gdritter repos ptolemy / b4f8141
Added Slackdown (minimal Markdown-like formatting) reader Getty Ritter 8 years ago
5 changed file(s) with 148 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
11 packages: ptolemy-core/ptolemy-core.cabal,
22 ptolemy-reader-markdown/ptolemy-reader-markdown.cabal,
3 ptolemy-reader-slackdown/ptolemy-reader-slackdown.cabal,
34 ptolemy-writer-html/ptolemy-writer-html.cabal,
45 ptolemy-bridge/ptolemy-bridge.cabal
56 ptolemy/ptolemy.cabal
11 module Text.Ptolemy.Core where
33 import Data.Text (Text)
4 import qualified Data.Text as T
54 import Data.Vector (Vector)
65 import qualified Data.Vector as V
87 type Document = Vector Block
98 type DocumentList = Vector Document
109 type Chunk = Vector Inline
11 newtype PtolemyError = PtolemyError { ptolemyErrorMessage :: String }
12 deriving (Eq, Show)
14 vec :: [a] -> Vector a
15 vec = V.fromList
1217 data Block
1318 = Plain Chunk
1722 | BlockQuote Document
1823 | OrderedList ListAttributes DocumentList
1924 | BulletList DocumentList
20 | DefinitionList (Vector (Chunk, DocumentList))
25 | DefinitionList (Vector Definition)
2126 | Header Int Attr Chunk
2227 | HorizontalRule
2328 -- | Table ???
2429 | Div Attr Document
2530 | Null
2631 deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord)
33 data Definition = Definition
34 { dfTerm :: Chunk
35 , dfDefinition :: DocumentList
36 } deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord)
2838 data Inline
2939 = Str Text
5262 , attrClasses :: Vector Text
5363 , attrProps :: Vector (Text, Text)
5464 } deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord)
66 emptyAttr :: Attr
67 emptyAttr = Attr
68 { attrIdentifier = ""
69 , attrClasses = vec []
70 , attrProps = vec []
71 }
5673 data ListAttributes = ListAttributes
5774 { laWhatever :: Int -- XXX What is this field for?
1 # `ptolemy-slackdown-reader`
3 This module implements a `ptolemy` reader for the limited
4 Markdown-like language understood by Slack and other chat
5 services. This understands only a few basic inline markup
6 constructs:
8 - `*asterisks*` for *bold text*
9 - `_underscores_` for _emphasized text_
10 - `~tildes~` for ~strikethrough text~
11 - `backticks` for `inline code`
13 It also understands two block-level constructs, but these
14 can be turned off using the `SlackdownOpts` value passed to
15 the parser:
17 - A set of lines started with `>` become a blockquote
18 - A set of lines with triple backticks above and below become
19 verbatim code blocks
21 Among other things, this is a good idea for situations where
22 the full generality of Markdown is probably unnecessary. You
23 don't want your blog comments or chat messages to include
24 H2 headers or horizontal rules, but some bold and italic text
25 would be fine!
27 Right now this is largely untested, and it badly needs QuickCheck
28 or fuzzing, because it should _absolutely_ be the case that every
29 possible string parses as _something_, even if that something
30 just doesn't include markup. This is certainly not the case
31 right now.
1 module Text.Ptolemy.Slackdown.Reader
2 ( SlackdownOpts(..)
3 , defaultOpts
4 , inlineOpts
5 , readSlackdown
6 ) where
8 import Control.Applicative (empty)
9 import Data.Text (Text)
10 import qualified Data.Text as T
11 import qualified Data.Vector as V
12 import Text.Megaparsec
13 import Text.Megaparsec.Text
14 import Text.Ptolemy.Core (PtolemyError, Document)
15 import qualified Text.Ptolemy.Core as P
17 data SlackdownOpts = SlackdownOpts
18 { tdBlockElems :: Bool
19 } deriving (Eq, Show)
21 defaultOpts :: SlackdownOpts
22 defaultOpts = SlackdownOpts
23 { tdBlockElems = True
24 }
26 inlineOpts :: SlackdownOpts
27 inlineOpts = SlackdownOpts
28 { tdBlockElems = False
29 }
31 readSlackdown :: SlackdownOpts -> Text -> Either PtolemyError Document
32 readSlackdown opts tx = case runParser (pSlackdown opts) "[]" tx of
33 Right x -> Right x
34 Left err -> Left (P.PtolemyError (show err))
36 enables :: Bool -> Parser a -> Parser a
37 enables True p = p
38 enables False _ = empty
40 pSlackdown :: SlackdownOpts -> Parser Document
41 pSlackdown SlackdownOpts { tdBlockElems = blockElems } =
42 P.vec <$> (many pBlock <* eof)
43 where pBlock =
44 blockElems `enables` (pCodeBlock <|> pQuote) <|>
45 pLine
47 pLine = (P.Plain . flip V.snoc P.LineBreak . P.vec) <$>
48 manyTill pInline (char '\n')
50 pQuote = (P.BlockQuote . P.vec) <$> some (char '>' *> pLine)
52 pCodeBlock = (P.CodeBlock P.emptyAttr . T.concat) <$>
53 (string "```\n" *> manyTill pPlainLine (string "```\n"))
55 pPlainLine = T.pack <$> manyTill (noneOf ("\n\r" :: String))
56 (char '\n')
58 pInline = pWhitespace
59 <|> pString
60 <|> (P.Code P.emptyAttr . T.pack) <$>
61 (char '`' *> many (satisfy (/= '`')) <* char '`')
62 <|> P.Strong <$> pSurrounded '*'
63 <|> P.Emph <$> pSurrounded '_'
64 <|> P.Strikeout <$> pSurrounded '~'
66 pWhitespace = (P.Space) <$ some (oneOf (" \t" :: String))
68 pString = (P.Str . T.pack) <$> some (noneOf ("*_~` \t\r\n" :: String))
70 pSurrounded :: Char -> Parser P.Chunk
71 pSurrounded c = try (char c *> rest)
72 where rest = P.vec <$> (many (notFollowedBy (char c) *> pInline)
73 <* char c)
1 name: ptolemy-reader-slackdown
2 version:
3 -- synopsis:
4 -- description
5 license: BSD3
6 license-file: LICENSE
7 author: Getty Ritter
8 maintainer:
9 copyright: ©2016 Getty Ritter
10 category: Text
11 build-type: Simple
12 cabal-version: >=1.12
14 library
15 exposed-modules: Text.Ptolemy.Slackdown.Reader
16 ghc-options: -Wall
17 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.9,
18 text,
19 megaparsec,
20 vector,
21 ptolemy-core ==
22 default-language: Haskell2010
23 default-extensions: OverloadedStrings,
24 ScopedTypeVariables