gdritter repos frontit / 4e98f6d
Added logging output + doing links half-correctly Getty Ritter 8 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 60 addition(s) and 21 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
2525 , gitit
2626 , http-types
2727 , pandoc
28 , time
2829 , wai
2930 , warp
3031 default-language: Haskell2010
66 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
77 import Data.Default (def)
88 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
9 import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time
10 import qualified Data.Time.Format as Time
911 import qualified Network.Gitit.Config as Gitit
1012 import qualified Network.Gitit.Page as Gitit
1113 import qualified Network.Gitit.Types as Gitit
1820 import qualified System.Exit as Exit
1921 import System.FilePath ((</>), makeRelative)
2022 import qualified Text.Pandoc as Pandoc
23 import Text.Printf (printf)
2225 data FrontitOpts = FrontitOpts
2326 { optPort :: Int
9093 Just "yes" -> return (Found pg)
9194 _ -> return Private
96 convertLinks :: Pandoc.Inline -> Pandoc.Inline
97 convertLinks link@(Pandoc.Link as name ("",title)) =
98 case flatten name of
99 Nothing -> link
100 Just text -> Pandoc.Link as name (text, title)
101 convertLinks rs = rs
103 flatten :: [Pandoc.Inline] -> Maybe String
104 flatten = fmap mconcat . sequence . fmap go
105 where go (Pandoc.Str s) = Just s
106 go Pandoc.Space = Just " "
107 go _ = Nothing
93109 renderPage :: FrontitConf -> Gitit.Page -> String
94110 renderPage conf pg@Gitit.Page { .. } = Pandoc.writeHtmlString writerOpts pandoc
95111 where
97113 , Pandoc.writerStandalone = True
98114 }
99115 rawPage = Gitit.pageToString (fcGititConfig conf) pg
100 pandoc = Pandoc.handleError (reader def rawPage)
101 reader =
116 pandoc = Pandoc.bottomUp convertLinks (Pandoc.handleError parsed)
117 parsed =
102118 case pageFormat of
103 Gitit.Markdown -> Pandoc.readMarkdown
104 Gitit.CommonMark -> Pandoc.readCommonMark
105 Gitit.RST -> Pandoc.readRST
106 Gitit.LaTeX -> Pandoc.readLaTeX
107 Gitit.HTML -> Pandoc.readHtml
108 Gitit.Textile -> Pandoc.readTextile
109 Gitit.Org -> Pandoc.readOrg
110 Gitit.DocBook -> Pandoc.readDocBook
111 Gitit.MediaWiki -> Pandoc.readMediaWiki
119 Gitit.Markdown -> Pandoc.readMarkdown def rawPage
120 Gitit.CommonMark -> Pandoc.readCommonMark def rawPage
121 Gitit.RST -> Pandoc.readRST def pageText
122 Gitit.LaTeX -> Pandoc.readLaTeX def pageText
123 Gitit.HTML -> Pandoc.readHtml def pageText
124 Gitit.Textile -> Pandoc.readTextile def pageText
125 Gitit.Org -> Pandoc.readOrg def pageText
126 Gitit.DocBook -> Pandoc.readDocBook def pageText
127 Gitit.MediaWiki -> Pandoc.readMediaWiki def pageText
113129 getLocalPath :: FrontitConf -> BS.ByteString -> Maybe FilePath
114130 getLocalPath conf req
119135 app :: FrontitConf -> Wai.Application
120136 app conf = \ req respond -> do
121137 let respond' st pg = respond (Wai.responseLBS st [] (LBS.pack pg))
122 case getLocalPath conf (Wai.rawPathInfo req) of
123 Nothing -> respond' Http.status403 "invalid URL"
124 Just path -> do
125 putStrLn ("fetching: " <> path)
126 result <- fetchPage conf path
127 case result of
128 Found pg -> respond' Http.status200 (renderPage conf pg)
129 Private -> respond' Http.status403 "private page"
130 NotFound -> respond' Http.status404 "not found"
138 if Wai.requestMethod req == "GET"
139 then do
140 case getLocalPath conf (Wai.rawPathInfo req) of
141 Nothing -> respond' Http.status403 "invalid URL"
142 Just path -> do
143 result <- fetchPage conf path
144 case result of
145 Found pg -> respond' Http.status200 (renderPage conf pg)
146 Private -> respond' Http.status403 "private page"
147 NotFound -> respond' Http.status404 "not found"
148 else respond' Http.status403 "forbidden"
150 -- Something like this exists in wai-extra, but I don't want to have
151 -- to depend on an even bigger set of deps after gitit+pandoc, so
152 -- this is a quick reimplementation.
153 mkLogger :: Wai.Application -> Wai.Application
154 mkLogger app' = \ req respond -> app' req $ \ resp -> do
155 currentTime <- Time.getCurrentTime
156 let time = Time.formatTime
157 Time.defaultTimeLocale
158 "[%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z]"
159 currentTime
160 printf "%v - - %v \"%v %v %v\" %v -\n"
161 (show (Wai.remoteHost req))
162 time
163 (BS.unpack (Wai.requestMethod req))
164 (BS.unpack (Wai.rawPathInfo req))
165 (show (Wai.httpVersion req))
166 (Http.statusCode (Wai.responseStatus resp))
167 respond resp
132169 main :: IO ()
133170 main = do
138175 putStrLn (Opt.usageInfo "frontit" frontitOptDescr)
139176 Exit.exitFailure
140177 conf <- optsToConfiguration opts
141 (optPort opts) (app conf)
178 printf "running frontit on port %d\n" (optPort opts)
179 (optPort opts) (mkLogger (app conf))