gdritter repos config-ini / 0789363
Merge branch 'bidir' Getty Ritter 6 years ago
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5353 Right (Config {cfNetwork = NetworkConfig {netHost = "", netPort = 7878}, cfLocal = Just (LocalConfig {localUser = "terry"})})
5454 ~~~
56 ## Setter- and Lens-Based Usage
58 The above example had an INI file split into two sections (`NETWORK` and `LOCAL`) and a data type with a corresponding structure (containing a `NetworkConfig` and `Maybe LocalConfig` field), which allowed each `section`-level parser to construct a chunk of the configuration and then combine them. This works well if our configuration file has the same structure as our data type, but that might not be what we want. Let's imagine we want to construct our `Config` type as a flat record like this:
60 ~~~.haskell
61 data Config = Config
62 { _cfHost :: String
63 , _cfPort :: Int
64 , _cfUser :: Maybe Text
65 } deriving (Eq, Show)
66 ~~~
68 In this case, we can't construct a `Config` value until we've parsed all three fields in two distinct subsections. One way of doing this is to return the intermediate values from our `section` parsers and construct the `Config` value at the end, once we have all three of its fields:
70 ~~~.haskell
71 configParser :: IniParser Config
72 configParser = do
73 (host, port) <- section "NETWORK" $ do
74 h <- fieldOf "host" string
75 p <- fieldOf "port" number
76 return (h, p)
77 user <- section "LOCAL" $ fieldMb "user"
78 return (Config host port user)
79 ~~~
81 This is unfortunately awkward and repetitive. An alternative is to flatten it out by repeating invocations of `section` like below, but this has its own problems, such as unnecessary repetition of the `"NETWORK"` string literal, unnecessarily repetitive table lookups, and general verbosity:
83 ~~~.haskell
84 configParser :: IniParser Config
85 configParser = do
86 host <- section "NETWORK" $ fieldOf "host" string
87 port <- section "NETWORK" $ fieldOf "port" number
88 user <- section "LOCAL" $ fieldMb "user"
89 return (Config host port user)
90 ~~~
92 In situations like these, you can instead use the `Data.Ini.Config.St` module, which provides a slightly different abstraction: the functions exported by this module assume that you start with a default configuration value, and parsing a field allows you to _update_ that configuration with the value of a field. The monads exported by this module have an extra type parameter that represents the type of the value being updated. The easiest way to use this module is by combining lenses with the `.=` and `.=?` operators, which take a lens and a normal `SectionParser` value, and produce a `SectionStParser` value that uses the lens to update the underlying type:
94 ~~~.haskell
95 makeLenses ''Config
97 configParser :: IniStParser Config ()
98 configParser = do
99 sectionSt "NETWORK" $ do
100 cfHost .= fieldOf "host" string
101 cfPort .= fieldOf "port" number
102 sectionSt "LOCAL" $ do
103 cfUser .= fieldMb "user"
104 ~~~
106 In order to use this parser, we will need to provide an existing value of `Config` so we can apply our updates to it. This is the biggest downside to this approach: in this case, even though the `host` and `port` fields are obligatory and will be overwritten by the parser, we still need to provide dummy values for them.
108 ~~~.haskell
109 myParseIni :: Text -> Either String Config
110 myParseIni t = parseIniFileSt t defaultConfig configParser
111 where defaultConfig = Config "unset" 0 Nothing
112 ~~~
114 The `IniStParser` implementation isn't tied to lenses, and many of the functions exported by `Data.Ini.Config.St` expected any generic function of the type `a -> s -> s`, and not a lens specifically. If we didn't want to use lenses, we can still take advantage of this library, albeit in a more verbose way:
116 ~~~.haskell
117 configParser :: IniStParser Config ()
118 configParser = do
119 sectionSt "NETWORK" $ do
120 fieldOfSt "host" string (\ h s -> s { _cfHost = h })
121 fieldOfSt "port" number (\ p s -> s { _cfPort = p })
122 sectionSt "LOCAL" $ do
123 fieldMbSt "user" (\ u s -> s { _cfUser = u })
124 ~~~
56126 ## Combinators and Conventions
58128 There are several variations on the same basic functionality that appear in `config-ini`. All functions that start with `section` are for parsing section-level chunks of an INI file, while all functions that start with `field` are for parsing key-value pairs within a section. Because it's reasonably common, there are also special `fieldFlag` functions which return `Bool` values, parsed in a relatively loose way.
11 name: config-ini
2 version:
2 version:
33 synopsis: A library for simple INI-based configuration files.
44 homepage:
55 bug-reports:
6 description: The @config-ini@ library is a small monadic language
6 description: The @config-ini@ library is a set of small monadic languages
77 for writing simple configuration languages with convenient,
88 human-readable error messages.
99 .
3535 library
3636 hs-source-dirs: src
3737 exposed-modules: Data.Ini.Config
38 , Data.Ini.Config.Bidir
3839 , Data.Ini.Config.Raw
3940 ghc-options: -Wall
40 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <5
41 build-depends: base >=4.8 && <5
42 , containers
4143 , text >=1.2.2 && <1.3
4244 , unordered-containers >=0.2.7 && <0.3
4345 , transformers >=0.4.1 && <0.6
44 , megaparsec >=5.1.2 && <5.2
46 , megaparsec >=6 && <7
4547 default-language: Haskell2010
4749 executable basic-example
5052 hs-source-dirs: examples/basic-example
5153 main-is: Main.hs
5254 ghc-options: -Wall
53 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <5
55 build-depends: base >=4.8 && <5
5456 , text
5557 , config-ini
58 default-language: Haskell2010
60 executable bidir-example
61 if !flag(build-examples)
62 buildable: False
63 hs-source-dirs: examples/bidir-example
64 main-is: Main.hs
65 ghc-options: -Wall
66 build-depends: base >=4.8 && <5
67 , text
68 , config-ini
69 , microlens-th
5670 default-language: Haskell2010
5872 executable config-example
6175 hs-source-dirs: examples/config-example
6276 main-is: Main.hs
6377 ghc-options: -Wall
64 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <5
78 build-depends: base >=4.8 && <5
6579 , text
6680 , config-ini
81 , microlens-platform
6782 default-language: Haskell2010
6984 test-suite test-ini-compat
7085 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
71 ghc-options: -Wall
86 ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
7287 default-language: Haskell2010
7388 hs-source-dirs: test/ini-compat
7489 main-is: Main.hs
7590 build-depends: base
7691 , ini
7792 , config-ini
78 , QuickCheck
93 , hedgehog
94 , containers
7995 , unordered-containers
8096 , text
87103 main-is: Main.hs
88104 build-depends: base
89105 , config-ini
106 , containers
90107 , unordered-containers
91108 , text
92109 , directory
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
5 module Main where
7 import Data.Ini.Config.Bidir
8 import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
9 import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses)
11 data Config = Config
12 { _confUsername :: Text
13 , _confPort :: Int
14 , _confUseEncryption :: Bool
15 , _confHostname :: Text
16 , _confConfigFile :: Maybe Text
17 , _confPath :: [Text]
18 } deriving (Eq, Show)
20 makeLenses ''Config
22 sampleConfig :: Config
23 sampleConfig = Config
24 { _confUsername = "<user>"
25 , _confPort = 8080
26 , _confUseEncryption = True
27 , _confHostname = "localhost"
28 , _confConfigFile = Nothing
29 , _confPath = ["/bin"]
30 }
32 configSpec :: Ini Config
33 configSpec = ini sampleConfig $ do
34 section "NETWORK" $ do
35 confUsername .= field "user" text
36 & comment [ "your username" ]
37 confPort .= field "port" number
38 & comment [ "the port in question" ]
39 confUseEncryption .= flag "encryption"
40 & optional
41 & comment [ "whether to use encryption (defaults to true)" ]
42 confHostname .= field "hostname" text
43 & optional
44 & comment [ "hostname to connect to (optional)" ]
45 confConfigFile .=? field "config file" text
46 & placeholderValue "<file path>"
47 section "LOCAL" & allOptional $ do
48 confPath .= field "path" (listWithSeparator ":" text)
49 & comment [ "a colon-separated path list" ]
51 example :: Text
52 example = "[NETWORK]\n\
53 \# this contains a comment\n\
54 \; and a semicolon comment\n\
55 \user: gdritter\n\
56 \port: 8888\n"
58 main :: IO ()
59 main = do
60 let s = parseIni example configSpec
61 case s of
62 Left err -> putStrLn err
63 Right p -> do
64 let v = getIniValue p
65 print v
66 putStrLn "------------------------"
67 putStr (unpack (serializeIni configSpec))
68 putStrLn "------------------------"
69 let v' = v { _confPort = 9191
70 , _confHostname = "argl"
71 , _confPath = "/usr/sbin" : _confPath v
72 }
73 let pol = defaultUpdatePolicy
74 { updateGeneratedCommentPolicy =
75 CommentPolicyAddDefaultComment
76 [ "value added by application" ]
77 , updateIgnoreExtraneousFields = False
78 }
79 let up = serializeIni $ updateIni v' $ setIniUpdatePolicy pol p
80 putStrLn "------------------------"
81 putStr (unpack up)
82 putStrLn "------------------------"
examples/lens-example/Main.hs less more
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
4 module Main where
6 import Data.Ini.Config.Lens
7 import Data.Text (Text)
8 import Lens.Micro.Platform (makeLenses)
10 data Config = Config
11 { _confUsername :: Text
12 , _confPort :: Int
13 , _confUseEncryption :: Bool
14 } deriving (Eq, Show)
16 makeLenses ''Config
18 defaultConfig :: Config
19 defaultConfig = Config
20 { _confUsername = "undefined"
21 , _confPort = 0
22 , _confUseEncryption = True
23 }
25 parseConfig :: IniLensParser Config ()
26 parseConfig = sectionL "network" $ do
27 confUsername .= field "user"
28 confPort .= fieldOf "port" number
29 confUseEncryption .=? fieldMbOf "encryption" flag
31 example :: Text
32 example = "[NETWORK]\n\
33 \user = gdritter\n\
34 \port = 8888\n"
36 main :: IO ()
37 main = do
38 print (parseIniFileL example defaultConfig parseConfig)
1 {-|
2 Module : Data.Ini.Config.Bidir
3 Copyright : (c) Getty Ritter, 2017
4 License : BSD
5 Maintainer : Getty Ritter <>
6 Stability : experimental
8 This module presents an alternate API for parsing INI files. Unlike
9 the standard API, it is bidirectional: the same declarative structure
10 can be used to parse an INI file to a value, serialize an INI file
11 from a value, or even /update/ an INI file by comparing it against a
12 value and serializing in a way that minimizes the differences between
13 revisions of the file.
15 This API does make some extra assumptions about your configuration
16 type and the way you interact with it: in particular, it assumes that
17 you have lenses for all the fields you're parsing and that you have
18 some kind of sensible default value of that configuration
19 type. Instead of providing combinators which can extract and parse a
20 field of an INI file into a value, the bidirectional API allows you to
21 declaratively associate a lens into your structure with a field of the
22 INI file.
24 Consider the following example INI file:
26 > [NETWORK]
27 > host =
28 > port = 7878
29 >
30 > [LOCAL]
31 > user = terry
33 We'd like to parse this INI file into a @Config@ type which we've
34 defined like this, using
35 < lens> or a similar library
36 to provide lenses:
38 > data Config = Config
39 > { _cfHost :: String
40 > , _cfPort :: Int
41 > , _cfUser :: Maybe Text
42 > } deriving (Eq, Show)
43 >
44 > ''makeLenses Config
46 We can now define a basic specification of the type @'IniSpec' Config
47 ()@ by using the provided operations to declare our top-level
48 sections, and then within those sections we can associate fields with
49 @Config@ lenses.
51 @
52 'configSpec' :: 'IniSpec' Config ()
53 'configSpec' = do
54 'section' \"NETWORK\" $ do
55 cfHost '.=' 'field' \"host\" 'string'
56 cfPost '.=' 'field' \"port\" 'number'
57 'sectionOpt' \"LOCAL\" $ do
58 cfUser '.=?' 'field' \"user\" 'text'
59 @
61 There are two operators used to associate lenses with fields:
63 ['.='] Associates a lens of type @Lens' s a@ with a field description
64 of type @FieldDescription a@. By default, this will raise an
65 error when parsing if the field described is missing, but we
66 can mark it as optional, as we'll see.
68 ['.=?'] Associates a lens of type @Lens' s (Maybe a)@ with a field
69 description of type @FieldDescription a@. During parsing, if
70 the value does not appear in an INI file, then the lens will
71 be set to 'Nothing'; similarly, during serializing, if the
72 value is 'Nothing', then the field will not be serialized in
73 the file.
75 Each field must include the field's name as well as a 'FieldValue',
76 which describes how to both parse and serialize a value of a given
77 type. Several built-in 'FieldValue' descriptions are provided, but you
78 can always build your own by providing parsing and serialization
79 functions for individual fields.
81 We can also provide extra metadata about a field, allowing it to be
82 skipped durin parsing, or to provide an explicit default value, or to
83 include an explanatory comment for that value to be used when we
84 serialize an INI file. These are conventionally applied to the field
85 using the '&' operator:
87 @
88 configSpec :: 'IniSpec' Config ()
89 configSpec = do
90 'section' \"NETWORK\" $ do
91 cfHost '.=' 'field' \"host\" 'string'
92 & 'comment' [\"The desired hostname (optional)\"]
93 & 'skipIfMissing'
94 cfPost '.=' 'field' \"port\" 'number'
95 & 'comment' [\"The port number\"]
96 'sectionOpt' \"LOCAL\" $ do
97 cfUser '.=?' 'field' \"user\" 'text'
98 @
100 When we want to use this specification, we need to create a value of
101 type 'Ini', which is an abstract representation of an INI
102 specification. To create an 'Ini' value, we need to use the 'ini'
103 function, which combines the spec with the default version of our
104 configuration value.
106 Once we have a value of type 'Ini', we can use it for three basic
107 operations:
109 * We can parse a textual INI file with 'parseIni', which will
110 systematically walk the spec and use the provided lens/field
111 associations to create a parsed configuration file. This will give
112 us a new value of type 'Ini' that represents the parsed
113 configuration, and we can extract the actual configuration value
114 with 'getIniValue'.
116 * We can update the value contained in an 'Ini' value. If the 'Ini'
117 value is the result of a previous call to 'parseIni', then this
118 update will attempt to retain as much of the incidental structure of
119 the parsed file as it can: for example, it will attempt to retain
120 comments, whitespace, and ordering. The general strategy is to make
121 the resulting INI file "diff-minimal": the diff between the older
122 INI file and the updated INI file should contain as little noise as
123 possible. Small cosmetic choices such as how to treat generated
124 comments are controlled by a configurable 'UpdatePolicy' value.
126 * We can serialize an 'Ini' value to a textual INI file. This will
127 produce the specified INI file (either a default fresh INI, or a
128 modified existing INI) as a textual value.
130 -}
132 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
133 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
134 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
135 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
136 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
137 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
138 {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
140 module Data.Ini.Config.Bidir
141 (
142 -- * Parsing, Serializing, and Updating Files
143 -- $using
144 Ini
145 , ini
146 , getIniValue
147 , getRawIni
148 -- ** Parsing INI files
149 , parseIni
150 -- ** Serializing INI files
151 , serializeIni
152 -- ** Updating INI Files
153 , updateIni
154 , setIniUpdatePolicy
155 , UpdatePolicy(..)
156 , UpdateCommentPolicy(..)
157 , defaultUpdatePolicy
158 -- * Bidirectional Parser Types
159 -- $types
160 , IniSpec
161 , SectionSpec
163 -- * Section-Level Parsing
164 -- $sections
165 , section
166 , allOptional
168 -- * Field-Level Parsing
169 -- $fields
170 , FieldDescription
171 , (.=)
172 , (.=?)
173 , field
174 , flag
175 , comment
176 , placeholderValue
177 , optional
179 -- * FieldValues
180 -- $fieldvalues
181 , FieldValue(..)
182 , text
183 , string
184 , number
185 , bool
186 , readable
187 , listWithSeparator
188 , pairWithSeparator
190 -- * Miscellaneous Helpers
191 -- $misc
192 , (&)
193 , Lens
195 ) where
197 import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (State, runState, modify)
198 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
199 import qualified Data.Foldable as F
200 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
201 import Data.Function ((&))
202 #endif
203 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
204 import Data.Sequence ((<|), Seq, ViewL(..), ViewR(..))
205 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
206 import Data.Text (Text)
207 import qualified Data.Text as T
208 import qualified Data.Traversable as F
209 import Data.Typeable (Typeable, Proxy(..), typeRep)
210 import GHC.Exts (IsList(..))
211 import Text.Read (readMaybe)
213 import Data.Ini.Config.Raw
215 -- * Utility functions + lens stuffs
217 -- | This is a
218 -- < lens>-compatible
219 -- type alias
220 type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
222 -- These are some inline reimplementations of "lens" operators. We
223 -- need the identity functor to implement 'set':
224 newtype I a = I { fromI :: a }
225 instance Functor I where fmap f (I x) = I (f x)
227 set :: Lens s t a b -> b -> s -> t
228 set lns x a = fromI (lns (const (I x)) a)
230 -- ... and we need the const functor to implement 'get':
231 newtype C a b = C { fromC :: a }
232 instance Functor (C a) where fmap _ (C x) = C x
234 get :: Lens s t a b -> s -> a
235 get lns a = fromC (lns C a)
237 lkp :: NormalizedText -> Seq (NormalizedText, a) -> Maybe a
238 lkp t = fmap snd . F.find (\ (t', _) -> t' == t)
240 rmv :: NormalizedText -> Seq (Field s) -> Seq (Field s)
241 rmv n = Seq.filter (\ f -> fieldName f /= n)
243 -- The & operator is really useful here, but it didn't show up in
244 -- earlier versions, so it gets redefined here.
245 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
246 {- | '&' is a reverse application operator. This provides notational
247 convenience. Its precedence is one higher than that of the
248 forward application operator '$', which allows '&' to be nested
249 in '$'. -}
250 (&) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
251 a & f = f a
252 infixl 1 &
253 #endif
255 -- * The 'Ini' type
257 -- | An 'Ini' is an abstract representation of an INI file, including
258 -- both its textual representation and the Haskell value it
259 -- represents.
260 data Ini s = Ini
261 { iniSpec :: Spec s
262 , iniCurr :: s
263 , iniDef :: s
264 , iniLast :: Maybe RawIni
265 , iniPol :: UpdatePolicy
266 }
268 -- | Create a basic 'Ini' value from a default value and a spec.
269 ini :: s -> IniSpec s () -> Ini s
270 ini def (IniSpec spec) = Ini
271 { iniSpec = runBidirM spec
272 , iniCurr = def
273 , iniDef = def
274 , iniLast = Nothing
275 , iniPol = defaultUpdatePolicy
276 }
278 -- | Get the underlying Haskell value associated with the 'Ini'.
279 getIniValue :: Ini s -> s
280 getIniValue = iniCurr
282 -- | Get the textual representation of an 'Ini' value. If this 'Ini'
283 -- value is the result of 'parseIni', then it will attempt to retain
284 -- the textual characteristics of the parsed version as much as
285 -- possible (e.g. by retaining comments, ordering, and whitespace in a
286 -- way that will minimize the overall diff footprint.) If the 'Ini'
287 -- value was created directly from a value and a specification, then
288 -- it will pretty-print an initial version of the file with the
289 -- comments and placeholder text specified in the spec.
290 serializeIni :: Ini s -> Text
291 serializeIni = printRawIni . getRawIni
293 -- | Get the underlying 'RawIni' value for the file.
294 getRawIni :: Ini s -> RawIni
295 getRawIni (Ini { iniLast = Just raw }) = raw
296 getRawIni (Ini { iniCurr = s
297 , iniSpec = spec
298 }) = emitIniFile s spec
300 -- | Parse a textual representation of an 'Ini' file. If the file is
301 -- malformed or if an obligatory field is not found, this will produce
302 -- a human-readable error message. If an optional field is not found,
303 -- then it will fall back on the existing value contained in the
304 -- provided 'Ini' structure.
305 parseIni :: Text -> Ini s -> Either String (Ini s)
306 parseIni t i@Ini { iniSpec = spec
307 , iniCurr = def
308 } = do
309 RawIni raw <- parseRawIni t
310 s <- parseSections def (Seq.viewl spec) raw
311 return $ i
312 { iniCurr = s
313 , iniLast = Just (RawIni raw)
314 }
316 -- | Update the internal value of an 'Ini' file. If this 'Ini' value
317 -- is the result of 'parseIni', then the resulting 'Ini' value will
318 -- attempt to retain the textual characteristics of the parsed version
319 -- as much as possible (e.g. by retaining comments, ordering, and
320 -- whitespace in a way that will minimize the overall diff footprint.)
321 updateIni :: s -> Ini s -> Ini s
322 updateIni new i =
323 case doUpdateIni new i of
324 Left err -> error err
325 Right i' -> i'
327 -- | Use the provided 'UpdatePolicy' as a guide when creating future
328 -- updated versions of the given 'Ini' value.
329 setIniUpdatePolicy :: UpdatePolicy -> Ini s -> Ini s
330 setIniUpdatePolicy pol i = i { iniPol = pol }
332 -- * Type definitions
334 -- | A value of type 'FieldValue' packages up a parser and emitter
335 -- function into a single value. These are used for bidirectional
336 -- parsing and emitting of the value of a field.
337 data FieldValue a = FieldValue
338 { fvParse :: Text -> Either String a
339 -- ^ The function to use when parsing the value of a field; if
340 -- the parser fails, then the string will be shown as an error
341 -- message to the user.
342 , fvEmit :: a -> Text
343 -- ^ The function to use when serializing a value into an INI
344 -- file.
345 }
347 -- This is actually being used as a writer monad, but using a state
348 -- monad lets us avoid the space leaks. Not that those are likely to
349 -- be a problem in this application, but it's not like it cost us
350 -- none.
351 type BidirM s a = State (Seq s) a
353 runBidirM :: BidirM s a -> Seq s
354 runBidirM = snd . flip runState Seq.empty
356 type Spec s = Seq (Section s)
358 -- | An 'IniSpec' value represents the structure of an entire
359 -- INI-format file in a declarative way. The @s@ parameter represents
360 -- the type of a Haskell structure which is being serialized to or
361 -- from.
362 newtype IniSpec s a = IniSpec (BidirM (Section s) a)
363 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
365 -- | A 'SectionSpec' value represents the structure of a single
366 -- section of an INI-format file in a declarative way. The @s@
367 -- parameter represents the type of a Haskell structure which is being
368 -- serialized to or from.
369 newtype SectionSpec s a = SectionSpec (BidirM (Field s) a)
370 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
372 -- * Sections
374 -- | Define the specification of a top-level INI section.
375 section :: Text -> SectionSpec s () -> IniSpec s ()
376 section name (SectionSpec mote) = IniSpec $ do
377 let fields = runBidirM mote
378 modify (Seq.|> Section (normalize name) fields (allFieldsOptional fields))
380 allFieldsOptional :: (Seq (Field s)) -> Bool
381 allFieldsOptional = all isOptional
382 where isOptional (Field _ fd) = fdSkipIfMissing fd
383 isOptional (FieldMb _ _) = True
385 -- | Treat an entire section as containing entirely optional fields.
386 allOptional
387 :: (SectionSpec s () -> IniSpec s ())
388 -> (SectionSpec s () -> IniSpec s ())
389 allOptional k spec = IniSpec $ do
390 let IniSpec comp = k spec
391 comp
392 modify (\ s -> case Seq.viewr s of
393 EmptyR -> s
394 rs :> Section name fields _ ->
395 rs Seq.|> Section name (fmap makeOptional fields) True)
397 makeOptional :: Field s -> Field s
398 makeOptional (Field l d) = Field l d { fdSkipIfMissing = True }
399 makeOptional (FieldMb l d) = FieldMb l d { fdSkipIfMissing = True }
401 data Section s = Section NormalizedText (Seq (Field s)) Bool
403 -- * Fields
405 -- | A "Field" is a description of
406 data Field s
407 = forall a. Eq a => Field (Lens s s a a) (FieldDescription a)
408 | forall a. Eq a => FieldMb (Lens s s (Maybe a) (Maybe a)) (FieldDescription a)
410 -- convenience accessors for things in a Field
411 fieldName :: Field s -> NormalizedText
412 fieldName (Field _ FieldDescription { fdName = n }) = n
413 fieldName (FieldMb _ FieldDescription { fdName = n }) = n
415 fieldComment :: Field s -> Seq Text
416 fieldComment (Field _ FieldDescription { fdComment = n }) = n
417 fieldComment (FieldMb _ FieldDescription { fdComment = n }) = n
419 -- | A 'FieldDescription' is a declarative representation of the
420 -- structure of a field. This includes the name of the field and the
421 -- 'FieldValue' used to parse and serialize values of that field, as
422 -- well as other metadata that might be needed in the course of
423 -- parsing or serializing a structure.
424 data FieldDescription t = FieldDescription
425 { fdName :: NormalizedText
426 , fdValue :: FieldValue t
427 , fdComment :: Seq Text
428 , fdDummy :: Maybe Text
429 , fdSkipIfMissing :: Bool
430 }
432 -- ** Field operators
434 {- |
435 Associate a field description with a field. If this field
436 is not present when parsing, it will attempt to fall back
437 on a default, and if no default value is present, it will
438 fail to parse.
440 When serializing an INI file, this will produce all the
441 comments associated with the field description followed
442 by the value of the field in the.
443 -}
444 (.=) :: Eq t => Lens s s t t -> FieldDescription t -> SectionSpec s ()
445 l .= f = SectionSpec $ modify (Seq.|> fd)
446 where fd = Field l f
448 {- |
449 Associate a field description with a field of type "Maybe a".
450 When parsing, this field will be initialized to "Nothing" if
451 it is not found, and to a "Just" value if it is. When
452 serializing an INI file, this will try to serialize a value
453 -}
454 (.=?) :: Eq t => Lens s s (Maybe t) (Maybe t) -> FieldDescription t -> SectionSpec s ()
455 l .=? f = SectionSpec $ modify (Seq.|> fd)
456 where fd = FieldMb l f
458 -- ** Field metadata
460 {- |
461 Associate a multiline comment with a "FieldDescription". When
462 serializing a field that has a comment associated, the comment will
463 appear before the field.
464 -}
465 comment :: [Text] -> FieldDescription t -> FieldDescription t
466 comment cmt fd = fd { fdComment = Seq.fromList cmt }
468 -- | Choose a placeholder value to be displayed for optional fields.
469 -- This is used when serializing an optional Ini field: the
470 -- field will appear commented out in the output using the
471 -- placeholder text as a value, so a spec that includes
472 --
473 -- @
474 -- myLens .=? field "x" & placeholderValue "<val>"
475 -- @
476 --
477 -- will serialize into an INI file that contains the line
478 --
479 -- @
480 -- # x = <val>
481 -- @
482 --
483 -- A placeholder value will only appear in the serialized output
484 -- if the field is optional, but will be preferred over serializing
485 -- a "defaultValue". If a "placeholderValue" is not
486 placeholderValue :: Text -> FieldDescription t -> FieldDescription t
487 placeholderValue t fd = fd { fdDummy = Just t }
489 -- | If the field is not found in parsing, simply skip instead of
490 -- raising an error or setting anything.
491 optional :: FieldDescription t -> FieldDescription t
492 optional fd = fd { fdSkipIfMissing = True }
494 infixr 0 .=
495 infixr 0 .=?
497 -- ** Creating fields
499 -- | Create a description of a field by a combination of the name of
500 -- the field and a "FieldValue" describing how to parse and emit
501 -- values associated with that field.
502 field :: Text -> FieldValue a -> FieldDescription a
503 field name value = FieldDescription
504 { fdName = normalize (name <> " ")
505 , fdValue = value
506 , fdComment = Seq.empty
507 , fdDummy = Nothing
508 , fdSkipIfMissing = False
509 }
511 -- | Create a description of a 'Bool'-valued field.
512 flag :: Text -> FieldDescription Bool
513 flag name = field name bool
515 -- ** FieldValues
517 -- | A "FieldValue" for parsing and serializing values according to
518 -- the logic of the "Read" and "Show" instances for that type,
519 -- providing a convenient human-readable error message if the
520 -- parsing step fails.
521 readable :: forall a. (Show a, Read a, Typeable a) => FieldValue a
522 readable = FieldValue { fvParse = parse, fvEmit = emit }
523 where emit = T.pack . show
524 parse t = case readMaybe (T.unpack t) of
525 Just v -> Right v
526 Nothing -> Left ("Unable to parse " ++ show t ++
527 " as a value of type " ++ show typ)
528 typ = typeRep (prx)
529 prx :: Proxy a
530 prx = Proxy
532 -- | Represents a numeric field whose value is parsed according to the
533 -- 'Read' implementation for that type, and is serialized according to
534 -- the 'Show' implementation for that type.
535 number :: (Show a, Read a, Num a, Typeable a) => FieldValue a
536 number = readable
538 -- | Represents a field whose value is a 'Text' value
539 text :: FieldValue Text
540 text = FieldValue { fvParse = Right, fvEmit = id }
542 -- | Represents a field whose value is a 'String' value
543 string :: FieldValue String
544 string = FieldValue { fvParse = Right . T.unpack, fvEmit = T.pack }
546 -- | Represents a field whose value is a 'Bool' value. This parser is
547 -- case-insensitive, and matches the words @true@, @false@, @yes@, and
548 -- @no@, as well as single-letter abbreviations for all of the
549 -- above. This will serialize as @true@ for 'True' and @false@ for
550 -- 'False'.
551 bool :: FieldValue Bool
552 bool = FieldValue { fvParse = parse, fvEmit = emit }
553 where parse s = case T.toLower s of
554 "true" -> Right True
555 "yes" -> Right True
556 "t" -> Right True
557 "y" -> Right True
558 "false" -> Right False
559 "no" -> Right False
560 "f" -> Right False
561 "n" -> Right False
562 _ -> Left ("Unable to parse " ++ show s ++ " as a boolean")
563 emit True = "true"
564 emit False = "false"
566 -- | Represents a field whose value is a sequence of other values
567 -- which are delimited by a given string, and whose individual values
568 -- are described by another 'FieldValue' value. This uses GHC's
569 -- `IsList` typeclass to convert back and forth between sequence
570 -- types.
571 listWithSeparator :: IsList l => Text -> FieldValue (Item l) -> FieldValue l
572 listWithSeparator sep fv = FieldValue
573 { fvParse = fmap fromList . mapM (fvParse fv . T.strip) . T.splitOn sep
574 , fvEmit = T.intercalate sep . map (fvEmit fv) . toList
575 }
577 -- | Represents a field whose value is a pair of two other values
578 -- separated by a given string, whose individual values are described
579 -- by two different 'FieldValue' values.
580 pairWithSeparator :: FieldValue l -> Text -> FieldValue r -> FieldValue (l, r)
581 pairWithSeparator left sep right = FieldValue
582 { fvParse = \ t ->
583 let (leftChunk, rightChunk) = T.breakOn sep t
584 in do
585 x <- fvParse left leftChunk
586 y <- fvParse right rightChunk
587 return (x, y)
588 , fvEmit = \ (x, y) -> fvEmit left x <> sep <> fvEmit right y
589 }
591 -- * Parsing INI files
593 -- Are you reading this source code? It's not even that gross
594 -- yet. Just you wait. This is just the regular part. 'runSpec' is
595 -- easy: we walk the spec, and for each section, find the
596 -- corresponding section in the INI file and call runFields.
597 parseSections
598 :: s
599 -> Seq.ViewL (Section s)
600 -> Seq (NormalizedText, IniSection)
601 -> Either String s
602 parseSections s Seq.EmptyL _ = Right s
603 parseSections s (Section name fs opt Seq.:< rest) i
604 | Just v <- lkp name i = do
605 s' <- parseFields s (Seq.viewl fs) v
606 parseSections s' (Seq.viewl rest) i
607 | opt = parseSections s (Seq.viewl rest) i
608 | otherwise = Left ("Unable to find section " ++
609 show (normalizedText name))
611 -- Now that we've got 'set', we can walk the field descriptions and
612 -- find them. There's some fiddly logic, but the high-level idea is
613 -- that we try to look up a field, and if it exists, parse it using
614 -- the provided parser and use the provided lens to add it to the
615 -- value. We have to decide what to do if it's not there, which
616 -- depends on lens metadata and whether it's an optional field or not.
617 parseFields :: s -> Seq.ViewL (Field s) -> IniSection -> Either String s
618 parseFields s Seq.EmptyL _ = Right s
619 parseFields s (Field l descr Seq.:< fs) sect
620 | Just v <- lkp (fdName descr) (isVals sect) = do
621 value <- fvParse (fdValue descr) (T.strip (vValue v))
622 parseFields (set l value s) (Seq.viewl fs) sect
623 | fdSkipIfMissing descr =
624 parseFields s (Seq.viewl fs) sect
625 | otherwise = Left ("Unable to find field " ++
626 show (normalizedText (fdName descr)))
627 parseFields s (FieldMb l descr Seq.:< fs) sect
628 | Just v <- lkp (fdName descr) (isVals sect) = do
629 value <- fvParse (fdValue descr) (T.strip (vValue v))
630 parseFields (set l (Just value) s) (Seq.viewl fs) sect
631 | otherwise =
632 parseFields (set l Nothing s) (Seq.viewl fs) sect
634 -- | Serialize a value as an INI file according to a provided
635 -- 'IniSpec'.
636 emitIniFile :: s -> Spec s -> RawIni
637 emitIniFile s spec =
638 RawIni $
639 fmap (\ (Section name fs _) ->
640 (name, toSection s (actualText name) fs)) spec
642 mkComments :: Seq Text -> Seq BlankLine
643 mkComments comments =
644 fmap (\ ln -> CommentLine '#' (" " <> ln)) comments
646 toSection :: s -> Text -> Seq (Field s) -> IniSection
647 toSection s name fs = IniSection
648 { isName = name
649 , isVals = fmap toVal fs
650 , isStartLine = 0
651 , isEndLine = 0
652 , isComments = Seq.empty
653 } where mkIniValue val descr opt =
654 ( fdName descr
655 , IniValue
656 { vLineNo = 0
657 , vName = actualText (fdName descr)
658 , vValue = " " <> val
659 , vComments = mkComments (fdComment descr)
660 , vCommentedOut = opt
661 , vDelimiter = '='
662 }
663 )
664 toVal (Field l descr)
665 | Just dummy <- fdDummy descr =
666 mkIniValue dummy descr False
667 | otherwise =
668 mkIniValue (fvEmit (fdValue descr) (get l s)) descr False
669 toVal (FieldMb l descr)
670 | Just dummy <- fdDummy descr =
671 mkIniValue dummy descr True
672 | Just v <- get l s =
673 mkIniValue (fvEmit (fdValue descr) v) descr True
674 | otherwise =
675 mkIniValue "" descr True
677 -- | An 'UpdatePolicy' guides certain choices made when an 'Ini' file
678 -- is updated: for example, how to add comments to the generated
679 -- fields, or how to treat fields which are optional.
680 data UpdatePolicy = UpdatePolicy
681 { updateAddOptionalFields :: Bool
682 -- ^ If 'True', then optional fields not included in the INI file
683 -- will be included in the updated INI file. Defaults to 'False'.
684 , updateIgnoreExtraneousFields :: Bool
685 -- ^ If 'True', then fields in the INI file that have no
686 -- corresponding description in the 'IniSpec' will be ignored; if
687 -- 'False', then those fields will return an error value. Defaults
688 -- to 'True'.
689 , updateGeneratedCommentPolicy :: UpdateCommentPolicy
690 -- ^ The policy for what to do to comments associated with
691 -- modified fields during an update. Defaults to
692 -- 'CommentPolicyNone'.
693 } deriving (Eq, Show)
695 -- | A set of sensible 'UpdatePolicy' defaults which keep the diffs
696 -- between file versions minimal.
697 defaultUpdatePolicy :: UpdatePolicy
698 defaultUpdatePolicy = UpdatePolicy
699 { updateAddOptionalFields = False
700 , updateIgnoreExtraneousFields = True
701 , updateGeneratedCommentPolicy = CommentPolicyNone
702 }
704 -- | An 'UpdateCommentPolicy' describes what comments should accompany
705 -- a field added to or modified in an existing INI file when using
706 -- 'updateIni'.
707 data UpdateCommentPolicy
708 = CommentPolicyNone
709 -- ^ Do not add comments to new fields
710 | CommentPolicyAddFieldComment
711 -- ^ Add the same comment which appears in the 'IniSpec' value for
712 -- the field we're adding or modifying.
713 | CommentPolicyAddDefaultComment (Seq Text)
714 -- ^ Add a common comment to all new fields added or modified
715 -- by an 'updateIni' call.
716 deriving (Eq, Show)
718 getComments :: FieldDescription s -> UpdateCommentPolicy -> (Seq BlankLine)
719 getComments _ CommentPolicyNone = Seq.empty
720 getComments f CommentPolicyAddFieldComment =
721 mkComments (fdComment f)
722 getComments _ (CommentPolicyAddDefaultComment cs) =
723 mkComments cs
725 -- | Given a value, an 'IniSpec', and a 'Text' form of an INI file,
726 -- parse 'Text' as INI and then selectively modify the file whenever
727 -- the provided value differs from the file. This is designed to help
728 -- applications update a user's configuration automatically while
729 -- retaining the structure and comments of a user's application,
730 -- ideally in a way which produces as few changes as possible to the
731 -- resulting file (so that, for example, the diff between the two
732 -- should be as small as possible.)
733 --
734 -- A field is considered to have "changed" if the parsed
735 -- representation of the field as extracted from the textual INI file
736 -- is not equal to the corresponding value in the provided
737 -- structure. Changed fields will retain their place in the overall
738 -- file, while newly added fields (for example, fields which have
739 -- been changed from a default value) will be added to the end of the
740 -- section in which they appear.
741 --doUpdateIni :: s -> s -> Spec s -> RawIni -> UpdatePolicy -> Either String (Ini s)
742 doUpdateIni :: s -> Ini s -> Either String (Ini s)
743 doUpdateIni s i@Ini { iniSpec = spec
744 , iniDef = def
745 , iniPol = pol
746 } = do -- spec (RawIni ini) pol = do
747 let RawIni ini' = getRawIni i
748 res <- updateSections s def ini' spec pol
749 return $ i
750 { iniCurr = s
751 , iniLast = Just (RawIni res)
752 }
754 updateSections
755 :: s
756 -> s
757 -> Seq (NormalizedText, IniSection)
758 -> Seq (Section s)
759 -> UpdatePolicy
760 -> Either String (Seq (NormalizedText, IniSection))
761 updateSections s def sections fields pol = do
762 -- First, we process all the sections that actually appear in the
763 -- INI file in order
764 existingSections <- F.for sections $ \ (name, sec) -> do
765 let err = Left ("Unexpected top-level section: " ++ show name)
766 Section _ spec _ <- maybe err Right
767 (F.find (\ (Section n _ _) -> n == name) fields)
768 newVals <- updateFields s (isVals sec) spec pol
769 return (name, sec { isVals = newVals })
770 -- And then
771 let existingSectionNames = fmap fst existingSections
772 newSections <- F.for fields $
773 \ (Section nm spec _) ->
774 if | nm `elem` existingSectionNames -> return mempty
775 | otherwise ->
776 let rs = emitNewFields s def spec pol
777 in if Seq.null rs
778 then return mempty
779 else return $ Seq.singleton
780 ( nm
781 , IniSection (actualText nm) rs 0 0 mempty
782 )
783 return (existingSections <> F.asum newSections)
785 -- We won't emit a section if everything in the section is also
786 -- missing
787 emitNewFields
788 :: s -> s
789 -> Seq (Field s)
790 -> UpdatePolicy ->
791 Seq (NormalizedText, IniValue)
792 emitNewFields s def fields pol = go (Seq.viewl fields) where
793 go EmptyL = Seq.empty
794 go (Field l d :< fs)
795 -- If a field is not present but is also the same as the default,
796 -- then we can safely omit it
797 | get l s == get l def && not (updateAddOptionalFields pol) =
798 go (Seq.viewl fs)
799 -- otherwise, we should add it to the result
800 | otherwise =
801 let cs = getComments d (updateGeneratedCommentPolicy pol)
802 new = ( fdName d
803 , IniValue
804 { vLineNo = 0
805 , vName = actualText (fdName d)
806 , vValue = " " <> fvEmit (fdValue d) (get l s)
807 , vComments = cs
808 , vCommentedOut = False
809 , vDelimiter = '='
810 }
811 )
812 in new <| go (Seq.viewl fs)
813 go (FieldMb l d :< fs) =
814 case get l s of
815 Nothing -> go (Seq.viewl fs)
816 Just v ->
817 let cs = getComments d (updateGeneratedCommentPolicy pol)
818 new = ( fdName d
819 , IniValue
820 { vLineNo = 0
821 , vName = actualText (fdName d)
822 , vValue = fvEmit (fdValue d) v
823 , vComments = cs
824 , vCommentedOut = False
825 , vDelimiter = '='
826 }
827 )
828 in new <| go (Seq.viewl fs)
831 updateFields :: s -> Seq (NormalizedText, IniValue) -> Seq (Field s)
832 -> UpdatePolicy -> Either String (Seq (NormalizedText, IniValue))
833 updateFields s values fields pol = go (Seq.viewl values) fields
834 where go ((t, val) :< vs) fs =
835 -- For each field, we need to fetch the description of the
836 -- field in the spec
837 case F.find (\ f -> fieldName f == t) fs of
838 Just f@(Field l descr) ->
839 -- if it does exist, then we need to find out whether
840 -- the field has changed at all. We can do this with the
841 -- provided lens, and check it against the INI file
842 -- we've got. There's a minor complication: there's
843 -- nothing that forces the user to provide the same INI
844 -- file we originally parsed! One side-effect means that
845 -- the parsed INI file might not actually have a valid
846 -- field according to the field parser the user
847 -- provides. In that case, we'll assume the field is
848 -- outdated, and update it with the value in the
849 -- provided structure.
850 if Right (get l s) == fvParse (fdValue descr) (T.strip (vValue val))
851 -- if the value in the INI file parses the same as
852 -- the one in the structure we were passed, then it
853 -- doesn't need any updating, and we keep going,
854 -- removing the field from our list
855 then ((t, val) <|) `fmap` go (Seq.viewl vs) (rmv t fs)
856 -- otherwise, we've got a new updated value! Let's
857 -- synthesize a new element, using our comment policy
858 -- to comment it accordingly. (This pattern is
859 -- partial, but we should never have a situation
860 -- where it returns Nothing, because we already know
861 -- that we've matched a Field!)
862 else let Just nv = mkValue t f (vDelimiter val)
863 in ((t, nv) <|) `fmap` go (Seq.viewl vs) (rmv t fs)
864 -- And we have to replicate the logic for the FieldMb
865 -- case, because (as an existential) it doesn't really
866 -- permit us usable abstractions here. See the previous
867 -- comments for descriptions of the cases.
868 Just f@(FieldMb l descr) ->
869 let parsed = fvParse (fdValue descr) (T.strip (vValue val))
870 in if Right (get l s) == fmap Just parsed
871 then ((t, val) <|) `fmap` go (Seq.viewl vs) (rmv t fs)
872 -- this is in the only case where the FieldMb case
873 -- differs: we might NOT have a value in the
874 -- structure. In that case, we remove the value
875 -- from the file, as well!
876 else case mkValue t f (vDelimiter val) of
877 Just nv -> ((t, nv) <|) `fmap` go (Seq.viewl vs) (rmv t fs)
878 Nothing -> go (Seq.viewl vs) (rmv t fs)
879 -- Finally, if we can't find any description of the field,
880 -- then we might skip it or throw an error, depending on
881 -- the policy the user wants.
882 Nothing
883 | updateIgnoreExtraneousFields pol ->
884 ((t, val) <|) `fmap` go (Seq.viewl vs) fs
885 | otherwise -> Left ("Unexpected field: " ++ show t)
886 -- Once we've gone through all the fields in the file, we need
887 -- to see if there's anything left over that should be in the
888 -- file. We might want to include dummy values for things that
889 -- were left out, but if we have any non-optional fields left
890 -- over, then we definitely need to include them.
891 go EmptyL fs = return (finish (Seq.viewl fs))
892 finish (f@(Field {}) :< fs)
893 | updateAddOptionalFields pol
894 , Just val <- mkValue (fieldName f) f '=' =
895 (fieldName f, val) <| finish (Seq.viewl fs)
896 | otherwise = finish (Seq.viewl fs)
897 finish (f@(FieldMb _ descr) :< fs)
898 | not (fdSkipIfMissing descr)
899 , Just val <- mkValue (fieldName f) f '=' =
900 (fieldName f, val) <| finish (Seq.viewl fs)
901 | updateAddOptionalFields pol
902 , Just val <- mkValue (fieldName f) f '=' =
903 (fieldName f, val) <| finish (Seq.viewl fs)
904 | otherwise = finish (Seq.viewl fs)
905 -- If there's nothing left, then we can return a final value!
906 finish EmptyL = Seq.empty
907 mkValue t fld delim =
908 let comments = case updateGeneratedCommentPolicy pol of
909 CommentPolicyNone -> Seq.empty
910 CommentPolicyAddFieldComment ->
911 mkComments (fieldComment fld)
912 CommentPolicyAddDefaultComment cs ->
913 mkComments cs
914 val = IniValue
915 { vLineNo = 0
916 , vName = actualText t
917 , vValue = ""
918 , vComments = comments
919 , vCommentedOut = False
920 , vDelimiter = delim
921 }
922 in case fld of
923 Field l descr ->
924 Just (val { vValue = " " <> fvEmit (fdValue descr) (get l s) })
925 FieldMb l descr ->
926 case get l s of
927 Just v -> Just (val { vValue = " " <> fvEmit (fdValue descr) v })
928 Nothing -> Nothing
931 -- $using
932 -- Functions for parsing, serializing, and updating INI files.
934 -- $types
935 -- Types which represent declarative specifications for INI
936 -- file structure.
938 -- $sections
939 -- Declaring sections of an INI file specification
941 -- $fields
942 -- Declaring individual fields of an INI file specification.
944 -- $fieldvalues
945 -- Values of type 'FieldValue' represent both a parser and a
946 -- serializer for a value of a given type. It's possible to manually
947 -- create 'FieldValue' descriptions, but for simple configurations,
948 -- but for the sake of convenience, several commonly-needed
949 -- varieties of 'FieldValue' are defined here.
951 -- $misc
952 -- These values and types are exported for compatibility.
src/Data/Ini/Config/Lens.hs less more
1 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
4 module Data.Ini.Config.Lens
5 (
6 -- $main
7 -- * Running Lens-Based Parsers
8 parseIniFileL
9 -- * Lens-Aware Parser Types
10 , IniLensParser
11 , SectionLensParser
12 -- * Lens-Aware Section-Level Parsing
13 , sectionL
14 , sectionOptL
15 -- * Lens-Aware Field-Level Parsing
16 , lensField
17 , (.=)
18 , lensFieldOpt
19 , (.=?)
20 -- ** Lens-Aware Field Parsing Aliases
21 , fieldL
22 , fieldOfL
23 , fieldMbL
24 , fieldMbOfL
25 , fieldOptL
26 , fieldOptOfL
27 , fieldDefL
28 , fieldDefOfL
29 , fieldFlagL
30 , fieldFlagDefL
31 -- * Reader Functions
32 , Lens
33 , updateLens
34 , module Data.Ini.Config
35 ) where
37 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
38 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
39 import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict
40 import Data.Ini.Config
41 import Data.Monoid (Endo(..))
42 import Data.Text (Text)
44 -- $setup
45 -- >>> type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
46 --
47 -- >>> let lens get set f a = (`set` a) `fmap` f (get a)
48 --
49 -- >>> let _1 = lens fst (\ a (_, b) -> (a, b))
50 --
51 -- >>> let _2 = lens snd (\ b (a, _) -> (a, b))
53 -- | This is a "lens"-compatible type alias
54 type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
56 -- We need this to implement 'set' for lenses
57 newtype I a = I { fromI :: a }
58 instance Functor I where fmap f (I a) = I (f a)
60 set :: Lens s s a a -> a -> s -> s
61 set lens x a = fromI (lens (\ _ -> I x) a)
63 -- | This is a function compatible with the @fieldOf@ family of functions. It allows
64 -- you to parse a field and then create an update function with it.
65 updateLens :: (Text -> Either String a) -> Lens s s a a -> Text -> Either String (s -> s)
66 updateLens rd lens text = do
67 case rd text of
68 Left err -> Left err
69 Right r -> Right (\ st -> set lens r st)
71 newtype IniLensParser s a = IniLensParser (WriterT (Endo s) IniParser a)
72 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad)
74 newtype SectionLensParser s a = SectionLensParser (WriterT (Endo s) SectionParser a)
75 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad)
77 parseIniFileL :: Text -> s -> IniLensParser s () -> Either String s
78 parseIniFileL text def (IniLensParser mote) = do
79 (_, Endo update) <- parseIniFile text (runWriterT mote)
80 return (update def)
82 sectionL :: Text -> SectionLensParser s () -> IniLensParser s ()
83 sectionL name (SectionLensParser thunk) = IniLensParser $ do
84 ((), update) <- lift (section name (runWriterT thunk))
85 tell update
86 return ()
88 sectionOptL :: Text -> SectionLensParser s () -> IniLensParser s ()
89 sectionOptL name (SectionLensParser thunk) = IniLensParser $ do
90 updateMb <- lift (sectionMb name (runWriterT thunk))
91 case updateMb of
92 Nothing -> return ()
93 Just ((), update) -> tell update
95 toLens :: Lens s s a a -> SectionParser a -> SectionLensParser s ()
96 toLens lens mote = SectionLensParser $ do
97 rs <- lift mote
98 tell $ Endo (set lens rs)
100 -- | The 'lensField' function (or its operator form '.=') turns a lens and a
101 -- standard 'SectionParser' field into a 'SectionLensParser' that uses the
102 -- relevant lens to update an internal value to the result of the
103 -- 'SectionParser'.
104 --
105 -- >>> parseIniFileL"[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (lensField _1 (field "x"))
106 -- Right ("hello",False)
107 -- >>> parseIniFileL"[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (lensField _1 (field "y"))
108 -- Left "Missing field \"y\" in section \"MAIN\""
109 lensField :: Lens s s a a -> SectionParser a -> SectionLensParser s ()
110 lensField = toLens
112 -- | An infix alias for 'lensField'.
113 --
114 -- >>> parseIniFileL"[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (_1 .= field "x")
115 -- Right ("hello",False)
116 -- >>> parseIniFileL"[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (_1 .= field "y")
117 -- Left "Missing field \"y\" in section \"MAIN\""
118 (.=) :: Lens s s a a -> SectionParser a -> SectionLensParser s ()
119 (.=) = toLens
121 -- | The 'lensFieldOpt' function (or its operator form '.=?') turns a lens
122 -- and a standard 'SectionParser' field into a 'SectionLensParser' that
123 -- ignores values that are not present, but uses the lens to set a value
124 -- that is present.
125 --
126 -- >>> parseIniFileL"[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (lensFieldOpt _1 (fieldMb "x"))
127 -- Right ("hello",False)
128 -- >>> parseIniFileL"[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (lensFieldOpt _1 (fieldMb "y"))
129 -- Right ("def",False)
130 lensFieldOpt :: Lens s s a a -> SectionParser (Maybe a) -> SectionLensParser s ()
131 lensFieldOpt lens mote = SectionLensParser $ do
132 rsMb <- lift mote
133 case rsMb of
134 Just rs -> tell $ Endo (set lens rs)
135 Nothing -> return ()
137 -- | An infix alias for 'lensFieldOpt'.
138 --
139 -- >>> parseIniFileL"[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (_1 .=? fieldMb "x")
140 -- Right ("hello",False)
141 -- >>> parseIniFileL"[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (_1 .=? fieldMb "y")
142 -- Right ("def",False)
143 (.=?) :: Lens s s a a -> SectionParser (Maybe a) -> SectionLensParser s ()
144 (.=?) = lensFieldOpt
146 -- | A 'Lens'-aware variant of 'field': the 'Lens' argument names the
147 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
148 --
149 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldL "x" _1)
150 -- Right ("hello",False)
151 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldL "y" _1)
152 -- Left "Missing field \"y\" in section \"MAIN\""
153 fieldL :: Text -> Lens s s Text Text -> SectionLensParser s ()
154 fieldL name lens = toLens lens $ field name
156 -- | A 'Lens'-aware variant of 'fieldOf': the 'Lens' argument names the
157 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
158 --
159 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (0, False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldOfL "x" number _1)
160 -- Right (72,False)
161 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" (0, False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldOfL "x" number _1)
162 -- Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a value of type Integer"
163 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (0, False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldOfL "y" number _1)
164 -- Left "Missing field \"y\" in section \"MAIN\""
165 fieldOfL :: Text -> (Text -> Either String a) -> Lens s s a a -> SectionLensParser s ()
166 fieldOfL name rd lens = toLens lens $ fieldOf name rd
169 -- | A 'Lens'-aware variant of 'fieldMb': the 'Lens' argument names the
170 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
171 --
172 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" (Just "def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldMbL "x" _1)
173 -- Right (Just "hello",False)
174 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" (Just "def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldMbL "y" _1)
175 -- Right (Nothing,False)
176 fieldMbL :: Text -> Lens s s (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) -> SectionLensParser s ()
177 fieldMbL name lens = toLens lens $ fieldMb name
180 -- | A 'Lens'-aware variant of 'fieldMbOf': the 'Lens' argument names the
181 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
182 --
183 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (Just 0, False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldMbOfL "x" number _1)
184 -- Right (Just 72,False)
185 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" (Just 0, False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldMbOfL "x" number _1)
186 -- Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a value of type Integer"
187 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (Just 0, False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldMbOfL "y" number _1)
188 -- Right (Nothing,False)
189 fieldMbOfL :: Text -> (Text -> Either String a) -> Lens s s (Maybe a) (Maybe a) -> SectionLensParser s ()
190 fieldMbOfL name rd lens = toLens lens $ fieldMbOf name rd
192 -- | A 'Lens'-aware variant of 'field' which does nothing if a key
193 -- is absent. The 'Lens' argument names the setter to use on the
194 -- underlying value being modified.
195 --
196 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldOptL "x" _1)
197 -- Right ("hello",False)
198 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldOptL "y" _1)
199 -- Right ("def",False)
200 fieldOptL :: Text -> Lens s s Text Text -> SectionLensParser s ()
201 fieldOptL name lens = SectionLensParser $ do
202 rsMb <- lift (fieldMb name)
203 case rsMb of
204 Nothing -> return ()
205 Just rs -> tell $ Endo (set lens rs)
207 -- | A 'Lens'-aware variant of 'fieldOf', which does nothing if a key
208 -- is absent. The 'Lens' argument names the
209 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
210 --
211 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (0, False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldOptOfL "x" number _1)
212 -- Right (72,False)
213 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" (0, False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldOptOfL "x" number _1)
214 -- Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a value of type Integer"
215 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (0, False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldOptOfL "y" number _1)
216 -- Right (0,False)
217 fieldOptOfL :: Text -> (Text -> Either String a) -> Lens s s a a -> SectionLensParser s ()
218 fieldOptOfL name rd lens = SectionLensParser $ do
219 rsMb <- lift (fieldMbOf name rd)
220 case rsMb of
221 Nothing -> return ()
222 Just rs -> tell $ Endo (set lens rs)
224 -- | A 'Lens'-aware variant of 'fieldDef': the 'Lens' argument names the
225 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
226 --
227 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("orig", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldDefL "x" "def" _1)
228 -- Right ("hello",False)
229 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("orig", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldDefL "y" "def" _1)
230 -- Right ("def",False)
231 fieldDefL :: Text -> Text -> Lens s s Text Text -> SectionLensParser s ()
232 fieldDefL name def lens = toLens lens $ fieldDef name def
234 -- | A 'Lens'-aware variant of 'fieldDefOf': the 'Lens' argument names the
235 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
236 --
237 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (0, False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldDefOfL "x" number 99 _1)
238 -- Right (72,False)
239 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" (0, False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldDefOfL "x" number 99 _1)
240 -- Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a value of type Integer"
241 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (0, False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldDefOfL "y" number 99 _1)
242 -- Right (99,False)
243 fieldDefOfL :: Text -> (Text -> Either String a) -> a -> Lens s s a a -> SectionLensParser s ()
244 fieldDefOfL name rd def lens = toLens lens $ fieldDefOf name rd def
246 -- | A 'Lens'-aware variant of 'fieldFlag': the 'Lens' argument names the
247 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
248 --
249 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = yes\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldFlagL "x" _2)
250 -- Right ("def",True)
251 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldFlagL "x" _2)
252 -- Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a boolean"
253 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = yes\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldFlagL "y" _2)
254 -- Left "Missing field \"y\" in section \"MAIN\""
255 fieldFlagL :: Text -> Lens s s Bool Bool -> SectionLensParser s ()
256 fieldFlagL name lens = toLens lens $ fieldFlag name
258 -- | A 'Lens'-aware variant of 'fieldFlagDef': the 'Lens' argument names the
259 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
260 --
261 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = yes\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldFlagDefL "x" False _2)
262 -- Right ("def",True)
263 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldFlagDefL "x" False _2)
264 -- Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a boolean"
265 -- >>> parseIniFileL "[MAIN]\nx = yes\n" ("def", False) $ sectionL "MAIN" (fieldFlagDefL "y" False _2)
266 -- Right ("def",False)
267 fieldFlagDefL :: Text -> Bool -> Lens s s Bool Bool -> SectionLensParser s ()
268 fieldFlagDefL name def lens = toLens lens $ fieldFlagDef name def
271 -- $main
272 -- This module is designed to be used with lenses, so that we can
273 -- start with a default configuration and gradually update it,
274 -- rather than construct a new value from scratch. Among other
275 -- things, this makes it nicer to section our API but keep all
276 -- the configuration together. Consider the same example code
277 -- that appears in the documentation for the "Data.Ini.Config"
278 -- module, that parses this kind of configuration:
279 --
280 -- > [NETWORK]
281 -- > host =
282 -- > port = 7878
283 -- >
284 -- > # here is a comment
285 -- > [LOCAL]
286 -- > user = terry
287 --
288 -- In that example, we split the configuration into a @NetworkConfig@
289 -- and a @LocalConfig@ type to mirror the configuration file's use of
290 -- @[LOCAL]@ and @[NETWORK]@ sections, but we might want to keep the
291 -- configuration data type as a single flag record, in which case our
292 -- parsing code becomes more awkward:
293 --
294 -- > data Config = Config
295 -- > { _cfHost :: String
296 -- > , _cfPort :: Int
297 -- > , _cfUser :: Text
298 -- > } deriving (Eq, Show)
299 -- >
300 -- > -- this is not ideal
301 -- > configParser :: IniParser Config
302 -- > configParser = do
303 -- > (host, port) <- section "NETWORK" $ do
304 -- > host <- fieldOf "host" string
305 -- > port <- fieldOf "port" number
306 -- > return (host, port)
307 -- > user <- section "LOCAL" $ field "user"
308 -- > return (Config host port user)
309 --
310 -- We could also use repeated invocations of 'section', but this
311 -- also makes our parsing code a lot uglier and involves unnecessary
312 -- repetition of the @\"NETWORK\"@ literal:
313 --
314 -- > -- this is kind of ugly
315 -- > configParser :: IniParser Config
316 -- > configParser = do
317 -- > host <- section "NETWORK" $ fieldOf "host" string
318 -- > port <- section "NETWORK" $ fieldOf "port" number
319 -- > user <- section "LOCAL" $ field "user"
320 -- > return (Config host port user)
321 --
322 -- Assuming that we generate lenses for the @Config@ type above,
323 -- then we can use the lens-based combinators in this module to
324 -- write terser parsing code by providing which lens to update
325 -- along with each field:
326 --
327 -- > configParser :: IniLensParser Config ()
328 -- > configParser = do
329 -- > section "NETWORK" $ do
330 -- > cfHost .= fieldOf "host" string
331 -- > cfPort .= fieldOf "port" number
332 -- > section "LOCAL" $ do
333 -- > cfUser .= field "user"
334 --
335 -- One downside to this approach is that you need an existing
336 -- value of the configuration type to update, which might mean
337 -- filling in a dummy value with nonsense data, even for fields
338 -- which are obligatory in the configuration, but on the other
339 -- hand, this can make some parsing code much more flexible and
340 -- terse.
1 {-|
2 Module : Data.Ini.Config.Raw
3 Copyright : (c) Getty Ritter, 2017
4 License : BSD
5 Maintainer : Getty Ritter <>
6 Stability : experimental
8 __Warning!__ This module is subject to change in the future, and therefore should
9 not be relied upon to have a consistent API.
11 -}
112 module Data.Ini.Config.Raw
2 ( Ini(..)
13 ( -- * INI types
14 RawIni(..)
315 , IniSection(..)
416 , IniValue(..)
5 , parseIni
17 , BlankLine(..)
18 , NormalizedText(..)
19 , normalize
20 -- * serializing and deserializing
21 , parseRawIni
22 , printRawIni
23 -- * inspection
24 , lookupInSection
25 , lookupSection
26 , lookupValue
627 ) where
829 import Control.Monad (void)
9 import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
10 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
30 import qualified Data.Foldable as F
31 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
32 import Data.Sequence (Seq)
33 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
1134 import Data.Text (Text)
1235 import qualified Data.Text as T
36 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LazyText
37 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
38 import Data.Void (Void)
1339 import Text.Megaparsec
14 import Text.Megaparsec.Text
40 import Text.Megaparsec.Char
42 type Parser = Parsec (ErrorFancy Void) Text
44 -- | The 'NormalizedText' type is an abstract representation of text
45 -- which has had leading and trailing whitespace removed and been
46 -- normalized to lower-case, but from which we can still extract the
47 -- original, non-normalized version. This acts like the normalized
48 -- text for the purposes of 'Eq' and 'Ord' operations, so
49 --
50 -- @
51 -- 'normalize' " x " == 'normalize' \"X\"
52 -- @
53 --
54 -- This type is used to store section and key names in the
55 data NormalizedText = NormalizedText
56 { actualText :: Text
57 , normalizedText :: Text
58 } deriving (Show)
60 -- | The constructor function to build a 'NormalizedText' value. You
61 -- probably shouldn't be using this module directly, but if for some
62 -- reason you are using it, then you should be using this function to
63 -- create 'NormalizedText' values.
64 normalize :: Text -> NormalizedText
65 normalize t = NormalizedText t (T.toLower (T.strip t))
67 instance Eq NormalizedText where
68 NormalizedText _ x == NormalizedText _ y =
69 x == y
71 instance Ord NormalizedText where
72 NormalizedText _ x `compare` NormalizedText _ y =
73 x `compare` y
1675 -- | An 'Ini' value is a mapping from section names to
17 -- 'IniSection' values.
18 newtype Ini
19 = Ini { fromIni :: HashMap Text IniSection }
20 deriving (Eq, Show)
76 -- 'IniSection' values. The section names in this mapping are
77 -- normalized to lower-case and stripped of whitespace. This
78 -- sequence retains the ordering of the original source file.
79 newtype RawIni = RawIni
80 { fromRawIni :: Seq (NormalizedText, IniSection)
81 } deriving (Eq, Show)
2283 -- | An 'IniSection' consists of a name, a mapping of key-value pairs,
23 -- and metadata about where the section starts and ends in the file.
84 -- and metadata about where the section starts and ends in the
85 -- file. The section names found in 'isName' are __not__ normalized
86 -- to lower-case or stripped of whitespace, and thus should appear
87 -- exactly as they appear in the original source file.
2488 data IniSection = IniSection
2589 { isName :: Text
26 , isVals :: HashMap Text IniValue
90 -- ^ The name of the section, as it appears in the
91 -- original INI source
92 , isVals :: Seq (NormalizedText, IniValue)
93 -- ^ The key-value mapping within that section. Key
94 -- names here are normalized to lower-case and
95 -- stripped of whitespace. This sequence retains
96 -- the ordering of the original source file.
2797 , isStartLine :: Int
98 -- ^ The line on which the section begins. This
99 -- field is ignored when serializing, and is only
100 -- used for error messages produced when parsing
101 -- and deserializing an INI structure.
28102 , isEndLine :: Int
103 -- ^ The line on which the section ends. This field
104 -- is ignored when serializing, and is only used
105 -- for error messages produced when parsing and
106 -- deserializing an INI structure.
107 , isComments :: Seq BlankLine
108 -- ^ The blank lines and comments that appear prior
109 -- to the section head declaration, retained for
110 -- pretty-printing identical INI files.
29111 } deriving (Eq, Show)
31113 -- | An 'IniValue' represents a key-value mapping, and also stores the
32 -- line number where it appears.
114 -- line number where it appears. The key names and values found in
115 -- 'vName' and 'vValue' respectively are _not_ normalized to
116 -- lower-case or stripped of whitespace, and thus should appear
117 -- exactly as they appear in the original source file.
33118 data IniValue = IniValue
34 { vLineNo :: Int
35 , vName :: Text
36 , vValue :: Text
119 { vLineNo :: Int
120 -- ^ The line on which the key/value mapping
121 -- appears. This field is ignored when
122 -- serializing, and is only used for error
123 -- messages produced when parsing and
124 -- deserializing an INI structure.
125 , vName :: Text
126 -- ^ The name of the key, as it appears in the INI source.
127 , vValue :: Text
128 -- ^ The value of the key
129 , vComments :: Seq BlankLine
130 , vCommentedOut :: Bool
131 -- ^ Right now, this will never show up in a parsed INI file, but
132 -- it's used when emitting a default INI file: it causes the
133 -- key-value line to include a leading comment as well.
134 , vDelimiter :: Char
37135 } deriving (Eq, Show)
39 -- | Parse a 'Text' value into an 'Ini' value.
40 parseIni :: Text -> Either String Ini
41 parseIni t = case runParser pIni "ini file" t of
137 -- | We want to keep track of the whitespace/comments in between KV
138 -- lines, so this allows us to track those lines in a reproducible
139 -- way.
140 data BlankLine
141 = CommentLine Char Text
142 | BlankLine
143 deriving (Eq, Show)
145 -- | Parse a 'Text' value into an 'Ini' value, retaining a maximal
146 -- amount of structure as needed to reconstruct the original INI file.
147 parseRawIni :: Text -> Either String RawIni
148 parseRawIni t = case runParser pIni "ini file" t of
42149 Left err -> Left (parseErrorPretty err)
43150 Right v -> Right v
45 pIni :: Parser Ini
152 pIni :: Parser RawIni
46153 pIni = do
47 sBlanks
48 vs <- many (pSection <?> "section")
49 void eof
50 return $ Ini $ HM.fromList [ (T.toLower (isName v), v)
51 | v <- vs
52 ]
54 sBlanks :: Parser ()
55 sBlanks = skipMany (void eol <|> sComment)
57 sComment :: Parser ()
154 leading <- sBlanks
155 pSections leading Seq.empty
157 sBlanks :: Parser (Seq BlankLine)
158 sBlanks = Seq.fromList <$> many ((BlankLine <$ void eol) <|> sComment)
160 sComment :: Parser BlankLine
58161 sComment = do
59 void (oneOf ";#")
60 void (manyTill anyChar eol)
62 pSection :: Parser IniSection
63 pSection = do
162 c <- oneOf ";#"
163 txt <- T.pack `fmap` manyTill anyChar eol
164 return (CommentLine c txt)
166 pSections :: Seq BlankLine -> Seq (NormalizedText, IniSection) -> Parser RawIni
167 pSections leading prevs =
168 pSection leading prevs <|> (RawIni prevs <$ void eof)
170 pSection :: Seq BlankLine -> Seq (NormalizedText, IniSection) -> Parser RawIni
171 pSection leading prevs = do
64172 start <- getCurrentLine
65173 void (char '[')
66174 name <- T.pack `fmap` some (noneOf "[]")
67175 void (char ']')
68 sBlanks
69 vals <- many (pPair <?> "key-value pair")
70 end <- getCurrentLine
71 sBlanks
72 return IniSection
73 { isName = T.strip name
74 , isVals = HM.fromList [ (vName v, v) | v <- vals ]
75 , isStartLine = start
76 , isEndLine = end
77 }
79 pPair :: Parser IniValue
80 pPair = do
176 void eol
177 comments <- sBlanks
178 pPairs (T.strip name) start leading prevs comments Seq.empty
180 pPairs :: Text
181 -> Int
182 -> Seq BlankLine
183 -> Seq (NormalizedText, IniSection)
184 -> Seq BlankLine
185 -> Seq (NormalizedText, IniValue)
186 -> Parser RawIni
187 pPairs name start leading prevs comments pairs = newPair <|> finishedSection
188 where
189 newPair = do
190 (n, pair) <- pPair comments
191 rs <- sBlanks
192 pPairs name start leading prevs rs (pairs Seq.|> (n, pair))
193 finishedSection = do
194 end <- getCurrentLine
195 let newSection = IniSection
196 { isName = name
197 , isVals = pairs
198 , isStartLine = start
199 , isEndLine = end
200 , isComments = leading
201 }
202 pSections comments (prevs Seq.|> (normalize name, newSection))
204 pPair :: Seq BlankLine -> Parser (NormalizedText, IniValue)
205 pPair leading = do
81206 pos <- getCurrentLine
82207 key <- T.pack `fmap` some (noneOf "[]=:")
83 void (oneOf ":=")
208 delim <- oneOf ":="
84209 val <- T.pack `fmap` manyTill anyChar eol
85 sBlanks
86 return IniValue
87 { vLineNo = pos
88 , vName = T.strip key
89 , vValue = T.strip val
90 }
210 return ( normalize key
211 , IniValue
212 { vLineNo = pos
213 , vName = key
214 , vValue = val
215 , vComments = leading
216 , vCommentedOut = False
217 , vDelimiter = delim
218 } )
92220 getCurrentLine :: Parser Int
93221 getCurrentLine = (fromIntegral . unPos . sourceLine) `fmap` getPosition
224 -- | Serialize an INI file to text, complete with any comments which
225 -- appear in the INI structure, and retaining the aesthetic details
226 -- which are present in the INI file.
227 printRawIni :: RawIni -> Text
228 printRawIni = LazyText.toStrict . Builder.toLazyText . F.foldMap build . fromRawIni
229 where
230 build (_, ini) =
231 F.foldMap buildComment (isComments ini) <>
232 Builder.singleton '[' <>
233 Builder.fromText (isName ini) <>
234 Builder.fromString "]\n" <>
235 F.foldMap buildKV (isVals ini)
236 buildComment BlankLine = Builder.singleton '\n'
237 buildComment (CommentLine c txt) =
238 Builder.singleton c <> Builder.fromText txt <> Builder.singleton '\n'
239 buildKV (_, val) =
240 F.foldMap buildComment (vComments val) <>
241 (if vCommentedOut val then Builder.fromString "# " else mempty) <>
242 Builder.fromText (vName val) <>
243 Builder.singleton (vDelimiter val) <>
244 Builder.fromText (vValue val) <>
245 Builder.singleton '\n'
247 -- | Look up an Ini value by section name and key. Returns the sequence
248 -- of matches.
249 lookupInSection :: Text
250 -- ^ The section name. Will be normalized prior to
251 -- comparison.
252 -> Text
253 -- ^ The key. Will be normalized prior to comparison.
254 -> RawIni
255 -- ^ The Ini to search.
256 -> Seq.Seq Text
257 lookupInSection sec opt ini =
258 vValue <$> (F.asum (lookupValue opt <$> lookupSection sec ini))
260 -- | Look up an Ini section by name. Returns a sequence of all matching
261 -- section records.
262 lookupSection :: Text
263 -- ^ The section name. Will be normalized prior to
264 -- comparison.
265 -> RawIni
266 -- ^ The Ini to search.
267 -> Seq.Seq IniSection
268 lookupSection name ini =
269 snd <$> (Seq.filter ((== normalize name) . fst) $ fromRawIni ini)
271 -- | Look up an Ini key's value in a given section by the key. Returns
272 -- the sequence of matches.
273 lookupValue :: Text
274 -- ^ The key. Will be normalized prior to comparison.
275 -> IniSection
276 -- ^ The section to search.
277 -> Seq.Seq IniValue
278 lookupValue name section =
279 snd <$> Seq.filter ((== normalize name) . fst) (isVals section)
1 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
4 module Data.Ini.Config.St
5 (
6 -- $main
7 -- * Running Setter-Based Parsers
8 parseIniFileSt
9 -- * Setter-Based Parser Types
10 , IniStParser
11 , SectionStParser
12 -- * Setter-Based Section-Level Parsing
13 , sectionSt
14 , sectionOptSt
15 -- * Setter-Aware Field-Level Parsing
16 -- ** Using setter functions
17 , setterField
18 , setterFieldOpt
19 -- ** Using lenses
20 , lensField
21 , (.=)
22 , lensFieldOpt
23 , (.=?)
24 -- ** Setter-Based Field Parsing Aliases
25 , fieldSt
26 , fieldOfSt
27 , fieldMbSt
28 , fieldMbOfSt
29 , fieldOptSt
30 , fieldOptOfSt
31 , fieldDefSt
32 , fieldDefOfSt
33 , fieldFlagSt
34 , fieldFlagDefSt
35 -- * Reader Functions
36 , Lens
37 , updateLens
38 , module Data.Ini.Config
39 ) where
41 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
42 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
43 import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict
44 import Data.Ini.Config
45 import Data.Monoid (Endo(..))
46 import Data.Text (Text)
48 -- $setup
49 -- >>> type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
50 --
51 -- >>> let lens get set f a = (`set` a) `fmap` f (get a)
52 --
53 -- >>> let _1 = lens fst (\ a (_, b) -> (a, b))
54 --
55 -- >>> let _2 = lens snd (\ b (a, _) -> (a, b))
56 --
57 -- >>> let set lens x a = fromI (lens (\ _ -> I x) a)
59 -- | This is a "lens"-compatible type alias
60 type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
62 -- We need this to implement 'set' for lenses
63 newtype I a = I { fromI :: a }
64 instance Functor I where fmap f (I a) = I (f a)
66 set :: Lens s s a a -> a -> s -> s
67 set lens x a = fromI (lens (\ _ -> I x) a)
69 -- | This is a function compatible with the @fieldOf@ family of functions. It allows
70 -- you to parse a field and then create an update function with it.
71 updateLens :: (Text -> Either String a) -> Lens s s a a -> Text -> Either String (s -> s)
72 updateLens rd lens text = do
73 case rd text of
74 Left err -> Left err
75 Right r -> Right (\ st -> set lens r st)
77 newtype IniStParser s a = IniStParser (WriterT (Endo s) IniParser a)
78 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad)
80 newtype SectionStParser s a = SectionStParser (WriterT (Endo s) SectionParser a)
81 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad)
83 parseIniFileSt :: Text -> s -> IniStParser s () -> Either String s
84 parseIniFileSt text def (IniStParser mote) = do
85 (_, Endo update) <- parseIniFile text (runWriterT mote)
86 return (update def)
88 sectionSt :: Text -> SectionStParser s () -> IniStParser s ()
89 sectionSt name (SectionStParser thunk) = IniStParser $ do
90 ((), update) <- lift (section name (runWriterT thunk))
91 tell update
92 return ()
94 sectionOptSt :: Text -> SectionStParser s () -> IniStParser s ()
95 sectionOptSt name (SectionStParser thunk) = IniStParser $ do
96 updateMb <- lift (sectionMb name (runWriterT thunk))
97 case updateMb of
98 Nothing -> return ()
99 Just ((), update) -> tell update
101 liftSetter :: (a -> s -> s) -> SectionParser a -> SectionStParser s ()
102 liftSetter setter mote = SectionStParser $ do
103 rs <- lift mote
104 tell $ Endo (setter rs)
106 -- | The 'setterField' function turns a setter and a relevant 'SectionParser'
107 -- field into a 'SectionStParser' that uses the setter to update
108 -- an internal value using the result of the 'SectionParser'.
109 --
110 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (setterField (set _1) (field "x"))
111 -- Right ("hello",False)
112 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (setterField (set _1) (field "y"))
113 -- Left "Missing field \"y\" in section \"MAIN\""
114 setterField :: (a -> s -> s) -> SectionParser a -> SectionStParser s ()
115 setterField = liftSetter
117 -- | The 'setterFieldOpt' function turns a setter and a relevant 'SectionParser'
118 -- field into a 'SectionStParser' that uses the setter to update an internal
119 -- value with the 'Just' result from the 'SectionParser', and does nothing
120 -- if the 'SectionParser' returns 'Nothing'.
121 --
122 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (setterFieldOpt (set _1) (fieldMb "x"))
123 -- Right ("hello",False)
124 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (setterFieldOpt (set _1) (fieldMb "y"))
125 -- Right ("def",False)
126 setterFieldOpt :: (a -> s -> s) -> SectionParser (Maybe a) -> SectionStParser s ()
127 setterFieldOpt setter mote = SectionStParser $ do
128 rsMb <- lift mote
129 case rsMb of
130 Just rs -> tell $ Endo (setter rs)
131 Nothing -> return ()
133 -- | The 'lensField' function (or its operator form '.=') turns a lens and a
134 -- standard 'SectionParser' field into a 'SectionStParser' that uses the
135 -- lens to update an internal value to the result of the
136 -- 'SectionParser'.
137 --
138 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (lensField _1 (field "x"))
139 -- Right ("hello",False)
140 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (lensField _1 (field "y"))
141 -- Left "Missing field \"y\" in section \"MAIN\""
142 lensField :: Lens s s a a -> SectionParser a -> SectionStParser s ()
143 lensField lens mote = SectionStParser $ do
144 rs <- lift mote
145 tell $ Endo (set lens rs)
147 -- | An infix alias for 'lensField'.
148 --
149 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (_1 .= field "x")
150 -- Right ("hello",False)
151 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (_1 .= field "y")
152 -- Left "Missing field \"y\" in section \"MAIN\""
153 (.=) :: Lens s s a a -> SectionParser a -> SectionStParser s ()
154 (.=) = lensField
156 -- | The 'lensFieldOpt' function (or its operator form '.=?') turns a lens
157 -- and a standard 'SectionParser' field into a 'SectionStParser' that
158 -- ignores values that are not present, but uses the lens to set a value
159 -- that is present.
160 --
161 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (lensFieldOpt _1 (fieldMb "x"))
162 -- Right ("hello",False)
163 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (lensFieldOpt _1 (fieldMb "y"))
164 -- Right ("def",False)
165 lensFieldOpt :: Lens s s a a -> SectionParser (Maybe a) -> SectionStParser s ()
166 lensFieldOpt lens mote = SectionStParser $ do
167 rsMb <- lift mote
168 case rsMb of
169 Just rs -> tell $ Endo (set lens rs)
170 Nothing -> return ()
172 -- | An infix alias for 'lensFieldOpt'.
173 --
174 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (_1 .=? fieldMb "x")
175 -- Right ("hello",False)
176 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (_1 .=? fieldMb "y")
177 -- Right ("def",False)
178 (.=?) :: Lens s s a a -> SectionParser (Maybe a) -> SectionStParser s ()
179 (.=?) = lensFieldOpt
181 -- | A setter-aware variant of 'field': the setter argument names the
182 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
183 --
184 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldSt "x" (set _1))
185 -- Right ("hello",False)
186 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldSt "y" (set _1))
187 -- Left "Missing field \"y\" in section \"MAIN\""
188 fieldSt :: Text -> (Text -> s -> s) -> SectionStParser s ()
189 fieldSt name setter = liftSetter setter $ field name
191 -- | A setter-aware variant of 'fieldOf': the setter argument names the
192 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
193 --
194 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (0, False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldOfSt "x" number (set _1))
195 -- Right (72,False)
196 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" (0, False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldOfSt "x" number (set _1))
197 -- Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a value of type Integer"
198 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (0, False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldOfSt "y" number (set _1))
199 -- Left "Missing field \"y\" in section \"MAIN\""
200 fieldOfSt :: Text -> (Text -> Either String a) -> (a -> s -> s) -> SectionStParser s ()
201 fieldOfSt name rd setter = liftSetter setter $ fieldOf name rd
203 -- | A setter-aware variant of 'fieldMb': the setter argument names the
204 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
205 --
206 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" (Just "def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldMbSt "x" (set _1))
207 -- Right (Just "hello",False)
208 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" (Just "def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldMbSt "y" (set _1))
209 -- Right (Nothing,False)
210 fieldMbSt :: Text -> (Maybe Text -> s -> s) -> SectionStParser s ()
211 fieldMbSt name setter = liftSetter setter $ fieldMb name
213 -- | A setter-aware variant of 'fieldMbOf': the setter argument names the
214 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
215 --
216 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (Just 0, False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldMbOfSt "x" number (set _1))
217 -- Right (Just 72,False)
218 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" (Just 0, False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldMbOfSt "x" number (set _1))
219 -- Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a value of type Integer"
220 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (Just 0, False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldMbOfSt "y" number (set _1))
221 -- Right (Nothing,False)
222 fieldMbOfSt :: Text -> (Text -> Either String a) -> (Maybe a -> s -> s) -> SectionStParser s ()
223 fieldMbOfSt name rd setter = liftSetter setter $ fieldMbOf name rd
225 -- | A setter-aware variant of 'field' which does nothing if a key
226 -- is absent. The setter argument names the setter to use on the
227 -- underlying value being modified.
228 --
229 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldOptSt "x" (set _1))
230 -- Right ("hello",False)
231 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldOptSt "y" (set _1))
232 -- Right ("def",False)
233 fieldOptSt :: Text -> (Text -> s -> s) -> SectionStParser s ()
234 fieldOptSt name setter = SectionStParser $ do
235 rsMb <- lift (fieldMb name)
236 case rsMb of
237 Nothing -> return ()
238 Just rs -> tell $ Endo (setter rs)
240 -- | A setter-aware variant of 'fieldOf', which does nothing if a key
241 -- is absent. The setter argument names the
242 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
243 --
244 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (0, False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldOptOfSt "x" number (set _1))
245 -- Right (72,False)
246 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" (0, False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldOptOfSt "x" number (set _1))
247 -- Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a value of type Integer"
248 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (0, False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldOptOfSt "y" number (set _1))
249 -- Right (0,False)
250 fieldOptOfSt :: Text -> (Text -> Either String a) -> (a -> s -> s) -> SectionStParser s ()
251 fieldOptOfSt name rd setter = SectionStParser $ do
252 rsMb <- lift (fieldMbOf name rd)
253 case rsMb of
254 Nothing -> return ()
255 Just rs -> tell $ Endo (setter rs)
257 -- | A setter-aware variant of 'fieldDef': the setter argument names the
258 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
259 --
260 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("orig", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldDefSt "x" "def" (set _1))
261 -- Right ("hello",False)
262 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("orig", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldDefSt "y" "def" (set _1))
263 -- Right ("def",False)
264 fieldDefSt :: Text -> Text -> (Text -> s -> s) -> SectionStParser s ()
265 fieldDefSt name def setter = liftSetter setter $ fieldDef name def
267 -- | A setter-aware variant of 'fieldDefOf': the setter argument names the
268 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
269 --
270 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (0, False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldDefOfSt "x" number 99 (set _1))
271 -- Right (72,False)
272 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" (0, False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldDefOfSt "x" number 99 (set _1))
273 -- Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a value of type Integer"
274 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = 72\n" (0, False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldDefOfSt "y" number 99 (set _1))
275 -- Right (99,False)
276 fieldDefOfSt :: Text -> (Text -> Either String a) -> a -> (a -> s -> s) -> SectionStParser s ()
277 fieldDefOfSt name rd def setter = liftSetter setter $ fieldDefOf name rd def
279 -- | A setter-aware variant of 'fieldFlag': the setter argument names the
280 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
281 --
282 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = yes\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldFlagSt "x" (set _2))
283 -- Right ("def",True)
284 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldFlagSt "x" (set _2))
285 -- Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a boolean"
286 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = yes\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldFlagSt "y" (set _2))
287 -- Left "Missing field \"y\" in section \"MAIN\""
288 fieldFlagSt :: Text -> (Bool -> s -> s) -> SectionStParser s ()
289 fieldFlagSt name setter = liftSetter setter $ fieldFlag name
291 -- | A setter-aware variant of 'fieldFlagDef': the setter argument names the
292 -- setter to use on the underlying value being modified.
293 --
294 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = yes\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldFlagDefSt "x" False (set _2))
295 -- Right ("def",True)
296 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = hello\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldFlagDefSt "x" False (set _2))
297 -- Left "Line 2, in section \"MAIN\": Unable to parse \"hello\" as a boolean"
298 -- >>> parseIniFileSt "[MAIN]\nx = yes\n" ("def", False) $ sectionSt "MAIN" (fieldFlagDefSt "y" False (set _2))
299 -- Right ("def",False)
300 fieldFlagDefSt :: Text -> Bool -> (Bool -> s -> s) -> SectionStParser s ()
301 fieldFlagDefSt name def setter = liftSetter setter $ fieldFlagDef name def
304 -- $main
305 -- This module is designed to be used with update functions
306 -- like setters or leneses, so that we can
307 -- start with a default configuration and gradually update it,
308 -- rather than construct a new value from scratch. Among other
309 -- things, this introduces more flexibility in terms of how we
310 -- organize both the configuration file and the data type that
311 -- represents the configuration. Consider the same example code
312 -- that appears in the documentation for the "Data.Ini.Config"
313 -- module, which parses a configuration file like this:
314 --
315 -- > [NETWORK]
316 -- > host =
317 -- > port = 7878
318 -- >
319 -- > [LOCAL]
320 -- > user = terry
321 --
322 -- In that example, we split the configuration into a @NetworkConfig@
323 -- and a @LocalConfig@ type to mirror the configuration file's use of
324 -- @[LOCAL]@ and @[NETWORK]@ sections, but we might want to keep the
325 -- configuration data type as a single flat record, in which case our
326 -- parsing code becomes more awkward:
327 --
328 -- > data Config = Config
329 -- > { _cfHost :: String
330 -- > , _cfPort :: Int
331 -- > , _cfUser :: Text
332 -- > } deriving (Eq, Show)
333 -- >
334 -- > -- this is not ideal
335 -- > configParser :: IniParser Config
336 -- > configParser = do
337 -- > (host, port) <- section "NETWORK" $ do
338 -- > host <- fieldOf "host" string
339 -- > port <- fieldOf "port" number
340 -- > return (host, port)
341 -- > user <- section "LOCAL" $ field "user"
342 -- > return (Config host port user)
343 --
344 -- We could also use repeated invocations of 'section', but this
345 -- also makes our parsing code a lot uglier and involves unnecessary
346 -- repetition of the @\"NETWORK\"@ literal:
347 --
348 -- > -- this is kind of ugly
349 -- > configParser :: IniParser Config
350 -- > configParser = do
351 -- > host <- section "NETWORK" $ fieldOf "host" string
352 -- > port <- section "NETWORK" $ fieldOf "port" number
353 -- > user <- section "LOCAL" $ field "user"
354 -- > return (Config host port user)
355 --
356 -- Assuming that we generate lenses for the @Config@ type above,
357 -- then we can use the lens-based combinators in this module to
358 -- write terser parsing code by providing which lens to update
359 -- along with each field:
360 --
361 -- > configParser :: IniStParser Config ()
362 -- > configParser = do
363 -- > sectionSt "NETWORK" $ do
364 -- > cfHost .= fieldOf "host" string
365 -- > cfPort .= fieldOf "port" number
366 -- > sectionSt "LOCAL" $ do
367 -- > cfUser .= field "user"
368 --
369 -- One downside to this approach is that you need an existing
370 -- value of the configuration type to update, which might mean
371 -- filling in a dummy value with nonsense data, even for fields
372 -- which are obligatory in the configuration but on the other
373 -- hand, this can make some parsing code much more flexible and
374 -- terse.
1 {-|
2 Module : Data.Ini.Config
3 Copyright : (c) Getty Ritter, 2017
4 License : BSD
5 Maintainer : Getty Ritter <>
6 Stability : experimental
8 The 'config-ini' library exports some simple monadic functions to
9 make parsing INI-like configuration easier. INI files have a
10 two-level structure: the top-level named chunks of configuration,
11 and the individual key-value pairs contained within those chunks.
12 For example, the following INI file has two sections, @NETWORK@
13 and @LOCAL@, and each contains its own key-value pairs. Comments,
14 which begin with @#@ or @;@, are ignored:
15 --
16 > [NETWORK]
17 > host =
18 > port = 7878
19 >
20 > # here is a comment
21 > [LOCAL]
22 > user = terry
23 --
24 The combinators provided here are designed to write quick and
25 idiomatic parsers for files of this form. Sections are parsed by
26 'IniParser' computations, like 'section' and its variations,
27 while the fields within sections are parsed by 'SectionParser'
28 computations, like 'field' and its variations. If we want to
29 parse an INI file like the one above, treating the entire
30 @LOCAL@ section as optional, we can write it like this:
31 --
32 > data Config = Config
33 > { cfNetwork :: NetworkConfig, cfLocal :: Maybe LocalConfig }
34 > deriving (Eq, Show)
35 >
36 > data NetworkConfig = NetworkConfig
37 > { netHost :: String, netPort :: Int }
38 > deriving (Eq, Show)
39 >
40 > data LocalConfig = LocalConfig
41 > { localUser :: Text }
42 > deriving (Eq, Show)
43 >
44 > configParser :: IniParser Config
45 > configParser = do
46 > netCf <- section "NETWORK" $ do
47 > host <- fieldOf "host" string
48 > port <- fieldOf "port" number
49 > return NetworkConfig { netHost = host, netPort = port }
50 > locCf <- sectionMb "LOCAL" $
51 > LocalConfig <$> field "user"
52 > return Config { cfNetwork = netCf, cfLocal = locCf }
53 --
54 We can run our computation with 'parseIniFile', which,
55 when run on our example file above, would produce the
56 following:
57 --
58 >>> parseIniFile example configParser
59 Right (Config {cfNetwork = NetworkConfig {netHost = "", netPort = 7878}, cfLocal = Just (LocalConfig {localUser = "terry"})})
61 -}
163 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
264 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
365 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
567 module Data.Ini.Config
668 (
7 -- $main
8 -- * Running Parsers
69 -- * Parsing Files
970 parseIniFile
1071 -- * Parser Types
1172 , IniParser
2889 , number
2990 , string
3091 , flag
92 , listWithSeparator
3193 ) where
3395 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
3496 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
35 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
3697 import Data.Ini.Config.Raw
98 import Data.Sequence (Seq)
99 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
37100 import Data.String (IsString(..))
38101 import Data.Text (Text)
39102 import qualified Data.Text as T
40103 import Data.Typeable (Typeable, Proxy(..), typeRep)
104 import GHC.Exts (IsList(..))
41105 import Text.Read (readMaybe)
107 lkp :: NormalizedText -> Seq (NormalizedText, a) -> Maybe a
108 lkp t = go . Seq.viewl
109 where go ((t', x) Seq.:< rs)
110 | t == t' = Just x
111 | otherwise = go (Seq.viewl rs)
112 go Seq.EmptyL = Nothing
43114 addLineInformation :: Int -> Text -> StParser s a -> StParser s a
44115 addLineInformation lineNo sec = withExceptT go
51122 -- | An 'IniParser' value represents a computation for parsing entire
52123 -- INI-format files.
53 newtype IniParser a = IniParser (StParser Ini a)
124 newtype IniParser a = IniParser (StParser RawIni a)
54125 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad)
56127 -- | A 'SectionParser' value represents a computation for parsing a single
61132 -- | Parse a 'Text' value as an INI file and run an 'IniParser' over it
62133 parseIniFile :: Text -> IniParser a -> Either String a
63134 parseIniFile text (IniParser mote) = do
64 ini <- parseIni text
135 ini <- parseRawIni text
65136 runExceptT mote ini
67138 -- | Find a named section in the INI file and parse it with the provided
74145 -- >>> parseIniFile "[ONE]\nx = hello\n" $ section "TWO" (field "x")
75146 -- Left "No top-level section named \"TWO\""
76147 section :: Text -> SectionParser a -> IniParser a
77 section name (SectionParser thunk) = IniParser $ ExceptT $ \(Ini ini) ->
78 case HM.lookup (T.toLower name) ini of
148 section name (SectionParser thunk) = IniParser $ ExceptT $ \(RawIni ini) ->
149 case lkp (normalize name) ini of
79150 Nothing -> Left ("No top-level section named " ++ show name)
80151 Just sec -> runExceptT thunk sec
90161 -- >>> parseIniFile "[ONE]\nx = hello\n" $ sectionMb "TWO" (field "x")
91162 -- Right Nothing
92163 sectionMb :: Text -> SectionParser a -> IniParser (Maybe a)
93 sectionMb name (SectionParser thunk) = IniParser $ ExceptT $ \(Ini ini) ->
94 case HM.lookup (T.toLower name) ini of
164 sectionMb name (SectionParser thunk) = IniParser $ ExceptT $ \(RawIni ini) ->
165 case lkp (normalize name) ini of
95166 Nothing -> return Nothing
96167 Just sec -> Just `fmap` runExceptT thunk sec
106177 -- >>> parseIniFile "[ONE]\nx = hello\n" $ sectionDef "TWO" "def" (field "x")
107178 -- Right "def"
108179 sectionDef :: Text -> a -> SectionParser a -> IniParser a
109 sectionDef name def (SectionParser thunk) = IniParser $ ExceptT $ \(Ini ini) ->
110 case HM.lookup (T.toLower name) ini of
180 sectionDef name def (SectionParser thunk) = IniParser $ ExceptT $ \(RawIni ini) ->
181 case lkp (normalize name) ini of
111182 Nothing -> return def
112183 Just sec -> runExceptT thunk sec
122193 rawFieldMb :: Text -> StParser IniSection (Maybe IniValue)
123194 rawFieldMb name = ExceptT $ \m ->
124 return (HM.lookup name (isVals m))
195 return (lkp (normalize name) (isVals m))
126197 rawField :: Text -> StParser IniSection IniValue
127198 rawField name = do
196267 -- Right "def"
197268 fieldDef :: Text -> Text -> SectionParser Text
198269 fieldDef name def = SectionParser $ ExceptT $ \m ->
199 case HM.lookup name (isVals m) of
270 case lkp (normalize name) (isVals m) of
200271 Nothing -> return def
201272 Just x -> return (vValue x)
271342 number :: (Num a, Read a, Typeable a) => Text -> Either String a
272343 number = readable
274 -- | Convert a textua value to the appropriate string type. This will
345 -- | Convert a textual value to the appropriate string type. This will
275346 -- never fail.
276347 --
277348 -- >>> string "foo" :: Either String String
307378 "n" -> Right False
308379 _ -> Left ("Unable to parse " ++ show s ++ " as a boolean")
381 -- | Convert a reader for a value into a reader for a list of those
382 -- values, separated by a chosen separator. This will split apart
383 -- the string on that separator, get rid of leading and trailing
384 -- whitespace on the individual chunks, and then attempt to parse
385 -- each of them according to the function provided, turning the
386 -- result into a list.
387 --
388 -- This is overloaded with the "IsList" typeclass, so it can be
389 -- used transparently to parse other list-like types.
390 --
391 -- >>> listWithSeparator "," number "2, 3, 4" :: Either String [Int]
392 -- Right [2,3,4]
393 -- >>> listWithSeparator " " number "7 8 9" :: Either String [Int]
394 -- Right [7,8,9]
395 -- >>> listWithSeparator ":" string "/bin:/usr/bin" :: Either String [FilePath]
396 -- Right ["/bin","/usr/bin"]
397 -- >>> listWithSeparator "," number "7 8 9" :: Either String [Int]
398 -- Left "Unable to parse \"2 3 4\" as a value of type Int"
399 listWithSeparator :: (IsList l)
400 => Text
401 -> (Text -> Either String (Item l))
402 -> Text -> Either String l
403 listWithSeparator sep rd =
404 fmap fromList . mapM (rd . T.strip) . T.splitOn sep
311406 -- $setup
312407 --
342437 -- >>> :{
343438 -- let example = "[NETWORK]\nhost =\nport = 7878\n\n# here is a comment\n[LOCAL]\nuser = terry\n"
344439 -- >>> :}
346 -- $main
347 -- The 'config-ini' library exports some simple monadic functions to
348 -- make parsing INI-like configuration easier. INI files have a
349 -- two-level structure: the top-level named chunks of configuration,
350 -- and the individual key-value pairs contained within those chunks.
351 -- For example, the following INI file has two sections, @NETWORK@
352 -- and @LOCAL@, and each contains its own key-value pairs. Comments,
353 -- which begin with @#@ or @;@, are ignored:
354 --
355 -- > [NETWORK]
356 -- > host =
357 -- > port = 7878
358 -- >
359 -- > # here is a comment
360 -- > [LOCAL]
361 -- > user = terry
362 --
363 -- The combinators provided here are designed to write quick and
364 -- idiomatic parsers for files of this form. Sections are parsed by
365 -- 'IniParser' computations, like 'section' and its variations,
366 -- while the fields within sections are parsed by 'SectionParser'
367 -- computations, like 'field' and its variations. If we want to
368 -- parse an INI file like the one above, treating the entire
369 -- @LOCAL@ section as optional, we can write it like this:
370 --
371 -- > data Config = Config
372 -- > { cfNetwork :: NetworkConfig, cfLocal :: Maybe LocalConfig }
373 -- > deriving (Eq, Show)
374 -- >
375 -- > data NetworkConfig = NetworkConfig
376 -- > { netHost :: String, netPort :: Int }
377 -- > deriving (Eq, Show)
378 -- >
379 -- > data LocalConfig = LocalConfig
380 -- > { localUser :: Text }
381 -- > deriving (Eq, Show)
382 -- >
383 -- > configParser :: IniParser Config
384 -- > configParser = do
385 -- > netCf <- section "NETWORK" $ do
386 -- > host <- fieldOf "host" string
387 -- > port <- fieldOf "port" number
388 -- > return NetworkConfig { netHost = host, netPort = port }
389 -- > locCf <- sectionMb "LOCAL" $
390 -- > LocalConfig <$> field "user"
391 -- > return Config { cfNetwork = netCf, cfLocal = locCf }
392 --
393 -- We can run our computation with 'parseIniFile', which,
394 -- when run on our example file above, would produce the
395 -- following:
396 --
397 -- >>> parseIniFile example configParser
398 -- Right (Config {cfNetwork = NetworkConfig {netHost = "", netPort = 7878}, cfLocal = Just (LocalConfig {localUser = "terry"})})
55 main :: IO ()
66 main = do
77 doctest [ "src/Data/Ini/Config.hs", "-XOverloadedStrings" ]
8 doctest [ "src/Data/Ini/Config/Lens.hs", "-XRankNTypes", "-XOverloadedStrings" ]
8 doctest [ "src/Data/Ini/Config/St.hs", "-XRankNTypes", "-XOverloadedStrings" ]
11 {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
24 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
46 module Main where
8 import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
9 import Data.Function (on)
610 import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
711 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
812 import qualified Data.Ini as I1
913 import qualified Data.Ini.Config.Raw as I2
10 import Data.Monoid
14 import Data.List (nubBy)
15 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
1116 import Data.Text (Text)
1217 import qualified Data.Text as T
14 import Test.QuickCheck
19 import Hedgehog
20 import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
21 import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range
16 iniEquiv :: ArbIni -> Bool
17 iniEquiv (ArbIni raw) = case (i1, i2) of
23 propIniEquiv :: Property
24 propIniEquiv = property $ do
25 raw <- forAll mkIni
26 let printed = I1.printIniWith I1.defaultWriteIniSettings raw
27 i1 = I1.parseIni printed
28 i2 = I2.parseRawIni printed
29 case (i1, i2) of
1830 (Right i1', Right i2') ->
1931 let i1'' = lower i1'
2032 i2'' = toMaps i2'
21 in i1'' == i2''
22 _ -> False
23 where pr = I1.printIniWith I1.defaultWriteIniSettings raw
24 i2 = I2.parseIni pr
25 i1 = I1.parseIni pr
33 in i1'' === i2''
34 _ -> failure
36 propRevIniEquiv :: Property
37 propRevIniEquiv = property $ do
38 raw <- forAll mkRichIni
39 let printed = I2.printRawIni raw
40 i1 = I1.parseIni printed
41 i2 = I2.parseRawIni printed
42 case (i1, i2) of
43 (Right i1', Right i2') ->
44 lower i1' === toMaps i2'
45 _ -> failure
47 propIniSelfEquiv :: Property
48 propIniSelfEquiv = property $ do
49 raw <- forAll mkRichIni
50 Right (toMaps raw) === fmap toMaps (I2.parseRawIni (I2.printRawIni raw))
2752 lower :: I1.Ini -> HashMap Text (HashMap Text Text)
28 lower (I1.Ini hm) =
29 HM.fromList [ (T.toLower k, v) | (k, v) <- HM.toList hm ]
53 lower (I1.Ini ini) = go (fmap go ini)
54 where go hm = HM.fromList [ (T.toLower k, v) | (k, v) <- HM.toList hm ]
31 toMaps :: I2.Ini -> HashMap Text (HashMap Text Text)
32 toMaps (I2.Ini m) = fmap (fmap I2.vValue . I2.isVals) m
56 toMaps :: I2.RawIni -> HashMap Text (HashMap Text Text)
57 toMaps (I2.RawIni m) = conv (fmap sectionToPair m)
58 where sectionToPair (name, section) =
59 (I2.normalizedText name, conv (fmap valueToPair (I2.isVals section)))
60 valueToPair (name, value) =
61 (I2.normalizedText name, T.strip (I2.vValue value))
62 conv = HM.fromList . Fold.toList
34 type AlphaNumText = T.Text
35 instance Arbitrary AlphaNumText where
36 arbitrary = T.pack <$> (listOf1 $ elements $
37 ['a'..'z'] <> ['A'..'Z'] <> ['0'..'9'] <> [' '])
64 textChunk :: Gen Text
65 textChunk = fmap T.pack $ Gen.list (Range.linear 1 20) $ Gen.alphaNum
39 newtype ArbIni = ArbIni I1.Ini deriving (Show)
67 mkIni :: Gen I1.Ini
68 mkIni = do
69 ss <- Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) $ do
70 name <- textChunk
71 section <- Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) $
72 (,) <$> textChunk <*> textChunk
73 return (name, HM.fromList section)
74 return (I1.Ini (HM.fromList ss))
41 instance Arbitrary ArbIni where
42 arbitrary = (ArbIni . I1.Ini . HM.fromList) `fmap` listOf sections
43 where sections = do
44 name <- arbitrary :: Gen AlphaNumText
45 sec <- section
46 return (name, sec)
47 section = HM.fromList `fmap` listOf kv
48 kv = do
49 name <- arbitrary :: Gen AlphaNumText
50 val <- arbitrary :: Gen AlphaNumText
51 return (name, val)
76 mkComments :: Gen (Seq.Seq I2.BlankLine)
77 mkComments = fmap Seq.fromList $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 5) $
78 Gen.choice
79 [ return I2.BlankLine
80 , I2.CommentLine <$> Gen.element ";#" <*> textChunk
81 ]
83 mkRichIni :: Gen I2.RawIni
84 mkRichIni = do
85 ss <- Gen.list (Range.linear 0 100) $ do
86 name <- textChunk
87 section <- Gen.list (Range.linear 0 100) $ do
88 k <- textChunk
89 v <- textChunk
90 cs <- mkComments
91 return ( I2.normalize k
92 , I2.IniValue 0 k v cs False '='
93 )
94 cs <- mkComments
95 return ( I2.normalize name
96 , I2.IniSection name (Seq.fromList (nubBy ((==) `on` fst) section)) 0 0 cs
97 )
98 return (I2.RawIni (Seq.fromList (nubBy ((==) `on` fst) ss)))
53100 main :: IO ()
54 main = quickCheck iniEquiv
101 main = do
102 _ <- checkParallel $ Group "Test.Example"
103 [ ("propIniEquiv", propIniEquiv)
104 , ("propRevIniEquiv", propRevIniEquiv)
105 , ("propIniSelfEquiv", propIniSelfEquiv)
106 ]
107 return ()
33 import Data.List
44 import Data.Ini.Config.Raw
5 import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
5 import Data.Sequence (Seq)
66 import Data.Text (Text)
7 import qualified Data.Text as T
78 import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
89 import System.Directory
910 import System.Exit
1920 ]
2021 mapM_ runTest inis
22 toMaps :: Ini -> HashMap Text (HashMap Text Text)
23 toMaps (Ini m) = fmap (fmap vValue . isVals) m
23 type IniSeq = Seq (Text, Seq (Text, Text))
25 toMaps :: RawIni -> IniSeq
26 toMaps (RawIni m) = fmap sectionToPair m
27 where sectionToPair (name, section) =
28 (normalizedText name, fmap valueToPair (isVals section))
29 valueToPair (name, value) =
30 (normalizedText name, T.strip (vValue value))
2532 runTest :: FilePath -> IO ()
2633 runTest iniF = do
2734 let hsF = take (length iniF - 4) iniF ++ ".hs"
2835 ini <- T.readFile (dir ++ "/" ++ iniF)
2936 hs <- readFile (dir ++ "/" ++ hsF)
30 case parseIni ini of
37 case parseRawIni ini of
3138 Left err -> do
3239 putStrLn ("Error parsing " ++ iniF)
3340 putStrLn err