gdritter repos dotfiles / 5eb0377
Always use alacritty in xmonad Getty Ritter 3 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
8484 config xmproc ColorScheme { .. } = XMConfig conf
8585 where conf = def
8686 { XM.modMask = XM.mod4Mask
87 , XM.terminal = "urxvt -e tmux"
87 , XM.terminal = "alacritty -e tmux"
8888 , XM.keys = keys <+> XM.keys def
8989 , XM.handleEventHook =
9090 XM.docksEventHook <+> XM.handleEventHook def