Haddocks for everything!
Getty Ritter
9 years ago
1 | 1 | module Database.Tansu.Backend.Ephemeral |
2 |
( |
2 | ( EphemeralDb | |
3 | , withEphemeralDb | |
4 | , withNewEphemeralDb | |
5 | , createEphemeralDb | |
6 | ) where | |
3 | 7 | |
4 | 8 | import Control.Concurrent.MVar |
5 | 9 | import Data.ByteString (ByteString) |
6 | 10 | import Data.IORef |
11 | import Data.Map.Strict (Map) | |
7 | 12 | import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M |
13 | import Data.Serialize (Serialize, encode) | |
14 | import Database.Tansu (Tansu) | |
8 | 15 | import Database.Tansu.Internal (TansuDb(..)) |
9 | 16 | |
10 | 17 | type Table = M.Map ByteString ByteString |
18 | 25 | ephemeralGet :: IORef Table -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString) |
19 | 26 | ephemeralGet table key = M.lookup key `fmap` readIORef table |
20 | 27 | |
21 | withEphemeralDb :: (TansuDb -> IO a) -> IO a | |
22 | withEphemeralDb comp = do | |
28 | -- | An 'EphemeralDb' is just an in-memory map, with no way of saving it. | |
29 | -- It is intended to be used for testing Tansu code. | |
30 | newtype EphemeralDb = EDB { fromEDB :: Table } | |
31 | ||
32 | -- | Create an in-memory table to use for testing. | |
33 | createEphemeralDb :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => [(k, v)] -> EphemeralDb | |
34 | createEphemeralDb ls = EDB (M.fromList [ (encode k, encode v) | (k, v) <- ls ]) | |
35 | ||
36 | -- | Run a 'Tansu' operation with an empty in-memory table. | |
37 | withNewEphemeralDb :: (TansuDb -> IO a) -> IO a | |
38 | withNewEphemeralDb = withEphemeralDb $ EDB M.empty | |
39 | ||
40 | -- | Run a 'Tansu' operation with an existing in-memory table. | |
41 | withEphemeralDb :: EphemeralDb -> (TansuDb -> IO a) -> IO a | |
42 | withEphemeralDb init comp = do | |
23 | 43 | lock <- newMVar () |
24 |
table <- newIORef |
44 | table <- newIORef (fromEDB init) | |
25 | 45 | comp $ TansuDb |
26 | 46 | { dbRunTransaction = ephemeralRunTransaction lock |
27 | 47 | , dbSet = ephemeralSet table |
25 | 25 | filePathLock path comp = do |
26 | 26 | withFileLock (path </> ".lock") Exclusive (const comp) |
27 | 27 | |
28 | -- | Use a local directory as a key-value store. Each key-value | |
29 | -- pair is represented as a file whose filename is the | |
30 | -- Base64-encoded serialized key, and whose content is the | |
31 | -- raw serialized value. Locking is done using the | |
32 | -- @.lock@ file in the specified directory, but note that | |
33 | -- file locking is not a guaranteed way of ensuring exclusion, | |
34 | -- and that the files themselves are not locked in any way. | |
28 | 35 | withFilesystemDb :: FilePath -> (TansuDb -> IO a) -> IO a |
29 | 36 | withFilesystemDb path comp = do |
30 | 37 | createDirectoryIfMissing True path |
6 | 6 | |
7 | 7 | import Data.ByteString (ByteString) |
8 | 8 | |
9 | -- | The 'TansuError' type enumerates the possible errors that | |
10 | -- can arise in the process of running a sequence of database | |
11 | -- accesses. Backends should attempt to use the most informative | |
12 | -- error available, but the 'OtherError' constructor is provided | |
13 | -- as a catch-all if none of the other constructors are | |
14 | -- descriptive of the error in question. | |
9 | 15 | data TansuError |
10 | 16 | = KeyNotFound ByteString |
11 | 17 | | DecodeError String |
18 | | AccessError String | |
19 | | OtherError String | |
12 | 20 | deriving (Eq, Show) |
13 | 21 | |
22 | -- | The data representation of a Tansu backend. Users of the library | |
23 | -- should treat this as an abstract type, but the full definition | |
24 | -- is exposed by the "Database.Tansu.Internal" module so that | |
25 | -- other libraries can implement new storage backends. | |
14 | 26 | data TansuDb = TansuDb |
15 | 27 | { dbSet :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO () |
16 | 28 | , dbGet :: ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString) |
1 |
module Database.Tansu ( |
1 | module Database.Tansu ( -- * The 'Tansu' monad | |
2 | Tansu | |
2 | 3 | , TansuDb |
3 | 4 | , TansuError(..) |
5 | -- * 'Tansu' Operations | |
4 | 6 | , get |
5 | 7 | , getMb |
6 | 8 | , set |
22 | 24 | |
23 | 25 | type TansuM a = ReaderT TansuDb (ExceptionT TansuError IO) a |
24 | 26 | |
27 | -- | The 'Tansu' type is a monad which represents some sequence | |
28 | -- of 'get' and 'set' operations. Ideally, backends should | |
29 | -- make some guarantee about the atomicity of a given | |
30 | -- 'Tansu' computation, but you should consult the documentation | |
31 | -- about a given backend to make sure that holds. | |
25 | 32 | newtype Tansu a = Tansu { runTansu :: TansuM a } |
26 | 33 | |
27 | 34 | instance Functor Tansu where |
34 | 41 | instance Monad Tansu where |
35 | 42 | Tansu x >>= f = Tansu (x >>= runTansu . f) |
36 | 43 | |
44 | -- | Sets the value for a key to a value. | |
37 | 45 | set :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> v -> Tansu () |
38 | 46 | set key val = do |
39 | 47 | db <- Tansu ask |
40 | 48 | Tansu $ inBase $ dbSet db (encode key) (encode val) |
41 | 49 | |
50 | -- | Sets the value for a key to a value. A convenience operator | |
51 | -- that is identical to 'set'. | |
42 | 52 | (=:) :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> v -> Tansu () |
43 | 53 | (=:) = set |
44 | 54 | |
55 | -- | Gets a value for a given key. The resulting 'Tansu' computation | |
56 | -- will fail if the key is not present in the storage backend. | |
45 | 57 | get :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> Tansu v |
46 | 58 | get key = do |
47 | 59 | result <- getMb key |
49 | 61 | Just val -> return val |
50 | 62 | Nothing -> Tansu (raise (KeyNotFound (encode key))) |
51 | 63 | |
64 | -- | Gets a value for a given key. If the key is not present, this | |
65 | -- computation will return 'Nothing' instead. Other errors, such | |
66 | -- as problems decoding the serialized value or difficulties | |
67 | -- communicating with the storage backend, will still cause the | |
68 | -- 'Tansu' computation to fail. | |
52 | 69 | getMb :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> Tansu (Maybe v) |
53 | 70 | getMb key = do |
54 | 71 | db <- Tansu ask |
59 | 76 | Right val' -> return (Just val') |
60 | 77 | Left err -> Tansu (raise (DecodeError err)) |
61 | 78 | |
79 | -- | Given a storage backend and a 'Tansu' computation, execute the | |
80 | -- sequence of 'get' and 'set' commands and produce either the value | |
81 | -- or the error encountered while running the computation. | |
62 | 82 | run :: TansuDb -> Tansu a -> IO (Either TansuError a) |
63 | 83 | run db (Tansu comp) = |
64 | 84 | dbRunTransaction db (runExceptionT (runReaderT db comp)) |