gdritter repos tansu / ebc2938
Refactored Tansu to include a basic non-serialized version and a serialized, typed wrapper Getty Ritter 8 years ago
5 changed file(s) with 180 addition(s) and 35 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
1 module Database.Tansu.Monad where
3 import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
4 import MonadLib ( ReaderT
5 , ExceptionT
6 , ask
7 , raise
8 , try
9 , inBase
10 , runExceptionT
11 , runReaderT
12 )
13 import Database.Tansu.Internal
15 type TansuM a = ReaderT TansuDb (ExceptionT TansuError IO) a
17 propagate :: IO (Either TansuError a) -> TansuM a
18 propagate mote = do
19 rs <- inBase $ mote
20 case rs of
21 Left err -> raise err
22 Right x -> return x
24 setInternal :: ByteString -> ByteString -> TansuM ()
25 setInternal key val = do
26 db <- ask
27 propagate $ dbSet db key val
29 getInternal :: ByteString -> TansuM ByteString
30 getInternal key = do
31 db <- ask
32 propagate $ dbGet db key
34 delInternal :: ByteString -> TansuM ()
35 delInternal key = do
36 db <- ask
37 propagate $ dbDel db key
39 runInternal :: TansuDb -> TansuM a -> IO (Either TansuError a)
40 runInternal db mote =
41 dbRunTransaction db (runExceptionT (runReaderT db mote))
1 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
3 module Database.Tansu.Serialize
4 ( -- * The 'TansuS' monad
5 TansuS
6 , TansuDbS
7 , TansuError(..)
8 -- * 'TansuS' Operations
9 , get
10 , getMb
11 , set
12 , (=:)
13 , del
14 -- * Running a 'TansuS' operation
15 , runS
16 , serialized
17 ) where
19 import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
20 import Data.Serialize (Serialize, encode, decode)
21 import MonadLib (raise, try)
23 import Database.Tansu.Monad
24 import Database.Tansu.Internal
26 newtype TansuDbS k v = TansuDbS TansuDb
28 serialized :: (TansuDbS k v -> r) -> (TansuDb -> r)
29 serialized func = func . TansuDbS
31 newtype TansuS k v a = TansuS { runTansuS :: TansuM a }
33 instance Functor (TansuS k v) where
34 fmap f (TansuS t) = TansuS (fmap f t)
36 instance Applicative (TansuS k v) where
37 pure = TansuS . pure
38 TansuS f <*> TansuS x = TansuS (f <*> x)
40 instance Monad (TansuS k v) where
41 TansuS x >>= f = TansuS (x >>= runTansuS . f)
43 -- | Sets the value for a key to a value.
44 set :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> v -> TansuS k v ()
45 set key val = TansuS $ setInternal (encode key) (encode val)
47 -- | Sets the value for a key to a value. A convenience operator
48 -- that is identical to 'set'.
49 (=:) :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> v -> TansuS k v ()
50 (=:) = set
52 -- | Gets a value for a given key. The resulting 'Tansu' computation
53 -- will fail if the key is not present in the storage backend.
54 get :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> TansuS k v v
55 get key = do
56 bs <- TansuS $ getInternal (encode key)
57 case (decode bs) of
58 Left err -> TansuS (raise (DecodeError err))
59 Right val -> return val
61 -- | Gets a value for a given key. If the key is not present, this
62 -- computation will return 'Nothing' instead. Other errors, such
63 -- as problems decoding the serialized value or difficulties
64 -- communicating with the storage backend, will still cause the
65 -- 'Tansu' computation to fail.
66 getMb :: (Serialize k, Serialize v) => k -> TansuS k v (Maybe v)
67 getMb key = do
68 rs <- TansuS $ try $ runTansuS $ get key
69 case rs of
70 Left (KeyNotFound _) -> return Nothing
71 Left err -> TansuS (raise err)
72 Right val -> return (Just val)
74 del :: (Serialize k) => k -> TansuS k v ()
75 del key = TansuS $ delInternal (encode key)
77 -- | Given a storage backend and a 'Tansu' computation, execute the
78 -- sequence of 'get' and 'set' commands and produce either the value
79 -- or the error encountered while running the computation.
80 runS :: TansuDbS k v -> TansuS k v a -> IO (Either TansuError a)
81 runS (TansuDbS db) (TansuS mote) = runInternal db mote
sample/Main.hs less more
1 module Main where
3 import Control.Monad (void)
4 import Database.Tansu
5 import Database.Tansu.Backend.Filesystem
6 import Database.Tansu.Backend.Ephemeral
8 main :: IO ()
9 main = do
10 putStrLn "Testing filesystem db"
11 withFilesystemDb "sample.db" sample
13 putStrLn "Testing ephemeral db"
14 withNewEphemeralDb sample
16 sample :: TansuDb String String -> IO ()
17 sample db = do
18 putStrLn "Populating test database"
19 run db $ do
20 "one" =: "un"
21 "two" =: "du"
22 "three" =: "tri"
23 "four" =: "kvar"
25 putStr "looking up key 'three': "
26 rs <- run db $ get "three"
27 case rs of
28 Right val -> putStrLn val
29 Left _ -> putStrLn "...not in the database."
31 putStr "looking up key 'five': "
32 rs <- run db $ get "five"
33 case rs of
34 Right val -> putStrLn val
35 Left _ -> putStrLn "...not in the database."
1 module Main where
3 import Control.Monad (void)
4 import Database.Tansu
5 import Database.Tansu.Backend.Filesystem
6 import Database.Tansu.Backend.Ephemeral
8 main :: IO ()
9 main = do
10 putStrLn "Testing filesystem db"
11 withFilesystemDb "sample.db" sample
13 putStrLn "Testing ephemeral db"
14 withNewEphemeralDb sample
16 sample :: TansuDb String String -> IO ()
17 sample db = do
18 putStrLn "Populating test database"
19 run db $ do
20 "one" =: "un"
21 "two" =: "du"
22 "three" =: "tri"
23 "four" =: "kvar"
25 putStr "looking up key 'three': "
26 rs <- run db $ get "three"
27 case rs of
28 Right val -> putStrLn val
29 Left _ -> putStrLn "...not in the database."
31 putStr "looking up key 'five': "
32 rs <- run db $ get "five"
33 case rs of
34 Right val -> putStrLn val
35 Left _ -> putStrLn "...not in the database."
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}
3 module Main where
5 import Data.Serialize (Serialize)
6 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
8 import Database.Tansu.Serialize ((=:), get, runS, serialized)
9 import Database.Tansu.Backend.Filesystem (withFilesystemDb)
11 data Person = Person
12 { name :: String
13 , age :: Int
14 } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Serialize)
16 main :: IO ()
17 main = withFilesystemDb "sample.db" $ serialized $ \ db -> do
18 runS db $ do
19 "alex" =: Person "alex" 33
20 "blake" =: Person "blake" 22
22 Right age <- runS db (age `fmap` get "blake")
23 putStrLn $ "Blake's age is " ++ show age