gdritter repos collage / 3a981ca
Implement naive and largely terrible Splice function Getty Ritter 6 years ago
5 changed file(s) with 131 addition(s) and 23 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
11 cabal-version: 2.2
22 name: collage
33 version:
4 -- synopsis:
4 synopsis: A tool for assembling documents out of working, testable code
55 -- description:
66 license: BSD-3-Clause
77 author: Getty Ritter <>
88 maintainer: Getty Ritter <>
99 copyright: @2018 Getty Ritter
10 -- category:
10 category: Text
1111 build-type: Simple
1414 library
15 hs-source-dirs: src
16 ghc-options: -Wall
15 exposed-modules: Collage
16 , Collage.Config
17 , Collage.Opts
18 , Collage.Commands.Test
19 , Collage.Commands.Splice
1720 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <5
1821 , adnot
1922 , bytestring
2427 , process
2528 , text
2629 , vector
30 hs-source-dirs: src
31 ghc-options: -Wall
2732 default-language: Haskell2010
28 default-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables
29 exposed-modules: Collage
30 , Collage.Config
31 , Collage.Opts
32 , Collage.Commands.Test
33 , Collage.Commands.Splice
3534 executable collage
3635 hs-source-dirs: collage
3736 main-is: Main.hs
3837 default-language: Haskell2010
39 default-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables
4038 ghc-options: -Wall
4139 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <5
4240 , collage
1 -- «front-matter»
12 module Main where
3 -- «end»
5 -- «functions»
36 main :: IO ()
47 main = return ()
8 -- «end»
1 module Collage.Commands.Splice (runSplice) where
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 module Collage.Commands.Splice (runSplice, findFragments) where
5 import Control.Monad (foldM)
6 import qualified Data.Map as M
7 import qualified Data.Text as T
8 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
9 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
10 import qualified System.Exit as Sys
11 import System.FilePath ((</>))
12 import qualified System.FilePath as Sys
314 import Collage.Config
415 import Collage.Opts
17 findFragmentIdentifiers :: TL.Text -> [T.Text]
18 findFragmentIdentifiers t
19 | (_, rs) <- TL.break (== '«') t
20 , (f, rs') <- TL.break (== '»') (TL.drop 1 rs)
21 , not (TL.null f) = TL.toStrict f : findFragmentIdentifiers rs'
22 | otherwise = []
24 toIdent :: T.Text -> TL.Text
25 toIdent = TL.fromStrict . T.cons '«' . flip T.snoc '»'
27 findFragments :: FilePath -> T.Text -> [Source] -> Either String (IO TL.Text)
28 findFragments root s sources = case (T.splitOn "/" s) of
29 [] -> error "(should not happen)"
30 (x:rs) -> case [ src
31 | src@Source { sourceName = n } <- sources
32 , n == x
33 ] of
34 [src] -> go src rs (sourceExpose src)
35 [] -> Left ("Unable to find source named " ++ T.unpack x)
36 _ -> Left ("Ambiguous source name: " ++ T.unpack x)
37 where
38 go :: Source -> [T.Text] -> Expose -> Either String (IO TL.Text)
39 go q [] (ExposeFile path) =
40 return (TL.readFile (root </> sourceDir q </> path))
41 go _ [] ExposeSections{} =
42 Left $ concat [ "Splice identifier «"
43 , T.unpack s
44 , "» matches a file with sections, but "
45 , "does not specify a section!"
46 ]
47 go _ [] NamedMap{} =
48 Left $ concat [ "Splice identifier «"
49 , T.unpack s
50 , "» matches a map, but does not specify "
51 , "a key!"
52 ]
54 go q [section] (ExposeSections path) =
55 return (readSection (root </> sourceDir q </> path) section)
57 go _ (_:_) (ExposeSections path) =
58 Left $ concat [ "Splice identifier «"
59 , T.unpack s
60 , "» indexes too far into the path "
61 , path
62 , "!"
63 ]
65 go _ (_:_) (ExposeFile path) =
66 Left $ concat [ "Splice identifier «"
67 , T.unpack s
68 , "» indexes too far into the file "
69 , path
70 , "!"
71 ]
73 go q (k:rs) (NamedMap m)
74 | Just e <- M.lookup k m = go q rs e
75 | otherwise = Left $ concat
76 [ "Splice identifier «"
77 , T.unpack s
78 , "» references a key "
79 , T.unpack k
80 , " which cannot be found."
81 ]
83 doReplacements :: FilePath -> [Source] -> TL.Text -> IO TL.Text
84 doReplacements root e original =
85 foldM doReplace original (findFragmentIdentifiers original)
86 where
87 doReplace file frag = do
88 new <- case findFragments root frag e of
89 Left err -> Sys.die err
90 Right x -> x
91 return (TL.replace (toIdent frag) new file)
93 readSection :: FilePath -> T.Text -> IO TL.Text
94 readSection path f = do
95 contents <- TL.readFile path
96 case TL.breakOn (toIdent f) contents of
97 (_, "") -> Sys.die $ unwords [ "Unable to find section"
98 , show f
99 , "in file"
100 , path
101 ]
102 (_, rs) ->
103 let (_, skipLine) = TL.breakOn "\n" rs
104 (section, _) = TL.breakOn "«end»" (TL.drop 1 skipLine)
105 (skipLine', _) = TL.breakOnEnd "\n" section
106 in return (TL.init skipLine')
6108 runSplice :: Config -> Options -> IO ()
7 runSplice _ _ = putStrLn "Unimplemented!"
109 runSplice conf opts = do
110 let root = Sys.takeDirectory (optFile opts)
111 f <- TL.readFile (root </> confDocument conf)
112 rs <- doReplacements root (confSources conf) f
113 TL.putStrLn rs
1313 runTest :: Config -> Options -> IO ()
1414 runTest conf _ = do
15 dbg ["testing", T.unpack (confDocument conf) ]
15 dbg ["testing", confDocument conf ]
1616 forM_ (confSources conf) $ \ samp -> do
1717 dbg ["-", "building source", T.unpack (sourceName samp) ]
1818 runCommand samp
1616 import qualified Data.Vector as V
1818 data Config = Config
19 { confDocument :: T.Text
19 { confDocument :: FilePath
2020 , confSources :: [Source]
2121 } deriving (Eq, Show)
2525 where
2626 go payload
2727 | Just file <- payload V.!? 0
28 = Config <$> A.withString "file name" pure file
28 = Config <$> A.parseAdnot file
2929 <*> mapM A.parseAdnot (V.toList (V.tail payload))
3030 | otherwise = Left "expected source file in config"
3434 { sourceName :: T.Text
3535 , sourceDir :: FilePath
3636 , sourceCommands :: [String]
37 , sourceExpose :: [Expose]
37 , sourceExpose :: Expose
3838 } deriving (Eq, Show)
4040 instance A.FromAdnot Source where
4242 name <- p A..: "name"
4343 dir <- p A..: "dir"
4444 cmds <- p A..: "cmd"
45 expose <- p A..: "expose" <|> (fmap pure (p A..: "expose"))
45 expose <- p A..: "expose"
4646 return (Source name dir cmds expose)
6464 sections = A.withSumNamed "exposed fragments" "sections" $ \ ps ->
6565 case V.toList ps of
6666 [] -> Left "Expected name for sections"
67 [f] -> ExposeFile <$> A.parseAdnot f
67 [f] -> ExposeSections <$> A.parseAdnot f
6868 _ -> Left "Too many arguments to sections"
7070 namedMap = A.withProduct "exposed fragments" $ \ p ->
7676 getConfig :: FilePath -> IO (Either String Config)
7777 getConfig loc = do
78 loc <- B.readFile loc
79 return (parseConfig loc)
78 conf <- B.readFile loc
79 return (parseConfig conf)
8181 example :: Config
8282 example = Config
8686 { sourceName = "rust-sample"
8787 , sourceDir = "s1"
8888 , sourceCommands = ["cargo clean", "cargo build"]
89 , sourceExpose = [ExposeFile "src/"]
89 , sourceExpose = ExposeFile "src/"
9090 }
9191 , Source
9292 { sourceName = "haskell-sample"
9393 , sourceDir = "s2"
9494 , sourceCommands = ["cabal new-build"]
95 , sourceExpose = [ExposeSections "Main.hs"]
95 , sourceExpose = ExposeSections "Main.hs"
9696 }
9797 ]
9898 }