gdritter repos s-cargot / 18722fc
Added all utility functions in all Repr modules with (terse) documentation Getty Ritter 9 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 109 addition(s) and 45 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
1010 -- * Useful processing functions
1111 , fromPair
1212 , fromList
13 , fromAtom
14 , asPair
15 , asList
16 , isAtom
17 , asAtom
18 , asAssoc
1319 ) where
1521 import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
2430 -- | A (slightly) shorter alias for `SNil`
2531 pattern Nil = SNil
28 type S t = R.SExpr t
29 type Parse t a = R.SExpr t -> Either String a
3133 -- | Utility function for parsing a pair of things.
32 fromPair :: Parse t a -> Parse t b -> Parse t (a, b)
34 fromPair :: (SExpr t -> Either String a)
35 -> (SExpr t -> Either String b)
36 -> SExpr t -> Either String (a, b)
3337 fromPair pl pr (l ::: r ::: Nil) = (,) <$> pl l <*> pr r
34 fromPair _ _ sx = fail ("Expected two-element list")
38 fromPair _ _ sx = Left ("Expected two-element list")
3640 -- | Utility function for parsing a list of things.
37 fromList :: Parse t a -> Parse t [a]
41 fromList :: (SExpr t -> Either String a) -> SExpr t -> Either String [a]
3842 fromList p (s ::: ss) = (:) <$> p s <*> fromList p ss
3943 fromList p Nil = pure []
40 fromList _ sx = fail ("Expected list")
44 fromList _ sx = Left ("Expected list")
42 gatherList :: S t -> Either String [S t]
46 -- | Utility function for parsing a single atom
47 fromAtom :: SExpr t -> Either String t
48 fromAtom (A a) = return a
49 fromAtom _ = Left "Expected atom; found list"
51 gatherList :: SExpr t -> Either String [SExpr t]
4352 gatherList (x ::: xs) = (:) <$> pure x <*> gatherList xs
4453 gatherList Nil = pure []
45 gatherList sx = fail ("Expected list")
54 gatherList sx = Left ("Expected list")
47 asPair :: ((S t, S t) -> Either String a) -> S t -> Either String a
56 -- | Parse a two-element list (NOT a dotted pair) using the
57 -- provided function.
58 asPair :: ((SExpr t, SExpr t) -> Either String a)
59 -> SExpr t -> Either String a
4860 asPair f (l ::: r ::: SNil) = f (l, r)
49 asPair _ sx = fail ("Expected two-element list")
61 asPair _ sx = Left ("Expected two-element list")
51 asList :: ([S t] -> Either String a) -> S t -> Either String a
63 -- | Parse an arbitrary-length list using the provided function.
64 asList :: ([SExpr t] -> Either String a) -> SExpr t -> Either String a
5265 asList f ls = gatherList ls >>= f
54 asSymbol :: (t -> Either String a) -> S t -> Either String a
55 asSymbol f (A s) = f s
56 asSymbol _ sx = fail ("Expected symbol")
67 -- | Match a given literal atom, failing otherwise.
68 isAtom :: Eq t => t -> SExpr t -> Either String ()
69 isAtom s (A s')
70 | s == s' = return ()
71 | otherwise = Left ".."
72 isAtom _ _ = Left ".."
58 asAssoc :: ([(S t, S t)] -> Either String a) -> S t -> Either String a
74 -- | Parse an atom using the provided function.
75 asAtom :: (t -> Either String a) -> SExpr t -> Either String a
76 asAtom f (A s) = f s
77 asAtom _ sx = Left ("Expected symbol")
79 -- | Parse an assoc-list using the provided function.
80 asAssoc :: ([(SExpr t, SExpr t)] -> Either String a)
81 -> SExpr t -> Either String a
5982 asAssoc f ss = gatherList ss >>= mapM go >>= f
6083 where go (a ::: b ::: Nil) = return (a, b)
61 go sx = fail ("Expected two-element list")
84 go sx = Left ("Expected two-element list")
1414 -- * Useful processing functions
1515 , fromPair
1616 , fromList
17 , fromAtom
18 , asPair
19 , asList
20 , isAtom
21 , asAtom
22 , asAssoc
1723 ) where
1925 import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
3541 -- | A shorter alias for `RSList []`
3642 pattern Nil = R.RSList []
38 type S t = R.RichSExpr t
39 type Parse t a = S t -> Either String a
4144 -- | Utility function for parsing a pair of things.
42 fromPair :: Parse t a -> Parse t b -> Parse t (a, b)
45 fromPair :: (RichSExpr t -> Either String a)
46 -> (RichSExpr t -> Either String b)
47 -> RichSExpr t -> Either String (a, b)
4348 fromPair pl pr = asPair $ \(l,r) -> (,) <$> pl l <*> pr r
4550 -- | Utility function for parsing a list of things.
46 fromList :: Parse t a -> Parse t [a]
51 fromList :: (RichSExpr t -> Either String a) -> RichSExpr t -> Either String [a]
4752 fromList p = asList $ \ss -> mapM p ss
49 asPair :: ((S t, S t) -> Either String a) -> S t -> Either String a
54 -- | Utility function for parsing a single atom
55 fromAtom :: RichSExpr t -> Either String t
56 fromAtom (L _) = Left "Expected atom; found list"
57 fromAtom (A a) = return a
59 -- | RichSExpr a -> Either String two-element list (NOT a dotted pair) using the
60 -- provided function.
61 asPair :: ((RichSExpr t, RichSExpr t) -> Either String a)
62 -> RichSExpr t -> Either String a
5063 asPair f (L [l, r]) = f (l, r)
51 asPair _ sx = fail ("Expected two-element list")
64 asPair _ sx = Left ("Expected two-element list")
53 asList :: ([S t] -> Either String a) -> S t -> Either String a
66 -- | Parse an arbitrary-length list using the provided function.
67 asList :: ([RichSExpr t] -> Either String a)
68 -> RichSExpr t -> Either String a
5469 asList f (L ls) = f ls
55 asList _ sx = fail ("Expected list")
70 asList _ sx = Left ("Expected list")
57 asSymbol :: (t -> Either String a) -> S t -> Either String a
58 asSymbol f (A s) = f s
59 asSymbol _ sx = fail ("Expected symbol")
72 -- | Match a given literal atom, failing otherwise.
73 isAtom :: Eq t => t -> RichSExpr t -> Either String ()
74 isAtom s (A s')
75 | s == s' = return ()
76 | otherwise = Left ".."
77 isAtom _ _ = Left ".."
61 asAssoc :: ([(S t, S t)] -> Either String a) -> S t -> Either String a
79 -- | Parse an atom using the provided function.
80 asAtom :: (t -> Either String a) -> RichSExpr t -> Either String a
81 asAtom f (A s) = f s
82 asAtom _ sx = Left ("Expected atom; got list")
84 -- | Parse an assoc-list using the provided function.
85 asAssoc :: Show t => ([(RichSExpr t, RichSExpr t)] -> Either String a)
86 -> RichSExpr t -> Either String a
6287 asAssoc f (L ss) = gatherPairs ss >>= f
6388 where gatherPairs (L [a, b] : ss) = (:) <$> pure (a, b) <*> gatherPairs ss
6489 gatherPairs [] = pure []
65 gatherPairs _ = fail "..."
66 asAssoc _ sx = fail ("Expected assoc list")
90 gatherPairs _ = Left "..."
91 asAssoc _ sx = Left ("Expected assoc list; got " ++ show sx)
93 car :: (RichSExpr t -> Either String t') -> [RichSExpr t] -> Either String t'
94 car f (x:_) = f x
95 car _ [] = Left "car: Taking car of zero-element list"
97 cdr :: ([RichSExpr t] -> Either String t') -> [RichSExpr t] -> Either String t'
98 cdr f (_:xs) = f xs
99 cdr _ [] = Left "cdr: Taking cdr of zero-element list"
4343 type Parse t a = R.WellFormedSExpr t -> Either String a
4545 -- | Utility function for parsing a pair of things.
46 fromPair :: Parse t a -> Parse t b -> Parse t (a, b)
46 fromPair :: (WellFormedSExpr t -> Either String a)
47 -> (WellFormedSExpr t -> Either String b)
48 -> WellFormedSExpr t -> Either String (a, b)
4749 fromPair pl pr (L [l, r]) = (,) <$> pl l <*> pr r
4850 fromPair _ _ sx = Left ("Expected two-element list")
5052 -- | Utility function for parsing a list of things.
51 fromList :: Parse t a -> Parse t [a]
53 fromList :: (WellFormedSExpr t -> Either String a)
54 -> WellFormedSExpr t -> Either String [a]
5255 fromList p (L ss) = mapM p ss
5356 fromList _ sx = Left ("Expected list")
55 fromAtom :: Parse t t
58 fromAtom :: WellFormedSExpr t -> Either String t
5659 fromAtom (L _) = Left "Expected atom; found list"
5760 fromAtom (A a) = return a
59 asPair :: ((S t, S t) -> Either String a) -> S t -> Either String a
62 asPair :: ((WellFormedSExpr t, WellFormedSExpr t) -> Either String a)
63 -> WellFormedSExpr t -> Either String a
6064 asPair f (L [l, r]) = f (l, r)
6165 asPair _ sx = Left ("Expected two-element list")
63 asList :: ([S t] -> Either String a) -> S t -> Either String a
67 asList :: ([WellFormedSExpr t] -> Either String a)
68 -> WellFormedSExpr t -> Either String a
6469 asList f (L ls) = f ls
6570 asList _ sx = Left ("Expected list")
67 isAtom :: Eq t => t -> S t -> Either String ()
72 isAtom :: Eq t => t -> WellFormedSExpr t -> Either String ()
6873 isAtom s (A s')
6974 | s == s' = return ()
7075 | otherwise = Left ".."
7176 isAtom _ _ = Left ".."
73 asAtom :: Show t => (t -> Either String a) -> S t -> Either String a
78 asAtom :: (t -> Either String a) -> WellFormedSExpr t -> Either String a
7479 asAtom f (A s) = f s
75 asAtom _ sx = Left ("Expected atom; got" ++ show sx)
80 asAtom _ sx = Left ("Expected atom; got list")
77 asAssoc :: Show t => ([(S t, S t)] -> Either String a) -> S t -> Either String a
82 asAssoc :: ([(WellFormedSExpr t, WellFormedSExpr t)] -> Either String a)
83 -> WellFormedSExpr t -> Either String a
7884 asAssoc f (L ss) = gatherPairs ss >>= f
7985 where gatherPairs (L [a, b] : ss) = (:) <$> pure (a, b) <*> gatherPairs ss
8086 gatherPairs [] = pure []
8187 gatherPairs _ = Left "..."
82 asAssoc _ sx = Left ("Expected assoc list; got " ++ show sx)
88 asAssoc _ sx = Left ("Expected assoc list")
84 car :: (S t -> Either String t') -> [S t] -> Either String t'
90 car :: (WellFormedSExpr t -> Either String t')
91 -> [WellFormedSExpr t] -> Either String t'
8592 car f (x:_) = f x
8693 car _ [] = Left "car: Taking car of zero-element list"
88 cdr :: ([S t] -> Either String t') -> [S t] -> Either String t'
95 cdr :: ([WellFormedSExpr t] -> Either String t')
96 -> [WellFormedSExpr t] -> Either String t'
8997 cdr f (_:xs) = f xs
9098 cdr _ [] = Left "cdr: Taking cdr of zero-element list"