gdritter repos tansu / 6a5b3c3
Mostly-working but barebones library scaffolding Getty Ritter 9 years ago
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1 module Database.Tansu.Backend.Ephemeral where
3 import Control.Concurrent.MVar
4 import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
5 import Data.IORef
6 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
7 import Database.Tansu.Internal (Database(..))
9 type Table = M.Map ByteString ByteString
11 ephemeralRunTransaction :: MVar () -> IO a -> IO a
12 ephemeralRunTransaction lock comp = withMVar lock $ \ () -> comp
14 ephemeralSet :: IORef Table -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
15 ephemeralSet table key val = modifyIORef table (M.insert key val)
17 ephemeralGet :: IORef Table -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
18 ephemeralGet table key = M.lookup key `fmap` readIORef table
20 withEphemeralDatabase :: (Database -> IO a) -> IO a
21 withEphemeralDatabase comp = do
22 lock <- newMVar ()
23 table <- newIORef M.empty
24 comp $ Database
25 { dbRunTransaction = ephemeralRunTransaction lock
26 , dbSet = ephemeralSet table
27 , dbGet = ephemeralGet table
28 }
1 module Database.Tansu.Backend.Filesystem (withFilesystemDb) where
3 import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
4 import Data.ByteString.Base64
5 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
6 import Database.Tansu.Internal (Database(..))
7 import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
8 import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>))
10 filePathSet :: FilePath -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
11 filePathSet path key val = do
12 let keyPath = path </> BS.unpack (encode key)
13 BS.writeFile keyPath val
15 filePathGet :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
16 filePathGet path key = do
17 let keyPath = path </> BS.unpack (encode key)
18 fmap Just $ BS.readFile keyPath
20 withFilesystemDb :: FilePath -> (Database -> IO a) -> IO a
21 withFilesystemDb path comp = do
22 createDirectoryIfMissing True path
23 comp $ Database { dbSet = filePathSet path
24 , dbGet = filePathGet path
25 , dbRunTransaction = id
26 }
1 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
3 module Database.Tansu.Internal ( Database(..)
4 , TansuError(..)
5 ) where
7 import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
9 data TansuError
10 = KeyNotFound ByteString
11 | DecodeError String
12 deriving (Eq, Show)
14 data Database = Database
15 { dbSet :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
16 , dbGet :: ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
17 , dbRunTransaction :: forall a. IO a -> IO a
18 }
1 module Database.Tansu ( Tansu
2 , Database
3 , TansuError(..)
4 , get
5 , getMb
6 , set
7 , (=:)
8 , run
9 ) where
11 import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
12 import Data.Serialize (Serialize, encode, decode)
13 import MonadLib ( ReaderT
14 , ExceptionT
15 , ask
16 , raise
17 , inBase
18 , runExceptionT
19 , runReaderT
20 )
21 import Database.Tansu.Internal
23 type TansuM a = ReaderT Database (ExceptionT TansuError IO) a
25 newtype Tansu a = Tansu { runTansu :: TansuM a }
27 instance Functor Tansu where
28 fmap f (Tansu t) = Tansu (fmap f t)
30 instance Applicative Tansu where
31 pure = Tansu . pure
32 Tansu f <*> Tansu x = Tansu (f <*> x)
34 instance Monad Tansu where
35 Tansu x >>= f = Tansu (x >>= runTansu . f)
37 set :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> v -> Tansu ()
38 set key val = do
39 db <- Tansu ask
40 Tansu $ inBase $ dbSet db (encode key) (encode val)
42 (=:) :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> v -> Tansu ()
43 (=:) = set
45 get :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> Tansu v
46 get key = do
47 result <- getMb key
48 case result of
49 Just val -> return val
50 Nothing -> Tansu (raise (KeyNotFound (encode key)))
52 getMb :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> Tansu (Maybe v)
53 getMb key = do
54 db <- Tansu ask
55 result <- Tansu $ inBase $ dbGet db (encode key)
56 case result of
57 Nothing -> return Nothing
58 Just bs -> case decode bs of
59 Right val' -> return (Just val')
60 Left err -> Tansu (raise (DecodeError err))
62 run :: Database -> Tansu a -> IO (Either TansuError a)
63 run db (Tansu comp) =
64 dbRunTransaction db (runExceptionT (runReaderT db comp))
(New empty file)
1 import Distribution.Simple
2 main = defaultMain
1 name: tansu
2 version:
3 -- synopsis:
4 -- description:
5 license: BSD3
6 license-file: LICENSE
7 author: Getty Ritter
8 maintainer:
9 -- copyright:
10 category: Database
11 build-type: Simple
12 extra-source-files:
13 cabal-version: >=1.10
15 library
16 exposed-modules: Database.Tansu,
17 Database.Tansu.Internal,
18 Database.Tansu.Backend.Filesystem,
19 Database.Tansu.Backend.Ephemeral
20 build-depends: base >=4.8 && <4.9,
21 bytestring,
22 cereal,
23 monadLib,
24 directory,
25 filepath,
26 base64-bytestring,
27 containers
28 default-language: Haskell2010