gdritter repos utmyen / a7f9413
Actually drawing things to the screen now: a basic model importer, but no way of 100% confirming that its working right Getty Ritter 8 years ago
6 changed file(s) with 142 addition(s) and 22 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
44 authors = ["Getty Ritter <>"]
66 [dependencies]
7 glium = "*"
Binary diff not shown
Binary diff not shown
11 use core::slice::Iter;
22 use std::collections::HashMap;
33 use std::iter::Peekable;
4 use std::mem;
5 #[derive(Clone,Debug,PartialEq,Eq)]
6 #[derive(Clone,Debug,PartialEq)]
67 pub enum Bencode {
78 Int(i64),
9 Float(f32),
810 Str(Vec<u8>),
911 List(Vec<Bencode>),
1012 Dict(HashMap<Vec<u8>, Bencode>),
3638 num = num * 10 + to_digit_i64(n);
3739 }
3840 Ok(Bencode::Int(num))
41 },
42 Some(&0x66) => {
43 let mut next_byte = || {
44 match {
45 Some(n) => Ok(*n),
46 None => Err("Unexpected end-of-stream"),
47 }
48 };
49 let mut buf = [ try!(next_byte()),
50 try!(next_byte()),
51 try!(next_byte()),
52 try!(next_byte()) ];
53 let _ = next_byte();
54 let f = unsafe { mem::transmute::<[u8;4], f32>(buf) };
55 Ok(Bencode::Float(f))
3956 },
4057 Some(&0x6c) => {
4158 let mut list = Vec::new();
118135 }
119136 }
121 pub fn as_num(&self) -> Result<i64, String> {
138 pub fn as_i64(&self) -> Result<i64, String> {
122139 match self {
123140 &Bencode::Int(n) => Ok(n),
124141 _ => fail("not a number"),
125142 }
126143 }
145 pub fn as_usize(&self) -> Result<usize, String> {
146 match self {
147 &Bencode::Int(n) => Ok(n as usize),
148 _ => fail("not a number"),
149 }
150 }
152 pub fn as_float(&self) -> Result<f32, String> {
153 match self {
154 &Bencode::Float(f) => Ok(f),
155 _ => fail("not a number"),
156 }
157 }
159 pub fn map<A, F>(&self, func: F) -> Result<Vec<A>, String>
160 where F: 'static + Fn(&Bencode) -> Result<A, String>
161 {
162 match self {
163 &Bencode::List(ref lst) => {
164 let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(lst.len());
165 for x in lst {
166 vec.insert(0, try!(func(x)));
167 }
168 Ok(vec)
169 },
170 _ => fail("not a list"),
171 }
172 }
127173 }
11 extern crate core;
2 #[macro_use]
3 extern crate glium;
35 mod adnot;
46 mod bencode;
57 mod model;
7 use bencode::Bencode;
9 use glium::{DisplayBuild, Program, Surface};
10 use glium::glutin::Event;
11 use glium::glutin::WindowBuilder;
13 // use bencode::Bencode;
15 fn sample() -> model::Model {
16 model::Model::load_from_file("data/test/cube.model").unwrap()
17 }
19 const VERTEX_SHADER: &'static str = r#"
20 #version 140
21 in vec3 pos;
22 void main() {
23 gl_Position = vec4(pos, 1.0);
24 }
25 "#;
27 const FRAGMENT_SHADER: &'static str = r#"
28 #version 140
29 out vec4 color;
30 void main() {
31 color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
32 }
33 "#;
935 fn main() {
10 let input = "d3:foo3:bare";
11 println!("{:?}", Bencode::parse(&input.to_string().into_bytes()));
36 let md = sample();
37 let display = WindowBuilder::new()
38 .with_title(format!("utymen"))
39 .build_glium()
40 .unwrap();
41 let vbuf = md.get_vbuf(&display);
42 let idxs = glium::index::NoIndices(
43 glium::index::PrimitiveType::TrianglesList);
44 let program = Program::from_source(
45 &display,
48 None).unwrap();
50 loop {
51 let mut target = display.draw();
52 target.clear_color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
53 target.draw(&vbuf,
54 &idxs,
55 &program,
56 &glium::uniforms::EmptyUniforms,
57 &Default::default()).unwrap();
58 target.finish().unwrap();
59 for ev in display.poll_events() {
60 match ev {
61 Event::Closed => return,
62 Event::KeyboardInput(_, 9, _) => return,
63 _ => (),
64 }
65 }
66 }
1267 }
1 extern crate glium;
13 use bencode::Bencode;
3 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
5 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
46 pub struct V3D {
57 pub pos: [f32; 3],
68 pub tex: [f32; 2],
79 }
9 #[derive(Clone)]
11 implement_vertex!(V3D, pos, tex);
13 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
1014 pub struct Model {
1115 pub points: Vec<V3D>,
1216 pub tris: Vec<usize>,
1317 }
15 pub fn load_model(is: &[u8]) -> Result<Model, String> {
16 let bs = try!(Bencode::parse(is));
17 let points_b = try!(bs.get_field("points"));
18 let tris_b = try!(bs.get_field("tris"));
19 let points = vec![];
20 let tris = vec![];
21 Ok(Model {
22 points: points,
23 tris: tris,
24 })
19 impl Model {
20 pub fn load_from_file(path: &str) -> Result<Model, String> {
21 use std::fs::File;
22 use std::io::Read;
23 let mut f = match File::open(path) {
24 Ok(f) => f,
25 Err(_) => return Err("Unable to open file".to_string()),
26 };
27 let mut buf = Vec::new();
28 let _ = f.read_to_end(&mut buf);
29 Model::load(&buf)
30 }
32 pub fn load(is: &[u8]) -> Result<Model, String> {
33 let bs = try!(Bencode::parse(is));
34 Ok(Model {
35 points: try!(try!(bs.get_field("pts")).map(load_v3d)),
36 tris: try!(try!(bs.get_field("tris")).map(|v| v.as_usize())),
37 })
38 }
40 pub fn get_vbuf(&self, display: &glium::Display) -> glium::VertexBuffer<V3D> {
41 glium::VertexBuffer::new(display, self.points.as_slice()).unwrap()
42 }
2543 }
2745 fn load_v3d(bs: &Bencode) -> Result<V3D, String> {
2846 Ok(V3D {
29 pos: [ try!(try!(bs.get_idx(0)).as_num()) as f32,
30 try!(try!(bs.get_idx(1)).as_num()) as f32,
31 try!(try!(bs.get_idx(2)).as_num()) as f32,
47 pos: [ try!(try!(bs.get_idx(0)).as_float()),
48 try!(try!(bs.get_idx(1)).as_float()),
49 try!(try!(bs.get_idx(2)).as_float()),
3250 ],
33 tex: [ try!(try!(bs.get_idx(3)).as_num()) as f32,
34 try!(try!(bs.get_idx(5)).as_num()) as f32,
51 tex: [ try!(try!(bs.get_idx(3)).as_float()),
52 try!(try!(bs.get_idx(4)).as_float()),
3553 ]
3654 })
3755 }