gdritter repos ptolemy / ae525d2
Began implementation of HTML writer Getty Ritter 7 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 113 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
1 module Text.Ptolemy.HTML.Writer (writeHtml, writeHtmlStrict) where
3 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
4 import qualified Data.Text as TS
5 import Data.Text.Lazy (Text, toStrict)
6 import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder)
7 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B
8 import Data.Vector (Vector)
9 import qualified Data.Vector as V
10 import Text.Ptolemy.Core
12 -- | Render a Ptolemy @Document@ as HTML represented as lazy @Text@.
13 writeHtml :: Document -> Text
14 writeHtml = B.toLazyText . build
16 -- | Render a Ptolemy @Document@ as HTML represented as strict @Text@.
17 writeHtmlStrict :: Document -> TS.Text
18 writeHtmlStrict = toStrict . writeHtml
20 -- These will be our helper functions for building tags
21 tag :: Text -> Builder -> Builder
22 tag t bs = "<" <> build t <> ">" <> bs <> "</" <> build t <> ">"
24 tagAttrs :: Text -> [(TS.Text, TS.Text)] -> Builder -> Builder
25 tagAttrs t [] bs = tag t bs
26 tagAttrs t as bs =
27 "<" <> build t <> attrs as <> ">" <> bs <> "</" <> build t <> ">"
28 where attrs [] = mempty
29 attrs ((k,v):xs) =
30 " " <> build k <> "=\"" <> build v <> "\"" <> attrs xs
32 -- Right now, this just makes the code below a lot smaller: we
33 -- abstract out the notion of 'building' a thing, so we can
34 -- more or less indiscriminately apply @build@ to vectors or
35 -- maps or what-have-you.
36 class Build t where
37 build :: t -> Builder
39 -- And to that end, we define a handful of utility
40 -- implementations of things:
41 instance Build t => Build (Vector t) where
42 build = foldMap build
44 instance Build Text where
45 build = B.fromLazyText
47 instance Build TS.Text where
48 build = B.fromText
50 instance Build Block where
51 build (Plain cs) = build cs
52 build (Para cs) = tag "p" $ build cs
53 build (CodeBlock _ ts) = tag "pre" $ tag "code" $ build ts
54 build (RawBlock _ _) = undefined
55 build (BlockQuote bs) = tag "blockquote" $ build bs
56 build (OrderedList la ds) =
57 tagAttrs "ol" (orderedListAttrs la) $ foldMap (tag "li" . build) ds
58 build (BulletList ds) =
59 tag "ul" $ foldMap (tag "li" . build) ds
60 build (DefinitionList ds) =
61 tag "dl" $ foldMap build ds
62 build (Header n _ is) =
63 case n of
64 1 -> tag "h1" $ build is
65 2 -> tag "h2" $ build is
66 3 -> tag "h3" $ build is
67 4 -> tag "h4" $ build is
68 _ -> undefined -- XXX
69 build HorizontalRule = "<hr/>"
70 build (Div as ds) = tagAttrs "div" (mkAttrs as) $ build ds
71 build Null = mempty
73 whitesep :: Foldable f => f TS.Text -> TS.Text
74 whitesep = foldl sep ""
75 where sep x y = x <> " " <> y
77 mkAttrs :: Attr -> [(TS.Text, TS.Text)]
78 mkAttrs Attr { attrIdentifier = ai
79 , attrClasses = cs
80 , attrProps = _ -- XXX
81 } = htmlId <> htmlCs <> htmlPs
82 where htmlId | ai /= "" = [("id", ai)]
83 | otherwise = []
84 htmlCs | V.null cs = []
85 | otherwise = [("class", whitesep cs)]
86 htmlPs = []
88 orderedListAttrs :: ListAttributes -> [(TS.Text, TS.Text)]
89 orderedListAttrs _ = [("style", "list-style-type: decimal")]
91 instance Build Definition where
92 build Definition
93 { dfTerm = term
94 , dfDefinition = defn
95 } = tag "dt" (build term) <> tag "dd" (build defn)
97 instance Build Inline where
98 build (Str t) = build t
99 build (Emph is) = tag "em" $ build is
100 build (Strong is) = tag "strong" $ build is
101 build (Strikeout is) = tag "del" $ build is
102 build (Superscript is) = tag "span" $ build is -- XXX
103 build (Subscript is) = tag "span" $ build is -- XXX
104 build (SmallCaps is) = tag "span" $ build is -- XXX
105 build Space = " "
106 build (Code _ t) = tag "code" $ build t
107 build SoftBreak = mempty
108 build LineBreak = "<br/>"
1212 cabal-version: >= 1.2
1414 library
15 -- exposed-modules:
15 exposed-modules: Text.Ptolemy.HTML.Writer
1616 ghc-options: -Wall
17 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.9
17 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.9,
18 ptolemy-core,
19 text,
20 vector
1821 default-language: Haskell2010
1922 default-extensions: OverloadedStrings,
2023 ScopedTypeVariables