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fix quotation mark in eevee quote Getty Ritter 6 years ago
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77 When I first read it, it reminded me that one topic I've wanted to write about on this blog was microtonal music. As it turns out, writing about the motivation and theory behind microtonal music involves delving into some of the more esoteric foundations of Western music, to the degree that this post doesn't even get to microtonal tunings. Eevee at one point remarks, on the topic of our twelve-note octave:
99 \blockquote{
10 I don’t know why twelve in particular has this effect, or if other roots do as well, but it’s probably why Western music settled on twelve.
10 I don't know why twelve in particular has this effect, or if other roots do as well, but it's probably why Western music settled on twelve.
1111 }
1313 This blog post is a post about how we settled on twelve.