gdritter repos void-extra-packages / 94f7e14
Version bump for electric-boogaloo Getty Ritter 8 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
11 # Template file for 'electric-boogaloo'
22 pkgname=electric-boogaloo
3 version=0.1.1
3 version=0.1.2
44 revision=1
55 hostmakedepends="ghc cabal-install git"
66 makedepends=""
1010 license="GPL-3"
1111 homepage=""
1212 distfiles="${pkgname}/archive/v${version}.tar.gz"
13 checksum="c8cb27fc9d33124ce3e135e225be194b3710e051306f3e7c5037567173b44517"
13 checksum="484b1f7fc6d5833509e81772f1de10ed18f6181ad587527fcb7db9465f04a24f"
14 nopie="yes"
1516 do_build() {
1617 cabal sandbox init