gdritter repos telml / c56ba4e
remember to pop Getty Ritter 2 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
234234 handleTag :: TeLML.Tag -> LuaM Text.Text
235235 handleTag (TeLML.Tag n ps) = do
236 -- evaluate the "arguments" first
236237 ps' <- mapM handleDoc ps
237238 Lua.pushstring (Text.encodeUtf8 n)
238239 typ <- Lua.gettable 1
247248 actualtyp <- Lua.ltype 2
248249 throw (NotAString n actualtyp)
249250 Just r -> do
251 Lua.pop 1
250252 return (Text.decodeUtf8 r)
251253 _ -> throw (NotAFunction n typ)