gdritter repos telml / 82ea3e8
ormolu Getty Ritter 2 years ago
8 changed file(s) with 217 addition(s) and 201 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
11 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
3 module Data.TeLML.Parser (Fragment(..), Tag(..), Document, parse) where
3 module Data.TeLML.Parser (Fragment (..), Tag (..), Document, parse) where
55 import Data.Char (isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isSpace)
66 import Data.TeLML.Type
87 import qualified Data.Text as T
109 type Result a = Either String (String, a)
1111 type Parse a = String -> Result a
1313 -- All of these characters are the ones which need escaping if used
2222 -- This is 'fmap' named in such a way that it does not conflict with
2323 -- 'fmap'.
2424 over :: (a -> b) -> Result a -> Result b
25 over _ (Left err) = Left err
25 over _ (Left err) = Left err
2626 over f (Right (s, x)) = Right (s, f x)
2828 {- And this is a monadic bind. You'll note that this basically has the
3939 -}
4040 bind :: Result a -> ((String, a) -> Result b) -> Result b
4141 bind (Left err) _ = Left err
42 bind (Right a) f = f a
42 bind (Right a) f = f a
4444 -- Parse a text fragment, handling escapes. This will end as soon as it
4545 -- sees any non-escaped special character.
4646 pText :: Parse Fragment
4747 pText = over (TextFrag . T.pack) . go
48 where go ('\\':x:xs)
49 | isSpecial x = (x:) `over` go xs
50 go i@(x:xs)
51 | isSpecial x = return (i, "")
52 | otherwise = (x:) `over` go xs
53 go "" = return ("", "")
48 where
49 go ('\\' : x : xs)
50 | isSpecial x = (x :) `over` go xs
51 go i@(x : xs)
52 | isSpecial x = return (i, "")
53 | otherwise = (x :) `over` go xs
54 go "" = return ("", "")
5556 -- Parse a tag name of length >= 0.
5657 pTagName :: Parse String
5758 pTagName s = go s `bind` ensureName
58 where go i@(x:xs)
59 | isAlphaNum x = (x:) `over` go xs
60 | elem x "-_" = (x:) `over` go xs
61 | otherwise = return (i, "")
62 go [] = throw "unexpected end-of-document while parsing tag"
63 ensureName (xs, name)
64 | length name == 0 =
65 throw "expected tag name after `\\'"
66 | not (isAlpha (head name)) =
67 throw "tag names must begin with an alphabetic character"
68 | otherwise = return (xs, name)
59 where
60 go i@(x : xs)
61 | isAlphaNum x = (x :) `over` go xs
62 | elem x "-_" = (x :) `over` go xs
63 | otherwise = return (i, "")
64 go [] = throw "unexpected end-of-document while parsing tag"
65 ensureName (xs, name)
66 | length name == 0 =
67 throw "expected tag name after `\\'"
68 | not (isAlpha (head name)) =
69 throw "tag names must begin with an alphabetic character"
70 | otherwise = return (xs, name)
7072 -- Skip any space charaters, returning () for the first non-space
7173 -- character (including EOF).
7274 skipSpace :: Parse ()
73 skipSpace i@(x:xs)
75 skipSpace i@(x : xs)
7476 | isSpace x = skipSpace xs
7577 | otherwise = return (i, ())
7678 skipSpace _ = return ("", ())
7880 -- Parse a tag assuming that a backslash has already been encountered.
7981 pTag :: Parse Fragment
8082 pTag i =
81 bind (pTagName i) $ \ (i', name) ->
83 bind (pTagName i) $ \(i', name) ->
8284 bind (skipSpace i') $ \case
83 ('{':i'', ()) -> TagFrag `over` (Tag (T.pack name) `over` pArgs i'')
84 ("",_) -> throw "unexpected end-of-document while parsing tag"
85 _ -> throw "expected start of block"
85 ('{' : i'', ()) -> TagFrag `over` (Tag (T.pack name) `over` pArgs i'')
86 ("", _) -> throw "unexpected end-of-document while parsing tag"
87 _ -> throw "expected start of block"
8789 -- Parse the vertical-bar-separated arguments to a tag, ending when a
8890 -- right curly brace is encountered.
8991 pArgs :: Parse [Document]
90 pArgs ('}':xs) = return (xs, [])
92 pArgs ('}' : xs) = return (xs, [])
9193 pArgs s = bind (pFragments s) $ \case
92 ('|':xs, cs) -> (cs:) `over` pArgs xs
93 ('}':xs, cs) -> return (xs, [cs])
94 _ -> throw "[unreachable]"
94 ('|' : xs, cs) -> (cs :) `over` pArgs xs
95 ('}' : xs, cs) -> return (xs, [cs])
96 _ -> throw "[unreachable]"
9698 -- Parse any fragment, deciding whether to parse it as a tag or a text chunk
9799 pFragment :: Parse Fragment
98 pFragment s@('\\':c:_)
99 | isSpecial c = pText s
100 pFragment ('\\':xs) = pTag xs
101 pFragment s = pText s
100 pFragment s@('\\' : c : _)
101 | isSpecial c = pText s
102 pFragment ('\\' : xs) = pTag xs
103 pFragment s = pText s
103105 -- Parse multiple fragments, ending when it encounters a }, or |, or end-of-file.
104106 pFragments :: Parse Document
105107 pFragments "" = return ("", [])
106 pFragments ('{':s) = bind (pFragments s) $ \case
107 ('}':xs, cs) -> bind (pFragments xs) $ \(xs', cs') -> return (xs', cs ++ cs')
108 (x:_, _) -> throw ("unexpected " ++ show x ++ "; expected '}'")
109 ([], _) -> throw ("unexpected end-of-document while parsing block")
110 pFragments s@(x:_)
108 pFragments ('{' : s) = bind (pFragments s) $ \case
109 ('}' : xs, cs) -> bind (pFragments xs) $ \(xs', cs') -> return (xs', cs ++ cs')
110 (x : _, _) -> throw ("unexpected " ++ show x ++ "; expected '}'")
111 ([], _) -> throw ("unexpected end-of-document while parsing block")
112 pFragments s@(x : _)
111113 | x `elem` "}|" = return (s, [])
112 | otherwise =
113 bind (pFragment s) $ \case
114 (s', c) -> (c:) `over` pFragments s'
114 | otherwise =
115 bind (pFragment s) $ \case
116 (s', c) -> (c :) `over` pFragments s'
116118 -- | Parse a string into a @TeLML@ 'Fragment'.
117119 parse :: String -> Either String Document
118120 parse str = case pFragments str of
119 Right ("", r) -> return r
120 Right ('}':_, _) -> throw ("Found unmatched '}' in document")
121 Right (s, _) -> throw ("expected end of document but found " ++ show s)
122 Left err -> throw err
121 Right ("", r) -> return r
122 Right ('}' : _, _) -> throw ("Found unmatched '}' in document")
123 Right (s, _) -> throw ("expected end of document but found " ++ show s)
124 Left err -> throw err
11 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
3 module Data.TeLML.Type (Document, Fragment(..), Tag(..)) where
3 module Data.TeLML.Type (Document, Fragment (..), Tag (..)) where
5 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
6 import Data.Data (Data)
5 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))
6 import Data.Data (Data)
7 import Data.String (IsString (..))
78 import qualified Data.Text as T
8 import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
9 import Data.String (IsString(..))
9 import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
1111 -- | A 'Document' is zero or more 'Fragment's.
1212 type Document = [Fragment]
1818 data Fragment
1919 = TextFrag T.Text
2020 | TagFrag Tag
21 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)
21 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)
2323 data Tag = Tag
24 { tagName :: T.Text
25 , tagPayload :: [Document]
26 } deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)
24 { tagName :: T.Text,
25 tagPayload :: [Document]
26 }
27 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)
2829 instance IsString Fragment where
2930 fromString = TextFrag . fromString
3132 instance NFData Fragment where
32 rnf (TextFrag s) = rnf s
33 rnf (TextFrag s) = rnf s
3334 rnf (TagFrag t) = rnf t
3536 instance NFData Tag where
1 module Data.TeLML(parse, Document, Fragment(..), Tag(..)) where
1 module Data.TeLML (parse, Document, Fragment (..), Tag (..)) where
33 import Data.TeLML.Parser
11 import Distribution.Simple
23 main = defaultMain
1 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
14 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
55 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
77 module Data.TeLML.Markup
8 ( renderWith
9 , render
10 , basicTags
11 , mkTag
12 , simpleTag
13 , listTag
14 , H(..)
15 , Hs(..)
16 , Str(..)
17 , TagDescription
18 ) where
8 ( renderWith,
9 render,
10 basicTags,
11 mkTag,
12 simpleTag,
13 listTag,
14 H (..),
15 Hs (..),
16 Str (..),
17 TagDescription,
18 )
19 where
2021 import Control.Monad (void)
2122 import Data.TeLML
2223 import qualified Data.Text as T
2324 import Text.Blaze.Html
24 import Text.Blaze.Html5 hiding (map, head, html)
25 import Text.Blaze.Html5 hiding (head, html, map)
2526 import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes hiding (name, span)
2727 import Prelude hiding (div, span)
2929 -- | Render a TeLML document with an extra set of possible tags.
4040 -- splits it apart whenever it comes across double newlines.
4141 gatherPara :: Document -> [Document]
4242 gatherPara = reverse . map reverse . go [[]]
43 where go rs [] = rs
44 go (r:rs) (t@TagFrag {}:ts) = go ((t:r):rs) ts
45 go (r:rs) (TextFrag s:ts) = case splitString s of
46 [] -> go (r:rs) ts
47 [x] -> go ((TextFrag x:r):rs) ts
48 xs -> go (map ((:[]) . TextFrag) (tail xs) ++
49 ((TextFrag (head xs):r) : rs)) ts
50 go _ _ = error "[unreachable]"
43 where
44 go rs [] = rs
45 go (r : rs) (t@TagFrag {} : ts) = go ((t : r) : rs) ts
46 go (r : rs) (TextFrag s : ts) = case splitString s of
47 [] -> go (r : rs) ts
48 [x] -> go ((TextFrag x : r) : rs) ts
49 xs ->
50 go
51 ( map ((: []) . TextFrag) (tail xs)
52 ++ ((TextFrag (head xs) : r) : rs)
53 )
54 ts
55 go _ _ = error "[unreachable]"
5257 -- Split a string at double-newlines.
5358 splitString :: T.Text -> [T.Text]
5459 splitString = T.splitOn "\n\n"
5761 -- | The 'TagArguments' class allow us to define a new tag with a name
5862 -- and a simple function, and cuts out a lot of the boilerplate.
5963 class TagArguments t where
6064 toType :: t -> [T.Text]
61 taExec :: t
62 -> [Document]
63 -> (Fragment -> Either String Html)
64 -> Maybe (Either String Html)
65 taExec ::
66 t ->
67 [Document] ->
68 (Fragment -> Either String Html) ->
69 Maybe (Either String Html)
6671 instance TagArguments Html where
6772 toType _ = []
6873 taExec h [] _ = Just (Right h)
69 taExec _ _ _ = Nothing
74 taExec _ _ _ = Nothing
7176 instance TagArguments r => TagArguments (Str -> r) where
7277 toType _ = "str" : toType (undefined :: r)
73 taExec f ([TextFrag t]:rs) go = taExec (f (Str t)) rs go
74 taExec _ _ _ = Nothing
78 taExec f ([TextFrag t] : rs) go = taExec (f (Str t)) rs go
79 taExec _ _ _ = Nothing
7681 instance TagArguments r => TagArguments (Maybe Str -> r) where
7782 toType _ = "str?" : toType (undefined :: r)
78 taExec f ([TextFrag t]:rs) go = taExec (f (Just (Str t))) rs go
79 taExec f [] go = taExec (f Nothing) [] go
80 taExec _ _ _ = Nothing
83 taExec f ([TextFrag t] : rs) go = taExec (f (Just (Str t))) rs go
84 taExec f [] go = taExec (f Nothing) [] go
85 taExec _ _ _ = Nothing
8287 instance TagArguments r => TagArguments (H -> r) where
8388 toType _ = "frag" : toType (undefined :: r)
84 taExec f (doc:rs) go =
89 taExec f (doc : rs) go =
8590 let h = fmap sequence_ (mapM go doc)
86 in case h of
87 Left err -> return (Left err)
88 Right h' -> taExec (f (H h')) rs go
89 taExec _ [] _ = Nothing
91 in case h of
92 Left err -> return (Left err)
93 Right h' -> taExec (f (H h')) rs go
94 taExec _ [] _ = Nothing
9196 instance (h ~ Html) => TagArguments (Hs -> h) where
9297 toType _ = ["..."]
9398 taExec f docs go =
9499 let h = mapM (fmap sequence_ . mapM go) docs
95 in case h of
96 Left err -> return (Left err)
97 Right hs -> return (Right (f (Hs hs)))
100 in case h of
101 Left err -> return (Left err)
102 Right hs -> return (Right (f (Hs hs)))
99104 data TagDescription
100 = forall t. TagArguments t =>
105 = forall t.
106 TagArguments t =>
101107 TagDescription T.Text t
103109 -- | The 'Str' newtype will match a literal chunk of non-formatted,
104110 -- non-structured text.
105 newtype Str = Str { fromStr :: T.Text }
111 newtype Str = Str {fromStr :: T.Text}
107113 -- | The 'H' newtype will match a single, pre-rendered argument
108 newtype H = H { fromHtml :: Html }
114 newtype H = H {fromHtml :: Html}
110116 -- | The 'Hs' newtype will match a concatenated set of pre-rendered
111117 -- arguments
112 newtype Hs = Hs { fromHtmlList :: [Html] }
118 newtype Hs = Hs {fromHtmlList :: [Html]}
114120 mkTag :: TagArguments t => T.Text -> t -> TagDescription
115121 mkTag = TagDescription
117123 -- The built-in set of tags (subject to change)
118124 basicTags :: [TagDescription]
119125 basicTags =
120 [ simpleTag "em" em
121 , simpleTag "strong" strong
122 , simpleTag "li" li
123 , simpleTag "h1" h1
124 , simpleTag "h2" h2
125 , simpleTag "p" (\ rs -> span ! class_ "para" $ rs)
126 , simpleTag "blockquote" blockquote
127 , simpleTag "tt" code
128 , simpleTag "code" (pre . code)
129 , simpleTag "ttcom" (\ rs -> span ! class_ "comment" $ rs)
130 , simpleTag "ttkw" (\ rs -> span ! class_ "keyword" $ rs)
131 , simpleTag "ttcn" (\ rs -> span ! class_ "constr" $ rs)
132 , simpleTag "ttstr" (\ rs -> span ! class_ "string" $ rs)
134 , listTag "ul" ul
135 , listTag "ol" ol
136 , mkTag "list" (\ (Hs hs) -> ul $ mapM_ li hs)
137 , listTag "center" (\ rs -> div ! class_ "center" $ rs)
139 , TagDescription "br" br
140 , TagDescription "comment" ("" :: Html)
141 , TagDescription "link" (\ (Str l) (H h) -> a ! href (toValue l) $ h)
142 , TagDescription "img" $ \ (Str l) altText -> case altText of
143 Just r -> img ! src (toValue l) ! alt (toValue (fromStr r))
126 [ simpleTag "em" em,
127 simpleTag "strong" strong,
128 simpleTag "li" li,
129 simpleTag "h1" h1,
130 simpleTag "h2" h2,
131 simpleTag "p" (\rs -> span ! class_ "para" $ rs),
132 simpleTag "blockquote" blockquote,
133 simpleTag "tt" code,
134 simpleTag "code" (pre . code),
135 simpleTag "ttcom" (\rs -> span ! class_ "comment" $ rs),
136 simpleTag "ttkw" (\rs -> span ! class_ "keyword" $ rs),
137 simpleTag "ttcn" (\rs -> span ! class_ "constr" $ rs),
138 simpleTag "ttstr" (\rs -> span ! class_ "string" $ rs),
139 listTag "ul" ul,
140 listTag "ol" ol,
141 mkTag "list" (\(Hs hs) -> ul $ mapM_ li hs),
142 listTag "center" (\rs -> div ! class_ "center" $ rs),
143 TagDescription "br" br,
144 TagDescription "comment" ("" :: Html),
145 TagDescription "link" (\(Str l) (H h) -> a ! href (toValue l) $ h),
146 TagDescription "img" $ \(Str l) altText -> case altText of
147 Just r -> img ! src (toValue l) ! alt (toValue (fromStr r))
144148 Nothing -> img ! src (toValue l)
145149 ]
156160 -- render a single paragraph
157161 renderPara :: [TagDescription] -> Document -> Either String Html
158162 renderPara taglist ds = fmap (p . sequence_) (mapM go ds)
159 where go (TextFrag ts) = Right (toMarkup ts)
160 go (TagFrag (Tag tx rs)) = exec tx rs taglist
161 exec name args (TagDescription tag func:_)
162 | name == tag = case taExec func args go of
163 Nothing -> Left $ unwords
164 [ "Tag"
165 , T.unpack ('\\' `T.cons` name)
166 , "expects argument structure"
167 , T.unpack ('\\' `T.cons` name `T.append` argsFor func)
168 ]
169 Just x -> x
170 exec name args (_:rs) = exec name args rs
171 exec name args [] = Left $
172 "Error: no match for tag " ++ T.unpack name ++ "/" ++ show (length args)
163 where
164 go (TextFrag ts) = Right (toMarkup ts)
165 go (TagFrag (Tag tx rs)) = exec tx rs taglist
166 exec name args (TagDescription tag func : _)
167 | name == tag = case taExec func args go of
168 Nothing ->
169 Left $
170 unwords
171 [ "Tag",
172 T.unpack ('\\' `T.cons` name),
173 "expects argument structure",
174 T.unpack ('\\' `T.cons` name `T.append` argsFor func)
175 ]
176 Just x -> x
177 exec name args (_ : rs) = exec name args rs
178 exec name args [] =
179 Left $
180 "Error: no match for tag " ++ T.unpack name ++ "/" ++ show (length args)
11 module Main where
3 import Control.Monad ((>=>))
3 import Control.Monad ((>=>))
44 import qualified Data.TeLML as TeLML
55 import qualified Data.TeLML.Markup as TeLML
6 import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as Opt
7 import qualified System.Environment as Env
8 import qualified System.Exit as Sys
69 import qualified Text.Blaze.Renderer.String as B
7 import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as Opt
8 import qualified System.Exit as Sys
9 import qualified System.Environment as Env
1111 data Options = Options
12 { optInput :: Maybe FilePath
13 , optOutput :: Maybe FilePath
12 { optInput :: Maybe FilePath,
13 optOutput :: Maybe FilePath
1414 }
1616 defaultOptions :: Options
17 defaultOptions = Options
18 { optInput = Nothing
19 , optOutput = Nothing
20 }
17 defaultOptions =
18 Options
19 { optInput = Nothing,
20 optOutput = Nothing
21 }
2223 options :: [Opt.OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
2324 options =
24 [ Opt.Option ['i'] ["input"]
25 (Opt.ReqArg (\ path opt -> opt { optInput = Just path }) "file")
26 "Read input from this file"
27 , Opt.Option ['o'] ["output"]
28 (Opt.ReqArg (\ path opt -> opt { optOutput = Just path }) "file")
29 "Read input from this file"
25 [ Opt.Option
26 ['i']
27 ["input"]
28 (Opt.ReqArg (\path opt -> opt {optInput = Just path}) "file")
29 "Read input from this file",
30 Opt.Option
31 ['o']
32 ["output"]
33 (Opt.ReqArg (\path opt -> opt {optOutput = Just path}) "file")
34 "Read input from this file"
3035 ]
3237 doRender :: String -> Either String String
3641 runPipeline inF outF = do
3742 cs <- case inF of
3843 Nothing -> getContents
39 Just f -> readFile f
44 Just f -> readFile f
4045 case doRender cs of
4146 Left err -> Sys.die err
4247 Right rs -> case outF of
4348 Nothing -> putStrLn rs
44 Just f -> writeFile f rs
49 Just f -> writeFile f rs
4651 main :: IO ()
4752 main = do
4954 case opts of
5055 (fs, [], []) -> do
5156 let Options
52 { optInput = inF
53 , optOutput = outF
57 { optInput = inF,
58 optOutput = outF
5459 } = foldr id defaultOptions fs
5560 runPipeline inF outF
5661 (_, _, _) -> do
55 import Control.Monad ((>=>))
66 import Data.TeLML
77 import Data.TeLML.Markup
8 import Test.Hspec
89 import Text.Blaze.Renderer.String (renderMarkup)
10 import Test.Hspec
1211 main :: IO ()
1312 main = hspec spec
2322 it "should embolden" $ do
2423 doRender "\\strong{foo}" `shouldBe` Right "<p><strong>foo</strong></p>"
2524 it "should list" $ do
26 doRender "\\ul{\\li{one}\\li{two}}" `shouldBe`
27 Right "<p><ul><li>one</li><li>two</li></ul></p>"
25 doRender "\\ul{\\li{one}\\li{two}}"
26 `shouldBe` Right "<p><ul><li>one</li><li>two</li></ul></p>"
11 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
33 module Data.TeLML.Parse
4 ( Fragment(..)
5 , Document
6 , Parse
7 , decode
8 , parse
9 , select
10 , field
11 , text
12 , document
13 , arg
14 , both
15 ) where
4 ( Fragment (..),
5 Document,
6 Parse,
7 decode,
8 parse,
9 select,
10 field,
11 text,
12 document,
13 arg,
14 both,
15 )
16 where
18 import Data.TeLML
1719 import qualified Data.Text as T
19 import Data.TeLML
21 newtype Parse t a = Parse { runParse :: t -> Either String a }
21 newtype Parse t a = Parse {runParse :: t -> Either String a}
2323 decode :: String -> Parse Document r -> Either String r
2424 decode str content = case parse str of
2525 Left err -> Left err
26 Right x -> runParse content x
26 Right x -> runParse content x
2828 instance Functor (Parse t) where
29 fmap f (Parse g) = Parse (\ x -> fmap f (g x))
29 fmap f (Parse g) = Parse (\x -> fmap f (g x))
3131 instance Applicative (Parse t) where
32 pure x = Parse (\ _ -> Right x)
32 pure x = Parse (\_ -> Right x)
3333 f <*> x =
34 f >>= \ f' ->
35 x >>= \ x' ->
36 pure (f' x')
34 f >>= \f' ->
35 x >>= \x' ->
36 pure (f' x')
3838 instance Monad (Parse t) where
39 Parse x >>= f = Parse $ \ s ->
39 Parse x >>= f = Parse $ \s ->
4040 case x s of
4141 Left err -> Left err
4242 Right v -> runParse (f v) s
4444 select :: T.Text -> Parse [Document] t -> Parse Document [t]
45 select name content = Parse $ \ s -> each s
45 select name content = Parse $ \s -> each s
4646 where
4747 each [] = return []
48 each (TagFrag (Tag t doc):xs)
48 each (TagFrag (Tag t doc) : xs)
4949 | t == name = (:) <$> runParse content doc <*> each xs
50 each (_:xs) = each xs
50 each (_ : xs) = each xs
5252 field :: T.Text -> (Parse [Document] t) -> Parse Document t
53 field name content = Parse $ \ s -> find s
53 field name content = Parse $ \s -> find s
5454 where
5555 find [] = Left ("Unable to find tag \\" ++ T.unpack name)
56 find (TagFrag (Tag t doc):_)
56 find (TagFrag (Tag t doc) : _)
5757 | t == name = runParse content doc
58 find (_:xs) = find xs
58 find (_ : xs) = find xs
6060 arg :: Parse Document t -> Parse [Document] t
61 arg f = Parse $ \ s ->
61 arg f = Parse $ \s ->
6262 case s of
6363 [x] -> runParse f x
6464 _ -> Left ("Wrong arity for `arg`: " ++ show (length s))
6766 both :: Parse Document a -> Parse Document b -> Parse [Document] (a, b)
68 both l r = Parse $ \ s ->
67 both l r = Parse $ \s ->
6968 case s of
7069 [a, b] -> (,) <$> runParse l a <*> runParse r b
7170 _ -> Left ("Wrong arity for `both`: " ++ show (length s))
7372 text :: Parse Document T.Text
74 text = Parse (\ s -> T.concat <$> traverse go s)
75 where go (TextFrag str) = Right str
76 go (TagFrag (Tag t _)) = Left ("Expected Text fragment, found \\" ++ T.unpack t)
73 text = Parse (\s -> T.concat <$> traverse go s)
74 where
75 go (TextFrag str) = Right str
76 go (TagFrag (Tag t _)) = Left ("Expected Text fragment, found \\" ++ T.unpack t)
7878 document :: Parse Document Document
79 document = Parse (\ s -> Right s)
79 document = Parse (\s -> Right s)