gdritter repos shelob / 144f726
Starting to work on shelob-client too Getty Ritter 7 years ago
5 changed file(s) with 140 addition(s) and 49 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
1 packages: shelob/shelob.cabal, shelob-client/shelob-client.cabal
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
21 module Network.Shelob.Types where
43 import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
5049 instance Ex.Exception HTTPError where
5150 toException = undefined
5251 fromException = undefined
54 class HTTPResult t where
55 fromResponse :: Either HTTPError Response -> t
57 instance HTTPResult r => HTTPResult (Either HTTPError r) where
58 fromResponse (Left err) = Left err
59 fromResponse (Right v) = Right (fromResponse (Right v))
61 instance HTTPResult r => HTTPResult (Maybe r) where
62 fromResponse (Left _) = Nothing
63 fromResponse (Right v) = Just (fromResponse (Right v))
65 instance HTTPResult Response where
66 fromResponse (Left err) = Ex.throw err
67 fromResponse (Right v) = v
33 module Network.Shelob where
5 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
65 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
76 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
87 import qualified Network.Socket as Sock
1312 import Network.Shelob.Response
1413 import Network.Shelob.Types
16 newtype ConnM a = ConnM { runConnM :: Connection -> IO a }
18 instance Functor ConnM where
19 fmap f (ConnM g) = ConnM (\ c -> fmap f (g c))
21 instance Applicative ConnM where
22 pure x = ConnM (\ _ -> return x)
23 ConnM f <*> ConnM x = ConnM $ \ c -> do
24 f' <- f c
25 x' <- x c
26 return (f' x')
28 instance Monad ConnM where
29 ConnM x >>= f = ConnM $ \ c -> do
30 x' <- x c
31 runConnM (f x') c
33 instance MonadIO ConnM where
34 liftIO m = ConnM (\ _ -> m)
36 connect :: Connection -> ConnM a -> IO a
37 connect conn m = do
38 rs <- runConnM m conn
39 connClose conn
40 return rs
4215 userAgent :: Header
4316 userAgent = Header "User-Agent" "haskell/vriska"
4821 , userAgent
4922 ]
51 head :: BS.ByteString -> [Header] -> ConnM (Either HTTPError Response)
52 head p hs = ConnM (\ c -> makeRequest c (Request MHead p (hs' ++ hs) ""))
24 head :: BS.ByteString -> [Header] -> Request
25 head p hs = Request MHead p (hs' ++ hs) ""
5326 where hs' = [ Header "Content-Length" "0"
5427 , userAgent
5528 ]
57 get :: BS.ByteString -> [Header] -> ConnM (Either HTTPError Response)
58 get p hs = ConnM (\ c -> makeRequest c (Request MGet p (hs' ++ hs) ""))
30 get :: BS.ByteString -> [Header] -> Request
31 get p hs = Request MGet p (hs' ++ hs) ""
5932 where hs' = [ Header "Content-Length" "0"
6033 , userAgent
6134 ]
63 post :: BS.ByteString -> [Header] -> BS.ByteString -> ConnM (Either HTTPError Response)
64 post p hs body = ConnM (\ c -> makeRequest c (Request MPost p (hs' ++ hs) body))
36 post :: BS.ByteString -> [Header] -> BS.ByteString -> Request
37 post p hs body = Request MPost p (hs' ++ hs) body
6538 where hs' = [ Header "Content-Length" (BS8.pack (show (BS.length body)))
6639 , userAgent
6740 ]
1 name: shelob-client
2 version:
3 -- synopsis:
4 -- description:
5 license: BSD3
6 license-file: LICENSE
7 author: Getty Ritter <>
8 maintainer: Getty Ritter <>
9 copyright: ©2017 Getty Ritter
10 -- category:
11 build-type: Simple
12 cabal-version: >= 1.14
14 library
15 exposed-modules: Network.Shelob.Client
16 hs-source-dirs: src
17 ghc-options: -Wall
18 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.10
19 , shelob
20 , text
21 , bytestring
22 , aeson
23 default-language: Haskell2010
24 default-extensions: OverloadedStrings,
25 ScopedTypeVariables
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2 module Network.Shelob.Client where
4 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
5 import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
6 import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
7 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
9 import qualified Data.Text as T
10 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
12 import Network.Shelob
13 import Network.Shelob.Types
16 newtype ConnM a = ConnM { runConnM :: Connection -> IO a }
18 instance Functor ConnM where
19 fmap f (ConnM g) = ConnM (\ c -> fmap f (g c))
21 instance Applicative ConnM where
22 pure x = ConnM (\ _ -> return x)
23 ConnM f <*> ConnM x = ConnM $ \ c -> do
24 f' <- f c
25 x' <- x c
26 return (f' x')
28 instance Monad ConnM where
29 ConnM x >>= f = ConnM $ \ c -> do
30 x' <- x c
31 runConnM (f x') c
33 instance MonadIO ConnM where
34 liftIO m = ConnM (\ _ -> m)
36 -- * HTTPPayload
37 -- | Types that implement
38 class HTTPPayload t where
39 toPayload :: t -> BS.ByteString
41 instance HTTPPayload BS.ByteString where
42 toPayload = id
44 instance HTTPPayload T.Text where
45 toPayload = T.encodeUtf8
47 newtype JSONPayload t = JSONPayload { fromJSONPayload :: t }
49 instance Aeson.FromJSON t => Aeson.FromJSON (JSONPayload t) where
50 parseJSON x = fmap JSONPayload (Aeson.parseJSON x)
52 -- * HTTPResult
53 class HTTPResult t where
54 fromResponse :: Either HTTPError Response -> t
56 instance HTTPResult r => HTTPResult (Either HTTPError r) where
57 fromResponse (Left err) = Left err
58 fromResponse (Right v) = Right (fromResponse (Right v))
60 instance HTTPResult r => HTTPResult (Maybe r) where
61 fromResponse (Left _) = Nothing
62 fromResponse (Right v) = Just (fromResponse (Right v))
64 onSuccess :: (Response -> a) -> Either HTTPError Response -> a
65 onSuccess _ (Left err) = Ex.throw err
66 onSuccess f (Right v) = f v
68 instance HTTPResult Response where
69 fromResponse = onSuccess id
71 instance HTTPResult BS.ByteString where
72 fromResponse = onSuccess (go . responseBody)
73 where go Nothing = Ex.throw HTTPError
74 go (Just x) = x
76 instance Aeson.FromJSON t => HTTPResult (JSONPayload t) where
77 fromResponse = onSuccess (go . responseBody)
78 where go Nothing = Ex.throw HTTPError
79 go (Just x)
80 | Just rs <- Aeson.decode x = JSONPayload x
81 | otherwise = Ex.throw HTTPError
83 withConn :: Connection -> ConnM a -> IO a
84 withConn conn m = do
85 rs <- runConnM m conn
86 connClose conn
87 return rs
89 doRequest :: HTTPResult r => Request -> ConnM r
90 doRequest req = ConnM (\ c -> fromResponse `fmap` makeRequest c req)
92 head :: HTTPResult r => BS.ByteString -> [Header] -> ConnM r
93 head p hs = doRequest (Request MHead p (hs' ++ hs) "")
94 where hs' = [ Header "Content-Length" "0"
95 , userAgent
96 ]
98 get :: HTTPResult r => BS.ByteString -> [Header] -> ConnM r
99 get p hs = doRequest (Request MGet p (hs' ++ hs) "")
100 where hs' = [ Header "Content-Length" "0"
101 , userAgent
102 ]
104 post :: HTTPResult r => BS.ByteString -> [Header] -> BS.ByteString -> ConnM r
105 post p hs body = doRequest (Request MPost p (hs' ++ hs) body)
106 where hs' = [ Header "Content-Length" (BS8.pack (show (BS.length body)))
107 , userAgent
108 ]