gdritter repos wenaglia / c828f90
Clunkily use a collision world instead of manual broad phase Getty Ritter 5 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 5 addition(s) and 7 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
8080 }
8181 }
83 // create the player
84 let ball = {
85 let mut h = w.write_resource::<World>();
86 Blocking::new_ball(&mut h)
87 };
88 w.create_entity()
83 w.create_entity_unchecked()
8984 .with(Position {
9085 x: 3.0 * consts::TILE_SIZE,
9186 y: 3.0 * consts::TILE_SIZE,
9792 .with(Collision {
9893 has_collision: false,
9994 })
100 .with(ball)
95 .with({
96 let mut h = w.write_resource::<World>();
97 Blocking::new_ball(&mut h)
98 })
10199 .build();
102100 }