gdritter repos charter / master
starting to work on test stanzas Getty Ritter 6 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 11 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
7979 , ") where"
8080 ]
82 defaultTest :: T.Text -> T.Text
83 defaultTest mod = T.unlines $
84 [ "module " <> mod <> "(main) where" ]
8286 defaultGitignore :: T.Text
8387 defaultGitignore = T.unlines
8488 [ "dist"
2727 , _execDeps :: [T.Text]
2828 }
30 data TestDetails = TestDetails
31 { _testName :: T.Text
32 , _testDir :: T.Text
33 , _testDeps :: [T.Text]
34 }
3036 data Project = Project
3137 { _projectDetails :: ProjectDetails
3238 , _libDetails :: Maybe LibraryDetails
3743 Lens.makeLenses ''ProjectDetails
3844 Lens.makeLenses ''LibraryDetails
3945 Lens.makeLenses ''ExecutableDetails
46 Lens.makeLenses ''TestDetails
4047 Lens.makeLenses ''Project