gdritter repos khuzd / 43dd510
Added (unfinished) feed module Getty Ritter 10 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 26 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
1 module Feed where
3 makeFeed :: [Text] -> [(Post, PostRef)] -> Feed
4 makeFeed authors posts = Feed
5 { feedId = ""
6 , feedTitle = TextString "Baruk Khazâd!"
7 , feedUpdated = lastUpdated
8 , feedAuthors = people
9 , feedCategories = []
10 , feedContributors = []
11 , feedGenerator = Nothing
12 , feedIcon = Nothing
13 , feedLinks = []
14 , feedLogo = Nothing
15 , feedRights = Nothing
16 , feedSubtitle = Just "The Galois Dwarf Fortress Succession Blog"
17 , feedEntries = map toFeedItem posts
18 , feedAttrs = []
19 , feedOther = []
20 } where
21 people = map toPerson authors
22 toPerson a = Person a Nothing Nothing []
23 lastUpdated = ()
25 toFeedItem :: (Post, PostRef) -> Entry
26 toFeedItem = undefined