gdritter repos verify / 5de9b68
More rephrasing in the README Getty Ritter 9 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 11 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
66 The `verify` script is a small script that intends to make the
77 unfortunately common pattern of installing software using
88 `curl | sh` more secure. The `verify` script is a very small
9 interface on top of OpenBSD's [signify] tool for code-signing
9 interface on top of OpenBSD's
10 [signify](
11 code-signing tool
1012 that fits in the middle of pipelines, letting you transform
1113 the insecure pipeline
2022 $ curl some-package.verified | verify | sh
2123 ~~~
25 which will not execute the downloaded program if the package
26 has not been signed by a trusted key. The keys used by
27 [signify](
28 are
29 [Ed25519]( keys, and
30 therefore are very small and can be easily stored and
31 distributed in numerous ways.
2333 Additionally, if you don't have the public key that signed a
2434 package, and want to trust a package _just this one time_,