gdritter repos charter / 472e7ae
Some backslashes in the shell snippets Getty Ritter 6 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 6 addition(s) and 6 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
5050 ```bash
5151 $ charter quick haskcat \
5252 -a text \
53 -s 'The Haskcat program'
53 -s 'The Haskcat program' \
5454 -d 'Probably a pure Haskell implementation of cat, I guess?'
5555 ```
6161 ```bash
6262 $ charter library make-it-so \
63 -m Web.Make.It.So
64 -a warp
65 -a wai
66 -b do-this
67 -b do-that
63 -m Web.Make.It.So \
64 -a warp \
65 -a wai \
66 -b do-this \
67 -b do-that \
6868 -b do-the-other
6969 ```