gdritter repos when-computer / 1038be9
Fixed relative link Getty Ritter 8 years ago
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11 \meta{( "structural-res" "structural regular expressions" ("programming") )}
2 One of the biggest tragedies of computer science is how we so often forget our field has a history. It's not at all hard to read papers from a decade or two ago and find \link{2016-03-15/subjects-and-entities/|amazing ideas that never got popular}, or even ideas which are currently being popularized in blog posts and tweets without any idea that there's prior art. As Ron Minnich once said:
2 One of the biggest tragedies of computer science is how we so often forget our field has a history. It's not at all hard to read papers from a decade or two ago and find \link{/2016-03-15/subjects-and-entities/|amazing ideas that never got popular}, or even ideas which are currently being popularized in blog posts and tweets without any idea that there's prior art. As Ron Minnich once said:
44 \blockquote
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