gdritter repos dotfiles / 1719b9e
More xmonad tweaks Getty Ritter 8 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 3 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
104104 XM.avoidStruts tiled |||
105105 XM.avoidStruts (XM.Mirror tiled) |||
106106 XM.noBorders (XM.smartBorders XM.Full) |||
107 XM.avoidStruts (XM.noBorders tabbed)
107 XM.avoidStruts tabbed
108108 , XM.manageHook =
109109 XM.manageDocks <+> XM.manageHook def
110110 , XM.normalBorderColor = normalC
116116 }
117117 }
118118 tiled = XM.Tall 1 (3/100) (3/5)
119 tabbed = Tab.tabbed Tab.shrinkText def
119 tabbed = Tab.tabbedAlways Tab.shrinkText def
120120 { Tab.activeColor = focusedC
121121 , Tab.inactiveColor = normalC
122122 , Tab.activeBorderColor = blackC
123123 , Tab.inactiveBorderColor = blackC
124124 , Tab.activeTextColor = whiteC
125125 , Tab.inactiveTextColor = whiteC
126 , Tab.fontName = "Inconsolata"
127126 }
129128 main :: IO ()