gdritter repos new-inf-blog / 7466633
Stubbed out most of what is necessary for non-admin views Getty Ritter 5 years ago
17 changed file(s) with 814 addition(s) and 69 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
1414 hs-source-dirs: src
1515 main-is: Main.hs
1616 other-modules: Inf.Types
17 Inf.Templates
1718 Inf.DB
19 Inf.DB.Monad
20 Inf.Feed
1821 default-language: Haskell2010
1922 default-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables
2023 ghc-options: -Wall
2427 , stache
2528 , text
2629 , time
27 , sqlite-simple
30 , http-types
31 , sqlite-simple
32 , aeson
33 , filepath
34 , pandoc
35 , feed
36 , xml-types
37 , xml-conduit
38 , bytestring
1 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
4 module Inf.DB.Monad
5 ( DB(..)
6 , DBException(..)
7 , SQL.Only(..)
8 , SQL.Connection
9 , io
10 , raise
11 , f
13 , query
14 , queryMb
15 , queryOne
16 , execute
17 , lastRow
19 ,
20 ) where
22 import qualified Control.Exception as Exn
23 import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQL
24 import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField as SQL
26 import Inf.Types
28 newtype DB r = DB { runDB :: SQL.Connection -> IO r }
30 instance Functor DB where
31 fmap fn (DB k) = DB (fmap fn . k)
33 instance Applicative DB where
34 pure x = DB (\ _ -> pure x)
35 DB fn <*> DB x =
36 DB (\ c -> fn c <*> x c)
38 instance Monad DB where
39 DB x >>= fn = DB $ \ c -> do
40 x' <- x c
41 runDB (fn x') c
44 io :: IO a -> DB a
45 io k = DB (\ _ -> k)
47 raise :: DBException -> DB a
48 raise e = DB (\ _ -> Exn.throwIO e)
50 data Field where
51 Field :: SQL.ToField r => r -> Field
53 instance SQL.ToField Field where
54 toField (Field x) = SQL.toField x
56 f :: SQL.ToField r => r -> Field
57 f = Field
59 query :: SQL.FromRow r => SQL.Query -> [Field] -> DB [r]
60 query q [] = DB $ \conn -> SQL.query_ conn q
61 query q as = DB $ \conn -> SQL.query conn q as
63 queryMb :: SQL.FromRow r => SQL.Query -> [Field] -> DB (Maybe r)
64 queryMb q as = DB $ \conn -> do
65 rs <- case as of
66 [] -> SQL.query_ conn q
67 _ -> SQL.query conn q as
68 case rs of
69 [] -> pure Nothing
70 [x] -> pure (Just x)
71 _ -> Exn.throwIO NonUniqueResult
73 queryOne :: (SQL.FromRow r) => SQL.Query -> [Field] -> DB r
74 queryOne q as = DB $ \conn -> do
75 rs <- case as of
76 [] -> SQL.query_ conn q
77 _ -> SQL.query conn q as
78 case rs of
79 [x] -> pure x
80 _ -> Exn.throwIO NonUniqueResult
82 execute :: SQL.Query -> [Field] -> DB ()
83 execute q as = DB $ \conn -> do
84 case as of
85 [] -> SQL.execute_ conn q
86 _ -> SQL.execute conn q as
88 lastRow :: DB Int
89 lastRow = DB $ \conn -> fromIntegral `fmap` SQL.lastInsertRowId conn
33 module Inf.DB where
5 import qualified Control.Exception as Exn
6 import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQL
5 import Control.Monad (forM)
76 import qualified Data.Text as T
87 import qualified Data.Time as Time
9 import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
9 import qualified Inf.DB.Monad as DB
1110 import Inf.Types
14 type DB r = SQL.Connection -> IO r
16 data DBException
17 = MissingPost PostId
18 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
20 instance Exn.Exception DBException where
22 -- | A utility function for grabbing the only relevant value from a
23 -- query
24 unique :: [SQL.Only a] -> Maybe a
25 unique (SQL.Only x:_) = Just x
26 unique _ = Nothing
28 submitPost :: User -> RawPost -> DB Bool
29 submitPost uname rp c = case rpId rp of
12 submitPost :: User -> RawPost -> DB.DB ()
13 submitPost uname rp = case rpId rp of
3014 Just (PostId n) | uname == rpAuthor rp -> do
31 pure ()
32 SQL.execute c
15 DB.execute
3316 "UPDATE posts \
3417 \ SET title = ?, author = ?, contents = ? \
3518 \ WHERE id = ?"
36 (rpTitle rp, userName (rpAuthor rp), rpContents rp, n)
37 SQL.execute c
19 [ DB.f (rpTitle rp), DB.f (userName (rpAuthor rp)), DB.f (rpContents rp), DB.f n]
20 DB.execute
3821 "UPDATE lookup SET slug = ? WHERE post_id = ?"
39 (slugify (rpTitle rp), n)
40 pure True
22 [DB.f (slugify (rpTitle rp)), DB.f n]
23 Just _ -> DB.raise DB.BadUserError
4224 Nothing -> do
43 now <- Time.getCurrentTime
44 prev <- unique `fmap` SQL.query_ c
45 "SELECT id FROM posts ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1"
46 SQL.execute c
25 now <- Time.getCurrentTime
26 prev <- fmap (fmap DB.fromOnly) (DB.queryMb "SELECT id FROM posts ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1" [])
27 DB.execute
4728 "INSERT INTO posts \
4829 \ (title, contents, author, time, next, prev) \
4930 \ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
50 (rpTitle rp, rpContents rp, rpAuthor rp, now, Nothing :: Maybe Int, prev :: Maybe Int)
31 [DB.f (rpTitle rp), DB.f (rpContents rp), DB.f (rpAuthor rp), DB.f now, DB.f (Nothing :: Maybe Int), DB.f (prev :: Maybe Int)]
52 new <- SQL.lastInsertRowId c
33 new <- DB.lastRow
5334 case prev of
54 Just p -> SQL.execute c
55 "UPDATE posts SET next = ? WHERE id = ?" (new, p)
35 Just p -> DB.execute
36 "UPDATE posts SET next = ? WHERE id = ?" [DB.f new, DB.f p]
5637 Nothing -> pure ()
5839 let (year, month, _) = Time.toGregorian (Time.utctDay now)
59 SQL.execute c
40 DB.execute
6041 "INSERT INTO lookup (year, month, time, slug, post_id) \
6142 \ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
62 (year, month, now, slugify (rpTitle rp), new)
63 pure True
43 [DB.f year, DB.f month, DB.f now, DB.f (slugify (rpTitle rp)), DB.f new]
65 _ -> pure False
67 deletePost :: RawPost -> DB Bool
68 deletePost rp c
45 deletePost :: RawPost -> DB.DB ()
46 deletePost rp
6947 | Just post <- rpId rp = do
70 vals <- SQL.query c
71 "SELECT next, prev FROM posts WHERE id = ?"
72 (SQL.Only post)
48 vals <- DB.query "SELECT next, prev FROM posts WHERE id = ?" [DB.f post]
7450 (oldNext :: Maybe Int, oldPrev :: Maybe Int) <- case vals of
75 [] -> Exn.throwIO (MissingPost post)
51 [] -> DB.raise (DB.MissingPost post)
7652 (x, y):_ -> pure (x, y)
7854 case oldPrev of
79 Just n -> SQL.execute c
80 "UPDATE posts SET next = ? WHERE id = ?" (oldNext, n)
55 Just n -> DB.execute
56 "UPDATE posts SET next = ? WHERE id = ?" [DB.f oldNext, DB.f n]
8157 Nothing -> pure ()
8359 case oldNext of
84 Just n -> SQL.execute c
85 "UPDATE posts SET prev = ? WHERE id = ?" (oldPrev, n)
60 Just n -> DB.execute
61 "UPDATE posts SET prev = ? WHERE id = ?" [DB.f oldPrev, DB.f n]
8662 Nothing -> pure ()
88 SQL.execute c "DELETE FROM lookup WHERE post_id = ?" (SQL.Only post)
89 SQL.execute c "DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ?" (SQL.Only post)
90 pure True
91 deletePost _ _ = pure False
64 DB.execute "DELETE FROM lookup WHERE post_id = ?" [DB.f post]
65 DB.execute "DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ?" [DB.f post]
66 deletePost _ = DB.raise DB.NoSuchPost
70 newestPost :: DB.DB (Maybe Post)
71 newestPost = do
72 values <- DB.queryMb "SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1" []
73 forM values $ \(pId, title, contents, author, date, next, prev) -> do
74 nextRef <- mapM postRefById next
75 prevRef <- mapM postRefById prev
76 pure Post
77 { postId = pId
78 , postDate = date
79 , postTitle = title
80 , postContents = contents
81 , postAuthor = author
82 , postNext = nextRef
83 , postPrev = prevRef
84 }
86 postRefById :: PostId -> DB.DB PostRef
87 postRefById pId = do
88 (year, month, slug, name, date) <-
89 DB.queryOne "SELECT l.year, l.month, l.slug, p.title, p.time \
90 \ FROM lookup l, posts p \
91 \ WHERE l.post_id = and = ?" [DB.f pId]
92 pure PostRef
93 { prYear = year
94 , prMonth = month
95 , prSlug = slug
96 , prName = name
97 , prDate = date
98 }
101 newestPostRef :: DB.DB PostRef
102 newestPostRef = do
103 vals <- DB.queryOne "SELECT id FROM posts ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1" []
104 postRefById (DB.fromOnly vals)
106 oldestPostRef :: DB.DB PostRef
107 oldestPostRef = do
108 vals <- DB.queryOne "SELECT id FROM posts ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT 1" []
109 postRefById (DB.fromOnly vals)
111 staticPage :: T.Text -> DB.DB Page
112 staticPage name = do
113 pg <- DB.queryMb "SELECT title, contents FROM pages WHERE slug = ?"
114 [DB.f name]
115 case pg of
116 Nothing -> DB.raise (DB.MissingPage name)
117 Just x -> pure x
119 allPosts :: DB.DB [Post]
120 allPosts = do
121 values <- DB.query "SELECT id, time, title, contents, author FROM posts" []
122 pure [ Post pId date title content author Nothing Nothing
123 | (pId, date, title, content, author) <- values
124 ]
126 allPostRefs :: DB.DB [PostRef]
127 allPostRefs = do
128 posts <- DB.query "SELECT l.year, l.month, l.slug, p.title, p.time \
129 \ FROM lookup l, posts p WHERE = l.post_id \
130 \ ORDER BY p.time DESC" []
131 pure [ PostRef
132 { prYear = year
133 , prMonth = month
134 , prSlug = slug
135 , prName = title
136 , prDate = date
137 }
138 | (year, month, slug, title, date) <- posts
139 ]
141 postByDateAndSlug :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> DB.DB Post
142 postByDateAndSlug year month slug = do
143 values <- DB.queryMb
144 "SELECT post_id FROM lookup WHERE year = ? AND month = ? AND slug = ?"
145 [DB.f year, DB.f month, DB.f slug]
146 case values of
147 Just p -> postById (DB.fromOnly p)
148 Nothing -> DB.raise (DB.NoPostFound year month slug)
150 postById :: PostId -> DB.DB Post
151 postById pId = do
152 (title, contents, author, date, next, prev)
153 <- DB.queryOne "SELECT title, contents, author, time, next, prev \
154 \ FROM posts WHERE id = ?" [DB.f pId]
155 nextRef <- mapM postRefById next
156 prevRef <- mapM postRefById prev
157 pure Post
158 { postId = pId
159 , postDate = date
160 , postTitle = title
161 , postContents = contents
162 , postAuthor = author
163 , postNext = nextRef
164 , postPrev = prevRef
165 }
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 module Inf.Feed (renderFeed) where
5 import Control.Monad (forM)
6 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
7 import qualified Text.Atom.Feed as Atom
8 import qualified Text.Atom.Feed.Export as Atom
9 import qualified Text.XML as XML
11 import qualified Inf.Templates as Template
12 import Inf.Types
14 renderFeed :: [Post] -> IO LBS.ByteString
15 renderFeed posts = do
16 renderedPosts <- forM posts $ \p -> do
17 content <- Template.markdown (postContents p)
18 pure p { postContents = content }
19 let Right el = XML.fromXMLElement (Atom.xmlFeed (mkFeed renderedPosts))
20 doc = XML.Document (XML.Prologue [] Nothing []) el []
21 pure (XML.renderLBS XML.def doc)
23 author :: Atom.Person
24 author = Atom.Person
25 { Atom.personName = "Getty Ritter"
26 , Atom.personURI = Just ""
27 , Atom.personEmail = Nothing
28 , Atom.personOther = []
29 }
31 mkFeed :: [Post] -> Atom.Feed
32 mkFeed posts = let postsRev = reverse posts in Atom.Feed
33 { Atom.feedId = ""
34 , Atom.feedTitle = Atom.TextString "Infinite Negative Utility"
35 , Atom.feedUpdated = postDateT (head postsRev)
36 , Atom.feedAuthors = [author]
37 , Atom.feedCategories = []
38 , Atom.feedContributors = [author]
39 , Atom.feedGenerator = Nothing
40 , Atom.feedIcon = Nothing
41 , Atom.feedLinks = []
42 , Atom.feedLogo = Nothing
43 , Atom.feedRights = Nothing
44 , Atom.feedSubtitle = Nothing
45 , Atom.feedEntries = map mkEntry postsRev
46 , Atom.feedAttrs = []
47 , Atom.feedOther = []
48 }
50 mkEntry :: Post -> Atom.Entry
51 mkEntry p = Atom.Entry
52 { Atom.entryId = postURL p
53 , Atom.entryTitle = Atom.TextString (postTitle p)
54 , Atom.entryUpdated = (postDateT p)
55 , Atom.entryAuthors = [author]
56 , Atom.entryCategories = []
57 , Atom.entryContent = Just (Atom.HTMLContent (postContents p))
58 , Atom.entryContributor = [author]
59 , Atom.entryLinks = [ Atom.nullLink (postURL p) ]
60 , Atom.entryPublished = Just (postDateT p)
61 , Atom.entryRights = Nothing
62 , Atom.entrySource = Nothing
63 , Atom.entrySummary = Nothing
64 , Atom.entryInReplyTo = Nothing
65 , Atom.entryInReplyTotal = Nothing
66 , Atom.entryAttrs = []
67 , Atom.entryOther = []
68 }
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 module Inf.Templates
4 ( main
5 , page
6 , list
8 , dbException
9 , someException
11 , markdown
12 ) where
14 import qualified Control.Exception as Exn
15 import Control.Monad ((=<<))
16 import Data.Aeson ((.=))
17 import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
18 import qualified Data.Text as TS
19 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
20 import qualified Text.Mustache as Stache
21 import qualified Text.Pandoc.Class as Pandoc
22 import qualified Text.Pandoc.Extensions as Pandoc
23 import qualified Text.Pandoc.Highlighting as Pandoc
24 import qualified Text.Pandoc.Options as Pandoc
25 import qualified Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown as Pandoc
26 import qualified Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML as Pandoc
28 import Inf.Types
30 markdownOpts :: Pandoc.ReaderOptions
31 markdownOpts = Pandoc.def
32 { Pandoc.readerExtensions = Pandoc.pandocExtensions
33 }
35 htmlOpts :: Pandoc.WriterOptions
36 htmlOpts = Pandoc.def
37 { Pandoc.writerHighlightStyle = Just Pandoc.tango
38 }
40 markdown :: TS.Text -> IO TS.Text
41 markdown raw = Pandoc.runIOorExplode $ do
42 pandoc <- Pandoc.readMarkdown markdownOpts raw
43 Pandoc.writeHtml5String htmlOpts pandoc
45 main :: T.Text -> T.Text -> IO T.Text
46 main title contents = do
47 template <- Stache.compileMustacheFile "templates/main.mustache"
48 let vals = Aeson.object
49 [ "title" .= title
50 , "contents" .= contents
51 ]
52 pure (Stache.renderMustache template vals)
54 page :: TS.Text -> IO T.Text
55 page contents = do
56 template <- Stache.compileMustacheFile "templates/page.mustache"
57 mk <- markdown contents
58 let vals = Aeson.object
59 [ "contents" .= mk ]
60 pure (Stache.renderMustache template vals)
62 list :: [PostRef] -> IO T.Text
63 list posts = do
64 template <- Stache.compileMustacheFile "templates/list.mustache"
65 let vals = Aeson.object
66 [ "posts" .=
67 [ Aeson.object [ "url" .= postRefURL ref
68 , "title" .= prName ref
69 , "date" .= postRefDateT ref
70 ]
71 | ref <- posts
72 ]
73 ]
74 pure (Stache.renderMustache template vals)
77 dbException :: DBException -> IO T.Text
78 dbException exn = main "Error" =<< page (TS.unlines
79 ( "## Internal server error"
80 : case exn of
81 NoSuchPost -> [ "database misconfiguration" ]
82 BadUserError -> [ "bad user session" ]
83 NonUniqueResult -> [ "database misconfiguration" ]
84 MissingPost pId -> [ "missing post: `" <> TS.pack (show pId) <> "`"]
85 MissingPage name -> [ "missing page: `" <> name <> "`"]
86 NoPostFound year month slug ->
87 [ "no such post: `" <> year <> "/" <> month <> "/" <> slug <> "`" ]
88 ))
90 someException :: Exn.SomeException -> IO T.Text
91 someException exn = main "Internal Sever Error" =<< page (TS.unlines
92 [ "The following unexpected error occurred:"
93 , "```"
94 , TS.pack (show exn)
95 , "```"
96 ])
33 module Inf.Types where
5 import qualified Control.Exception as Exn
56 import qualified Data.Char as Char
67 import qualified Data.Text as T
78 import qualified Data.Time as Time
6768 , rpContents = ""
6869 }
71 data Page = Page
72 { pageName :: T.Text
73 , pageText :: T.Text
74 } deriving Show
76 instance SQL.FromRow Page where
77 fromRow = uncurry Page <$> SQL.fromRow
7179 data URL = URL
7280 { urlRelative :: T.Text
100108 ]
111 postRefDateT :: PostRef -> T.Text
112 postRefDateT PostRef { prDate = date } =
113 T.pack (Time.formatTime
114 Time.defaultTimeLocale
115 Time.rfc822DateFormat
116 date)
103118 postRefURL :: PostRef -> T.Text
104119 postRefURL PostRef { prYear = year, prMonth = month, prSlug = slug } =
105120 T.concat [ "/", T.pack (show year)
123138 , rpContents = postContents p
124139 , rpAuthor = postAuthor p
125140 }
144 data DBException
145 = MissingPost PostId
146 | MissingPage T.Text
147 | NoPostFound T.Text T.Text T.Text
148 | NonUniqueResult
149 | BadUserError
150 | NoSuchPost
151 deriving (Eq, Show)
153 instance Exn.Exception DBException where
33 module Main where
5 import qualified Data.Text as T
5 import qualified Control.Exception as Exn
6 import Control.Monad ((>=>))
7 import qualified Data.Text as TS
8 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as EncodingS
9 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
10 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as Encoding
11 import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
612 import qualified Network.Wai as W
713 import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as W
14 import System.FilePath ((</>))
815 import qualified System.Environment as Env
916 import qualified Text.Read as Read
18 import qualified Inf.DB.Monad as DB
19 import qualified Inf.DB as DB
20 import qualified Inf.Feed as Feed
21 import qualified Inf.Templates as Template
22 import Inf.Types
1124 main :: IO ()
1225 main = do
1528 Just x
1629 | Just p <- Read.readMaybe x -> p
1730 _ -> 8080
18 port (\ r k -> route r >>= k)
31 conn <- "test.db"
32 port $ \ r k -> do
33 resp <- route conn r
34 `Exn.catch` (Template.dbException >=> raise500)
35 `Exn.catch` (Template.someException >=> raise500)
36 k resp
38 page :: T.Text -> T.Text -> IO W.Response
39 page title stuff = do
40 pg <- Template.main title stuff
41 let headers = [(HTTP.hContentType, "text/html")]
42 pure (W.responseLBS HTTP.status200 [] (Encoding.encodeUtf8 pg))
21 raise404 :: [T.Text] -> IO W.Response
22 raise404 = undefined
44 raise404 :: [TS.Text] -> IO W.Response
45 raise404 msgs = do
46 contents <- $ TS.unwords
47 [ "No handler found for page "
48 , "`/" <> TS.intercalate "/" msgs <> "`"
49 ]
50 pg <- Template.main "404" contents
51 pure (W.responseLBS HTTP.status404 [] (Encoding.encodeUtf8 pg))
53 raise500 :: T.Text -> IO W.Response
54 raise500 msgs =
55 let body = Encoding.encodeUtf8 msgs
56 in pure (W.responseLBS HTTP.status500 [] body)
25 route :: W.Request -> IO W.Response
26 route req = case (W.requestMethod req, W.pathInfo req) of
27 ("GET", []) -> undefined
58 route :: DB.Connection -> W.Request -> IO W.Response
59 route c req = case (W.requestMethod req, W.pathInfo req) of
60 ("GET", []) -> do
61 post <- DB.runDB DB.newestPostRef c
62 let headers = [(HTTP.hLocation, EncodingS.encodeUtf8 (postRefURL post))]
63 pure (W.responseLBS HTTP.status307 headers "redirecting...")
2865 ("POST", []) -> undefined
2967 ("GET", ["auth"]) -> undefined
30 ("GET", ["archive"]) -> undefined
69 ("GET", ["archive"]) -> do
70 posts <- DB.runDB DB.allPostRefs c
71 contents <- Template.list posts
72 page "Past Entries" contents
3174 ("GET", ["create"]) -> undefined
32 ("GET", [y, m, s]) -> undefined
76 ("GET", [y, m, s]) -> do
77 post <- DB.runDB (DB.postByDateAndSlug y m s) c
78 contents <- (postContents post)
79 page (T.fromStrict (postTitle post)) contents
3381 ("POST", [y, m, s]) -> undefined
3483 ("GET", [y, m, s, "edit"]) -> undefined
3585 ("GET", [y, m, s, "delete"]) -> undefined
3687 ("GET", ["login"]) -> undefined
3789 ("GET", ["logout"]) -> undefined
38 ("GET", ["oldest"]) -> undefined
39 ("GET", ["static", fp]) -> undefined
40 ("GET", ["rss"]) -> undefined
41 ("GET", [page]) -> undefined
91 ("GET", ["newest"]) -> do
92 post <- DB.runDB DB.newestPostRef c
93 let headers = [(HTTP.hLocation, EncodingS.encodeUtf8 (postRefURL post))]
94 pure (W.responseLBS HTTP.status307 headers "redirecting...")
96 ("GET", ["oldest"]) -> do
97 post <- DB.runDB DB.oldestPostRef c
98 let headers = [(HTTP.hLocation, EncodingS.encodeUtf8 (postRefURL post))]
99 pure (W.responseLBS HTTP.status307 headers "redirecting...")
101 ("GET", ["static", fp]) ->
102 let path = "static" </> TS.unpack fp
103 in pure (W.responseFile HTTP.status200 [] path Nothing)
105 ("GET", ["rss"]) -> do
106 posts <- DB.runDB DB.allPosts c
107 feed <- Feed.renderFeed posts
108 let headers =
109 [(HTTP.hContentType, "application/atom+xml")]
110 pure (W.responseLBS HTTP.status200 headers feed)
112 ("GET", [pagename]) -> do
113 pg <- DB.runDB (DB.staticPage pagename) c
114 contents <- (pageText pg)
115 page (T.fromStrict pagename) contents
42117 ("GET", [page, "edit"]) -> undefined
43119 (_, path) -> raise404 path
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49 code { } /* Import */
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20 color: #FFFFFF;
21 text-align: center;
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27 text-align: center;
28 padding: 1px;
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63 margin-right: auto;
64 background-color: #FFFFFF;
65 padding-left: 20px;
66 padding-right: 20px;
67 padding-top: 10px;
68 padding-bottom: 30px;
69 }
71 .list {
72 width: 60%;
73 margin-left: auto;
74 margin-right: auto;
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77 padding-right: 20px;
78 padding-top: 10px;
79 padding-bottom: 30px;
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100 .main h3 {
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102 background-color: #888888;
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106 border-radius: 15px;
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109 .edit {
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111 }
113 .editlink {
114 text-align: center;
115 }
117 .author {
118 font-style: italic;
119 text-align: center;
120 background-color: rgba(176,189,140,0.2);
121 padding: 10px;
122 width: 60%;
123 margin-left: auto;
124 margin-right: auto;
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127 .new {
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129 width: 50%;
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133 .old {
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135 width: 50%;
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144 padding-right: 30px;
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147 code {
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149 }
1 <div class="edit">
2 <p>Are you sure you want to delete this post?</p>
3 <p>
4 <a href="{{post_url}}">No</a>
5 <form name="delpost" action="{{post_url}}" method="DELETE">
6 <input type="submit" value="yes" />
7 </form>
8 </p>
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1 <div class="edit">
2 <form name="newpost" action="/" method="POST"
3 enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8">
4 <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{id}}"/>
5 <input type="text" name="title" value="{{title}}"/>
6 <input type="hidden" name="author" value="{{author}}"/><br/>
7 <textarea cols="80" rows="40" name="contents">{{contents}}</textarea><br/>
8 <input type="submit"/>
9 </form>
10 </div>
1 <div class="list">
2 {{#posts}}
3 <p><a href={{url}}>{{title}}</a> <span class="date">on {{date}}</span></p>
4 {{/posts}}
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1 <form name="login" action="/login" method="POST"
2 enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8">
3 <input type="text" name="user"/><br/>
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1 <!DOCTYPE html>
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7 <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"
8 title="Infinite Negative Utility"
9 href="/rss" />
10 <title>{{title}} — Infinite Negative Utility</title>
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13 {{#user}}
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17 <a href="/create">Create a Post</a>
19 <a href="/change">Change My Password</a>
21 <a href="/logout">Log Out</a>
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34 {{{ contents }}}
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36 <div class="nav">©2018 Getty Ritter</div>
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1 <div class="post" >
2 <div class="postbody">
3 {{{ contents }}}
4 </div>
5 </div>
1 {{#user}}
2 <form name="passwd" action="/change" method="POST"
3 enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8">
4 Old password for {{name}}:<br/>
5 <input type="password" name="oldpasswd"/><br/>
6 New password:<br/>
7 <input type="password" name="p1"/><br/>
8 <input type="password" name="p2"/><br/>
9 <input type="submit"/>
10 </form>
11 {{/user}}
1 <div class="postbody">
3 </div>
4 <div class="new">
5 {{#next}}
6 {{/next}}
7 </div>
8 <div class="old">
9 {{#prev}}
10 {{/prev}}
11 </div>