gdritter repos s-cargot / 6ff6491
Started to stub out generic interface (including spec interface) Getty Ritter 9 years ago
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11 module Data.SExpression.General where
3 import Control.Applicative
4 import Data.Attoparsec.Text
5 import Data.Map.String (Map)
6 import qualified Data.Map.String as M
8 type ReaderMacroMap atom = Map Char (Reader atom)
9 type Reader atom = (Parser (SExpr atom) -> Parser (SExpr atom))
10 type Serializer atom = atom -> Text
12 -- | A 'SExprSpec' describes a parser and emitter for a particular
13 -- variant of S-Expressions. The @atom@ type corresponds to a
14 -- Haskell type used to represent the atoms, and the @carrier@
15 -- type corresponds to the parsed S-Expression structure. This
16 -- is deliberately opaque so that it must be constructed and
17 -- modified with other helper functions.
18 data SExprSpec atom carrier = SExprSpec
19 { sesPAtom :: Parser atom
20 , sesSAtom :: Serializer atom
21 , rmMap :: ReaderMacroMap atom
22 , postparse :: SExpr atom -> Either String carrier
23 , preserial :: carrier -> SExpr atom
24 }
26 -- | This creates a basic 'SExprSpec' when given a parser and serializer
27 -- for an atom type.
28 mkSpec :: Parser atom -> Serializer atom -> SExprSpec atom (SExpr atom)
29 mkSpec p s = SExprSpec
30 { sesPAtom = p
31 , sesSAtom = s
32 , rmMap = M.empty
33 , postparse = return
34 , preserial = id
35 }
37 -- | This is used to modify the carrier type for a 'SExprSpec'. This is
38 -- used internally to convert between various 'SExpr' representations,
39 -- but could also be used externally to add an extra conversion layer
40 -- onto a 'SExprSpec', e.g. for a custom Lisp-like language:
41 --
42 -- > mySpec :: SExprSpec MyAtomType MyAST
43 -- > mySpec = convertSpec sexprToMyAST myASTToSexpr spec
44 -- > where spec = mkSpec myParser mySerializer
45 convertSpec :: (b -> Either String c) -> (c -> b) -> SExprSpec a b -> SExprSpec a c
46 convertSpec f g spec = spec
47 { postparse = postparse spec >=> f
48 , preserial = g . preserial spec
49 }
51 addReader :: Char -> Reader a -> SExprSpec a c -> SExprSpec a c
52 addReader c reader spec = spec { rmMap = insert c reader (rmMap spec) }
54 quote :: atom -> Reader atom
55 quote q parse = go <$> parse
56 where go v = SCons q (SCons v SNil)
58 toRich :: SExprSpec a (SExpr b) -> SExprSpec a (RichSExpr b)
59 toRich = convertSpec (return . toRich) fromRich
61 toWellFormed :: SExprSpec a (SExpr b) -> SExprSpec a (WellFormedSExpr b)
62 toWellFormed = convertSpec toWellFormed fromWellFormed
64 parseGenericSExpr :: Parser atom -> ReaderMacroMap atom -> Parser (SExpr atom)
66 -- |
67 parseSExpr :: SExprSpec atom carrier -> Text -> Either String carrier
68 parseSExpr spec = undefined
70 -- | blah
71 serializeSExpr :: SExprSpec atom carrier -> carrier -> Text
72 serializeSExpr spec = serializeGenericSExpr ses . preserial