gdritter repos config-ini / 1c5577d
Prototype working Bidir module, removed St as obsolete Getty Ritter 8 years ago
8 changed file(s) with 579 addition(s) and 96 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
3434 library
3535 hs-source-dirs: src
3636 exposed-modules: Data.Ini.Config
37 , Data.Ini.Config.Bidir
3738 , Data.Ini.Config.Raw
38 , Data.Ini.Config.St
3939 ghc-options: -Wall
4040 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.10
41 , containers
4142 , text >=1.2.2 && <1.3
4243 , unordered-containers >=0.2.7 && <0.3
4344 , transformers >=0.4.1 && <0.6
5556 , config-ini
5657 default-language: Haskell2010
58 executable config-example
59 executable bidir-example
5960 if !flag(build-examples)
6061 buildable: False
61 hs-source-dirs: examples/config-example
62 hs-source-dirs: examples/bidir-example
6263 main-is: Main.hs
6364 ghc-options: -Wall
6465 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.10
6566 , text
6667 , config-ini
68 , microlens-th
6769 default-language: Haskell2010
69 executable lens-example
71 executable config-example
7072 if !flag(build-examples)
7173 buildable: False
72 hs-source-dirs: examples/lens-example
74 hs-source-dirs: examples/config-example
7375 main-is: Main.hs
7476 ghc-options: -Wall
7577 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.10
8183 test-suite test-ini-compat
8284 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
83 ghc-options: -Wall
85 ghc-options: -Wall -prof -fprof-auto -rtsopts
8486 default-language: Haskell2010
8587 hs-source-dirs: test/ini-compat
8688 main-is: Main.hs
8890 , ini
8991 , config-ini
9092 , QuickCheck
93 , containers
9194 , unordered-containers
9295 , text
99102 main-is: Main.hs
100103 build-depends: base
101104 , config-ini
105 , containers
102106 , unordered-containers
103107 , text
104108 , directory
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
4 module Main where
6 import Data.Ini.Config.Bidir
7 import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
8 import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses)
10 data Config = Config
11 { _confUsername :: Text
12 , _confPort :: Int
13 , _confUseEncryption :: Bool
14 , _confHostname :: Text
15 } deriving (Eq, Show)
17 makeLenses ''Config
19 sampleConfig :: Config
20 sampleConfig = Config
21 { _confUsername = "<user>"
22 , _confPort = 8080
23 , _confUseEncryption = True
24 , _confHostname = "localhost"
25 }
27 parseConfig :: IniParser Config ()
28 parseConfig = section "NETWORK" $ do
29 confUsername .= fieldOf "user" text <?>
30 [ "your username" ]
31 confPort .= fieldOf "port" number <?>
32 [ "the port in question" ]
33 confUseEncryption .= flagDef "encryption" True <?>
34 [ "whether to use encryption (defaults to true)" ]
35 confHostname .=? field "hostname" <?>
36 [ "hostname to connect to (optional)" ]
38 example :: Text
39 example = "[NETWORK]\n\
40 \user = gdritter\n\
41 \port = 8888\n"
43 main :: IO ()
44 main = do
45 print (parseIniFile sampleConfig parseConfig example)
46 putStrLn (unpack (emitIniFile sampleConfig parseConfig))
examples/lens-example/Main.hs less more
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
4 module Main where
6 import Data.Ini.Config.St
7 import Data.Text (Text)
8 import Lens.Micro.Platform (makeLenses)
10 data Config = Config
11 { _confUsername :: Text
12 , _confPort :: Int
13 , _confUseEncryption :: Bool
14 } deriving (Eq, Show)
16 makeLenses ''Config
18 defaultConfig :: Config
19 defaultConfig = Config
20 { _confUsername = "undefined"
21 , _confPort = 0
22 , _confUseEncryption = True
23 }
25 parseConfig :: IniStParser Config ()
26 parseConfig = sectionSt "network" $ do
27 confUsername .= field "user"
28 confPort .= fieldOf "port" number
29 confUseEncryption .=? fieldMbOf "encryption" flag
31 example :: Text
32 example = "[NETWORK]\n\
33 \user = gdritter\n\
34 \port = 8888\n"
36 main :: IO ()
37 main = do
38 print (parseIniFileSt example defaultConfig parseConfig)
1 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
7 module Data.Ini.Config.Bidir
8 (
9 parseIniFile
10 , emitIniFile
11 -- * Bidirectional Parser Types
12 , IniParser
13 , SectionParser
14 -- * Section-Level Parsing
15 , section
16 -- * Field-Level Parsing
17 , (.=)
18 , (.=?)
19 , (<?>)
20 , field
21 , fieldOf
22 , fieldDef
23 , fieldDefOf
24 , flag
25 , flagDef
26 -- * FieldValues
27 , FieldValue(..)
28 , text
29 , string
30 , number
31 , bool
32 , readable
33 ) where
35 import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (State, runState, modify)
36 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
37 import Data.Sequence (Seq)
38 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
39 import Data.Text (Text)
40 import qualified Data.Text as T
41 import Data.Typeable (Typeable, Proxy(..), typeRep)
42 import Text.Read (readMaybe)
44 import Data.Ini.Config.Raw
46 -- | This is a "lens"-compatible type alias
47 type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
49 lkp :: Text -> Seq (Text, a) -> Maybe a
50 lkp t = go . Seq.viewl
51 where go ((t', x) Seq.:< rs)
52 | t == t' = Just x
53 | otherwise = go (Seq.viewl rs)
54 go Seq.EmptyL = Nothing
56 data FieldValue a = FieldValue
57 { fvParse :: Text -> Either String a
58 , fvEmit :: a -> Text
59 }
61 data OutputOptions = OutputOptions
62 { outputOrdering :: OutputOrdering
63 } deriving (Eq, Show)
65 data OutputOrdering
66 = SameAsSpecification
67 | SameAsInputFile
68 deriving (Eq, Show)
70 type BidirM s a = State (Seq s) a
72 runBidirM :: BidirM s a -> Seq s
73 runBidirM = snd . flip runState Seq.empty
75 newtype IniParser s a = IniParser (BidirM (Text, Seq (Field s)) a)
76 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
78 newtype SectionParser s a = SectionParser (BidirM (Field s) a)
79 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
81 section :: Text -> SectionParser s () -> IniParser s ()
82 section name (SectionParser mote) = IniParser $ do
83 let fields = runBidirM mote
84 modify (Seq.|> (name, fields))
86 data Field s
87 = forall a. Field (Lens s s a a) (FieldDescription a) Bool
89 data FieldDescription t = FieldDescription
90 { fdName :: Text
91 , fdValue :: FieldValue t
92 , fdDefault :: Maybe t
93 , fdComment :: Seq Text
94 }
96 (.=) :: Lens s s t t -> FieldDescription t -> SectionParser s ()
97 l .= f = SectionParser $ modify (Seq.|> fd)
98 where fd = Field l f False
100 (.=?) :: Lens s s t t -> FieldDescription t -> SectionParser s ()
101 l .=? f = SectionParser $ modify (Seq.|> fd)
102 where fd = Field l f True
104 (<?>) :: FieldDescription t -> [Text] -> FieldDescription t
105 fd <?> comment = fd { fdComment = Seq.fromList comment }
107 infixr 8 .=
108 infixr 8 .=?
109 infixr 9 <?>
111 field :: Text -> FieldDescription Text
112 field name = fieldOf name text
114 fieldOf :: Text -> FieldValue a -> FieldDescription a
115 fieldOf name value = FieldDescription
116 { fdName = name
117 , fdValue = value
118 , fdDefault = Nothing
119 , fdComment = Seq.empty
120 }
122 fieldDef :: Text -> Text -> FieldDescription Text
123 fieldDef name def = fieldDefOf name def text
125 fieldDefOf :: Text -> a -> FieldValue a -> FieldDescription a
126 fieldDefOf name def value = FieldDescription
127 { fdName = name
128 , fdValue = value
129 , fdDefault = Just def
130 , fdComment = Seq.empty
131 }
133 flag :: Text -> FieldDescription Bool
134 flag name = fieldOf name bool
136 flagDef :: Text -> Bool -> FieldDescription Bool
137 flagDef name def = fieldDefOf name def bool
139 sample :: SectionParser (Text, Int) ()
140 sample = do
141 _1 .= field "foo" <?> ["comment for foo"]
142 _2 .= fieldDefOf "bar" 0 number
144 readable :: forall a. (Show a, Read a, Typeable a) => FieldValue a
145 readable = FieldValue { fvParse = parse, fvEmit = emit }
146 where emit = T.pack . show
147 parse t = case readMaybe (T.unpack t) of
148 Just v -> Right v
149 Nothing -> Left ("Unable to parse " ++ show t ++
150 " as a value of type " ++ show typ)
151 typ = typeRep (prx)
152 prx :: Proxy a
153 prx = Proxy
155 number :: (Show a, Read a, Num a, Typeable a) => FieldValue a
156 number = readable
158 text :: FieldValue Text
159 text = FieldValue { fvParse = Right, fvEmit = id }
161 string :: FieldValue String
162 string = FieldValue { fvParse = Right . T.unpack, fvEmit = T.pack }
164 bool :: FieldValue Bool
165 bool = FieldValue { fvParse = parse, fvEmit = emit }
166 where parse s = case T.toLower s of
167 "true" -> Right True
168 "yes" -> Right True
169 "t" -> Right True
170 "y" -> Right True
171 "false" -> Right False
172 "no" -> Right False
173 "f" -> Right False
174 "n" -> Right False
175 _ -> Left ("Unable to parse " ++ show s ++ " as a boolean")
176 emit True = "true"
177 emit False = "false"
179 parseIniFile :: s -> IniParser s () -> Text -> Either String s
180 parseIniFile def (IniParser mote) t =
181 let spec = runBidirM mote
182 in case parseIni t of
183 Left err -> Left err
184 Right (Ini ini) -> runSpec def (Seq.viewl spec) ini
186 runSpec :: s -> Seq.ViewL (Text, Seq (Field s)) -> Seq (Text, IniSection) -> Either String s
187 runSpec s Seq.EmptyL _ = Right s
188 runSpec s ((name, fs) Seq.:< rest) ini
189 | Just v <- lkp (T.toLower name) ini = do
190 s' <- runFields s (Seq.viewl fs) v
191 runSpec s' (Seq.viewl rest) ini
192 | otherwise = Left ("Unable to find section " ++ show name)
194 newtype I a = I { fromI :: a }
195 instance Functor I where fmap f (I x) = I (f x)
197 set :: Lens s t a b -> b -> s -> t
198 set lns x a = fromI (lns (const (I x)) a)
200 newtype C a b = C { fromC :: a }
201 instance Functor (C a) where fmap _ (C x) = C x
203 get :: Lens s t a b -> s -> a
204 get lns a = fromC (lns C a)
206 runFields :: s -> Seq.ViewL (Field s) -> IniSection -> Either String s
207 runFields s Seq.EmptyL _ = Right s
208 runFields s (Field l descr optional Seq.:< fs) sect
209 | Just v <- lkp (fdName descr) (isVals sect) = do
210 value <- fvParse (fdValue descr) (vValue v)
211 runFields (set l value s) (Seq.viewl fs) sect
212 | Just def <- fdDefault descr =
213 runFields (set l def s) (Seq.viewl fs) sect
214 | optional =
215 runFields s (Seq.viewl fs) sect
216 | otherwise = Left ("Unable to find field " ++ show (fdName descr))
218 emitIniFile :: s -> IniParser s () -> Text
219 emitIniFile s (IniParser mote) =
220 let spec = runBidirM mote in
221 printIni $ Ini $ fmap (\ (name, fs) -> (name, toSection s name fs)) spec
223 toSection :: s -> Text -> Seq (Field s) -> IniSection
224 toSection s name fs = IniSection
225 { isName = name
226 , isVals = fmap toVal fs
227 , isStartLine = 0
228 , isEndLine = 0
229 , isComments = Seq.empty
230 } where toVal (Field l descr optional) =
231 ( fdName descr
232 , IniValue
233 { vLineNo = 0
234 , vName = fdName descr
235 , vValue = fvEmit (fdValue descr) (get l s)
236 , vComments = BlankLine Seq.<|
237 fmap (\ ln -> CommentLine '#' (" " <> ln))
238 (fdComment descr)
239 , vCommentedOut = optional
240 }
241 )
245 lens :: (s -> a) -> (b -> s -> t) -> Lens s t a b
246 lens gt st f a = (`st` a) `fmap` f (gt a)
248 _1 :: Lens (a, b) (a, b) a a
249 _1 = lens fst (\ a (_, b) -> (a, b))
251 _2 :: Lens (a, b) (a, b) b b
252 _2 = lens snd (\ b (a, _) -> (a, b))
255 -- $main
256 -- This module is an alternate API used for parsing INI files.
257 -- unlike the standard API, it is bidirectional: it can be
258 -- used to emit an INI or even produce a modified INI file
259 -- with minimal modification.
260 --
261 -- This module is designed to be used with lenses: instead of
262 -- generating a new value as a result of parsing, we start
263 -- with a fully constructed value and then associate each field
264 -- of the INI file with a lens into that structure. Among other
265 -- things, this introduces more flexibility in terms of how we
266 -- organize both the configuration file and the data type that
267 -- represents the configuration. Consider the same example code
268 -- that appears in the documentation for the "Data.Ini.Config"
269 -- module, which parses a configuration file like this:
270 --
271 -- > [NETWORK]
272 -- > host =
273 -- > port = 7878
274 -- >
275 -- > [LOCAL]
276 -- > user = terry
277 --
278 -- In that example, we split the configuration into a @NetworkConfig@
279 -- and a @LocalConfig@ type to mirror the configuration file's use of
280 -- @[LOCAL]@ and @[NETWORK]@ sections, but we might want to keep the
281 -- configuration data type as a single flat record, in which case our
282 -- parsing code becomes more awkward:
283 --
284 -- > data Config = Config
285 -- > { _cfHost :: String
286 -- > , _cfPort :: Int
287 -- > , _cfUser :: Text
288 -- > } deriving (Eq, Show)
289 -- >
290 -- > -- this is not ideal
291 -- > configParser :: IniParser Config
292 -- > configParser = do
293 -- > (host, port) <- section "NETWORK" $ do
294 -- > host <- fieldOf "host" string
295 -- > port <- fieldOf "port" number
296 -- > return (host, port)
297 -- > user <- section "LOCAL" $ field "user"
298 -- > return (Config host port user)
299 --
300 -- We could also use repeated invocations of 'section', but this
301 -- also makes our parsing code a lot uglier and involves unnecessary
302 -- repetition of the @\"NETWORK\"@ literal:
303 --
304 -- > -- this is kind of ugly
305 -- > configParser :: IniParser Config
306 -- > configParser = do
307 -- > host <- section "NETWORK" $ fieldOf "host" string
308 -- > port <- section "NETWORK" $ fieldOf "port" number
309 -- > user <- section "LOCAL" $ field "user"
310 -- > return (Config host port user)
311 --
312 -- Assuming that we generate lenses for the @Config@ type above,
313 -- then we can use the lens-based combinators in this module to
314 -- write terser parsing code by providing which lens to update
315 -- along with each field:
316 --
317 -- > configSpec :: IniSpec Config ()
318 -- > configSpec = do
319 -- > sectionSt "NETWORK" $ do
320 -- > cfHost .= field "host" string
321 -- > cfPort .= fieldOf "port" number
322 -- > sectionSt "LOCAL" $ do
323 -- > cfUser .= field "user"
324 --
325 -- Additionally, given a value of type @Config@, we can use the
326 -- same specification to emit an INI file, which is useful for
327 -- generating a valid sample configuration. To help with this,
328 -- we can rewrite the spec to make use of the @<?>@ operator,
329 -- which associates the field with a comment block that will
330 -- be printed above the field in the generated INI file.
331 --
332 -- > configSpec :: IniSpec Config ()
333 -- > configSpec = do
334 -- > sectionSt "NETWORK" $ do
335 -- > cfHost .= field "host" string <?> [ "the host" ]
336 -- > cfPort .= fieldOf "port" number <?> [ "the port" ]
337 -- > sectionSt "LOCAL" $ do
338 -- > cfUser .= field "user" <?> [ "the username" ]
339 --
340 -- Using an existing @Config@ value here, we can produce a sample
341 -- configuration:
22 ( Ini(..)
33 , IniSection(..)
44 , IniValue(..)
5 , BlankLine(..)
56 , parseIni
7 , printIni
68 ) where
810 import Control.Monad (void)
9 import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
10 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
11 import qualified Data.Foldable as F
12 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
13 import Data.Sequence (Seq)
14 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
1115 import Data.Text (Text)
1216 import qualified Data.Text as T
17 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LazyText
18 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
1319 import Text.Megaparsec
1420 import Text.Megaparsec.Text
1622 -- | An 'Ini' value is a mapping from section names to
1723 -- 'IniSection' values.
18 newtype Ini
19 = Ini { fromIni :: HashMap Text IniSection }
20 deriving (Eq, Show)
24 newtype Ini = Ini
25 { fromIni :: Seq (Text, IniSection)
26 } deriving (Eq, Show)
2228 -- | An 'IniSection' consists of a name, a mapping of key-value pairs,
2329 -- and metadata about where the section starts and ends in the file.
2430 data IniSection = IniSection
2531 { isName :: Text
26 , isVals :: HashMap Text IniValue
32 , isVals :: Seq (Text, IniValue)
2733 , isStartLine :: Int
2834 , isEndLine :: Int
35 , isComments :: Seq BlankLine
2936 } deriving (Eq, Show)
3138 -- | An 'IniValue' represents a key-value mapping, and also stores the
3239 -- line number where it appears.
3340 data IniValue = IniValue
34 { vLineNo :: Int
35 , vName :: Text
36 , vValue :: Text
41 { vLineNo :: Int
42 , vName :: Text
43 , vValue :: Text
44 , vComments :: Seq BlankLine
45 , vCommentedOut :: Bool
46 -- ^ Right now, this will never show up in a parsed INI file, but
47 -- it's used when emitting a default INI file: it causes the
48 -- key-value line to include a leading comment as well.
3749 } deriving (Eq, Show)
51 -- | We want to keep track of the whitespace/comments in between KV
52 -- lines, so this allows us to track those lines in a reproducible
53 -- way.
54 data BlankLine
55 = CommentLine Char Text
56 | BlankLine
57 deriving (Eq, Show)
3959 -- | Parse a 'Text' value into an 'Ini' value.
4060 parseIni :: Text -> Either String Ini
4565 pIni :: Parser Ini
4666 pIni = do
47 sBlanks
48 vs <- many (pSection <?> "section")
49 void eof
50 return $ Ini $ HM.fromList [ (T.toLower (isName v), v)
51 | v <- vs
52 ]
67 leading <- sBlanks
68 pSections leading Seq.empty
54 sBlanks :: Parser ()
55 sBlanks = skipMany (void eol <|> sComment)
70 sBlanks :: Parser (Seq BlankLine)
71 sBlanks = Seq.fromList <$> many ((BlankLine <$ void eol) <|> sComment)
57 sComment :: Parser ()
73 sComment :: Parser BlankLine
5874 sComment = do
59 void (oneOf ";#")
60 void (manyTill anyChar eol)
75 c <- oneOf ";#"
76 txt <- T.pack `fmap` manyTill anyChar eol
77 return (CommentLine c txt)
62 pSection :: Parser IniSection
63 pSection = do
79 pSections :: Seq BlankLine -> Seq (Text, IniSection) -> Parser Ini
80 pSections leading prevs =
81 pSection leading prevs <|> (Ini prevs <$ void eof)
83 pSection :: Seq BlankLine -> Seq (Text, IniSection) -> Parser Ini
84 pSection leading prevs = do
6485 start <- getCurrentLine
6586 void (char '[')
6687 name <- T.pack `fmap` some (noneOf "[]")
6788 void (char ']')
68 sBlanks
69 vals <- many (pPair <?> "key-value pair")
70 end <- getCurrentLine
71 sBlanks
72 return IniSection
73 { isName = T.strip name
74 , isVals = HM.fromList [ (vName v, v) | v <- vals ]
75 , isStartLine = start
76 , isEndLine = end
77 }
89 comments <- sBlanks
90 pPairs (T.strip name) start leading prevs comments Seq.empty
79 pPair :: Parser IniValue
80 pPair = do
92 pPairs :: Text
93 -> Int
94 -> Seq BlankLine
95 -> Seq (Text, IniSection)
96 -> Seq BlankLine
97 -> Seq (Text, IniValue)
98 -> Parser Ini
99 pPairs name start leading prevs comments pairs = newPair <|> finishedSection
100 where
101 newPair = do
102 pair <- pPair comments
103 rs <- sBlanks
104 pPairs name start leading prevs rs (pairs Seq.|> (vName pair, pair))
105 finishedSection = do
106 end <- getCurrentLine
107 let newSection = IniSection
108 { isName = name
109 , isVals = pairs
110 , isStartLine = start
111 , isEndLine = end
112 , isComments = leading
113 }
114 pSections comments (prevs Seq.|> (T.toLower name, newSection))
116 pPair :: Seq BlankLine -> Parser IniValue
117 pPair leading = do
81118 pos <- getCurrentLine
82119 key <- T.pack `fmap` some (noneOf "[]=:")
83120 void (oneOf ":=")
84121 val <- T.pack `fmap` manyTill anyChar eol
85 sBlanks
86122 return IniValue
87 { vLineNo = pos
88 , vName = T.strip key
89 , vValue = T.strip val
123 { vLineNo = pos
124 , vName = T.strip key
125 , vValue = T.strip val
126 , vComments = leading
127 , vCommentedOut = False
90128 }
92130 getCurrentLine :: Parser Int
93131 getCurrentLine = (fromIntegral . unPos . sourceLine) `fmap` getPosition
134 printIni :: Ini -> Text
135 printIni = LazyText.toStrict . Builder.toLazyText . F.foldMap build . fromIni
136 where
137 build (_, ini) =
138 F.foldMap buildComment (isComments ini) <>
139 Builder.singleton '[' <>
140 Builder.fromText (isName ini) <>
141 Builder.fromString "]\n" <>
142 F.foldMap buildKV (isVals ini)
143 buildComment BlankLine = Builder.singleton '\n'
144 buildComment (CommentLine c txt) =
145 Builder.singleton c <> Builder.fromText txt <> Builder.singleton '\n'
146 buildKV (_, val) =
147 F.foldMap buildComment (vComments val) <>
148 (if vCommentedOut val then Builder.fromString "# " else mempty) <>
149 Builder.fromText (vName val) <>
150 Builder.fromString " = " <>
151 Builder.fromText (vValue val) <>
152 Builder.singleton '\n'
3333 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
3434 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
35 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
3635 import Data.Ini.Config.Raw
36 import Data.Sequence (Seq)
37 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
3738 import Data.String (IsString(..))
3839 import Data.Text (Text)
3940 import qualified Data.Text as T
4041 import Data.Typeable (Typeable, Proxy(..), typeRep)
4142 import Text.Read (readMaybe)
44 lkp :: Text -> Seq (Text, a) -> Maybe a
45 lkp t = go . Seq.viewl
46 where go ((t', x) Seq.:< rs)
47 | t == t' = Just x
48 | otherwise = go (Seq.viewl rs)
49 go Seq.EmptyL = Nothing
4351 addLineInformation :: Int -> Text -> StParser s a -> StParser s a
4452 addLineInformation lineNo sec = withExceptT go
7583 -- Left "No top-level section named \"TWO\""
7684 section :: Text -> SectionParser a -> IniParser a
7785 section name (SectionParser thunk) = IniParser $ ExceptT $ \(Ini ini) ->
78 case HM.lookup (T.toLower name) ini of
86 case lkp (T.toLower name) ini of
7987 Nothing -> Left ("No top-level section named " ++ show name)
8088 Just sec -> runExceptT thunk sec
9199 -- Right Nothing
92100 sectionMb :: Text -> SectionParser a -> IniParser (Maybe a)
93101 sectionMb name (SectionParser thunk) = IniParser $ ExceptT $ \(Ini ini) ->
94 case HM.lookup (T.toLower name) ini of
102 case lkp (T.toLower name) ini of
95103 Nothing -> return Nothing
96104 Just sec -> Just `fmap` runExceptT thunk sec
107115 -- Right "def"
108116 sectionDef :: Text -> a -> SectionParser a -> IniParser a
109117 sectionDef name def (SectionParser thunk) = IniParser $ ExceptT $ \(Ini ini) ->
110 case HM.lookup (T.toLower name) ini of
118 case lkp (T.toLower name) ini of
111119 Nothing -> return def
112120 Just sec -> runExceptT thunk sec
122130 rawFieldMb :: Text -> StParser IniSection (Maybe IniValue)
123131 rawFieldMb name = ExceptT $ \m ->
124 return (HM.lookup name (isVals m))
132 return (lkp name (isVals m))
126134 rawField :: Text -> StParser IniSection IniValue
127135 rawField name = do
196204 -- Right "def"
197205 fieldDef :: Text -> Text -> SectionParser Text
198206 fieldDef name def = SectionParser $ ExceptT $ \m ->
199 case HM.lookup name (isVals m) of
207 case lkp name (isVals m) of
200208 Nothing -> return def
201209 Just x -> return (vValue x)
11 module Main where
33 import Data.Char
4 import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
45 import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
56 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
67 import qualified Data.Ini as I1
78 import qualified Data.Ini.Config.Raw as I2
9 import Data.List (nub)
10 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
811 import Data.Text (Text)
912 import qualified Data.Text as T
1114 import Test.QuickCheck
16 myArgs :: Args
17 myArgs = stdArgs
1319 iniEquiv :: ArbIni -> Bool
1420 iniEquiv (ArbIni raw) = case (i1, i2) of
2127 i2 = I2.parseIni pr
2228 i1 = I1.parseIni pr
30 revIniEquiv :: RichIni -> Bool
31 revIniEquiv (RichIni raw) = case (i1, i2) of
32 (Right i1', Right i2') ->
33 let i1'' = lower i1'
34 i2'' = toMaps i2'
35 in i1'' == i2''
36 _ -> False
37 where pr = I2.printIni raw
38 i1 = I1.parseIni pr
39 i2 = I2.parseIni pr
2441 lower :: I1.Ini -> HashMap Text (HashMap Text Text)
2542 lower (I1.Ini hm) =
2643 HM.fromList [ (T.toLower k, v) | (k, v) <- HM.toList hm ]
2845 toMaps :: I2.Ini -> HashMap Text (HashMap Text Text)
29 toMaps (I2.Ini m) = fmap (fmap I2.vValue . I2.isVals) m
46 toMaps (I2.Ini m) = conv (fmap sectionToPair m)
47 where sectionToPair (name, section) = ( name
48 , conv (fmap valueToPair (I2.isVals section))
49 )
50 valueToPair (name, value) = (name, I2.vValue value)
51 conv = HM.fromList . Fold.toList
53 newtype ArbText = ArbText { fromArbText :: Text } deriving (Show)
55 instance Arbitrary ArbText where
56 arbitrary = (ArbText . T.pack) `fmap` listOf1 (arbitrary `suchThat` isValid)
57 where isValid ':' = False
58 isValid '=' = False
59 isValid '#' = False
60 isValid ';' = False
61 isValid '[' = False
62 isValid ']' = False
63 isValid c
64 | isSpace c = False
65 | otherwise = True
3167 newtype ArbIni = ArbIni I1.Ini deriving (Show)
3672 name <- str
3773 sec <- section
3874 return (name, sec)
39 str = (T.pack `fmap` arbitrary) `suchThat` (\ t ->
40 T.all (\ c -> isAlphaNum c || c == ' ')
41 t && not (T.null t))
75 str = fromArbText `fmap` arbitrary
4276 section = HM.fromList `fmap` listOf kv
4377 kv = do
4478 name <- str
4579 val <- str
4680 return (name, val)
82 newtype RichIni = RichIni (I2.Ini) deriving (Show)
84 instance Arbitrary RichIni where
85 arbitrary = (RichIni . I2.Ini . Seq.fromList . nub) `fmap` listOf sections
86 where sections = do
87 name <- (T.toLower . T.strip) `fmap` str
88 sec <- section name
89 return (name, sec)
90 str = fromArbText `fmap` arbitrary
91 section n = do
92 vals <- listOf kv
93 cs <- Seq.fromList `fmap` listOf comment
94 return (I2.IniSection n (Seq.fromList $ nub vals) 0 0 cs)
95 kv = do
96 name <- T.strip `fmap` str
97 val <- str
98 cs <- Seq.fromList `fmap` listOf comment
99 return (name, I2.IniValue 0 name val cs False)
100 comment = oneof [ return I2.BlankLine
101 , do { c <- elements ";#"
102 ; txt <- str
103 ; return (I2.CommentLine c txt)
104 }
105 ]
48107 main :: IO ()
49 main = quickCheck iniEquiv
108 main = do
109 quickCheckWith myArgs revIniEquiv
110 quickCheckWith myArgs iniEquiv
33 import Data.List
44 import Data.Ini.Config.Raw
5 import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
5 import Data.Sequence (Seq)
66 import Data.Text (Text)
77 import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
88 import System.Directory
1919 ]
2020 mapM_ runTest inis
22 toMaps :: Ini -> HashMap Text (HashMap Text Text)
23 toMaps (Ini m) = fmap (fmap vValue . isVals) m
22 toMaps :: Ini -> Seq (Text, Seq (Text, Text))
23 toMaps (Ini m) = fmap sectionToPair m
24 where sectionToPair (name, section) = (name, fmap valueToPair (isVals section))
25 valueToPair (name, value) = (name, vValue value)
2527 runTest :: FilePath -> IO ()
2628 runTest iniF = do