{amove}
325328 \begin{amove}{World-Talker}
327 \textbf{Requires}: Thing-Talker
329 You see the patterns that make up the fabric of the world. You may now
330 apply your spirit tongue, shapeshifter and studied essence moves to
331 pure elements—fire, water, air and earth.
329 \textbf{Requires}: \move{Thing-Talker}
331 You see the patterns that make up the fabric of the world. You may
332 now apply your spirit tongue, shapeshifter and studied essence moves
333 to pure elements—fire, water, air and earth.
332334 \end{amove}
334336 \begin{amove}{Stalker’s Sister}
335 Choose one move from the ranger class list.
337 Choose one move from the ranger class list.
336338 \end{amove}
338340 \begin{amove}{Formshaper}
339 \textbf{Requires}: Formcrafter
341 You may increase your armor by 1 or deal an additional +1d4 damage
342 while in an animal form. Choose which when you shapeshift.
341 \textbf{Requires}: \move{Formcrafter}
343 You may increase your armor by 1 or deal an additional +1d4 damage
344 while in an animal form. Choose which when you shapeshift.
343345 \end{amove}
345347 \begin{amove}{Chimera}
346 When you shapeshift, you may create a merged form of up to three
347 different shapes. You may be a bear with the wings of an eagle and
348 the head of a ram, for example. Each feature will grant you a
348 When you \move{Shapeshift}, you may create a merged form of up to
349 three different shapes. You may be a bear with the wings of an eagle
350 and the head of a ram, for example. Each feature will grant you a
349351 different move to make. Your chimera form follows the same rules as
350352 shapeshifter otherwise.
351353 \end{amove}
353355 \begin{amove}{Weather Weaver}
354 When you are under open skies when the sun rises the GM will ask you
355 what the weather will be that day. Tell them whatever you like, it
356 comes to pass.
356 When you are \condition{under open skies when the sun rises} the GM
357 will ask you what the weather will be that day. Tell them whatever
358 you like, it comes to pass.
357359 \end{amove}