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# telml
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The `telml` command-line program is the easiest way to use `telml` for your purposes. This allows you to convert a document from `telml` to HTML quickly. It also allows you to create new tags by implementing them in the Lua programming language, to easily create a richer document.
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For documentation on the TeLML language itself, see [the data format documentation](https://github.com/aisamanra/telml/blob/master/telml/README.md).
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## Simple usage
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The usual use is as follows:
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$ telml my-document.telml --tags=my-tags.lua
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The `--tags` argument is optional, if you only want to use the built-in tags. You can also explicitly opt out of the built-in tags with `--no-default-tags`.
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## Writing custom tags
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Within the tag file, you should define your custom tags on the `telml` global table. For example, if I want a new tag called `\excited{...}` that adds an exclamation point after its argument, I can implement it like this:
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| 22 |
-- implement a macro so that
| 23 |
-- \excited{Hello} => Hello!
| 24 |
function telml.excited(param)
| 25 |
return param .. "!"
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TeLML recognizes tags whose names aren't valid Lua identifiers: in that case, you can always use the element access syntax to define the function as well:
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-- implement a macro so that
| 33 |
-- \weird-name{Hello} => Hello???
| 34 |
telml["weird-name"] = function(param)
| 35 |
return param .. "???"
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Lua's global state is persisted across macro invocations, so you can implement custom tags that implement non-idempotent behavior.
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section = 0
| 43 |
function telml.section(name)
| 44 |
section = section + 1
| 45 |
return "<h1>" .. section .. ": " .. name .. "</h1>"
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| 47 |
-- This produces an `h1` with an increasing number each time, so
| 48 |
-- \section{Foo} => <h1>1: Foo</h1>
| 49 |
-- \section{Bar} => <h1>2: Foo</h1>
| 50 |
-- \section{Baz} => <h1>3: Foo</h1>
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You can also implement n-ary functions or variadic functions and invoke those using the TeLML multi-argument syntax:
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-- implement a macro so that
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-- \frac{2|4} => <sup>2</sup>/<sub>4</sub>
| 58 |
function telml.frac(num, denom)
| 59 |
return "<sup>" .. num .. "</sup>/<sub>" .. denom .. "</sub>"
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-- implement a macro so that
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-- \enum{a|b|c} => 1. a; 2. b; 3. c;
| 64 |
function telml.enum(...)
| 65 |
local args = {...}
| 66 |
local result = ""
| 67 |
for idx, arg in ipairs(args) do
| 68 |
result = result .. idx .. ". " .. arg .. "; "
| 69 |
| 70 |
return result
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It is an error to return something which isn't a string or something that can be trivially converted into a string. It's also an error to include a field on the `telml` object that's not a function, and it's an error to redefine `telml` to something which isn't a table.
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However, it's worth noting that Lua is pretty lax about argument-passing. Lua allows you to pass too many arguments (in which case later arguments are ignored) or too few (in which case later arguments are provided with `nil`) and TeLML inherits this behavior. If you're worried about this, you can use variadic syntax and produce explicit errors.
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-- this allows \excited{a|b} and produces "a!"
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function telml.excited(x)
| 81 |
return x .. "!"
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| 84 |
-- this will fail with \excited{a|b}
| 85 |
function telml.safe_excited(...)
| 86 |
local args = {...}
| 87 |
if #args ~= 1 then
| 88 |
error("safe_excited: expected one argument, got " .. #args)
| 89 |
| 90 |
return args[1] .. "!"
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## Built-in tags
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The current built-in tags are implemented in the `telml` program. Note that most built-in tags are more particular about argument count and will balk if provided more or fewer arguments than they expect.
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This list is currently subject to change.
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- `\em{foo}` for italics: `<em>foo</em>`
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- `\strong{foo}` for bolding: `<strong>foo</strong>`
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- `\h1{foo}`, `\h2{foo}`, and so forth for headers: `<h1>foo</h1>`
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- `\p{foo}` for explicit paragraphs: `<p>foo</p>`
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- `\blockquote{foo}` for block quotations: `<blockquote>foo</blockquote>`
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- `\tt{foo}` for inline code: `<code>foo</code>`
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- `\code{foo}` for code blocks: `<pre><code>foo</code></pre>`
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- `\ul{a|b}` for unordered lists: `<ul><li>a</li><li>b</li></ul>`
| 108 |
- `\ol{a|b}` for ordered lists: `<ol><li>a</li><li>b</li></ol>`
| 109 |
- `\br{}` for explicit line breaks: `<br/>`
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- `\comment{foo}` for including ignored comments
| 111 |
- `\link{target|text}` for links: `<a href="target">text</a>`
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- `\img{target|alt-text}` for links: `<img src="target">alt-text</img>`