gdritter repos tansu / 8c3cab2
Added Raw Filesystem backend which does no encoding of its values, and therefore does not precisely conform to the laws a Tansu backend should have Getty Ritter 7 years ago
8 changed file(s) with 155 addition(s) and 90 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
1010 import Data.IORef
1111 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
1212 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
13 import Data.Serialize (Serialize, encode)
1413 import Database.Tansu (Tansu)
1514 import Database.Tansu.Internal
17 type Table = M.Map ByteString ByteString
16 type Table = Map ByteString ByteString
1918 ephemeralRunTransaction :: MVar () -> IO a -> IO a
2019 ephemeralRunTransaction lock comp = withMVar lock $ \ () -> comp
3938 newtype EphemeralDb = EDB { fromEDB :: Table }
4140 -- | Create an in-memory table to use for testing.
42 createEphemeralDb :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => [(k, v)] -> EphemeralDb
43 createEphemeralDb ls = EDB (M.fromList [ (encode k, encode v) | (k, v) <- ls ])
41 createEphemeralDb :: [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> EphemeralDb
42 createEphemeralDb = EDB . M.fromList
4544 -- | Run a 'Tansu' operation with an empty in-memory table.
46 withNewEphemeralDb :: (TansuDb k v -> IO a) -> IO a
45 withNewEphemeralDb :: (TansuDb -> IO a) -> IO a
4746 withNewEphemeralDb = withEphemeralDb $ EDB M.empty
4948 -- | Run a 'Tansu' operation with an existing in-memory table.
50 withEphemeralDb :: EphemeralDb -> (TansuDb k v -> IO a) -> IO a
49 withEphemeralDb :: EphemeralDb -> (TansuDb -> IO a) -> IO a
5150 withEphemeralDb init comp = do
5251 lock <- newMVar ()
5352 table <- newIORef (fromEDB init)
1 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
3 module Database.Tansu.Backend.Filesystem.Raw (withRawFilesystemDb) where
5 import Control.Exception
6 import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
7 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
8 import Database.Tansu.Internal
9 import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing
10 , doesFileExist
11 , removeFile
12 )
13 import System.FileLock ( SharedExclusive(Exclusive)
14 , withFileLock
15 )
16 import System.FilePath ((</>), isValid)
18 catchIO :: IO a -> IO (Either TansuError a)
19 catchIO mote = fmap return mote `catch` go
20 where go :: IOException -> IO (Either TansuError a)
21 go = return . Left . OtherError . show
23 filePathSet :: FilePath -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO (Either TansuError ())
24 filePathSet path bsKey val = do
25 let key = BS.unpack bsKey
26 keyPath = path </> key
27 if not (isValid key)
28 then return (Left (OtherError ("Invalid file name: " ++ key)))
29 else do
30 let keyPath = path </> key
31 catchIO $ BS.writeFile keyPath val
33 filePathGet :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IO (Either TansuError ByteString)
34 filePathGet path bsKey = do
35 let key = BS.unpack bsKey
36 keyPath = path </> key
37 if not (isValid key)
38 then return (Left (OtherError ("Invalid file name: " ++ key)))
39 else do
40 exists <- doesFileExist keyPath
41 if exists
42 then Right `fmap` BS.readFile keyPath
43 else return (Left (KeyNotFound bsKey))
45 filePathDel :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IO (Either TansuError ())
46 filePathDel path bsKey = do
47 let key = BS.unpack bsKey
48 keyPath = path </> key
49 if not (isValid key)
50 then return (Left (OtherError ("Invalid file name: " ++ key)))
51 else catchIO $ removeFile keyPath
53 filePathLock :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a
54 filePathLock path comp = do
55 withFileLock (path </> ".lock") Exclusive (const comp)
57 -- | Use a local directory as a key-value store. Each key-value
58 -- pair is represented as a file whose filename is the
59 -- Base64-encoded serialized key, and whose content is the
60 -- raw serialized value. Locking is done using the
61 -- @.lock@ file in the specified directory, but note that
62 -- file locking is not a guaranteed way of ensuring exclusion,
63 -- and that the files themselves are not locked in any way.
64 withRawFilesystemDb :: FilePath -> (TansuDb -> IO a) -> IO a
65 withRawFilesystemDb path comp = do
66 createDirectoryIfMissing True path
67 comp $ TansuDb { dbSet = filePathSet path
68 , dbGet = filePathGet path
69 , dbDel = filePathDel path
70 , dbRunTransaction = filePathLock path
71 }
4646 -- @.lock@ file in the specified directory, but note that
4747 -- file locking is not a guaranteed way of ensuring exclusion,
4848 -- and that the files themselves are not locked in any way.
49 withFilesystemDb :: FilePath -> (TansuDb k v -> IO a) -> IO a
49 withFilesystemDb :: FilePath -> (TansuDb -> IO a) -> IO a
5050 withFilesystemDb path comp = do
5151 createDirectoryIfMissing True path
5252 comp $ TansuDb { dbSet = filePathSet path
2323 -- should treat this as an abstract type, but the full definition
2424 -- is exposed by the "Database.Tansu.Internal" module so that
2525 -- other libraries can implement new storage backends.
26 --
27 -- A given instantiation of the database will have
28 data TansuDb k v = TansuDb
26 data TansuDb = TansuDb
2927 { dbSet :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO (Either TansuError ())
3028 , dbGet :: ByteString -> IO (Either TansuError ByteString)
3129 , dbDel :: ByteString -> IO (Either TansuError ())
1717 import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
1818 import Data.Serialize (Serialize, encode, decode)
19 import MonadLib ( ReaderT
20 , ExceptionT
21 , ask
22 , raise
23 , inBase
24 , runExceptionT
25 , runReaderT
26 )
19 import MonadLib (raise, try)
20 import Database.Tansu.Monad
2721 import Database.Tansu.Internal
29 type TansuM k v a = ReaderT (TansuDb k v) (ExceptionT TansuError IO) a
23 newtype Tansu a = Tansu { runTansu :: TansuM a }
31 -- | The 'Tansu' type is a monad which represents some sequence
32 -- of 'get' and 'set' operations. Ideally, backends should
33 -- make some guarantee about the atomicity of a given
34 -- 'Tansu' computation, but you should consult the documentation
35 -- about a given backend to make sure that holds.
36 newtype Tansu k v a = Tansu { runTansu :: TansuM k v a }
38 instance Functor (Tansu k v) where
25 instance Functor Tansu where
3926 fmap f (Tansu t) = Tansu (fmap f t)
41 instance Applicative (Tansu k v) where
28 instance Applicative Tansu where
4229 pure = Tansu . pure
4330 Tansu f <*> Tansu x = Tansu (f <*> x)
45 instance Monad (Tansu k v) where
32 instance Monad Tansu where
4633 Tansu x >>= f = Tansu (x >>= runTansu . f)
48 propagate :: IO (Either TansuError a) -> Tansu k v a
49 propagate mote = do
50 rs <- Tansu $ inBase $ mote
51 case rs of
52 Left err -> Tansu $ raise err
53 Right x -> return x
5535 -- | Sets the value for a key to a value.
56 set :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> v -> Tansu k v ()
57 set key val = do
58 db <- Tansu ask
59 propagate $ dbSet db (encode key) (encode val)
36 set :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Tansu ()
37 set key val = Tansu $ setInternal key val
6139 -- | Sets the value for a key to a value. A convenience operator
6240 -- that is identical to 'set'.
63 (=:) :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> v -> Tansu k v ()
41 (=:) :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Tansu ()
6442 (=:) = set
6644 -- | Gets a value for a given key. The resulting 'Tansu' computation
6745 -- will fail if the key is not present in the storage backend.
68 get :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> Tansu k v v
69 get key = do
70 result <- getMb key
71 case result of
72 Just val -> return val
73 Nothing -> Tansu (raise (KeyNotFound (encode key)))
46 get :: ByteString -> Tansu ByteString
47 get key = Tansu $ getInternal key
7549 -- | Gets a value for a given key. If the key is not present, this
7650 -- computation will return 'Nothing' instead. Other errors, such
7751 -- as problems decoding the serialized value or difficulties
7852 -- communicating with the storage backend, will still cause the
7953 -- 'Tansu' computation to fail.
80 getMb :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> Tansu k v (Maybe v)
54 getMb :: ByteString -> Tansu (Maybe ByteString)
8155 getMb key = do
82 db <- Tansu ask
83 result <- Tansu $ inBase $ dbGet db (encode key)
84 case result of
56 rs <- Tansu $ try $ runTansu $ get key
57 case rs of
8558 Left (KeyNotFound _) -> return Nothing
8659 Left err -> Tansu (raise err)
87 Right bs -> case decode bs of
88 Right val' -> return (Just val')
89 Left err -> Tansu (raise (DecodeError err))
60 Right val -> return (Just val)
91 del :: (Serialize k) => k -> Tansu k v ()
92 del key = do
93 db <- Tansu ask
94 propagate $ dbDel db (encode key)
62 -- | Delete a key.
63 del :: ByteString -> Tansu ()
64 del key = Tansu $ delInternal key
9666 -- | Given a storage backend and a 'Tansu' computation, execute the
9767 -- sequence of 'get' and 'set' commands and produce either the value
9868 -- or the error encountered while running the computation.
99 run :: TansuDb k v -> Tansu k v a -> IO (Either TansuError a)
100 run db (Tansu comp) =
101 dbRunTransaction db (runExceptionT (runReaderT db comp))
69 run :: TansuDb -> Tansu a -> IO (Either TansuError a)
70 run db (Tansu mote) = runInternal db mote
55 in part or in total at any time.
77 The Tansu library is a minimal API for storing and recalling data in
8 key-value storage backends. The Tansu library does not intend to be useful
9 for working with pre-existing data, as it makes assumptions about the
10 formatting of keys and values.
8 key-value storage backends. It is designed for new applications that
9 have flexibility in terms of how they store information, as it may
10 not provide the appropriate tools for working with data in existing
11 key-value store backends.
1213 ## Example
1920 import Data.Serialize (Serialize)
2021 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
22 import Database.Tansu ((=:), get, run)
23 import Database.Tansu.Serialize ((=:), get, runS, serialized)
2324 import Database.Tansu.Backend.Filesystem (withFilesystemDb)
2526 data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int }
2627 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Serialize)
2829 main :: IO ()
29 main = withFilesystemDb "sample.db" $ \ db -> do
30 run db $ do
30 main = withFilesystemDb "sample.db" $ serialized $ \ db -> do
31 runS db $ do
3132 "alex" =: Person "Alex" 33
3233 "blake" =: Person "Blake" 22
3839 ## Use
40 The Tansu API is very small and simple. All keys and values must implement
41 the `Serialize` typeclass from the
42 [`cereal`](
43 library. No type information is saved in the key-value store, so care must
44 be taken to ensure that the correct types are used in creating a `Tansu`
45 computation.
41 The `tansu` library exposes two near-identical APIs: the API
42 in `Database.Tansu` allows you to store and write strict `ByteString`
43 values, while the API in `Database.Tansu.Serialize` uses the typeclasses
44 associated with the `cereal` library to allow a wider range of types to
45 function as keys and values. The two libraries are otherwise very
46 similar.
4748 A value of type `TansuDb` represents a given key-value mapping. The only
4849 way to interact with a `TansuDb` is by running a `Tansu` command, which
5455 ~~~.haskell
5556 -- set a key to a value
56 set :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> v -> Tansu k v ()
57 set :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Tansu ()
5859 -- infix alias for set
59 (=:) :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> v -> Tansu k v ()
60 (=:) :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Tansu ()
6162 -- get a value, failing if it does not exist
62 get :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> Tansu k v v
63 get :: ByteString -> Tansu ByteString
6465 -- get a value, returning Nothing if it does not exist
65 getMb :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> Tansu k v (Maybe v)
66 getMb :: ByteString -> Tansu (Maybe ByteString)
6768 -- remove a key and its associated value
68 del :: (Serialize k) => k -> Tansu k v ()
69 del :: ByteString -> Tansu ()
7071 -- run a Tansu computation
71 run :: TansuDb k v -> Tansu k v a -> IO (Either TansuError a)
72 run :: TansuDb -> Tansu a -> IO (Either TansuError a)
7273 ~~~
7475 A value of type `TansuDb` should be supplied by a _backend_, which can
9192 and the initial plan for the _tansu_ library was for it to be a convenient
9293 API wrapper over the [Kyoto Cabinet](
9394 library, but it has since become a generic wrapper over various
94 key-value mapping backends. It is still a kind of storage system.
95 key-value mapping backends.
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
13 module Main where
35 import Control.Monad (void)
46 import Database.Tansu
7 import Database.Tansu.Backend.Ephemeral
58 import Database.Tansu.Backend.Filesystem
6 import Database.Tansu.Backend.Ephemeral
9 import Database.Tansu.Backend.Filesystem.Raw
811 main :: IO ()
912 main = do
1013 putStrLn "Testing filesystem db"
11 withFilesystemDb "sample.db" sample
14 withFilesystemDb "sample-fs.db" sample
16 putStrLn "Testing raw filesystem db"
17 withRawFilesystemDb "sample-raw.db" sample
1319 putStrLn "Testing ephemeral db"
1420 withNewEphemeralDb sample
16 sample :: TansuDb String String -> IO ()
22 sample :: TansuDb -> IO ()
1723 sample db = do
1824 putStrLn "Populating test database"
1925 run db $ do
2531 putStr "looking up key 'three': "
2632 rs <- run db $ get "three"
2733 case rs of
28 Right val -> putStrLn val
34 Right val -> print val
2935 Left _ -> putStrLn "...not in the database."
3137 putStr "looking up key 'five': "
3238 rs <- run db $ get "five"
3339 case rs of
34 Right val -> putStrLn val
40 Right val -> print val
3541 Left _ -> putStrLn "...not in the database."
66 license-file: LICENSE
77 author: Getty Ritter
88 maintainer:
9 -- copyright:
9 copyright: © 2016 Getty Ritter
1010 category: Database
1111 build-type: Simple
1212 extra-source-files:
1313 cabal-version: >=1.10
15 source-repository head
16 type: git
17 location: git://
19 flag build-examples
20 description: Build example applications
21 default: False
1523 library
1624 exposed-modules: Database.Tansu,
1725 Database.Tansu.Internal,
18 Database.Tansu.RawString,
26 Database.Tansu.Serialize,
27 Database.Tansu.Backend.Ephemeral,
1928 Database.Tansu.Backend.Filesystem,
20 Database.Tansu.Backend.Ephemeral
29 Database.Tansu.Backend.Filesystem.Raw
30 other-modules: Database.Tansu.Monad
2131 build-depends: base >=4.8 && <4.9,
2232 bytestring,
2333 cereal,
3040 filelock
3141 default-language: Haskell2010
33 executable sample
43 executable sample1
44 if !flag(build-examples)
45 buildable: False
3446 main-is: Main.hs
3547 build-depends: base, tansu
36 hs-source-dirs: sample
48 hs-source-dirs: sample1
3749 default-language: Haskell2010
52 executable sample2
53 if !flag(build-examples)
54 buildable: False
55 main-is: Main.hs
56 build-depends: base, tansu, cereal
57 hs-source-dirs: sample2
58 default-language: Haskell2010