gdritter repos new-inf-blog / 0f7a6e8
add extra source files to cabal file Getty Ritter 6 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 7 addition(s) and 4 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
1 name: new-inf-blog
2 version:
1 name: inf-blog
2 version: 1.0
33 -- synopsis:
44 -- description:
55 license: BSD3
99 -- category:
1010 build-type: Simple
1111 cabal-version: >=1.14
12 extra-source-files:
13 static/main.css
14 static/highlighting.css
13 executable new-inf-blog
16 executable inf-blog
1417 hs-source-dirs: src
1518 main-is: Main.hs
1619 other-modules: Inf.Types
4043 , xml-conduit
4144 , bytestring
4245 , pwstore-fast
43 , unix
46 , unix