gdritter repos lib-static / 61c129a
Made files more position-independent Getty Ritter 9 years ago
2623 changed file(s) with 52 addition(s) and 9154 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
11 # basic pages that will always exist:
3 pages=output/quotes/index.html output/quips/index.html \
4 output/links/index.html output/category/index.html \
5 output/index.html
3 # Maybe we want to override this?
4 OUTDIR=output
5 DATADIR=/home/getty/projects/lib-data
7 pages=$(OUTDIR)/quotes/index.html $(OUTDIR)/quips/index.html \
8 $(OUTDIR)/links/index.html $(OUTDIR)/category/index.html \
9 $(OUTDIR)/index.html
711 # We find all the stuff we want to generate...
8 quotes_src=$(wildcard data/quotes/*)
9 quips_src=$(wildcard data/quips/*)
10 links_src=$(wildcard data/links/*)
11 works_src=$(wildcard data/works/*/*)
12 quotes_src=$(wildcard $(DATADIR)/quotes/*)
13 quips_src=$(wildcard $(DATADIR)/quips/*)
14 links_src=$(wildcard $(DATADIR)/links/*)
15 works_src=$(notdir $(wildcard $(DATADIR)/works/*/*))
1216 cats_src=comics fascicles poems stories
14 # and figure out what the output file will be called by matching
18 # and figure out what the $(OUTDIR) file will be called by matching
1519 # on the input file.
16 quotes_tgt=$(quotes_src:data/quotes/%=output/quotes/%/index.html)
17 quips_tgt=$(quips_src:data/quips/%=output/quips/%/index.html)
18 links_tgt=$(links_src:data/links/%=output/links/%/index.html)
19 cats_tgt=$(cats_src:%=output/category/%/index.html)
20 quotes_tgt=$(quotes_src:$(DATADIR)/quotes/%=$(OUTDIR)/quotes/%/index.html)
21 quips_tgt=$(quips_src:$(DATADIR)/quips/%=$(OUTDIR)/quips/%/index.html)
22 links_tgt=$(links_src:$(DATADIR)/links/%=$(OUTDIR)/links/%/index.html)
23 cats_tgt=$(cats_src:%=$(OUTDIR)/category/%/index.html)
2125 # I'm doing this manually for now.
2428 # 'works' (other writing) inside directories that correspond to their
2529 # kind, but don't want that in the output, so I can't straightforwardly
2630 # use patsubst like above: I'd have to write something like
27 # works_src:data/works/*/%=output/%/index.html
31 # works_src:$(DATADIR)/works/*/%=$(OUTDIR)/%/index.html
2832 # which doesn't work. I could also filter out all the known kinds of
2933 # works through other wildcard magic. instead, I just shell out to sed.
30 works_tgt=$(shell ( echo $(works_src) | sed -e 's/data\/works\/[A-Za-z0-9_-]*\/\([A-Za-z0-9_-]*\)/output\/\1\/index.html/g') )
34 works_tgt=$(works_src:%=$(OUTDIR)/%/index.html)
32 # Maybe we want to override this?
33 OUTDIR=output
3537 all: $(pages) $(quotes_tgt) $(quips_tgt) $(links_tgt) $(works_tgt) \
36 $(cats_tgt)
38 $(cats_tgt)
3840 # A lot of these are boringly similar: probably should come up with a way of abstracting
3941 # this common pattern, but, y'know, Make...
41 $(OUTDIR)/quotes/index.html: data/quotes/* templates/quote.mustache templates/main.mustache
43 $(OUTDIR)/quotes/index.html: $(DATADIR)/quotes/* templates/quote.mustache templates/main.mustache
4244 mkdir -p `dirname $@`
43 bin/ all >$@
45 bin/ $(DATADIR) all >$@
45 $(OUTDIR)/quips/index.html: data/quotes/* templates/quote.mustache templates/main.mustache
47 $(OUTDIR)/quips/index.html: $(DATADIR)/quotes/* templates/quote.mustache templates/main.mustache
4648 mkdir -p `dirname $@`
47 bin/ all >$@
49 bin/ $(DATADIR) all >$@
49 $(OUTDIR)/links/index.html: data/links/* templates/link.mustache templates/main.mustache
51 $(OUTDIR)/links/index.html: $(DATADIR)/links/* templates/link.mustache templates/main.mustache
5052 mkdir -p `dirname $@`
51 bin/ all >$@
53 bin/ $(DATADIR) all >$@
53 $(OUTDIR)/quotes/%/index.html: data/quotes/% templates/quote.mustache templates/main.mustache
55 $(OUTDIR)/quotes/%/index.html: $(DATADIR)/quotes/% templates/quote.mustache templates/main.mustache
5456 mkdir -p `dirname $@`
55 bin/ $< >$@
57 bin/ $(DATADIR) $< >$@
57 $(OUTDIR)/quips/%/index.html: data/quips/% templates/quote.mustache templates/main.mustache
59 $(OUTDIR)/quips/%/index.html: $(DATADIR)/quips/% templates/quote.mustache templates/main.mustache
5860 mkdir -p `dirname $@`
59 bin/ $< >$@
61 bin/ $(DATADIR) $< >$@
61 $(OUTDIR)/links/%/index.html: data/links/% templates/link.mustache templates/main.mustache
63 $(OUTDIR)/links/%/index.html: $(DATADIR)/links/% templates/link.mustache templates/main.mustache
6264 mkdir -p `dirname $@`
63 bin/ $< >$@
65 bin/ $(DATADIR) $< >$@
65 $(OUTDIR)/%/index.html: data/works/*/% templates/textpage.mustache templates/main.mustache
67 $(OUTDIR)/%/index.html: $(DATADIR)/works/*/% templates/textpage.mustache templates/main.mustache
6668 mkdir -p `dirname $@`
67 bin/ $< >$@
69 bin/ $(DATADIR) $< >$@
69 $(OUTDIR)/category/%/index.html: data/works/% data/works/%/* templates/worklist.mustache templates/main.mustache
71 $(OUTDIR)/category/%/index.html: $(DATADIR)/works/% $(DATADIR)/works/%/* templates/worklist.mustache templates/main.mustache
7072 mkdir -p `dirname $@`
71 bin/ $< >$@
73 bin/ $(DATADIR) $< >$@
7375 $(OUTDIR)/category/index.html: templates/worklist.mustache templates/main.mustache
7476 mkdir -p `dirname $@`
75 bin/ >$@
77 bin/ $(DATADIR) >$@
7779 $(OUTDIR)/index.html: $(OUTDIR)/index/index.html
7880 cp $< $@
33 DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
6 cat data/works.json \
6 cat $1/works.json \
77 | jq '[.[] | { slug: ("category/" + .slug), name: .category }]' \
88 | json-dict works - \
99 | mustache - templates/worklist.mustache \
33 DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
6 SLUG=$(basename $1)
7 NAME=$(cat data/works.json | jq ".[] | select(.slug == \"$SLUG\").category")
6 SLUG=$(basename $2)
7 NAME=$(cat $1/works.json | jq ".[] | select(.slug == \"$SLUG\").category")
88 if [ "x$NAME" = "x" ]; then
99 echo "Unable to find category: $1" >&2
1010 exit 1
1111 fi
13 json-list -c $1/*/metadata.yaml \
13 json-list -c $2/*/metadata.yaml \
1414 | json-dict works - \
1515 | mustache - templates/worklist.mustache \
1616 | json-dict title $NAME contents - \
33 DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
6 if [ "$1" = "all" ]; then
7 ARGS="data/links/*"
6 if [ "$2" = "all" ]; then
7 ARGS="$1/links/*"
88 FOCUS=false
99 else
10 ARGS="$1"
10 ARGS="$2"
1111 FOCUS=true
1212 fi
1313 COPY="whaa"
33 DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
6 if [ "$1" = "all" ]; then
7 ARGS="data/quips/*"
6 if [ "$2" = "all" ]; then
7 ARGS="$1/quips/*"
88 FOCUS=false
99 else
10 ARGS="$1"
10 ARGS="$2"
1111 FOCUS=true
1212 fi
1313 COPY="the quips are not mine (all rights reversed)"
1 #!/bin/sh
1 #!/bin/sh -e
33 DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
6 if [ "$1" = "all" ]; then
7 ARGS="data/quotes/*"
6 if [ "$2" = "all" ]; then
7 ARGS="$1/quotes/*"
88 FOCUS=false
99 else
10 ARGS="$1"
10 ARGS="$2"
1111 FOCUS=true
1212 fi
1313 COPY="all quotes used under fair use &c &c"
33 DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
6 pandoc $1/text \
6 pandoc $2/text \
77 | json-dict contents - \
88 | mustache - templates/textpage.mustache \
9 | json-dict title "$(cat $1/metadata.yaml | jq '.name')" contents - \
9 | json-dict title "$(cat $2/metadata.yaml | jq '.name')" contents - \
1010 | mustache - templates/main.mustache
data/links/000775fe-3022-4815-b39e-99834b14974b less more
1 id: 000775fe-3022-4815-b39e-99834b14974b
2 url:
3 name: Hummingbird Music Notation
data/links/004619d7-0303-4d0f-821b-b452ec8de4a0 less more
1 id: 004619d7-0303-4d0f-821b-b452ec8de4a0
2 url:
3 name: GreenCine genre primers
data/links/004ecaca-880e-4bfd-b7e6-fcd84191c09d less more
1 id: 004ecaca-880e-4bfd-b7e6-fcd84191c09d
2 url:
3 name: Ты и Вы — Pushkin
data/links/005ba4a0-1fc8-4bc8-b5ad-3de0d3a8b6f7 less more
1 id: 005ba4a0-1fc8-4bc8-b5ad-3de0d3a8b6f7
2 url:
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1 id: 00632c4d-3aef-4e8e-8bc7-5c92b3ad02a4
2 url:
3 name: Solving Nonograms in Haskell
data/links/00967205-8677-446f-bfa2-1bdcd0e2d147 less more
1 id: 00967205-8677-446f-bfa2-1bdcd0e2d147
2 url:
data/links/01249345-54fb-4a21-9f3c-0b9f4ea62fb4 less more
1 id: 01249345-54fb-4a21-9f3c-0b9f4ea62fb4
2 url:
3 name: How To Make A Hardcover Book
4 description: (broken pictures)
data/links/012847a1-90b4-4413-be0f-c2e6324a28d0 less more
1 id: 012847a1-90b4-4413-be0f-c2e6324a28d0
2 url:
3 name: The Beauty of LaTeX
data/links/01ec68fe-2598-4668-8656-ac5300be425c less more
1 id: 01ec68fe-2598-4668-8656-ac5300be425c
2 url:
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1 id: 01f958fb-b95b-4f5a-bb52-a310f4d7a2b3
2 url:
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1 id: 02322c8d-6a60-4e6b-befe-cb4eeba1a0ed
2 url:
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1 id: 02431998-ebcd-4bf5-893e-df27423c4a3d
2 url:
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1 id: 0260953f-d06e-42cc-a4d1-43a207b0ea5b
2 url:
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1 id: 027b9a26-39e2-442e-81b2-0cdfdb204a37
2 url:
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1 id: 029f944e-0eb6-4074-997a-52bceeb66556
2 url:
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1 id: 02b88d0b-f944-44ae-b55f-c3d904c21a03
2 url:
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1 id: 02fbbe47-59db-4cd8-89d0-729ded435503
2 url:
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2 url:
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2 url:
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1 id: 03322e1f-9223-4703-ad6b-06ab84f8d7cd
2 url:
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2 url:
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2 url:
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2 url:
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2 url:
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2 url:
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2 url:
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1 id: 03ce9e12-be61-4712-a8d1-2cb2f6cec727
2 url:
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2 url:
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2 url:
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2 url:
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2 url:
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2 url:
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2 url:
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2 url:
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data/links/fe7c1437-4b20-40eb-acc5-1bd15501cb60 less more
1 id: fe7c1437-4b20-40eb-acc5-1bd15501cb60
2 url:
data/links/fe7fd6fc-e252-4ebc-a3f7-a0b533e254db less more
1 id: fe7fd6fc-e252-4ebc-a3f7-a0b533e254db
2 url:
data/links/fe9c49e6-f50e-42e0-b17f-19025b8fb1ae less more
1 id: fe9c49e6-f50e-42e0-b17f-19025b8fb1ae
2 url:
data/links/feb1733c-6dea-40e6-9ede-f749e10e8244 less more
1 id: feb1733c-6dea-40e6-9ede-f749e10e8244
2 url:
data/links/ff88f93f-a01a-4681-bf01-56b531f6e54e less more
1 id: ff88f93f-a01a-4681-bf01-56b531f6e54e
2 url:
data/links/ff8b6eb3-96e0-457b-a1f9-369735ff9814 less more
1 id: ff8b6eb3-96e0-457b-a1f9-369735ff9814
2 url:
data/links/ffdfbdce-89fe-4aae-8382-e358544d0f21 less more
1 id: ffdfbdce-89fe-4aae-8382-e358544d0f21
2 url:
data/links/fff00a7d-3c23-4c1c-a3a1-60b35060ea85 less more
1 id: fff00a7d-3c23-4c1c-a3a1-60b35060ea85
2 url:
data/links/fff72ac4-7179-41da-a419-ee657d2fd5cd less more
1 id: fff72ac4-7179-41da-a419-ee657d2fd5cd
2 url:
3 name: Game Music Theory
data/links/ffff5798-eecf-4c95-b0d6-f7822cebd77f less more
1 id: ffff5798-eecf-4c95-b0d6-f7822cebd77f
2 url:
data/quips/0056aab7-915e-4892-8c75-74ebcc0dac63 less more
1 content: '"i will say this. when I finally ascend to the final plane of consciousness
2 .nerds will get extremely yelled at"'
3 id: 0056aab7-915e-4892-8c75-74ebcc0dac63
data/quips/00914ab5-bdf3-48d4-87ab-f7f8dc5af060 less more
1 content: A belief is just a thought you keep having.
2 id: 00914ab5-bdf3-48d4-87ab-f7f8dc5af060
data/quips/010d9a45-6f2b-4966-88fc-03738920d417 less more
1 content: 'under communism there are no sugar mamas or daddies, but everyone is the
2 sugar comrade of everyone else
4 '
5 id: 010d9a45-6f2b-4966-88fc-03738920d417
data/quips/012c59da-38c6-4c3a-8069-3ea2c29eac78 less more
1 content: Is it that time again? Wasn't it already then? So does it have to be the
2 time it was again?
3 id: 012c59da-38c6-4c3a-8069-3ea2c29eac78
data/quips/0158c107-bacb-4ca0-8259-86636f5ea216 less more
1 content: These are stolen moments and you're a criminal and I'm a criminal and here
2 we all are. Now.
3 id: 0158c107-bacb-4ca0-8259-86636f5ea216
data/quips/01c4f5a5-6fcf-42d0-b3be-bb9ea021d046 less more
1 content: we shall celebrate with such fierce dancing the death of your institutions
2 id: 01c4f5a5-6fcf-42d0-b3be-bb9ea021d046
data/quips/025a63b1-2248-4f58-ae28-636aaa5a02a7 less more
1 content: someone turn the dial / the radio station in my head / it's blaring
2 id: 025a63b1-2248-4f58-ae28-636aaa5a02a7
data/quips/02f258c9-ee42-4c48-99d8-9e8003ec2ef6 less more
1 content: '"It was like smuggling organs past a baby."'
2 id: 02f258c9-ee42-4c48-99d8-9e8003ec2ef6
data/quips/0353c110-4a8c-4915-aec0-243d2a3ae3bd less more
1 content: Don't look at fat people! They know what you're up to.
2 id: 0353c110-4a8c-4915-aec0-243d2a3ae3bd
data/quips/039ca581-2651-4e8c-a5cd-048924b2f5da less more
1 content: In the U.S., you have to be a deviant or die of boredom.
2 id: 039ca581-2651-4e8c-a5cd-048924b2f5da
data/quips/0524656d-dee4-42c9-8d37-9b46ce9e2409 less more
1 content: 'the past is a grotesque animal
3 '
4 id: 0524656d-dee4-42c9-8d37-9b46ce9e2409
data/quips/05f91e4d-e605-4e37-9274-2c1c8fa56e73 less more
1 content: My god is bigger.
2 id: 05f91e4d-e605-4e37-9274-2c1c8fa56e73
data/quips/06bc8939-cd79-4625-8f53-2e2acac804cf less more
1 content: Trust me. I'm a doktor.
2 id: 06bc8939-cd79-4625-8f53-2e2acac804cf
data/quips/06ee1fc6-d440-47f0-9526-230046aaec73 less more
1 content: We gladly feast on those who would subdue us.
2 id: 06ee1fc6-d440-47f0-9526-230046aaec73
data/quips/070ed4b6-a900-4a62-9599-1434d522df0b less more
1 content: it's a cold ass fashion when she stole my passion / it's an everlasting,
2 it's a ghettoblasting
3 id: 070ed4b6-a900-4a62-9599-1434d522df0b
data/quips/07801c8f-72b7-4afc-abee-61c1e2914fb7 less more
1 content: Don't listen to the graph paper in your head!
2 id: 07801c8f-72b7-4afc-abee-61c1e2914fb7
data/quips/08a922d6-5c1b-45e8-a238-5f6f9530584b less more
1 content: 'Outside of a dog, a book is man''s best friend. Inside of a dog, knowledge
2 manifests itself in radiant dreams that shimmer like the wild sun.
4 '
5 id: 08a922d6-5c1b-45e8-a238-5f6f9530584b
data/quips/08ed399d-73c0-4296-aa0b-42c7a6320dfc less more
1 content: Oh my god. They explode! My life has taken on new meaning.
2 id: 08ed399d-73c0-4296-aa0b-42c7a6320dfc
data/quips/09427813-fcad-47a6-a37b-4d3969498248 less more
1 content: You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you odd.
2 id: 09427813-fcad-47a6-a37b-4d3969498248
data/quips/09cbc5d3-820f-4ab5-b795-4e79409fd4a8 less more
1 content: You're like a worst-thing-ever saying machine.
2 id: 09cbc5d3-820f-4ab5-b795-4e79409fd4a8
data/quips/09e50bd2-b19b-4317-8e73-3449648a7ee9 less more
1 content: if at first you don't succeed try a larger thermonuclear reaction
2 id: 09e50bd2-b19b-4317-8e73-3449648a7ee9
data/quips/0aa729c6-ddf1-42c1-98ef-69777775429c less more
1 content: '"The first rule of Wittgenstein Club is thereof one must be silent."'
2 id: 0aa729c6-ddf1-42c1-98ef-69777775429c
data/quips/0c7467af-e250-4ee0-a7ce-ad2289a8a8b7 less more
1 content: By all the entropy in the universe! Confound the programming of that useless
2 biological matter!
3 id: 0c7467af-e250-4ee0-a7ce-ad2289a8a8b7
data/quips/0ed7a5c9-1c90-4ee1-8d4f-f4c3750509c4 less more
1 content: "O mito \xE9 o nada que \xE9 tudo."
2 id: 0ed7a5c9-1c90-4ee1-8d4f-f4c3750509c4
data/quips/0ef10d3d-0bb9-48dd-972d-e987a90506a1 less more
2 id: 0ef10d3d-0bb9-48dd-972d-e987a90506a1
data/quips/0f95bc42-c28c-4a9e-aacd-65221e7534b1 less more
1 content: 'manic pixie dream tarantula
3 '
4 id: 0f95bc42-c28c-4a9e-aacd-65221e7534b1
data/quips/102151fa-1f6a-46c0-9fb8-8a4de954c8ff less more
1 content: Donald Sutherland and Nicolas Cage's Personal Pan Pizza Space Shuttle
2 id: 102151fa-1f6a-46c0-9fb8-8a4de954c8ff
data/quips/10c442eb-0a22-45b5-a023-1d13dfe9628d less more
1 content: to thine own self be wicked sexy
2 id: 10c442eb-0a22-45b5-a023-1d13dfe9628d
data/quips/11154afa-10b3-4427-a5db-20c983a77b0d less more
1 content: 'It''s common knowledge that whenever you get two or more CS grad students
2 together, the conversation will inevitably drift to the same topic: automatic weapons.'
3 id: 11154afa-10b3-4427-a5db-20c983a77b0d
data/quips/128c224c-5614-45ac-b308-eb1065e6056f less more
1 content: Mockery Science, Sadofuturistics, Megaphysics, Scatalography, Schizophreniatrics,
2 Morealism, Sarcastrophy, Cynisacreligion, Apocolyptionomy, ESPectorationalism, Hypno-Pediatrics,
3 Subliminalism, Satyriology, Disto-Utopianity, Sardonicology, Fascetiouism, Ridiculophagy,
4 and Miscellatheistic Theology.
5 id: 128c224c-5614-45ac-b308-eb1065e6056f
data/quips/15a02f2e-b139-49a0-aeb4-924a73dda860 less more
1 content: you figure that's just gotta be jelly 'cause jam just don't shake like that
2 id: 15a02f2e-b139-49a0-aeb4-924a73dda860
data/quips/18df3d65-c375-4993-bcaa-90f5fd2301a0 less more
1 content: You will find that every occultist uses some variety of extremely hardcore
2 toothpaste.
3 id: 18df3d65-c375-4993-bcaa-90f5fd2301a0
data/quips/18e6b4b1-1095-4b56-8f69-db862cd3c6e5 less more
1 content: 'I for one will try to deduct rum expenses under fuel costs.
3 '
4 id: 18e6b4b1-1095-4b56-8f69-db862cd3c6e5
data/quips/1978a2c2-798e-4971-8837-63cc86f98b79 less more
1 content: no one in the world ever gets what they want and that is beautiful / everybody
2 dies frustrated and sad and that is beautiful
3 id: 1978a2c2-798e-4971-8837-63cc86f98b79
data/quips/19b352d4-6a57-4e5a-a861-74ea7f14a818 less more
1 content: '''Tis an ill wind that blows no minds.'
2 id: 19b352d4-6a57-4e5a-a861-74ea7f14a818
data/quips/19dbcfb3-a32f-4ff8-a5e6-c33208053a79 less more
1 content: '"most cutting thing you can say is ''who''s this clown?'' because it implies
2 they''re a) a clown & b) not even one of the better-known clowns"'
3 id: 19dbcfb3-a32f-4ff8-a5e6-c33208053a79
data/quips/19e69a91-030f-4e9b-857c-bd276dc6bce6 less more
1 content: i have learned nothing from this and also unlearned a bunch of things as
2 well
3 id: 19e69a91-030f-4e9b-857c-bd276dc6bce6
data/quips/19ec1a13-8e59-4c3c-97a6-40babd39cc20 less more
1 content: A woman's best curve is her smile, unless, of course, she is equipped with
2 a properly-curved boomerang or machete for self-defense.
3 id: 19ec1a13-8e59-4c3c-97a6-40babd39cc20
data/quips/1c1875b0-7e1e-48df-b541-a04abd0af527 less more
1 content: Sometimes it's damned hard to tell the dancer from the dance.
2 id: 1c1875b0-7e1e-48df-b541-a04abd0af527
data/quips/1caa5da1-0c76-44f7-8403-04637ba815af less more
1 content: I believe ghosts are like dogs and just sort of do things arbitrarily.
2 id: 1caa5da1-0c76-44f7-8403-04637ba815af
data/quips/1e0e08f9-1b8b-435a-8806-fa6fb32774a6 less more
1 content: No one man should have all that flour.
2 id: 1e0e08f9-1b8b-435a-8806-fa6fb32774a6
data/quips/1f080956-551c-4757-99ed-1a059eb9c180 less more
1 content: 'Today in the news: the world is a horrible place and it will hurt your feelings.
3 '
4 id: 1f080956-551c-4757-99ed-1a059eb9c180
data/quips/1f479a0b-1cc8-4e18-9708-eaa868c40799 less more
1 content: 'The last thing I want to do is hurt you. And after that, the to-do list
2 is complete and I can go home and watch TV.
4 '
5 id: 1f479a0b-1cc8-4e18-9708-eaa868c40799
data/quips/206e13ee-7889-4794-8548-b2a9fad75671 less more
1 content: Well, I died and turned into a Roman. It's very distracting.
2 id: 206e13ee-7889-4794-8548-b2a9fad75671
data/quips/2148ce30-fe85-4753-b335-cdf502f69de3 less more
1 content: A blaster at your side is no match for hokey religions and ancient weapons,
2 kid.
3 id: 2148ce30-fe85-4753-b335-cdf502f69de3
data/quips/2185f83c-16b9-49ca-afba-6b7fca8747c4 less more
1 content: I'm the Sheik of Araby... with no pants on!
2 id: 2185f83c-16b9-49ca-afba-6b7fca8747c4
data/quips/2194d02e-4631-4dea-9895-0b91b714a3bd less more
1 content: I do not know! Perhaps it means nothing, or perhaps everything!
2 id: 2194d02e-4631-4dea-9895-0b91b714a3bd
data/quips/22f1074f-2534-4092-9803-12fb8420b0e2 less more
1 content: The best things in life are ridiculous.
2 id: 22f1074f-2534-4092-9803-12fb8420b0e2
data/quips/2496967d-3d63-4c08-825c-24fb8543df80 less more
1 content: Abraham Lincoln shot first.
2 id: 2496967d-3d63-4c08-825c-24fb8543df80
data/quips/24b17d08-ce5a-4ac9-bc37-e9c9fcbe14e3 less more
1 content: No, I ain't got a fax machine! I also ain't got an Apple IIc, polio, or
2 a falcon.
3 id: 24b17d08-ce5a-4ac9-bc37-e9c9fcbe14e3
data/quips/258c4920-b9cb-45aa-a3eb-4d39fc0a6f19 less more
1 content: '...over-the-counter malt antidepressant.'
2 id: 258c4920-b9cb-45aa-a3eb-4d39fc0a6f19
data/quips/258f6a93-b0dc-4ab8-8a60-fac4fcf62762 less more
1 content: That's what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming, and then silence.
2 id: 258f6a93-b0dc-4ab8-8a60-fac4fcf62762
data/quips/25cc3c34-b4c4-4a0a-aac5-82b66ecb5a12 less more
1 content: '"Growing up in Korea, did your bedroom have a ceiling fan?" "Obviously not,
2 since I survived."'
3 id: 25cc3c34-b4c4-4a0a-aac5-82b66ecb5a12
data/quips/2810b174-7dbc-4d3b-a9a8-a01ac33453c1 less more
1 content: 'Tangerine
3 '
4 id: 2810b174-7dbc-4d3b-a9a8-a01ac33453c1
data/quips/28304e04-87f0-4bd9-bfad-7f5a9d9759f7 less more
1 content: '"The calm, / Cool face of the river / Asked me for a kiss"'
2 id: 28304e04-87f0-4bd9-bfad-7f5a9d9759f7
data/quips/28392829-1d4c-4fed-bf58-1166e961b9d9 less more
1 content: '...a giant step in no direction at all.'
2 id: 28392829-1d4c-4fed-bf58-1166e961b9d9
data/quips/296f52f2-c27a-4b68-b115-5a649e62b0b4 less more
1 content: an alien universe brightly lit but invisible
2 id: 296f52f2-c27a-4b68-b115-5a649e62b0b4
data/quips/2970b6cb-7d44-4187-941e-d8c4b1595955 less more
1 content: 'shorty said i look like the gecko from the geico commercials / plus the
2 caveman too
4 '
5 id: 2970b6cb-7d44-4187-941e-d8c4b1595955
data/quips/29e03f23-df04-4fcd-9b59-ca9444d59bab less more
1 content: '"''Gentlemen, consider: of course the Ancient Egyptians made beer cans;
2 where else would they have kept their beer?''"'
3 id: 29e03f23-df04-4fcd-9b59-ca9444d59bab
data/quips/2aeeba70-dae7-4ab4-b860-e7f02fc0fe73 less more
1 content: 'truely u r just a bunch of sexy atoms / u sir r just the way matter has
2 decided to organise itself today
4 '
5 id: 2aeeba70-dae7-4ab4-b860-e7f02fc0fe73
data/quips/2c1061e8-e81f-4e3c-94a1-b90c2e91dd0a less more
1 content: "ok r\xE9ta na f\xE1\u0161ku, to is\xE1na vo\u0161tenok"
2 id: 2c1061e8-e81f-4e3c-94a1-b90c2e91dd0a
data/quips/2c41a640-4e71-4017-bf81-e4df7ba6d3b3 less more
1 content: 'time itself dies screaming
3 '
4 id: 2c41a640-4e71-4017-bf81-e4df7ba6d3b3
data/quips/2d7485c6-85a2-411d-90c5-84acebabbc31 less more
1 content: 'not all who wander are found
3 '
4 id: 2d7485c6-85a2-411d-90c5-84acebabbc31
data/quips/2f017274-a95e-4462-b7bb-524d81a7808e less more
1 content: anagram for mongo
2 id: 2f017274-a95e-4462-b7bb-524d81a7808e
data/quips/2f149239-5df8-40e2-a7f4-2070be68f3b6 less more
1 content: in fact it's easy now
2 id: 2f149239-5df8-40e2-a7f4-2070be68f3b6
data/quips/2f864035-cb2e-45a1-afa7-c606de27d384 less more
1 content: '"i am skeptical of the concept ''Too Big To Fail'' mainly because i am extremely
2 big and i fail constantly"'
3 id: 2f864035-cb2e-45a1-afa7-c606de27d384
data/quips/2fa534d5-4fcc-4377-b7bd-0ffcfa19c697 less more
1 content: 'And that''s a rock fact!
3 '
4 id: 2fa534d5-4fcc-4377-b7bd-0ffcfa19c697
data/quips/3087ea12-c1c3-4ce4-b1df-eb5843eca873 less more
1 content: 'dial with it
3 '
4 id: 3087ea12-c1c3-4ce4-b1df-eb5843eca873
data/quips/31bfcf96-9311-49b7-b0f5-bd5577308bd6 less more
1 content: Guns don't kill people. Bullets do.
2 id: 31bfcf96-9311-49b7-b0f5-bd5577308bd6
data/quips/31ddc9b4-2abf-48a8-beef-abebf15c8587 less more
1 content: My friends and I were working for the local tangerine.
2 id: 31ddc9b4-2abf-48a8-beef-abebf15c8587
data/quips/31dfae44-e092-480d-84d6-fccb956fea59 less more
2 id: 31dfae44-e092-480d-84d6-fccb956fea59
data/quips/327dc24f-521c-41c2-af45-28f1a9ea8f95 less more
1 content: 'Personal computers can have users, but social media has livestock.
3 '
4 id: 327dc24f-521c-41c2-af45-28f1a9ea8f95
data/quips/32ab90cf-81b4-4c3f-ac8c-ad21cd798b24 less more
1 content: 'haderachs gonna haderach
3 '
4 id: 32ab90cf-81b4-4c3f-ac8c-ad21cd798b24
data/quips/3311f3ae-9672-4b22-8c05-0a7bbe4cf8e5 less more
1 content: she wears short skirts / I wear t-shirts / she's cheer captain and / I'm
2 going to steal the Declaration of Independence
3 id: 3311f3ae-9672-4b22-8c05-0a7bbe4cf8e5
data/quips/34985097-d9ce-4e83-a80b-3caa8bab3f01 less more
1 content: boing boom tschak
2 id: 34985097-d9ce-4e83-a80b-3caa8bab3f01
data/quips/34bd40d0-0249-4f28-b48d-86a282e8309d less more
1 content: '"we sing from our asses while burning in purgatory / the butt song from
2 hell"'
3 id: 34bd40d0-0249-4f28-b48d-86a282e8309d
data/quips/35294f56-7730-4d3d-895d-b39142cebbcf less more
1 content: The best hypothesis is that you are wrong.
2 id: 35294f56-7730-4d3d-895d-b39142cebbcf
data/quips/3561b39a-ce64-440a-af70-b394d255e7c4 less more
1 content: so yes i am the spooky janitor character in the direct-to-video movie of
2 your life
3 id: 3561b39a-ce64-440a-af70-b394d255e7c4
data/quips/364e4bd9-c53a-4a20-9435-faf5448de0d4 less more
2 id: 364e4bd9-c53a-4a20-9435-faf5448de0d4
data/quips/37464450-2b9b-46ea-99e6-40328761920d less more
1 content: its the year 2021. you download designer drugs for your 3d printer off the
2 bit torrent network. you go to get the drugs out of the printer but instead of drugs
3 it printed a cop. Youre under arrest
4 id: 37464450-2b9b-46ea-99e6-40328761920d
data/quips/38691627-73b1-4e70-937a-d638d09d036e less more
1 content: Now where did I put that rat's ass I could give?
2 id: 38691627-73b1-4e70-937a-d638d09d036e
data/quips/3a0b2259-07c3-4b6f-bb30-a37201588da3 less more
1 content: It menaces with spikes of bread.
2 id: 3a0b2259-07c3-4b6f-bb30-a37201588da3
data/quips/3a504343-32e8-4536-8bff-97c3631abe99 less more
1 content: cannibal children are lucky because their breakfast isn't just a bacon smile
2 with two egg eyes. it's a real face.
3 id: 3a504343-32e8-4536-8bff-97c3631abe99
data/quips/3a54f759-4901-40f9-9080-ca5e1eae28ae less more
2 id: 3a54f759-4901-40f9-9080-ca5e1eae28ae
data/quips/3baf1a18-7814-4b5b-b906-c99d7ac88450 less more
1 content: If you believe in solipsism, you're not alone.
2 id: 3baf1a18-7814-4b5b-b906-c99d7ac88450
data/quips/3bf2ac2e-2d68-48d4-b8be-a82eeae1d691 less more
1 content: 'stab like no one can arrest you
3 '
4 id: 3bf2ac2e-2d68-48d4-b8be-a82eeae1d691
data/quips/3c6ece28-8d07-4dff-b19e-35048b6fbe65 less more
1 content: '"soylent green is......updog...."'
2 id: 3c6ece28-8d07-4dff-b19e-35048b6fbe65
data/quips/3cb7fa84-8c22-40d8-b56a-ad787b1164cd less more
1 content: What is stopping you from doing something so cool that it renders you immortal?
2 id: 3cb7fa84-8c22-40d8-b56a-ad787b1164cd
data/quips/3cee7be0-ce60-408a-827f-0382a5114189 less more
1 content: Sometimes she just can't deal with anything verbal. The world for her becomes
2 a parade of amusing lights and colors; words are just pretty noises that the big-pink-things
3 make.
4 id: 3cee7be0-ce60-408a-827f-0382a5114189
data/quips/3de37e87-47b1-461e-baad-d5641d9cc4ee less more
1 content: to wound the autumnal city
2 id: 3de37e87-47b1-461e-baad-d5641d9cc4ee
data/quips/3faf664f-9de7-4822-aa8c-ae506f661de0 less more
1 content: 'Thants.
3 '
4 id: 3faf664f-9de7-4822-aa8c-ae506f661de0
data/quips/42af0a60-e08e-4b87-b7b6-0f137e2d7b1f less more
1 content: '"I wish many guns. Floating around me. Controlled by murder thoughts."'
2 id: 42af0a60-e08e-4b87-b7b6-0f137e2d7b1f
data/quips/43f07abe-abd3-4e3c-842c-26b6d82f458b less more
1 content: Change or Die.
2 id: 43f07abe-abd3-4e3c-842c-26b6d82f458b
data/quips/43f68001-4dd8-49e9-a37b-eff592367631 less more
1 content: I only regret that I have but one mind to lose.
2 id: 43f68001-4dd8-49e9-a37b-eff592367631
data/quips/441a1111-187a-4e85-97d6-08a5bce79838 less more
2 id: 441a1111-187a-4e85-97d6-08a5bce79838
data/quips/44d91b9f-e289-4159-af89-bb6fc74259a4 less more
1 content: When you are engulfed in flames, and so on.
2 id: 44d91b9f-e289-4159-af89-bb6fc74259a4
data/quips/458ee78e-afab-4764-9fc7-8dff9a371114 less more
1 content: '"Bike lane? Where we''re going, we don''t need bike lanes!"'
2 id: 458ee78e-afab-4764-9fc7-8dff9a371114
data/quips/45c8c2b6-943a-4381-9ecf-5310494b88b3 less more
1 content: "en arkh\u0113 \u0113n ho l\xF3gos, kai ho l\xF3gos \u0113n pr\xF2s t\xF2\
2 n \xF3rnitha, kai ho \xF3rnis \u0113n ho l\xF3gos"
3 id: 45c8c2b6-943a-4381-9ecf-5310494b88b3
data/quips/45cf11c7-387e-4b52-b136-48315dabbd39 less more
1 content: Time and space died yesterday.
2 id: 45cf11c7-387e-4b52-b136-48315dabbd39
data/quips/466815c8-3e7a-4463-9740-f1de1fcd6223 less more
1 content: where you get this place from, the hellhole store?
2 id: 466815c8-3e7a-4463-9740-f1de1fcd6223
data/quips/47215e19-9993-4958-9deb-b3e5626ee334 less more
1 content: Attention Workers it has been 127 days since our last dumbest workplace sentence
2 id: 47215e19-9993-4958-9deb-b3e5626ee334
data/quips/47bc13eb-abb8-4118-916e-31da3ca50e21 less more
1 content: Lost children!! Come get your free Sears wish catalog free rebates.
2 id: 47bc13eb-abb8-4118-916e-31da3ca50e21
data/quips/49e7f031-5fb3-4e24-8731-758862ebe9e5 less more
2 id: 49e7f031-5fb3-4e24-8731-758862ebe9e5
data/quips/4a0f278d-f445-4f38-b1fc-7b3eeaf3e3d8 less more
1 content: 'I am sitting in a room, different from the one you are in now.
3 '
4 id: 4a0f278d-f445-4f38-b1fc-7b3eeaf3e3d8
data/quips/4a3672d8-4eb1-4bc5-87a4-5b96bcbfcf49 less more
1 content: 'ladies call me piltdown man because upon rigorous scientific investigation
2 im wack as hell
4 '
5 id: 4a3672d8-4eb1-4bc5-87a4-5b96bcbfcf49
data/quips/4b4852fb-cf4a-44b1-a950-7190e69d8909 less more
1 content: Magic is just the idiot's word for science.
2 id: 4b4852fb-cf4a-44b1-a950-7190e69d8909
data/quips/4be5cbfd-8c50-4f8d-aa85-e31051abcfaf less more
1 content: Delicious hot dogs. They can't run from me.
2 id: 4be5cbfd-8c50-4f8d-aa85-e31051abcfaf
data/quips/4c18baf1-7de4-48e6-95ca-081fabd6ac91 less more
2 id: 4c18baf1-7de4-48e6-95ca-081fabd6ac91
data/quips/4d221b0b-64cb-4137-9a7f-fcd61ad516f0 less more
1 content: I have to find a didactic musing. From a skeleton. It's for school.
2 id: 4d221b0b-64cb-4137-9a7f-fcd61ad516f0
data/quips/4e63bf8a-a77c-43f6-8b62-3174d2ff7efb less more
1 content: 'You know the type---loud as a motorbike, but wouldn''t bust a grape in a
2 fruit fight?
4 '
5 id: 4e63bf8a-a77c-43f6-8b62-3174d2ff7efb
data/quips/4e7a0dd5-30c3-45bc-8f95-8586ec79c92c less more
1 content: These people ought to know who we are and tell that we are here.
2 id: 4e7a0dd5-30c3-45bc-8f95-8586ec79c92c
data/quips/4f1661f9-0b73-43c6-86ca-5f00001698bf less more
1 content: Imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever. Imagine the sound of it.
2 That is my ringtone.
3 id: 4f1661f9-0b73-43c6-86ca-5f00001698bf
data/quips/4fc44b2a-726b-46aa-86ff-8004a20be6d6 less more
1 content: 'everybody party time / some of us will never sleep again
3 '
4 id: 4fc44b2a-726b-46aa-86ff-8004a20be6d6
data/quips/511f66c4-64cc-48a9-b5ab-3a81c7758c2a less more
1 content: David, listen. I'm buried alive where the blossoms shed by the cherry tree
2 across from the pet shop are the thickest.
3 id: 511f66c4-64cc-48a9-b5ab-3a81c7758c2a
data/quips/559112aa-8ebf-4fca-aba1-d1c35d2ddb97 less more
2 id: 559112aa-8ebf-4fca-aba1-d1c35d2ddb97
data/quips/55e14f64-b7e0-4486-bdc6-dbd4b0fad26d less more
1 content: liberals / on skates / pass through / park gates
2 id: 55e14f64-b7e0-4486-bdc6-dbd4b0fad26d
data/quips/5673894e-be9a-42ff-ad7c-91be8f0b4d15 less more
1 content: If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.
2 id: 5673894e-be9a-42ff-ad7c-91be8f0b4d15
data/quips/56ca39c1-a385-419e-a2dd-d8af5ee640a2 less more
1 content: 'a girl''s measurements should be: pupil size in picas, warmth of breath
2 in kelvin and diary page count. now, add it up and tell ((no one)).'
3 id: 56ca39c1-a385-419e-a2dd-d8af5ee640a2
data/quips/56d8a913-350f-4c97-bb60-9fa0a9036718 less more
1 content: 'See! Now! Our sentence is up!
3 '
4 id: 56d8a913-350f-4c97-bb60-9fa0a9036718
data/quips/57e4961e-37dc-4c07-9ce9-db3a40054b93 less more
1 content: It has been 127 days since our last workplace give-a-fuck.
2 id: 57e4961e-37dc-4c07-9ce9-db3a40054b93
data/quips/589bbd71-d0b7-40b7-9cf8-f776058c640a less more
1 content: I'm driven by white-hot anger. And my mom, sometimes, when I miss the bus.
2 id: 589bbd71-d0b7-40b7-9cf8-f776058c640a
data/quips/5a3fb18d-100f-4350-9ffc-c3914b51e024 less more
1 content: '...the night is very large and full of wonders.
3 '
4 id: 5a3fb18d-100f-4350-9ffc-c3914b51e024
data/quips/5ab88d4b-eddd-4f81-89e2-f9cd9207a067 less more
1 content: Jay-Z thought, "I know, I'll use regular expressions". Now he has 100 problems.
2 id: 5ab88d4b-eddd-4f81-89e2-f9cd9207a067
data/quips/5adc132d-af3b-4366-b85e-4dc9f906b851 less more
1 content: 'san francisco is going to make a great looking crater
3 '
4 id: 5adc132d-af3b-4366-b85e-4dc9f906b851
data/quips/5afcad14-71e4-406f-8b22-18ba88a250cb less more
1 content: '"Pain is nature''s way of telling you that you''re stupid."'
2 id: 5afcad14-71e4-406f-8b22-18ba88a250cb
data/quips/5b073ea8-d6dc-4049-9652-068d51d2e6a9 less more
1 content: Take thee this thing covered with that stuff and give it unto that guy, that
2 he may do things with it.
3 id: 5b073ea8-d6dc-4049-9652-068d51d2e6a9
data/quips/5ce2d28d-e373-46fb-95e4-c666eae5aca5 less more
1 content: '"listen every victim unit is special in its own way"'
2 id: 5ce2d28d-e373-46fb-95e4-c666eae5aca5
data/quips/5db7e191-02b8-456d-9b2d-565b4fdb87b5 less more
1 content: 'anything you wanna be you oughta be / except a cop ''cause a cop is wack
2 tho
4 '
5 id: 5db7e191-02b8-456d-9b2d-565b4fdb87b5
data/quips/5e1f0451-efed-46b7-bf41-69f07adda7b6 less more
1 content: 'baby ocean fatdog
3 '
4 id: 5e1f0451-efed-46b7-bf41-69f07adda7b6
data/quips/5ea87c2f-4b82-4e75-a9de-91e1470f601e less more
3 id: 5ea87c2f-4b82-4e75-a9de-91e1470f601e
data/quips/5f964559-9a75-4706-a301-901fd560eeea less more
1 content: she wears short skirts / I wear short skirts / I'm her doppelganger / I'm
2 going to replace her some day
3 id: 5f964559-9a75-4706-a301-901fd560eeea
data/quips/601fffcf-8a54-4b7c-a3b3-c5a6876ca933 less more
1 content: Mr. Gorbachev, tear up this club.
2 id: 601fffcf-8a54-4b7c-a3b3-c5a6876ca933
data/quips/60c91779-3884-45b5-93f6-fa383e50ba94 less more
1 content: 'where my gerunds at
3 '
4 id: 60c91779-3884-45b5-93f6-fa383e50ba94
data/quips/6175bb9b-3941-45e8-820d-3ade9b8e4e3a less more
1 content: I am from Truck Stop India. It's like India, but smaller and more like a
2 truck stop.
3 id: 6175bb9b-3941-45e8-820d-3ade9b8e4e3a
data/quips/618cf047-d060-4671-b8cf-694b5ede17fe less more
1 content: 'We know the classic scene from cartoons: Zizek reaches a precipice but goes
2 on running, ignoring the fact that there is no ground underfoot.
4 '
5 id: 618cf047-d060-4671-b8cf-694b5ede17fe
data/quips/623c90d8-eef5-40e9-8794-41ac7719e7d5 less more
1 content: '"Order some golf shoes," I whispered. "Otherwise we''ll never get out of
2 this place alive..."'
3 id: 623c90d8-eef5-40e9-8794-41ac7719e7d5
data/quips/637d04e1-5994-407f-8eee-cdd43e13c641 less more
1 content: '"I didn''t know you could stop being a god." "You can stop being anything."'
2 id: 637d04e1-5994-407f-8eee-cdd43e13c641
data/quips/63eb988e-5b05-4554-909d-f0fbd0c6ef51 less more
1 content: 'And I think that''s most of the reason I''m so obsessed with Ryan Seacrest,
2 is that he is basically the Kermit the Frog of our reality.
4 '
5 id: 63eb988e-5b05-4554-909d-f0fbd0c6ef51
data/quips/641e2674-6f91-4b29-8d53-9438aa6643b0 less more
1 content: "\"dress for the au you want, not the canon you\u2019re in\""
2 id: 641e2674-6f91-4b29-8d53-9438aa6643b0
data/quips/64ae84e1-0b87-41eb-9665-e58d4131e98a less more
1 content: 'Or: how to turn and face one''s self so that the two faces become one.'
2 id: 64ae84e1-0b87-41eb-9665-e58d4131e98a
data/quips/64cd7602-79bd-4479-8e31-fb38c7a99626 less more
1 content: She's the kind of girl who gets her slings and arrows from the dumpster.
2 id: 64cd7602-79bd-4479-8e31-fb38c7a99626
data/quips/65316d24-56e2-48d6-a12e-49348217e650 less more
1 content: the finest qualities of our nature like the bloom on fruits can be preserved
2 id: 65316d24-56e2-48d6-a12e-49348217e650
data/quips/6650c52f-8078-449d-b2bd-31b6bad80586 less more
1 content: True love is overrated.
2 id: 6650c52f-8078-449d-b2bd-31b6bad80586
data/quips/66626546-a195-42bc-9a8d-ff15311b08c4 less more
1 content: '"What''ll you do if that doesn''t work?" "Well... I''ll drink heavily and
2 shout at you."'
3 id: 66626546-a195-42bc-9a8d-ff15311b08c4
data/quips/6679821a-10c8-497a-870a-c43b5adb0098 less more
1 content: Your words are full of virtue and consonants.
2 id: 6679821a-10c8-497a-870a-c43b5adb0098
data/quips/66f60ce8-284d-45cd-9387-ce51a27a231a less more
1 content: I propose a return to traditional values. Eating people to gain their strength
2 and wisdom, for example.
3 id: 66f60ce8-284d-45cd-9387-ce51a27a231a
data/quips/66f6b8f0-40b3-4b77-a5f6-4c501d7c777c less more
1 content: "I carry a log\u2014yes. Is it funny to you? It is not to me.\n"
2 id: 66f6b8f0-40b3-4b77-a5f6-4c501d7c777c
data/quips/6963f119-b141-430d-9868-ec42508812e8 less more
1 content: 'The Factory of All: A Labor of Hate'
2 id: 6963f119-b141-430d-9868-ec42508812e8
data/quips/69d66424-3e8d-4b75-95b1-751436e723ad less more
1 content: that is one sweet earth you might say
2 id: 69d66424-3e8d-4b75-95b1-751436e723ad
data/quips/69f6476a-6f44-4d71-9867-12cf6421064f less more
1 content: I'm not a god, but if I was, I'd be an angry god.
2 id: 69f6476a-6f44-4d71-9867-12cf6421064f
data/quips/6a5923bc-d31a-4d24-b369-d79d505cb986 less more
1 content: 'You''re invited to: BANG YOUR HEAD AGAINST A WALL'
2 id: 6a5923bc-d31a-4d24-b369-d79d505cb986
data/quips/6ad3d2c0-2c4f-46be-bdd2-ff331bcb5e0c less more
1 content: '...and there will be some who will not fear even that void.'
2 id: 6ad3d2c0-2c4f-46be-bdd2-ff331bcb5e0c
data/quips/6b4b0cc7-bd18-4459-9ea7-e03cfef05971 less more
1 content: '"This place is not a place of honor. No highly esteemed deed is commemorated
2 here. Nothing valued is here."'
3 id: 6b4b0cc7-bd18-4459-9ea7-e03cfef05971
data/quips/6b68bf8a-a654-4b76-ad52-7764f7860a9c less more
1 content: 'the highest purpose is to have no purpose at all
3 '
4 id: 6b68bf8a-a654-4b76-ad52-7764f7860a9c
data/quips/6b7f4f12-c4a1-4448-823c-f87a07015881 less more
1 content: To be good is to be lonesome.
2 id: 6b7f4f12-c4a1-4448-823c-f87a07015881
data/quips/6c030933-f3e3-41d6-8ed1-32064fd31f32 less more
1 content: '"It''s cute that you said that ''cause you''re a frickin'' idiot."'
2 id: 6c030933-f3e3-41d6-8ed1-32064fd31f32
data/quips/6cc90351-2c2f-4ed6-9e01-6b0a6ad39608 less more
1 content: Sorry. I'm a Doctor. I'm very clever.
2 id: 6cc90351-2c2f-4ed6-9e01-6b0a6ad39608
data/quips/6ccfc6f6-de76-4fbc-b0b8-722a53d60e9f less more
1 content: My mistress' eyes are nothing like the Sun, though they do exhibit granulations,
2 flares, and coronal mass ejections.
3 id: 6ccfc6f6-de76-4fbc-b0b8-722a53d60e9f
data/quips/6d104e85-739b-4e7d-bd9e-cd5bb45c0099 less more
1 content: we are the machines of loving grace
2 id: 6d104e85-739b-4e7d-bd9e-cd5bb45c0099
data/quips/6d1d5955-9f3c-4f47-9efd-90677275d03a less more
1 content: I'm gonna see the cow beneath the sea.
2 id: 6d1d5955-9f3c-4f47-9efd-90677275d03a
data/quips/6d889ac1-4039-4bed-89e8-38012add617b less more
1 content: Consistency is a rationalist fetish.
2 id: 6d889ac1-4039-4bed-89e8-38012add617b
data/quips/6daa0f11-d633-4e21-871e-64b05ce637ef less more
1 content: "d\xFAlrai k\xE9traudh"
2 id: 6daa0f11-d633-4e21-871e-64b05ce637ef
data/quips/6e22b17c-ed6d-41eb-a61d-968bfb053877 less more
1 content: '"im at the commmbination anime and anthro con"'
2 id: 6e22b17c-ed6d-41eb-a61d-968bfb053877
data/quips/6e3f120b-e4d1-4430-bd38-516bf9e1b2f0 less more
1 content: Nothing real can defeat us. Nothing unreal exists.
2 id: 6e3f120b-e4d1-4430-bd38-516bf9e1b2f0
data/quips/6ed9b7f5-5ee6-4aa0-8be6-9ab5edefa97d less more
1 content: '"...I''m not a ''strong female character.'' I am a mutant mother of destruction."'
2 id: 6ed9b7f5-5ee6-4aa0-8be6-9ab5edefa97d
data/quips/6ef41157-ebc5-4b3b-b145-196d7ec4e570 less more
1 content: 'walk without rhythm / it won''t attract the worm
3 '
4 id: 6ef41157-ebc5-4b3b-b145-196d7ec4e570
data/quips/6f081985-4561-4fa6-a5c2-833779a72e27 less more
1 content: And now, what's going to happen to us without barbarians?
2 id: 6f081985-4561-4fa6-a5c2-833779a72e27
data/quips/70c9267a-f071-421e-8b54-b53c00c104f6 less more
1 content: 'There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed'
2 id: 70c9267a-f071-421e-8b54-b53c00c104f6
data/quips/71071d6e-3a20-41ae-ac50-b67d71176384 less more
1 content: '"It is like a bullethole in the world."'
2 id: 71071d6e-3a20-41ae-ac50-b67d71176384
data/quips/71ccf1f3-a750-4cad-99e9-994e89a2f6c4 less more
1 content: 'I''ll see you in hell or in Uqbar
3 '
4 id: 71ccf1f3-a750-4cad-99e9-994e89a2f6c4
data/quips/723ad2fe-ca63-4861-b0fe-e3feadf061cf less more
1 content: What do you get if you cross an elephant with a grape? |grape| * |elephant|
2 * sin(theta).
3 id: 723ad2fe-ca63-4861-b0fe-e3feadf061cf
data/quips/727e0646-78c4-40b7-a6ae-df3d01683e4a less more
1 content: '"Maybe the real Slim Shady was the friends we made along the way."'
2 id: 727e0646-78c4-40b7-a6ae-df3d01683e4a
data/quips/72f4f0d1-e86d-4ba6-85cd-c2835861a5e8 less more
1 content: THUMBS
2 id: 72f4f0d1-e86d-4ba6-85cd-c2835861a5e8
data/quips/73d3dc99-7e18-4f34-9873-6f9125f32ecc less more
1 content: Give me a thousand men crazy enough to conquer hell, and I will do it.
2 id: 73d3dc99-7e18-4f34-9873-6f9125f32ecc
data/quips/747b1c40-666c-475c-9fc3-cea9291ea5db less more
1 content: 'All is not lost! Some of it is hidden.
3 '
4 id: 747b1c40-666c-475c-9fc3-cea9291ea5db
data/quips/74da9b94-16ba-40aa-8243-3db135c660e6 less more
1 content: there's a hobo shed and some paint made of lead / you'll know you're done
2 painting when you wake up dead
3 id: 74da9b94-16ba-40aa-8243-3db135c660e6
data/quips/7598daee-baae-4966-9ba2-1b8286d5d03f less more
1 content: '"You can ponder this question while I ponder a variety of ways to express
2 that you are an idiot."'
3 id: 7598daee-baae-4966-9ba2-1b8286d5d03f
data/quips/76fd8ad1-78c4-40fa-b029-769a5b8b5fab less more
1 content: "\"I will answer the question so good that no one needs to answer it ever\
2 \ again! We will lay it to rest like a little baby\u2026 who\u2026 is dead.\""
3 id: 76fd8ad1-78c4-40fa-b029-769a5b8b5fab
data/quips/776ccf2b-c41c-4740-abe6-af1c919504ea less more
1 content: dril and horse_ebooks at tanagra
2 id: 776ccf2b-c41c-4740-abe6-af1c919504ea
data/quips/77c24016-f87e-47c2-9c5e-05b0560006a8 less more
4 '
5 id: 77c24016-f87e-47c2-9c5e-05b0560006a8
data/quips/78bd6bf6-9043-48ae-aa08-72e574adc9bc less more
1 content: I am a liar and I do not know why there is something instead of nothing.
2 id: 78bd6bf6-9043-48ae-aa08-72e574adc9bc
data/quips/796641c7-d20c-4e47-b1d2-9605c37c9a92 less more
1 content: The rubber axe, in particular, was poor execution.
2 id: 796641c7-d20c-4e47-b1d2-9605c37c9a92
data/quips/79afee84-64cf-4265-a011-34f4daaab570 less more
4 '
5 id: 79afee84-64cf-4265-a011-34f4daaab570
data/quips/7abc2550-3352-4d42-8f4a-2549ca5b9bb4 less more
1 content: Now I'm checkin' out the furniture, wanna buy some, might buy a wheelchair
2 and roll out of this town
3 id: 7abc2550-3352-4d42-8f4a-2549ca5b9bb4
data/quips/7b8102db-f083-48bc-a187-d670098aa7b3 less more
1 content: We stopped checking for monsters under our bed when we realized they were
2 inside of us.
3 id: 7b8102db-f083-48bc-a187-d670098aa7b3
data/quips/7c22bce2-f958-4655-8047-fb55a2247109 less more
1 content: It is like God, but also like a discus.
2 id: 7c22bce2-f958-4655-8047-fb55a2247109
data/quips/7c852110-98d8-4440-aabf-711e2cf188b4 less more
1 content: "I am the signifier \r\nThey are the signifiers \r\nI am the signifier\
2 \ \r\nGoo goo g'joob"
3 id: 7c852110-98d8-4440-aabf-711e2cf188b4
data/quips/7e0c22b7-7f02-4268-a2d7-6dc959491b3f less more
1 content: sadanak iiqshtrypaad um dwee&#331;qhom !kvensiq
2 id: 7e0c22b7-7f02-4268-a2d7-6dc959491b3f
data/quips/7f982462-29e7-4b20-ad35-facc9c61c75c less more
1 content: Hi, I'm calling about your ad. From inside the house.
2 id: 7f982462-29e7-4b20-ad35-facc9c61c75c
data/quips/7fa4aa99-1945-4650-aca5-3d7c9b823046 less more
1 content: 'The Super Bowl would be better if the winning team was allowed to live.
3 '
4 id: 7fa4aa99-1945-4650-aca5-3d7c9b823046
data/quips/7fb9593f-5bbb-4a59-a271-6bc1282bd616 less more
1 content: You couldn't have a university at the center of the earth. The library would
2 melt.
3 id: 7fb9593f-5bbb-4a59-a271-6bc1282bd616
data/quips/80a76de9-5644-4143-8430-2474299de25a less more
1 content: because I have important pancakes to flip and flap
2 id: 80a76de9-5644-4143-8430-2474299de25a
data/quips/814e6bb8-f877-4316-9075-61f0ae634484 less more
1 content: And she tells me she's a liar but I don't believe her / she'll tell me almost
2 anything
3 id: 814e6bb8-f877-4316-9075-61f0ae634484
data/quips/81e912c5-f287-446d-be79-6bfdb74f373e less more
1 content: 'And here, now, dancing is enough.
3 '
4 id: 81e912c5-f287-446d-be79-6bfdb74f373e
data/quips/83d07984-f3d2-4e86-8f1d-7e53c0fb3c8e less more
1 content: flavor tripping at the gates of hell
2 id: 83d07984-f3d2-4e86-8f1d-7e53c0fb3c8e
data/quips/84b4aa73-3099-4fca-ae8f-79f245cad503 less more
1 content: Please stop fueling my silent rage.
2 id: 84b4aa73-3099-4fca-ae8f-79f245cad503
data/quips/859762df-eccc-4cd5-ac3e-791b4a9da769 less more
1 content: Everything makes sense. Just not a lot.
2 id: 859762df-eccc-4cd5-ac3e-791b4a9da769
data/quips/862f64f1-d665-458c-817c-abc21ff97305 less more
1 content: wugs not drugs
2 id: 862f64f1-d665-458c-817c-abc21ff97305
data/quips/86c77ec4-f046-47f0-9e51-8ae90163c0a6 less more
1 content: The difference between jokes and tragedies is that jokes aren't always funny.
2 id: 86c77ec4-f046-47f0-9e51-8ae90163c0a6
data/quips/86cffaa3-bca5-473e-8cbb-176805889a16 less more
1 content: For all we know this is all we need.
2 id: 86cffaa3-bca5-473e-8cbb-176805889a16
data/quips/887e982c-b06c-42c4-9571-dd3d5584a74e less more
3 id: 887e982c-b06c-42c4-9571-dd3d5584a74e
data/quips/8a737630-ec17-4c1e-8538-754c4703c67e less more
1 content: I think I just don't like evil Russo-Finnish grandmas.
2 id: 8a737630-ec17-4c1e-8538-754c4703c67e
data/quips/8a84993b-4504-4941-b1c0-9e54f2c69dd6 less more
1 content: The milkman came in the moonlight and the moonlight was less than moonlight.
2 id: 8a84993b-4504-4941-b1c0-9e54f2c69dd6
data/quips/8aa1813b-fbc0-44a4-98d5-923e670df45a less more
1 content: Some days the stars speak in obscure languages.
2 id: 8aa1813b-fbc0-44a4-98d5-923e670df45a
data/quips/8c1cb990-35e0-45b7-9db6-c69690361080 less more
1 content: '"I wanted to spend more time freaking out on the side of the road with a
2 gun."'
3 id: 8c1cb990-35e0-45b7-9db6-c69690361080
data/quips/8c635ad0-3279-435f-8d3f-5a9b2ea2c2a7 less more
1 content: '"I brought some marshmallows. Let''s burn this world down."'
2 id: 8c635ad0-3279-435f-8d3f-5a9b2ea2c2a7
data/quips/8d4e1460-72d4-42ac-8ebe-57ac83305b58 less more
1 content: '''Twas like where you''re from weren''t never there. Where you''re going
2 doesn''t matter. And where you are ain''t no good unless you can get away from it.'
3 id: 8d4e1460-72d4-42ac-8ebe-57ac83305b58
data/quips/8ecca09a-5654-4c91-a71e-3106b566723d less more
1 content: I want to do terrible things to you.
2 id: 8ecca09a-5654-4c91-a71e-3106b566723d
data/quips/8f290893-11cf-474e-8f43-43a957b1eb3f less more
1 content: My robot brain needs beer. Also? I want to die.
2 id: 8f290893-11cf-474e-8f43-43a957b1eb3f
data/quips/90b2d5ac-06e4-4da5-935e-c27b99df8f4b less more
1 content: 'rrrrevereth my buttockth, thergeant major!
3 '
4 id: 90b2d5ac-06e4-4da5-935e-c27b99df8f4b
data/quips/9484cbd4-9ec0-4d9c-b346-c52936a23f08 less more
1 content: That which can be destroyed by the truth should be.
2 id: 9484cbd4-9ec0-4d9c-b346-c52936a23f08
data/quips/9626f9a2-5d4e-40bb-9a05-33bbf90bc318 less more
1 content: 'judges are bullshit, your honor
3 '
4 id: 9626f9a2-5d4e-40bb-9a05-33bbf90bc318
data/quips/968265f0-187b-419b-a338-a060bb60d3d0 less more
1 content: '"I have to go hand in my special report on how you''re going to die alone.
2 Thanks for all the evidence."
4 '
5 id: 968265f0-187b-419b-a338-a060bb60d3d0
data/quips/970219e1-b604-46fa-b87d-0eb5ff966283 less more
1 content: 'Welcome to the citadel of eternal wisdom. Behold, this crystal contains
2 the sum of all human knowledge -- Except Rap And Country
4 '
5 id: 970219e1-b604-46fa-b87d-0eb5ff966283
data/quips/98ed2357-a790-4517-a950-108cd9cf4065 less more
1 content: '"I think you''re very nice. I think twinkle''s a nice word. So''s viridian.
2 I met a lady once who had an imaginary fish."'
3 id: 98ed2357-a790-4517-a950-108cd9cf4065
data/quips/98fbde42-449c-4bcd-a636-08be148ea28f less more
1 content: I should... eat a pony.
2 id: 98fbde42-449c-4bcd-a636-08be148ea28f
data/quips/99052132-9aae-4bbc-a238-488d69f0ac3f less more
1 content: It's quite easy to reason logically and still be wrong.
2 id: 99052132-9aae-4bbc-a238-488d69f0ac3f
data/quips/993a1d43-b35a-4a7e-a8a6-9fcdd8478292 less more
1 content: 'BE THE SLOTH
3 '
4 id: 993a1d43-b35a-4a7e-a8a6-9fcdd8478292
data/quips/99a420c5-80f1-430a-91b1-bbe9b3e2e993 less more
1 content: 'Attention all planets of the solar federation: we have assumed control.'
2 id: 99a420c5-80f1-430a-91b1-bbe9b3e2e993
data/quips/9a82b99c-c246-408e-aa11-07faa0c61a49 less more
1 content: All data becomes obfuscated by reacting teens. The Serpent Consumes Its Tail
2 id: 9a82b99c-c246-408e-aa11-07faa0c61a49
data/quips/9aa350a6-46d9-4f88-a53a-473e8b2ba87f less more
1 content: '"new tecnologie develop ! you can throw you''r emotions into an dumpstr
2 . you can burn them for insuranc purpose . who even needs ??"
4 '
5 id: 9aa350a6-46d9-4f88-a53a-473e8b2ba87f
data/quips/9ad767b4-1d2b-43a5-9e19-c1d5f1d56b4b less more
1 content: '"We should put these petty differences aside and focus on what really matters:
2 how attractive I am."'
3 id: 9ad767b4-1d2b-43a5-9e19-c1d5f1d56b4b
data/quips/9c6ee787-a743-4d3b-8396-8d39c879fc15 less more
1 content: 'jinglin'' a wish coin that I stole from a fountain that was drownin'' all
2 the cares in the world
4 '
5 id: 9c6ee787-a743-4d3b-8396-8d39c879fc15
data/quips/9c86c1c9-2c0b-4867-8d9f-4234534bc589 less more
1 content: if the dirtpig sees his shadow it means he is opaque
2 id: 9c86c1c9-2c0b-4867-8d9f-4234534bc589
data/quips/9cd7227b-db50-44e6-bcf0-6b511a8a0131 less more
1 content: The tamagotchis will be freed from their cages, and all will be released.
2 id: 9cd7227b-db50-44e6-bcf0-6b511a8a0131
data/quips/9d9fb8bf-48fa-4873-8986-939cdb4291b1 less more
2 id: 9d9fb8bf-48fa-4873-8986-939cdb4291b1
data/quips/9e01e0e9-0e92-4cde-86e6-46dcc9156a1f less more
1 content: 'Nietzsche: "He who fights monsters, blah. Abyss."'
2 id: 9e01e0e9-0e92-4cde-86e6-46dcc9156a1f
data/quips/9e6d62c3-86ed-4b97-872b-1115c888eab9 less more
1 content: No Rap Or Country For Old Men
2 id: 9e6d62c3-86ed-4b97-872b-1115c888eab9
data/quips/9f7c98d4-4062-4cd6-9fc2-ca5ceb7ded24 less more
1 content: '"I don''t understand why they say, ''I love you.'' Why don''t they say,
2 ''egg''?"'
3 id: 9f7c98d4-4062-4cd6-9fc2-ca5ceb7ded24
data/quips/a1dceda1-c9eb-4e63-ba3c-8c53f347bfc9 less more
1 content: It is good to find one's self in agreement with the gods. It shows that the
2 gods have some wisdom.
3 id: a1dceda1-c9eb-4e63-ba3c-8c53f347bfc9
data/quips/a3261ca3-2c4f-4953-98ba-257379a4bbf6 less more
1 content: Well, we *are* idiots.
2 id: a3261ca3-2c4f-4953-98ba-257379a4bbf6
data/quips/a387975f-c0eb-4416-b99a-a6bae0c27840 less more
1 content: 'Carefully-written fact-checked essay in the streets, unmoderated comments
2 section in the sheets.
4 '
5 id: a387975f-c0eb-4416-b99a-a6bae0c27840
data/quips/a486355e-a267-4b71-af79-72fc3029f822 less more
1 content: you seem to think i'm random, but i'm only psuedorandom. you would be exactly
2 this way, were you seeded at the very same time and place.
3 id: a486355e-a267-4b71-af79-72fc3029f822
data/quips/a53dc8a9-1858-4f5e-8310-42a85dab074f less more
1 content: '"Remember, no matter where you go... there you are."
3 '
4 id: a53dc8a9-1858-4f5e-8310-42a85dab074f
data/quips/a62c2e4d-5d51-4965-b506-730e49d5ba67 less more
1 content: Would you like to join me for drinking 'alcohol' and/or watching 'movie'
2 starring 'conventionally attractive white people?'
3 id: a62c2e4d-5d51-4965-b506-730e49d5ba67
data/quips/a6d1cc88-82e9-4b39-9e0d-9de4560cdfe1 less more
1 content: I do not lie about such things except when I feel like lying which is all
2 the time.
3 id: a6d1cc88-82e9-4b39-9e0d-9de4560cdfe1
data/quips/a70c7ffd-6c65-47de-9ad0-0a1e8904560c less more
1 content: The only thing that's going to bring me inner peace is a beard-seeking missile.
2 id: a70c7ffd-6c65-47de-9ad0-0a1e8904560c
data/quips/a91f074f-ec62-493d-9c85-3b84881e272a less more
1 content: '"Are you boys cooking up there?" "No." "Are you making an inerocitor?" "No!"'
2 id: a91f074f-ec62-493d-9c85-3b84881e272a
data/quips/a957bce3-0a88-4e86-b7c7-b543921689f1 less more
1 content: 'Valentimes is serious times.
3 '
4 id: a957bce3-0a88-4e86-b7c7-b543921689f1
data/quips/a980590a-63cf-427d-9816-721760d7cbf7 less more
1 content: the sky was candy luminous
2 id: a980590a-63cf-427d-9816-721760d7cbf7
data/quips/aa1b494c-dd64-4976-8d87-872682e6837e less more
1 content: '"Cha mh&oacute;r is fheairrde thu iad, tha iad coltach ri cat air a dhathadh."'
2 id: aa1b494c-dd64-4976-8d87-872682e6837e
data/quips/aa99e473-6387-4bde-bc6c-13928163cb6b less more
1 content: 'building up enough information to infer the ghost by the hole it leaves
2 in the information
4 '
5 id: aa99e473-6387-4bde-bc6c-13928163cb6b
data/quips/ab31cac9-930c-4c95-8666-814d401400bd less more
1 content: Everything's so tiny in there, almost manageable.
2 id: ab31cac9-930c-4c95-8666-814d401400bd
data/quips/ad478e87-5215-4c0f-8e2b-fa1c5943c409 less more
1 content: "\"\\*Bob Belcher voice\\* I love you but you\u2019re all terrible\""
2 id: ad478e87-5215-4c0f-8e2b-fa1c5943c409
data/quips/ae4be104-fa5f-4c0b-a4e1-7d992206c540 less more
1 content: "(\u256F\xB0\u25A1\xB0\uFF09\u256F\uFE35 \u214B\u200B"
2 id: ae4be104-fa5f-4c0b-a4e1-7d992206c540
data/quips/ae796ca0-7677-4ec3-94af-340f9f093dad less more
1 content: I cut people open to find out where their dreams live.
2 id: ae796ca0-7677-4ec3-94af-340f9f093dad
data/quips/aefd55db-da39-4590-a79b-9a6ae4288c33 less more
1 content: Sometimes she is a cat in the dark and other times she is the darkness.
2 id: aefd55db-da39-4590-a79b-9a6ae4288c33
data/quips/b01eee46-1d82-4a34-b9c7-716c84e78a81 less more
1 content: 'noot noot
3 '
4 id: b01eee46-1d82-4a34-b9c7-716c84e78a81
data/quips/b06cb293-db05-4024-8b01-dd0246756c78 less more
1 content: I was late to class struggle again today.
2 id: b06cb293-db05-4024-8b01-dd0246756c78
data/quips/b076539a-cb7a-400a-bd81-137389df5319 less more
1 content: They're like the people chained up in the cave in the allegory of the people
2 in the cave by the Greek guy.
3 id: b076539a-cb7a-400a-bd81-137389df5319
data/quips/b3c3c893-5f8a-45d0-8d86-d69e002737ed less more
1 content: 'Beats me, man. Beats me why most dudes suck. Sure as hell ain''t my scene.
3 '
4 id: b3c3c893-5f8a-45d0-8d86-d69e002737ed
data/quips/b4786093-198c-4646-9ceb-71707d0a99ac less more
1 content: '"was frankenberry the name of the monster or the scientist"
3 '
4 id: b4786093-198c-4646-9ceb-71707d0a99ac
data/quips/b4ce7422-d97e-4c7b-8b72-73f47e13fb90 less more
1 content: Molecules? In my day, we only had atoms!
2 id: b4ce7422-d97e-4c7b-8b72-73f47e13fb90
data/quips/b5cb18e6-7237-4727-998c-60088005c33b less more
2 id: b5cb18e6-7237-4727-998c-60088005c33b
data/quips/b70587a8-3687-47c5-9a1a-4ddb1ff6213c less more
1 content: how are you doing I'm doing angry
2 id: b70587a8-3687-47c5-9a1a-4ddb1ff6213c
data/quips/b7206f5c-6316-47aa-91cd-2bbccf2c96d3 less more
1 content: '"The Lord works in mysterious, convoluted, and intensely ineffective ways."'
2 id: b7206f5c-6316-47aa-91cd-2bbccf2c96d3
data/quips/b79d66db-4231-4866-bdfc-5bb6150ce228 less more
1 content: At the Consortium for Slower-Than-Light Travel...
2 id: b79d66db-4231-4866-bdfc-5bb6150ce228
data/quips/b802387a-37be-49e6-b6f9-ddfb3a85fcb6 less more
1 content: My thing is to work more than the others to show them how useless they are.
2 id: b802387a-37be-49e6-b6f9-ddfb3a85fcb6
data/quips/b8b3eddf-8183-4c92-924f-8a08e52d36e0 less more
1 content: Drink alcohol. Quite a bit. Mostly bourbon.
2 id: b8b3eddf-8183-4c92-924f-8a08e52d36e0
data/quips/b8fd9a38-0bd9-4c8e-ab27-7412a34a7c27 less more
1 content: "\"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and\
2 \ remember to like, comment and subscribe if you\u2019d like to see more works\
3 \ like these!\""
4 id: b8fd9a38-0bd9-4c8e-ab27-7412a34a7c27
data/quips/b90d593f-1a80-4e55-9d04-dc76bf6ee3a3 less more
1 content: Guns don't kill people. It's impossible to be killed by a gun. We are all
2 immune to bullets and it's a miracle.
3 id: b90d593f-1a80-4e55-9d04-dc76bf6ee3a3
data/quips/b9271202-5737-41f1-a085-52572fd793ec less more
1 content: '...your web browser is Ronald Reagan.'
2 id: b9271202-5737-41f1-a085-52572fd793ec
data/quips/b9c4a7a2-c4f9-427e-b851-4aae11908438 less more
1 content: 'Imagine a boot stamping on a human face a whole buncha times, like, a whole
2 buncha times... At least five times
4 '
5 id: b9c4a7a2-c4f9-427e-b851-4aae11908438
data/quips/ba844cfc-8b44-4b6a-88de-67e7e70726fb less more
1 content: 'I guess you could say I''m the Michael Jordan of crying in the shower
3 '
4 id: ba844cfc-8b44-4b6a-88de-67e7e70726fb
data/quips/bacf3a85-6d18-4907-82c8-d9a13301a9b3 less more
1 content: Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed
2 to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively,
3 there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination
4 of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather.
5 id: bacf3a85-6d18-4907-82c8-d9a13301a9b3
data/quips/bb9e0614-46a0-47e8-9857-37f883bcd2e8 less more
1 content: And yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will
2 fear no evil, for I am the baddest sonovabitch in the valley.
3 id: bb9e0614-46a0-47e8-9857-37f883bcd2e8
data/quips/bdc8d6bd-a691-40b6-9120-68b8c7893866 less more
1 content: Can I give you some fucking fruit juice?
2 id: bdc8d6bd-a691-40b6-9120-68b8c7893866
data/quips/be61f81e-de71-4368-bf96-6e148a7e5d5f less more
1 content: endless digital now
2 id: be61f81e-de71-4368-bf96-6e148a7e5d5f
data/quips/bed96fe6-bd46-4d32-8c5f-30866ad91b7e less more
3 '
4 id: bed96fe6-bd46-4d32-8c5f-30866ad91b7e
data/quips/bf45dcdf-e5ff-479f-b20d-fa152c66b6f2 less more
1 content: My grandparents went to a planet with no bilateral symmetry, and all I got
2 was this lousy F-shirt.
3 id: bf45dcdf-e5ff-479f-b20d-fa152c66b6f2
data/quips/bf663733-2e2c-4071-b315-c0a31e63c843 less more
1 content: Pimpin' ain't easy, but it's necessary.
2 id: bf663733-2e2c-4071-b315-c0a31e63c843
data/quips/bf7e649a-b929-4dc6-aded-cb9a950ebfff less more
1 content: '"i''m not racist, but, *cranes neck to see if anyone''s around. keeps craning.
2 head unscrews entirely. out of the hole pour jewels & mysteries*"'
3 id: bf7e649a-b929-4dc6-aded-cb9a950ebfff
data/quips/bfb5b593-c631-4c20-a5ec-a4899f5912f2 less more
1 content: '"Ya don''t sell yer chickens before they hatch." "That''s... you do...
2 do that. It''s a whole... it''s a big thing."'
3 id: bfb5b593-c631-4c20-a5ec-a4899f5912f2
data/quips/c03f0a32-203d-4954-81c2-258e12535e1c less more
1 content: In Pug Davis, no one can hear you Pug Davis.
2 id: c03f0a32-203d-4954-81c2-258e12535e1c
data/quips/c0d5e03e-d976-4aa4-ac23-55a24c2f0b94 less more
1 content: 'Seriously man Carolus Linnaeus would classify this as Shitty
3 '
4 id: c0d5e03e-d976-4aa4-ac23-55a24c2f0b94
data/quips/c163c850-d265-41c4-ad42-680433c03bec less more
2 id: c163c850-d265-41c4-ad42-680433c03bec
data/quips/c22c3d70-87f4-41cf-9184-2c69153762a1 less more
1 content: 'I detest life-insurance agents: they always argue that I shall some day
2 die, which is not so.'
3 id: c22c3d70-87f4-41cf-9184-2c69153762a1
data/quips/c39ceb1e-2c1c-4579-a545-16dd7657b8fc less more
1 content: 'bears see things pretty much the way they are
3 '
4 id: c39ceb1e-2c1c-4579-a545-16dd7657b8fc
data/quips/c5054959-c4d6-4c54-81e9-b5f32b829303 less more
1 content: We've both said a lot of things you're going to regret.
2 id: c5054959-c4d6-4c54-81e9-b5f32b829303
data/quips/c5387daa-f76d-4067-80ee-8b51f83f5c7a less more
1 content: \*encounters the real world\* ugh god all this diversity for the sake of
2 diversity
3 id: c5387daa-f76d-4067-80ee-8b51f83f5c7a
data/quips/c5b4300c-fbb1-4d93-9413-9a784d7edaff less more
1 content: I'd like to sail a ship into the sun.
2 id: c5b4300c-fbb1-4d93-9413-9a784d7edaff
data/quips/c78a8877-d09b-459b-9d04-2b4cfd3529c6 less more
1 content: 'just goes to show you can''t trust people who aren''t you
3 '
4 id: c78a8877-d09b-459b-9d04-2b4cfd3529c6
data/quips/c82ad3c7-5bdf-4e6c-8b5e-f65679e9c1eb less more
1 content: Oh, did NPR just interview TED?
2 id: c82ad3c7-5bdf-4e6c-8b5e-f65679e9c1eb
data/quips/c8a71cee-7f90-4894-8823-943adcf32f53 less more
1 content: 'haters gonna make some good points
3 '
4 id: c8a71cee-7f90-4894-8823-943adcf32f53
data/quips/c90bcd2f-ca97-4324-b51d-14c002d73027 less more
1 content: '...digging too deep into the spaces between sanity, madness, and radically
2 bad taste.'
3 id: c90bcd2f-ca97-4324-b51d-14c002d73027
data/quips/c95417fb-f7c4-4af9-b217-013410c70efb less more
1 content: 'I just dropped your mic. Dropped all the mics.
3 '
4 id: c95417fb-f7c4-4af9-b217-013410c70efb
data/quips/ca9b1999-b019-4d9a-aa0a-acc39baf2aae less more
1 content: 'lifehack: piss off everyone who shows you affection'
2 id: ca9b1999-b019-4d9a-aa0a-acc39baf2aae
data/quips/caa65dae-f1d9-473f-b457-63296ef7fc7e less more
1 content: the solar orientation of the number seven is more than death but less than
2 total eradication
3 id: caa65dae-f1d9-473f-b457-63296ef7fc7e
data/quips/cb000660-d71f-475d-9aca-6c4dd0b84985 less more
1 content: 'Fire: Too Complex
3 '
4 id: cb000660-d71f-475d-9aca-6c4dd0b84985
data/quips/cb012869-3d96-4749-9f1c-b6a6638e6fd1 less more
1 content: Everything happens for a reason, you know. Well, everything except you that
2 is.
3 id: cb012869-3d96-4749-9f1c-b6a6638e6fd1
data/quips/cb3582c9-e4ca-4c68-a9fb-eb9e2aa75b85 less more
1 content: '"I have to go hand in my special report on how you''re going to die alone.
2 Thanks for all the evidence."'
3 id: cb3582c9-e4ca-4c68-a9fb-eb9e2aa75b85
data/quips/cb5e81fe-383e-4568-9c5c-cf8d63864af4 less more
1 content: I am not slow. I am just not very fast and I am not sure I want to get there.
2 id: cb5e81fe-383e-4568-9c5c-cf8d63864af4
data/quips/ce88d7b5-3c8d-4934-993b-389b4614e4df less more
1 content: Idealists have a hard time understanding that the universe doesn't give a
2 fuck what they believe in.
3 id: ce88d7b5-3c8d-4934-993b-389b4614e4df
data/quips/ce98f8ef-3921-4643-91b6-3559e8c77b35 less more
1 content: I can't see anything else anymore. My eyes are filled with gods.
2 id: ce98f8ef-3921-4643-91b6-3559e8c77b35
data/quips/cfd63597-44b5-45bf-ad8a-2ca93fb0a363 less more
1 content: I love you, which is why I'm not going to eat you. For now.
2 id: cfd63597-44b5-45bf-ad8a-2ca93fb0a363
data/quips/d00645b7-d528-4531-a43c-b3a4432dae0c less more
1 content: 'Don''t mistake my attitude for humility: my position is that everything
2 on earth is equally unimportant.'
3 id: d00645b7-d528-4531-a43c-b3a4432dae0c
data/quips/d08d3095-741e-4197-8c70-9035165a0cf6 less more
1 content: I am the milkman. My milk is delicious.
2 id: d08d3095-741e-4197-8c70-9035165a0cf6
data/quips/d17174af-afc2-41fc-a5bb-dc010f5a354c less more
1 content: 'If you think that by threatening me you can get me to do what you want...
2 well, that''s where you''re right.
4 '
5 id: d17174af-afc2-41fc-a5bb-dc010f5a354c
data/quips/d184250d-4082-4847-8b17-bd8f0592412d less more
1 content: It's not a penis. It's a tentacle. Lovecraft is screaming.
2 id: d184250d-4082-4847-8b17-bd8f0592412d
data/quips/d212019c-c3cb-4c93-a345-191883f088ba less more
1 content: '"Also, can you change things so that the variable lexical-scope is itself
2 lexically scoped? Because at that point I think you''ll be able to taste colors."'
3 id: d212019c-c3cb-4c93-a345-191883f088ba
data/quips/d312f2ab-2dba-49c7-a109-3ba3b9ab55ff less more
1 content: '"Point is, Max, we live in a world of similar things. Lots of stuff is the
2 same as other stuff. I forget where I was going with this but the takeaway is your
3 parents don''t love each other."'
4 id: d312f2ab-2dba-49c7-a109-3ba3b9ab55ff
data/quips/d3224ca5-107b-41e4-9ea7-768c9af65273 less more
1 content: Lenny Bruce was not afraid.
2 id: d3224ca5-107b-41e4-9ea7-768c9af65273
data/quips/d3b976e3-bc93-4b12-ac65-3570d5e868f7 less more
1 content: 'Which is to say: who is to say.
3 '
4 id: d3b976e3-bc93-4b12-ac65-3570d5e868f7
data/quips/d3f83153-f31b-48dd-8783-afde75001528 less more
1 content: I've got good news. That gum you like is going to come back in style.
2 id: d3f83153-f31b-48dd-8783-afde75001528
data/quips/d45e04f4-5258-450b-8a50-c8c8900f99aa less more
1 content: 'made with: bitter struggle, blind faith, licorice and sugar
3 '
4 id: d45e04f4-5258-450b-8a50-c8c8900f99aa
data/quips/d6a48942-202b-4e91-b896-0e343e4660ff less more
2 id: d6a48942-202b-4e91-b896-0e343e4660ff
data/quips/d6ba2e13-650a-470e-8f3c-63e89fc6920f less more
1 content: Your advanced intelligence is no match for our puny weapons!
2 id: d6ba2e13-650a-470e-8f3c-63e89fc6920f
data/quips/d72a474e-1eb4-40cc-ac96-a51ced67e220 less more
1 content: In the words of Archimedes, give me a long enough lever and a place to rest
2 it or I will kill one hostage every hour.
3 id: d72a474e-1eb4-40cc-ac96-a51ced67e220
data/quips/d73836f1-a7d8-437f-b0c9-e3a70c91230d less more
1 content: Give my regrets to god.
2 id: d73836f1-a7d8-437f-b0c9-e3a70c91230d
data/quips/d7b9c21b-afb2-4d56-a3e4-f64f079bc958 less more
1 content: '"In general, we can think of data as collections of bits and the representation
2 of data as defined by some collection of selectors and constructors. This is the
3 law of the LORD"'
4 id: d7b9c21b-afb2-4d56-a3e4-f64f079bc958
data/quips/d7e7393d-a097-41fc-8afa-da061aa551fd less more
1 content: the library of the bog kingdom is a cave what has fat horses scribbled on
2 the walls
3 id: d7e7393d-a097-41fc-8afa-da061aa551fd
data/quips/d8192df1-dddf-43b7-8b30-56c1a62f4003 less more
1 content: TANJ
2 id: d8192df1-dddf-43b7-8b30-56c1a62f4003
data/quips/d89e71c5-6716-4c89-b757-a8643a1455d9 less more
1 content: '"i only stare into the abyss for the commercials"'
2 id: d89e71c5-6716-4c89-b757-a8643a1455d9
data/quips/d92142f0-1b17-47e1-a5f0-14334558b206 less more
1 content: 'I KICK YOUR FACE
3 '
4 id: d92142f0-1b17-47e1-a5f0-14334558b206
data/quips/da63f49d-24b4-49fa-a4a4-1491b27c54cc less more
1 content: 'Rule number one: don''t fuck with librarians.'
2 id: da63f49d-24b4-49fa-a4a4-1491b27c54cc
data/quips/daacb3b5-f26f-4591-946d-8194856d35fb less more
1 content: Andrey Semyonovich went over to the table and took a drink from the cup of
2 blackened water. And Andrey Semyonovich's soul turned lucent.
3 id: daacb3b5-f26f-4591-946d-8194856d35fb
data/quips/dae833a8-8945-4a3c-81be-1dfc7bd390dd less more
1 content: Plastic melts but souls only wear away.
2 id: dae833a8-8945-4a3c-81be-1dfc7bd390dd
data/quips/db30dbea-d771-4f4c-9b6c-444163838c9e less more
1 content: Too big too fail. TBTF. It's the rich man's YOLO.
2 id: db30dbea-d771-4f4c-9b6c-444163838c9e
data/quips/db5a7d1b-b96c-434b-8e72-816a1382a58f less more
2 id: db5a7d1b-b96c-434b-8e72-816a1382a58f
data/quips/deb90ba1-a00a-4f57-adbe-ed08e3d49649 less more
1 content: '"everyone who died and was killed on my quest to get really good hair and
2 fashion deserved it and i dont care"'
3 id: deb90ba1-a00a-4f57-adbe-ed08e3d49649
data/quips/e09a89d2-41cf-4991-8ba2-3c2c1246d800 less more
1 content: '"Wow, that''s powerful the way you used words like ''fury'' and delivered
2 it in an envelope of boilerplate idiocy"
4 '
5 id: e09a89d2-41cf-4991-8ba2-3c2c1246d800
data/quips/e0a0a17e-11ba-46ea-a4d0-822270b09650 less more
1 content: I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus the odds I was doing something
2 incredibly stupid... and I went ahead anyway.
3 id: e0a0a17e-11ba-46ea-a4d0-822270b09650
data/quips/e0cacd5f-9f98-4f22-97d8-5aeeac1339ac less more
1 content: Last night I traded my soul's innermost for some pickled fish.
2 id: e0cacd5f-9f98-4f22-97d8-5aeeac1339ac
data/quips/e278b361-3815-46fa-b443-f44aa3bfc7f9 less more
1 content: ah, well, in terms of politics, you see, my views are *lights us both on
2 fire* well that's basically it
3 id: e278b361-3815-46fa-b443-f44aa3bfc7f9
data/quips/e28e7e9d-9d8c-4055-bf08-2ddde16c099a less more
1 content: The dog who is so angry he cannot move. He cannot eat. He cannot sleep. He
2 can just barely growl. Bound so tightly with tension and anger, he approaches the
3 state of rigor mortis.
4 id: e28e7e9d-9d8c-4055-bf08-2ddde16c099a
data/quips/e2911d13-7e90-4ce2-9209-3fa11a1d8702 less more
1 content: Electricity can only be replenished by whisky. This is actual physics. Don't
2 argue with me, I am a doktor.
3 id: e2911d13-7e90-4ce2-9209-3fa11a1d8702
data/quips/e3d99eba-4136-42b5-8994-38a231dacfee less more
2 id: e3d99eba-4136-42b5-8994-38a231dacfee
data/quips/e5b2e165-43fc-454c-93e7-667545dd51a2 less more
1 content: he is unholy radiance destroying all enlightenment, HTML tags leaking from
2 your eyes like liquid pain
3 id: e5b2e165-43fc-454c-93e7-667545dd51a2
data/quips/e6058589-3ae5-49d9-b147-ac21b81ea160 less more
1 content: '[cetacean needed]
3 '
4 id: e6058589-3ae5-49d9-b147-ac21b81ea160
data/quips/e61b6461-f38a-4372-aa9a-0d3b074f2f3a less more
1 content: '"Previously: The kids are attacked with imprecations and fruit."'
2 id: e61b6461-f38a-4372-aa9a-0d3b074f2f3a
data/quips/e6c204ef-65d9-4b11-94a6-caa77991be70 less more
1 content: ja tvoj robotnik
2 id: e6c204ef-65d9-4b11-94a6-caa77991be70
data/quips/e72b8832-52a0-4c4d-adba-a6f34ab04fbb less more
3 '
4 id: e72b8832-52a0-4c4d-adba-a6f34ab04fbb
data/quips/e89b74c6-a117-4265-b9a6-7cdb92f66bc4 less more
1 content: strange times call for strange words
2 id: e89b74c6-a117-4265-b9a6-7cdb92f66bc4
data/quips/e89cfaf7-41d6-43a5-86f8-732b41f9da68 less more
1 content: Oh, right! Thanks, Mr. I-Know-What-Day-It-Is Fish.
2 id: e89cfaf7-41d6-43a5-86f8-732b41f9da68
data/quips/e9a56039-8a1c-4543-95ab-c91f991bc798 less more
3 id: e9a56039-8a1c-4543-95ab-c91f991bc798
data/quips/e9ffca64-f686-404e-8335-1cd971e99768 less more
1 content: "\u017Em\xE1dor kui thakh\xE1drok\n"
2 id: e9ffca64-f686-404e-8335-1cd971e99768
data/quips/eb593f5d-65ed-40f1-96cc-787d50889cf9 less more
1 content: leave the blueprint / i'll need that for the end of time
2 id: eb593f5d-65ed-40f1-96cc-787d50889cf9
data/quips/ebf4526a-4713-42d0-a7fe-357bc49306aa less more
1 content: You had me at annihilation.
2 id: ebf4526a-4713-42d0-a7fe-357bc49306aa
data/quips/ed31cde6-a83a-4761-a31b-2d2790beca17 less more
1 content: '...pharmacist gangs that fight with those knives they use to separate pills
2 / and I''m gonna take over the pharmacies when they''re gone'
3 id: ed31cde6-a83a-4761-a31b-2d2790beca17
data/quips/ed7f7974-b69f-409c-a9ec-5f8ecc7f0cc6 less more
1 content: 'the good thing about camping is you can see every star in the universe the
2 bad thing about camping is fish have eyes and theyre filled with curses
4 '
5 id: ed7f7974-b69f-409c-a9ec-5f8ecc7f0cc6
data/quips/ed964d13-5d90-475b-9247-112c7854afc5 less more
1 content: It may be futile, but it's not pointless.
2 id: ed964d13-5d90-475b-9247-112c7854afc5
data/quips/ee2189a3-17c0-485a-b98e-b57af95ceebc less more
1 content: Life is truly quite absurd, but with a little effort we could make it completely
2 ridiculous.
3 id: ee2189a3-17c0-485a-b98e-b57af95ceebc
data/quips/f0000a33-71e9-4ec1-93f8-f465a549d5aa less more
1 content: If you are sitting, just sit. If you are walking, just walk. Above all, don't
2 wobble.
3 id: f0000a33-71e9-4ec1-93f8-f465a549d5aa
data/quips/f002cf6c-0889-4999-9d12-13951a43d814 less more
2 id: f002cf6c-0889-4999-9d12-13951a43d814
data/quips/f017de6e-c306-44eb-8905-5d8fb0a6928f less more
1 content: man dont put me on speaker crab
2 id: f017de6e-c306-44eb-8905-5d8fb0a6928f
data/quips/f370634b-0ccb-4c83-96f3-7341f77519db less more
1 content: Slithering isn't just for snakes any more.
2 id: f370634b-0ccb-4c83-96f3-7341f77519db
data/quips/f3fbfbbc-1c9f-4519-827d-1f53790f0555 less more
1 content: '"Such a thing! Such an octopus of a thing!"'
2 id: f3fbfbbc-1c9f-4519-827d-1f53790f0555
data/quips/f4f267d0-a7a7-43ec-9ccd-d73fb063854a less more
1 content: 'you have barely any science and your husband is trapped in space / i''ll
2 just take these two children and those sheets over there
4 '
5 id: f4f267d0-a7a7-43ec-9ccd-d73fb063854a
data/quips/f4fcced5-2e39-4904-97de-57a7be7fe3f7 less more
1 content: I was prayin' to the Lord for some fun but I guess he didn't have some
2 id: f4fcced5-2e39-4904-97de-57a7be7fe3f7
data/quips/f68ad453-f746-4aba-8fbe-d863941e62e6 less more
1 content: make install; not war
2 id: f68ad453-f746-4aba-8fbe-d863941e62e6
data/quips/f985894d-6969-4a3f-a4e8-537aabc41ecb less more
1 content: There's someone in my head but it's not me
2 id: f985894d-6969-4a3f-a4e8-537aabc41ecb
data/quips/f9abc306-87c4-43e2-a20b-e5ba72d00def less more
1 content: '"ok well snausages notwithstanding this is bullshit"'
2 id: f9abc306-87c4-43e2-a20b-e5ba72d00def
data/quips/fbbe228f-cf7a-4316-92f5-03f5863c6d92 less more
1 content: "what if you named one... what if you named one 'BIG WEED CITY'\r\n\r\nwhat\
2 \ if you did that"
3 id: fbbe228f-cf7a-4316-92f5-03f5863c6d92
data/quips/fc9608b1-d815-4889-8d6d-37d3eaa62052 less more
1 content: 'eye of all
3 '
4 id: fc9608b1-d815-4889-8d6d-37d3eaa62052
data/quips/fd2303c2-d4ef-4f47-b4d2-0244291c06dd less more
1 content: If it's not an airplane, then what is it?
2 id: fd2303c2-d4ef-4f47-b4d2-0244291c06dd
data/quips/fd41bf91-8a04-4a19-bca9-d444bf579995 less more
1 content: 'You can lead a horse to water, but you can''t prove that anything is real.
3 '
4 id: fd41bf91-8a04-4a19-bca9-d444bf579995
data/quips/fd8ddc6d-81fd-41d1-9eb0-db7e63607d5b less more
1 content: We will create and destroy ten art movements in ten years.
2 id: fd8ddc6d-81fd-41d1-9eb0-db7e63607d5b
data/quips/fe77f5ba-4a09-495d-9419-d7e2f6e4fa8b less more
1 content: 'Somewhere, over the rainbow, there''s the cold dark of space.
3 '
4 id: fe77f5ba-4a09-495d-9419-d7e2f6e4fa8b
data/quips/fe9d1c66-7b6c-4bb8-a7f4-f459ba92f187 less more
1 content: '"I am a secret wizard. Behold my robes." Behold robes? Y/N'
2 id: fe9d1c66-7b6c-4bb8-a7f4-f459ba92f187
data/quips/fe9f5d95-6e49-49f4-b8d3-56c67b0c686b less more
1 content: '"There''s a monster at the end of this book. It''s the blank page where
2 the story ends and you''re left alone with yourself and your thoughts."'
3 id: fe9f5d95-6e49-49f4-b8d3-56c67b0c686b
data/quips/fea67f78-9bd9-4230-b88f-28d4d5043313 less more
1 content: Curiosity killed the cat; loathsome rituals BROUGHT IT BACK.
2 id: fea67f78-9bd9-4230-b88f-28d4d5043313
data/quips/fed19794-e94d-43e9-9c82-980cf9ca00fc less more
1 content: Does nobody understand?
2 id: fed19794-e94d-43e9-9c82-980cf9ca00fc
data/quips/fee8f37f-1547-417b-8050-554477b86eaf less more
1 content: adramin lekem las
2 id: fee8f37f-1547-417b-8050-554477b86eaf
data/quotes/00392884-4667-4e08-a9c8-9600ca60735b less more
1 author: Jamais Cascio
2 content: 'Conventional futurists are the Michael Bays of the intellectual world: what
3 they produce can be spectacular and amusing, but is ultimately hollow and depressing.'
4 id: 00392884-4667-4e08-a9c8-9600ca60735b
data/quotes/0044d1f5-6def-4e8d-87d9-ee904e9ca668 less more
1 author: Brian Eno
2 content: "Whatever you now find weird, ugly, uncomfortable and nasty about a new medium\
3 \ will surely become its signature. CD distortion, the jitteriness of digital video,\
4 \ the crap sound of 8-bit\u2014all of these will be cherished and emulated as soon\
5 \ as they can be avoided. It's the sound of failure: so much modern art is the sound\
6 \ of things going out of control, of a medium pushing to its limits and breaking\
7 \ apart. The distorted guitar sound is the sound of something too loud for the medium\
8 \ supposed to carry it. The blues singer with the cracked voice is the sound of\
9 \ an emotional cry too powerful for the throat that releases it. The excitement\
10 \ of grainy film, of bleached-out black and white, is the excitement of witnessing\
11 \ events too momentous for the medium assigned to record them."
12 id: 0044d1f5-6def-4e8d-87d9-ee904e9ca668
data/quotes/005948f5-6225-4692-b1dc-8d3acd7d1444 less more
1 author: Hal Summers, "My Old Cat"
2 content: 'My old cat is dead / Who would butt me with his head. / He had the sleekest
3 fur, / He had the blackest purr, / Always gentle with us / Was this black puss,
4 / But when I found him today / Stiff and cold where he lay, / His look was a lion''s,
5 / Full of rage, defiance: / O! he would not pretend / That what came was a friend
6 / But met it in pure hate. / Well died, my old cat.'
7 id: 005948f5-6225-4692-b1dc-8d3acd7d1444
data/quotes/012ddd98-6d95-4f87-9bc8-efebe522cc22 less more
1 author: C.S. Lewis
2 content: '...there is no escape from [the gods] into sleep or madness, for they can
3 pursue you into them with dreams. Indeed, you are then most at their mercy. The
4 nearest thing we have to a defence against them (but there is no real defence) is
5 to be very wide awake and sober and hard at work, to hear no music, never to look
6 at earth or sky, and (above all) to love no one.'
7 id: 012ddd98-6d95-4f87-9bc8-efebe522cc22
data/quotes/01f195ea-7c04-4621-9c02-43d28a47d327 less more
1 author: Ernest Hemingway, *A Farewell to Arms*
2 content: Oh, darling, you will be good to me, won't you? Because we're going to have
3 a strange life.
4 id: 01f195ea-7c04-4621-9c02-43d28a47d327
data/quotes/020ab888-a45f-47cd-aff8-0728727b4e4c less more
1 author: Tom Taylor
2 content: It's 2011, and I have no idea what anything is or does anymore.
3 id: 020ab888-a45f-47cd-aff8-0728727b4e4c
data/quotes/02973078-d977-4de4-9eca-a08274be08b5 less more
1 author: Jacques Lacan
2 content: I am not pessimistic. Nothing is going to happen. For the simple reason that
3 man is a good-for-nothing, not even capable of destroying himself. Personally, I
4 would find the idea of an all-encompassing plague, produced by man, rather marvellous.
5 It would be the proof that he had managed to do something with his own hands and
6 head, without divine or natural intervention.
7 id: 02973078-d977-4de4-9eca-a08274be08b5
data/quotes/041cfe60-45af-446b-8d35-db41c80c0336 less more
1 author: Haruki Murakami
2 content: But I didn't understand then. That I could hurt somebody so badly she would
3 never recover. That a person can, just by living, damage another human being beyond
4 repair.
5 id: 041cfe60-45af-446b-8d35-db41c80c0336
data/quotes/04b3d0a4-c1f5-4f7d-8c96-273794373e6e less more
1 author: "Stanis\u0142aw Lem's The Cyberiad"
2 content: "Not far from here, by a white sun, behind a green star, lived the Steelypips,\
3 \ illustrious, industrious, and they hadn't a care; no spats in their vats, no rules,\
4 \ no schools, no gloom, no evil influence of the moon, no trouble from matter or\
5 \ antimatter\u2014for they had a machine, a dream of a machine, with springs and\
6 \ gears and perfect in every respect."
7 id: 04b3d0a4-c1f5-4f7d-8c96-273794373e6e
data/quotes/04c467f7-4b94-47a8-b76b-d6d7902ed22f less more
1 author: Joss Whedon
2 content: Very occasionally, if you really pay attention, life doesn't suck.
3 id: 04c467f7-4b94-47a8-b76b-d6d7902ed22f
data/quotes/04d32abd-8848-480e-b1b7-90674d00013c less more
1 author: Arthur Machen
2 content: It was better, he thought, to fail in attempting exquisite things than to
3 succeed in the department of the utterly contemptible.
4 id: 04d32abd-8848-480e-b1b7-90674d00013c
data/quotes/053c0f2c-c936-468d-99fa-35e43bc4bc9e less more
1 author: Billy Collins
2 content: I think all young writers make this mistake, that ... they believe in self-expression,
3 which is highly overrated, I think. When I was growing up, self-expression was thought
4 of as an affectation of some kind, as well, [] said "When I was growing up, we had
5 another name for low self-esteem. It was called 'humility.' It was actually a virtue
6 and not a psychic dysfunction."
7 id: 053c0f2c-c936-468d-99fa-35e43bc4bc9e
data/quotes/05855d7f-88c0-46a8-af4c-51dff012ca1f less more
1 author: Karl Lagerfeld
2 content: Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life so you bought
3 some sweatpants.
4 id: 05855d7f-88c0-46a8-af4c-51dff012ca1f
data/quotes/05ea0f85-fdf2-4ff0-ab41-2ef156ab428a less more
1 author: Hayao Miyazaki
2 content: One's view of the world and one's technique are indivisible.
3 id: 05ea0f85-fdf2-4ff0-ab41-2ef156ab428a
data/quotes/061ad138-e808-4911-a733-75b6b42d4dc6 less more
1 author: Friederich Nietzsche
2 content: I am afraid we are not rid of God because we still have faith in grammar.
3 id: 061ad138-e808-4911-a733-75b6b42d4dc6
data/quotes/06bf8935-1a8e-46e7-9d0a-49633bfcacdb less more
1 author: Thomas Sowell
2 content: The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny
3 can't think. The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses
4 it with feeling.
5 id: 06bf8935-1a8e-46e7-9d0a-49633bfcacdb
data/quotes/06ddf74d-4eb3-49c9-b547-9472140e6b2f less more
1 author: Andrew Plotkin
2 content: Ki is, of course, mystical bullshit. That's why it works so well, both as
3 a teaching idiom and a tool of practice in martial arts. It's as nonexistent as
4 charm, leadership, or acting. Humans are all about bullshit.
5 id: 06ddf74d-4eb3-49c9-b547-9472140e6b2f
data/quotes/06de5337-b1e2-43db-8ae6-5fe8f908b3d1 less more
1 author: M. John Harrison
2 content: "Every moment of a science fiction story must represent the triumph of writing\
3 \ over worldbuilding.\r\n\r\nWorldbuilding is dull. Worldbuilding literalises the\
4 \ urge to invent. Worldbuilding gives an unneccessary permission for acts of writing\
5 \ (indeed, for acts of reading). Worldbuilding numbs the reader's ability to fulfil\
6 \ their part of the bargain, because it believes that it has to do everything around\
7 \ here if anything is going to get done.\r\n\r\nAbove all, worldbuilding is not\
8 \ technically neccessary. It is the great clomping foot of nerdism. It is the attempt\
9 \ to exhaustively survey a place that isn't there. A good writer would never try\
10 \ to do that, even with a place that is there. It isn't possible, & if it was the\
11 \ results wouldn't be readable: they would constitute not a book but the biggest\
12 \ library ever built, a hallowed place of dedication & lifelong study. This gives\
13 \ us a clue to the psychological type of the worldbuilder & the worldbuilder's victim,\
14 \ & makes us very afraid."
15 id: 06de5337-b1e2-43db-8ae6-5fe8f908b3d1
data/quotes/07a33216-49e5-45df-a80f-94b89481ccad less more
1 author: 'Umberto Eco
3 '
4 content: 'Contact with deformity has given modern sublimity something greater, more
5 sublime than ancient beauty.
7 '
8 id: 07a33216-49e5-45df-a80f-94b89481ccad
data/quotes/07f4c950-d287-4c14-a15d-ca27821346c2 less more
1 author: Karl Marx
2 content: 'From another side: is Achilles possible with powder and lead? Or the Iliad
3 with the printing press, not to mention the printing machine? Do not the song and
4 saga of the muse necessarily come to an end with the printer''s bar, hence do not
5 the necessary conditions of epic poetry vanish?'
6 id: 07f4c950-d287-4c14-a15d-ca27821346c2
data/quotes/08194ec6-69e8-44b8-9894-ecda76520084 less more
1 author: Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol
2 content: '"Would you like something? Tea? Cakes? We have everything except hope. There
3 is no hope. We are shadows stumbling through the endless freezing dark of existence.
4 Empire biscuits? All is futile. We try to impose meaning on the chaos of being,
5 but there is no meaning. Fairy cakes? We cultivate a pointless optimism as our bodies
6 decay and disintegrate towards the grave. We hope for the future, but in the end
7 we come to dust. In the end, even the stars are extinguished and entropy reduces
8 everything to a valueless nullity. We cannot win. We cannot break even. We cannot
9 even stay out of the game. There is no hope. There is no escape. We are alone with
10 this endless horror."
13 "That''s okay. I like it here."'
14 id: 08194ec6-69e8-44b8-9894-ecda76520084
data/quotes/085755f5-5540-4e40-a87e-7b7775b05f41 less more
1 author: "Honor\xE9 de Balzac"
2 content: Many people claim coffee inspires them, but, as everybody knows, coffee only
3 makes boring people even more boring.
4 id: 085755f5-5540-4e40-a87e-7b7775b05f41
data/quotes/0877dc4b-341c-4700-a240-859bf70c7881 less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek\n"
2 content: ' soon as we renounce fiction and illusion, we lose reality itself;
3 the moment we subtract fictions from reality, reality itself loses its discursive-logical
4 consistency.
6 '
7 id: 0877dc4b-341c-4700-a240-859bf70c7881
data/quotes/089fd512-940b-4b79-8580-b4a099a9e0d3 less more
1 author: Jamie "jwz" Zawinski
2 content: There is no web site that has a UI that comes close to the lamest newsreader
3 in the world....they don't even let you do basic things like "don't show me messages
4 I've already read". It's a continual source of amazement to me (though it shouldn't
5 be) what people will settle for.
6 id: 089fd512-940b-4b79-8580-b4a099a9e0d3
data/quotes/08d4c60f-da6e-4823-ac4c-f3babd9b24d2 less more
1 author: W.C. Fields
2 content: I cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food.
3 id: 08d4c60f-da6e-4823-ac4c-f3babd9b24d2
data/quotes/08fa464d-b633-41bf-a035-dbc8df2a0588 less more
1 author: Mark Twain
2 content: "I don't like to commit myself about Heaven and Hell\u2014you see, I have\
3 \ friends in both places."
4 id: 08fa464d-b633-41bf-a035-dbc8df2a0588
data/quotes/09034838-9f3b-4680-b1cb-1ab4c509d9d5 less more
1 author: Emma Albani
2 content: I had always loved beautiful and artistic things, though before leaving America
3 I had had a very little chance of seeing any.
4 id: 09034838-9f3b-4680-b1cb-1ab4c509d9d5
data/quotes/093791b6-c2ac-4cdf-a583-3de77048b8d1 less more
1 author: Frank Lloyd Wright
2 content: The scientist has marched in and taken the place of the poet. But one day
3 somebody will find the solution to the problems of the world and remember, it will
4 be a poet, not a scientist.
5 id: 093791b6-c2ac-4cdf-a583-3de77048b8d1
data/quotes/0a61ca16-8c1d-4d9a-a922-c5a25113ab9e less more
1 author: Umberto Eco, Foucault's Pendulum
2 content: People believe those who sell lotions that make lost hair grow back. They
3 sense instinctively that the salesman is putting together truths that don't go together,
4 that he's not being logical, that he's not speaking in good faith. But they've been
5 told that God is mysterious, unfathomable, so to them incoherence is the closest
6 thing to God. The farfetched is the closest thing to a miracle.
7 id: 0a61ca16-8c1d-4d9a-a922-c5a25113ab9e
data/quotes/0aee496b-b53e-4f63-9add-8dd62e6db60b less more
1 author: Frederik Pohl
2 content: Advertising reaches out to touch the fantasy part of people's lives. And,
3 you know, most people's fantasies are pretty sad.
4 id: 0aee496b-b53e-4f63-9add-8dd62e6db60b
data/quotes/0b1f7e40-6ec9-4ffa-98ef-372bac789159 less more
1 author: Uncyclopedia
2 content: Tremendous productivity gains can be realized with Java, particularly when
3 the work was previously done with small reptiles or amphibians.
4 id: 0b1f7e40-6ec9-4ffa-98ef-372bac789159
data/quotes/0b2bc791-e8e1-418a-8505-c4de76efd34a less more
1 author: Carl Sagan
2 content: The fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are
3 laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they
4 laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
5 id: 0b2bc791-e8e1-418a-8505-c4de76efd34a
data/quotes/0b3de5d5-f80d-42d8-b0e6-716de9938f28 less more
1 author: Murray Gell-Mann
2 content: Modern education is like being taken to the world's greatest restaurant &
3 being forced to eat the menu.
4 id: 0b3de5d5-f80d-42d8-b0e6-716de9938f28
data/quotes/0b74e8c1-87c6-4493-91c1-d6d3eccf40fb less more
1 author: Frank Zappa
2 content: If you wind up with a boring, miserable life because you listened to your
3 mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on TV telling you how to do
4 your shit, then YOU DESERVE IT.
5 id: 0b74e8c1-87c6-4493-91c1-d6d3eccf40fb
data/quotes/0c02c5a8-ec28-434e-8c77-198cb04f88ba less more
1 author: Matsuo Basho (attributed)
2 content: Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.
3 id: 0c02c5a8-ec28-434e-8c77-198cb04f88ba
data/quotes/0c0da31c-a1ca-4cc4-ae2f-3c0310b4704d less more
1 author: Jorge Luis Borges
2 content: "El f\xFAtbol es popular porque la estupidez es popular."
3 id: 0c0da31c-a1ca-4cc4-ae2f-3c0310b4704d
data/quotes/0c3a0ff6-de44-43a2-bb6e-4706b39e63ee less more
1 author: D. H. Lawrence
2 content: The utterance is like a spasm, naked contact with all influences at once.
3 It does not want to get anywhere. It just takes place.
4 id: 0c3a0ff6-de44-43a2-bb6e-4706b39e63ee
data/quotes/0d7dd04d-d0d3-44ef-9547-ae3df9a1ea1d less more
1 author: "Kimura Ky\u016Bho, *Kenjutsu Fushigi Hen*"
2 content: "\u2014 Everything written symbols can say has already passed by. They are\
3 \ like tracks left by animals.That is why the masters of meditation refuse to accept\
4 \ that writings are final. The aim is to reach true being by means of those tracks,\
5 \ those letters, those signs\u2014but reality itself is not a sign, and it leaves\
6 \ no tracks. It doesn't come to us by way of letters or words. We can go toward\
7 \ it, by following those words and letters back to what they came from. But so long\
8 \ as we are preoccupied with symbols, theories and opinions, we will fail to reach\
9 \ the principle.\r\n\r\n\u2014 But when we give up symbols and opinions, aren't\
10 \ we left in the utter nothingness of being?\r\n\r\n\u2014 Yes."
11 id: 0d7dd04d-d0d3-44ef-9547-ae3df9a1ea1d
data/quotes/0dafdb78-db7b-45e8-99f0-904bb11812c6 less more
1 author: Gilles Deleuze
2 content: What Foucault says is that we can only avoid death and madness if we make
3 existing into a "way", an "art".
4 id: 0dafdb78-db7b-45e8-99f0-904bb11812c6
data/quotes/0e046c26-685c-46ac-ab1d-95f2c44a3317 less more
1 author: Eric Naggum
2 content: Sufficiently advanced political correctness is indistinguishable from sarcasm.
3 id: 0e046c26-685c-46ac-ab1d-95f2c44a3317
data/quotes/0e0e1dd8-fb55-4916-8914-8049c048cec2 less more
1 author: "Andr\xE9 Breton"
2 content: Of all those arts in which the wise excel, Nature's chief masterpiece is
3 writing well.
4 id: 0e0e1dd8-fb55-4916-8914-8049c048cec2
data/quotes/0e5a082f-912f-47c9-8074-14e9399d5cd6 less more
1 author: Jim Kunstler
2 content: "I was invited to give a talk at Google headquarters down in Mountain View\
3 \ last Tuesday. They sent somebody to fetch me (in a hybrid car, zowee!) from my\
4 \ hotel in San Francisco \u2014 as if I had any choice about catching a train down,\
5 \ right? Google HQ was a glass office park pod tucked into an inscrutable tangle\
6 \ of off-ramps, berms, manzanita clumps, and curb-cuts. But inside, it was all tricked\
7 \ out like a kindergarten. They had pool tables, and inflatable yoga balls, and\
8 \ $6000 electronic vibrating massage lounge chairs, and snack stations deployed\
9 \ at twenty-five step intervals, with lucite bins filled with chocolate raisins\
10 \ and granola. The employees dressed like children. There were two motifs: \"skateboard\
11 \ rat\" and \"10th grade nerd.\" I suppose quite a few of them were millionaires.\
12 \ Many of the work cubicles were literally modular children's playhouses. I gave\
13 \ my spiel about the global oil problem and the unlikelihood that \"alternative\
14 \ energy\" would even fractionally replace it, and quite a few of the Googlers became\
15 \ incensed.\n\n\"Yo, Dude, you're so, like, wrong! We've got, like, technology!\"\
16 \n\nYeah, well, they weren't interested in making a distinction between energy and\
17 \ technology (or, more precisely where Google is concerned, a massive web-based\
18 \ advertising scheme \u2014 because it is finally clear that all this talk about\
19 \ \"connectivity\" just leads to more commercial shilling, shucking, jiving, and\
20 \ generally fucking with your headspace in the interstices of whatever purposeful\
21 \ activity one may be struggling to enact on the internet)."
22 id: 0e5a082f-912f-47c9-8074-14e9399d5cd6
data/quotes/0f51696d-2cc3-4d01-a221-495fabfafdf2 less more
1 author: Stephen King
2 content: Any word you have to hunt for in a thesaurus is the wrong word. There are
3 no exceptions to this rule.
4 id: 0f51696d-2cc3-4d01-a221-495fabfafdf2
data/quotes/0faadfae-d9e3-405a-b1a3-36b4a75c830f less more
1 author: Douglas Adams
2 content: He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered
3 whose it was and whether they were enjoying it.
4 id: 0faadfae-d9e3-405a-b1a3-36b4a75c830f
data/quotes/1053acd2-03c8-443e-8b71-2caa11dd1970 less more
1 author: A.E. Waite
2 content: There are few things more dull than the criticism which maintains that a
3 thesis is untrue, and cannot understand that it is decorative.
4 id: 1053acd2-03c8-443e-8b71-2caa11dd1970
data/quotes/12042a02-82ac-478b-96e0-f360e6d3eab4 less more
1 author: Jason Reed
2 content: '...Debugging-by-printf is a universal theme that transcends cultures and
3 concrete syntaxes. This shit is Joseph Campbell, yo.'
4 id: 12042a02-82ac-478b-96e0-f360e6d3eab4
data/quotes/126b8d7e-b345-4717-836a-a31d21241137 less more
1 author: Coco Chanel
2 content: Once you've dressed and before you leave the house, look in the mirror and
3 take at least one thing off.
4 id: 126b8d7e-b345-4717-836a-a31d21241137
data/quotes/1278c310-b7a3-476d-9ca2-b47dcad6bf39 less more
1 author: Patrick Alexander
2 content: The inability to ink is not a fucking style. What if you met a 30-year-old
3 who never learned to walk? He's just crawling around. "This is just my walking style,
4 man." Fuck off, you lazy dipshit.
5 id: 1278c310-b7a3-476d-9ca2-b47dcad6bf39
data/quotes/129015df-6406-4702-9189-a0d48cb154af less more
1 author: Ursula K. Le Guin
2 content: What the hell is nostalgia doing in a science-fiction film? With the whole
3 universe and all the future to play in, Lucas took his marvelous toys and crawled
4 under the fringed cloth on the parlor table, back into a nice safe hideyhole, along
5 with Flash Gordon and the Cowardly Lion and Huck Skywalker and the Flying Aces and
6 the Hitler Jugend. If there's a message there, I don't think I want to hear it.
7 id: 129015df-6406-4702-9189-a0d48cb154af
data/quotes/12e48b8a-1779-41ef-957b-77f4f3d9956f less more
1 author: Roland Barthes
2 content: What the public wants is the image of passion, not passion itself.
3 id: 12e48b8a-1779-41ef-957b-77f4f3d9956f
data/quotes/13483c65-9b6e-40d8-831b-5322740f08af less more
1 author: John Swinton
2 content: There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America,
3 as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who
4 dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it
5 would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out
6 of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar
7 things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would
8 be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to
9 appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be
10 gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright,
11 to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and
12 his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this
13 toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the
14 scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents,
15 our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual
16 prostitutes.
17 id: 13483c65-9b6e-40d8-831b-5322740f08af
data/quotes/13e181f7-ec9b-4f72-a56c-1655254165c7 less more
1 author: General Stumm von Bordwehr, in Robert Musil's "The Man Without Qualities"
2 content: You may say that it isn't necessary to read every last book. Well, it's also
3 true that in war you don't have to kill every last soldier, but we still need every
4 one of them.
5 id: 13e181f7-ec9b-4f72-a56c-1655254165c7
data/quotes/154295ed-3d42-4fcb-85b7-c8b96333e9ae less more
1 author: Hunter S. Thompson
2 content: We think of ourselves as so fucking original, but we're like ants. Just a
3 strand of fucking ants.
4 id: 154295ed-3d42-4fcb-85b7-c8b96333e9ae
data/quotes/16716167-9fe0-4dbb-baed-8b40a98b9403 less more
1 author: H.L. Mencken
2 content: In brief, she assumed that, being a man, I was vain to the point of imbecility,
3 and this assumption was correct, as it always is.
4 id: 16716167-9fe0-4dbb-baed-8b40a98b9403
data/quotes/1697cf65-2b65-4c89-9cf9-555dd6e06a0c less more
1 author: Chuck Jones
2 content: Anyone can say 'no'. It is the first word a child learns and often the first
3 word he speaks. It is a cheap word because it requires no explanation, and many
4 men and women have acquired a reputation for intelligence who know only this word
5 and have used it in place of thought on every occasion.
6 id: 1697cf65-2b65-4c89-9cf9-555dd6e06a0c
data/quotes/169b7272-421c-4a8b-a576-d0b3923109fc less more
1 author: Stewart Brand
2 content: We *are* as gods and might as well get good at it.
3 id: 169b7272-421c-4a8b-a576-d0b3923109fc
data/quotes/174feecb-0339-40c3-8903-64d7ba881d06 less more
1 author: William Gibson
2 content: The future is not google-able.
3 id: 174feecb-0339-40c3-8903-64d7ba881d06
data/quotes/182b9666-37b5-4a8e-950f-5ca462702873 less more
1 author: Friederich Nietzsche, *Human, All Too Human*
2 content: "There are women who, however you may search them, prove to have no content\
3 \ but are purely masks. The man who associates with such almost spectral, necessarily\
4 \ unsatisfied beings is to be commiserated with, yet it is precisely they who are\
5 \ able to arouse the desire of the man most strongly: he seeks for her soul \u2014\
6 \ and goes on seeking."
7 id: 182b9666-37b5-4a8e-950f-5ca462702873
data/quotes/1844d3f6-1802-44b7-b5c2-7b4cad4b32bd less more
1 author: Bret Victor
2 content: The most dangerous thought you can have as a creative person is to think
3 you know what you're doing.
4 id: 1844d3f6-1802-44b7-b5c2-7b4cad4b32bd
data/quotes/18bff612-4bfd-4c12-a722-4f07438d8442 less more
1 author: Frank Lloyd Wright
2 content: No house should ever be on a hill or on anything. It should be of the hill.
3 Belonging to it. Hill and house should live together each the happier for the other.
4 id: 18bff612-4bfd-4c12-a722-4f07438d8442
data/quotes/18ea2161-9bbb-4ed5-9857-ce52e03a113f less more
1 author: Thant Tessman
2 content: You're posting to a Scheme group. Around here, arguing that Java is better
3 than C++ is like arguing that grasshoppers taste better than tree bark.
4 id: 18ea2161-9bbb-4ed5-9857-ce52e03a113f
data/quotes/192a0535-9bc8-43ba-abcf-7f9568043a9b less more
1 author: Karl Popper
2 content: The conspiracy theory of society...comes from abandoning God and then asking,
3 "Who is in his place?"
4 id: 192a0535-9bc8-43ba-abcf-7f9568043a9b
data/quotes/1937dbaf-43e7-4dd1-9241-96c66be6b9a4 less more
1 author: Jessica Brookman
2 content: Entertain the possibility that we are living in an intellectual and spiritual
3 dark age but there is too much technology to notice.
4 id: 1937dbaf-43e7-4dd1-9241-96c66be6b9a4
data/quotes/19425d3f-03ed-4dd7-a552-532a84e387af less more
1 author: Eben Moglen
2 content: "Mr. Zuckerberg has attained an unenviable record. He has done more harm\
3 \ to the human race than anybody else his age. Right? Because he harnessed, y'know,\
4 \ Friday Night\u2014that is, \"everybody needs to get laid\"\u2014and he turned\
5 \ it into a structure for degenerating the integrity of human personality. And he\
6 \ has, to a remarkable extent, succeeded with a very poor deal\u2014namely, \"I\
7 \ will give you free web hosting, and some PHP doodads, and you get spying, for\
8 \ free, all the time.\" And it works. That's the sad part, it works."
9 id: 19425d3f-03ed-4dd7-a552-532a84e387af
data/quotes/1a15316b-b135-4fe2-a3f0-b6b3fa390fce less more
1 author: Haruki Murakami
2 content: I sometimes think that people's hearts are like deep wells. Nobody knows
3 what's at the bottom. All you can do is guess from what comes floating to the surface
4 every once in a while.
5 id: 1a15316b-b135-4fe2-a3f0-b6b3fa390fce
data/quotes/1a2427d5-21f4-41b5-8b3f-33f041fb3b78 less more
1 author: Haruki Murakami
2 content: I don't really know if it's the right thing to do, making new life. Kids
3 grow up, generations take their place. What does it all come to? More hills bulldozed
4 and more ocean fronts filled in? Faster cars and more cats run over? Who needs it?
5 id: 1a2427d5-21f4-41b5-8b3f-33f041fb3b78
data/quotes/1a251642-2988-41e9-a847-ac5a9900c600 less more
1 author: Lord Chief Justice Halisham
2 content: The only freedom which counts is the freedom to do what some other people
3 think to be wrong. There is no point in demanding freedom to do that which all will
4 applaud. All the so-called liberties or rights are things which have to be asserted
5 against others who claim that if such things are to be allowed their own rights
6 are infringed or their own liberties threatened. This is always true, even when
7 we speak of the freedom to worship, of the right of free speech or association,
8 or of public assembly. If we are to allow freedoms at all there will constantly
9 be complaints that either the liberty itself or the way in which it is exercised
10 is being abused, and, if it is a genuine freedom, these complaints will often be
11 justified. There is no way of having a free society in which there is not abuse.
12 Abuse is the very hallmark of liberty.
13 id: 1a251642-2988-41e9-a847-ac5a9900c600
data/quotes/1a30ce02-0598-47b2-8837-bd28015ca96c less more
1 author: Ray Smuckles, Achewood
2 content: No, I ain't got a fax machine! I also ain't got an Apple IIc, polio, or a
3 falcon.
4 id: 1a30ce02-0598-47b2-8837-bd28015ca96c
data/quotes/1a564773-45de-4fd1-bd15-8d54967793a7 less more
1 author: Alan Kay
2 content: Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict
3 the future is to invent it.
4 id: 1a564773-45de-4fd1-bd15-8d54967793a7
data/quotes/1a59b8a2-ba4d-4a16-9563-7a78db63c8fb less more
1 author: Jorge Luis Borges
2 content: "_Enamorarse es crear una religi\xF3n cuyo dios es falible._ \r\nTo fall\
3 \ in love is to create a religion whose god is fallible."
4 id: 1a59b8a2-ba4d-4a16-9563-7a78db63c8fb
data/quotes/1a947703-d6af-4269-816e-6ff8c9880b82 less more
1 author: 'Samuel Beckett
3 '
4 content: 'It is all very well to keep silence, but one has also to consider the kind
5 of silence one keeps.
7 '
8 id: 1a947703-d6af-4269-816e-6ff8c9880b82
data/quotes/1aa9b1bf-c9b5-4618-b108-4ef146493699 less more
1 author: George Orwell
2 content: The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection, that one
3 *is* sometimes willing to commit sins for the sake of loyalty, that one does not
4 push asceticism to the point where it makes friendly intercourse impossible, and
5 that one is prepared in the end to be defeated and broken up by life, which is the
6 inevitable price of fastening one's love upon other human individuals.
7 id: 1aa9b1bf-c9b5-4618-b108-4ef146493699
data/quotes/1abef251-59da-4ed8-87ef-9e98c40a37a5 less more
1 author: David Lynch
2 content: It makes me uncomfortable to talk about meanings and things. It is better
3 not to know so much about what things mean. Because the meaning, it's a very personal
4 thing and the meaning for me is different than the meaning for someone else.
5 id: 1abef251-59da-4ed8-87ef-9e98c40a37a5
data/quotes/1b80c0b9-d58b-4160-a21a-e90c81a3b2fe less more
1 author: zbir
2 content: yes, [web 2.0 is] a candy store where instead of sugar, water, and food coloring,
3 the Candyman used poop
4 id: 1b80c0b9-d58b-4160-a21a-e90c81a3b2fe
data/quotes/1bd2a9a4-4534-4d16-b8f5-bce4d973cf99 less more
1 author: Anna Quindlen
2 content: I would be content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think
3 decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves.
4 id: 1bd2a9a4-4534-4d16-b8f5-bce4d973cf99
data/quotes/1c036312-23e7-4bdc-b59d-94b2de1afead less more
1 author: Joey Comeau
2 content: It's too late for the government to train me to be a weapon. For someone
3 to approach me on the street, and to tell me I match a certain profile. I probably
4 won't even learn another language well enough to speak it fluently. Giant crazed
5 attack dogs won't ever suddenly act like scared puppies when they see me. I won't
6 ever be a grandmaster of chess, either. I don't think at this stage I can even reasonably
7 expect to make Expert. There are some things I regret as I get older, I guess. There
8 are a ton of traditional ways to be bad-ass, and I missed the boat. But that's okay.
9 It just means I have to be more creative. And then later that creativity will make
10 people think I was an evil genius, instead of just so desperate for a world with
11 monsters that I didn't mind becoming one myself. What I'm saying is - I stole an
12 ice cream cone yesterday from the 7-11 and I have no regrets at all.
13 id: 1c036312-23e7-4bdc-b59d-94b2de1afead
data/quotes/1c11e68a-cb8e-4586-a30e-cac383ba1cc9 less more
1 author: allegedly a toilet graffito at the Technical CS Department in Haifa, Israel
2 content: "C++ is like teenage sex:\n\n+ It's on everyone's mind all the time.\n\n\
3 + Everyone talks about it all the time.\n\n+ Everyone thinks everyone else is doing\
4 \ it.\n\n+ Almost no one is really doing it.\n\n+ The few who are doing it are\n\
5 \ + doing it poorly;\n + sure it will be better next time;\n + not practicing\
6 \ it safely."
7 id: 1c11e68a-cb8e-4586-a30e-cac383ba1cc9
data/quotes/1c691096-06b2-462f-b4ae-45f99c9dd33a less more
1 author: Werner Herzog
2 content: We only sound and look like badly pronounced and half-finished sentences
3 out of a stupid suburban... novel... a cheap novel.
4 id: 1c691096-06b2-462f-b4ae-45f99c9dd33a
data/quotes/1cab5713-7698-409a-9518-ab866d7ba57f less more
1 author: Chris Mazeika
2 content: Donald Rumsfeld declared the looting in Iraq following "liberation" to be
3 the consequence of "the pent-up feelings that result from decades of oppression".
4 We await his wisdom on New Orleans.
5 id: 1cab5713-7698-409a-9518-ab866d7ba57f
data/quotes/1da24fa9-732c-45a6-80fd-7308cad66ddc less more
1 author: Umberto Eco, *The Name of The Rose*
2 content: Books are not made to be believed, but to be subjected to inquiry. When we
3 consider a book, we mustn't ask ourselves what it says but what it means...
4 id: 1da24fa9-732c-45a6-80fd-7308cad66ddc
data/quotes/1e436cf0-e76b-49f0-90d4-2119de8aaad9 less more
1 author: George Carlin
2 content: 'Now, there''s one thing you might have noticed I don''t complain about:
3 politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well,
4 where do people think these politicians come from? They don''t fall out of the sky.
5 They don''t pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American
6 parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches,
7 American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American
8 citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It''s
9 what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant
10 citizens, you''re going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain''t going
11 to do any good; you''re just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish,
12 ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it''s not the politicians who suck.
13 Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks.
14 There''s a nice campaign slogan for somebody: "The Public Sucks. Fuck Hope."'
15 id: 1e436cf0-e76b-49f0-90d4-2119de8aaad9
data/quotes/1e551737-77e5-4c4b-9694-41bebb40b949 less more
1 author: The Last Psychiatrist
2 content: 'You want something uplifting, so here you go: you can never have a good
3 relationship with anyone when your focus is the relationship. There''s a human being
4 there who existed well before you got to them, and they weren''t built for you or
5 your needs or your parents or your future dreams as an actor. If you want to be
6 happy with someone then your body and mind have to instinctively adapt to their
7 happiness. If you''re not ready for this kind of sacrifice, then you''re simply
8 not ready.'
9 id: 1e551737-77e5-4c4b-9694-41bebb40b949
data/quotes/1e5d0c42-00f7-4fed-afe0-6982fdeac33b less more
1 author: Aldous Huxley
2 content: That people do not learn very much from history is the most important of
3 all the lessons history has to teach.
4 id: 1e5d0c42-00f7-4fed-afe0-6982fdeac33b
data/quotes/1ed09582-ab66-48d4-be17-cf86e372b0f9 less more
1 author: Umberto Eco, *The Name of The Rose*
2 content: True learning must not be content with ideas, which are, in fact, signs,
3 but must discover things in their individual truth.
4 id: 1ed09582-ab66-48d4-be17-cf86e372b0f9
data/quotes/1ef22fb2-565c-4a1b-ac80-364daa73c7d5 less more
1 author: Ambrose Bierce
2 content: Cat, n. A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked
3 when things go wrong in the domestic circle.
4 id: 1ef22fb2-565c-4a1b-ac80-364daa73c7d5
data/quotes/1f11c88e-9f27-4345-b9ab-504d60ee81d0 less more
1 author: Alan Perlis
2 content: 'Re graphics: A picture is worth 10K words - but only those to describe
3 the picture. Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described with pictures.'
4 id: 1f11c88e-9f27-4345-b9ab-504d60ee81d0
data/quotes/1f1ac10a-637e-4982-9ad9-5cc4232ca3ac less more
1 author: Georges Bataille
2 content: I don't want your love unless you know I am repulsive, and love me even as
3 you know it.
4 id: 1f1ac10a-637e-4982-9ad9-5cc4232ca3ac
data/quotes/1f57fd0a-ca00-41e8-bfd6-3eff41e73179 less more
1 author: Dorothy Allison
2 content: I do not write about nice people. I am not nice people.
3 id: 1f57fd0a-ca00-41e8-bfd6-3eff41e73179
data/quotes/1f5d2d61-c53c-47a2-84be-0da1091d309e less more
1 author: Werner Herzog
2 content: Tourism is sin, and travel on foot virtue.
3 id: 1f5d2d61-c53c-47a2-84be-0da1091d309e
data/quotes/1fe31033-ec56-4712-9b82-5215fa2f2dd0 less more
1 author: TPHD
4 id: 1fe31033-ec56-4712-9b82-5215fa2f2dd0
data/quotes/208e1d84-7b8d-4db5-960e-4c33a4b8fded less more
1 author: The Last Psychiatrist
2 content: One of the great insights of psychoanalysis is that you never really want
3 an object, you only want the wanting, which means the solution is to set your sights
4 on an impossible ideal and work hard to reach it. You won't. That's not just okay,
5 that's the point. It's ok if you fantasize about knowing kung fu if you then try
6 to actually learn kung fu, eventually you will understand you can never really know
7 kung fu, and then you will die. And it will have been worth it.
8 id: 208e1d84-7b8d-4db5-960e-4c33a4b8fded
data/quotes/20ce414d-813b-41d7-af82-734317794380 less more
1 author: Karl Marx
2 content: "Finally, I desired that, if there is to be talk about philosophy, there\
3 \ should be less trifling with the label \"atheism\" (which reminds one of children,\
4 \ assuring everyone who is ready to listen to them that they are not afraid of the\
5 \ bogy man), and that instead the content of philosophy should be brought to the\
6 \ people. Voil\xE0 tout."
7 id: 20ce414d-813b-41d7-af82-734317794380
data/quotes/21451556-74ed-4277-9e89-b6536b0162ec less more
1 author: Sean "Teki" Dobbs
2 content: 'I like my terminals like my women: VT100 compatible with Tektronix extensions.'
3 id: 21451556-74ed-4277-9e89-b6536b0162ec
data/quotes/21ac1347-68f1-4fe6-9718-ba6aaa4d36aa less more
1 author: Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
2 content: "Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Five years later? \
3 \ Six? It seems like a lifetime, or at least a Main Era \u2014 the kind of peak\
4 \ that never comes again. San Francisco in the middle sixties was a very special\
5 \ time and place to be a part of. Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the\
6 \ long run... There was madness in any direction, at any hour. If not across the\
7 \ Bay, then up the Golden Gate or down 101 to Los Altos or La Honda... You could\
8 \ strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we\
9 \ were doing was right, that we were winning...\n\nAnd that, I think, was the handle\
10 \ \u2014 that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in\
11 \ any mean or military sense; we didn't need that. Our energy would simply prevail.\
12 \ There was no point in fighting \u2014 on our side or theirs. We had all the\
13 \ momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. So now, less\
14 \ than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West,\
15 \ and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark \u2014\
16 \ that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back."
17 id: 21ac1347-68f1-4fe6-9718-ba6aaa4d36aa
data/quotes/21ed3c44-bd31-4536-8a08-ccf64602e76e less more
1 author: pastabagel
2 content: The Blackberry is basically a corporate house-arrest ankle bracelet that
3 prevents you from thinking about anything other than your job no matter where you
4 are in the world.
5 id: 21ed3c44-bd31-4536-8a08-ccf64602e76e
data/quotes/22ae5156-3560-4e34-825f-0f398a0b5cc5 less more
1 author: Thant Tessman
2 content: 'Or here''s an even simpler indicator of how much C++ sucks: Print out the
3 C++ Public Review Document. Have someone hold it about three feet above your
4 head and then drop it. Thus you will be enlightened.'
5 id: 22ae5156-3560-4e34-825f-0f398a0b5cc5
data/quotes/22f284ef-f422-4871-ab7e-c15fc9152f61 less more
1 author: Joey Comeau
2 content: When you correct someone's grammar, try to remember those rules are like
3 the stars you see through a telescope, just pretty echoes of the long dead.
4 id: 22f284ef-f422-4871-ab7e-c15fc9152f61
data/quotes/240a2c64-5f66-4be5-bed7-fae67f6da33f less more
1 author: The Last Psychiatrist
2 content: "Pop culture controls you even if you think you're separate from it. It is\
3 \ everywhere, from the clothes you wear to the language you use to the way you think.\
4 \ It is a viral pandemic that masks infection by pretending to be part of you. There's\
5 \ no cure. But if you know the structure of the virus, at least you can recognize\
6 \ the infection as not-you. \r\n\r\n\"No way, I'm not getting infected, I'm not\
7 \ exposing myself to all that trash. I'm going to think for myself.\"\r\n \r\nThat's\
8 \ the virus talking."
9 id: 240a2c64-5f66-4be5-bed7-fae67f6da33f
data/quotes/24462d4b-6cc1-4237-a693-82acd8b95d28 less more
1 author: Thant Tessman
2 content: Being really good at C++ is like being really good at using rocks to sharpen
3 sticks.
4 id: 24462d4b-6cc1-4237-a693-82acd8b95d28
data/quotes/2510a963-d049-45e6-88c4-30dc08c4003a less more
1 author: Johann Sebastian Bach
2 content: There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys
3 at the right time and the instrument plays itself.
4 id: 2510a963-d049-45e6-88c4-30dc08c4003a
data/quotes/25b8cdf6-dd5f-4e15-82ed-11a167dbaa78 less more
1 author: Neil Postman
2 content: "Every technology has a prejudice. Like language itself, it predisposes us\
3 \ to favor and value certain perspectives and accomplishments. In a culture without\
4 \ writing, human memory is of the greatest importance, as are the proverbs, sayings\
5 \ and songs which contain the accumulated oral wisdom of centuries. That is why\
6 \ Solomon was thought to be the wisest of men. In Kings I we are told he knew 3,000\
7 \ proverbs. But in a culture with writing, such feats of memory are considered a\
8 \ waste of time, and proverbs are merely irrelevant fancies. The writing person\
9 \ favors logical organization and systematic analysis, not proverbs. The telegraphic\
10 \ person values speed, not introspection. The television person values immediacy,\
11 \ not history...\r\n\r\nEvery technology has a philosophy which is given expression\
12 \ in how the technology makes people use their minds, in what it makes us do with\
13 \ our bodies, in how it codifies the world, in which of our senses it amplifies,\
14 \ in which of our emotional and intellectual tendencies it disregards. This idea\
15 \ is the sum and substance of what the great Catholic prophet, Marshall McLuhan\
16 \ meant when he coined the famous sentence, \u201CThe medium is the message.\u201D"
17 id: 25b8cdf6-dd5f-4e15-82ed-11a167dbaa78
data/quotes/25ed0a31-9458-4960-8862-14f00bbeb921 less more
1 author: David Barbour
2 content: I have no plans to learn UML before I die. I'm sure they'll be teaching it
3 in hell.
4 id: 25ed0a31-9458-4960-8862-14f00bbeb921
data/quotes/25f52f00-d1d1-470a-b1e7-eaba8f8eb03d less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman
2 content: I was never afraid of dead folk. You know that? They never hurt you. So many
3 things in this town can hurt you, but the dead don't hurt hurt you. Living people
4 hurt you. They hurt you so bad.
5 id: 25f52f00-d1d1-470a-b1e7-eaba8f8eb03d
data/quotes/27aea13e-9ca0-46ee-a34f-f117ffad88c6 less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman
2 content: The house smelled musty and damp, and a little sweet, as if it were haunted
3 by the ghosts of long-dead cookies.
4 id: 27aea13e-9ca0-46ee-a34f-f117ffad88c6
data/quotes/28f0e703-045c-46ed-93f2-5a005fd0cce2 less more
1 author: Maurice Blanchot
2 content: "But what else results from this? Whoever acknowledges effective action in\
3 \ the thick of history as his essential task cannot prefer artistic action. Art\
4 \ acts poorly and little. It is clear that if Marx had followed the dreams of his\
5 \ youth and written the most beautiful novels in the world, he would have enchanted\
6 \ the world, but he would not have shaken it. Thus it is Capital that must be written\
7 \ and not War and Peace. We must not depict the murder of Caesar; we must be Brutus.\
8 \ These associations, these comparisons will appear absurd to contemplative minds.\
9 \ But as soon as art measures itself against action, immediate and pressing action\
10 \ can only put it in the wrong. It suffices to remember what H\xF6lderlin wrote\u2014\
11 H\xF6lderlin about whom it would not be enough to say that his fate was linked to\
12 \ poetry\u2019s, for he had no existence at all except in and for poetry. And yet,\
13 \ in 1799, speaking of the revolution which he saw imperiled, he wrote to his brother,\r\
14 \n\r\n> And if the kingdom of darkness erupts after all in full force, then let\
15 \ us throw our pens under the table and go in God\u2019s name where the need is\
16 \ greatest and our presence the most useful.\r\n\r\nArtistic activity, for him indeed\
17 \ who has chosen it, proves insufficient at the decisive hours\u2014those hours\
18 \ that ring every hour\u2014when \u201Cthe poet must complete his message by renouncing\
19 \ himself.\u201D\r\n"
20 id: 28f0e703-045c-46ed-93f2-5a005fd0cce2
data/quotes/2917e804-587b-4451-9a8d-6bd2c3074081 less more
1 author: Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon
2 content: Amy glances out the window; her hair, skin, and clothes take on a pronounced
3 reddish tinge from Doppler effect as she drops out of the conversation at relativistic
4 velocity.
5 id: 2917e804-587b-4451-9a8d-6bd2c3074081
data/quotes/2931e7b2-0b72-403d-9e26-d6a4113e0f94 less more
1 author: Marcus Aurelius
2 content: You are not compelled to form any opinion about this matter before you, nor
3 to disturb your peace of mind at all. Things in themselves have no power to extort
4 a verdict from you.
5 id: 2931e7b2-0b72-403d-9e26-d6a4113e0f94
data/quotes/2960cd9e-0a99-47ab-8f4a-6fe44f83c4b2 less more
1 author: Ray Bradbury
2 content: "For these beings, fall is the ever normal season, the only weather, there\
3 \ be no choice beyond. Where do they come from? The dust. Where do they go? The\
4 \ grave. Does blood stir their veins? No: the night wind. What ticks in their head?\
5 \ The worm. What speaks from their mouth? The toad. What sees from their eye? The\
6 \ snake. What hears with their ear? The abyss between the stars. They sift the human\
7 \ storm for souls, eat flesh of reason, fill tombs with sinners. They frenzy forth.\
8 \ In gusts they beetle-scurry, creep, thread, filter, motion, make all moons sullen,\
9 \ and surely cloud all clear-run waters. The spider-web hears them, trembles\u2014\
10 breaks. Such are the autumn people. Beware of them."
11 id: 2960cd9e-0a99-47ab-8f4a-6fe44f83c4b2
data/quotes/2972d4c4-499c-47d2-ae25-6de1ff4262f5 less more
1 author: Marshall McLuhan
2 content: Innovation for holders of conventional wisdom is not novelty but annihilation.
3 id: 2972d4c4-499c-47d2-ae25-6de1ff4262f5
data/quotes/2a1c25a2-6410-4cd9-b9c8-753bb2284718 less more
1 author: Kurt Vonnegut
2 content: 'Oh, she says well, you''re not a poor man. You know, why don''t you go online
3 and buy a hundred envelopes and put them in the closet? And so I pretend not to
4 hear her. And go out to get an envelope because I''m going to have a hell of a good
5 time in the process of buying one envelope. I meet a lot of people. And, see some
6 great looking babes. And a fire engine goes by. And I give them the thumbs up. And,
7 and ask a woman what kind of dog that is. And, and I don''t know. The moral of the
8 story is, is we''re here on Earth to fart around. And, of course, the computers
9 will do us out of that. And, what the computer people don''t realize, or they don''t
10 care, is we''re dancing animals. You know, we love to move around. And, we''re not
11 supposed to dance at all anymore. '
12 id: 2a1c25a2-6410-4cd9-b9c8-753bb2284718
data/quotes/2a55935e-310c-4736-8126-0430d4b47036 less more
1 author: Urban Dictionary
2 content: Ubuntu is an ancient African word, meaning "I can't configure Debian."
3 id: 2a55935e-310c-4736-8126-0430d4b47036
data/quotes/2a6ddee0-ed5b-436a-b86c-d7cd44c5a0a2 less more
1 author: Peter Sellars
2 content: The most important art in the last fifty years in this country is boring
3 art. What is important about John Cage or Jackson Pollock is it's boring.
4 id: 2a6ddee0-ed5b-436a-b86c-d7cd44c5a0a2
data/quotes/2a6f7d47-b0b9-4793-accc-9561716bfc7d less more
1 author: David Simon
2 content: Albert Camus, a great humanist and existentialist voice, pointed out that
3 to commit to a just cause with no hope of success is absurd. But then he also noted
4 that not committing to a just cause is equally absurd. But only one choice offers
5 the possibility for dignity. And dignity matters.
6 id: 2a6f7d47-b0b9-4793-accc-9561716bfc7d
data/quotes/2a911d00-faeb-424b-8fe0-30b4475ad43e less more
1 author: Bertrand Russell
2 content: Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth, more than ruin, more
3 even than death... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible,
4 thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit.
5 Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. Thought is great and swift
6 and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man.
7 id: 2a911d00-faeb-424b-8fe0-30b4475ad43e
data/quotes/2ad1b26e-5b70-4e22-9ec4-7de39391853b less more
1 author: Eddie Kohler
2 content: Computer science is good because it has two words and I like both of them.
3 I also like "butt" and "futz" but you have no degree in futz butt.
4 id: 2ad1b26e-5b70-4e22-9ec4-7de39391853b
data/quotes/2b151dcc-5600-47cd-b370-cb496f576a44 less more
1 author: David A. Wollheim
2 content: The tendency to believe that things never change, the inertia of daily existence,
3 is a staple of living. It has always been a delusion.
4 id: 2b151dcc-5600-47cd-b370-cb496f576a44
data/quotes/2b164f8e-1594-4a09-baae-eb67156a41fc less more
1 author: Federico Fellini
2 content: Don't tell me what I'm doing. I don't want to know.
3 id: 2b164f8e-1594-4a09-baae-eb67156a41fc
data/quotes/2be8d920-da25-4fcb-8011-132be00d2039 less more
1 author: Jack Kerouac
2 content: 'Came down from my
4 ivory tower
6 and found no world'
7 id: 2be8d920-da25-4fcb-8011-132be00d2039
data/quotes/2c727cc5-e61d-49c8-a439-f1dbb7bce82d less more
1 author: George Bernard Shaw
2 content: 'Why not telegraph to London, I thought, for some music to review? Reviewing
3 has one advantage over suicide. In suicide you take it out of yourself: in reviewing
4 you take it out of other people.'
5 id: 2c727cc5-e61d-49c8-a439-f1dbb7bce82d
data/quotes/2c9dbad1-36f1-4e3e-bbc1-55219b15e992 less more
1 author: The Gospel of Thomas
2 content: 'hotan etetnshanshope hmpovoein ov pe tetnaaf
4 When you should come to be in the light, what shall you do?'
5 id: 2c9dbad1-36f1-4e3e-bbc1-55219b15e992
data/quotes/2d7a156b-4508-45b1-93c9-072994d04c17 less more
1 author: Bill Hicks
2 content: By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising... kill yourself.
3 Thank you. Just planting seeds, planting seeds is all I'm doing. No joke here, really.
4 Seriously, kill yourself. You have no rationalization for what you do. You are Satan's
5 little helpers. ... Kill yourself now.
6 id: 2d7a156b-4508-45b1-93c9-072994d04c17
data/quotes/2d982c41-5288-4874-bd3d-de3bc39a5d27 less more
1 author: Margaret Cho
2 content: Why should I observe the Sabbath when I could observe dick?
3 id: 2d982c41-5288-4874-bd3d-de3bc39a5d27
data/quotes/2e122633-1bb2-4f0b-8d84-c54e00498f39 less more
1 author: Neil Postman
2 content: "(Paraphrased) questions to ask of a new technology:\r\n\r\n- What is the\
3 \ problem to which this technology is the solution?\r\n- Whose problem is it?\r\n\
4 - What new problems might result from solving this problem?\r\n- Which people and\
5 \ institutions might be harmed by this solution?\r\n- How does the new technology\
6 \ change our language, and what are the implications of that?\r\n- What people and\
7 \ institutions gain economic or politcal power because of the technological change?\r\
8 \n"
9 id: 2e122633-1bb2-4f0b-8d84-c54e00498f39
data/quotes/2e2472f0-07df-40d8-87ea-bbbc3c4dc2c3 less more
1 author: Manuel de Landa
2 content: Idealists have it easy. Their reality is uniformly populated by appearances
3 or phenomena, structured by linguistic representations or social conventions, so
4 they can feel safe to engage in metaphysical speculation knowing that the contents
5 of their world have been settled in advance. Realists, on the other hand, are committed
6 to assert the autonomy of reality from the human mind, but then must struggle to
7 define what inhabits that reality.
8 id: 2e2472f0-07df-40d8-87ea-bbbc3c4dc2c3
data/quotes/2e30e4fa-9e7b-47bd-b7cf-4de64766a5a5 less more
1 author: Charlie Stross
2 content: ' long as steampunk is nothing more than what happens when goths discover
3 brown.'
4 id: 2e30e4fa-9e7b-47bd-b7cf-4de64766a5a5
data/quotes/2e3b8bbd-c85e-41e9-a29e-f86aee8c3cab less more
1 author: Jorge Luis Borges
2 content: Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if
3 the sand were stone.
4 id: 2e3b8bbd-c85e-41e9-a29e-f86aee8c3cab
data/quotes/2e48c034-c977-43e4-9819-2260c6338671 less more
1 author: 'Louis C.K.
3 '
4 content: "Offending people is a necessary and healthy act. Every time you say something\
5 \ that\u2019s offensive to another person you just caused a discussion. You just\
6 \ forced them to have to think.\n"
7 id: 2e48c034-c977-43e4-9819-2260c6338671
data/quotes/2e5b3c3b-a329-4b29-bbe6-148f52b8ccea less more
1 author: William E. H. Lecky
2 content: There is no point in waiting. The train stopped running years ago. All the
3 schedules, the brochures, the bright-colored posters full of lies, promise rides
4 to a distant country that no longer exists.
5 id: 2e5b3c3b-a329-4b29-bbe6-148f52b8ccea
data/quotes/2e6aaa68-bbe1-4110-b322-6d4be67106b3 less more
1 author: Jo Walton
2 content: Peace means something different from 'not fighting'. Those aren't peace advocates,
3 they're 'stop fighting' advocates. Peace is an active and complex thing and sometimes
4 fighting is part of what it takes to get it.
5 id: 2e6aaa68-bbe1-4110-b322-6d4be67106b3
data/quotes/2ed7bd6f-7b37-4063-b5e4-ea487d321f22 less more
1 author: Bertrand Russell
2 content: To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.
3 id: 2ed7bd6f-7b37-4063-b5e4-ea487d321f22
data/quotes/2fb10ed1-40b3-40a1-a8ea-229ddc925941 less more
1 author: Kurt Vonnegut
2 content: 'Thompson, if he is to be believed, has sampled the entire rainbow of legal
3 and illegal drugs in heroic efforts to feel better than he does. As for the truth
4 about his health: I have asked around about it. I am told that he appears to be
5 strong and rosy, and steadily sane. But we will be doing what he wants us to do,
6 I think, if we consider his exterior a sort of Dorian Gray facade. Inwardly, he
7 is being eaten alive by tinhorn politicians. The disease is fatal. There is no known
8 cure. The most we can do for the poor devil, it seems to me, is to name his disease
9 in his honor. From this moment on, let all those who feel that Americans can be
10 as easily led to beauty as to ugliness, to truth as to public relations, to joy
11 as to bitterness, be said to be suffering from Hunter Thompson''s disease. I don''t
12 have it this morning. It comes and goes. This morning I don''t have Hunter Thompson''s
13 disease.'
14 id: 2fb10ed1-40b3-40a1-a8ea-229ddc925941
data/quotes/30392e16-d50f-4aea-9239-87226054ea5c less more
1 author: Steve Yegge
2 content: Java is like a variant of the game of Tetris in which none of the pieces
3 can fill gaps created by the other pieces, so all you can do is pile them up endlessly.
4 id: 30392e16-d50f-4aea-9239-87226054ea5c
data/quotes/30f2aa4f-0dc6-49a3-b3cf-0ce67c8fd592 less more
1 author: Heraclitus
2 content: 'Metaballon anapautetai
4 Even while it changes, it stands still.'
5 id: 30f2aa4f-0dc6-49a3-b3cf-0ce67c8fd592
data/quotes/3196ed32-320a-4cdd-b020-a9a4bb66a63a less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek\n"
2 content: "The true ethical test is not only the readiness to save the victims, but\
3 \ also\u2014even more, perhaps\u2014the ruthless dedication to annihilating those\
4 \ who made them victims.\n"
5 id: 3196ed32-320a-4cdd-b020-a9a4bb66a63a
data/quotes/3199d4eb-68ef-4085-9f07-07a0d3f186c1 less more
1 author: Alejandro Jodorowsky
2 content: I like violence. I love violence! I hate the weak person who go to art and
3 say "Oh, that hurt me... that image!" Why to make picture for that person? They
4 are blind! Poetry is violent. This is the reality. There is so much in a violent
5 world... they don't want to see that. I am in the middle of violence. I am in the
6 middle of the screen of television now. There I am.
7 id: 3199d4eb-68ef-4085-9f07-07a0d3f186c1
data/quotes/3330bfb4-e9ff-4bf3-b5a9-c76c13adae8c less more
1 author: Umberto Eco, Foucault's Pendulum
2 content: "One morning Amparo and I were driving along the coast after having attended\
3 \ a seminar on the class structure of the lumpenproletariat. I saw some votive offerings\
4 \ on the beach, little candles, white garlands. Amparo told me they were offerings\
5 \ to Yemanj\xE1, goddess of the waters. We stopped, and she got out and walked demurely\
6 \ onto the sand, stood a few moments in silence. I asked her if she believed in\
7 \ this. She retorted angrily: How could I think such a thing? Then she added, \"\
8 My grandmother used to bring me to the beach here, and she would pray to the goddess\
9 \ to make me grow up beautiful and good and happy. Who was that Italian philosopher\
10 \ who made that comment about black cats and coral horns? 'It's not true, but I\
11 \ believe in it'? Well, I don't believe in it, but it's true.\""
12 id: 3330bfb4-e9ff-4bf3-b5a9-c76c13adae8c
data/quotes/33480f24-440d-462f-83dd-db32f682b029 less more
1 author: Catherine O'Hara
2 content: Night time is really the best time to work. All the ideas are there to be
3 yours because everyone else is asleep.
4 id: 33480f24-440d-462f-83dd-db32f682b029
data/quotes/33eca3f7-5536-4236-be63-e5898dba50ef less more
1 author: Abdal-Hakim Murad
2 content: True religion invites us to become better people. False religion tells us
3 that this has already occurred.
4 id: 33eca3f7-5536-4236-be63-e5898dba50ef
data/quotes/34cbd551-dc18-4fdd-b998-ef29454611c1 less more
1 author: Esther Dyson
2 content: Consumers are distressingly, disappointingly obtuse when it comes to their
3 own personal privacy.
4 id: 34cbd551-dc18-4fdd-b998-ef29454611c1
data/quotes/34e72405-1447-48a0-bad4-dbadc06904c4 less more
1 author: Ryan North
2 content: Relationships are for the young and criminally insane.
3 id: 34e72405-1447-48a0-bad4-dbadc06904c4
data/quotes/36430d65-271d-4224-9941-aa8b609943a9 less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek"
2 content: '''Atheism'' is a miserable, pathetic stance of those who long for God but
3 cannot find him (or who ''rebel against God''). A true atheist does not choose atheism:
4 for him, the question itself is irrelevant.'
5 id: 36430d65-271d-4224-9941-aa8b609943a9
data/quotes/36650ba2-a369-4974-b7d5-508660b8f007 less more
1 author: The Last Psychiatrist
2 content: "Step 1\u2014 actually, there's only ever one step\u2014 focus precisely\
3 \ on the words."
4 id: 36650ba2-a369-4974-b7d5-508660b8f007
data/quotes/36721ac7-5f3e-4261-86c3-f4bef979d27b less more
1 author: Alan Kay
2 content: Being able to read a warning on a pill bottle or write about a summer vacation
3 is not literacy and our society should not treat it so.
4 id: 36721ac7-5f3e-4261-86c3-f4bef979d27b
data/quotes/37bffce5-94e9-4207-a394-6bc0fecc12b2 less more
1 author: Paul Rand
2 content: It is important to use your hands. This is what distinguishes you from a
3 cow or a computer operator.
4 id: 37bffce5-94e9-4207-a394-6bc0fecc12b2
data/quotes/386b8bd4-fd81-43d1-a86c-d02f494abb29 less more
1 author: Wallace Sayre
2 content: Academic politics is the most vicious and bitter form of politics, because
3 the stakes are so low.
4 id: 386b8bd4-fd81-43d1-a86c-d02f494abb29
data/quotes/38999754-0e2a-4abb-960f-8aaec6b960f3 less more
1 author: Haruki Murakami
2 content: Having an object that symbolizes freedom might make a person happier than
3 actually getting the freedom it represents.
4 id: 38999754-0e2a-4abb-960f-8aaec6b960f3
data/quotes/389c6bc8-aebe-4d70-bf66-39463e3fe3bd less more
1 author: 'Spider Jerusalem
3 Warren Ellis''s "Transmetropolitan"'
4 content: 'The future is an inherently good thing, and we move into it one winter at
5 a time. Things get better one winter at a time. So if you''re going to celebrate
6 something, then have a drink on this: the world is, generally and on balance, a
7 better place to live this year than it was last year. For instance, I didn''t have
8 this gun last year.'
9 id: 389c6bc8-aebe-4d70-bf66-39463e3fe3bd
data/quotes/38dabd07-ac3a-44cf-94c2-3f3f92534d47 less more
1 author: Ta-Nehisi Coates
2 content: The fact that 'there are only a handful of bad cops' cuts no ice with me.
3 If 'only a handful of McDonald's are spitting in your food,' you're not going to
4 McDonald's.
5 id: 38dabd07-ac3a-44cf-94c2-3f3f92534d47
data/quotes/39021d5e-6509-4ee5-94b2-47ec7428de4a less more
1 author: Delirium
2 content: Sometimes I remember things everyone else has forgotten for ever and always.
3 Does that ever happen to you?
4 id: 39021d5e-6509-4ee5-94b2-47ec7428de4a
data/quotes/390f213f-86df-467e-82aa-7ad945eb0f55 less more
1 author: Umberto Eco, Foucault's Pendulum
2 content: "Incredulity doesn't kill curiosity; it encourages it. Though distrustful\
3 \ of logical chains of ideas, I loved the polyphony of ideas. As long as you don't\
4 \ believe in them, the collision of two ideas \u2014 both false \u2014 can create\
5 \ a pleasing interval, a kind of diabolus in musica. I had no respect for some ideas\
6 \ people were willing to stake their lives on, but two or three ideas that I did\
7 \ not respect might still make a nice melody. Or have a good beat, and if it was\
8 \ jazz, all the better."
9 id: 390f213f-86df-467e-82aa-7ad945eb0f55
data/quotes/3916b701-f127-4183-8e81-e5dd3495127a less more
1 author: Thich Nhat Hanh, The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching
2 content: Relatively speaking, there are right views and wrong views. But if we look
3 more deeply we see that all views are wrong.
4 id: 3916b701-f127-4183-8e81-e5dd3495127a
data/quotes/3965dfd6-d1e4-4dd8-9361-87e9b454e8e3 less more
1 author: Paul Ford
2 content: '[Plan 9] did not become the successor to Unix, but the ideas within it are
3 reinvented, in a debased and half-considered form, about once an hour in the open
4 source community.'
5 id: 3965dfd6-d1e4-4dd8-9361-87e9b454e8e3
data/quotes/3a1e7d31-f4f3-4d4c-90b2-d5471d191941 less more
1 author: Orson Welles
2 content: I don't pray because I don't want to bore God.
3 id: 3a1e7d31-f4f3-4d4c-90b2-d5471d191941
data/quotes/3a9ecb75-c623-4c78-ac94-a1bfe36966d6 less more
1 author: Vincent van Gogh
2 content: Poetry surrounds us everywhere, but putting it on paper is, alas, not so
3 easy as looking at it.
4 id: 3a9ecb75-c623-4c78-ac94-a1bfe36966d6
data/quotes/3af0dfa7-b339-4a3e-9bc6-5fb86c30276b less more
1 author: Mad Tom, Grant Morrison's The Invisibles
2 content: People look at us and see the poor and the mad, but they're looking at us
3 through the bars of their cages. There's a palace in your head, boy. Learn to live
4 in it always.
5 id: 3af0dfa7-b339-4a3e-9bc6-5fb86c30276b
data/quotes/3b53abcf-408d-4334-9f7a-c19804ef0bcb less more
1 author: Jacques Lacan
2 content: 'First off, let''s get rid of this average Joe, who does not exist. He is
3 a statistical fiction. There are individuals, and that is all. When I hear people
4 talking about the guy in the street, studies of public opinion, mass phenomena,
5 and so on, I think of all the patients that I''ve seen on the couch in forty years
6 of listening. None of them in any measure resembled the others, none of them had
7 the same phobias and anxieties, the same way of talking, the same fear of not understanding.
8 Who is the average Joe: me, you, my concierge, the president of the Republic?'
9 id: 3b53abcf-408d-4334-9f7a-c19804ef0bcb
data/quotes/3b7cb313-5e2b-453a-83f3-3c6f8d0e241b less more
1 author: Gertrude Stein
2 content: Everyone gets so much information all day long that they lose their common
3 sense.
4 id: 3b7cb313-5e2b-453a-83f3-3c6f8d0e241b
data/quotes/3bbd67a5-9dc8-475e-bf96-4a1b97fb8e76 less more
1 author: Thant Tessman
2 content: OO is like the Bible in that which scripture is to be interpreted metaphorically,
3 and which is to be interpreted literally, is entirely a function of the religious
4 agenda of the commentator. My own advice is to keep in mind that the stuff of computer
5 programs is nothing but metaphor.
6 id: 3bbd67a5-9dc8-475e-bf96-4a1b97fb8e76
data/quotes/3c4e44eb-3910-404c-a3d0-15540e30f32b less more
1 author: Richard P. Gabriel
2 content: All significant programming languages are expressively, conceptually, and
3 aesthetically equivalent to Fortran and assembly language.
4 id: 3c4e44eb-3910-404c-a3d0-15540e30f32b
data/quotes/3c56fe3c-1fcb-48a8-a0e1-d36f0fee7e80 less more
1 author: Miyamoto Musashi
2 content: "The primary thing when you take a sword in your hands is your intention\
3 \ to cut the enemy, whatever the means. Whenever you parry, hit, spring, strike\
4 \ or touch the enemy\u2019s cutting sword, you must cut the enemy in the same movement.\
5 \ It is essential to attain this. If you think only of hitting, springing, striking\
6 \ or touching the enemy, you will not be able actually to cut him."
7 id: 3c56fe3c-1fcb-48a8-a0e1-d36f0fee7e80
data/quotes/3c67f18e-910a-46dd-840e-815eeb744efa less more
1 author: Umberto Eco
2 content: A narrator should not supply interpretations of his work; otherwise he would
3 not have written a novel, which is a machine for generating interpretations.
4 id: 3c67f18e-910a-46dd-840e-815eeb744efa
data/quotes/3c91414a-b55b-4ba8-8829-25766eab272e less more
1 author: Pastabagel
2 content: "The world is my museum, displaying my collections on loan. The James Savages\
3 \ of the world are merely curators.\r\n\r\nAs I am the curator of their things,\
4 \ and thus together we all share the world."
5 id: 3c91414a-b55b-4ba8-8829-25766eab272e
data/quotes/3c9c9e96-e785-4246-b34d-dfee3bb1467c less more
1 author: E.E. Cummings
2 content: "my advice to all young people who wish to become poets is: do something\
3 \ easy, like learning how to blow up the world\u2014unless you're not only willing,\
4 \ but glad, to feel and work and fight till you die. \nDoes this sound dismal?\
5 \ It isn't. \nIt's the most wonderful life on earth. \nOr so I feel."
6 id: 3c9c9e96-e785-4246-b34d-dfee3bb1467c
data/quotes/3d096faa-cced-4f43-b43d-0e4b8b828cb9 less more
1 author: Mel Brooks
2 content: Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall down an open manhole
3 cover and die.
4 id: 3d096faa-cced-4f43-b43d-0e4b8b828cb9
data/quotes/3e391c3c-7c5c-4f89-97eb-182d323b15c5 less more
1 author: Woody Allen
2 content: I don't want to achieve immortality through my work ... I want to achieve
3 it through not dying.
4 id: 3e391c3c-7c5c-4f89-97eb-182d323b15c5
data/quotes/3f4fd4db-3b3b-4143-8914-017e25fa578c less more
1 author: Delirium
2 content: Not knowing everything is all that makes it okay, sometimes.
3 id: 3f4fd4db-3b3b-4143-8914-017e25fa578c
data/quotes/404486f5-31f4-4ae8-ac6d-11a7ce176e82 less more
1 author: Ralph Waldo Emerson
2 content: Man is a god, in ruins
3 id: 404486f5-31f4-4ae8-ac6d-11a7ce176e82
data/quotes/40c70947-257a-4cf9-9b62-e783e238c1b4 less more
1 author: Niccolo Machiavelli
2 content: ' may second their fortune, but cannot oppose it; that they may weave
3 its warp, but cannot break it. Yet they should never give up, because there is always
4 hope, though they know not the end and move towards it along roads which cross one
5 another and as yet are unexplored; and since there is hope, they should not despair,
6 no matter what fortune brings or in what travail they find themselves.'
7 id: 40c70947-257a-4cf9-9b62-e783e238c1b4
data/quotes/41c5f555-aef7-473f-abe3-be1008a250de less more
1 author: Claire Wolfe
2 content: America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,
3 but too early to shoot the bastards.
4 id: 41c5f555-aef7-473f-abe3-be1008a250de
data/quotes/42fa8ab2-7878-451b-b565-5bfa41a91d6f less more
1 author: John Cage
2 content: If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an
3 ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off
4 from a good deal of experience.
5 id: 42fa8ab2-7878-451b-b565-5bfa41a91d6f
data/quotes/431df26c-1cf3-480e-91a8-402e47122c20 less more
1 author: Antonio Gramsci
2 content: I hate the indifferent. I believe that living means taking sides. Those who
3 really live cannot help being a citizen and a partisan. Indifference and apathy
4 are parasitism, perversion, not life. That is why I hate the indifferent.
5 id: 431df26c-1cf3-480e-91a8-402e47122c20
data/quotes/438bb1c4-c4e9-4b92-b28f-44c80333b083 less more
1 author: 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'
2 content: You will never come up against a greater adversary than your own potential.
3 id: 438bb1c4-c4e9-4b92-b28f-44c80333b083
data/quotes/43d8b144-1b49-42d1-a558-5dea1fad426f less more
1 author: supposedly seen on a bulletin board at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
2 content: Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem.
3 id: 43d8b144-1b49-42d1-a558-5dea1fad426f
data/quotes/4449ce76-ef07-4fc4-90ef-14b8bd75137b less more
1 author: George Carlin
2 content: Nobody questions things anymore. Nobody questions things. Everybody's too
3 fat and happy. Everybody's got a cell phone that will make pancakes and rub their
4 balls now. Way too fucking prosperous for our own good. Way too fucking prosperous.
5 We've been bought off and silenced by toys and gizmos.
6 id: 4449ce76-ef07-4fc4-90ef-14b8bd75137b
data/quotes/446de410-f071-45c6-8372-e8bbfb6be27e less more
1 author: John Hodgman
2 content: Generally speaking, I think it is fair to say that I am a friend to the creatures
3 of the earth when I am not busy eating them or wearing them.
4 id: 446de410-f071-45c6-8372-e8bbfb6be27e
data/quotes/453838ee-8ecd-4718-900c-0cc9d63a732a less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek"
2 content: Love, for me, is not sentimental love. True love is cold love. True love
3 is cold without mercy.
4 id: 453838ee-8ecd-4718-900c-0cc9d63a732a
data/quotes/456ed4bd-8b1b-4199-a30d-4e151e48253b less more
1 author: Steve Wozniak
2 content: All the best people in life seem to like Linux.
3 id: 456ed4bd-8b1b-4199-a30d-4e151e48253b
data/quotes/45717b80-2766-4144-a7de-77b38e24bba9 less more
1 author: why the lucky stiff
2 content: Python keeps trying to shed its functional skin, only to reveal its acid
3 wash jeans underneath. Ironed and starched and pegged.
4 id: 45717b80-2766-4144-a7de-77b38e24bba9
data/quotes/459f0c59-62cd-4d84-9a38-d3e9a7bc755f less more
1 author: Rita Ferrandino
2 content: Just as playing Dungeons & Dragons doesn't turn a kid into a wizard, pretending
3 to be a homicidal maniac online doesn't make a man a killer. But determining what
4 it does make him is one of the biggest ethical dilemmas facing modern society.
5 id: 459f0c59-62cd-4d84-9a38-d3e9a7bc755f
data/quotes/45b8c98d-20f6-4457-9362-b34f724475d4 less more
1 author: Carl Sagan
2 content: "I worry that, especially as the Millennium edges nearer, pseudoscience and\
3 \ superstition will seem year by year more tempting, the siren song of unreason\
4 \ more sonorous and attractive. Where have we heard it before? Whenever our ethnic\
5 \ or national prejudices are aroused, in times of scarcity, during challenges to\
6 \ national self-esteem or nerve, when we agonize about our diminished cosmic place\
7 \ and purpose, or when fanaticism is bubbling up around us\u2014then, habits of\
8 \ thought familiar from ages past reach for the controls.\nThe candle flame gutters.\
9 \ Its little pool of light trembles. Darkness gathers. The demons begin to stir."
10 id: 45b8c98d-20f6-4457-9362-b34f724475d4
data/quotes/462824c4-5afd-46f8-89cc-0a9badbeb8e3 less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman's Sandman
2 content: It was then that [she] noticed that she had absent-mindedly transformed into
3 a hundred and eleven perfect, tiny multicoloured fish. Each fish sang a different
4 song.
5 id: 462824c4-5afd-46f8-89cc-0a9badbeb8e3
data/quotes/47148b13-e77c-4d42-a098-b5c2291e10cf less more
1 author: Autrijus Tang
2 content: Haskell is faster than C++, more concise than Perl, more regular than Python,
3 more flexible than Ruby, more typeful than C#, more robust than Java, and has absolutely
4 nothing in common with PHP.
5 id: 47148b13-e77c-4d42-a098-b5c2291e10cf
data/quotes/475a39ac-9f04-471e-b56f-db2289d5b016 less more
1 author: Erik Naggum
2 content: 'there is only one solution: do not use Microsoft products. do not expose
3 yourself to anything they do. the day will come when it is much more important in
4 presidential campaigns and to carreers in general that you have not used Microsoft
5 than that you have not taken certain drugs. the day will come when we figure out
6 which planet Bill Gates was thrown out of and then we can go blow it up. in the
7 meantime, resistance is not futile. only the weak of mind will be assimilated, and
8 they are no loss, anyway.'
9 id: 475a39ac-9f04-471e-b56f-db2289d5b016
data/quotes/47d6d482-a8d5-4c83-b6f6-4ca8871f5c09 less more
1 author: rpg
2 content: Abstraction is layering ignorance on top of reality.
3 id: 47d6d482-a8d5-4c83-b6f6-4ca8871f5c09
data/quotes/48535827-c8ed-4de8-97e9-684a6c15adfb less more
1 author: Buckminster Fuller
2 content: When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty. I only think
3 about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not
4 beautiful, I know it is wrong.
5 id: 48535827-c8ed-4de8-97e9-684a6c15adfb
data/quotes/48ef5e79-317e-4bbc-bf1a-544b48dadab8 less more
1 author: monetizeyourcat
2 content: 'i like how "Philosoraptor" attempts to connote something being wacky and
3 avant-garde by linking two of the most overrated things in the world: to wit a bunch
4 of pathetic little animals that fed exclusively on putrid ancient carrion and produced
5 nothing of interest to any reasonable person before dying unlamented in a ditch
6 somewhere, and velociraptors'
7 id: 48ef5e79-317e-4bbc-bf1a-544b48dadab8
data/quotes/49506e13-b43d-4f21-83f4-79c0f1477e38 less more
1 author: Anonymous
2 content: It's kinda sad that the only way to make someone go out and see or do something
3 beautiful is by ending the god damn world.
4 id: 49506e13-b43d-4f21-83f4-79c0f1477e38
data/quotes/4a5b7298-fd7f-4045-8a18-98ce954608dd less more
1 author: Emerson Cod
2 content: The truth ain't like puppies, a bunch of them running around, you pick your
3 favorite. One truth and it has come a-knockin'.
4 id: 4a5b7298-fd7f-4045-8a18-98ce954608dd
data/quotes/4a6ecfbd-e506-4241-9d49-dbb215af2ba4 less more
1 author: Doctor Who
2 content: '"I love old things. They make me feel sad."
4 "What''s good about sad?"
6 "It''s happy for deep people."'
7 id: 4a6ecfbd-e506-4241-9d49-dbb215af2ba4
data/quotes/4ac0713d-01fe-4375-94e1-1054816e2afb less more
1 author: David Foster Wallace
2 content: "An ad that pretends to be art is \u2014 at absolute best \u2014 like somebody\
3 \ who smiles warmly at you only because he wants something from you. This is dishonest,\
4 \ but what's sinister is the cumulative effect that such dishonesty has on us: since\
5 \ it offers a perfect facsimile or simulacrum of goodwill without goodwill's real\
6 \ spirit, it messes with our heads and eventually starts upping our defenses even\
7 \ in cases of genuine smiles and real art and true goodwill. It makes us feel confused\
8 \ and lonely and impotent and angry and scared. It causes despair."
9 id: 4ac0713d-01fe-4375-94e1-1054816e2afb
data/quotes/4b1f993c-eb89-4cb9-95c6-2d1d14faa6bb less more
1 author: Tim O'Brien
2 content: A true war story is never moral. It does not instruct, nor encourage virtue,
3 nor suggest models of proper human behavior, nor restrain men from doing the things
4 men have always done. If a story seems moral, do not believe it. If at the end of
5 a war story you feel uplifted, or if you feel that some small bit of rectitude has
6 been salvaged from the larger waste, then you have been made the victim of a very
7 old and terrible lie. There is no rectitude whatsoever. There is no virtue. As a
8 first rule of thumb, therefore, you can tell a true war story by its absolute and
9 uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil.
10 id: 4b1f993c-eb89-4cb9-95c6-2d1d14faa6bb
data/quotes/4bc8a5c1-441d-476d-9e0f-cbc4a73ca495 less more
1 author: Antonio Gramsci
2 content: 'The old world is dying away, and the new world struggles to come forth:
3 now is the time of monsters.'
4 id: 4bc8a5c1-441d-476d-9e0f-cbc4a73ca495
data/quotes/4be06fb2-e7a9-4467-909a-5999fa705b89 less more
1 author: pastabagel
2 content: It wouldn't be hard to extinguish Apple from the marketplace. Apple's products
3 aren't really that good. Yes, a lot of people buy Apple products. But a lot of people
4 also read The Secret and watch Glee. I wouldn't put a lot of stock in what the masses
5 think.
6 id: 4be06fb2-e7a9-4467-909a-5999fa705b89
data/quotes/4c274062-ab9e-42c4-8598-7b89fdaee73e less more
1 author: Roland Barthes
2 content: 'Language is a skin: I rub my language against the other. It is as if I had
3 words instead of fingers, or fingers at the tip of my words. My language trembles
4 with desire.'
5 id: 4c274062-ab9e-42c4-8598-7b89fdaee73e
data/quotes/4c315c86-5f00-4f3b-b51f-8159ad4068df less more
1 author: J. L. Baudry
2 content: For while there is clearly a mask, there is nothing behind it; it is a surface
3 which conceals nothing but itself, and yet in so far as it suggests there is something
4 behind it, prevents us from considering it as surface.
5 id: 4c315c86-5f00-4f3b-b51f-8159ad4068df
data/quotes/4cb999a2-93a7-440f-ba62-6cf9941ada50 less more
1 author: Lynda Barry
2 content: "I don\u2019t think there\u2019s any other reason we have art than to save\
3 \ us, the way our liver is there to keep us alive. I have come to regard the arts\
4 \ as external organs. They have always been as critical to me as my kidneys are.\
5 \ It\u2019s like a dialysis machine you draw yourself."
6 id: 4cb999a2-93a7-440f-ba62-6cf9941ada50
data/quotes/4d579513-65ff-4270-889b-60ee6bf9d5fb less more
1 author: 'Gilles Deleuze
3 '
4 content: 'There''s no need to fear or hope, but only to look for new weapons.
6 '
7 id: 4d579513-65ff-4270-889b-60ee6bf9d5fb
data/quotes/4e729aca-23ef-481a-b2e4-7b058b8741c2 less more
1 author: Robert Heinlein
2 content: Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he is
3 a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe, and not make messes in
4 the house.
5 id: 4e729aca-23ef-481a-b2e4-7b058b8741c2
data/quotes/4e947b23-62f1-4d23-8bff-6ddf59e6dd96 less more
1 author: Aleister Crowley
2 content: All life is conflict. Every breath that you draw represents a victory in
3 the struggle of the whole Universe.
4 id: 4e947b23-62f1-4d23-8bff-6ddf59e6dd96
data/quotes/4ea2526a-8c89-4468-97e4-f261810752e7 less more
1 author: Emil Cioran
2 content: "The 'west' \u2014 what curse has fallen upon it that at the term of its\
3 \ trajectory it produces only these businessmen, these shopkeepers, these racketeers\
4 \ with their blank stares and atrophied smiles... is it with such vermin as this\
5 \ that a civilization so delicate and so complex must come to an end?"
6 id: 4ea2526a-8c89-4468-97e4-f261810752e7
data/quotes/4f54af0c-7744-4cb0-87b9-611afb9be2d5 less more
1 author: Jack Brown
2 content: Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage
3 to change the things I can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had
4 to kill because they pissed me off.
5 id: 4f54af0c-7744-4cb0-87b9-611afb9be2d5
data/quotes/4f602194-0bb9-4e94-a4c9-1a2b0b07f3c4 less more
1 author: Richard Feynman
2 content: 'Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that''s not
3 why we''re doing it.'
4 id: 4f602194-0bb9-4e94-a4c9-1a2b0b07f3c4
data/quotes/5066e36a-a02e-4e09-99d9-c8508f146654 less more
1 author: Warren Ellis
2 content: We're deathly afraid of that stabbing word 'pretentious,' the word that students
3 use to curse each other's ambition. It's a young person's word, a shortcut-to-thinking
4 word. I'm a big fan of pretension. It means 'an aspiration or intention that may
5 or may not reach fulfillment.' It doesn't mean failing upward. It means trying to
6 exceed your grasp. Which is how things grow.
7 id: 5066e36a-a02e-4e09-99d9-c8508f146654
data/quotes/50f1ffc8-ad00-451b-830e-0597850d8732 less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek"
2 content: 'I believe in clear-cut positions. I think that the most arrogant position
3 is this apparent, multidisciplinary modesty of "what I am saying now is not unconditional,
4 it is just a hypothesis," and so on. It really is a most arrogant position. I think
5 that the only way to be honest and expose yourself to criticism is to state clearly
6 and dogmatically where you are. You must take the risk and have a position. '
7 id: 50f1ffc8-ad00-451b-830e-0597850d8732
data/quotes/50ff5e41-601a-4ada-9a97-8bedadc2529d less more
1 author: E.W. Dijkstra
2 content: "Needless to say, this vision of what computing science is about is not universally\
3 \ applauded. On the contrary, it has met widespread\u2014and sometimes even violent\u2014\
4 opposition from ... the subculture of the compulsive programmer, whose ethics prescribe\
5 \ that one silly idea and a month of frantic coding should suffice to make him a\
6 \ life-long millionaire."
7 id: 50ff5e41-601a-4ada-9a97-8bedadc2529d
data/quotes/5108b98b-1fa6-44ca-97f2-ed0433cfc5cf less more
1 author: They Might Be Giants
2 content: We can't be silent, 'cause they might be giants, and what are we going to
3 do unless they are?
4 id: 5108b98b-1fa6-44ca-97f2-ed0433cfc5cf
data/quotes/5145b8c5-a7fe-4228-aacb-a448e998e432 less more
1 author: Carl Jung
2 content: One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may
3 despise it, is the invention of good games and it cannot be done by men out of touch
4 with their instinctive selves.
5 id: 5145b8c5-a7fe-4228-aacb-a448e998e432
data/quotes/5177fe8c-9008-4ae3-be04-e2b1fa70018b less more
1 author: They Might Be Giants, "Don't Let's Start"
2 content: 'No one in the world ever gets what they want and that is beautiful
4 Everybody dies frustrated and sad and that is beautiful.'
5 id: 5177fe8c-9008-4ae3-be04-e2b1fa70018b
data/quotes/51987f01-c205-4d05-980f-71266717f458 less more
1 author: "Andr\xE9 Breton"
2 content: Surrealism aims at the total transformation of the mind and all that resembles
3 it.
4 id: 51987f01-c205-4d05-980f-71266717f458
data/quotes/51b33111-a82d-49b4-a4b5-a1d358bdcdb3 less more
1 author: Marshall McLuhan
2 content: We're driving faster and faster into the future, trying to steer by using
3 only the rear-view mirror.
4 id: 51b33111-a82d-49b4-a4b5-a1d358bdcdb3
data/quotes/51ee1a20-00e3-4955-980a-dcb8d756008c less more
1 author: John Rogers
2 content: 'There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old''s life:
3 The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders
4 a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted,
5 socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course,
6 involves orcs.'
7 id: 51ee1a20-00e3-4955-980a-dcb8d756008c
data/quotes/51f8f202-e6fd-4e80-a22d-39a2fd5b5869 less more
1 author: Alejandro Jodorowsky
2 content: Kill superheroes! Tell your own dreams.
3 id: 51f8f202-e6fd-4e80-a22d-39a2fd5b5869
data/quotes/52758708-871b-4c9e-9d8b-0287fa9e827f less more
1 author: Groucho Marx
2 content: Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
3 id: 52758708-871b-4c9e-9d8b-0287fa9e827f
data/quotes/529aa7e1-1315-4cd1-8d67-85adf089084e less more
1 author: George Santayana
2 content: There are books in which the footnotes, or the comments scrawled by some
3 reader's hand in the margin, are more interesting than the text. The world is one
4 of those books.
5 id: 529aa7e1-1315-4cd1-8d67-85adf089084e
data/quotes/52e8c614-c348-4214-bbff-5a611b924190 less more
1 author: Alfred N. Whitehead
2 content: '"Necessity is the mother of invention" is a silly proverb. "Necessity is
3 the mother of futile dodges" is much closer to the truth. The basis of growth of
4 modern invention is science, and science is almost wholly the outgrowth of pleasurable
5 intellectual curiosity.'
6 id: 52e8c614-c348-4214-bbff-5a611b924190
data/quotes/54625e5f-9ed8-4d04-a485-be040fbf467c less more
1 author: Le Cercle Rouge
2 content: All men are guilty. They're born innocent, but it doesn't last.
3 id: 54625e5f-9ed8-4d04-a485-be040fbf467c
data/quotes/549afeaf-4b17-418b-800d-ae12e6f89d66 less more
1 author: Ron Minnich
2 content: You want to make your way in the CS field? Simple. Calculate rough time of
3 amnesia (hell, 10 years is plenty, probably 10 months is plenty), go to the dusty
4 archives, dig out something fun, and go for it. It's worked for many people, and
5 it can work for you.
6 id: 549afeaf-4b17-418b-800d-ae12e6f89d66
data/quotes/54d57888-e66f-4950-8f92-dbc4ec9f91fa less more
1 author: Jerry "Tycho" Holkins
2 content: People seemed to like this better, but only marginally so - the way one might
3 prefer to be stabbed than shot. Optimally, one isn't stabbed or shot. Optimally,
4 one eats some cake! But there are times when cake is not available, and instead
5 we are destroyed. This is the deep poetry of the universe.
6 id: 54d57888-e66f-4950-8f92-dbc4ec9f91fa
data/quotes/55402a31-05b0-4f41-beaa-e39cc5e9edc8 less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek\n"
2 content: "Yeah, because I'm extremely romantic here. You know what is my fear? This\
3 \ postmodern, permissive, pragmatic etiquette towards sex. It's horrible. They claim\
4 \ sex is healthy; it's good for the heart, for blood circulation, it relaxes you.\
5 \ They even go into how kissing is also good because it develops the muscles here\u2014\
6 this is horrible, my God! It's no longer that absolute passion. I like this idea\
7 \ of sex as part of love, you know: 'I'm ready to sell my mother into slavery just\
8 \ to fuck you for ever.' There is something nice, transcendent, about it. I remain\
9 \ incurably romantic.\n"
10 id: 55402a31-05b0-4f41-beaa-e39cc5e9edc8
data/quotes/55a7517d-10a8-45ba-bfba-d7a25fd1b41e less more
1 author: Charles Baudelaire
2 content: Do not look for my heart any more; the beasts have eaten it.
3 id: 55a7517d-10a8-45ba-bfba-d7a25fd1b41e
data/quotes/55b25373-b1ad-4285-94b5-7989482fd5e1 less more
1 author: Brian Eno
2 content: "Stop thinking about art works as objects, and start thinking about them\
3 \ as triggers for experiences. (Roy Ascott's phrase.) That solves a lot of problems:\
4 \ we don't have to argue whether photographs are art, or whether performances are\
5 \ art, or whether Carl Andre's bricks or Andrew Serranos's piss or Little Richard's\
6 \ 'Long Tall Sally' are art, because we say, 'Art is something that happens, a process,\
7 \ not a quality, and all sorts of things can make it happen.' ... [W]hat makes a\
8 \ work of art 'good' for you is not something that is already 'inside' it, but something\
9 \ that happens inside you \u2014 so the value of the work lies in the degree to\
10 \ which it can help you have the kind of experience that you call art."
11 id: 55b25373-b1ad-4285-94b5-7989482fd5e1
data/quotes/56c82cb8-922b-4fa3-b306-32f4bba18543 less more
1 author: Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore
2 content: People are drawn deeper into tragedy not by their defects but by their virtues.
3 Sophocles' Oedipus Rex being a great example. Oedipus is drawn into tragedy not
4 because of laziness or stupidity, but because of his courage and honesty. So an
5 inevitable irony results.
6 id: 56c82cb8-922b-4fa3-b306-32f4bba18543
data/quotes/56f2b8c6-11fc-43fe-99e6-4782beca5d9d less more
1 author: William Morris
2 content: "Worthy work carries with it the hope of pleasure in rest, the hope of the\
3 \ pleasure in our using what it makes, and the hope of pleasure in our daily creative\
4 \ skill. All other work but this is worthless; it is slaves' work \u2014 mere toiling\
5 \ to live, that we may live to toil."
6 id: 56f2b8c6-11fc-43fe-99e6-4782beca5d9d
data/quotes/57241033-21b2-46a4-aa1b-0d77f041e505 less more
1 author: Umberto Eco
2 content: '...semiotics is in principle the discipline studying everything which can
3 be used in order to lie.'
4 id: 57241033-21b2-46a4-aa1b-0d77f041e505
data/quotes/5752c931-c442-4e2d-bfb6-2e842208c5c3 less more
1 author: Bruce Schneier
2 content: The surest defense against terrorism is to refuse to be terrorized.
3 id: 5752c931-c442-4e2d-bfb6-2e842208c5c3
data/quotes/57562bc1-5c36-448b-98e5-1c3e9020e511 less more
1 author: Philip K. Dick
2 content: It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.
3 id: 57562bc1-5c36-448b-98e5-1c3e9020e511
data/quotes/57e5d5bb-2847-4f7a-bb91-029aa4e8887b less more
1 author: Frank Lloyd Wright
2 content: Early in life I had to choose between honest arrogance and hypocritical humility.
3 I chose honest arrogance and have seen no occasion to change.
4 id: 57e5d5bb-2847-4f7a-bb91-029aa4e8887b
data/quotes/58aa8275-b537-42e1-a87f-d13ae16e56e3 less more
1 author: Anonymous
2 content: Hell is other people's Perl.
3 id: 58aa8275-b537-42e1-a87f-d13ae16e56e3
data/quotes/59efd5c7-11f9-47d8-aa3a-aa99fceef0f8 less more
1 author: Keith Johnstone
2 content: People think of good and bad teachers as engaged in the same activity, as
3 if education was a substance, and that bad teachers supply a little of the substance,
4 and good teachers supply a lot. This makes it difficult to understand that education
5 can be a destructive process, and that bad teachers are wrecking talent, and that
6 good and bad teachers are engaged in opposite activities.
7 id: 59efd5c7-11f9-47d8-aa3a-aa99fceef0f8
data/quotes/59f04596-d03c-4d89-b692-9664d098bee2 less more
1 author: Buttercup Festival
2 content: Sleep is an appointment kept by the sane.
3 id: 59f04596-d03c-4d89-b692-9664d098bee2
data/quotes/5a1d8747-66fa-4ef0-bf79-e6c6214f7a25 less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman
2 content: Whenever I do things because I want to do it and because it seems fun or
3 interesting and so on and so forth, it almost always works. And it almost always
4 winds up more than paying for itself. Whenever I do things for the money, not only
5 does it prove a headache and a pain in the neck and come with all sorts of awful
6 things attached, but I normally don't wind up getting the money, either. So, after
7 a while, you do sort of start to learn [to] just forget about the things where people
8 come to you and dangle huge wads of cash in front of you. Go for the one that seems
9 interesting because, even if it all falls apart, you've got something interesting
10 out of it. Whereas, the other way, you normally wind up getting absolutely nothing
11 out of it.
12 id: 5a1d8747-66fa-4ef0-bf79-e6c6214f7a25
data/quotes/5a1fed84-6250-45cb-8895-b24dffb2a6a7 less more
1 author: Buckminster Fuller
2 content: We must do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to
3 earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological
4 breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely
5 right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because
6 of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because,
7 according to Malthusian-Darwinian theory, he must justify his right to exist. So
8 we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to
9 inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and
10 think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along
11 and told them they had to earn a living.
12 id: 5a1fed84-6250-45cb-8895-b24dffb2a6a7
data/quotes/5a81e8ba-78b5-4763-9248-806e36e0fc07 less more
1 author: Don Delillo
2 content: She has her console and her random access memory. I have my nitwit piece
3 of paper. But I want something to pass between us.
4 id: 5a81e8ba-78b5-4763-9248-806e36e0fc07
data/quotes/5ba6b7ec-534b-4250-b715-65f5fe70d474 less more
1 author: Juan Carlo
2 content: "If you can\u2019t express something in an interesting fashion via the language\
3 \ of game mechanics, then you shouldn\u2019t be making a game. Instead, you should\
4 \ be expressing those ideas via some other medium."
5 id: 5ba6b7ec-534b-4250-b715-65f5fe70d474
data/quotes/5bded6ea-dd02-427e-a7ac-5f25c33c1ebb less more
1 author: Edsger Dijkstra
2 content: Beware of "the real world". A speaker's appeal to it is always an invitation
3 not to challenge his tacit assumptions.
4 id: 5bded6ea-dd02-427e-a7ac-5f25c33c1ebb
data/quotes/5c083dac-91a9-4a1c-aca4-a35d012884e0 less more
1 author: Haruki Murakami
2 content: Whether you take the doughnut hole as a blank space or as an entity unto
3 itself is a purely metaphysical question and does not affect the taste of the doughnut
4 one bit.
5 id: 5c083dac-91a9-4a1c-aca4-a35d012884e0
data/quotes/5c58aa7d-6d8a-46bb-aff9-894132cb6366 less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman
2 content: 'I was reading a book (about interjections, oddly enough) yesterday which
3 included the phrase "In these days of political correctness..." talking about no
4 longer making jokes that denigrated people for their culture or for the colour of
5 their skin. And I thought, "That''s not actually anything to do with ''political
6 correctness''. That''s just treating other people with respect."
9 Which made me oddly happy. I started imagining a world in which we replaced the
10 phrase "politically correct" wherever we could with "treating other people with
11 respect", and it made me smile.
14 You should try it. It''s peculiarly enlightening.
17 I know what you''re thinking now. You''re thinking "Oh my god, that''s treating
18 other people with respect gone mad!"
20 '
21 id: 5c58aa7d-6d8a-46bb-aff9-894132cb6366
data/quotes/5ca95297-1712-4a17-acf4-bda6af4f605f less more
1 author: St. Augustine
2 content: The good Christian should beware of mathematicians and all those who make
3 empty prophecies. That danger already exists that mathematicians have made a covenant
4 with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man to the bonds of Hell.
5 id: 5ca95297-1712-4a17-acf4-bda6af4f605f
data/quotes/5cc85b15-d6b5-43c0-ba79-5d8ce9723653 less more
1 author: Paul Romer
2 content: In advanced economies, recipes are more valuable than cooking.
3 id: 5cc85b15-d6b5-43c0-ba79-5d8ce9723653
data/quotes/5cd5a770-1a22-476c-b5f8-2b8ea26108cc less more
1 author: Roland Barthes
2 content: Bourgeois ideology is an ideology which refuses to allow itself to be identified
3 as an ideology by presenting itself as neutral, impartial, universal, objective
4 and value-free.
5 id: 5cd5a770-1a22-476c-b5f8-2b8ea26108cc
data/quotes/5da4917c-778f-454f-b39a-3458a2edf538 less more
1 author: Ignignokt, Aqua Teen Hunger Force
2 content: Just say "here" and we'll consider the word "here" to be short for "Here
3 I am, rock you like a hurricane."
4 id: 5da4917c-778f-454f-b39a-3458a2edf538
data/quotes/5dc8bc37-d21f-4e38-a84c-4506fa95e383 less more
1 author: Jorge Luis Borges
2 content: There are people who barely feel poetry, and they are generally dedicated
3 to teaching it.
4 id: 5dc8bc37-d21f-4e38-a84c-4506fa95e383
data/quotes/5e2231bc-e253-4b2b-b6ca-e98e2c7e7c29 less more
1 author: John Carmack
2 content: Some cynical people think that every activity must revolve around the mighty
3 dollar, and that anyone saying otherwise is just attempting to delude the public.
4 I will probably never be able to convice them that that isn't always the case, but
5 I do have the satisfaction of knowing that I live in a less dingy world than they
6 do.
7 id: 5e2231bc-e253-4b2b-b6ca-e98e2c7e7c29
data/quotes/5e966ce3-19dc-42f7-84b6-86667d9a8ee1 less more
1 author: William Deresiewicz
2 content: "Facebook's very premise\u2014and promise\u2014is that it makes our friendship\
3 \ circles visible. There they are, my friends, all in the same place. Except, of\
4 \ course, they're not in the same place, or, rather, they're not my friends. They're\
5 \ simulacra of my friends, little dehydrated packets of images and information,\
6 \ no more my friends than a set of baseball cards is the New York Mets."
7 id: 5e966ce3-19dc-42f7-84b6-86667d9a8ee1
data/quotes/5eb4d36a-872e-4cdb-b507-e3232ff9f4e4 less more
1 author: Frank Herbert
2 content: It is shocking to find how many people do not believe they can learn, and
3 how many more believe learning to be difficult.
4 id: 5eb4d36a-872e-4cdb-b507-e3232ff9f4e4
data/quotes/5f08a6f2-cf5e-4193-917d-820ecb574ce5 less more
1 author: Umberto Eco
2 content: I don't miss my youth. I'm glad I had one, but I wouldn't like to start over.
3 id: 5f08a6f2-cf5e-4193-917d-820ecb574ce5
data/quotes/5f3273aa-a6ba-41a2-bd91-eb6f7ffafa42 less more
1 author: Stewart Brand
2 content: Whenever I hear the word "share" I would reach for a gun if I had one. "Share"
3 is frequently followed by the word "feelings," and I have enough of my own thank
4 you; please do us both a favor and repress yours.
5 id: 5f3273aa-a6ba-41a2-bd91-eb6f7ffafa42
data/quotes/5f67e6b5-aa42-478b-acff-3a171affdf0f less more
1 author: Marshall McLuhan
2 content: I don't know who discovered water, but it wasn't a fish.
3 id: 5f67e6b5-aa42-478b-acff-3a171affdf0f
data/quotes/5f77f255-cb6b-40e5-be01-bdeed2a81767 less more
1 author: John Cage
2 content: "Q. \"Do you think everything works out for the best?\" \nA. \"Maybe not\
3 \ the best, but everything works out to something.\""
4 id: 5f77f255-cb6b-40e5-be01-bdeed2a81767
data/quotes/5fced641-1a9c-432e-b67b-a9cb62867879 less more
1 author: Brad Pitt
2 content: I've got a few men I respect very much and one would be Frank Gehry. He said
3 to me, 'If you know where it's going, it's not worth doing.' That's become like
4 a mantra for me. That's the life of the artist.
5 id: 5fced641-1a9c-432e-b67b-a9cb62867879
data/quotes/6003fa0a-2fee-4e79-9c6c-9058fc2d182f less more
1 author: Rainer Maria Rilke
2 content: Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting
3 to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens
4 us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.
5 id: 6003fa0a-2fee-4e79-9c6c-9058fc2d182f
data/quotes/60aa5b47-3dc2-411d-8865-aeab2528df6e less more
1 author: Prince
2 content: The internet's completely over. ...all these computers and digital gadgets
3 are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you.
4 id: 60aa5b47-3dc2-411d-8865-aeab2528df6e
data/quotes/60b95515-5bdf-49f3-a060-1a4699ae329e less more
1 author: Edwin Way Teale, quoted by Carl Sagan
2 content: It is morally as bad not to care whether a thing is true or not, so long
3 as it makes you feel good, as it is not to care how you got your money, so long
4 as you have got it.
5 id: 60b95515-5bdf-49f3-a060-1a4699ae329e
data/quotes/60c512b8-e076-44f9-b945-8cb754e39d2c less more
1 author: Alejandro Jodorowsky
2 content: "I do not want that the man conquers space \nIn the ships of NASA \nThese\
3 \ concentration camps of the spirit \nThese gigantic freezers vomiting the imperialism\
4 \ \nThese slaughters of plundering and plunder \nThis arrogance of bronze and\
5 \ thirst \nThis eunuchoid science \nNot the dribble of transistorised and riveted\
6 \ hulks \nThe divine one \nThe delirious one \nThe superb one \nCHAOS \nUNIVERSAL\
7 \ \nI want magical entities, vibrating vehicles \nTo prolong to be to it abyss\
8 \ \nLike fish of a timeless ocean. I want \nJewels, mechanics as perfect as the\
9 \ heart \nWomb-ships anterooms \nRebirth into other dimensions \nI want whore-ships\
10 \ driven \nBy the sperm of passionate ejaculations \nIn an engine of flesh \n\
11 I want rockets complex and secret, \nHumming-bird ornithopters, \nSipping the\
12 \ thousand-year-old nectar of dwarf stars...\n"
13 id: 60c512b8-e076-44f9-b945-8cb754e39d2c
data/quotes/60d71e02-a8ac-4ff3-884b-e52b92038162 less more
1 author: Casey McCann
2 content: Java seems to have been designed to strike a careful balance between making
3 the type system as obstructive as possible while minimizing any actual guarantees
4 of correctness.
5 id: 60d71e02-a8ac-4ff3-884b-e52b92038162
data/quotes/61d0735d-d228-435c-a0ca-92ebe7f9bd57 less more
1 author: "Werner Herzog\r\n"
2 content: I am so used to plunging into the unknown that any other surroundings and
3 form of existence strike me as exotic and unsuitable for human beings.
4 id: 61d0735d-d228-435c-a0ca-92ebe7f9bd57
data/quotes/621b2230-6fd0-49f6-a5ff-cd57bc4fc909 less more
1 author: Friederich Nietzsche
2 content: There is not sufficient love and goodness in the world to permit us to give
3 some of it away to imaginary beings.
4 id: 621b2230-6fd0-49f6-a5ff-cd57bc4fc909
data/quotes/62950ff2-c46b-407d-8b09-ab9bf030e150 less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek"
2 content: The only emotion which doesn't decieve is anxiety. All other emotions are
3 fake.
4 id: 62950ff2-c46b-407d-8b09-ab9bf030e150
data/quotes/62fe26de-89b9-4d9e-9107-2a838bc13cf3 less more
1 author: Hunter S. Thompson
2 content: "That is the problem with this rich and anguished generation. Somewhere a\
3 \ long time ago they fell in love with the idea that politicians\u2014even the slickest\
4 \ and brightest presidential candidates\u2014were real heroes and truly exciting\
5 \ people. That is wrong on its face. They are mainly dull people with corrupt instincts\
6 \ and criminal children."
7 id: 62fe26de-89b9-4d9e-9107-2a838bc13cf3
data/quotes/63767a22-fdc7-41b2-bdc1-65fad2807cc1 less more
1 author: Spider, from Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys
2 content: Things. They came up. That's what things do. They come up. I can't be expected
3 to keep track of them all.
4 id: 63767a22-fdc7-41b2-bdc1-65fad2807cc1
data/quotes/63b66560-8b8a-4502-9197-25f0f18f65fd less more
1 author: Mark Dominus
2 content: 'A functor F takes each type T and maps it to a new type FT. A burrito is
3 like a functor: it takes a type, like meat or beans, and turns it into a new type,
4 like beef burrito or bean burrito.'
5 id: 63b66560-8b8a-4502-9197-25f0f18f65fd
data/quotes/63ccd35e-efa1-4964-9c55-a3b33e6900e6 less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys
2 content: '"You''re no help," he told the lime. This was unfair. It was only a lime;
3 there was nothing special about it at all. It was doing the best it could.'
4 id: 63ccd35e-efa1-4964-9c55-a3b33e6900e6
data/quotes/63df4b56-4755-4607-a172-bb83fc57c751 less more
1 author: R.A. Lafferty
2 content: 'Things are set up as contraries that are not even in the same category.
3 Listen to me: the opposite of radical is superficial; the opposite of liberal is
4 stingy; the opposite of conservative is destructive. Thus I will describe myself
5 as a radical conservative liberal; but certain of the tainted red fish will swear
6 that there can be no such fish as that. Beware of those who use words to mean their
7 opposites. At the same time have pity on them, for usually this trick is their only
8 stock in trade.'
9 id: 63df4b56-4755-4607-a172-bb83fc57c751
data/quotes/63e4cd25-7850-44c9-a751-d560f04d4e03 less more
1 author: Richard Feynman
2 content: "You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world, but when\
3 \ you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird... So\
4 \ let's look at the bird and see what it's doing \u2014 that's what counts. I learned\
5 \ very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something."
6 id: 63e4cd25-7850-44c9-a751-d560f04d4e03
data/quotes/63e9c9e5-8a1e-45c4-8a25-cdc3200b7f0f less more
1 author: Patricia Lockwood
2 content: "I see no reason to make a distinction, because I\u2019m not some sort of\
3 \ taxonomy psycho. Honestly, when I think of the question \"what is poetry\" I picture\
4 \ Linnaeus and David Lehman absolutely making out, hands up each other\u2019s shirts,\
5 \ while everyone who participates in modern American poetry watches."
6 id: 63e9c9e5-8a1e-45c4-8a25-cdc3200b7f0f
data/quotes/640efdf1-1759-410f-8725-01fcb2c1716a less more
1 author: 'Rev. Ivan Stang
3 High Weirdness By Mail'
4 content: If you sincerely desire a truly well-rounded education, you must study the
5 extremists, the obscure and "nutty". You need the balance! Your poor brain is already
6 being impregnated with middle-of-the-road crap, twenty-four hours a day, no matter
7 what. Network TV, newspapers, radio, magazines at the supermarket... even if you
8 never watch, read, listen, or leave your house, even if you are deaf and blind,
9 the telepathic pressure alone of the uncountable normals surrounding you will insure
10 that you are automatically well-grounded in consensus reality.
11 id: 640efdf1-1759-410f-8725-01fcb2c1716a
data/quotes/64bbc3df-712e-4cf0-9d43-47444faf8702 less more
1 author: George Bernard Shaw
2 content: '... that power of accurate observation which is commonly called cynicism
3 by those who have not got it.'
4 id: 64bbc3df-712e-4cf0-9d43-47444faf8702
data/quotes/64fcdd58-f679-4faf-95d1-bbddaed719c0 less more
1 author: Tom Stoppard
2 content: We're more of the love, blood and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood
3 and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the
4 love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you
5 love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you
6 see.
7 id: 64fcdd58-f679-4faf-95d1-bbddaed719c0
data/quotes/6549ccf8-d820-4475-853d-dfdec9839753 less more
1 author: Thomas Pynchon
2 content: The object of life is to make sure you die a weird death. To make sure that,
3 however it finds you, it finds you under very weird circumstances.
4 id: 6549ccf8-d820-4475-853d-dfdec9839753
data/quotes/663c0b70-c89a-4117-b3d4-5bc48ca75886 less more
1 author: Jean Louis Agassiz
2 content: I cannot afford to waste my time making money.
3 id: 663c0b70-c89a-4117-b3d4-5bc48ca75886
data/quotes/6800ad75-8907-4c1e-a0b9-ccd23f76b2c4 less more
1 author: Charles Darwin
2 content: But I am very poorly today and very stupid and hate everybody and everything.
3 id: 6800ad75-8907-4c1e-a0b9-ccd23f76b2c4
data/quotes/68396614-ef44-42c7-adbe-f51444a959c3 less more
1 author: Hayao Miyazaki
2 content: "The concept of portraying evil and then destroying it\u2014I know this is\
3 \ considered mainstream, but I think it is rotten. This idea that whenever something\
4 \ evil happens someone particular can be blamed and punished for it, in life and\
5 \ in politics is hopeless."
6 id: 68396614-ef44-42c7-adbe-f51444a959c3
data/quotes/68bdf91e-f195-4390-a9aa-699cc436df55 less more
1 author: Adam Carr
2 content: I am never gratuitously rude. My rudeness is carefully calibrated to the
3 stupidity and obtuseness of the people I am dealing with.
4 id: 68bdf91e-f195-4390-a9aa-699cc436df55
data/quotes/68d478b6-f379-4e7e-8cfa-7e3e8cbb619f less more
1 author: Vincent van Gogh
2 content: "That God of the clergymen, He is for me as dead as a doornail. But am I\
3 \ an atheist for all that? The clergymen consider me as such\u2014be it so; but\
4 \ I love, and how could I feel love if I did not live, and if others did not live,\
5 \ and then, if we live, there is something mysterious in that. Now call that God,\
6 \ or human nature or whatever you like, but there is something which I cannot define\
7 \ systematically, though it is very much alive and very real, and see, that is God,\
8 \ or as good as God. To believe in God for me is to feel that there is a God, not\
9 \ a dead one, or a stuffed one, but a living one, who with irresistible force urges\
10 \ us toward aimer encore; that is my opinion."
11 id: 68d478b6-f379-4e7e-8cfa-7e3e8cbb619f
data/quotes/68f0657d-b1da-438b-beda-3dcb91c9b696 less more
1 author: Shanley Kane
2 content: 'The technology industry sees itself as in rebellion against corporate America:
3 not corrupt, not buttoned-up, not empty. In fact, a tech company can be as corrupt,
4 soulless, and empty as any corporation, but being unprofessional helps us maintain
5 the belief that we are somehow different from Wall Street.'
6 id: 68f0657d-b1da-438b-beda-3dcb91c9b696
data/quotes/6910424e-e3ca-4863-874c-6bdc3de2b971 less more
1 author: Baldrick, Blackadder
2 content: I can't see the point in the theatre. All that sex and violence. I get enough
3 of that at home. Apart from the sex, of course.
4 id: 6910424e-e3ca-4863-874c-6bdc3de2b971
data/quotes/69497488-9b28-4078-8eec-3cd8ca1dece7 less more
1 author: "China M\xEDeville"
2 content: Part of the appeal of the fantastic is taking ridiculous ideas very seriously
3 and pretending they're not absurd.
4 id: 69497488-9b28-4078-8eec-3cd8ca1dece7
data/quotes/695d043d-366f-4918-965b-7423bc1934f8 less more
1 author: Italo Calvino
2 content: Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of
3 their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd, their perspectives deceitful,
4 and everything conceals something else.
5 id: 695d043d-366f-4918-965b-7423bc1934f8
data/quotes/6961f263-9f6b-4835-91ef-1938e65fe196 less more
1 author: Phil Wadler
2 content: 'The essence of XML is this: the problem it solves is not hard, and it does
3 not solve the problem well.'
4 id: 6961f263-9f6b-4835-91ef-1938e65fe196
data/quotes/69a8ea42-8db5-48aa-bb7b-da0b5b38d45a less more
1 author: Yossi Kreinin
2 content: A person who was exposed to machines and doesn't hate them is either an idiot
3 or is completely devoid of soul! Step back, the child of Satan!
4 id: 69a8ea42-8db5-48aa-bb7b-da0b5b38d45a
data/quotes/6a4c2063-1aae-467f-abe8-f82c050f6abe less more
1 author: Jamie "jwz" Zawinski, xkeycaps source
2 content: '`/* I''d just like to take this moment to point out that C has all the expressive
3 power of two dixie cups and a string. */`'
4 id: 6a4c2063-1aae-467f-abe8-f82c050f6abe
data/quotes/6b33aca0-c6a9-4af0-a572-48fd133880c8 less more
1 author: Ted Nelson
2 content: "In 1974, computers were oppressive devices\r\nin far-off airconditioned\
3 \ places. Now you can be oppressed by computers in your own living room."
4 id: 6b33aca0-c6a9-4af0-a572-48fd133880c8
data/quotes/6b59018c-563b-40d2-806a-46f5ed57bc7b less more
1 author: Thomas Pynchon
2 content: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry
3 about answers.
4 id: 6b59018c-563b-40d2-806a-46f5ed57bc7b
data/quotes/6bf1cb6f-8727-4b64-88a1-7c08b8faa922 less more
1 author: Alan Kay
2 content: Java is the most distressing thing to happen to computing since MS-DOS.
3 id: 6bf1cb6f-8727-4b64-88a1-7c08b8faa922
data/quotes/6c07f356-70aa-432b-97a1-0edfd0148944 less more
1 author: John le Carre
2 content: 'Coming home from very lonely places, all of us go a little mad: whether
3 from great personal success, or just an all-night drive, we are the sole survivors
4 of a world no one else has ever seen.'
5 id: 6c07f356-70aa-432b-97a1-0edfd0148944
data/quotes/6c2d4bd6-95e1-4eff-bd92-bd125bc6a2fb less more
1 author: '"Ecclesiastes"'
2 content: "The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth\u2014it is the truth\
3 \ which conceals that there is none.\nThe simulacrum is true."
4 id: 6c2d4bd6-95e1-4eff-bd92-bd125bc6a2fb
data/quotes/6c7f27cc-a21d-450d-b819-cde50f3fa07e less more
1 author: The poet Treherne in G.K. Chesterton's The Trees of Pride
2 content: Show... when you next sit in judgement, a little mercy to some wretched man
3 who drinks and robs because he must drink beer to taste it, and take it to drink
4 it. Have compassion on the next batch of poor thieves, who have to hold things in
5 order to have them. But if you ever find me [the poet] stealing one small farthing,
6 when I can shut my eyes and see the city of El Dorado, then ... show me no mercy,
7 for I shall deserve none.
8 id: 6c7f27cc-a21d-450d-b819-cde50f3fa07e
data/quotes/6dbcc0b9-90b3-438b-9a13-4ebf03bd6310 less more
1 author: John Waters
2 content: "When I was young there were beatniks. Hippies. Punks. Gangsters. Now you\u2019\
3 re a hacktivist. Which I would probably be if I was 20. Shuttin\u2019 down MasterCard.\
4 \ But there\u2019s no look to that lifestyle! Besides just wearing a bad outfit\
5 \ with bad posture. Has WikiLeaks caused a look? No! I\u2019m mad about that. If\
6 \ your kid comes out of the bedroom and says he just shut down the government, it\
7 \ seems to me he should at least have an outfit for that."
8 id: 6dbcc0b9-90b3-438b-9a13-4ebf03bd6310
data/quotes/6df5dbdc-7239-47f2-8050-8d09c434eb5a less more
1 author: Humphrey Bogart
2 content: I should never have switched from scotch to martinis.
3 id: 6df5dbdc-7239-47f2-8050-8d09c434eb5a
data/quotes/6e049cc4-3483-40ec-ba73-9dfcfc003296 less more
1 author: Spock, Star Trek
2 content: After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after
3 all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.
4 id: 6e049cc4-3483-40ec-ba73-9dfcfc003296
data/quotes/6e56fd35-cb43-4f5a-affc-38347435bed8 less more
1 author: Greg Egan
2 content: I'd tried caffeine a few times; it made me believe I was focused and energetic,
3 but it turned my judgment to shit. Widespread use of caffeine explains a lot about
4 the twentieth century.
5 id: 6e56fd35-cb43-4f5a-affc-38347435bed8
data/quotes/6e8ad8f7-241c-4786-a837-49ae5ee29405 less more
1 author: mjl
2 content: I recommend the linux people to call it "GNU / Linux" instead of "GNU/Linux".
3 never hurts to distance yourself from GNU.
4 id: 6e8ad8f7-241c-4786-a837-49ae5ee29405
data/quotes/6edc91cd-be74-4503-83d9-fe11f2555d0f less more
1 author: Roland Barthes
2 content: The bastard form of mass culture is humiliated repetition... always new books,
3 new programs, new films, new items, but always the same meaning.
4 id: 6edc91cd-be74-4503-83d9-fe11f2555d0f
data/quotes/6f074f69-ce47-4e8e-849d-0733dfec5511 less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman
2 content: It's not hard to own something. Or everything. You just have to know that
3 it's yours, and then be willing to let it go.
4 id: 6f074f69-ce47-4e8e-849d-0733dfec5511
data/quotes/6f2de207-ef73-4a3d-9c3a-6b686bbbc5f4 less more
1 author: Philip Greenspun
2 content: SQL, Lisp, and Haskell are the only programming languages that I've seen
3 where one spends more time thinking than typing.
4 id: 6f2de207-ef73-4a3d-9c3a-6b686bbbc5f4
data/quotes/6f3a5cb9-f355-44cd-88d1-458f8f0a4810 less more
1 author: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
2 content: If only there were evil people somewhere committing evil deeds, and it were
3 necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line
4 dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing
5 to destroy a piece of his own heart?
6 id: 6f3a5cb9-f355-44cd-88d1-458f8f0a4810
data/quotes/705fa4e5-a226-486f-8285-73ca4badcc9f less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek"
2 content: 'I am not human. I am a monster, I claim. It''s not that I have a mask of
3 a theoretician, and beneath I am a more human person: I like chocolate cake, I like
4 this, I like that, and so on, which makes me human. I rather prefer myself as somebody
5 who, not to offend others, pretends, plays that he is human.'
6 id: 705fa4e5-a226-486f-8285-73ca4badcc9f
data/quotes/71ce3656-2d21-4f49-ac84-da01d24b9b08 less more
1 author: Jorge Luis Borges
2 content: Not a single star will be left in the night. The night will not be left.
3 I will die and, with me, the weight of the intolerable universe. I shall erase the
4 pyramids, the medallions, the continents and faces. I shall erase the accumulated
5 past. I shall make dust of history, dust of dust. Now I am looking on the final
6 sunset. I am hearing the last bird. I bequeath nothingness to no one.
7 id: 71ce3656-2d21-4f49-ac84-da01d24b9b08
data/quotes/724d9fe6-998d-4305-8ac2-f16c24bea5cb less more
1 author: anonymous
2 content: 'Happiness is given way too much importance these days. Why not go for greatness?
5 Chimps are happy. I will not settle for that.'
6 id: 724d9fe6-998d-4305-8ac2-f16c24bea5cb
data/quotes/72685287-6673-4d99-9371-236b848d1105 less more
1 author: George Orwell
2 content: The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his
3 own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.
4 id: 72685287-6673-4d99-9371-236b848d1105
data/quotes/72760fc2-ff6f-4103-8f61-b7aa3c0c2023 less more
1 author: William S. Burroughs
2 content: There is no line between the 'real world' and 'world of myth and symbol.'
3 Objects, sensations, hit with the impact of hallucination.
4 id: 72760fc2-ff6f-4103-8f61-b7aa3c0c2023
data/quotes/72efe536-fd33-4c33-a9a3-5b2b2af1961b less more
1 author: Grant Morrison
2 content: Otherwise, I know I'm often wasting my breath and electronic ink saying this,
3 but the "real-world" is a pretty weird place where lots of inexplicable things happen
4 all the time, and I like to catch the flavor of that too. It just seems more modern
5 and authentic to me as a storyteller. The "real world" doesn't come with the neat
6 thee-act structures and resolutions we love to impose on it, and if repeated doses
7 of movie and TV-storytelling have convinced anyone that it does, it's time to get
8 out and about a bit. The real world is filled with ghost stories, non sequiturs,
9 inexplicable mysteries, dead ends and absurdities, and I think it's cool to season
10 our comfortable fictions with at least a little taste of what actual reality is
11 like.
12 id: 72efe536-fd33-4c33-a9a3-5b2b2af1961b
data/quotes/73854cfa-4296-4666-8751-53f929278fb0 less more
1 author: Mark Twain
2 content: I am the only man living who understands human nature; God has put me in
3 charge of this branch office; when I retire there will be no-one to take my place.
4 I shall keep on doing my duty, for when I get over on the other side, I shall use
5 my influence to have the human race drowned again, and this time drowned good. No
6 omissions. No Ark.
7 id: 73854cfa-4296-4666-8751-53f929278fb0
data/quotes/738e0a9b-3fc3-425c-a75b-e5ae54ded723 less more
1 author: Ursula K. Le Guin
2 content: Fantasy is true, of course. It isn't factual, but it is true. Children know
3 that. Adults know it too, and that is precisely why many of them are afraid of fantasy.
4 They know that its truth challenges, even threatens, all that is false, all that
5 is phony, unnecessary, and trivial... They are afraid of dragons, because they are
6 afraid of freedom.
7 id: 738e0a9b-3fc3-425c-a75b-e5ae54ded723
data/quotes/73ea31dc-a987-4a8b-9387-92125d0ac2d3 less more
1 author: Michel Foucault
2 content: I don't feel that it is necessary to know exactly what I am. The main interest
3 in life and work is to become someone else that you were not in the beginning.
4 id: 73ea31dc-a987-4a8b-9387-92125d0ac2d3
data/quotes/74d305d7-2eb9-43aa-97d6-37a5ca944552 less more
1 author: why the lucky stiff
2 content: the other perfect thing would be if the Internet could be hand written. If
3 I ever get a time machine, I'm going to go back and smash the Gutenberg press so
4 that when the Internet arrives, it'll be transcribed by monks the way GOD INTENDED.
5 id: 74d305d7-2eb9-43aa-97d6-37a5ca944552
data/quotes/751cf1ee-15f6-464b-a732-168c339b852c less more
1 author: R. D. Laing
2 content: I am very interested in words, and what we have words for and what we haven't
3 got words for. For instance, the word "paranoia." It always seems very strange to
4 me that we have this word which means, in effect, that someone feels that he is
5 being persecuted when the people who are persecuting him don't think that he is.
6 But we haven't got a word for the condition in which you are persecuting someone
7 without realizing it, which I would have thought is as serious a condition as the
8 other, and certainly no less common.
9 id: 751cf1ee-15f6-464b-a732-168c339b852c
data/quotes/759ad26c-713e-4fcd-83cb-5299c9ace2cc less more
1 author: Jorge Luis Borges
2 content: '...mirrors and copulation are abominable, since they both multiply the numbers
3 of man.'
4 id: 759ad26c-713e-4fcd-83cb-5299c9ace2cc
data/quotes/75c3c833-ec67-42c8-b9c8-3c53abde9059 less more
1 author: John von Neumann
2 content: In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
3 id: 75c3c833-ec67-42c8-b9c8-3c53abde9059
data/quotes/75d2570a-c8a8-4e3c-b73a-e283fc6a990c less more
1 author: Neal Stephenson
2 content: I've lost two girlfriends and a job by reading an ingredients label out loud,
3 with annotations, at the wrong time.
4 id: 75d2570a-c8a8-4e3c-b73a-e283fc6a990c
data/quotes/75e17812-7c6b-4f77-93b1-a4832e6f4462 less more
1 author: Jameson (1981)
2 content: '...the data of one narrative line are radically impoverished by their rewriting
3 according to the paradigm of another narrative, which is taken as the former''s
4 masture code or ur-narrative and proposed as the ultimate hidden or unconscious
5 meaning of the first one.'
6 id: 75e17812-7c6b-4f77-93b1-a4832e6f4462
data/quotes/7635262e-4247-4111-8294-c362ad974923 less more
1 author: 'Warren Ellis
3 '
4 content: "Dance like you\u2019re stamping on a human face forever, love like you\u2019\
5 ve been in a serious car crash that minced the front of your brain, stab like no\
6 \ one can arrest you, and live like there\u2019s no such thing as God.\n"
7 id: 7635262e-4247-4111-8294-c362ad974923
data/quotes/763f8745-a7a5-4408-977e-4c60fbe8b884 less more
1 author: Andrew Plotkin
2 content: When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable,
3 must have been caused by an incompetent grad student.
4 id: 763f8745-a7a5-4408-977e-4c60fbe8b884
data/quotes/77146e6d-0b07-41b0-ba52-1faf86a3145e less more
1 author: Barnabas, Neil Gaiman's Sandman
2 content: I would feel infinitely more comfortable in your presence if you would agree
3 to treat gravity as a law, rather than one of a number of suggested options.
4 id: 77146e6d-0b07-41b0-ba52-1faf86a3145e
data/quotes/778e5fbb-9e8a-424c-bfb0-cf2a57f4c043 less more
1 author: "G. Luk\xE1cs"
2 content: So, Kafka was a realist after all.
3 id: 778e5fbb-9e8a-424c-bfb0-cf2a57f4c043
data/quotes/7819c8a2-5a0d-446c-9e5f-316117c191a3 less more
1 author: Isaac Newton
2 content: Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and
3 confusion of things.
4 id: 7819c8a2-5a0d-446c-9e5f-316117c191a3
data/quotes/78782b4d-9837-4a0c-95df-41f89db927ea less more
1 author: Elisha Cooper
2 content: What cures paranoia? Maybe cured meats.
3 id: 78782b4d-9837-4a0c-95df-41f89db927ea
data/quotes/78b9b87b-9ee3-4bc9-9831-06b32c4ede1a less more
1 author: kryptkpr
2 content: Comparing a computer language to a human language is like comparing an operating
3 system kernel to a popcorn kernel.
4 id: 78b9b87b-9ee3-4bc9-9831-06b32c4ede1a
data/quotes/78f7144c-fd08-4d2b-9e18-2c371b3bd3f0 less more
1 author: Jack Halberstam
2 content: Monsters are meaning machines. They can represent gender, race, nationality,
3 class, and sexuality in one body. And even within these divisions of identity, the
4 monster can still be broken down. Dracula, for example, can be read as aristocrat,
5 a symbol of the masses; he is predator and yet feminine, he is consumer and producer,
6 he is parasite and host, he is homosexual and heterosexual, he is even a lesbian.
7 Monsters and the Gothic fiction that creates them are therefore technologies, narrative
8 technologies that produce the perfect figure for negative identity. Monsters have
9 to be everything the human is not and, in producing the negative of human, these
10 novels make way for the invention of human as white, male, middle class, and heterosexual.
11 id: 78f7144c-fd08-4d2b-9e18-2c371b3bd3f0
data/quotes/79baed13-fd32-459a-b917-809291ca8e1f less more
1 author: Ursula K. Le Guin
2 content: The novelist says in words what cannot be said in words.
3 id: 79baed13-fd32-459a-b917-809291ca8e1f
data/quotes/79e4eb41-ec7e-4da9-bb60-b731f1b8bcf3 less more
1 author: verycooltrash
2 content: geek culture is so fascinating, it's like a contest of who can cram more
3 pieces of popular media into the gaping void where a personality should be
4 id: 79e4eb41-ec7e-4da9-bb60-b731f1b8bcf3
data/quotes/7a3738b4-e779-4653-94b2-c626f275e071 less more
1 author: Matthias Felleisen
2 content: I always tell my students that Scheme is my second favorite programming language.
3 After they recover from this statement, they naturally always ask what my favorite
4 language is, to which I respond with "I am still working on it." That is, really
5 experienced programmers always try to improve on their major mode of thought.
6 id: 7a3738b4-e779-4653-94b2-c626f275e071
data/quotes/7a53dcfe-df86-484e-94e5-c5374ffa6cc3 less more
1 author: The Eskimo Cookbook
2 content: 'Recipe for Loon Soup: Do not make loon soup.'
3 id: 7a53dcfe-df86-484e-94e5-c5374ffa6cc3
data/quotes/7a6a3a6c-54bf-495d-823a-9467aee1d83c less more
1 author: Carl Jung
2 content: The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by
3 the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the
4 objects it loves.
5 id: 7a6a3a6c-54bf-495d-823a-9467aee1d83c
data/quotes/7a87ae16-b48d-48a7-a791-e2382c414b04 less more
1 author: Morgan Parker
2 content: "That\u2019s the best thing about language: every time you use a word you\
3 \ are summoning so many other things\u2014all the times that word has ever been\
4 \ used. I know this sounds a little psychedelic, but maybe I have an ancestor one\
5 \ hundred years ago who used this word that I choose to write now. What does it\
6 \ mean that everything that we are writing is recycled? Words are full of ghosts.\
7 \ Poetry is full of ghosts."
8 id: 7a87ae16-b48d-48a7-a791-e2382c414b04
data/quotes/7b24e5b2-d390-41a6-be54-aac9eda15a5b less more
1 author: Teresa Nielsen Hayden
2 content: Plot is a literary convention. Story is a force of nature.
3 id: 7b24e5b2-d390-41a6-be54-aac9eda15a5b
data/quotes/7b7c3ecb-3712-425c-90a7-d1e81174d79a less more
1 author: John Barth
2 content: "...It's in words that the magic is\u2014Abracadabra, Open Sesame, and the\
3 \ rest\u2014but the real magic words in one story aren't magical in the next. The\
4 \ real magic is to understand which words work, and when, and for what; the trick\
5 \ is to learn the trick.\n...And those words are made from the letters of our alphabet:\
6 \ a couple-dozen squiggles we can draw with the pen. This is the key! And the treasure,\
7 \ too, if we can only get our hands on it! It's as if\u2014as if the key to the\
8 \ treasure *is* the treasure!"
9 id: 7b7c3ecb-3712-425c-90a7-d1e81174d79a
data/quotes/7b9ca2ae-6925-49d8-a57d-4f336fa10ca2 less more
1 author: Ben Croshaw
2 content: '...also, I''d like you to leave now because you fill me with disgust.'
3 id: 7b9ca2ae-6925-49d8-a57d-4f336fa10ca2
data/quotes/7bfd455d-559d-4669-b5f0-f9fa252b25a4 less more
1 author: Matthias Felleisen
2 content: '1. I have done my share of semantics.
4 2. I am doing my share of systems building.
6 3. And I really wish that I could say 1 and 2 are related.'
7 id: 7bfd455d-559d-4669-b5f0-f9fa252b25a4
data/quotes/7c8cb32a-5fd6-42ac-983e-e02ef472cf5a less more
1 author: The Last Psychiatrist
2 content: It's very difficult/impossible to raise a kid to be in the system, yet teach
3 him also to fight against that system "sometimes." That was one of the problems
4 with OWS, you can't shut down Wall Street if you have two credit cards in your back
5 pocket. The only way to do this is if you try, on purpose, to raise your kid to
6 be a little bit sociopathic. I realize that this seems like strange advice coming
7 from a psychiatrist, but I'm not a very good psychiatrist. Also, I drink.
8 id: 7c8cb32a-5fd6-42ac-983e-e02ef472cf5a
data/quotes/7d153e42-7b37-483b-a1bd-c96eed931e52 less more
1 author: Erik Naggum
2 content: this is my workbench, dammit, it's not a pretty box to impress people with
3 graphics and sounds. when I work at this system up to 12 hours a day, I'm profoundly
4 uninterested in what user interface a novice user would prefer.
5 id: 7d153e42-7b37-483b-a1bd-c96eed931e52
data/quotes/7d1c5c96-a2e4-4d8b-b416-ff6795397deb less more
1 author: Aleister Crowley
2 content: Sit still. Stop thinking. Shut up. Get out!
3 id: 7d1c5c96-a2e4-4d8b-b416-ff6795397deb
data/quotes/7d2ef52d-04b6-4061-aea4-9dd32ed1dcf8 less more
1 author: viro
2 content: People do have a right to put their code under whatever license they like.
3 Now, I won't use the stuff I don't have a source for unless I have exceptionally
4 good reason to believe that authors of that stuff are among the few percents of
5 programmers who can find their arse without outside help. But that has nothing to
6 do with licensing or any moral considerations and everything to the fact that I
7 know what kind of crap most of the software is.
8 id: 7d2ef52d-04b6-4061-aea4-9dd32ed1dcf8
data/quotes/7e404d03-5cdb-4d36-be2d-7b8196382421 less more
1 author: Albert Einstein
2 content: I believe in Spinoza's God, who reveals himself in the lawful harmony of
3 all that exists, but not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings
4 of mankind.
5 id: 7e404d03-5cdb-4d36-be2d-7b8196382421
data/quotes/7e51a3e2-4147-445b-9abf-f957628189bc less more
1 author: 'John Tanner
3 G.B. Shaw''s "Man and Superman"'
4 content: 'Every man is a revolutionist concerning the thing he understands. For example,
5 every person who has mastered a profession is a sceptic concerning it, and consequently
6 a revolutionist.
8 Every genuine religious person is a heretic and therefore a revolutionist.'
9 id: 7e51a3e2-4147-445b-9abf-f957628189bc
data/quotes/7e8f9c54-6154-4388-ba6b-80d2671ec429 less more
1 author: J.G. Ballard
2 content: "We live in a world ruled by fictions of every kind \u2014 mass merchandising,\
3 \ advertising, politics conducted as a branch of advertising, the instant translation\
4 \ of science and technology into popular imagery, the increasing blurring and intermingling\
5 \ of identities within the realm of consumer goods, the preempting of any free or\
6 \ original imaginative response to experience by the television screen. We live\
7 \ inside an enormous novel. For the writer in particular it is less and less necessary\
8 \ for him to invent the fictional content of his novel. The fiction is already there.\
9 \ The writer\u2019s task is to invent the reality."
10 id: 7e8f9c54-6154-4388-ba6b-80d2671ec429
data/quotes/7ed4fc68-aa11-4488-9f67-30bcf86abd32 less more
1 author: EVICTED
3 id: 7ed4fc68-aa11-4488-9f67-30bcf86abd32
data/quotes/7eda7221-a6a2-4272-bc52-e15ab8de7b42 less more
1 author: Jean Anouilh
2 content: Tragedy is restful, and the reason is that hope, that foul, deceitful thing,
3 has no part in it.
4 id: 7eda7221-a6a2-4272-bc52-e15ab8de7b42
data/quotes/7f74466c-dc64-4ed6-8f67-90750e5113d2 less more
1 author: Lao Russell
2 content: The glory of becoming a transcendent being is the only reason for living.
3 id: 7f74466c-dc64-4ed6-8f67-90750e5113d2
data/quotes/7f7a8af3-5e31-4d16-a7a7-c9bfc1a457c0 less more
1 author: Lord Dunsany
2 content: All we who write put me in mind of sailors hastily making rafts upon doomed
3 ships. When we break up under the heavy years and go down into eternity with all
4 that is ours our thoughts like small lost rafts float on awhile upon Oblivion's
5 sea. They will not carry much over those tides, our names and a phrase or two and
6 little else.
7 id: 7f7a8af3-5e31-4d16-a7a7-c9bfc1a457c0
data/quotes/7fd3d5e3-0d6e-4581-936a-27d47a675b4f less more
1 author: Terror Island
2 content: '"Still, all''s well that ends well."
5 "This didn''t end well."
8 "That makes my remark irrelevant, not false."'
9 id: 7fd3d5e3-0d6e-4581-936a-27d47a675b4f
data/quotes/8045b0c9-1055-4179-8b8b-4c4aec1be5ff less more
1 author: Friederich Nietzsche
2 content: 'They call you heartless: but you have a heart, and I love you for being
3 ashamed to show it.'
4 id: 8045b0c9-1055-4179-8b8b-4c4aec1be5ff
data/quotes/80a3f7d1-e3c9-4204-bf04-d680ed2c58bf less more
1 author: Kevin Slavin
2 content: Google has facts. Cities have secrets.
3 id: 80a3f7d1-e3c9-4204-bf04-d680ed2c58bf
data/quotes/80df62fc-597c-4970-b480-b98d1bd57409 less more
1 author: 'Hugh MacLeod
3 '
4 content: 'Ignore everybody. The more original your idea is, the less good advice other
5 people will be able to give you.
7 '
8 id: 80df62fc-597c-4970-b480-b98d1bd57409
data/quotes/813c3a50-df12-4098-b4e0-e879313e5414 less more
1 author: The Last Psychiatrist
2 content: President Bush knew we were fucked by history, right? He got there day 1,
3 opened the Book, and was like, fuck me, this is what's really going on...? And then
4 he looked at America and said, these fucktards couldn't find Iraq on a map of Iraq
5 labeled 'Iraq', no way are these Raymond loving motherfuckers going to understand
6 anything about labor costs and the inevitability of falling foreign reserve accumulation.
7 Let's go with 'WMDs.'" A decade of historical analysis later and the deepest anyone's
8 been able to go is, "they lied, it's really about oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jesus,
9 what asshats. Now every time poor Obama looks over his speeches he has to say, "no
10 good, too many syllables."
11 id: 813c3a50-df12-4098-b4e0-e879313e5414
data/quotes/81618feb-98af-4e82-8d30-d01943436709 less more
1 author: Charles Ives
2 content: Beauty in music is too often confused with something that lets the ears lie
3 back in an easy chair.
4 id: 81618feb-98af-4e82-8d30-d01943436709
data/quotes/817ca594-6f92-40bb-9a65-6604002a18e1 less more
1 author: Warren Ellis
2 content: What I like to do is take that video of David Lynch talking about the horror
3 of watching films "on your fucking telephone" and watch it on my fucking telephone,
4 and then I think about things like why, in Britain, we call the television the telly
5 but we call the telephone the phone, and that maybe we should have called the television
6 the vision, except of course that they were once called televisors, so we could
7 have called it the visor, which is actually kind of nice, and in Spain they're still
8 called televisors so why the fuck not, and also it occurs to me that once upon a
9 time people could listen to concerts over the telephone, and now we can make phone
10 calls through our televisions, and given that "film," "television" and "phone" are
11 now words that denote spaces around things rather than the things they originally
12 defined, I think I'll watch a film on anything I like and all devices are now called
13 "scopes" until further notice.
14 id: 817ca594-6f92-40bb-9a65-6604002a18e1
data/quotes/81cef66c-5583-4367-92f6-2a724871d26c less more
1 author: Jean Baudrillard
2 content: Since the world drifts into delirium, we must adopt a delirious point of
3 view.
4 id: 81cef66c-5583-4367-92f6-2a724871d26c
data/quotes/828118cc-0077-4c38-bbda-e5e748b4a49c less more
1 author: Autolycus, Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale
2 content: Though I am not naturally honest, I am sometimes so by chance.
3 id: 828118cc-0077-4c38-bbda-e5e748b4a49c
data/quotes/833c47e9-bb1c-4ffc-94e3-5d896008df52 less more
1 author: Jean Baudrillard
2 content: We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and
3 less meaning.
4 id: 833c47e9-bb1c-4ffc-94e3-5d896008df52
data/quotes/8399f9b1-d709-4e39-b06e-bcf6f1cbfe92 less more
1 author: Banksy
2 content: All artists are willing to suffer for their work. But why are so few prepared
3 to learn to draw?
4 id: 8399f9b1-d709-4e39-b06e-bcf6f1cbfe92
data/quotes/84b7469a-c7f9-4d47-b156-7d7bd8882ea1 less more
1 author: Karl Lagerfeld
2 content: My thing is to work more than the others to show them how useless they are.
3 id: 84b7469a-c7f9-4d47-b156-7d7bd8882ea1
data/quotes/8529d66b-b124-48d9-b7d8-3d2a1e03dab9 less more
1 author: Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore
2 content: "\"Gays, lebians, straights, feminists, fascist pigs, communists, Hare Krishnas\u2014\
3 none of them bother me. I don't care what banner they raise. But what I can't stand\
4 \ are hollow people. When I'm with them I just can't bear it, and wind up saying\
5 \ things I shouldn't. With those women\u2014I should've just let it slide... But\
6 \ I can't do that. I say things I shouldn't do things I shouldn't do. I can't control\
7 \ myself. That's one of my weak points. Do you know why that's a weak point of mine?\"\
8 \n\n\"'Cause if you take every single person who lacks imagination seriously, there's\
9 \ no end to it,\" I say.\n\n\"That's it,\" Oshima says. He taps his temple lightly\
10 \ with the eraser of the pencil. \"But there's one thing I want you to remember,\
11 \ Kafka. ... Narrow minds devoid of imagination. Intolerance, theories cut off from\
12 \ reality, empty terminology, usurped ideals, inflexible systems. Those are the\
13 \ things that really frighten me. What I absolutely fear and loathe. Of course it's\
14 \ important to know what's right and wrong. Individual errors in judgment can usually\
15 \ be corrected. As long as you have the courage to admit mistakes, things can be\
16 \ turned around. But intolerant, narrow minds with no imagination are like parasites\
17 \ that transform the host, change form, and continue to thrive. They're a lost cause,\
18 \ and I don't want anyone like that coming in here.\""
19 id: 8529d66b-b124-48d9-b7d8-3d2a1e03dab9
data/quotes/85603918-94c5-4c3f-91b8-91974f629996 less more
1 author: Vincent van Gogh
2 content: Let's not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives
3 and we obey them without realizing it.
4 id: 85603918-94c5-4c3f-91b8-91974f629996
data/quotes/85dc9139-1dae-4919-8985-3cc25eb69857 less more
1 author: Douglas Adams
2 content: Zaphod, whatever happens from now on, I just want you to know, I respect
3 you. Only not very much.
4 id: 85dc9139-1dae-4919-8985-3cc25eb69857
data/quotes/86515065-25d0-4a08-993d-b3424be72eef less more
1 author: H.L. Mencken
2 content: The basic fact about human existence is not that it is a tragedy, but that
3 it is a bore. It is not so much a war as an endless standing in line.
4 id: 86515065-25d0-4a08-993d-b3424be72eef
data/quotes/86a0d139-344f-45ca-b66d-9f9f43ac9628 less more
1 author: Walter Russell
2 content: Mediocrity is self-inflicted and genius is self-bestowed.
3 id: 86a0d139-344f-45ca-b66d-9f9f43ac9628
data/quotes/871a1618-471a-4ca5-ace2-86304ef2035c less more
1 author: Alan Perlis
2 content: The best book on programming for the layman is "Alice in Wonderland"; but
3 that's because it's the best book on anything for the layman.
4 id: 871a1618-471a-4ca5-ace2-86304ef2035c
data/quotes/87889f66-31b4-4396-94f0-3c73f89a11c9 less more
1 author: Gaston Bachelard
2 content: "Maybe it is a good thing for us to keep a few dreams of a house that we\
3 \ shall live in later, always later, so much later, in fact, that we shall not have\
4 \ time to achieve it. For a house that was final, one that stood in symmetrical\
5 \ relation to the house we were born in, would lead to thoughts\u2014serious, sad\
6 \ thoughts\u2014and not to dreams. It is better to live in a state of impermanence\
7 \ than in one of finality."
8 id: 87889f66-31b4-4396-94f0-3c73f89a11c9
data/quotes/87cb523b-3505-4283-b2d6-19b20ea41d97 less more
1 author: Paul Ford
2 content: Smalltalk was deeply inspired by LISP. Everything was deeply inspired by
3 LISP, because it's so fundamental. People either learned it, and were inspired,
4 or refused to learn it, and reinvented it in half-assed form.
5 id: 87cb523b-3505-4283-b2d6-19b20ea41d97
data/quotes/8807b040-a33a-4a90-a399-d2573b3fbe49 less more
1 author: John Carmack
2 content: It is not that uncommon for the cost of an abstraction to outweigh the benefit
3 it delivers. Kill one today!
4 id: 8807b040-a33a-4a90-a399-d2573b3fbe49
data/quotes/88370cf1-b038-4dcb-8168-92d2faddf363 less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek\n"
2 content: "Cinema is the ultimate pervert art. It doesn't give you what you desire\u2014\
3 it tells you how to desire.\n"
4 id: 88370cf1-b038-4dcb-8168-92d2faddf363
data/quotes/88e2bd56-688b-48e9-8085-7a1185672e68 less more
1 author: 'Sir Thomas Beecham
3 '
4 content: 'The function of music is to release us from the tyranny of conscious thought.
6 '
7 id: 88e2bd56-688b-48e9-8085-7a1185672e68
data/quotes/88fcf494-c758-4075-82f3-3357328fe0cb less more
1 author: pjdelport
4 id: 88fcf494-c758-4075-82f3-3357328fe0cb
data/quotes/893cbe00-123a-4a4e-b299-3d851e6913c6 less more
1 author: Joe Versus the Volcano
2 content: My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know.
3 Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake
4 and they live in a state of constant total amazement.
5 id: 893cbe00-123a-4a4e-b299-3d851e6913c6
data/quotes/8a11725d-1b77-41a1-afdd-8f0d261c282a less more
1 author: Friederich Nietzsche, unpublished note
2 content: 'For what purpose humanity is there should not even concern us: why you are
3 there, that you should ask yourself: and if you have no ready answer, then set for
4 yourself goals, high and noble goals, and perish in pursuit of them! I know of no
5 better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible...'
6 id: 8a11725d-1b77-41a1-afdd-8f0d261c282a
data/quotes/8a3cc3a3-16cb-4da5-bbe2-c3c4b3b95655 less more
1 author: Umberto Eco
2 content: ' a story the actors of course take part in the action, but the actors
3 are the embodiment of the actants, which might be described as the narrative roles
4 through which the actors can pass, perhaps changing their function in the plot structure.'
5 id: 8a3cc3a3-16cb-4da5-bbe2-c3c4b3b95655
data/quotes/8a67ee6c-5693-41cb-82e6-3bfbebda026d less more
1 author: orbsteve
2 content: "the difference between video games and pornography is ... that one is a\
3 \ highly commercial medium of highly disputed (and disputable) artistic merit which\
4 \ is largely dominated by male power fantasies and characterized by shoddy acting,\
5 \ laughable dialogue, and two-dimensional plots that many people simply skip past\
6 \ to get to the action and which is perpetually at the center of a media shitstorm\
7 \ for its graphic and often outright puerile content, and in which women always\
8 \ have unfeasibly massive hooters quivering beneath bizarre and scanty costumes,\
9 \ but which is rabidly defended by a massive fanbase who range from the fairly reasonable\
10 \ to the clearly deranged who loyally purchase tickets to conventions at which they\
11 \ awkwardly photograph themselves crooking their arms around real human women wearing\
12 \ aforementioned bizarre and scanty costumes with a minimum of self-awareness or\
13 \ -reflection\r\n\r\nwhereas the other is my horse, who i have named \"pornography\"\
14 \ for reasons i shall reveal to neither man nor god. PORNOGRAPHY AWAY"
15 id: 8a67ee6c-5693-41cb-82e6-3bfbebda026d
data/quotes/8a6f9fea-66aa-4b82-a2b9-3e7a016c2baa less more
1 author: Hamlet
2 content: You are not noble in reason, infinite in faculty, like an angel in your actions,
3 or especially moving in your form. However, you are a real piece of work.
4 id: 8a6f9fea-66aa-4b82-a2b9-3e7a016c2baa
data/quotes/8aa3e034-2fed-4a4e-a101-e2c3c739558c less more
1 author: Douglas Hofstatder
2 content: '[He] reveals that he has never had Recipe Cake. This is a delicious cake
3 whose batter is made out of the best cake recipes (if you use pie recipes, it won''t
4 taste nearly as good). The best results are had if the recipes are printed in French,
5 in Baskerville Roman. A preponderance of accents aigus lends a deliciously piquant
6 aroma to the cake.'
7 id: 8aa3e034-2fed-4a4e-a101-e2c3c739558c
data/quotes/8ac6c79e-4204-4ec3-8627-a3c1db6ed775 less more
1 author: Andrea Dworkin
2 content: Men develop a strong loyalty to violence. Men must come to terms with violence
3 because it is the prime component of male identity. Institutionalized in sports,
4 the military, acculturated sexuality, the history and mythology of heroism, it is
5 taught to boys until they become its advocates-men, not women. Men become advocates
6 of that which they most fear. In mastery of fear they experience freedom. Men transform
7 their fear of male violence into a metaphysical commitment to male violence. Violence
8 itself becomes the central definition of any experience that is profound and significant.
9 id: 8ac6c79e-4204-4ec3-8627-a3c1db6ed775
data/quotes/8b75b80e-d43d-4b1d-9fec-d3562b54a0c9 less more
1 author: Erica Jong
2 content: People don't complete us. We complete ourselves. If we haven't the power
3 to complete ourselves, the search for love becomes a search for self-annihilation,
4 and then we try to convince ourselves that self-annihilation is love.
5 id: 8b75b80e-d43d-4b1d-9fec-d3562b54a0c9
data/quotes/8c49ae36-7e06-4d97-a8cc-cc4e7fdc986b less more
1 author: John Campbell, Pictures for Sad Children
2 content: Nerds do not redefine adulthood. They waste it.
3 id: 8c49ae36-7e06-4d97-a8cc-cc4e7fdc986b
data/quotes/8c8bf44d-2b7e-49d1-8808-bcdc814b399a less more
1 author: Andrew Plotkin
2 content: '"Recursion: see ''Recursion''" is a very old joke. It''s also a stinking
3 lie. The correct definition is: Recursion: If you know what recursion is, just remember
4 the answer. Otherwise, locate someone who is standing closer to Douglas Hofstadter
5 than you are, and ask him/her what recursion is.'
6 id: 8c8bf44d-2b7e-49d1-8808-bcdc814b399a
data/quotes/8c9596aa-3f73-4f49-b3db-7230b895e05d less more
1 author: Friedrich Nietzsche
2 content: One must have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star.
3 id: 8c9596aa-3f73-4f49-b3db-7230b895e05d
data/quotes/8c9c51a3-8bbc-4130-b3f9-e4ad34742f7a less more
1 author: Tiny Carl Jung
2 content: Just received a letter from my Tiny Shadow half. We've been out of touch
3 for ages; it's nice to hear the inverse of my thoughts again.
4 id: 8c9c51a3-8bbc-4130-b3f9-e4ad34742f7a
data/quotes/8d2a1846-a4b0-4c3a-8a3d-88db93b282f1 less more
1 author: Erik Naggum
2 content: languages shape the way we think, or don't.
3 id: 8d2a1846-a4b0-4c3a-8a3d-88db93b282f1
data/quotes/8d946a97-7248-4273-98b6-a832725d01a1 less more
1 author: Machiavelli
2 content: '...since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between
3 them, it is far safer to be feared than to be loved.'
4 id: 8d946a97-7248-4273-98b6-a832725d01a1
data/quotes/8dc1a3a9-edb0-4f3a-ac4f-0190ce430829 less more
1 author: Warren Ellis
2 content: Everyone's looking for someone to blame. Society. Culture. Hollywood. Predators.
3 Looking everywhere but the right place. Children are very simple, Mr. Jerusalem.
4 Very easy devices to break, or assemble wrong. You want to know who did this to
5 these kids? Only their parents. That's the thing no one wants to hear. Every time
6 you stop thinking about how you're treating your kid, you make one of these. It
7 really is as simple as that. It's got nothing to do with the failure of the society
8 or any of that. It's got everything to do with the responsibility of making a human.
9 id: 8dc1a3a9-edb0-4f3a-ac4f-0190ce430829
data/quotes/8e9ace03-df69-4d18-bf74-922f38e0da70 less more
1 author: Graham Chapman
2 content: You know, there are many people in the country today who, through no fault
3 of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later
4 in their lives. It is up to people like you and me who are out of our tiny little
5 minds to try and help these people overcome their sanity. You can start in small
6 ways with ping-pong ball eyes and a funny voice and then you can paint half of your
7 body red and the other half green and then you can jump up and down in a bowl of
8 treacle going "squawk, squawk, squawk..." And then you can go "Neurhhh! Neurhhh!"
9 and then you can roll around on the floor going "pting pting pting"...
10 id: 8e9ace03-df69-4d18-bf74-922f38e0da70
data/quotes/8f662f3a-8bbe-4da6-9992-d1ab3aacba94 less more
1 author: Werner Herzog
2 content: The kinds of landscape I try to find in my films... exist only in our dreams.
3 For me a true landscape is not just a representation of a desert or a forest. It
4 shows an inner state of mind, literally inner landscapes, and it is the human soul
5 that is visible through the landscapes presented in my films.
6 id: 8f662f3a-8bbe-4da6-9992-d1ab3aacba94
data/quotes/8fe68d8b-03df-4df1-bf8e-2c78ade62150 less more
1 author: Penny Arcade
2 content: I tried to break down the essential position for him. "You're arguing for
3 a universe with fewer waffles in it," I said. "I'm prepared to call that cowardice."
4 id: 8fe68d8b-03df-4df1-bf8e-2c78ade62150
data/quotes/908e2964-904e-4b96-9c3d-9b3c5a0b354f less more
1 author: Turkish proverb
2 content: Coffee should be hot as hell, black as death, and gulped greatly from a cadaver-hued
3 earthenware mug while listening to nightmarish glitch techno through big fuck-off
4 headphones and staring out the window at fall-colored ash leaves shuddering in low-horizon
5 sunlight as window drafts under your ugly desk refrigerate your feet.
6 id: 908e2964-904e-4b96-9c3d-9b3c5a0b354f
data/quotes/916c47a0-f162-48ad-bcd8-5e9f08195d95 less more
1 author: Marshall McLuhan
2 content: The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent.
3 The machine easily masters the grim and dumb.
4 id: 916c47a0-f162-48ad-bcd8-5e9f08195d95
data/quotes/92458624-08fd-4e7c-9625-7183af0322ab less more
1 author: Bertrand Russell
2 content: The secret of happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible, horrible,
3 horrible.
4 id: 92458624-08fd-4e7c-9625-7183af0322ab
data/quotes/928735f8-394f-4c21-8fa5-5fdbe270d71c less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek"
2 content: What if, however, humans exceed animals in their capacity for violence precisely
3 because they speak? As Hegel was already well aware, there is something violent
4 in the very symbolisation of a thing, which equals its mortification. This violence
5 operates at multiple levels. Language simplifies the designated thing, reducing
6 it to a single feature. It dismembers the thing, destroying its organic unity, treating
7 its parts and properties as autonomous. It inserts the thing into a field of meaning
8 which is ultimately external to it. When we name gold "gold," we violently extract
9 a metal from its natural texture, investing into it our dreams of wealth, power,
10 spiritual purity, and so on, which have nothing whatsoever to do with the immediate
11 reality of gold.
12 id: 928735f8-394f-4c21-8fa5-5fdbe270d71c
data/quotes/92fceb39-fbae-4f69-9505-73cf6dd9fd0e less more
1 author: 'Sid, York, and Stephen
3 Terror Island'
4 content: '"...[they] switched over to revisionist astrology."
6 "What''s that?"
8 "Astronomy."
10 "Oh, I''ve heard of that. It''s like regular astrology, except it''s actually a
11 science."'
12 id: 92fceb39-fbae-4f69-9505-73cf6dd9fd0e
data/quotes/9306bd20-dd2a-4231-b13d-57ca0737d5b2 less more
1 author: G.K. Chesterton
2 content: '[The American] had lately been much alone. He was not unhappy, for he resembled
3 his great countryman, Walt Whitman, in carrying a kind of universe with him like
4 an open umbrella; but he was not only alone, but lonely.'
5 id: 9306bd20-dd2a-4231-b13d-57ca0737d5b2
data/quotes/9320d493-ee71-4b85-be1a-95305da80a7c less more
1 author: John Cage
2 content: "\"Cultivate&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;yourself&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;grand&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;similarity\r\
3 \n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;with&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chaos&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;of&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;surrounding&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ether.\r\
4 \n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Unloose&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;your&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;mind&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;set&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;your\r\
5 \n &nbsp;&nbsp;spirit&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;free.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Be&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;still&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;as&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if\r\
6 \n &nbsp;&nbsp;you&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;had&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;no&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;soul.\""
7 id: 9320d493-ee71-4b85-be1a-95305da80a7c
data/quotes/93245a89-493c-4927-a571-6bfa1a998f35 less more
1 author: Rudyard Kipling
2 content: '...but the wildest of all the wild animals was the Cat. He walked by himself,
3 and all places were alike to him.'
4 id: 93245a89-493c-4927-a571-6bfa1a998f35
data/quotes/932ccfc5-50a9-400e-bb7e-5a08a4540f3d less more
1 author: Wolfgang Pauli
2 content: Some people have very sensitive corns, and the only way to live with them
3 is to step on those corns until they are used to it.
4 id: 932ccfc5-50a9-400e-bb7e-5a08a4540f3d
data/quotes/934ec046-6b5d-4299-931e-a45bbc8887bf less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman
2 content: It's why supporting freedom of speech so often involves defending the indefensible,
3 and is, often uncomfortably, the right thing to do.
4 id: 934ec046-6b5d-4299-931e-a45bbc8887bf
data/quotes/9357b38a-1c98-45b9-9af7-78cc4cf8ae83 less more
1 author: Robert P. Abelson, *Statistics as Principles Argument*
2 content: "The famous mathematical sociologist Paul Lazarfeld once said, \"You never\
3 \ understand a phenomenon unless you can make it go away.\" We might add, \"or unless\
4 \ you can reverse its direction.\"\r\n\r\nPsychologist William McGuire (1983, 1989)\
5 \ suggested as one of many ways to develop new hypotheses that you can take some\
6 \ seemingly obvious relationship and imagine conditions where its opposite would\
7 \ hold."
8 id: 9357b38a-1c98-45b9-9af7-78cc4cf8ae83
data/quotes/93925025-0123-4607-a7ad-b3807e9abc6d less more
1 author: Antonio Gramsci
2 content: "_La mia praticit&agrave; consiste in questo: nel sapere che a battere la\
3 \ testa contro il muro &egrave; la testa a rompersi e non il muro._\r\n\r\nMy practicality\
4 \ consists of this: in the knowledge that if you beat your head against the wall,\
5 \ it is your head that breaks and not the wall."
6 id: 93925025-0123-4607-a7ad-b3807e9abc6d
data/quotes/939f4949-0b2b-4a55-b86b-030609743abb less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek"
2 content: My relationship towards tulips is inherently Lynchian. I think they are disgusting.
3 Just imagine. Aren't these some kind of, how do you call it, vagina dentata, dental
4 vaginas threatening to swallow you? I think that flowers are something inherently
5 disgusting. I mean, are people aware what a horrible thing these flowers are? I
6 mean, basically it's an open invitation to all insects and bees, "Come and screw
7 me," you know? I think that flowers should be forbidden to children.
8 id: 939f4949-0b2b-4a55-b86b-030609743abb
data/quotes/94527d5d-91de-40f4-bd78-f2f9bc7981a1 less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman, "How To Talk To Girls At Parties"
2 content: You know... I think there's a thing. When you've gone as far as you dare.
3 And if you go any further, you wouldn't be you anymore? You'd be the person who'd
4 done that? The places you just can't go... I think that happened to me tonight.
5 id: 94527d5d-91de-40f4-bd78-f2f9bc7981a1
data/quotes/948211bd-a768-423e-89ee-262d4471f3aa less more
1 author: Federico Fellini
2 content: 'I don''t believe in total freedom for the artist. Left on his own, free
3 to do anything he likes, the artist ends up doing nothing at all. If there''s one
4 thing that''s dangerous for an artist, it''s precisely this question of total freedom,
5 waiting for inspiration and the rest of it. '
6 id: 948211bd-a768-423e-89ee-262d4471f3aa
data/quotes/949a224e-9164-4883-a626-e8a935b0859e less more
1 author: viro
2 content: All software sucks, be it open-source [or] proprietary. The only question
3 is what can be done with particular instance of suckage, and that's where having
4 the source matters.
5 id: 949a224e-9164-4883-a626-e8a935b0859e
data/quotes/96581468-640a-4ffc-a0ba-b6985ec0c2ba less more
1 author: "Cesare Pavese, *Dialoghi con Leuc\xF2*"
2 content: "A true revelation, it seems to me, will only emerge from stubborn concentration\
3 \ on a solitary problem. I am not in league with inventors or adventurers, nor with\
4 \ travelers to exotic destinations. The surest\u2014also the quickest\u2014way to\
5 \ awake the sense of wonder in ourselves is to look intently, undeterred, at a single\
6 \ object. Sudenly, miraculously, it will reveal itself as something we have never\
7 \ seen before."
8 id: 96581468-640a-4ffc-a0ba-b6985ec0c2ba
data/quotes/96a39a25-b9b3-4e22-9aea-1913ad123352 less more
1 author: Georges Bataille
2 content: Leave the possible to those who love it.
3 id: 96a39a25-b9b3-4e22-9aea-1913ad123352
data/quotes/976557c6-0008-41c3-b1e8-da8593adf3d5 less more
1 author: Matt Groening
2 content: Yes, being an adult is a drag, but the orgasms are terrific.
3 id: 976557c6-0008-41c3-b1e8-da8593adf3d5
data/quotes/97e63856-a03c-428a-8f16-4721a4976750 less more
1 author: Tiki Bar TV
2 content: '"Linux is... a version of Windows... it''s full of holes, and viruses...
3 it''s terrible."
6 "Mmm... sounds like my ex-wife."'
7 id: 97e63856-a03c-428a-8f16-4721a4976750
data/quotes/981d033d-1702-4de2-9406-b8b909942c97 less more
1 author: Italo Calvino
2 content: I haven't been very clear, this isn't really how I had thought of it... but
3 before my thoughts can turn into spoken words they have to go through an empty space
4 and they come out false.
5 id: 981d033d-1702-4de2-9406-b8b909942c97
data/quotes/98ee6c06-24e7-4588-a61b-47e915276529 less more
1 author: George Orwell
2 content: There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe
3 in them.
4 id: 98ee6c06-24e7-4588-a61b-47e915276529
data/quotes/9907f79f-b081-41c0-97f0-589fd18eb1bc less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek"
2 content: "This, precisely, is the line of reasoning we should reject; let us take\
3 \ the extreme case, a mortal and violent struggle against a Fascist enemy. Should\
4 \ we show respect for the abyss of the radical Otherness of Hitler's personality\
5 \ beneath all his evil acts? It is here that we should apply Christ's famous words\
6 \ about how he has come to bring the sword and division, not unity and peace: out\
7 \ of our very love for humanity, including (whatever remains of) the humanity of\
8 \ the Nazis themselves, we should fight them in an absolutely ruthless and disrespectful\
9 \ way. In short, the Jewish saying often quoted apropos of the Holocaust ('When\
10 \ somebody saves one man from death, he saves the whole of humanity') should be\
11 \ supplemented with: 'When somebody kills just one true enemy of humanity, he (not\
12 \ not kills, but saves) the whole of humanity.' The true ethical test is not only\
13 \ the readiness to save victims, but also\u2014even more, perhaps\u2014the ruthless\
14 \ dedication to annihilating those who made them victims."
15 id: 9907f79f-b081-41c0-97f0-589fd18eb1bc
data/quotes/991a5633-0fd9-43ae-a0c0-7457fd73b85f less more
1 author: Numair Faraz
2 content: 'As for us regular people: love, peace, happiness. Pick one.'
3 id: 991a5633-0fd9-43ae-a0c0-7457fd73b85f
data/quotes/996b7a72-4c08-4855-b02a-3d5db3162109 less more
1 author: Jean Baudrillard
2 content: 'Driving is a spectacular form of amnesia. Everything is to be discovered,
3 everything to be obliterated. Admittedly, there is the primal shock of the deserts
4 and the dazzle of California, but when this is gone, the secondary brilliance of
5 the journey begins, that of the excessive, pitiless distance, the infinity of anonymous
6 faces and distances, or of certain miraculous geological formations, which ultimately
7 testify to no human will, while keeping intact an image of upheaval. This form of
8 travel admits of no exceptions: when it runs up against a known face, a familiar
9 landscape, or some decipherable message, the spell is broken: the amnesic, ascetic,
10 asymptotic charm of disappearance succumbs to affect and worldly semiology.'
11 id: 996b7a72-4c08-4855-b02a-3d5db3162109
data/quotes/9a354ebe-57a6-48ac-8786-23e109bbe92c less more
1 author: Philip Greenspun
2 content: Not to put too fine a point on it, but I think you are fucked.
3 id: 9a354ebe-57a6-48ac-8786-23e109bbe92c
data/quotes/9ab65b95-226a-4f89-adfc-fb6b6f7dd187 less more
1 author: Umberto Eco, *The Name of The Rose*
2 content: 'Until then I had thought each book spoke of the things, human or divine,
3 that lie outside books. Now I realized that not infrequently books speak of books:
4 it is as if they spoke among themselves. In the light of this reflection, the library
5 seemed all the more disturbing to me. It was then the place of a long, centuries-old
6 murmuring, an imperceptible dialogue between one parchment and another, a living
7 thing, a receptacle of powers not to be ruled by a human mind, a treausre of secrets
8 emanated by many minds, surviving the death of those who had produced them or had
9 been their conveyors.'
10 id: 9ab65b95-226a-4f89-adfc-fb6b6f7dd187
data/quotes/9ad9e66b-361f-407f-b289-ad097c81f6c4 less more
1 author: Alex Cox
2 content: I have been a working film director (REPO MAN, WALKER, etc) for twenty-odd
3 years, and copyright law has never worked in my favour - only in the favour of massive
4 corporations such as Universal / Vivendi, which seize even the "so-called inalienable
5 rights of authors." Patent and copyright laws are a fraud perpetrated by corporations
6 and governments against the actual producers of creative work. The independent filmmaker's
7 rule of thumb is always, if Jack Valenti's in favour of it, I'm against it.
8 id: 9ad9e66b-361f-407f-b289-ad097c81f6c4
data/quotes/9b026084-94e3-4df6-bf01-956be174b65e less more
1 author: G.K. Chesterton
2 content: "He knows that there are in the soul tints more bewildering, more numberless\
3 \ and\r\nmore nameless, than the colours of an autumn forest... Yet he seriously\
4 \ believes\r\nthat these things can every one of them, in all their tones and semi-tones,\
5 \ in\r\nall their blends and unions, be accurately represented by an arbitrary system\
6 \ of\r\ngrunts and squeals. He believes that an ordinary civilised stockbroker can\
7 \ really\r\nproduce out of his own inside, noises which denote all the mysteries\
8 \ of memory\r\nand all the agonies of desire."
9 id: 9b026084-94e3-4df6-bf01-956be174b65e
data/quotes/9bf0700a-d442-40a6-80a8-a41a214a9554 less more
1 author: Hunter S. Thompson
2 content: "Maybe this is all pure gibberish\u2014a product of the demented imagination\
3 \ of a lazy drunken hillbilly with a heart full of hate who has found out a way\
4 \ to live out there where the real winds blow - to sleep late, have fun, get wild,\
5 \ drink whiskey and ride fast on empty streets with nothing in mind except falling\
6 \ in love and not getting arrested...\nRes ipsa loquitur. Let the good times roll."
7 id: 9bf0700a-d442-40a6-80a8-a41a214a9554
data/quotes/9c0658b7-09d8-417d-bb57-92f8e62cc332 less more
1 author: Sean Yamamoto
2 content: The uneducated public will have lower standards than what a serious photographer
3 will have. That's normal; they don't know any better. A true artist is judging his/her
4 images on a professional level (and if not, someone else certainly will). This is
5 a public who will pay thousands in finance charges annually on various credit card
6 bills and balk at putting a $50 piece of art in a $25 frame. An $80 opera ticket
7 is not justifiable, although a $150 seat for an NFL football game is.
8 id: 9c0658b7-09d8-417d-bb57-92f8e62cc332
data/quotes/9c0feb48-563f-4e27-9429-bda63bea33d7 less more
1 author: Arnold Edinborough
2 content: Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity
3 killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly.
4 id: 9c0feb48-563f-4e27-9429-bda63bea33d7
data/quotes/9d19f041-5ba9-4a28-a0e2-fd630d730913 less more
1 author: James Gosling
2 content: I look at most of these social sites and I go, "Oh, jeez, that's all kinds
3 of boring."
4 id: 9d19f041-5ba9-4a28-a0e2-fd630d730913
data/quotes/9d4539a0-58c9-4653-a610-963ffe55ce0c less more
1 author: 'jerkcity
3 '
4 content: 'Grok is a word meaning "I''m fat, I have a huge U.C. Berkeley beard, and
5 I''m afraid to hit on girls."
7 '
8 id: 9d4539a0-58c9-4653-a610-963ffe55ce0c
data/quotes/9d6abe26-2ccd-46cf-9cc8-888f014c0e7c less more
1 author: Thomas Jefferson
2 content: Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes
3 suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.
4 id: 9d6abe26-2ccd-46cf-9cc8-888f014c0e7c
data/quotes/9d8cc6da-3618-47c2-a7e3-cc5670b60302 less more
1 author: Anonymous
2 content: 'The fortune cookie said: Only count the blessed moments of life.
5 The pessimist mathematician reasoned: The cursed moments are uncountable.'
6 id: 9d8cc6da-3618-47c2-a7e3-cc5670b60302
data/quotes/9d91b692-f5e4-4653-b30a-c1aa524b0f0d less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek"
2 content: "The only solution to this deadlock is to posit a kind of pre-ontological\
3 \ perturbation/inversion/disturbance _within nirvana itself_\u2014that is to say,\
4 \ prior to the split between nirvana and false appearance\u2014so that the Absolute\
5 \ itself (the cosmic Force, or whatever it is called) gets radically perverted.\
6 \ The traces of this inversion are discernible even in pop-cultural New Age icons\
7 \ like Darth Vader from _Star Wars_: in the idea that the truly evil people are\
8 \ those who have gained access to the Force that enables us to reach the true realm\
9 \ beyond false material reality, but then perverted/misused this Force, employing\
10 \ it for bad, evil ends. What, however, if this fall into perversion is original,\
11 \ the original monstrous cut/excess, and the opposition between nirvana and desire\
12 \ for false appearances is there to conceal this monstrosity?"
13 id: 9d91b692-f5e4-4653-b30a-c1aa524b0f0d
data/quotes/9e7a4e43-f6d4-4994-aeb0-2c9ebe6c4977 less more
1 author: Steve Yegge
2 content: So you can write Java code that's object-oriented but C-like using arrays,
3 vectors, linked lists, hashtables, and a minimal sprinkling of classes. Or you can
4 spend years creating mountains of class hierarchies and volumes of UML in a heroic
5 effort to tell people stories about all the great code you're going to write someday.
6 id: 9e7a4e43-f6d4-4994-aeb0-2c9ebe6c4977
data/quotes/9ea2182e-d6d6-400e-997a-ac927138efbb less more
1 author: Pablo Picasso
2 content: 'The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place:
3 from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape...'
4 id: 9ea2182e-d6d6-400e-997a-ac927138efbb
data/quotes/9fd9ea69-dabf-40e0-8e75-9129708ace3d less more
1 author: Marshall Berman
2 content: 'Now we must confront somethimg even more perplexing: next to the Communist
3 Manifesto, the whole body of capitalist apologetics, from Adam Ferguson to Milton
4 Friedman is remarkably pale and empty of life. The celebrants of capitalism tell
5 us surprisingly little of its infinite horizons, its revolutionary audacity, its
6 dynamic creativity, its adventurousness and romance, its capacity to make men not
7 only more comfortable but more alive.'
8 id: 9fd9ea69-dabf-40e0-8e75-9129708ace3d
data/quotes/a033b6d8-f9b9-4953-8485-f5f1801aac89 less more
1 author: Tom Robbins
2 content: Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober,
3 responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature.
4 id: a033b6d8-f9b9-4953-8485-f5f1801aac89
data/quotes/a0c43e56-96c8-4862-a25b-cd3d9504e5ab less more
1 author: William Butler Yeats
2 content: I know that Bertrand Russell must, seeing that he is such a featherhead,
3 be wrong about everything, but as I have no mathematics I cannot prove it.
4 id: a0c43e56-96c8-4862-a25b-cd3d9504e5ab
data/quotes/a0d37991-dfda-4316-9918-88459cad54b7 less more
1 author: Lily Tomlin
2 content: If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?
3 id: a0d37991-dfda-4316-9918-88459cad54b7
data/quotes/a0dd6514-4b6e-4208-bd17-38abaf98b24f less more
1 author: Werner Herzog
2 content: Civilization is like a thin layer of ice upon a deep ocean of chaos and darkness.
3 id: a0dd6514-4b6e-4208-bd17-38abaf98b24f
data/quotes/a0f962a7-6d15-4233-baca-f651f2dc5e1d less more
1 author: Haruki Murakami, paraphrasing Tolstoy
2 content: Happiness is an allegory, unhappiness is a story.
3 id: a0f962a7-6d15-4233-baca-f651f2dc5e1d
data/quotes/a12c60a1-f625-4a68-a9eb-95f6c74a2ca7 less more
1 author: Jorge Luis Borges
2 content: 'Que el cielo exista, aunque mi lugar sea el infierno.
5 May heaven exist, even if my place is hell.'
6 id: a12c60a1-f625-4a68-a9eb-95f6c74a2ca7
data/quotes/a1bb890a-7d8d-4fc2-92c9-d9b3f0b6133d less more
1 author: Phil Greenspun
2 content: My first week as an electrical engineering and computer science graduate
3 student I asked a professor for help with a problem. He talked to me for a bit and
4 then said "You're having trouble with this problem because you don't know anything
5 and you're not working very hard."
6 id: a1bb890a-7d8d-4fc2-92c9-d9b3f0b6133d
data/quotes/a1cb9050-23fd-4379-b21f-573873f69cee less more
1 author: Clive Bell
2 content: 'Only reason can convince of those three fundamental truths without a recognition
3 of which there can be no effective liberty: that what we believe is not necessarily
4 true; that what we like is not necessarily good; and that all questions are open.'
5 id: a1cb9050-23fd-4379-b21f-573873f69cee
data/quotes/a2cee0be-0c59-4cb8-a2c8-f70de87af751 less more
1 author: Edgar Allen Poe
2 content: They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who
3 dream only by night.
4 id: a2cee0be-0c59-4cb8-a2c8-f70de87af751
data/quotes/a32134b6-0b6a-46c2-bb19-7990f5732d4a less more
1 author: The Gospel of Thomas
2 content: 'Then the Lord himself spoke and said: "If you can grasp what is meant by
3 this, you will be delivered from the fear of Endings. So do not cease from searching.
4 Yet, remember this; when you find that for which you are looking, you will at first
5 be struck with horror and amazement. But after the horror will come understanding;
6 and in the end you will find yourself to be set apart, and honoured above them all."'
7 id: a32134b6-0b6a-46c2-bb19-7990f5732d4a
data/quotes/a40c5bdb-6ad0-450a-b64d-d323fdc0da99 less more
1 author: James Watson
2 content: One could not be a successful scientist without realizing that, in contrast
3 to the popular conception supported by newspapers and mothers of scientists, a goodly
4 number of scientists are not only narrow-minded and dull, but also just stupid.
5 id: a40c5bdb-6ad0-450a-b64d-d323fdc0da99
data/quotes/a413422c-76c7-4307-a938-e2384a06c3e3 less more
1 author: Flannery O'Connor
2 content: The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.
3 id: a413422c-76c7-4307-a938-e2384a06c3e3
data/quotes/a4202c73-2d3d-4268-8524-26daed889fc5 less more
1 author: Charles Darwin
2 content: There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been
3 originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has
4 gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning
5 endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.
6 id: a4202c73-2d3d-4268-8524-26daed889fc5
data/quotes/a588e6b8-2a90-4cd8-9fbc-95e348c213b0 less more
1 author: Robert Heinlein
2 content: A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher
3 a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a
4 wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone,
5 solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a
6 tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
7 id: a588e6b8-2a90-4cd8-9fbc-95e348c213b0
data/quotes/a5c8a22b-5dfb-4154-913c-a112832b2099 less more
1 author: Melvin Jules Bukiet
2 content: And there you have several miracles, first among them the wonder of a three-dimensional
3 volume where black squiggles on white paper create worlds.
4 id: a5c8a22b-5dfb-4154-913c-a112832b2099
data/quotes/a60726a1-7cd7-4e53-b7e7-9e8f0bca8d06 less more
1 author: Carl Sagan
2 content: For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.
3 id: a60726a1-7cd7-4e53-b7e7-9e8f0bca8d06
data/quotes/a6959b04-ab6c-4373-87f8-1261f190a640 less more
1 author: Buckminster Fuller
2 content: I have been a deliberate half-century-fused inciter of a cool-headed, natural,
3 gestation-rate-paced revolution, armed with physically demonstrable livingry levers
4 with which altogether to elevate all humanity to realization of an inherently sustainable,
5 satisfactory-to-all, ever higher standard of living. Critical threshold-crossing
6 of the inevitable revolution is already underway.
7 id: a6959b04-ab6c-4373-87f8-1261f190a640
data/quotes/a75e8987-24a8-49b5-9337-9ff7edf340ea less more
1 author: 'Penn Jillette
3 '
4 content: 'You must defend people you disagree with, it is how you find out what your
5 principles really are.
7 '
8 id: a75e8987-24a8-49b5-9337-9ff7edf340ea
data/quotes/a7fed9c8-6626-4a61-b09b-0427fcb96920 less more
1 author: Kobayashi Issa, translated by R.H. Blythe
2 content: Yes my little snail climb up the fujiyama but slowly slowly
3 id: a7fed9c8-6626-4a61-b09b-0427fcb96920
data/quotes/a8898f33-5114-4c48-a686-b991d99142d8 less more
1 author: John Waters
2 content: "My idea of rich is that you can buy every book you ever want without looking\
3 \ at the price and you\u2019re never around assholes. That\u2019s the two things\
4 \ to really fight for in life."
5 id: a8898f33-5114-4c48-a686-b991d99142d8
data/quotes/a88e555a-803a-4d0d-bbc3-b8fe8f7bdb54 less more
1 author: Donald Knuth
2 content: Whenever the C++ language designers had two competing ideas as to how they
3 should solve some problem, they said, "OK, we'll do them both". So the language
4 is too baroque for my taste.
5 id: a88e555a-803a-4d0d-bbc3-b8fe8f7bdb54
data/quotes/a8aac974-9249-4eb1-a47e-86c087475669 less more
1 author: Alan Perlis
2 content: A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming, is not
3 worth knowing.
4 id: a8aac974-9249-4eb1-a47e-86c087475669
data/quotes/aa6361db-5828-4264-843d-da976dd8eea2 less more
1 author: Donald Knuth
2 content: You're bound to be unhappy if you optimize everything.
3 id: aa6361db-5828-4264-843d-da976dd8eea2
data/quotes/aa63d9cb-2fb4-4314-9ca9-ff3708808556 less more
1 author: G.K. Chesterton
2 content: Without education, we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated
3 people seriously.
4 id: aa63d9cb-2fb4-4314-9ca9-ff3708808556
data/quotes/aa7f07db-a0ae-4885-92f6-ff7448544265 less more
1 author: Friedrich Nietzsche
2 content: That immense framework and planking of concepts to which the needy man clings
3 his whole life long in order to preserve himself is nothing but a scaffolding and
4 toy for the most audacious feats of the liberated intellect. And when it smashes
5 this framework to pieces, throws it into confusion, and puts it back together in
6 an ironic fashion, pairing the most alien things and separating the closest, it
7 is demonstrating that he has no need of these makeshits of indigence and that it
8 will not be guided by intuitions rather than by concepts. There is no regular path
9 which leads from these intutions into the land of ghostly schemata, the land of
10 abstractions. There exists no word for these intuitions; when man sees them he grows
11 dumb, or else he speaks only in forbidden metaphors and in unheard-of combinations
12 of concepts. He does this so that by shattering and mocking the old conceptual barriers
13 he may at least correspond creatively to the impression of the powerful present
14 intuition.
15 id: aa7f07db-a0ae-4885-92f6-ff7448544265
data/quotes/aaea163c-968e-49b5-addc-cd2f7f07826b less more
1 author: Christian Neukirchen (?)
2 content: Writing doesn't actually take that long. It's the long stretches of procrastinating
3 that take up most of your time.
4 id: aaea163c-968e-49b5-addc-cd2f7f07826b
data/quotes/ab1cf0fe-79de-4512-a572-1879b21e559f less more
1 author: Bill Hicks
2 content: "The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go\
3 \ on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride\
4 \ goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very\
5 \ brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have\
6 \ been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question: \"Is this real, or\
7 \ is this just a ride?\" And other people have remembered, and they come back to\
8 \ us, they say, \"Hey, don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because this is just\
9 \ a ride.\"\r\n\r\nAnd we kill those people."
10 id: ab1cf0fe-79de-4512-a572-1879b21e559f
data/quotes/ab2de6db-1216-4a8e-aed4-1e65ea3f21ac less more
1 author: Marshall McLuhan
2 content: World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between military
3 and civilian participation.
4 id: ab2de6db-1216-4a8e-aed4-1e65ea3f21ac
data/quotes/ab6a59c1-da0e-40ca-98c7-c0b7df15a679 less more
1 author: David Foster Wallace
2 content: I'm concerned about today's kids. These kids should be out drinking beer
3 and seeing films and having panty raids and losing virginities and writhing to suggestive
4 music, not making up long, sad, convoluted stories.
5 id: ab6a59c1-da0e-40ca-98c7-c0b7df15a679
data/quotes/ac10e7df-0dcc-4271-95fc-a49bd22a5dd9 less more
1 author: Thant Tessman
2 content: (Of course SML does have its weaknesses, but by comparison, a discussion
3 of C++'s strengths and flaws always sounds like an argument about whether one should
4 face north or east when one is sacrificing one's goat to the rain god.)
5 id: ac10e7df-0dcc-4271-95fc-a49bd22a5dd9
data/quotes/ac663b60-ae95-4810-9ed5-d554417a9a75 less more
1 author: Mark Twain
2 content: I haven't any right to criticize books, and I don't do it except when I hate
3 them. I often want to criticize Jane Austen, but her books madden me so that I can't
4 conceal my frenzy from the reader; and therefore I have to stop every time I begin.
5 Every time I read Pride and Prejudice I want to dig her up and beat her over the
6 skull with her own shin-bone.
7 id: ac663b60-ae95-4810-9ed5-d554417a9a75
data/quotes/ac959d47-39f8-4148-9883-eaf20a0cb251 less more
1 author: 'Spider Jerusalem
3 Warren Ellis''s "Transmetropolitan"'
4 content: Did you ever want to set someone's head on fire, just to see what it looked
5 like? Did you ever stand in the street and think to yourself, I could make that
6 nun go blind just by giving her a kiss? Did you ever lay out plans for stitching
7 babies and stray cats into a Perfect New Human? Did you ever stand naked surrounded
8 by people who want your gleaming sperm, squirting frankincense, soma and testosterone
9 from every pore? If so, then you're the bastard who stole my drugs Friday night.
10 And I'll find you. Oh, yes.
11 id: ac959d47-39f8-4148-9883-eaf20a0cb251
data/quotes/ade2b69b-b877-425e-ad99-0bb31224355d less more
1 author: run4yourlives
2 content: We fear 1984 while living Brave New World.
3 id: ade2b69b-b877-425e-ad99-0bb31224355d
data/quotes/ae2222f9-985b-4af3-a8df-7b90bc84b1d9 less more
1 author: Jack Shedd
2 content: 'But I want no part in [photographs]. I don''t want to stare at some photo
3 of me at 21 when I''m 50 and contemplate everything I was, or could have been. I
4 don''t want to have to drown in partial truths, grasping at a falling memory to
5 paint in details. I''d rather either remember, or not. Rather know, or forget. I''d
6 rather be able to molt my life as it goes, letting the useless bits drop away as
7 the important becomes more dear.
10 When I reach backwards into my life, I want to know what I find to have been defining.
11 To have been something I couldn''t shake, couldn''t let go of. I want to forget
12 the pointless birthday parties, and the group shots at the bars where so-and-so
13 is making that face she makes, and I''m half-drunk, and look that''s what''s his
14 face that guy who dated whoever that is. I want to reach and find the things I couldn''t
15 photograph: the moments I knew, the moments we forgot; the street sign all lit up
16 with sun as our car drove towards home; the view of the skyline when I left; the
17 dodge balls as they barreled towards me; the way it felt to run in the rain, drunk
18 and mad, screeching towards the bar like a five-year old on a sugar high.
21 I''d rather be able to forget, so that I can remember.'
22 id: ae2222f9-985b-4af3-a8df-7b90bc84b1d9
data/quotes/ae40b7a7-6e3b-4df4-b176-23064b1a83a0 less more
1 author: E.W. Dijkstra
2 content: 'The major attraction of the modern elixirs is that they relieve their consumers
3 from the obligation of being precise by presenting an interface too fuzzy to be
4 precise in: by suppressing the symptoms of impotence they create an illusion of
5 power.'
6 id: ae40b7a7-6e3b-4df4-b176-23064b1a83a0
data/quotes/ae5ce901-762a-4c74-93aa-c41c5d19f644 less more
1 author: M. C. Escher
2 content: What I give form to in daylight is only one per cent of what I have seen
3 in darkness.
4 id: ae5ce901-762a-4c74-93aa-c41c5d19f644
data/quotes/ae6f1494-33dc-41a4-a808-2fbadf12f7f0 less more
1 author: Robert Pirsig
2 content: The truth knocks on the door and you say, Go away, I'm looking for the truth,
3 and so it goes away. Puzzling.
4 id: ae6f1494-33dc-41a4-a808-2fbadf12f7f0
data/quotes/ae8b1d2c-7c2d-4f97-b8c3-2331269bcb74 less more
1 author: Stephen Fry
2 content: I can't pretend to be much of a judge of poetry. I'm an English teacher,
3 not a homosexual.
4 id: ae8b1d2c-7c2d-4f97-b8c3-2331269bcb74
data/quotes/aec1a44c-9d31-49b2-82b4-9b9d8af33013 less more
1 author: Mark Rosenfelder
2 content: Libertarianism strikes me as if someone (let's call her "Ayn Rand") sat down
3 to create the Un-Communism.
4 id: aec1a44c-9d31-49b2-82b4-9b9d8af33013
data/quotes/b087a7a2-34c5-4beb-8e1d-858cb69ed9b5 less more
1 author: Robert Graves
2 content: There's no money in poetry, but there's no poetry in money, either.
3 id: b087a7a2-34c5-4beb-8e1d-858cb69ed9b5
data/quotes/b1169ac9-fd46-4eb4-aa1d-76b006af5581 less more
1 author: Charles Mackay
2 content: There is scarcely an occurrence in nature which, happening at a certain time,
3 is not looked upon by some persons as a prognosticator either of good or evil. The
4 latter are in the greatest number, so much more ingenious are we in tormenting ourselves
5 than in discovering reasons for enjoyment in the things that surround us.
6 id: b1169ac9-fd46-4eb4-aa1d-76b006af5581
data/quotes/b29763f1-b803-4256-b12d-c5ef09ac4a6b less more
1 author: The Simpsons
2 content: '"Come on, Homer. Japan will be fun! You liked Rashomon."
4 "That''s not how I remember it!"'
5 id: b29763f1-b803-4256-b12d-c5ef09ac4a6b
data/quotes/b47c4567-dd90-4851-b670-f3d44a03ce24 less more
1 author: Henri Matisse
2 content: I don't paint things. I only paint the difference between things.
3 id: b47c4567-dd90-4851-b670-f3d44a03ce24
data/quotes/b4f95a41-52fa-48f9-99a5-eebf0bd1d3b6 less more
1 author: Bob Black
2 content: A libertarian is just a Republican who takes drugs.
3 id: b4f95a41-52fa-48f9-99a5-eebf0bd1d3b6
data/quotes/b5a573ff-75a5-4a9e-8b3c-b456f434c5f7 less more
1 author: Kieran Egan
2 content: We don't actually think about our institutions. We think through them. We
3 take for granted the institutions that surround us, and they frame the ways we think
4 about the world.
5 id: b5a573ff-75a5-4a9e-8b3c-b456f434c5f7
data/quotes/b5c4fe93-1fd5-4c32-972b-ecd8f21eee7c less more
1 author: 'Gilles Deleuze
3 '
4 content: 'Never believe that a smooth space will suffice to save us.
6 '
7 id: b5c4fe93-1fd5-4c32-972b-ecd8f21eee7c
data/quotes/b61a0c3c-3cff-4377-9cbc-d40ae217cd18 less more
1 author: G.K. Chesterton
2 content: If you'd take your head home and boil it for a turnip, it might be useful.
3 I can't say. But it might.
4 id: b61a0c3c-3cff-4377-9cbc-d40ae217cd18
data/quotes/b6743090-a39c-4a0d-ac2a-31fe50f149a7 less more
1 author: Asterios Polyp, by David Mazzucchelli
2 content: I don't like drawing from life. Things are always in the wrong place.
3 id: b6743090-a39c-4a0d-ac2a-31fe50f149a7
data/quotes/b682d375-32fa-4cbe-8627-a74238e91bb2 less more
1 author: Garrett Hardin
2 content: "Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children.\
3 \ Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children\u2014but we pay heavily for\
4 \ them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman\
5 \ elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society\
6 \ should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about\
7 \ to be born."
8 id: b682d375-32fa-4cbe-8627-a74238e91bb2
data/quotes/b68327c5-37bf-4836-ada0-502f9adeadeb less more
1 author: Erik Naggum
2 content: Life is too long to know C++ well.
3 id: b68327c5-37bf-4836-ada0-502f9adeadeb
data/quotes/b6d026db-e8e4-4730-b52c-af50f25ae678 less more
1 author: Peyton `Simon` Jones
2 content: 'Our biggest mistake: using the scary term "monad" rather than "warm fuzzy
3 thing".'
4 id: b6d026db-e8e4-4730-b52c-af50f25ae678
data/quotes/b6d1bcfe-be21-4e35-b8ed-022cf109c104 less more
1 author: Heraclitus
2 content: Latent structure is master of obvious structure.
3 id: b6d1bcfe-be21-4e35-b8ed-022cf109c104
data/quotes/b6ea9321-1e4e-496a-b669-ffbe470362c3 less more
1 author: Bruce Sterling
2 content: "And, yeah, by the way, Microsoft, Apple, Cisco, Google et al, they are all\
3 \ the blood brothers of Huawei in China\u2014because they are intelligence assets\
4 \ posing as commercial operations. They are surveillance marketers. They give you\
5 \ free stuff in order to spy on you and pass that info along the value chain. Personal\
6 \ computers can have users, but social media has livestock."
7 id: b6ea9321-1e4e-496a-b669-ffbe470362c3
data/quotes/b6fdd82b-b702-4d6f-bc32-4f57dceb4c98 less more
1 author: Konstantin Lopushansky's Visitor to a Museum
2 content: "\"What is it, a temple? What's it called?\" \r\n\"Nothing. It's by the\
3 \ village, behind the reservation.\" \r\n\"Will they let me in?\" \r\n\"No.\"\
4 \ \r\n\"What do I need to do to get in?\" \r\n\"You have to pray.\" \r\n\"Knock\
5 \ on the wall?\" \r\n\"Knock and repeat the words.\" \r\n\"What words?\" \r\n\
6 \"'Let me out of here.' You say it many times.\" \r\n\"Is that it?\" \r\n\"That's\
7 \ it. We have only one prayer.\" "
8 id: b6fdd82b-b702-4d6f-bc32-4f57dceb4c98
data/quotes/b71aad62-20fe-42a2-a586-16ed6f4046e3 less more
1 author: "Andr\xE9 Breton"
2 content: Let us not mince words... the marvelous is always beautiful, anything marvelous
3 is beautiful, in fact, only the marvelous is beautiful.
4 id: b71aad62-20fe-42a2-a586-16ed6f4046e3
data/quotes/b77cbeb5-5e19-4405-bde3-f9eb421646fa less more
1 author: Friedrich Nietzsche
2 content: The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed
3 by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened.
4 But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
5 id: b77cbeb5-5e19-4405-bde3-f9eb421646fa
data/quotes/b7e1d0ef-c0b7-4b9f-8ff3-5f3ae2d531c0 less more
1 author: Alfred North Whitehead
2 content: In the study of ideas, it is necessary to remember that insistence on hard-headed
3 clarity issues from sentimental feeling, as it were a mist, cloaking the perplexities
4 of fact. Insistence on clarity at all costs is based on sheer superstition as the
5 mode in which human intelligence functions. Our reasonings grasp at straws for premises
6 and float on gossamers for deduction.
7 id: b7e1d0ef-c0b7-4b9f-8ff3-5f3ae2d531c0
data/quotes/b7ea086e-f18c-4527-9ba8-eac9928e77fe less more
1 author: "Ikky\u016B\n"
2 content: "After I\u2019m gone, some of you will seclude yourselves in the forests\
3 \ and mountains to meditate, while others may drink rice wine and enjoy the company\
4 \ of women. Both kinds of Zen are fine, but if some become professional clerics,\
5 \ babbling about \"Zen as the Way,\" they are my enemies.\n"
6 id: b7ea086e-f18c-4527-9ba8-eac9928e77fe
data/quotes/b866a788-3109-4454-be00-250be7dcf1c7 less more
1 author: Mitch Hedberg
2 content: I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long.
3 id: b866a788-3109-4454-be00-250be7dcf1c7
data/quotes/b89b664d-df7d-4d0c-ac57-ab93e1e38989 less more
1 author: Asterios Polyp, by David Mazzucchelli
2 content: "Don't act so superior \u2014 language is just a mask."
3 id: b89b664d-df7d-4d0c-ac57-ab93e1e38989
data/quotes/b8abfc1a-eca1-4c6e-a606-734c920606dd less more
1 author: Lick My Jesus
2 content: We should follow this trail. And also "blaze" it.
3 id: b8abfc1a-eca1-4c6e-a606-734c920606dd
data/quotes/b8f87167-2da4-4b3a-b65e-83f1afb3954f less more
1 author: Ivan Illich
2 content: "Machines which ape people are tending to encroach on every aspect of people's\
3 \ lives, and that such machines force people to behave like machines. The new electronic\
4 \ devices do indeed have the power to force people to \"communicate\" with them\
5 \ and with each other on the terms of the machine. Whatever structurally does not\
6 \ fit the logic of machines is effectively filtered from a culture dominated by\
7 \ their use.\r\n\r\nThe machine-like behaviour of people chained to electronics\
8 \ constitutes a degradation of their well-being and of their dignity which, for\
9 \ most people in the long run, becomes intolerable. Observations of the sickening\
10 \ effect of programmed environments show that people in them become indolent, impotent,\
11 \ narcissistic and apolitical. The political process breaks down, because people\
12 \ cease to be able to govern themselves; they demand to be managed.\r\n"
13 id: b8f87167-2da4-4b3a-b65e-83f1afb3954f
data/quotes/b92d25fd-8a44-4e2f-9c70-234f4fd60043 less more
1 author: David Edwards
2 content: The truth is that we are only potentially homo sapiens. We are set apart
3 from the animals precisely by the fact that we are born without any clear guide
4 as to how to deal adequately with the problems of our human condition. The great
5 marvel and misery of humanity is this capacity for bewilderment. This is not, of
6 course, to deny that human being have instincts; it is to affirm the fact that each
7 of us is required to find our own non-instinctual answers to the problems of life,
8 free and happiness (instinct is silent in the face of all the above questions).
9 The sum total of answers we give to the problem of our relationship with the universe,
10 we call religion.
11 id: b92d25fd-8a44-4e2f-9c70-234f4fd60043
data/quotes/b97718d2-b489-4e79-8bff-37ba952cd792 less more
1 author: lordsteeb
2 content: 'please destroy nerds. it''s not difficult. be smarter or stronger or more
3 graceful or more kind. be more able to love. the next time that you feel called
4 upon to defend video games as an art form do literally anything else instead. do
5 not say awesome or epic or otherwise engage with the vacuous shorthand of the nerd
6 tribe. please understand that it is not immediately the best thing you have ever
7 seen when two cultural references that you understand are forced into proximity:
8 batman and the predator. star wars and minecraft. mario and grindhouse films.
11 reject nerds and flex on nerdfighters. do not allow a person to infect hiphop with
12 their vile chiptunes. do not abide the nerd who holds up his consumerist fantasias
13 as valid cultural icons. do not allow the nerds to cluster or they will eventually
14 spore subreddits. suffer not the nerd to "fap". creepshame a nerd, imo.
17 reestablish the distinction between "nerdy" and "smart" through harsh words and
18 hard work.
21 please,
24 help me destroy nerds'
25 id: b97718d2-b489-4e79-8bff-37ba952cd792
data/quotes/bb4da75f-6f2f-43b1-bbbf-dbb54aba04dd less more
1 author: Mattie Brice
2 content: "The conversation of what is and isn\u2019t a game is often, intentionally\
3 \ or not, used to assign value to already established gaming conventions that benefit\
4 \ the established system and marginalize works that do not look like it, and therefore\
5 \ threaten it."
6 id: bb4da75f-6f2f-43b1-bbbf-dbb54aba04dd
data/quotes/bc0755d8-d9fa-4698-af58-b6cbfe96aac4 less more
1 author: Robert Anton Wilson
2 content: It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing
3 a single idea.
4 id: bc0755d8-d9fa-4698-af58-b6cbfe96aac4
data/quotes/bc966260-5bf0-4fc8-9143-3454b96ad8a9 less more
1 author: Jorge Luis Borges
2 content: Writing is nothing more than a guided dream.
3 id: bc966260-5bf0-4fc8-9143-3454b96ad8a9
data/quotes/bcbb30ba-489c-4ebe-b98f-92f8df0491c2 less more
1 author: C.A.R. Hoare
2 content: 'There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make
3 it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make
4 it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far
5 more difficult.'
6 id: bcbb30ba-489c-4ebe-b98f-92f8df0491c2
data/quotes/bcda135a-15d1-45f0-ac53-97bccd97de4b less more
1 author: Silvio Berlusconi
2 content: God save us from imbeciles.
3 id: bcda135a-15d1-45f0-ac53-97bccd97de4b
data/quotes/be29a71a-0be9-4a99-8044-fc59c62b0b92 less more
1 author: Gregory Vlastos
2 content: A machine is as distinctively and brilliantly and expressively human as a
3 violin sonata or a theorem in Euclid.
4 id: be29a71a-0be9-4a99-8044-fc59c62b0b92
data/quotes/be48e55a-5f75-4b5e-ad9d-ba8bdccd1fec less more
1 author: Billy Idol
2 content: Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine.
3 id: be48e55a-5f75-4b5e-ad9d-ba8bdccd1fec
data/quotes/be959780-98cf-449c-b19f-dc579687ae64 less more
1 author: Jorge Luis Borges
2 content: In general, every country has the language it deserves.
3 id: be959780-98cf-449c-b19f-dc579687ae64
data/quotes/bede1e46-6517-4b6e-85d4-efcf861a3770 less more
1 author: Mark Twain
2 content: To be good is to be lonesome.
3 id: bede1e46-6517-4b6e-85d4-efcf861a3770
data/quotes/bef8761d-3696-46f6-adcc-1ccaaf26b9af less more
1 author: Terry Pratchett
2 content: "He'd noticed that sex bore some resemblance to cookery: It fascinated people,\
3 \ they sometimes bought books full of complicated recipes and interesting pictures,\
4 \ and sometimes when they were really hungry they created vast banquets in their\
5 \ imagination\u2014but at the end of the day they'd settle quite happily for egg\
6 \ and chips, if it was well done and maybe had a slice of tomato."
7 id: bef8761d-3696-46f6-adcc-1ccaaf26b9af
data/quotes/bf8dbca8-6704-4cc3-8e2e-715537ebe76f less more
1 author: Neil Postman
2 content: We must remember that Galileo merely said that the language of _nature_ is
3 written in mathematics. He did not say _everything_ is. And even the truth about
4 nature need not be expressed in mathematics. For most of human history, the language
5 of nature has been the language of myth and ritual. These forms, one might add,
6 had the virtues of leaving nature unthreatened and of encouraging the belief that
7 human beings are part of it. It hardly befits a people who stand ready to blow up
8 the planet to praise themselves too vigorously for having found the true way to
9 talk about nature.
10 id: bf8dbca8-6704-4cc3-8e2e-715537ebe76f
data/quotes/c071a96f-715c-4473-8510-44a8890038f1 less more
1 author: Lick My Jesus
2 content: Ahh, my eyes! They burn like single mothers in hell!
3 id: c071a96f-715c-4473-8510-44a8890038f1
data/quotes/c0c57634-9536-4154-b20a-a290ed5c6e13 less more
1 author: Rob Pike
2 content: Object-oriented design is the roman numerals of computing.
3 id: c0c57634-9536-4154-b20a-a290ed5c6e13
data/quotes/c0d0dea7-65e3-4a2f-adc7-621129af6bce less more
1 author: Crash and Wallace Wells in Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life
2 content: '"This song is for the guy who keeps yelling from the balcony, and it''s
3 called ''We Hate You, Please Die.''"
6 "Sweet! A song for ME!"'
7 id: c0d0dea7-65e3-4a2f-adc7-621129af6bce
data/quotes/c0d8c09b-5cd6-44b7-acfb-a973e7064e95 less more
1 author: The Storyteller
2 content: I am a teller of stories, a weaver of dreams. I can dance, sing, and in the
3 right weather I can stand on my head. I know seven words of Latin, I have a little
4 magic, and a trick or two. I know the proper way to meet a Dragon, I can fight dirty
5 but not fair, I once swallowed thirty oysters in a minute. I am not domestic, I
6 am a luxury, and in that sense, necessary.
7 id: c0d8c09b-5cd6-44b7-acfb-a973e7064e95
data/quotes/c19397cc-78ba-419d-90d5-ba1e0ab4cf7e less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek"
2 content: What if the way we perceive a problem is already part of the problem?
3 id: c19397cc-78ba-419d-90d5-ba1e0ab4cf7e
data/quotes/c1ec0161-c7bd-4d6f-bbbd-5202f4c094a5 less more
1 author: Alan Greenspan
2 content: If I have made myself clear, you must have misunderstood me.
3 id: c1ec0161-c7bd-4d6f-bbbd-5202f4c094a5
data/quotes/c1f8401f-0730-4544-9183-9032da46ec78 less more
1 author: J.R.R. Tolkien
2 content: Perilous to us all are the devices of an art deeper than that which we possess
3 ourselves.
4 id: c1f8401f-0730-4544-9183-9032da46ec78
data/quotes/c2a284d0-d4a1-482c-8d56-dc9a32c5077c less more
1 author: Red Elvises, "Sad Cowboy Song"
2 content: 'She done me wrong,
4 but at least she done me.'
5 id: c2a284d0-d4a1-482c-8d56-dc9a32c5077c
data/quotes/c35f68a8-ff72-4c53-8cac-7a1c3f1ae4e7 less more
1 author: Warren Ellis
2 content: Okay, you know how some Christians believe there's a thing called the Rapture
3 where God will sweep them up into a magical place where everything is beautiful
4 and they will live forever? The Singularity is sort of like that, except that you
5 replace "God" in the above sentence with "Siri."
6 id: c35f68a8-ff72-4c53-8cac-7a1c3f1ae4e7
data/quotes/c36314b1-b37b-4996-a2aa-050521ed5a4f less more
1 author: Alan Kay
2 content: As my wife once remarked to Vice President Al Gore, the "haves and havenots"
3 of the future will not be caused so much by being connected or not to the Internet,
4 since most important content is already available in public libraries, free and
5 open to all. the real haves and have-nots are those who have or have not acquired
6 the discernment to search for and make use of high content wherever it may be found.
7 id: c36314b1-b37b-4996-a2aa-050521ed5a4f
data/quotes/c3ce9100-240c-4199-bf93-4372ac1691b1 less more
1 author: Henry Louis Mencken
2 content: Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the
3 black flag, and begin slitting throats.
4 id: c3ce9100-240c-4199-bf93-4372ac1691b1
data/quotes/c4e9cf9a-9587-4efc-9de4-c2341b55e249 less more
1 author: Dr. Samuel Johnson
2 content: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely
3 no good.
4 id: c4e9cf9a-9587-4efc-9de4-c2341b55e249
data/quotes/c556e52c-43fe-48b0-9dd8-0be2d7ebb8e4 less more
1 author: Ludwig Wittgenstein
2 content: 'The solution of philosophical problems can be compared with a gift in a
3 fairy tale: in the magic castle it appears enchanted and if you look at it outside
4 in daylight it is nothing but an ordinary bit of iron.'
5 id: c556e52c-43fe-48b0-9dd8-0be2d7ebb8e4
data/quotes/c5a1842b-6117-4b8f-8461-df8767f95186 less more
1 author: Bill Bailey
2 content: Marijuana? It's harmless, really, unless you fashion it into a club and beat
3 someone over the head with it.
4 id: c5a1842b-6117-4b8f-8461-df8767f95186
data/quotes/c5c5d859-358f-4fe2-a8b1-2e2f986c0d86 less more
1 author: E.E. Cummings
2 content: 'since feeling is first
4 who pays any attention
6 to the syntax of things
8 will never wholly kiss you;'
9 id: c5c5d859-358f-4fe2-a8b1-2e2f986c0d86
data/quotes/c630afb2-8c1a-40a3-b406-034c5d788b26 less more
1 author: Hanlon's Razor
2 content: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
3 id: c630afb2-8c1a-40a3-b406-034c5d788b26
data/quotes/c686222e-df82-4e65-ae4c-b4bbba7d6b9d less more
1 author: Italo Calvino
2 content: "\"Il giorno in cui conoscer\xF2 tutti gli emblemi... riucir\xF2 a possedere\
3 \ il mio impero, finalmente?\"\n\"Sire, non le credere; quel giorno sarai tu stesso\
4 \ emblema tra gli emblemi.\""
5 id: c686222e-df82-4e65-ae4c-b4bbba7d6b9d
data/quotes/c6a7a154-1258-49e4-83ef-cb219808b821 less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman
2 content: I love religion. I could make up religions all day. I sort of think that
3 in an ideal world I'd like to be a religion designer. I'd like people come up to
4 me and say, "I need a religion." I'd go talk to them for awhile, and I'd design
5 a religion for them. That would be a great job. There's a need for people like that.
6 Fortunately, seeing that one can't actually do it, I get paid for sort of making
7 them up anyway.
8 id: c6a7a154-1258-49e4-83ef-cb219808b821
data/quotes/c700ac61-bd0f-48dd-90c9-1c562d40ba9f less more
1 author: Marshall McLuhan
2 content: there is absolutely no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to
3 contemplate what is happening
4 id: c700ac61-bd0f-48dd-90c9-1c562d40ba9f
data/quotes/c75ff883-70c0-4dfd-af35-318c341b2132 less more
1 author: Dostoevsky
2 content: We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest
3 us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken.
4 id: c75ff883-70c0-4dfd-af35-318c341b2132
data/quotes/c7f02e22-fb48-43fb-a455-9121fe0a7dac less more
1 author: Dr. Cox
2 content: ' you know any women who hate themselves enough to actually date me?'
3 id: c7f02e22-fb48-43fb-a455-9121fe0a7dac
data/quotes/c7f332a3-6ab5-47df-873b-8ccf1ec440d5 less more
1 author: Groucho Marx
2 content: I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I
3 go into the other room and read a book.
4 id: c7f332a3-6ab5-47df-873b-8ccf1ec440d5
data/quotes/c8ad3a3e-2dc9-4232-8102-39d7b4b89bad less more
1 author: Mark Andrejevic
2 content: '...conspiracy theory, despite its infinite productivity, remains a failure
3 of the imagination that corresponds to an inability to think, in the current instance,
4 outside the horizons of capitalism.'
5 id: c8ad3a3e-2dc9-4232-8102-39d7b4b89bad
data/quotes/c924a428-6595-4c18-b7bf-20b2d2dfc3bc less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman
2 content: Any view of things that is not strange is false.
3 id: c924a428-6595-4c18-b7bf-20b2d2dfc3bc
data/quotes/c94216b7-717d-403c-bb96-2e16b14f8419 less more
1 author: Edsger Dijkstra
2 content: Please don't fall into the trap of believing that I am terribly dogmatical
3 about [the goto statement]. I have the uncomfortable feeling that others are making
4 a religion out of it, as if the conceptual problems of programming could be solved
5 by a single trick, by a simple form of coding discipline!
6 id: c94216b7-717d-403c-bb96-2e16b14f8419
data/quotes/c9725b6b-6a68-4b08-ba8c-86321183b529 less more
1 author: 'The Unity
3 Terror Island'
4 content: Your laser, like the proverbial fat child on the see-saw, disrupted the balance.
5 Thus it had to be destroyed. (Like the proverbial fat child.)
6 id: c9725b6b-6a68-4b08-ba8c-86321183b529
data/quotes/c972d335-cdc0-490d-8399-a4be5d47429a less more
1 author: Gary Younge
2 content: "I have always found America exciting; but, for better or worse, never exceptional.\
3 \ Its efforts at global domination seemed like a plot development in the narrative\
4 \ of European empire rather than a break from it. Even as the French lambasted secretary\
5 \ of state Colin Powell's presentation to the Security Council, protesters in Abidjan,\
6 \ the capital of Ivory Coast, waved American flags and placards saying: \"Bush please\
7 \ help Ivory Coast against French terrorism.\" There was precious little moral high\
8 \ ground to go round. Yet everyone, it seemed, was making a stake on it.\r\n\r\n\
9 So it was with great bemusement that I found myself having to absorb abuse from\
10 \ white, rightwing Americans, who harked back to the Declaration of Independence\
11 \ of 1776 and the second world war to justify military aggression in Iraq. They\
12 \ badgered me as though their own reference points represented the sole prism through\
13 \ which global events could possibly be understood. As if the struggle for moral\
14 \ superiority between Europe and the US could have any relevance to someone whose\
15 \ ancestors were brought to the Americas as slaves and whose parents and grandparents\
16 \ lived through the war under European colonisation.\r\n\r\n\"If it wasn't for us,\
17 \ you would be speaking German,\" they would say. \"No, if it wasn't for you,\"\
18 \ I would tell them, \"I would probably be speaking Yoruba.\" "
19 id: c972d335-cdc0-490d-8399-a4be5d47429a
data/quotes/c9fcd620-4edb-4df7-8730-b5366120c978 less more
1 author: David Graeber
2 content: "A former LAPD officer turned sociologist (Cooper 1991) observed that the\
3 \ overwhelming majority of those beaten by police turn out not to be guilty of any\
4 \ crime. \u201CCops don\u2019t beat up burglars\u201D, he observed. The reason,\
5 \ he explained, is simple: the one thing most guaranteed to evoke a violent reaction\
6 \ from police is to challenge their right to \u201Cdefine the situation.\u201D If\
7 \ what I\u2019ve been saying is true this is just what we\u2019d expect. The police\
8 \ truncheon is precisely the point where the state\u2019s bureaucratic imperative\
9 \ for imposing simple administrative schema, and its monopoly of coercive force,\
10 \ come together. It only makes sense then that bureaucratic violence should consist\
11 \ first and foremost of attacks on those who insist on alternative schemas or interpretations.\
12 \ At the same time, if one accepts Piaget\u2019s famous definition of mature intelligence\
13 \ as the ability to coordinate between multiple perspectives (or possible perspectives)\
14 \ one can see, here, precisely how bureaucratic power, at the moment it turns to\
15 \ violence, becomes literally a form of infantile stupidity."
16 id: c9fcd620-4edb-4df7-8730-b5366120c978
data/quotes/ca3d43e5-a815-4d57-a39b-707da09977dd less more
1 author: Abelson & Sussman, SICP
2 content: First, we want to establish the idea that a computer language is not just
3 a way of getting a computer to perform operations but rather that it is a novel
4 formal medium for expressing ideas about methodology. Thus, programs must be written
5 for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.
6 id: ca3d43e5-a815-4d57-a39b-707da09977dd
data/quotes/ca73b8fd-f127-42b2-9aea-1a73c45d1d0f less more
1 author: Ludwig Wittgenstein
2 content: I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order
3 to enjoy ourselves.
4 id: ca73b8fd-f127-42b2-9aea-1a73c45d1d0f
data/quotes/ca815450-ee32-4e55-b395-4b08128e4c68 less more
1 author: "Quoted by George P\xF3lya"
2 content: In order to solve this differential equation you look at it until a solution
3 occurs to you.
4 id: ca815450-ee32-4e55-b395-4b08128e4c68
data/quotes/cac48c78-c5d0-4601-b597-133d1e1df207 less more
1 author: Rafi Haladijan
2 content: The problem with the Internet of things are the things.
3 id: cac48c78-c5d0-4601-b597-133d1e1df207
data/quotes/cb48d35f-cf3e-4142-9a44-59523bd55f55 less more
1 author: Thomas Pynchon
2 content: My belief is that "recluse" is a code word generated by journalists... meaning,
3 "doesn't like to talk to reporters."
4 id: cb48d35f-cf3e-4142-9a44-59523bd55f55
data/quotes/cb751be6-b5aa-4bf4-a2e2-cdc6cad2e585 less more
1 author: Reverend Mother Gaius Mohiam, Frank Herbert's Dune
2 content: Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would
3 set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.
4 id: cb751be6-b5aa-4bf4-a2e2-cdc6cad2e585
data/quotes/cbb2abbe-a41d-46f7-ae2a-219180fe95e8 less more
1 author: James M. Henle
2 content: One is capable of the greatest evil only when one believes one is acting
3 for higher purposes.
4 id: cbb2abbe-a41d-46f7-ae2a-219180fe95e8
data/quotes/cc17b27e-3349-457f-95da-2c5fe170f0c6 less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman
2 content: Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when
3 you fall, you fly.
4 id: cc17b27e-3349-457f-95da-2c5fe170f0c6
data/quotes/cc40b4d6-613b-4342-b701-550d4d348ac6 less more
1 author: Tim Peters
2 content: 'Two things I learned for sure during a particularly intense acid trip in
3 my own lost youth: (1) everything is a trivial special case of something else; and,
4 (2) death is a bunch of blue spheres.'
5 id: cc40b4d6-613b-4342-b701-550d4d348ac6
data/quotes/cc6cb1fb-0aef-4e45-9ecc-423394b0e034 less more
1 author: Anonymous
2 content: Cthulhu saves our souls and redeems them for valuable coupons later.
3 id: cc6cb1fb-0aef-4e45-9ecc-423394b0e034
data/quotes/cce2d9b1-52d7-4543-b1e5-9e687d6ea7d2 less more
1 author: Grant Morrison
2 content: "Superman spent his childhood baling hay on a farm, he\u2019s a working class\
3 \ hero and people don\u2019t like that. Whereas Batman is a billionaire who sleeps\
4 \ until three in the afternoon, puts on a rubber suit and beats the shit out of\
5 \ poor people. Now that\u2019s a wish fulfillment fantasy."
6 id: cce2d9b1-52d7-4543-b1e5-9e687d6ea7d2
data/quotes/cdc15b9b-d3af-4836-be99-1388b238487d less more
1 author: E.W. Dijkstra
2 content: 'The problem with educational policy is that it is hardly influenced by scientific
3 considerations derived from the topics taught, and almost entirely determined by
4 extra-scientific circumstances such as the combined expectations of the students,
5 their parents and their future employers, and the prevailing view of the role of
6 the university: is the stress on training its graduates for today''s entry-level
7 jobs or to providing its alumni with the intellectual bagage and attitudes that
8 will last them another 50 years? Do we grudgingly grant the abstract sciences only
9 a far-away corner on campus, or do we recognize them as the indispensable motor
10 of the high-technology industry? Even if we do the latter, do we recognize a high-technology
11 industry as such if its technology primarily belongs to formal mathematics? Do the
12 universities provide for society the intellectual leadership it needs or only the
13 training it asks for?'
14 id: cdc15b9b-d3af-4836-be99-1388b238487d
data/quotes/cdd77ce6-9fd5-45dc-a65a-7575ebfe1412 less more
1 author: Roland Barthes
2 content: To keep these spoken systems from disturbing or embarassing us, there is
3 no other solution than to inhabit one of them.
4 id: cdd77ce6-9fd5-45dc-a65a-7575ebfe1412
data/quotes/cded9b24-fe5e-432d-9f7d-bb30953278ec less more
1 author: Warren Ellis
2 content: "I still get asked with appalling regularity \"where my ideas come from.\"\
3 \r\n\r\nHere's the deal. I flood my poor ageing head with information. Any information.\
4 \ Lots of it. And I let it all slosh around in the back of my brain, in the part\
5 \ normal people use for remembering bills, thinking about sex and making appointments\
6 \ to wash the dishes.\r\n\r\nEventually, you get a critical mass of information.\
7 \ Datum 1 plugs into Datum 3 which connects to Datum 3 and Data 4 and 5 stick to\
8 \ it and you've got a chain reaction. A bunch of stuff knits together and lights\
9 \ up and you've got what's called \"an idea\".\r\n\r\nAnd for that brief moment\
10 \ where it's all flaring and welding together, you are Holy. You can't be touched.\
11 \ Something impossible and brilliant has happened and suddenly you understand what\
12 \ it would be like if Einstein's brain was placed into the body of a young tyrannosaur,\
13 \ stuffed full of amphetamines and suffused with Sex Radiation.\r\n\r\nThat is what\
14 \ has happened to me tonight. I am beaming Sex Rays across the world and my brain\
15 \ is all lit up with Holy Fire. If I felt like it, I could shag a million nuns and\
16 \ destroy their faith in Christ.\r\n\r\n*From my chair.*\r\n\r\nSee, this is the\
17 \ good bit about writing. It's what keeps you going. It's the wild rush of \"shit,\
18 \ did I think of that?\" with all kinds of weird chemicals shunting around your\
19 \ brain and ideas and images and moments and storyforms all opening up snapsnapsnap\
20 \ in your mind, a mass of new and unrealised possibilities.\r\n\r\nIt's ten past\
21 \ two in the morning, and I'm completely wired, caught up in the new thing, shivering\
22 \ and laughing and glowing in the dark. Just as well it's the middle of the night.\
23 \ No-one would be safe from me right now. I could read their minds and take over\
24 \ their heartbeats with a glare.\r\n\r\nFaster than the speed of anyone.\r\n\r\n\
25 That's how it works."
26 id: cded9b24-fe5e-432d-9f7d-bb30953278ec
data/quotes/ce33a005-00e0-4595-9646-ef0c3ec99f20 less more
1 author: Ron Minnich
2 content: The standard rule is, when you're in a hole, stop digging; that seems not
3 to apply [to] software nowadays.
4 id: ce33a005-00e0-4595-9646-ef0c3ec99f20
data/quotes/ce7d9e89-c41b-4254-91c5-6c0918f4f4aa less more
1 author: Blaise Pascal
2 content: "Le silence \xE9ternel de ces espaces infinis m'effraie."
3 id: ce7d9e89-c41b-4254-91c5-6c0918f4f4aa
data/quotes/cf25465a-b047-4e78-aba7-9dad0209e685 less more
1 author: Long After Midnight, Ray Bradbury
2 content: A Witch is born out of the true hungers of her time. I am a child of the
3 poisonous wind that copulated with the river on an oil-slick, garbage infested midnight.
4 I turn about on my own parentage. I inoculate against those very biles that brought
5 me to light. I am a serum born of venoms. I am the antibody of all time.
6 id: cf25465a-b047-4e78-aba7-9dad0209e685
data/quotes/cf658851-c19b-47b5-b4bc-41b90c8eed58 less more
1 author: Hermann Finsterlin
2 content: "But tell me, is the fairy-tale not an eternal nostalgia with all of us\u2014\
3 the eternal mourning song of advancing history, our most fruitful incentive for\
4 \ an image of the future Earth?"
5 id: cf658851-c19b-47b5-b4bc-41b90c8eed58
data/quotes/d02ff48c-57b7-4e23-b487-771f724bac76 less more
1 author: pessimizer
2 content: "As a black programmer, I remember the cliche about problems and regular\
3 \ expressions in my head as \"regular expressions are like calling the cops.\"\r\
4 \n\r\nThat's unfair to regular expressions, though, because I actually have seen\
5 \ them solve a problem before. Cops improving a situation? Never seen it."
6 id: d02ff48c-57b7-4e23-b487-771f724bac76
data/quotes/d046663e-3b6f-4204-a19d-a2da08f75227 less more
1 author: 'Lord Byron
3 '
4 content: 'I only go out to get me a fresh appetite for being alone.
6 '
7 id: d046663e-3b6f-4204-a19d-a2da08f75227
data/quotes/d09a15d7-8bfb-4f9d-ba19-cbc77b1f3fad less more
1 author: Alan Moore
2 content: Life isn't divided into genres. It's a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical
3 science-fiction cowboy detective novel.
4 id: d09a15d7-8bfb-4f9d-ba19-cbc77b1f3fad
data/quotes/d1e04353-ac44-40de-ba85-2b22d06ba49b less more
1 author: Evgeny Morozov
2 content: It's not because we hate the algorithms, or we hate databases, or we hate
3 technological infrastructure or networks, that we are suspicious of Silicon Valley
4 and the intrusions that they bring into how we think about the public or politics.
5 It's because the logic that these algorithms and sensors embed is a very troubling
6 political and economic logic. It leads to certain assumptions about public and private
7 institutions, and consumers, citizens, and administators, that on second thought
8 most of us would probably reject. Because it does shrink the public space. It does
9 result in public institutions being hijacked by the logic of the market. It does
10 shrink the kind of risks that we can take. And I think eventually it does disable
11 a lot of cultural and political innovation. And that's the real reason to hate them.
12 id: d1e04353-ac44-40de-ba85-2b22d06ba49b
data/quotes/d1e2f40b-2ff6-4d10-ae62-0afbe6f69658 less more
1 author: P.G. Wodehouse
2 content: He drank coffee with the air of a man who regretted that it was not hemlock.
3 id: d1e2f40b-2ff6-4d10-ae62-0afbe6f69658
data/quotes/d231f9d2-206f-4e8b-a2c0-6eff91a5ff1c less more
1 author: Saul Griffith
2 content: "We write all of our own tools, no matter what project we're building. Pretty\
3 \ much anything that we're doing requires some sort of design tool that didn't exist\
4 \ before. In fact, the design tools that we write to do the projects that we're\
5 \ doing are a sort of product in and of themselves.\r\n\r\nI think in reality, today,\
6 \ if you use the same tools as everyone else, you kind of build the same products.\
7 \ If you write your own tools, you can sort of see new things, design new things."
8 id: d231f9d2-206f-4e8b-a2c0-6eff91a5ff1c
data/quotes/d2eec350-34fe-4bf2-8590-3384220680d1 less more
1 author: Charlie Brooker
2 content: "Take [Banksy's] political stuff. One featured that Vietnamese girl who had\
3 \ her clothes napalmed off. Ho-hum, a familiar image, you think. I'll just be on\
4 \ my way to my 9 to 5 desk job, mindless drone that I am. Then, with an astonished\
5 \ lurch, you notice sly, subversive genius Banksy has stencilled Mickey Mouse and\
6 \ Ronald McDonald either side of her.\r\n\r\nWham! The message hits you like a lead\
7 \ bus: America... um... war... er... Disney... and stuff. Wow. In an instant, your\
8 \ worldview changes forever. Your eyes are opened. Staggering away, mind blown,\
9 \ you flick v-signs at a Burger King on the way home. Nice one Banksy!"
10 id: d2eec350-34fe-4bf2-8590-3384220680d1
data/quotes/d30720c2-6162-4f24-99b0-0bc145a8f934 less more
1 author: Ophelia, Hamlet, Act 4, Scene 5, by William Shakespeare
2 content: Lord, we know what we are, but not what we may be.
3 id: d30720c2-6162-4f24-99b0-0bc145a8f934
data/quotes/d3608177-3129-4b20-b094-6fec28371cd6 less more
1 author: Pierre-Louis Curien
2 content: Mathematicians are not very good at formalizing mathematics, but they *are*
3 very good at notation.
4 id: d3608177-3129-4b20-b094-6fec28371cd6
data/quotes/d3ea7e02-09ec-4647-8b67-3b737b01b897 less more
1 author: why the lucky stiff
2 content: when you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than
3 ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.
4 id: d3ea7e02-09ec-4647-8b67-3b737b01b897
data/quotes/d455bba3-d563-459a-b9e5-a434d69b1b40 less more
1 author: why the lucky stiff
2 content: The guy didn't panick or anything, but he did say to himself, inside his
3 mask, "From now on, life isn't self-explanatory." That guy hit the nail on the head.
4 id: d455bba3-d563-459a-b9e5-a434d69b1b40
data/quotes/d491b3bc-ada4-4642-9547-034cf9409b3e less more
1 author: Jorge Luis Borges
2 content: 'A book is more than a verbal structure or series of verbal structures; it
3 is the dialogue it establishes with its reader and the intonation it imposes upon
4 his voice and the changing and durable images it leaves in his memory. A book is
5 not an isolated being: it is a relationship, an axis of innumerable relationships.'
6 id: d491b3bc-ada4-4642-9547-034cf9409b3e
data/quotes/d4d5d6cd-b33d-45b4-bda1-a1dd82254cdc less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek"
2 content: We feel free because we lack the very language to articulate our unfreedom.
3 id: d4d5d6cd-b33d-45b4-bda1-a1dd82254cdc
data/quotes/d4eb7147-1d6b-4aa0-b020-170fa57d7740 less more
1 author: R. Buckminster Fuller
2 content: You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something,
3 build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
4 id: d4eb7147-1d6b-4aa0-b020-170fa57d7740
data/quotes/d4f7b037-ebc5-4772-8df7-f2cda0bc02fd less more
1 author: Neal Stephenson
2 content: For a Westerner to trash Western culture is like criticizing our nitrogen/oxygen
3 atmoshere on the grounds that it sometimes gets windy, and besides, Jupiter's is
4 much prettier. You may not realize its advantages until you're trying to breathe
5 liquid methane.
6 id: d4f7b037-ebc5-4772-8df7-f2cda0bc02fd
data/quotes/d520e0de-6943-4648-b4d2-2d7d1b7eb58d less more
1 author: Warren Ellis's "Transmetropolitan"
2 content: '"What next?"
4 "Some actual journalism, I think."
6 "Actual journalism? Is that when you don''t commit crimes?"
8 "Hell, no. It''s when we commit REALLY GOOD CRIMES."'
9 id: d520e0de-6943-4648-b4d2-2d7d1b7eb58d
data/quotes/d55d13a5-982d-4f17-92ab-ff187c63138c less more
1 author: Anonymous
2 content: Work like no one is watching. Dance like you've been hurt. Love like you
3 need the money.
4 id: d55d13a5-982d-4f17-92ab-ff187c63138c
data/quotes/d6254719-b216-4215-bb39-1cdc8ec26254 less more
1 author: Ben Marcus
2 content: We must always be prepared to admit when a theory is merely lyrical but fucked
3 in practice.
4 id: d6254719-b216-4215-bb39-1cdc8ec26254
data/quotes/d66b945d-6665-49f3-a4dc-09bd644094dd less more
1 author: Roger Ebert
2 content: Rap has a bad reputation in white circles, where many people believe it consists
3 of obscene and violent anti-white and anti-female guttural. Some of it does. Most
4 does not. Most white listeners don't care; they hear black voices in a litany of
5 discontent, and tune out. Yet rap plays the same role today as Bob Dylan did in
6 1960, giving voice to the hopes and angers of a generation, and a lot of rap is
7 powerful writing.
8 id: d66b945d-6665-49f3-a4dc-09bd644094dd
data/quotes/d68e2259-c603-4162-b714-292c1ae2b3a9 less more
1 author: 'Norman Solomon
3 The Trouble with Dilbert'
4 content: One of the best ways to teach people not to rebel is to offer plenty of ruts
5 for fake rebellion.
6 id: d68e2259-c603-4162-b714-292c1ae2b3a9
data/quotes/d6b6121b-3c26-4ff5-883d-b26e05af78c1 less more
1 author: Dm Simons
2 content: I'm not trying to make art, I'm trying to make lies, because the truth hurts.
3 id: d6b6121b-3c26-4ff5-883d-b26e05af78c1
data/quotes/d79ca12a-f89f-4529-99dd-0ef9daf68dfe less more
1 author: Terror Island
2 content: 'Blueteen only lies in three situations:
4 1. When it will save civilization.
6 2. When he can drive fiscal advantages.
8 3. Miscellaneous.'
9 id: d79ca12a-f89f-4529-99dd-0ef9daf68dfe
data/quotes/d80247ce-5857-4289-ab29-95caddb1bb98 less more
1 author: Guy-Ernest Debord
2 content: "One of the basic situationist practices is the d\xE9rive [literally: \"\
3 drifting\"], a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiances. D\xE9rives involve\
4 \ playful-constructive behavior and awareness of psychogeographical effects, and\
5 \ are thus quite different from the classic notions of journey or stroll.\r\n\r\n\
6 In a d\xE9rive one or more persons during a certain period drop their relations,\
7 \ their work and leisure activities, and all their other usual motives for movement\
8 \ and action, and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and\
9 \ the encounters they find there. Chance is a less important factor in this activity\
10 \ than one might think: from a d\xE9rive point of view cities have psychogeographical\
11 \ contours, with constant currents, fixed points and vortexes that strongly discourage\
12 \ entry into or exit from certain zones."
13 id: d80247ce-5857-4289-ab29-95caddb1bb98
data/quotes/d905d7bf-3a20-4bc1-83f9-f69120196f67 less more
1 author: Richard Kadrey
2 content: "The best restaurants in any town are the ones that are open 24 hours. It\
3 \ doesn't matter if the restaurant is clean or attractive, if the food is good or\
4 \ even edible. What makes 24-hour places special is that whatever is going on inside\
5 \ them at any moment \u2014 eating, crashing from a night high and wild, a secret\
6 \ lovers' rendezvous, a drug deal, a traveler getting her bearings in a new town\
7 \ \u2014 will continue to go on there until the place burns down or goes out of\
8 \ business. These places sell time, not food. All 24-hour restaurants are social\
9 \ neutral zones, outside the normal boundaries of time and space, which exist for\
10 \ most of us in neatly packaged eight-hour segments: one for sleep, one for work\
11 \ and one for life. These diners are the alien bases in our midst. Area 51 with\
12 \ curly fries and a Coke."
13 id: d905d7bf-3a20-4bc1-83f9-f69120196f67
data/quotes/d91b1805-eada-4a5c-a78c-e97a99a91539 less more
1 author: Anonymous
2 content: It's not mean if it's hilarious.
3 id: d91b1805-eada-4a5c-a78c-e97a99a91539
data/quotes/d943f2c5-1254-4d1d-9f5c-4014f065d167 less more
1 author: John Carmack
2 content: Languages talk about multi-paradigm as if it's a good thing, but multi-paradigm
3 means you can always do the bad thing if you feel you really need to.
4 id: d943f2c5-1254-4d1d-9f5c-4014f065d167
data/quotes/d94adbe5-4aa7-4188-a811-af66e010e247 less more
1 author: -Neil Gaiman, The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains
2 content: '"You are wrong. The truth is a cave in the black mountains. There is one
3 way there, and one only, and that way is treacherous and hard, and if you choose
4 the wrong path you will die alone, on the mountainside."'
5 id: d94adbe5-4aa7-4188-a811-af66e010e247
data/quotes/da2fc98d-cb08-4f41-8ae0-8113e3341921 less more
1 author: E. E. Cummings
2 content: 'And how long have you written?
5 As long as I can remember.
8 I mean poetry.
11 So do I.'
12 id: da2fc98d-cb08-4f41-8ae0-8113e3341921
data/quotes/da440f36-b9ab-49f9-9faf-79f872915dff less more
1 author: Kurt Vonnegut
2 content: Another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and
3 nobody wants to do maintenance.
4 id: da440f36-b9ab-49f9-9faf-79f872915dff
data/quotes/da4db4fb-e98a-4ea5-b845-6071d42ca85c less more
1 author: Dark Helmet
2 content: Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.
3 id: da4db4fb-e98a-4ea5-b845-6071d42ca85c
data/quotes/da5c1327-ebb8-4ef7-8e01-c1d948571dfa less more
1 author: Ursula K. Le Guin
2 content: We all have archipelagoes in our minds.
3 id: da5c1327-ebb8-4ef7-8e01-c1d948571dfa
data/quotes/da74a480-d76e-43dd-9796-08555aeb6a61 less more
1 author: broken koan
2 content: "One afternoon a student said \"Roshi, I don't really understand what's going\
3 \ on. I mean, we sit in zazen and we gassho to each other and everything, and Felicia\
4 \ got enlightened when the bottom fell out of her water-bucket, and Todd got enlightened\
5 \ when you popped him one with your staff, and people work on koans and get enlightened,\
6 \ but I've been doing this for two years now, and the koans don't make any sense,\
7 \ and I don't feel enlightened at all! Can you just tell me what's going on?\"\r\
8 \n\r\n\"Well you see,\" Roshi replied, \"for most people, and especially for most\
9 \ educated people like you and I, what we perceive and experience is heavily mediated,\
10 \ through language and concepts that are deeply ingrained in our ways of thinking\
11 \ and feeling. Our objective here is to induce in ourselves and in each other a\
12 \ psychological state that involves the unmediated experience of the world, because\
13 \ we believe that that state has certain desirable properties. It's impossible in\
14 \ general to reach that state through any particular form or method, since forms\
15 \ and methods are themselves examples of the mediators that we are trying to avoid.\
16 \ So we employ a variety of ad hoc means, some linguistic like koans and some non-linguistic\
17 \ like zazen, in hopes that for any given student one or more of our methods will,\
18 \ in whatever way, engender the condition of non-mediated experience that is our\
19 \ goal. And since even thinking in terms of mediators and goals tends to reinforce\
20 \ our undesirable dependency on concepts, we actively discourage exactly this kind\
21 \ of analytical discourse.\"\r\n\r\nAnd the student was enlightened."
22 id: da74a480-d76e-43dd-9796-08555aeb6a61
data/quotes/dadb724f-bb72-4c71-befb-4eea336fffe9 less more
1 author: Short Round
2 content: 'A few years ago I decided that I''d be happy as long as I spent most of
3 my time doing my three favorite things: reading, writing, and fucking (the three
4 R''s).'
5 id: dadb724f-bb72-4c71-befb-4eea336fffe9
data/quotes/db26eab3-63aa-42f2-b38a-456201c79ff1 less more
1 author: Alex Ross
2 content: "At a New York gathering, [John Cage] was heard to say, \"Beethoven was wrong!\"\
3 \ The poet John Ashbery overheard the remark, and for years afterward wondered what\
4 \ Cage had meant. Eventually, Ashbery approached Cage again. \"I once heard you\
5 \ say something about Beethoven,\" the poet began, \"and I've always wondered\u2014\
6 \" Cage's eyes lit up. \"Beethoven was wrong!\" he exclaimed. \"Beethoven was wrong!\"\
7 \ And he walked away."
8 id: db26eab3-63aa-42f2-b38a-456201c79ff1
data/quotes/db936b6b-c98a-4161-8ab3-e8a9206aa0c7 less more
1 author: Dylan Moran
2 content: You're not really an adult at all. You're just a tall child holding a beer,
3 having a conversation you don't understand.
4 id: db936b6b-c98a-4161-8ab3-e8a9206aa0c7
data/quotes/dc478d31-be42-474d-890f-65f6cf18cbc3 less more
1 author: "Stanis\u0142aw Jerzy Lec"
2 content: Do not expect too much of the end of the world
3 id: dc478d31-be42-474d-890f-65f6cf18cbc3
data/quotes/dc7233e7-9835-4f4e-88c3-fd299708fca5 less more
1 author: Soren Aabye Kierkegaard
2 content: It is a stroke of good fortune to find one who is worth seducing... Most
3 people rush ahead, become engaged or do other stupid things, and in a turn of the
4 hand everything is over, and they know neither what they have won nor what they
5 have lost.
6 id: dc7233e7-9835-4f4e-88c3-fd299708fca5
data/quotes/dc9afea8-0056-4dec-a935-bee04e81c4dc less more
1 author: Oscar Wilde
2 content: Whenever people agree with me, I always think I must be wrong.
3 id: dc9afea8-0056-4dec-a935-bee04e81c4dc
data/quotes/dd27daae-0d53-470b-bac8-2ab841e3dbeb less more
1 author: Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin
2 content: When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier
3 if it is called "the People's Stick."
4 id: dd27daae-0d53-470b-bac8-2ab841e3dbeb
data/quotes/df950e38-f49e-4c8c-ac55-f16fd2091f0b less more
1 author: Michel Foucault
2 content: It seems to me that the real political task in our contemporary society is
3 to criticize the workings of institutions, particularly the ones that appear to
4 be neutral and independent, and to attack them in such a way that the political
5 violence, which has always exercised itself obscurely through them, will finally
6 be unmasked so that one can fight against them.
7 id: df950e38-f49e-4c8c-ac55-f16fd2091f0b
data/quotes/dffce868-5b1b-486b-9785-452b4b5079ae less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman, on his narrative voice
2 content: I think it's very friendly, me and the reader are old friends, and I take
3 their hand and go, "it's all right, come with me, I know it's scary but I'm here
4 with you," and I lead them into the scary parts... and then I let go of their hand
5 and run away.
6 id: dffce868-5b1b-486b-9785-452b4b5079ae
data/quotes/e052e144-fc0f-4339-b7d6-59842a189a59 less more
1 author: Rob Pike
2 content: When there is no type hierarchy you don't have to manage the type hierarchy.
3 id: e052e144-fc0f-4339-b7d6-59842a189a59
data/quotes/e0d57177-7ea9-45b0-9bf4-ff6082f8fa8a less more
1 author: Olivier Danvy
2 content: If you find your thoughts leading you to a marginal reality, follow them.
3 id: e0d57177-7ea9-45b0-9bf4-ff6082f8fa8a
data/quotes/e2736ea7-ad49-46eb-b055-ab5fdf91821f less more
1 author: G_Morgan
2 content: This is one of the reasons Lisp doesn't get anywhere. The trend to promote
3 features so clever that you stop thinking about your problem and start thinking
4 about the clever features. CL's loop is so powerful that people invented functional
5 programming so that they'd never have to use it.
6 id: e2736ea7-ad49-46eb-b055-ab5fdf91821f
data/quotes/e32ace21-2aef-454f-a26a-3abbd59ef618 less more
1 author: Jim Jarmusch
2 content: "Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration\
3 \ or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings,\
4 \ photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street\
5 \ signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to\
6 \ steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft)\
7 \ will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And\
8 \ don\u2019t bother concealing your thievery\u2014celebrate it if you feel like\
9 \ it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: \"It\u2019s not where\
10 \ you take things from\u2014it\u2019s where you take them to.\""
11 id: e32ace21-2aef-454f-a26a-3abbd59ef618
data/quotes/e3468a32-9334-4587-9cd0-a43d33999664 less more
1 author: Amish Information Systems
2 content: "My romantic entanglements tended to be quantum in nature\u2014i.e. they\
3 \ happened at a distance and were undetectable to outside observers."
4 id: e3468a32-9334-4587-9cd0-a43d33999664
data/quotes/e3c9a4eb-8924-4c72-8389-9020ca08fe42 less more
1 author: Townes van Zandt
2 content: I don't think, as a matter of fact, that I'm going to benefit from anything
3 on this earth. It's more like that, I mean, if you have love on the earth, that
4 seems to be number one. There's food, water, air and love, right? And love is just
5 basically heartbreak. Humans can't live in the present as animals do; they just
6 live in the present. But humans are always thinking about the future or the past.
7 So, it's a veil of tears, man. And I don't know anything that's going to benefit
8 me except more love. I just need an overwhelming amount of love. And a nap. Mostly
9 a nap.
10 id: e3c9a4eb-8924-4c72-8389-9020ca08fe42
data/quotes/e40d4c9c-50d5-4086-b356-b728a47bf075 less more
1 author: The Last Psychiatrist
2 content: Beauty is a social construction. I'm all in, but it is a construction nevertheless.
3 The reason I think women are hot today is that they are today, not that they are
4 hot.
5 id: e40d4c9c-50d5-4086-b356-b728a47bf075
data/quotes/e4509e55-4d79-420f-b914-1eed823ee285 less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman
2 content: And [R.A.] Lafferty is something played in an Irish bar on an instrument
3 that you're not quite sure what it is and you're humming the tune but you don't
4 remember the words as you walk out.
5 id: e4509e55-4d79-420f-b914-1eed823ee285
data/quotes/e450fff9-a832-41a1-a1cb-be44fd2b62be less more
1 author: Russell Edson
2 content: The universe raises its head and stares at itself through me.
3 id: e450fff9-a832-41a1-a1cb-be44fd2b62be
data/quotes/e4543d71-78e5-4122-be60-acc69c28ab6f less more
1 author: Richard Darwin
2 content: Fans are interesting things. Rush fans just can't comprehend why the rest
3 of the world doesn't like Rush. REM fans consider the rest of the world beneath
4 their refined dignities to notice. Kate Bush fans love the rest of the world, and
5 the world loves them, but spend long nights plotting to knife one another in the
6 back.
7 id: e4543d71-78e5-4122-be60-acc69c28ab6f
data/quotes/e4dbca90-c15c-47bf-85e5-9b09ab0b97ab less more
1 author: Edsger Dijkstra
2 content: Are you quite sure that all those bells and whistles, all those wonderful
3 facilities of your so called powerful programming languages, belong to the solution
4 set rather than the problem set?
5 id: e4dbca90-c15c-47bf-85e5-9b09ab0b97ab
data/quotes/e5310e71-c2fe-484d-9245-e9e8cb5c5394 less more
1 author: Umberto Eco, Foucault's Pendulum
2 content: Not that the incredulous person doesn't believe in anything. It's just that
3 he doesn't believe in everything.
4 id: e5310e71-c2fe-484d-9245-e9e8cb5c5394
data/quotes/e5c55d6e-bc0a-4205-aecd-28fdd55df9a2 less more
1 author: Grant Morrison
2 content: Your head's like mine, like all our heads; big enough to contain every god
3 and devil there ever was. Big enough to hold the weight of oceans and the turning
4 stars. Whole universes fit in there! But what do we choose to keep in this miraculous
5 cabinet? Little broken things, sad trinkets that we play with over and over. The
6 world turns our key and we play the same little tune again and again and we think
7 that tune's all we are.
8 id: e5c55d6e-bc0a-4205-aecd-28fdd55df9a2
data/quotes/e5d0e362-b5f8-4986-98ab-f7108e184efd less more
1 author: Geoffrey Pullum
2 content: Except here, of course, because ... we are linguists, and we don't give a
3 shit. We don't believe simple Anglo-Saxon monosyllables will either sear your eyeballs
4 or warp the moral fiber of the young.
5 id: e5d0e362-b5f8-4986-98ab-f7108e184efd
data/quotes/e6274e0e-8bc8-4611-8fcd-e4d480f802b3 less more
1 author: R.A. Lafferty
2 content: Put the nightmare together. If you do not wake up screaming, you have not
3 put it together well.
4 id: e6274e0e-8bc8-4611-8fcd-e4d480f802b3
data/quotes/e6712120-1704-415d-a599-8a97b41a9508 less more
1 author: Werner Herzog
2 content: May I propose a Herzog dictum? Those who read own the world, and those who
3 watch television lose it.
4 id: e6712120-1704-415d-a599-8a97b41a9508
data/quotes/e6741d6c-71df-4223-a98f-4463feba5062 less more
1 author: Ursula K. Le Guin
2 content: "As for elitism, the problem may be scientism: technological edge mistaken\
3 \ for moral superiority. The imperialism of high technocracy equals the old racist\
4 \ imperialism in its arrogance; to the technophile, people who aren't in the know/in\
5 \ the net, who don't have the right artifacts, don't count. They're proles, masses,\
6 \ faceless nonentities. Whether it's fiction or history, the story isn't about them.\
7 \ The story's about the kids with the really neat, really expensive toys. So \"\
8 people\" comes to be operationally defined as those who have access to an extremely\
9 \ elaborate fast-growth industrial technology. And \"technology\" itself is restricted\
10 \ to that type. I have heard a man say perfectly seriously that the Native Americans\
11 \ before the Conquest had no technology. As we know, kiln-fired pottery is a naturally\
12 \ occurring substance, baskets ripen in the summer, and Machu Picchu just grew there.\r\
13 \n\r\n[...]\r\n\r\n\"Newton's Sleep\" can be, and has been, read as an anti-technological\
14 \ diatribe, a piece of Luddite ranting. It was not intended as such, but rather\
15 \ as a cautionary tale, a response to many stories and novels I had read over the\
16 \ years which (consciously or not\u2014here is the problem of elitism again) depict\
17 \ people in spaceships and space stations as superior to those on earth. Masses\
18 \ of dummies stay down in the dirt and breed and die in squalor, and serve 'em right,\
19 \ while a few people who know how to program their VCRs live up in these superclean\
20 \ military worldlets provided with all mod con plus virtual reality sex, and are\
21 \ the Future of Man. It struck me as one of the drearier futures.\r\n\r\n[...]\r\
22 \n\r\nI hope the story doesn't read as anti-space travel. I love both the idea and\
23 \ the reality of the exploration of space, and was only trying to make the whole\
24 \ idea less smugly antiseptic. I really do think we have to take our dirt with us\
25 \ wherever we go. We are dirt. We are Earth."
26 id: e6741d6c-71df-4223-a98f-4463feba5062
data/quotes/e6750ea8-0d0a-4a43-b001-ec93d622fb0a less more
1 author: William Gibson
2 content: San Francisco, he could see in the shape of things, was where the world ended.
3 id: e6750ea8-0d0a-4a43-b001-ec93d622fb0a
data/quotes/e710df05-38bb-43bf-99ef-190da03b4d92 less more
1 author: Augustus De Morgan
2 content: "Most writers on logic strongly object to all symbols, except the venerable\
3 \ Barbara, Celarent, etc., \u2026I should advise the reader not to make up his mind\
4 \ on this point until he has well weighed two facts which nobody disputes, both\
5 \ separately and in connexion. First, logic is the only science which has made no\
6 \ progress since the revival of letters; secondly, logic is the only science which\
7 \ has produced no growth of symbols."
8 id: e710df05-38bb-43bf-99ef-190da03b4d92
data/quotes/e8774d00-5ef0-47f0-8cc3-82ccfd28e3d3 less more
1 author: Umberto Eco
2 content: After all, the cultivated person's first duty is to be always prepared to
3 rewrite the encyclopaedia.
4 id: e8774d00-5ef0-47f0-8cc3-82ccfd28e3d3
data/quotes/e8d4781e-4df9-4b60-a59a-dec41e66a3e5 less more
1 author: Neil Gaiman
2 content: I think most things are pretty magical, and it's less a matter of belief
3 than it is one of just stopping to notice.
4 id: e8d4781e-4df9-4b60-a59a-dec41e66a3e5
data/quotes/e8f52a43-b5ac-4b2b-99d0-1067f51438fd less more
1 author: rue
2 content: 'The unfortunate events in one''s life: 1. The cessation of all life; 2.
3 Java; 3. Moving'
4 id: e8f52a43-b5ac-4b2b-99d0-1067f51438fd
data/quotes/e957f097-46fb-41e6-9735-85c4ec81bf65 less more
1 author: Dorothy Sayers
2 content: '"Do you find it easy to get drunk on words?"
4 "So easily that, to tell the truth, I am seldom sober."'
5 id: e957f097-46fb-41e6-9735-85c4ec81bf65
data/quotes/e9a3ffe2-6ef3-4183-86b9-488e76057c5c less more
1 author: John Hodgman
2 content: 'Zeps: Zeppelins, and/or members of an airship crew. Both are loathed by
3 all sub-mariners, who feel that the zeps are just copying them, except in the air.'
4 id: e9a3ffe2-6ef3-4183-86b9-488e76057c5c
data/quotes/e9bfc16f-9582-4701-87e2-beff385f41fc less more
1 author: David Foster Wallace
3 id: e9bfc16f-9582-4701-87e2-beff385f41fc
data/quotes/ea5b3c14-df33-4be6-ac13-84681aa78ff6 less more
1 author: Bruce Schneier
2 content: 'Every time I write about the impossibility of effectively protecting digital
3 files on a general purpose computer, I get responses from people decrying the death
4 of copyright. How will authors and artists get paid for their work? they ask me.
5 Truth be told, I don''t know. I feel rather like the physicist who just explained
6 relativity to a group of would-be interstellar travelers, only to be asked: How
7 do you expect us to get to the stars, then? I''m sorry, but I don''t know that,
8 either.'
9 id: ea5b3c14-df33-4be6-ac13-84681aa78ff6
data/quotes/ea7b745f-f182-40b9-817b-33524bbbe0a3 less more
1 author: Banksy
2 content: "People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life,\
3 \ take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings\
4 \ and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply you're\
5 \ not sexy enough and the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making\
6 \ your girlfriend feel inedequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology\
7 \ the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and\
8 \ they are laughing at you.\r\n\r\nYou, however, are forbidden to touch them. Trademarks,\
9 \ intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they\
10 \ like wherever they like with total impunity.\r\n\r\nFuck that. Any advert in public\
11 \ space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It's yours\
12 \ to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for\
13 \ permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head.\r\n\r\
14 \nYou owe the companies nothing. Less than nothing, you especially don't owe them\
15 \ any courtsey. They owe you. They have rearranged the world to put themselves in\
16 \ front of you. They never asked for your permission, don't even start asking for\
17 \ theirs."
18 id: ea7b745f-f182-40b9-817b-33524bbbe0a3
data/quotes/eb6f0478-d5d3-451d-8b43-5bd990012b14 less more
1 author: Lou Reed
2 content: Most of you won't like this and I don't blame you at all. It's not meant
3 for you.
4 id: eb6f0478-d5d3-451d-8b43-5bd990012b14
data/quotes/ecc9f4c6-d0de-4c71-83e1-cc6d45916be0 less more
1 author: 'Thomas Jefferson
3 '
4 content: 'I had rather be shut up in a very modest cottage with my books, my family
5 and a few old friends, dining on simple bacon, and letting the world roll on as
6 it liked, than to occupy the most splendid post, which any human power can give.
8 '
9 id: ecc9f4c6-d0de-4c71-83e1-cc6d45916be0
data/quotes/ed3f9aea-f864-4a5c-9b9b-2b8658bb765b less more
1 author: Gail Harrison, "Modern Psychology in its Relation to Discipline", Journal
2 of Proceedings and Lectures 53:658-661, National Education Association of the United
3 States, 1915
4 content: Many children today are greatly to be pitied because too much is done for
5 them and dictated to them and they are deprived of the learning processes. We seem
6 to have dropped into an age of entertaining, a breathless going from one sensation
7 to another, whether it be mechanical toys for the five-year-old or moving-picture
8 plays for the sixteen-year-old. It not only destroys their power to think, but also
9 makes happiness, contentment, and resourcefulness impossible. At seventeen, life
10 is spoken of as "so dull" if there is not "something doing" every waking hour.
11 id: ed3f9aea-f864-4a5c-9b9b-2b8658bb765b
data/quotes/edcb800f-56ed-42c3-ace3-57ee27117e6c less more
1 author: Tiki Bar TV
2 content: He bit us both in the ass! Like a two-headed snake... biting two asses...
3 at once!
4 id: edcb800f-56ed-42c3-ace3-57ee27117e6c
data/quotes/ef45368b-aa92-4b27-af2d-809ec2e928ed less more
1 author: Hermann Weyl
2 content: 'We now come to the decisive step of mathematical abstraction: we forget
3 what the symbols stand for. ...[The mathematician] need not be idle; there are many
4 operations which he may carry out with these symbols, without ever having to look
5 at the things they stand for.'
6 id: ef45368b-aa92-4b27-af2d-809ec2e928ed
data/quotes/ef4e562a-02b6-428e-848e-a648f348df77 less more
1 author: Samuel Beckett
2 content: Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
3 id: ef4e562a-02b6-428e-848e-a648f348df77
data/quotes/f00a01c8-eed5-4a05-869b-3139d15cde22 less more
1 author: Eric Naggum
2 content: Unformed people delight in the gaudy and in novelty. Cooked people delight
3 in the ordinary.
4 id: f00a01c8-eed5-4a05-869b-3139d15cde22
data/quotes/f090b8e3-bb3c-4e56-b5b9-4dc92791f10c less more
1 author: G.K. Chesterton
2 content: Many clever men like you have trusted to civilization. Many clever Babylonians,
3 many clever Egytians, many clever men at the end of Rome. Can you tell me, in a
4 world that is flagrant with the failures of civilizations, what there is particularly
5 immortal about yours?
6 id: f090b8e3-bb3c-4e56-b5b9-4dc92791f10c
data/quotes/f0a76a37-5c9f-4c6c-a1b7-be6a29c35ba3 less more
1 author: Richard Feynman
2 content: "The real question of government versus private enterprise is argued on too\
3 \ philosophical and abstract a basis. Theoretically, planning may be good etc \u2014\
4 \ but nobody has ever figured out the cause of government stupidity \u2014 and until\
5 \ they do and find the cure all ideal plans will fall into quicksand."
6 id: f0a76a37-5c9f-4c6c-a1b7-be6a29c35ba3
data/quotes/f16717df-5f06-4f98-bba0-51bf1b4666df less more
1 author: Ron Minnich
2 content: '...the tangled thicket of overlapping, but incompatible, feature sets that
3 are almost, but not quite, entirely unlike what Unix was supposed to be: that''s
4 Linux today.'
5 id: f16717df-5f06-4f98-bba0-51bf1b4666df
data/quotes/f17f92f5-1788-4c9c-8d85-943b6e06de94 less more
1 author: Andrey Aresnjevich Tarkovskij's Stalker
2 content: Let everything that's been planned come true. Let them believe. And let them
3 have a laugh at their passions. Because what they call passion actually is not some
4 emotional energy, but just the friction between their souls and the outside world.
5 And most important, let them believe in themselves. Let them be helpless like children,
6 because weakness is a great thing, and strength is nothing. When a man is just born,
7 he is weak and flexible. when he dies, he is hard and insensitive. When a tree is
8 growing, it's tender and pliant. But when it's dry and hard, it dies. hardness and
9 strength are death's companion. Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness
10 of being. Because what has hardened will never win.
11 id: f17f92f5-1788-4c9c-8d85-943b6e06de94
data/quotes/f28e4511-a058-4544-8abb-af2561e7bb74 less more
1 author: "Slavoj \u017Di\u017Eek"
2 content: Millions of people still buy Microsoft software because Microsoft has imposed
3 itself as an almost universal standard, practically monopolising the field, as one
4 embodiment of what Marx called the 'general intellect', by which he meant collective
5 knowledge in all its forms, from science to practical knowhow. Gates effectively
6 privatised part of the general intellect and became rich by appropriating the rent
7 that followed.
8 id: f28e4511-a058-4544-8abb-af2561e7bb74
data/quotes/f2ffc47a-b880-4fc3-9312-038c7a78bdf2 less more
1 author: Andrew Rilstone
2 content: "Where Star Wars had a simple, linear structure, Empire Strikes Back has\
3 \ almost no plot, but instead, a sophisticated complex of echoes and foreshadowing.\
4 \ There aren't many X-Wings. The climax of the film isn't an action sequence, but\
5 \ character development. The good guys lose. It is as if Leigh Bracket had pinched\
6 \ George Lucas's action figures and started to act out Ulysses with them.\r\n\r\n\
7 Good movie, almost certainly: Star Wars II, almost certainly not.\r\n\r\nThat fans\
8 \ are on the whole not concerned about or even aware of this disjuncture shows the\
9 \ capacity of the fanboy to extrapolate universes where none exist, or perhaps,\
10 \ simply, to read for the plot. Provided the film tells you 'what Luke Skywalker\
11 \ did next' and does not knock over any of the furniture, then the film will be\
12 \ accepted, canonised and treated as a classic. Joseph Campbell said that mythology\
13 \ is psychology misread as biography. I have been trying to think of a way of misquoting\
14 \ that line and applying it to Star Wars. 'Fantasy is imagery misread as history'."
15 id: f2ffc47a-b880-4fc3-9312-038c7a78bdf2
data/quotes/f39a3f23-60b1-4f04-9c65-6275a1ba2e45 less more
1 author: James Gosling
2 content: It's unlikely that I would get a day job as an iPad developer, because I
3 would shoot myself.
4 id: f39a3f23-60b1-4f04-9c65-6275a1ba2e45
data/quotes/f4232441-7e71-4099-af8d-1238c8b4b057 less more
1 author: "Andr\xE9 Breton"
2 content: What I have loved, whether I have kept it or not, I shall love forever.
3 id: f4232441-7e71-4099-af8d-1238c8b4b057
data/quotes/f4ba262c-d30a-4dee-8107-1248db72f6e7 less more
1 author: Charles Lamb
2 content: "When I consider how little of a rarity children are, \u2014 that every street\
3 \ and blind alley swarms with them, \u2014 that the poorest people commonly have\
4 \ them in most abundance, \u2014 that there are few marriages that are not blest\
5 \ with at least one of these bargains, \u2014 how often they turn out ill, and defeat\
6 \ the fond hopes of their parents, taking to vicious courses, which end in poverty,\
7 \ disgrace, the gallows, etc. \u2014 I cannot for my life tell what cause for pride\
8 \ there can possibly be in having them. If they were young phoenixes, indeed, that\
9 \ were born but one in a year, there might be a pretext. But when they are so common\
10 \ \u2014"
11 id: f4ba262c-d30a-4dee-8107-1248db72f6e7
data/quotes/f5df6d31-f1ea-492a-bd77-fbbda28d1775 less more
1 author: Willow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2 content: Occasionally I am callous and strange.
3 id: f5df6d31-f1ea-492a-bd77-fbbda28d1775
data/quotes/f6003be1-488c-4c1a-9bff-fdd0edc52cea less more
1 author: George Carlin
2 content: E-I-E-I-O is actually a gross misspelling of the word 'farm.'
3 id: f6003be1-488c-4c1a-9bff-fdd0edc52cea
data/quotes/f67f3758-2f44-4c24-beb1-1ce9cfd8fda1 less more
1 author: Jorge Luis Borges
2 content: It is often forgotten that dictionaries are artificial repositories, put
3 together well after the languages they define. The roots of language are irrational
4 and of a magical nature.
5 id: f67f3758-2f44-4c24-beb1-1ce9cfd8fda1
data/quotes/f743f18c-045b-42a7-8b44-35fbdbd32e45 less more
1 author: Simon Cozens
2 content: In the fight between Calvin and Arminius, back Jesus. He was not a systematic
3 theologian, and I consider this to be a feature, not a bug.
4 id: f743f18c-045b-42a7-8b44-35fbdbd32e45
data/quotes/f752ab0f-0fa4-404d-8410-9bc9805f92f3 less more
1 author: Sarah Giddings
2 content: Don't be part of the problem, be the problem!
3 id: f752ab0f-0fa4-404d-8410-9bc9805f92f3
data/quotes/f77069ea-20b8-433b-add9-27331e0f5742 less more
1 author: Sir Thomas Beecham
2 content: Try everything once except folk dancing and incest.
3 id: f77069ea-20b8-433b-add9-27331e0f5742
data/quotes/f77af7f4-a650-4097-91ae-4ca37236781f less more
1 author: "Stanis\u0142aw Jerzy Lec"
2 content: Do not ask God the way to heaven; he will show you the hardest one.
3 id: f77af7f4-a650-4097-91ae-4ca37236781f
data/quotes/f7e5a980-cc2e-4a54-9cc6-561eb869b3bb less more
1 author: Sam Harris
2 content: '...I''ve never met a person who smokes marijuana every day who I thought
3 wouldn''t benefit from smoking less (and I''ve never met someone who has never tried
4 it who I thought wouldn''t benefit from smoking more).'
5 id: f7e5a980-cc2e-4a54-9cc6-561eb869b3bb
data/quotes/f7ee3f98-2717-45b4-a045-a35eda8e97d7 less more
1 author: TPHD
2 content: A library is a bush of ghosts and you swallow them, you well read men and
3 women, you swallow all the ghosts and they go inside you and stay there. You do
4 not know it but you are haunted by the books you've read.
5 id: f7ee3f98-2717-45b4-a045-a35eda8e97d7
data/quotes/f7fd71e9-3d9d-49af-b05c-11a53acb0227 less more
1 author: Tom Waits
2 content: We are buried beneath the weight of information, which is being confused
3 with knowledge; quantity is being confused with abundance and wealth with happiness.
4 Leona Helmsley's dog made 12 million last year... and Dean McLaine, a farmer in
5 Ohio made $30,000. It's just a gigantic version of the madness that grows in every
6 one of our brains. We are monkeys with money and guns.
7 id: f7fd71e9-3d9d-49af-b05c-11a53acb0227
data/quotes/f858b287-e06b-4374-b51f-024d51722c5b less more
1 author: erik, Old Man Murray
2 content: Ooh, I saw a squirrel. Do you know when squirrels do that thing where they
3 dash out in front of traffic? That's called eXtreme Squirreling. And I think it's
4 awesome.
5 id: f858b287-e06b-4374-b51f-024d51722c5b
data/quotes/f85a5271-691e-4769-8ab8-eace60cc6f8a less more
1 author: Mitch Hedberg
2 content: If you boat a lot, you're known as a boating enthusiast. I like to boat,
3 but I just don't want to ever be referred to as a 'boating enthusiast'. I hope they
4 call me 'a guy who likes to boat'.
5 id: f85a5271-691e-4769-8ab8-eace60cc6f8a
data/quotes/f8a1bdac-d47f-4633-a03d-7f3ba0b3313c less more
1 author: "Andr\xE9 Breton"
2 content: The mind which plunges into Surrealism, relives with burning excitement the
3 best part of childhood.
4 id: f8a1bdac-d47f-4633-a03d-7f3ba0b3313c
data/quotes/f8bdd5b9-0af8-4c7b-8947-1967b9db0c80 less more
1 author: "Stanis\u0142aw Jerzy Lec"
2 content: Optimists and pessimists differ only on the date of the end of the world.
3 id: f8bdd5b9-0af8-4c7b-8947-1967b9db0c80
data/quotes/f8d91379-4e7b-4c43-b0fb-c441aa563432 less more
1 author: Matt Cartmill
2 content: As an adolescent I aspired to lasting fame, I craved factual certainty, and
3 I thirsted for a meaningful vision of human life - so I became a scientist. This
4 is like becoming an archbishop so that you can meet girls.
5 id: f8d91379-4e7b-4c43-b0fb-c441aa563432
data/quotes/fae218ed-4344-4f32-a5ae-f5d82a87bc58 less more
1 author: Bernard Ingham
2 content: Many journalists have fallen for the conspiracy theory of government. I do
3 assure you that they would produce more accurate work if they adhered to the cock-up
4 theory.
5 id: fae218ed-4344-4f32-a5ae-f5d82a87bc58
data/quotes/fb29540e-4537-4b36-8591-c0deb4acde94 less more
1 author: Thomas Jefferson
2 content: I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party
3 of men whatever, in religion, in philosophy, in politics or in anything else, where
4 I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation
5 of a free and moral agent. If I could not go to Heaven but with a party, I would
6 not go there at all.
7 id: fb29540e-4537-4b36-8591-c0deb4acde94
data/quotes/fb2db6a3-525d-46e0-afd9-4dbb20836a6f less more
1 author: W. Somerset Maugham
2 content: Dying is a very dull, dreary affair. And my advice to you is to have nothing
3 whatever to do with it.
4 id: fb2db6a3-525d-46e0-afd9-4dbb20836a6f
data/quotes/fb521b70-41ea-4d57-a014-1fb30b345837 less more
1 author: David Lynch
2 content: All the movies are about strange worlds that you can't go into unless you
3 build them and film them. That's what's so important about film to me. I just like
4 going into strange worlds.
5 id: fb521b70-41ea-4d57-a014-1fb30b345837
data/quotes/fbfbaf66-05e3-4a54-891a-818362fc3e26 less more
1 author: James Gosling
2 content: There's this crowd that thinks that UML modeling qualifies as thinking.
3 id: fbfbaf66-05e3-4a54-891a-818362fc3e26
data/quotes/fc54f7e4-b02b-41a1-8890-9e70eb37041f less more
1 author: "Bernard-Henri L\xE9vy"
2 content: "_Dieu est mort mais ma chevelure est parfaite._\r\n\r\nGod is dead but my\
3 \ hair is perfect."
4 id: fc54f7e4-b02b-41a1-8890-9e70eb37041f
data/quotes/fc599bc6-db85-4489-92b3-79eb167200dd less more
1 author: Buckminster Fuller
2 content: "Dare to be na\xEFve."
3 id: fc599bc6-db85-4489-92b3-79eb167200dd
data/quotes/fc80d6af-0c78-456d-9660-82768a28e118 less more
1 author: chrisdone
2 content: Benchmarks only exist so we can make fun of Ruby.
3 id: fc80d6af-0c78-456d-9660-82768a28e118
data/quotes/fcad374e-d778-47d9-b9ff-c4b1f54e67f2 less more
1 author: William Butler Yeats
2 content: 'But I, being poor, have only my dreams
4 I have spread my dreams under your feet
6 Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams'
7 id: fcad374e-d778-47d9-b9ff-c4b1f54e67f2
data/quotes/fd2fdab6-ca86-4c20-8c1a-7cef892c8105 less more
1 author: Edsger Dijkstra
2 content: We must give industry not what it wants, but what it needs.
3 id: fd2fdab6-ca86-4c20-8c1a-7cef892c8105
data/quotes/fdb791fa-94f6-4b18-9fc4-4e7b89e5c407 less more
1 author: Bender
2 content: "Interesting. No, wait, the other thing\u2014tedious."
3 id: fdb791fa-94f6-4b18-9fc4-4e7b89e5c407
data/quotes/fdd34230-a4e8-4bbc-b86b-b6ec881d05aa less more
1 author: Ray Bradbury
2 content: We are anthill men in an anthill world.
3 id: fdd34230-a4e8-4bbc-b86b-b6ec881d05aa
data/quotes/fef6741e-f29f-49df-b198-23dd3f686b0c less more
1 author: Shakespeare in Neil Gaiman's Sandman
2 content: Whatever happened to me in my life, happened to me as a writer of plays.
3 I'd fall in love, or fall in lust. And at the height of my passion, I would think,
4 'So this is how it feels,' and I would tie it up in pretty words. I watched my life
5 as if it were happening to someone else.
6 id: fef6741e-f29f-49df-b198-23dd3f686b0c
data/quotes/ff0313db-0fa5-4267-8d4e-0c7e97ad4bb4 less more
1 author: Ludwig Wittgenstein
2 content: "Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, dar\xFCber muss man schweigen.\nAbout which\
3 \ one cannot speak, one must be silent."
4 id: ff0313db-0fa5-4267-8d4e-0c7e97ad4bb4
data/quotes/ff2f28dd-38f7-4e4e-8e8e-7833eef4708a less more
1 author: Yossi Kreinin
2 content: A particularly inflexible conscience is a horrible condition. Feet to which
3 no mass-produced shoes fit are merely inconvenient. A conscience incompatible with
4 mass-produced social arrangements is a huge burden - not just on its owner, but
5 on his friends and family.
6 id: ff2f28dd-38f7-4e4e-8e8e-7833eef4708a
data/quotes/ff5a6919-95af-49db-9b9f-f49bd348e957 less more
1 author: Warren Ellis's "Transmetropolitan"
2 content: "My grandfather had died, and my mother was trying to explain it to me...\
3 \ Grandpa isn't coming back? No, she said. Not ever again... And I remember saying,\
4 \ hold everything right fucking there. You went to all the trouble of conceiving\
5 \ me, and giving birth to me, and raising me and clothing me and all... and you\
6 \ make me cry and things hurt so much and disappointments crush my heart every day\
7 \ and I can't do half the things I want to and sometimes I just want to scream \u2014\
8 \ and what I've got to look forward to is my body breaking and something flipping\
9 \ off the switch in my head \u2014 I go through all this, and then there's death?\
10 \ What is the motherfucking deal here? I wasn't having this. This was not fair."
11 id: ff5a6919-95af-49db-9b9f-f49bd348e957
data/quotes/ff609ab9-4b06-40e8-ab7e-5c52f3510cb7 less more
1 author: Alan Cox
2 content: XML is simply lisp done wrong.
3 id: ff609ab9-4b06-40e8-ab7e-5c52f3510cb7
data/quotes/ff69844b-e61b-4748-8870-4f4d38fc83b1 less more
1 author: Bertrand Russell
2 content: "Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty\u2014\
3 beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture, without appeal to any part of our\
4 \ weaker nature, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music, yet sublimely\
5 \ pure, and capable of a stern perfection such as only the greatest art can show."
6 id: ff69844b-e61b-4748-8870-4f4d38fc83b1
data/quotes/ffe29151-4fc5-425b-b55d-fefb8ed3a2fa less more
1 author: Hunter S. Thompson
2 content: I was also drunk, crazy and heavily armed at all times. People trembled and
3 cursed when I came into a public room and started screaming in German.
4 id: ffe29151-4fc5-425b-b55d-fefb8ed3a2fa
data/quotes/fff75631-4619-4624-9d91-91c0f59fcd20 less more
1 author: Luis Aragon
2 content: Reality is the apparent absence of contradiction. The fantastic [maravilloso]
3 is the contradiction that appears in the real.
4 id: fff75631-4619-4624-9d91-91c0f59fcd20
data/works/comics/dominus-001/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "Dominus #1: The Astronaut",
3 "category": "comic",
4 "date": "2011",
5 "slug": "dominus-001"
6 }
data/works/comics/dominus-001/text less more
1 ![The Astronaut](
data/works/fascicles/001-fytte-the-first/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "I: The Orchestra Whose Instruments Are Inaudibly Out Of Tune, or, The Librarian of Alexandria",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2009",
5 "slug": "001-fytte-the-first"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/001-fytte-the-first/metadata.yaml~ less more
1 {
2 "name": "I: The Orchestra Whose Instruments Are Inaudibly Out Of Tune, or, The Librarian of Alexandria",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2009",
5 "slug": "fytte-the-first"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/001-fytte-the-first/text less more
1 "I once owned thirty-seven acres of land," the stranger told me over a glass of warm whiskey. "Thirty-seven! Can you imagine it?"
3 "I can try," I told him. "You want me to try?"
5 "Try," he said. "Go ahead and just try."
7 I tried. "No, I can't imagine it."
9 "It was all because of the old Postmaster General. Remember Mr. Malü Peabody? He saw my land one day. He said, 'Mr. Doctor-Mister, you've got a mighty fine parcel of land there,' he said, and I said, 'You're right, Mr. Malü Peabody. I got this land ten years ago in a bar bet over which lizard would eat a fly first.' I said, 'We had to find some lizards first, which was quite a problem, let me tell you.' I said, 'We found three, but we needed four, and by the time we found the fourth, the second one had died, so we needed to find a fifth one to replace that, and then by the time—'"
11 "I did it," I said.
13 "Did what?"
15 "Imagined it. All thirty-seven acres. I imagined it all." I shrugged. "It wasn't that great."
17 He swigged his whiskey, all in one bristly motion, and he looked me in the eye, and he said, "Fuck you," and left.
data/works/fascicles/002-fytte-the-second/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "II: The Child Whose Shoelaces Are Comprised Of An Ever-So-Delicate Double Helix Of Green And Aquamarine Felt, or, The Legacy of Reuhrenwald",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2009",
5 "slug": "002-fytte-the-second"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/002-fytte-the-second/text less more
1 Once upon a time, in the quaint kingdom of Reuhrendwald, a king and queen
2 gave birth to a prince.
4 And this would not have been so unusual--indeed, it is the fashion of
5 the times that kings and queens give birth to princes--but the prince
6 in question was born fully grown, seventeen feet tall, with the least
7 pleasant unibrow any of the subjects had ever seen. Physicians were
8 summoned from all over the kingdom to examine him.
10 "Why, it's like nothing I've ever seen," one said. "I've heard of babies
11 born seventeen feet tall, and babies born fully grown, but the unibrow
12 is really a new thing altogether."
14 And it was really only a matter of time, what with his stature and
15 unsightliness, that he took up gardening, and spent his free time doing
16 the pruning at the tops of trees that nobody else had bothered to
17 do. He became good friends with the birds who lived at the tops of
18 the trees, calling them by their first names--usually Benvolio, because
19 birds often name their children Benvolio, regardless of gender, for
20 reasons that none of them quite remember, though they assure you
21 it has something to do with eggs or some bird-related thing, which is
22 not as obvious as it might sound at first--and generally being merry.
24 One day, he looked beyond the forests of Reuhrenwald and noticed that
25 the kingdom was gone. Half of it was destroyed in the Great Fire of the
26 Shoemaker's Estate, and the other half moved away because the town
27 wasn't like it once was without the Shoemaker's Estate. The prince
28 shrugged and went on with his pruning.
30 He also probably turned into a tree or some shit, because that's what
31 usually happens in stories that start with "Once upon a time." You
32 can honestly believe whatever you want about the prince. See if I care.
data/works/fascicles/003-fytte-the-third/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "III: The Unbearable Chasm In Which The Lost Goat Bleats The Lost Symphonies Of Forgotten Composers, or, Doctor Medved and The Band",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2010",
5 "slug": "003-fytte-the-third"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/003-fytte-the-third/text less more
1 Doctor Medved was a funny sort of guy. I wanted to write *man* there,
2 but I couldn't. That's not what he was. He was a guy.
4 There's nothing wrong with that, but you know, someone gets tired of
5 feet-on-the-desk-cheap-beer-in-the-fridge-birds-in-the-thicket kind
6 of living. That's why I left Doctor Medved that day, back in the summer
7 of Ten-and-Seven Sorrows.
9 I remember it like it was yesterday. "There's something wrong with this
10 birdhouse," he said, fidgeting with his toolset, in between grunts of
11 exertion and aggravation. "It's not housing properly."
13 "It doesn't take much to house," I told him. "I actually house rather
14 often."
16 "Well..." he said, and dropped the wrench. "What is it that you house?"
18 "Right now?" I said, and leaned backwards, considering the slow-moving
19 clouds and nearly dropping the mint julep that perspired in my cold
20 clammy hand. "Well, right now I think I must house serenity and
21 melancholy."
23 "Like a pond?" He was one of those guys who couldn't concieve of
24 serenity. Everything he knew about serenity he read in faux-Asian
25 pamphlets and TV Guide blurbs about Bruce Lee. He wouldn't know a
26 Zen garden from the Cottington School for Boys.
28 "Serenity is like when you're drunk, and you sit down on the curb
29 and let the sound of the bar disappear and you feel the curb and the
30 cold grit of the asphalt and the warm weave of your coat and the slow
31 growth of your hair that you keep forgetting to shave and you forget
32 that you're the only one drinking to remember and not forget. Serenity
33 is the cold air that comes in the almost-closed car window as you travel,
34 slowly in all but speed, from a place you don't really belong to a place
35 you don't really want to go to. Serenity is finding a kitten and saying
36 hello and asking it how it is and showing it a good time with some tin
37 cans and plastic tea cups and boxing magazines and then leaving it
38 where it was without bringing it home to your mother (or mother-substitute
39 that you fuck in a way you deny is Freudian) and trying to own it.
40 Those things are serenity."
42 Doctor Medved picked up the tool again and began making the birdhouse
43 into a bird-house. "Serenity is getting back to an empty apartment when
44 everyone is gone and the bags make the scratchy plastic noise as you
45 take the milk into the fridge and pause for just a moment?"
47 "No, not at all," I said as I stood up and left. "That's not it at all."
data/works/fascicles/004-fytte-the-fourth/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "IV: The Inexplicable Experiences Of A Man Who Finds A Chinese Restaurant Outside Space And Time, or, The Matryoshki",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2010",
5 "slug": "004-fytte-the-fourth"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/004-fytte-the-fourth/text less more
1 Mrs. Veliociraptor was having Mrs. Utahraptor over for some incredibly
2 pleasant afternoon tea. The scones were fresh and smelled of blueberries
3 and strife and the sugar-cubes were just old enough that they gave off the
4 most delicate moaning noise when separated.
6 "Rather afraid the mice got to the cake. Left it on the lower shelves
7 by mistake."
9 "Oh, bother!" Mrs. Utahraptor replied. "That was the cake you were telling
10 Mrs. Pterodactyl about, weren't you? A post-structuralist screed with a
11 frosting of hedge funds?"
13 "No. I made that cake last month for the widow of ol' Mrs. Smilodon, rest
14 her soul. No, this one was a long brown one--hazelnuts, cinnamon, and
15 mondegreens of songs you heard from your parents' room when you were
16 young and have never heard since."
18 "Mrs. Deionychus has a good one. It's fear, hanging cadence and possible
19 lovers who have forgotten your face and whose sudden unexpected appearance
20 on the street drowns you in a flood of possible realities just out of
21 reach of a time you can barely remember."
23 "Ooh, that *was* a good one. I liked her almond, too."
25 They talked for a while longer, but before long their speech was
26 mathematical symbols, so who knows what they were saying for sure?
data/works/fascicles/005-fytte-the-fifth/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "V: The Last Glass Of A Vintage Untasted By Human Lips, or, The Postprandial Prattle",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2010",
5 "slug": "005-fytte-the-fifth"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/005-fytte-the-fifth/text less more
1 There were seven brides for seven brothers. But the seven brides were
2 actually matryoshki, one inside another.
4 Sometimes after the brothers had too much to drink, they'd hide inside
5 the bigest one and pretend they belonged on a grandmother's shelf. She
6 didn't notice once.
data/works/fascicles/006-fytte-the-sixth/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "VI: The Glass Vessels In Which The Souls Of Cryptozoological Creatures Are Kept In Perfect, Beautiful Seculsion, or, The Dance",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2010",
5 "slug": "006-fytte-the-sixth"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/006-fytte-the-sixth/text less more
1 There was a dance they taught me once, as a child. It went like this. But
2 not exactly.
data/works/fascicles/007-fytte-the-seventh/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "VII: The Heinous and Unspeakable Crimes of Mr. R——, Zookeeper, or, The Ethnography",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2010",
5 "slug": "007-fytte-the-seventh"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/007-fytte-the-seventh/text less more
1 The Henbala people of the Karaba river valley are a strange people, at once majestic and comical. They claim, in their folklore passed down from person to person through the centuries, that they were not descended from First Man, nor from First Woman, but from the Sun himself.
3 (Many reject this view, because the Sun, regardless of its gender, would have caused major burns on the genitalia of whoever copulated with it.)
5 Naxa son of Subimi son of Ngukabe was born in the largest village of the Henbala people, where the Henbala spend their days scraping the flesh from the shells of crabs and beating bones together to make music in the key of C Mixolydian. He was born of the union of the village fortune-teller and a figure whose occupation can only be described as a sort of pre-agrarian stockbroker. As such, Naxa was surrounded since birth by both the uncertainties and the certainties of the future.
7 One day, Naxa left to search for an animal to replace a major third which was getting pretty flat in the village orchestra when he came across an inexplicable black sphere in the middle of the pass which connected his valley with the plains. He observed it with great zeal, prodding it with his finger and turning it over and over. It was neither heavy nor light; it neither reflected nor absorbed light; it seemed neither warm nor cold.
9 Naxa took the sphere to the village elder, who promptly punted it, where it disappeared and was subsequently never spoken of again. Naxa ended up making a very good life for himself as a femur-tuner.
11 I know you're disappointed that the mystery of the sphere was never solved, and even more disappointed that Naxa gave up so easily, but really, that sphere wasn't supposed to show up at all. If you take away anything from this story, know that part of the beauty in life is that some things exist, and anything more said about them is too much.
data/works/fascicles/008-fytte-the-eighth/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "VIII: The Unsurprising Leftovers from Aunt Lettie's Last Four Weddings, or, Truth Globules",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2010",
5 "slug": "008-fytte-the-eighth"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/008-fytte-the-eighth/text less more
1 I'd like to share with you the real things that a teacher of mine once
2 said to me. Of course, he wasn't actually my teacher, not in any kind
3 of academic sense. And he didn't say these things, in the sense that
4 vocal chords vibrated or pen touched page or meaning was transmitted in
5 any fashion. But he was my teacher, and he said these things to me, and
6 I have never forgotten them.
8 He said, "There are three nights that mean more to you than any other nights
9 of your life. This is only true of nights, and it isn't true of mornings,
10 or afternoons, or even days. Just nights. But it's not always the same
11 three nights when you think about it. Best to avoid thinking about it for
12 a while."
14 He said, "I don't believe in any of that soulmate shit, you know? But I do
15 wonder if maybe we only got half a soul and we've got to find another person
16 who has the other half. But not to stay around--just to trade, and after
17 that they can leave and I can leave and it'll all be good. 'Scuse me, sir,
18 I do believe you have my soul, yes, that piece there, and now I'll be on
19 my way."
21 He said, "People like to say the world is a simple place. That's not true.
22 That's not true at all. However, what they don't get is that the world
23 was almost a simple place, but the calculations got screwed up by
24 crows. And because of that, they had to work around a whole bunch of
25 the tiny details, and now the world's as complicated as you can see.
26 You wouldn't think a thing as normal as crows could do it, but
27 you don't know a whole lot about planning worlds, either. I did until I
28 dropped out."
30 He said, "Some people got loganberries, some people got strawberries. But
31 some people got blackberries, so fuck 'em."
33 He said, "I used to sell music. Not sheet music. Not recorded music, either.
34 And I didn't let anybody listen to it. I just sold them music. I figured
35 people would want it. Turns out, people don't want music, only noise."
37 He said, "Some day, I'm gonna be dead. And you'll be dead, too. And all
38 those people around you, and the ones down in the street, and up on the
39 hills, and on the ocean, they're all gonna be dead. If that makes you
40 sad, you're not looking at the big picture. And if that still makes you
41 sad, then you're not looking at the little picture, either."
43 He said, "I say a lotta stuff. I don't say a lotta stuff, too, and that's
44 gotta count for something. Not much, probably."
46 He said a number of other things, but a lot of them were quite boring. For
47 instance, at least one-hundred and thirty of those things were just
48 ordering burritos.
data/works/fascicles/009-fytte-the-ninth/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "IX: The Staggeringly Incomplete and Unfortunately Azure Presence of the Spirit of Our Times and The Lady of the Bentley Subglacial Trench, or, La Vita Degli Topi Chi Vivanno Nel'Opera",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2010",
5 "slug": "009-fytte-the-ninth"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/009-fytte-the-ninth/text less more
1 There was a family of five mice-children that lived in an opera-house in Milan. Their father
2 had been eaten, not by a cat, as one might expect of mice, but by several fish who
3 had set an elaborate trap involving no less than four decoy eels and an intricate
4 pulley system.
6 The father had been in an open relationship with several female mice, each of whom
7 was seeing several other male mice, and so several of them lived with the family
8 simultaneously; the children never knew whether the next day would find one subset
9 of their "mothers" and "fathers" replaced by another set. However, one of
10 them&mdash;a beautiful mouse with mottled brown-and-black fur&mdash;was always
11 there for them, being the biological mother of two of them and highly attached
12 to the other three. For the purposes of this story, I will call her Suzie, which is
13 a reasonably accurate translation of her name from the original Milanese Mouse
14 dialect, inasmuch as any collection of squeaks can be translated into a human language
15 at all.
17 One day, she and the five children, along with her two boyfriends, snuck into the
18 opera house, where a performance of _Il dissoluto punito, ossia il Don Giovanni_ was
19 being prepared for that weekend. Excited for the opera, Suzie insisted that the bored
20 children stay there to keep her seat for when she got back from getting refreshments
21 for the performance from the corner mouse store. The children sat expectantly for
22 a time, and then became bored and wandered around the upper boxes, looking for a
23 good vantage point for a mouse wishing to watch an opera.
25 It was not long until they found a box which was occupied by a Milanese inventor
26 called Massimo della Piscina Pubblica. He was performing the finishing touches on
27 a mannequin he had created so as to give the illusion that he had a date for the
28 opera, whereas in fact he was remarkably unattractive to women because of his complete
29 and utter lack of a nose. (He never considered that he could instead invent a nose
30 for himself; and if he had, he probably would have made it poorly, as he got zeroes
31 on most of the tests at _L'academie des inventeurs_ in Paris and slept through a lot
32 of classes. His nose would have actually been hilarious, though, so it is a pity that
33 he did not think of it.)
35 The mice thought quickly and dove into the mannuequin, and began operating it
36 independently. He was shocked to see his date come to life, and began to dream that
37 he was Giapetto, and the mannuequin was his own hypersexualized Pinnochio. The mice
38 began to make the mannuequin smile, and operated the voicebox through strings and
39 pulleys.
41 "What is wrong with you?" they asked. Massimo della Piscina Pubblica was shocked, but
42 also confused, because he did not speak English. So they repeated, "Qual è il tuo
43 problema?" He stammered, and stuttered, and the mice laughed in a mousey way inside
44 of the body, and the people who were filing into the opera began to stare at the
45 famous inventor and his oddly beautiful and yet somehow strange date.
47 "Cosà?" he asked, trying to understand what had happened to his mannequin. If he had
48 nostrils, they may very well have flared; we can only guess.
50 The mice never dignified him with a response, they left the box and found their
51 mother who was sneaking in a box of mouse popcorn and some mouse sodas; they picked
52 her up and began living in the basement of the opera-house, where they could listen
53 to the music without having to look at the atrocious makeup that some of these
54 singers had on.
56 Occasionally they'd go upstairs in their human-suit and give Massimo the finger. He
57 would try to thumb his nose at them and fail, and subsequently be laughed out of
58 the opera house. Kind of sad, really.
data/works/fascicles/010-fytte-the-tenth/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "X: Two Guys, A Girl, And The Rise of the Trans-Atlantic Semaphore Chain, or, Realizations",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2011",
5 "slug": "010-fytte-the-tenth"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/010-fytte-the-tenth/text less more
1 The passenger realized that their hat was lacking.
3 The conductor realized that the world's axis had shifted imperceptibly
4 w/r/t galactic north.
6 The passenger realized that seven flies were doing the fly equivalent
7 of the Mambo on a windowsill.
9 The conductor realized with a nervous sigh that everyone who ever
10 loved him was a pathological liar, and that he was not entirely unsure
11 that this bothered him.
13 The passenger realized that all trees were expressions of the same
14 Platonic tree, except for elms, all of whom can go fuck a knothole,
15 for all he cared.
17 The conductor realized that his own hat was lacking, and
18 simultaneously realized that his hat was stupid anyway and its lack
19 was nothing to be sad about.
21 The passenger realized that his ticket was in his hat, which by now
22 was probably floating somewhere around the crab nebula, or possibly
23 Philadelphia, which are basically the same thing, if you don't think
24 about it, which he didn't.
26 The conductor realized the passenger was naked, except for a hat
27 covering his genitalia, which he seemed to be unaware of.
29 The passenger realized that, assuming the correctness of string
30 theory, which posits that all matter is composed of tiny, vibrating
31 strings, he was almost certainly a F#.
33 The conductor died.
35 The passenger merged with the cosmos, briefly remembering his
36 now-silly anxiety over his lacking hat.
data/works/fascicles/011-fytte-the-eleventh/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "XI: The Counterfeit, Cheaply Produced Replicas of Official Visitor Passes from the Museum of Emptiness, or, Scenes From A Redacted Pop-Up Book",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2011",
5 "slug": "011-fytte-the-eleventh"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/011-fytte-the-eleventh/text less more
1 "You can't hear the music of the universe like that," she said.
3 "Like what?" I asked. "I am silent—no headphones, no radio, no nothing—and my mind is clear."
5 "Exactly," she said. "Your mind is a mirror that is like a pond. And yours is beautiful and still and perfect because it is dead."
7 "Mirrors are lies," I remember I said.
9 "Truer than you know," she said.
data/works/fascicles/012-fytte-the-twelfth/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "XII: Roberto L. von Krigelsbaum and His Dancing Tax Assessors, or, Le città e la sfortunata carenza di gentrificazione",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2011",
5 "slug": "012-fytte-the-twelfth"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/012-fytte-the-twelfth/text less more
1 It all started when I ate about seventy-five thousand pounds
2 of lemons.
4 I woke up the next morning to find my two remaining roommates,
5 Isidore and Louis the Negative Third, enraptured by a
6 low-budget documentary.
8 "It's coming to the good part," Isidore said. "Just watch."
10 "Have you seen it before?" I asked.
12 "I never watch movies twice," he said. "You know this."
14 "Look, guys&mdash;" I began.
16 "&#x0642;", Louis said.
18 "I ate, like, more lemons than actually exist last night. Do
19 you think that could be a problem?"
21 "Ah-ha!" Isidore said, clapping at the screen. "The circle
22 fade. I knew it was coming. No, I think you're probably
23 good."
25 "But what if the owner of the lemons comes to collect?"
27 "If it was more than actually exist, then nobody can have
28 owned them, eh?"
30 "And property is theft, too, you know," Louis added. "And
31 vice versa. I assume."
33 "But what if it harmed my stomach?"
35 "Do you have one?"
37 "A stomach?"
39 "Yeah, I always wanted one. My parents were poor."
41 "Look&mdash;do you have anything productive to say?"
43 "&#x0642;", Louis said.
45 "Aren't bananas radioactive?" Isidore asked.
47 "&#x0642; oh &#x0642; this kind nepenthe," Louis added.
48 "Incredibly."
50 "I didn't eat bananas, I ate lemons."
52 "They're yellow," Isidore observed.
54 "Okay, fine, this is asinine," I said.
56 Oh, how wrong I was.
data/works/fascicles/013-fytte-the-thirteenth/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "XIII: In Which A Cast of Colorful Charcuteries Learn Lessons about the State of the Fabric Industry, or, The Prolific yet Prideful Package",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2011",
5 "slug": "013-fytte-the-thirteenth"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/013-fytte-the-thirteenth/text less more
1 Alfred van Akka of Unfoundland was a kind of deliveryman by day, bicycle-thief
2 by night. Every morning, he'd wake up, take a package, and bring it to a
3 specified destination; every night, he'd go back and take a bicycle he saw on
4 the way. He saw it as a kind of retribution for the way a bloodthirsty gang
5 of bike-pirates stole his Heroes in Theoretical Numismatics action figure
6 set during his childhood.
8 One day, Alfred took a package and it spoke to him. It whispered his name
9 softly and sweetly, and Alfred was so terrified he threw it on the ground and
10 ran halfway to New Prottsville. A passing metabotanical vicar had to help him
11 back up.
13 Presently, he began to feel bad for so quickly abandoning the package, which
14 really had probably just wanted a friend. He marched back home and apologized
15 to the package, asking it if it wanted to hang out.
17 In fact, the package _had_ only wanted a friend, but seeing Alfred's terrified
18 response, its package equivalent of a heart was filled with hatred. It vowed to
19 destroy him.
21 That day, they went out to the Genschen Boardwalk, rode the rides, and went to
22 dinner at a fancy restaurant. All this infuriated the package even more, as it
23 was a Marxist who hated to see the consumeristic culture around it. Finally,
24 Alfred took the package with him to go bike-stealing, which was the last straw,
25 as many of the package's friends were bikes.
27 As it turned out, the bike being stolen was his girlfriend's cousin, and they
28 joined forces to... well, let's just say it wasn't pretty. A bluejay in the bush
29 nearby had to go to therapy for years, and nearly had to give her chicks up to
30 Avian Protective Services during her unstable periods. Real harsh. Alfred was
31 done for before it even started.
33 The package and the bike moved in together in Alfred's old home, which was a
34 real mistake. The package had to constantly run around turning off lights.
35 That's what you get, I suppose.
data/works/fascicles/014-fytte-the-fourteenth/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "XIV: Burning Down the Taddy-Lo's, or, Mr. Concupiscence K. The-Sloth-And-All-The-Little-Creatures Jones",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2012",
5 "slug": "014-fytte-the-fourteenth"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/014-fytte-the-fourteenth/text less more
1 The wind picked up a little bit, rustling the faded flags that had once been bright
2 colors on the side of the wooden building. Dry grass poked up through the edges of the bricks
3 that made up the walkway. A few errant snakes were watching the strips that once were flags,
4 mesmerized by the wafting motion.
6 A messenger arrived with a small scroll of brown paper, wrapped in twine and sealed with orange
7 wax. The messenger was a man with exactly three teeth and no more than seven strands of hair,
8 but his suit was a beautiful style, ornate with blue velvet and silver threads.
10 He gingerly entered the hall and let his eyes scan the room. At first, he saw only more
11 snakes&mdash;these were circling a fountain, apparently thirsty for a drink. The messenger
12 continued into a main room, which was similarly abandoned. A large window let light onto
13 the dusty floor, illuminated carpet that was once red, and now was a dull brown. Looking
14 over the room, all he could see was a gathering of snakes listening to a lecture on
15 Mesopotamian usury delivered by a particularly distinguished-looking snake with an
16 old-fashioned slide projector.
18 Finally, he entered a room with a throne and a king, surrounded by gold accoutrements and
19 beautiful yet aging tapestries. He sighed, as he had begun to fear that the place was devoid
20 of non-reptilians.
22 "Your highness," he said. "I have brought you&mdash;" and then he stopped in his tracks, as it
23 had become clear that the being was no king at all, but rather an empty king-shaped husk,
24 filled with snakes, suspended from the ceiling, marionette-like, on ropes which were
25 themselves the result of intertwined snakes. The snake-king spoke:
27 "Yes, fair messenger?"
29 "You're snakes, not a king."
31 The king-husk shrugged to the sound of a thousand snakes pulling the shoulders of the husk.
32 "We among the snakes have a saying: 'Good as snake.'"
34 "That saying doesn't even make sense."
36 That was a bad move, as it infuriated the snake-king. The snakes began to discard the husk
37 and gather into a gargantuan, seething mass. The walls of the building, which were also
38 snakes, began to join, and finally all joined together to form the hundred-league
39 Omega-Snake, which made short work of the messenger before razing the countryside.
41 And that is why the Great Omega-Snake War is sometimes spoken of by the huddled survivors
42 as the War of the Well-Dressed Messenger. And we all hope he is being tortured for his
43 crimes against the universe in Snake Hell.
data/works/fascicles/015-fytte-the-fifteenth/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "XV: The Ultimate Cessation Of Humankind's Ability To Love Itself And The Consequent Ontological Cataclysm That Itself Is Only The First Step In The Horrific Chain Of Events To Come, or, Three Sides of Fries",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2012",
5 "slug": "015-fytte-the-fifteenth"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/015-fytte-the-fifteenth/text less more
1 His heart felt as though it were made of glass. He could feel it. He could feel
2 every footstep reverberating in his glass heart, jostling it, rubbing it against
3 his panting lungs and pained spine, every motion too far straining the pristine
4 crystal lattice, every emotion causing it to creak and whine under the pressure.
6 The path was hard and long, and only barely illuminated by the blue-green foliage
7 which glowed brighter with every passing gust. The night sky was a flat black
8 with only the scarcest trace of the swarm above, like a soft trickle along the
9 horizon. The mountains above hummed softly.
11 "The hum is not comforting today," his companion said. The companion hovered
12 slightly, filled with red, redolent and grand.
14 "It is fine enough," he said, but his crystal heart disagreed. He looked up
15 at the faint blue peaks and felt the hum fill him, and the vibration seemed
16 as though it could destroy his crystal heart, but he _harrumphed_ and continued.
18 "You are not discomforted?"
20 "Not greatly," he said, and it was not quite a lie while still not quite the
21 truth. Every step nearly flattened flowers that moved aside and stared up at
22 the both expectantly, unsure if they were there to destroy them or feed them.
23 Of course, they were there for neither, only passing through towards the
24 city, which hovered in their vision distantly like a ghost.
26 "I find it... distasteful, at least," the companion said, and dilated his eyes
27 a little bit before hovering onward. "It seems to speak to me of plans."
29 "It seems to me that _you_ are now speaking of plans."
31 The companion was silent. The journey had gotten harder, and the great beasts
32 in the distance had started to stare with hollow yellow eyes and move with
33 barely perceptible movements. They would not be dangerous, but it was no
34 comforting thing to be walking in the half-light under the waxing swarm
35 with the guaes-beasts watching. The companion twisted a few times, perhaps
36 hoping that it would cause the beasts to avert their eyes.
38 Finally, they crested a hill and looked at the city they had for so long attempted
39 to find. Like a great crystal, it grew out in perfect directions and with
40 perfect dimensions, the subtle lights from planted trees being refracted and
41 reflected infinitely into the distance. He looked at his companion and both
42 of them smiled simultaneously.
44 "This city is like glass, and like glass, it could be destroyed by a small misstep
45 or an errant breath," the companion said, settling down on the hill just slightly
46 and obscuring the flowers below.
48 "The city is alive and will be alive in our minds for all time," he responded. "If
49 it must be broken, then it must." With that, he clutched at his heart, and both
50 began walking down the path.
data/works/fascicles/016-fytte-the-sixteenth/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "XVI: No More Than Seventy-Three Million Atoms Away, or, Memo #558",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2013",
5 "slug": "016-fytte-the-sixteenth"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/016-fytte-the-sixteenth/text less more
1 The incident occurred at five forty-seven AM on the far reaches of the eastern
2 suburb, about three-quarters of a mile from Road 78. Three of the vehicle's doors
3 were missing entirely. No bodies were found, and no footsteps were seen leaving
4 the upturned vehicle.
6 Investigators found and catalogued the following items from the scene:
8 - Five cellphane-wrapped lemon-flavored candies
10 - Four compact discs, none in their proper cases:
11 + Neil Young's 'After The Gold Rush'
12 + The Bestskimos' titular EP
13 + Kathleen Battle's Mozart arias, scratched beyond playability
14 + A burned CD-R, bearing two redacted titles and the third
15 unredacted title "The Factory of All: A Labor of Hate"
17 - An unlocked, empty jewelry box with a mother-of-pearl inlay in a
18 floral pattern on the top
20 - A jet-black parrot of unknown origin and species whose sole utterance
21 is the repeated phrase, "recidivism leads the pack!"
23 - A book in Hungarian whose title translates as, "The Long Jaunt: A
24 Postemptive Protospective," autographed in orange ink by a man who
25 did not write the book, addressed to "My Dearest Fußballschuh"
27 - A mirror which does not show the reflections of people whose names
28 begin with vowels
30 - A bottle of Zinfandel dated to 1983 from an Austrian winery named
31 Die Krummengel, of which no independent record exists
33 - A perfect white sphere with no mass to speak of, such that it must
34 be enclosed in a container lest it float randomly away from any
35 gravitational source
37 - A heat lamp (broken)
39 - Three sides of fries, extra crispy
41 - A small handwritten note, in blocky, awkward handwriting, on a pure,
42 crisp, white piece of card, containing the following text:
44 > In the middle of night at the top of the sky
45 > By the redolent field in which buffalo die
46 > Come the last of those few lonely souls who will hiss
47 > All the prayers of the holy and awful abyss
49 After a short time, the police assigned to the case announced that all
50 investigation would cease immediately. The items on this list were
51 auctioned several months later. The fries were no longer any good.
data/works/fascicles/017-fytte-the-seventeenth/metadata.yaml less more
1 {
2 "name": "XVII: The Unsettling Yearly Dance Of The Platonic Solids, or, Weird Tides",
3 "category": "fascicle",
4 "date": "2014",
5 "slug": "017-fytte-the-seventeenth"
6 }
data/works/fascicles/017-fytte-the-seventeenth/text less more
1 Eberhardt "Papercat" Von Kvotzburg frowned, and his eyebrows knotted
2 into perfect curls and settled underneath the rolling wrinkles that
3 had arrayed themselves on his expansive forehead. His hand gripped the cold
4 metal of the creaking, weather-beaten chair. His eyes darted—up, down, up,
5 down, left, down, up, up, down...
7 "Aye, I'm afraid 'tis true," she said as she sipped the paper cup
8 filled with overpriced coffee-like beverage. Her nose, shaped as it
9 was like a ski ramp, twitched in anticipation of the impending
10 caffeine.
12 "When did you start talking like a pirate?" he asked.
14 "There be a lot ye not know about me," she muttered. "Be that as it
15 may, ye know not of the treasure that awaits ye—the treasure that
16 awaits us all as we traverse the shores beyond—"
18 "—are you still talking about the grocery store?"
20 "Aye." She tested the temperature of the coffee with a tiny, noisy
21 sip, and then shrugged and threw back the entire cup without so much
22 as a flinch. "There be stranger things in the world than ye know,
23 Papercat. Much stranger things that may set their sights upon ye."
25 "You're aware that 'ye' is a nominative—not an objective—pronoun, no?"
27 "Shut ye the fuck up," she said with a slow, lilting cadence and a
28 haunting glare. "Let we get the fuck to the store of grocery."
30 And frankly, it would have been an okay grocery run if not for the
31 kraken.
data/works/pages/about/metadata.yaml less more
1 { "name": "About"
2 , "category": "about"
3 , "date": "today"
4 , "slug": "about"
5 }
data/works/pages/about/metadata.yaml~ less more
(Empty file)
data/works/pages/about/text less more
1 "Man is a god, in ruins."
3 —Ralph Waldo Emerson
data/works/pages/index/metadata.yaml less more
1 { "name": "[snarky text here]"
2 , "category": "about"
3 , "date": "today"
4 , "slug": "about"
5 }
data/works/pages/index/metadata.yaml~ less more
1 { "name": ""
2 , "category": "about"
3 , "date": "today"
4 , "slug": "about"
5 }
data/works/pages/index/text less more
1 All these things are true.
data/works/poems/the-festival-of-fears/metadata.yaml less more
1 {"category": "poem", "name": "The Festival of Fears", "date": "2006", "slug": "the-festival-of-fears"}
data/works/poems/the-festival-of-fears/text less more
1 For the Garaths at Sorn, by the seas great and black,
2 As they waited for all of their wives to come back
3 And fired their surrs at the tumelant whales
4 From the grelleking ships with no wind in their sails,
5 The longest of days in all the long years
6 Was the wintry cold Festival of Fears.
8 The moon, it was white, and the sun, it shone black,
9 The torizant leader crawled out of his sack
10 And looked at the rough, inimisal sky
11 Through one bloody black and one bright blue eye.
12 He called with a voice like terical leather
13 And gathered the whole symbadle together.
15 “Take a look at the sky!” He intoned, stret and strong,
16 “It has not been thus imfelled for too long!
17 I fear for the terrors this day has in store,”
18 He sholled with a tone like Hesago of Tor.
19 The men of the group stood up with a start
20 and began untellasting the ropes, part by part.
22 'Twas not half past krim when the specter appeared
23 With two fish in his hand and three streaks in his beard
24 His entility shone like a torch to the camp
25 And the men gathered round to hear his weftramp.
26 He circled two times round the statue of Triff
27 and with ultiffe in his eyes made off with a skiff.
29 Barely two hours hence an old baker named Shem
30 With a passion for baking fresh pan-à-la-sième
31 Stood up with a look of gelicine malice-
32 He huftily went and stole the chief's chalice
33 Then drowning himself with the vin de la çasse
34 He had stored for the cooking of malacanasse.
36 As the company stood by observing the cook
37 lying dead with the belicine cup that he took
38 they heard the somnaste of the spirits that flow
39 from the caverns of Krell to the fields of Sampó
40 which signaled the death of a servant of Hell
41 like a great, unholy Chamva-hall bell.
43 “'Tis a foul day indeed,” said the captain, vensure,
44 with a soul that was strong and a heart that was pure
45 but his men did not share his outlook on the day
46 with a garrable yell they all fled away
47 to the phenistal docks, behind which they'd play
48 their games of Pesmash and Sooda-Jalay.
50 In a blink of an eye came a thallaying shout
51 that prompted the captain to run quickly out
52 to the men who dempann'd and surra'd in their fear
53 of the corpse that was hanging off of the pier
54 with a look of incaelistic hate in his eye
55 They men, they all cried, “Oh, Marcello! Oh, why?”
57 With a bone-chilling beat all the graves opened wide
58 and skeletons started to dance deep inside
59 of the stone-laden shests and dirt-filled vadrós
60 that dotted Saint-Vien de les Grandes Sechosse.
61 The leader's old father stood up by the stone
62 that marked his small coffin on which no sun shone.
64 Every corpse had a black kyava-bird on their head
65 that filled all the terrified soldiers with dread
66 they dashed to the little flacsammed town square
67 and though they had just two surrs to share
68 they held out for an hour, and fought off the foe
69 that vitissied up from deep down below.
71 It would have been fine if it ended just there
72 but the oldest trempator received such a scare
73 that the heart nearly jumped right out of his chest
74 he fell on his knees, among all the rest.
75 “O samiscal day! O terrible knaft!”
76 He cried as he stole off with Serryman's raft.
78 Then all hell broke loose – though one might well say
79 that hell was much finer than that horrid day.
80 The sky bellased wide and out of it poured
81 snow cold as tristic, ice sharp as swords,
82 the men close to buildings, they quickly insook
83 and the ones who were further – well, they didn't look.
85 The wailing and screaming continued all day
86 while men lost their money at Sooda-Jalay
87 sembled inside of the homes in the town
88 fearing to look at the death raining down
89 fearing to look for their friends who were lost
90 out in the cold and ossamic frost.
92 By the time the frost cleared, twas the hour of Kvarz,
93 they jinellecked out to look at the stars
94 though the oranic ice had thawed from the ground
95 their fillicks and friends all could not be found.
96 The company stood about twenty or so –
97 the others, they guess, had gone up or below.
99 I wish I could tell you it ended right there,
100 the end of that horrible, destituous fair,
101 but truth will be told, the Garaths at Sorn
102 were struck with peurettre when they heard the horn,
103 the long low blestatto that signaled the tchaque
104 of the fears of the day – there wives had come back.
106 For the Garaths at Sorn, by the seas great and black,
107 in servitude now that their wives had come back,
108 as they worked at the gads making pan-à-la-stuque
109 and cleaning the house, every cranny and nook,
110 the longest of days in all the long years
111 was the wintry cold Festival of Fears.
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1 {"category": "story", "name": "Síffras and Shúme", "date": "today", "slug": "siffras-and-shume"}
data/works/stories/siffras-and-shume/text less more
1 Seventeen holy men could only frown in sadness as they watched the spirit drain from her eyes.
3 "It's not a thing we know how to do," he said. "We can only be a little holy, you see."
5 So her father&mdash;the only one remaining in the home, now, after her mother left&mdash;looked on with a
6 hollow heart as, one by one, holy men let themselves out of the tiny cottage atop the distant hill. But
7 before the last holy man had left, he spoke softly and gently to her father.
9 "There is a way&mdash;there always is, of course&mdash;but it is not, all things considered, a good way." He
10 signed and pointed to the east where the sun was rising. "Far to the east, in the land where no man will
11 now walk, is a spring where a lone fish[^1] swims tirelessly. Here, you will find a plant on which grow five
12 white lilies and a single red lily, which you must take and feed to her. She will sleep for five days, and then
13 this will be cured."
15 The father thanked the holy man and began preparing for the journey. He led his daughter gently
16 by the hand, though she did not look at him and did not speak. He took a horse and walked alongside it,
17 trying to sing softly to himself, but the tune felt hollow in his throat.
19 At length he came across the last town on the edge of the forest, where a few scattered huts stood
20 among the giant green shapes beyond. A man greeted him, who wore the mask of a wild beast[^2]
22 "Ho, traveler! Where are you going?"
24 "Into the woods," he said with sadness. "To find a cure for my darling daughter."
26 "I once went into the woods," the man said, moving closer. "I was, years ago, mauled by a fearsome
27 creature from the woods. I went in, looking for a way to repair my face, which it had destroyed beyond
28 recognition."
30 "And did you?"
32 "I didn't find the face I had lost, but I found the beast's, which suited me better." The father
33 almost believed that it appeared that the mask smiled.
35 They stayed the night in the man's house and he gave them food and warm coats. The next day,
36 they thanked him and set out for the spring.
38 When evening came they found themselves at the foot of a tall cliff. An eagle[^3] above flew in front
39 of them, and when she landed she seemed to them to be a tall, dark woman with a walking-stick.
41 "What are you doing so deep in these woods, man and girl?" she asked.
43 "Finding a cure for my daughter," the father said. "She has not improved in five years."
45 "My children were once ill," the eagle said sadly. "I cared for them for five years, and none of the
46 dozen ever improved. I got them every food and every herb in hopes that they would recover."
48 "And did they?"
50 "Yes," the eagle said. "They survived long enough to starve after they all left the nest." The eagle
51 led them up a narrow path in the cliff, and brought them to a cave. The next morning, a fresh hare sat at
52 the mouth of the cave, which they roasted and ate. They climbed the cliff and, at length, came to a glade
53 with a spring and a fish and a lone cottage with a little fire. An old man stood outside with a cane.
55 "Good day, travelers," he said. "You are deep in the forest, where no men come."
57 "What are you, then?" the father asked.
59 "No longer a man," said the old figure. "You seek a cure for your daughter? Then turn and leave,
60 for there is none here."
62 "I was told there were five white lilies and one red lily here."
64 "There six white lilies," the old man said, and the father followed his finger and saw he was telling
65 the truth. "You were mistaken. Go back to the land of men."
67 The father, standing up and trembling, put his foot on the ground. "I refuse," he said.
69 "Go back!" said the old man, and he opened his cloak and showed that under it, his body was that
70 of a great black owl[^4]. He shouted and rushed towards the father. Quickly, the father drew a knife[^5] and
71 thrust it into the beast's heart. It cried an unearthly cry, and it fell backwards towards the pond.
73 The father moved towards the pond and spied the six white lilies. One of them had been stained
74 red by the blood of the old creatures, while the others were still pristine and beautiful. The father took it,
75 blood staining his fingers, and brought it to his daughter, who ate it without looking at him, and then
76 began to sleep on the soft moss.
78 The father took the body of the old creature and moved it to the edge of the glade, and gave it a
79 burial.
81 Before he slept, the eagle-woman returned to see that he had made it well. She looked for a long
82 time at the empty hut.
84 "Did you know the creature who lived here?"
86 "No," she said, but she refused to speak about it further. She left him several small animals for
87 food and then took flight in a storm of feathers.
89 On the second day, he slept in the beast's hut as his daughter rested by the edge of the pond. The
90 fish stopped briefly to look at her.
92 On the third day, the man with the animal's face returned to see him. He brought several pieces of
93 cured meat in a small leather sack. There was a curious look in his eye as he saw the disturbed dirt at the
94 edge of the glade.
96 "Did you know the creature who lived here?"
98 "Not well," he said, and his animal nose sniffed. "We spoke years ago." And then he refused to
99 speak further.
101 On the fourth day, he hunted for food around the glade, but found nothing but leaves and grass
102 and branches. Even the birds seemed silent, and no animals moved among the grass to catch. After a long
103 hungry time, he caught the lone fish in the pond and roasted it. It was more delicious than any fish he had
104 ever eaten. He slept that night in the owl-beast's hut.
106 On the fifth day, the holy man from his home was standing in the clearing. He held a bag of
107 vegetables in his hand, which he gave to the father. They sat and stared at the daughter in silence for a
108 long time.
110 "Did you know the owl-beast?" the father asked, after a long silence.
112 The holy man closed his eyes and looked at the pond.
113 "Yes, though I did not know his name. He
114 was ancient when I was young, and I would see him at the edge of the forest, before he retreated to his
115 sanctuary. We spoke often." He sighed. "It is too bad that he retreated to this distant place."
117 The holy man left that night. The next morning, after the five days had finished, the father awoke
118 and left the hut to find his daughter standing next to the pond. She turned, and there was a light and joy
119 in her eyes that he had not seen in five years.
121 "Wasn't there a fish in this pond?" she asked.
123 "Not anymore," the father said. "There was."
125 "Pity," she said. "I would have liked company." And after that, she fell into the pond, and when the
126 father rushed to the edge to see her, she was gone, and in the pool was a single rosy fish.
128 He wept for ten days, sleeping when he could weep no longer and waking to fresh tears. But on
129 the tenth day, the fish looked up and whispered that he had no right to be sad, as his task was
130 accomplished and he could return a happy man.
132 But he stayed in the forest for years, never leaving the pond's side, and staying always in the little
133 hut that belonged once to the owl-beast. He spoke every day to the fish, though it did not answer often,
134 and often to the eagle, and to the man with the beast's face, and to the holy man.
136 One day, he discovered he had grown a feather.[^6]
138 [^1]: The fish was originally a _th&uacute;mfoh_, or an aquatic creature with webbed fins and an exoskeleton. This is a
139 fish which was common in the forests of northern Z&iacute;m, though the folktale originated far to the south. The
140 horse was a _sh&eacute;khu_ or sh&eacute;thku, which is a pack animal not intended for riding, though some versions
141 change it to other pack animals or omit it entirely.
143 [^2]: The beast varies in different versions of the tale, but it is often given as a _hf&uacute;kkha_, or a southern sh&eacute;fkel.
144 Another common version features a _pw&oacute;shas_, or hannsakh.
146 [^3]: The eagle is, in the original text, a _chent&aacute;_, a V&eacute;dash relative of the flying k&uacute;tul. The rabbit is a
147 virh&aacute;ka, or _hfirh&aacute;ke_ as it is called in V&eacute;rdash.
149 [^4]: The owl is a feathered beast called an _oss&eacute;khnga_ in V&eacute;rdash, and hosh&eacute;nka in Trin&aacute;ko.
151 [^5]: The blade is specified as a scythe in some versions of the tale, in others, it is a V&eacute;rdash shortsword called a
152 y&eacute;rgal used by light militia but widely available throughout history.
154 [^6]: V&eacute;rdash folktales often end with heavy implications rather than the full story, as H&iacute;gal folktales do. Some H&iacute;gal adaptations of the tale continue the implication until the point when he has become the owl-monster, but this is considered to be contrary to the original intention in the V&eacute;rdash tradition.
data/works/stories/the-dead-eye/metadata.yaml less more
1 {"category": "story", "name": "The Dead Eye", "date": "today", "slug": "the-dead-eye"}
data/works/stories/the-dead-eye/text less more
1 Káffashuerthal son of Iasmáshfa son of Tuérvali lay on the ground in
2 front of the tea-house for half an hour before anyone found him, as
3 it was the festival of Ótshimai[^1] and all were enjoying the kavvára-tea
4 traditional at that time. This was one of the Hígal frontier towns, near
5 the shores of the great seas, and it was common for unruly sailors to
6 pass idly through the town, stinking of uilímvie-wine and the smoke of
7 faraway lands; so when someone saw the body, the patriarch Sávv of the
8 East shouted, "Curse the sailors! Let him be; as long as he is disorderly,
9 let the Three Deaths taunt him in his stupor."
11 [^1]: Ótshimai is the Hígal deity of the winds; his festival was traditionally associated with the drinking of _kavvára_ steeped in warmed vradmiór-milk, which was a mild stimulant, and various dances and traditional songs. It was a relatively minor festival, and not all celebrated it, choosing to work instead.
13 Young orphan Náfa dashed out anyway and looked at the body, despite
14 Sávv's brazen shouting. "It is Káffashuerthal!" she shouted, and all,
15 including the patriarch, ran out to see what was the matter. Náfa, with
16 great effort, pushed him over and looked at his face.
18 "His eye is dead!" she shouted.
20 "Kewedjjí," Sávv said in the tongue of the East[^2]. "Ridiculous. How can
21 an eye die and leave its owner behind?" But he saw that it was true; one
22 of his eyes was a beautiful, bright green, but the other had faded to
23 a sphere the color of wet stone, cloudy and empty.
25 [^2]: Sávv is clearly a Malakéd immigrant of some kind, who was elected patriarch for a period of some years (as most Hígal towns do.) The tongue of the East is Malakéd, and the word _keweddjí_ actually refers to the shedded skin of native birds, and is roughly synonymous with a slightly more appropriate form of "bullshit."
27 The priestess of the town spoke some words in the Old Language and all
28 bowed. Káffashuerthal began to stir, and the patriarch knelt by him and
29 spoke to him.
31 "Káffashuerthal," Sávv asked, "where have you been? And what has happend
32 to your eye?"
34 Káffashuerthal blinked and turned to the patriarch. "Where have they
35 gone? Where is the red-bearded man?" he grasped the shoulder of the
36 patriarch, and fell back on the ground. The people brought him to Hermit
37 Bezén on the edge of the town, who was (for all intents and purposes)
38 the guardian of Náfa, as she was constantly there despite his
39 half-hearted attempts to convince her to live at the temple instead. She
40 led the way with a purposeful march as his body was moved on a wooden
41 cart to the courtyard and laid on a pile of dry grass under a tree.
43 Bezén, who was a Heretic[^3], walked outside his house and hobbled on a
44 polished wooden stick whose handle had been worn down from years of
45 use. His head was uncovered. "Who is this man you have brought, little
46 fly?"
48 [^3]: A Heretic (_ashbuárku_) is, in modern Hígal, synonymous with 'atheist,' but at this point it would have referred to anyone who does not observe orthodox Nekhnévenal. Given Bezén's attitude later in the story, it is clear that he is not an atheist, but believes in some derivative, personal form of the Nekhnévenal religion.
50 "This is Káffashuerthal, the grocer," Náfa said, "and he has a dead
51 eye. He fell down outside of the tea-house and asked for the
52 red-bearded man."
54 Bezén regarded him closely, and knelt in front of him. "His hair is of
55 a golden color; he must be from the West Across The Sea."
57 "He was born in the village," the patriarch said, being careful to
58 stand outside the entrance of the courtyard. "He is more Hígal than I."[^4]
60 [^4]: At this point in history, ethnic membership was often determined by birthplace and not physical features; failing accurate information, most people determined a person's ethnicity by their accent.
62 Bezén disappeared into the fabric that covered his door, and returned
63 with a cup filled with boiled léshtra-water[^5], and put it to
64 the sick man's lips. Much of it ran down his neck and onto his cloak,
65 but he did drink some and moaned. Bezén nodded. "I shall take him in,
66 then, until he is clean to visit the village once again."
68 [^5]: Léshtran (singular _léshtra_, dual _léshtral_) are berries with relaxant properties. They have a great deal of natural hydrocolloids—a substance known as the Trindúrian pectin—and as such were often used to create a thick, sugary drink called léshtra-water.
70 The patriarch stood with his hands crossed over the symbols displayed
71 on the chest of his cloak. "You, Bezén, are welcome also to visit&mdash;"
73 "No." Bezén stood. "Go back to your gods. I will stay with him. You
74 too, little insect," he said to Náfa. She stuck out her lip but
75 walked back with the patriarch to have more tea.
77 It was several days until the people in the town heard again of the
78 man with the dead eye; Náfa ran into town from the hermit's hut,
79 telling them all of Káffashuerthal and that he walks once again.
81 "For a day, he would not move, and only stirred on occasion, to ask
82 where the red-bearded man had gone. But the next day, he sat up
83 and spoke to Bezén, and asked for Shimákhts grains and water, and
84 Bezén brought them from his garden and asked him what had happend."
86 "What happened to him?" people crowded around to ask. "Why did he
87 get a dead eye?"
89 "Bezén made me leave," Náfa said, "and I did not hear all of it. But
90 I heard him say that he was in the woods on his way to Suráv to buy
91 medicine when he was stopped by a red-bearded man who was trying to
92 find the Diufázza[^6]. When Káffashuerthal said that word, Bezén made
93 me leave."
95 [^6]: This word resembles the Vérdash word _juhfáshah_, which means 'unclean.'
97 The people were confused, as they had not heard that word before;
98 but Sávv the patriarch nodded and climbed the hill outside of the
99 town to speak with the Heretic and Káffashuerthal. Náfa ran behind
100 him, but even her running could not keep up with the long, swift
101 strides of the old white-bearded man.
103 "Náfa told me of Káffashuerthal's story, or what she heard of it,"
104 Sávv said once he had been welcomed in to the courtyard. Káffashuerthal
105 was sitting in the shade, and he clasped an older walking-stick in
106 his hand, but he no longer appeared ill, and color had returned to
107 his face. His eye was still a dull gray.
108 Bezén stood by the tree with a mortar and pestle and was
109 mashing grains into a pulp for flatbreads.
111 "I sent her away after he mentioned the Diufázza," Bezén said.
113 "I have heard that name," Sávv said with a slow, measured cadence. "I
114 have never heard good said of it."[^7]
116 [^7]: Traditional Nekhnévenal myths do not mention a Diufázza anywhere. It is most likely an interpolation by the author.
118 "There is no good in it," Bezén said, and nodded to Káffashuerthal, who
119 began to speak quietly, after Náfa had been sent to the village to
120 buy fruits.
122 "I had not heard it before I saw the red-bearded man," Káffashuerthal
123 said. "He and I found an inn on the way to Suráv and stayed, and he
124 asked me what I knew about it. I told him&mdash;truthfully&mdash;that I did not
125 know what it was, and he told me that he was a man of many evil things.
126 He told me that in his youth he joined a gang of thieves and murderers
127 and that his crimes were so many that they eventually forced him to
128 leave.
130 "He also told me that he invoked the gods constantly during this time
131 and that his prayers fell of deaf ears. The gods, he said, would not
132 grant him favors, and if his prayers came true, it was because they
133 had come true anyway. One night, when he had been arrested and was
134 lying alone in a flooding jail cell in the summer rains, he cursed
135 the gods so much his voice became hoarse.
137 "Upon waking, he found two beasts in his cell, beasts he had never
138 seen before. One was old and sickly and its skin hung like curtains
139 from its shaking bones, the other was strong and muscled and twitched
140 when it moved as though it could not bear the thought of not striking
141 the next moment. Both circled him for a time, and then they leapt at
142 him&mdash;both, even the sickly one&mdash;and he recoiled, and then opened his
143 eyes to find them both gone."
145 Káffashuerthal began to cough, and Bezén and Sávv brought him in to
146 the Heretic's house and sat him down on a bedroll and waved scented
147 bags near him, and his coughing began to cease. He continued.
149 "After that point, whenever he would pray, his prayers would be not
150 unanswered, but actively thwarted. If he prayed for rain, the sun
151 would shine; if he prayed for sun, it would rain; if he prayed for
152 a woman, none would appear; if he prayed for solitude, all would
153 surround him. If he prayed for something he did not desire, his trick
154 was seen through by the gods&mdash;they would peer into his heart and see
155 what he truly wished, and send whatever that was not.
157 "He told me this had happened twenty years ago, and that he constantly
158 wished for death, which of course would not happen as long as he wished
159 for it. He had decided to find the Diufázza, which he told me was the
160 one place that one could be severed from the gods."
162 He stopped here, and his lone eye seemed to fail to focus, and he mouthed
163 words to the air, as though speaking inaudibly to a being none of them
164 could see. He turned back to Sávv and continued.
166 "I agreed to accompany him on his journey, and we walked over three
167 of the ranges of the midlands to find this place, which he said was
168 a temple older than any building in this land. We finally came across
169 a stone structure, round and covered in writing I did not understand,
170 and he stood in front of it and shouted to the skies, demanding that he
171 be granted an audience here.
173 "I turned and two beasts surrounded me&mdash;one gaunt, and one muscled,
174 just as he had described&mdash;and glared at him. He fell to his knees and
175 asked, and then demanded, and then begged, to be released from whatever
176 curse plagued him. The beasts shook their heads. He asked if he needed
177 a sacrifice, and they shook their heads.
179 "'I'll sacrifice whatever you'd like!' he said to them, 'I'll sacrifice
180 this man here, the only man to pity me in my life!' And he took a knife
181 from his belt and lunged at me, shouting, 'You will see death! You are
182 my sacrifice!' And then he stumbled and fell, and the beasts stood on
183 either side of him and devoured him, beginning with his feet and ending
184 at his neck, leaving only his head. And yet he did not die; his head
185 turned to me and cursed me, saying, 'This is your doing! Sacrifice, if
186 I had cut your throat, it would be you being devoured in my place!'"
188 Here he stopped for a long while and sat, looking away into the distance,
189 as though thinking quite painfully. Then he continued.
191 "The beasts turned to me as the red-bearded man continued shouting,
192 and they spoke to me, although I do not know how. The gaunt one said to
193 me, 'You have been named as a sacrifice. By the laws of the land, you
194 must see death. It would be best that you close your eye.' And at this,
195 I became unconscious; when I arose, I was alone at the stone circle,
196 and I could not see out of one eye.
198 "I perceived that it was somehow closed, although my eyelids were
199 clearly open; I felt as though some part of my soul was keeping it
200 closed. As I walked back, deliberately not seeking out the
201 red-bearded man, I tried to open that eye, but only a bit, as I
202 recalled&mdash;as though an awful dream&mdash;the admonition of the beasts. When
203 I was sleeping in the woods, barely half a day's walk from our
204 village, I awoke and became overtaken with curiosity and finally
205 opened the eye."
207 He muttered to an unseen interlocutor, and continued. "I cannot
208 describe what I saw, but I shall say that I believe it to be the
209 foundations of our world. It was not unlike the backstage of a play;
210 and while we in the audience see palaces and hovels and all manner
211 of places when we look, backstage a multitude of forms are made
212 apparent, and things are seen to be flat and insubstantial. It was
213 the death and life beyond the truth of the world, and it was as though
214 all the truth of your life had been stripped away, and all those
215 close to you had been shown to be merely actors following a script for
216 your convenience, except that the universe itself was this way. I
217 had seen death."
219 They were silent for a long time. Sávv spoke again. "Is your eye now
220 open?"
222 "No," Káffashuerthal said. "I do not believe I can open it again and
223 remain here, for it would shape my spirit in such a way that I could
224 not remain with my body and mind intact. I shall attempt to keep my eye
225 closed for as long as I can. I have seen death once; perhaps I can
226 avoid seeing it until it cannot be put off."
228 Sávv and Bezén shared tea with Káffashuerthal for a bit and spoke only
229 of pleasant, idle things, and then Sávv returned to the village to
230 help Náfa bring things back. Káffashuerthal regained his strength
231 gradually and began to return to the grocery, working slowly and
232 methodically carrying goods and no longer taking the trips they used
233 to ask of him.
235 A few months later, neither Sávv nor Bezén were surprised when he
236 disappeared.
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