gdritter repos when-computer / 3ddc18e
Added image component for OpenGraph Getty Ritter 9 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
33 mkdir -p output/{index,about,tags,tag,archive,posts}
44 GEN='guile ./generator/generate.scm'
5 cp -r static output/static
56 ${GEN} index posts/$(ls -t posts/ | head -n 1)
67 ${GEN} about
78 ${GEN} tags
151151 (content ,(++ "what happens when computer: " title))))
152152 (meta (@ (property "og:url")
153153 (content ,(++ "" url))))
154 (meta (@ (property "og:image")
155 (content "")))
154156 (meta (@ (property "og:type")
155157 (content "website")))
156158 (link (@ (href "/feed.xml")
Binary diff not shown