gdritter repos void-extra-packages / 1238db8
Replace email addresses with inf-specific ones Getty Ritter 6 years ago
12 changed file(s) with 22 addition(s) and 70 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
11 # Template file for 'aseprite'
22 pkgname=aseprite
3 version=1.0.9
3 version=1.1.13
44 revision=1
55 build_style=cmake
66 hostmakedepends=""
77 makedepends="allegro4-devel pixman-devel curl giflib-devel zlib-devel libpng-devel tinyxml-devel gtest-devel git cmake libX11-devel perl"
88 depends=""
99 short_desc="A pixel art and animation tool."
10 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
10 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
1111 license="GPL-3"
1212 homepage=""
1313 distfiles=""
1010 makedepends="libatomic-devel libatomic_ops-devel"
1111 depends="libatomic_ops"
1212 short_desc="The Boehm GC library"
13 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
13 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
1414 license="GPL-3"
1515 homepage=""
1616 distfiles="${version}.tar.gz"
11 # Template file for 'electric-boogaloo'
22 pkgname=electric-boogaloo
3 version=0.1.2
3 version=0.2.0
44 revision=1
55 hostmakedepends="ghc cabal-install git"
66 makedepends=""
77 depends=""
88 short_desc="Opinionated sugar for SQLite table definitions"
9 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
10 license="GPL-3"
9 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
10 license="BSD"
1111 homepage=""
1212 distfiles="${pkgname}/archive/v${version}.tar.gz"
13 checksum="484b1f7fc6d5833509e81772f1de10ed18f6181ad587527fcb7db9465f04a24f"
13 checksum=8d38a73ddccc2514c992c861c6eeff4746552ba40891795e639d92e64fa7c7d7
1414 nopie="yes"
1616 do_build() {
77 hostmakedepends="python-setuptools"
88 depends="python"
99 short_desc="A set of tools for manipulating TrueType and OpenType fonts"
10 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
10 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
1111 license="BSD"
1212 homepage=""
1313 distfiles="${pkgname}/archive/${version}.tar.gz"
srcpkgs/fonttools/template~ less more
1 # Template file for 'fonttools'
2 pkgname=fonttools
3 version=3.0
4 revision=1
5 noarch=yes
6 build_style=python-module
7 hostmakedepends="python-setuptools"
8 depends="python"
9 short_desc="A set of tools for manipulating TrueType and OpenType fonts"
10 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
11 license="BSD"
12 homepage=""
13 distfiles="${pkgname}/archive/${version}.tar.gz"
14 checksum=bab4046b1777f4b4a7002c8ebe44a977610d1473a9f6fec23dc7d1b891dcec20
1515 makedepends="cmake"
1616 depends=""
1717 short_desc="small oo lang"
18 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
18 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
1919 license="GPL-3"
2020 homepage=""
2121 distfiles=""
77 create_wrksrc=yes
88 hostmakedepends="ghc stack git"
99 short_desc="Small utility for converting JSON to Bencode"
10 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
10 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
1111 license="BSD-3"
1212 homepage=""
srcpkgs/matterhorn/template less more
1 # Template file for 'matterhorn'
2 pkgname=matterhorn
3 version=0.0.1
4 revision=20160826
5 hostmakedepends="ghc cabal-install git"
6 makedepends="ncurses-devel zlib-devel"
7 depends=""
8 short_desc="A small terminal-based MatterMost client"
9 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
10 license="BSD"
11 homepage=""
12 nopie="yes"
14 do_fetch() {
15 mkdir -p ${wrksrc}
16 git clone ${wrksrc}/mattermost-api
17 git clone ${wrksrc}/matterhorn
18 }
20 do_build() {
21 cd ${wrksrc}/matterhorn
22 cabal sandbox init
23 cabal update
24 cabal sandbox add-source ${wrksrc}/mattermost-api
25 cabal install happy
26 cabal install alex
27 cabal install ${makejobs} --only-dependencies
28 cabal configure -v --prefix=/usr
29 cabal build ${makejobs}
30 }
32 do_install() {
33 vbin ${wrksrc}/matterhorn/dist/build/matterhorn/matterhorn
34 vlicense ${wrksrc}/matterhorn/LICENSE
35 }
11 # Template file for 'sbt'
22 pkgname=sbt
3 version=0.13.9
3 version=0.13.11
44 revision=1
55 #wrksrc=
66 create_wrksrc=yes
1313 makedepends=""
1414 depends=""
1515 short_desc="A minimal build tool for Scala projects"
16 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
16 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
1717 license="BSD"
1818 homepage=""
19 distfiles="${pkgname}/native-packages/${pkgname}/${version}/${pkgname}-${version}.tgz"
19 distfiles="${pkgname}/${version}/${pkgname}-${version}.tgz"
2020 checksum=148f2801f2993773de6f8859fe0e6520fcabe649d66bb316e13aff8b2fd7f504
2222 do_build() {
11 # Template file for 'scala'
22 pkgname=scala
3 version=2.11.7
3 version=2.11.8
44 revision=1
55 hostmakedepends="apache-ant curl"
66 makedepends="openjdk git"
77 depends="virtual?java-runtime"
88 short_desc="Hybrid object-oriented and functional language for the JVM"
9 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
9 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
1010 license="GPL-3"
1111 homepage=""
12 distfiles=">${pkgname}-${version}.tar.gz"
13 checksum="1679ee604bc4e881b0d325e164c39c02dcfa711d53cd3115f5a6c9676c5915ef"
12 distfiles="${pkgname}/${pkgname}/archive/v${version}.tar.gz>${pkgname}-${version}.tar.gz"
13 checksum="4f11273b4b3c771019253b2c09102245d063a7abeb65c7b1c4519bd57605edcf"
1515 do_build() {
1616 . /etc/profile.d/
11 # Template file for 'snb'
22 pkgname=snb
3 version=0.0.1
3 version=20151005
44 revision=1
55 build_style=gnu-makefile
66 hostmakedepends="git"
77 makedepends="ncurses-devel"
88 depends=""
99 short_desc="A simple hierarchical notebook"
10 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
10 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
1111 license="GPL-3"
1212 homepage=""
13 _commithash="029d3e86decb7d62cb1aa068318ffa29c735f5b6"
1415 do_fetch() {
15 git clone ${wrksrc}
16 git clone -b ${commithash} ${wrksrc}
1617 }
1819 do_install() {
77 makedepends="bdwgc-devel libffi-devel boost-devel"
88 depends=""
99 short_desc="A cleanly-designed shell based on Plan 9's es shell"
10 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
10 maintainer="Getty Ritter <>"
1111 license="GPL-3"
1212 homepage=""
1313 distfiles=""