gdritter repos telml / ea9e7e5
start to build binary out Getty Ritter 2 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 135 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
11 packages:
22 telml/telml.cabal,
33 telml-parse/telml-parse.cabal,
4 telml-markup/telml-markup.cabal
4 telml-markup/telml-markup.cabal,
5 telml-bin/telml-bin.cabal
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 module Main where
5 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
6 import qualified Data.TeLML as TeLML
7 import qualified Data.Text as Text
8 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
9 import qualified HsLua.Core as Lua
10 import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as Opt
11 import qualified System.Environment as Sys
13 data Options = Options
14 { optInputFile :: Maybe String,
15 optUseDefaultTags :: Bool,
16 optTagFile :: Maybe String
17 }
18 deriving (Eq, Show)
20 opts :: [Opt.OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
21 opts =
22 [ Opt.Option
23 ['n']
24 ["no-default-tags"]
25 (Opt.NoArg (\o -> o {optUseDefaultTags = False}))
26 "Do not include any default tags",
27 Opt.Option
28 ['t']
29 ["tags"]
30 (Opt.ReqArg (\f o -> o {optTagFile = Just f}) "[file]")
31 "The file of tag definitions to use"
32 ]
34 parseOpts :: IO Options
35 parseOpts = do
36 args <- Sys.getArgs
37 let def =
38 Options
39 { optInputFile = Nothing,
40 optUseDefaultTags = True,
41 optTagFile = Nothing
42 }
43 case Opt.getOpt Opt.Permute opts args of
44 (flags, [], []) ->
45 return (foldl (flip id) def flags)
46 (flags, [input], []) ->
47 return (foldl (flip id) def flags) {optInputFile = Just input}
48 (_, _, errors) ->
49 error (unlines errors)
51 main :: IO ()
52 main = do
53 options <- parseOpts
54 telmlSource <- case optInputFile options of
55 Nothing -> getContents
56 Just f -> readFile f
57 let telml = case TeLML.parse telmlSource of
58 Right str -> str
59 Left err -> error err
60 luaSource <- case optTagFile options of
61 Nothing -> return ""
62 Just f -> BS.readFile f
63 result <- (luaMain luaSource telml)
64 print result
65 return ()
67 luaMain :: BS.ByteString -> TeLML.Document -> Lua.LuaE Lua.Exception Text.Text
68 luaMain luaSource doc = do
69 Lua.newtable
70 Lua.setglobal "telml" :: Lua.LuaE Lua.Exception ()
71 _ <- Lua.dostring luaSource
72 telml <- Lua.getglobal "telml"
73 if telml /= Lua.TypeTable
74 then Lua.liftIO (putStrLn "wrong type")
75 else return ()
76 handleDoc doc
78 standardTags :: Text.Text -> [Text.Text] -> Maybe Text.Text
79 standardTags n ps =
80 case (n, ps) of
81 ("em", [r]) -> Just ("<em>" <> r <> "</em>")
82 ("strong", [r]) -> Just ("<strong>" <> r <> "</strong>")
83 ("li", [r]) -> Just ("<li>" <> r <> "</li>")
84 _ -> Nothing
86 handleDoc :: TeLML.Document -> Lua.LuaE Lua.Exception Text.Text
87 handleDoc = fmap mconcat . sequence . map handleFrag
89 handleFrag :: TeLML.Fragment -> Lua.LuaE Lua.Exception Text.Text
90 handleFrag (TeLML.TextFrag text) = return text
91 handleFrag (TeLML.TagFrag tag) = handleTag tag
93 handleTag :: TeLML.Tag -> Lua.LuaE Lua.Exception Text.Text
94 handleTag (TeLML.Tag n ps) = do
95 ps' <- mapM handleDoc ps
96 Lua.pushstring (Text.encodeUtf8 n)
97 typ <- Lua.gettable 1
98 case typ of
99 Lua.TypeNil -> case standardTags n ps' of
100 Just r -> return r
101 Nothing -> error ("No such tag " ++ show n)
102 Lua.TypeFunction -> do
103 mapM_ (Lua.pushstring . Text.encodeUtf8) ps'
104 (Lua.NumArgs (fromIntegral (length ps'))) 1
105 result <- Lua.tostring 2
106 case result of
107 Nothing -> error "expected string"
108 Just r -> return (Text.decodeUtf8 r)
109 _ -> error ("Expected function, not " ++ show typ)
1 name: telml-bin
2 version:
3 -- synopsis:
4 -- description:
5 license: BSD3
6 author: Getty Ritter <>
7 maintainer: Getty Ritter <>
8 copyright: @2023 Getty Ritter
9 -- category:
10 build-type: Simple
11 cabal-version: 1.14
13 executable telml
14 hs-source-dirs: src
15 main-is: Main.hs
16 default-language: Haskell2010
17 default-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables
18 ghc-options: -Wall
19 build-depends: base >=4.7 && <5
20 , bytestring
21 , telml
22 , telml-markup
23 , text
24 , hslua-core