5 | 5 |
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
6 | 6 |
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
7 | 7 |
import Data.Default (def)
| 8 |
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
8 | 9 |
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
9 | 10 |
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time
10 | 11 |
import qualified Data.Time.Format as Time
11 | 12 |
import qualified Data.Text as T
12 | 13 |
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
13 | |
import qualified Network.Gitit.Config as Gitit
14 | 14 |
import qualified Network.Gitit.Page as Gitit
15 | 15 |
import qualified Network.Gitit.Types as Gitit
16 | 16 |
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as Http
17 | 17 |
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
18 | 18 |
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
19 | |
import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as Opt
20 | 19 |
import qualified System.Directory as Dir
21 | |
import qualified System.Environment as Env
22 | |
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
23 | 20 |
import System.FilePath ((</>), makeRelative)
24 | 21 |
import qualified Text.Pandoc as Pandoc
25 | 22 |
import Text.Printf (printf)
26 | 23 |
27 | |
data Protection
28 | |
= PrivateByDefault
29 | |
| PublicByDefault
30 | |
deriving (Eq, Show)
31 | |
32 | |
data FrontitOpts = FrontitOpts
33 | |
{ optPort :: Int
34 | |
, optData :: Maybe FilePath
35 | |
, optGititConfig :: Maybe FilePath
36 | |
, optTemplate :: Maybe FilePath
37 | |
, optProtection :: Protection
38 | |
} deriving (Eq, Show)
39 | |
40 | |
defaultOpts :: FrontitOpts
41 | |
defaultOpts = FrontitOpts
42 | |
{ optPort = 5000
43 | |
, optData = Nothing
44 | |
, optGititConfig = Nothing
45 | |
, optTemplate = Nothing
46 | |
, optProtection = PrivateByDefault
47 | |
48 | |
49 | |
frontitOptDescr :: [Opt.OptDescr (FrontitOpts -> FrontitOpts)]
50 | |
frontitOptDescr =
51 | |
[ Opt.Option ['p'] ["port"]
52 | |
(Opt.ReqArg (\ s opts -> opts { optPort = read s }) "port")
53 | |
"The port to serve on"
54 | |
, Opt.Option ['d'] ["data"]
55 | |
(Opt.ReqArg (\ s opts -> opts { optData = Just s }) "path")
56 | |
"The location of the data directory"
57 | |
, Opt.Option ['c'] ["config"]
58 | |
(Opt.ReqArg (\ s opts -> opts { optGititConfig = Just s }) "path")
59 | |
"The location of the gitit configuration"
60 | |
, Opt.Option ['t'] ["template"]
61 | |
(Opt.ReqArg (\ s opts -> opts { optTemplate = Just s }) "path")
62 | |
"The location of the desired HTML template"
63 | |
, Opt.Option ['o'] ["public-by-default"]
64 | |
(Opt.NoArg (\ opts -> opts { optProtection = PublicByDefault}))
65 | |
"Allow all pages to be browsed by default"
66 | |
67 | |
68 | |
optsToConfiguration :: FrontitOpts -> IO FrontitConf
69 | |
optsToConfiguration FrontitOpts { .. } = do
70 | |
fcData <- case optData of
71 | |
Just path -> return path
72 | |
Nothing -> Dir.getCurrentDirectory
73 | |
fcTemplate <- case optTemplate of
74 | |
Just path -> readFile path
75 | |
Nothing -> return defaultTemplate
76 | |
fcGititConfig <- case optGititConfig of
77 | |
Just path -> Gitit.getConfigFromFile path
78 | |
Nothing -> Gitit.getDefaultConfig
79 | |
let fcProtection = optProtection
80 | |
return FrontitConf { .. }
81 | |
82 | |
defaultTemplate :: String
83 | |
defaultTemplate = "<html><body>$body$</body></html>"
84 | |
85 | |
data FrontitConf = FrontitConf
86 | |
{ fcData :: FilePath
87 | |
, fcGititConfig :: Gitit.Config
88 | |
, fcTemplate :: String
89 | |
, fcProtection :: Protection
90 | |
| 24 |
import Config
91 | 25 |
92 | 26 |
data Result
93 | 27 |
= Found Gitit.Page
122 | 56 |
go Pandoc.Space = Just " "
123 | 57 |
go _ = Nothing
124 | 58 |
125 | |
renderPage :: FrontitConf -> Gitit.Page -> String
126 | |
renderPage conf pg@Gitit.Page { .. } = Pandoc.writeHtmlString writerOpts pandoc
| 59 |
addTitle :: T.Text -> Pandoc.Pandoc -> Pandoc.Pandoc
| 60 |
addTitle title p@(Pandoc.Pandoc meta@(Pandoc.Meta metaMap) bs)
| 61 |
| Just _ <- Pandoc.lookupMeta "title" meta = p
| 62 |
| otherwise = Pandoc.Pandoc newMeta bs
| 63 |
where titleVal = Pandoc.MetaString (T.unpack title)
| 64 |
newMeta = Pandoc.Meta (Map.insert "title" titleVal metaMap)
| 65 |
| 66 |
renderPage :: FrontitConf -> Gitit.Page -> T.Text -> String
| 67 |
renderPage conf pg@Gitit.Page { .. } title =
| 68 |
Pandoc.writeHtmlString writerOpts (addTitle title pandoc)
127 | 69 |
128 | 70 |
writerOpts = def { Pandoc.writerTemplate = fcTemplate conf
129 | 71 |
, Pandoc.writerStandalone = True
148 | 90 |
| req == "" = Just (Gitit.frontPage (fcGititConfig conf) <> ".page")
149 | 91 |
| otherwise = Just (T.unpack (req <> ".page"))
150 | 92 |
| 93 |
getTitle :: FrontitConf -> [T.Text] -> T.Text
| 94 |
getTitle conf [] = T.pack (Gitit.frontPage (fcGititConfig conf))
| 95 |
getTitle _ cs = T.toTitle (last cs)
| 96 |
| 97 |
strToByteString :: String -> LBS.ByteString
| 98 |
strToByteString = LBS.fromStrict . T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack
| 99 |
| 100 |
-- Our application is simple: every GET request will look up a
| 101 |
-- corresponding file in the data directory and serve it according
| 102 |
-- to roughly the same logic as Gitit.
151 | 103 |
app :: FrontitConf -> Wai.Application
152 | 104 |
app conf = \ req respond -> do
153 | |
let respond' st pg = respond (Wai.responseLBS st [] (LBS.fromStrict (T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack pg))))
| 105 |
let respond' st pg = respond (Wai.responseLBS st [] (strToByteString pg))
154 | 106 |
if Wai.requestMethod req == "GET"
155 | 107 |
then do
156 | 108 |
case getLocalPath conf (T.intercalate ("/") (Wai.pathInfo req)) of
157 | 109 |
Nothing -> respond' Http.status403 "invalid URL"
158 | 110 |
Just path -> do
| 111 |
let title = getTitle conf (Wai.pathInfo req)
159 | 112 |
result <- fetchPage conf path
160 | 113 |
case result of
161 | |
Found pg -> respond' Http.status200 (renderPage conf pg)
| 114 |
Found pg -> respond' Http.status200 (renderPage conf pg title)
162 | 115 |
Private -> respond' Http.status403 "private page"
163 | 116 |
NotFound -> respond' Http.status404 "not found"
164 | 117 |
else respond' Http.status403 "forbidden"
184 | 137 |
185 | 138 |
main :: IO ()
186 | 139 |
main = do
187 | |
args <- Env.getArgs
188 | |
opts <- case Opt.getOpt Opt.Permute frontitOptDescr args of
189 | |
(fs, [], []) -> return (foldr (.) id fs defaultOpts)
190 | |
_ -> do
191 | |
putStrLn (Opt.usageInfo "frontit" frontitOptDescr)
192 | |
193 | |
conf <- optsToConfiguration opts
194 | |
printf "running frontit on port %d\n" (optPort opts)
195 | |
Warp.run (optPort opts) (mkLogger (app conf))
| 140 |
conf <- getConfig
| 141 |
printf "running frontit on port %d\n" (fcPort conf)
| 142 |
Warp.run (fcPort conf) (mkLogger (app conf))