gdritter repos puggle / master
modified AST + added parser functions; added empty Generate file Getty Ritter 9 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 104 addition(s) and 12 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
1 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
13 module Text.Puggle.AST where
5 import Control.Applicative
7 -- | A definition has a name (which must be a unique, valid Haskell
8 -- identifer), a Haskell type, and an expression it matches. It also
39 data PGDefinition = PGDefinition
410 { defName :: String
511 , defDelim :: Bool
612 , defType :: String
7 , defRules :: [Expr]
13 , defRules :: Expr
814 } deriving (Eq, Show)
16 -- | The set of possible indentation modifiers
1017 data Indent = IEq | IGE | IGt | IAny
1118 deriving (Eq, Show)
20 type Pred = Char -> Bool
1322 data Expr
14 = ELiteral String
15 | ECharset String
16 | EChoice Expr Expr
17 | ESequence Expr Expr
18 | EAction Expr Code
19 | EStar Expr
20 | EPlus Expr
21 | EQues Expr
22 | EPred Bool Expr
23 | EIndent Expr Indent
24 | EBars Expr
23 = ELiteral String -- ^ Matches a literal string
24 | ECharset Pred -- ^ Matches a set of characters
25 | EChoice Expr Expr -- ^ Matches either the left or the right expr,
26 -- in that order
27 | ESequence Expr Expr -- ^ Matches both exprs in sequence
28 | EAction Expr String -- ^ Performs an action on the matched expr
29 | EStar Expr -- ^ Matches zero or more repetitions of the expr
30 | EQues Expr -- ^ Matches zero or one repetions of the expr
31 | EPred Bool Expr -- ^ Matches without consuming input if the
32 -- boolean is true and the expr matches; or if
33 -- the boolean is false and the expr fails
34 | EIndent Expr Indent -- ^ Specifies an indentation level for the expr,
35 -- and fails if it does not fall into that level
36 | EBars Expr -- ^ blah
37 | EAny -- ^ Matches any terminal
38 | ENamed -- ^ Matches a named terminal or non-terminal
2539 deriving (Eq, Show)
41 newtype Parser a =
42 Parser { runParser :: String -> Either String (String, a) }
44 instance Functor Parser where
45 fmap f p = Parser $ \s -> case runParser p s of
46 Left err -> Left err
47 Right (s', a) -> Right (s', f a)
49 instance Applicative Parser where
50 pure a = Parser $ \ s -> Right (s, a)
51 f <*> x = Parser $ \ s -> do
52 (s', f') <- runParser f s
53 (s'', x') <- runParser x s'
54 return (s'', f' x')
56 instance Alternative Parser where
57 empty = Parser (\ _ -> Left "Parsing failed")
58 l <|> r = Parser $ \ s ->
59 case runParser l s of
60 Left _ -> runParser r s
61 Right x -> return x
63 instance Monad Parser where
64 return a = Parser $ \ s -> Right (s, a)
65 p >>= f = Parser $ \ s -> do
66 (s', x) <- runParser p s
67 runParser (f x) s'
69 (??) :: Parser a -> String -> Parser a
70 p ?? err = Parser $ \s -> case runParser p s of
71 Left _ -> Left err
72 Right x -> return x
74 satisfies :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
75 satisfies f = Parser $ \case
76 (x:xs)
77 | f x -> return (xs, x)
78 | otherwise -> Left ("in `satisfies`: did not satisfy predicate")
79 _ -> Left ("in `satisfies`: no more input")
81 char :: Char -> Parser Char
82 char c = satisfies (== c) ?? ("Did not match char " ++ show c)
1 module Text.Puggle.Generate where
1 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes #-}
3 import Text.Puggle
5 data Expr =
6 | Lam String Expr
7 | App Expr Expr
8 | Var String
9 | Lit Num
10 deriving (Eq, Show)
12 [puggle|
14 top :: Expr
15 = expr !.
17 expr :: Expr
18 = "\\" var "." expr { Lam $1 $2 }
19 / "let" var[>] "="[>] expr[>] "in"[>] expr[>]
20 { App (Lam $1 $3) $2 }
21 / var { Var $1 }
22 / num { Num $1 }
24 var ::: String
25 = [A-Za-z_] [A-Za-z0-9_]* { $1 : $2 }
27 num ::: String
28 = [1-9] [0-9]* { read ($1 : $2) }
30 ]
32 main :: IO ()
33 main = print . parseString top "<stdin>" =<< getContents