gdritter repos inf-dict / 0b53335
Added Markup module with basic understanding of markup Getty Ritter 8 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 50 addition(s) and 4 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
1414 executable inf-dict
1515 hs-source-dirs: src
1616 main-is: Main.hs
17 other-modules: Types, Render
17 other-modules: Types, Render, Markup
1818 default-extensions: OverloadedStrings,
1919 ScopedTypeVariables
2020 ghc-options: -Wall
2727 aeson,
2828 transformers,
2929 http-types,
30 wai-middleware-static
30 wai-middleware-static,
31 megaparsec
3132 default-language: Haskell2010
1 module Markup where
3 import Data.Text (Text)
4 import qualified Data.Text as T
5 import Lucid
6 import Text.Megaparsec
7 import Text.Megaparsec.Text
9 data Chunk
10 = Bold Text
11 | Italic Text
12 | Code Text
13 | Strike Text
14 | Chunk Text
15 deriving (Eq, Show)
17 -- | Understands a very limited form of markup, and does not understand
18 -- nested markup yet.
19 markup :: Text -> Html ()
20 markup = div_ . sequence_ . map (build . format) . T.lines
22 format :: Text -> [Chunk]
23 format t = case runParser parseF "[]" t of
24 Left _ -> [Chunk t]
25 Right cs -> cs
27 parseF :: Parser [Chunk]
28 parseF = many go
29 where go = Bold <$> delim '*'
30 <|> Italic <$> delim '_'
31 <|> Code <$> delim '`'
32 <|> Strike <$> delim '~'
33 <|> (Chunk . T.pack) <$> pChunk
34 delim :: Char -> Parser Text
35 delim c = T.pack <$> (char c *> manyTill anyChar (try (char c >> space)))
36 pChunk = some (noneOf ("*_`~" :: String))
38 build :: [Chunk] -> Html ()
39 build = mapM_ go
40 where go (Chunk t) = toHtml t
41 go (Bold t) = strong_ $ toHtml t
42 go (Italic t) = em_ $ toHtml t
43 go (Strike t) = span_ [ class_ "strike" ] $ toHtml t
44 go (Code t) = pre_ $ toHtml t
55 import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict)
66 import Lucid
8 import Markup
89 import Types
1011 rPage :: Html () -> Text
4243 rEntry e = div_ [ class_ "entry" ] $ do
4344 div_ [ class_ "word" ] $ toHtml (eWord e)
4445 div_ [ class_ "translit" ] $ toHtml (eTranslit e)
45 div_ [ class_ "meaning" ] $ toHtml (eMeaning e)
46 div_ [ class_ "meaning" ] $ markup (eMeaning e)
4647 when (eNotes e /= "") $
47 div_ [ class_ "notes" ] $ toHtml (eNotes e)
48 div_ [ class_ "notes" ] $ markup (eNotes e)
4849 ul_ [ class_ "links" ] $ do
4950 li_ $ a_ [ href_ (pack ("/word/" ++ show (eID e) ++ "/edit")) ] "edit"
5051 li_ $ a_ [ href_ (pack ("/word/" ++ show (eID e))) ] "link"