gdritter repos lib-static / dc247e2
No special COPY message on the scraps page Getty Ritter 9 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
1616 ARGS="$2"
1717 FOCUS=true
1818 fi
19 COPY="©2015 Getty Ritter (ain't no rights that ain't reserved)"
2120 json-list -c $ARGS \
2221 | pretty-quote \
2322 | json-dict scraplist - focus $FOCUS \
2423 | mustache - templates/scrap.mustache \
25 | json-dict title Scraps contents - usejs true copy "$COPY" onload '"doLoadHighlight()"' \
24 | json-dict title Scraps contents - usejs true onload '"doLoadHighlight()"' \
2625 | mustache - templates/main.mustache