1 | |
(load "telml.scm")
2 | |
(load "libs.scm")
| 1 |
(include "types.scm")
| 2 |
(include "telml.scm")
| 3 |
(include "libs.scm")
| 4 |
(include "templates.scm")
| 5 |
3 | 6 |
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
4 | 7 |
(use-modules (ice-9 match))
5 | 8 |
(use-modules (ice-9 ftw))
6 | 9 |
7 | |
;; template-ey things and style things
8 | 10 |
9 | |
(define (atom-element title url date content)
10 | |
11 | |
(title ,title)
12 | |
(link (@ (href ,url)))
13 | |
(id ,url)
14 | |
(updated ,date)
15 | |
(content (@ (type "html"))
16 | |
17 | 11 |
18 | |
(define (atom-feed posts)
19 | |
`(feed (@ (xmlns "htpt://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"))
20 | |
(title "what happens when computer")
21 | |
(link (@ (href "http://what.happens.when.computer/feed/")
22 | |
(rel "self")))
23 | |
(link (@ (href "http://what.happens.when.computer/")))
24 | |
(id "http://what.happens.when.computer/")
25 | |
,(map (lambda (post) (apply atom-element post)) posts)))
| 12 |
;; Create a folder if it doesn't exist. (There does not
| 13 |
;; appear to be a Guile binding to mkdir -p.)
| 14 |
(define (ensure-folder f)
| 15 |
(if (not (file-exists? f))
| 16 |
(mkdir f)))
26 | 17 |
27 | |
(define stylesheet
28 | |
29 | |
(font-family "Palatino, \"Palatino Linotype\", \"Palatino LT STD\", \"Book Antiqua\", Georgia, serif")
30 | |
(font-size 15pt)
31 | |
(background-color "#eeeeee")
32 | |
(counter-reset sidenote-counter))
| 18 |
;; create an output filename from a set of path components,
| 19 |
;; creating the necessary folders if needed, as well.
| 20 |
(define (outfile chunks)
| 21 |
(define (go rest so-far)
| 22 |
(ensure-folder so-far)
| 23 |
(if (null? rest)
| 24 |
(++ so-far "/index.html")
| 25 |
(go (cdr rest)
| 26 |
(++ so-far "/" (as-string (car rest))))))
| 27 |
(go chunks "output"))
33 | 28 |
34 | |
((= class all)
35 | |
(width 800px)
36 | |
(margin-left auto)
37 | |
(margin-right auto)
38 | |
(text-align center))
| 29 |
;; create a URL from a set of path components
| 30 |
(define (url chunks)
| 31 |
(define (go rest so-far)
| 32 |
(match rest
| 33 |
(() so-far)
| 34 |
((x . xs) (go xs (++ so-far "/" (as-string x))))))
| 35 |
(go chunks "/"))
39 | 36 |
40 | |
((= class menu)
41 | |
(color "#0f0f0f"))
42 | |
43 | |
((= class main)
44 | |
(padding-right 25%)
45 | |
(text-align justify)
46 | |
(line-height 150%))
47 | |
48 | |
((= class menu-index:before)
49 | |
(font-family "fira, \"Arial\", \"Helvetica\", sans-serif")
50 | |
(content "\"/ \""))
51 | |
((= class menu-archive:before)
52 | |
(font-family "fira, \"Arial\", \"Helvetica\", sans-serif")
53 | |
(content "\"^ \""))
54 | |
((= class menu-tags:before)
55 | |
(font-family "fira, \"Arial\", \"Helvetica\", sans-serif")
56 | |
(content "\"# \""))
57 | |
((= class menu-about:before)
58 | |
(font-family "fira, \"Arial\", \"Helvetica\", sans-serif")
59 | |
(content "\"@ \""))
60 | |
61 | |
((// (= class navlist) li)
62 | |
(display inline)
63 | |
(list-style-type none)
64 | |
(padding-left 10px)
65 | |
(padding-right 20px))
66 | |
67 | |
((// (= class navlist) ul)
68 | |
(padding-left 100px)
69 | |
(padding-right 100px))
70 | |
71 | |
((// (= class archive-list) ul)
72 | |
(padding-left 100px)
73 | |
(padding-right 100px))
74 | |
75 | |
((// (= class archive-list) li)
76 | |
(list-style-type none))
77 | |
78 | |
((= class tag-entry:before)
79 | |
(content "\"#\""))
80 | |
81 | |
((// (= class tags) ul)
82 | |
(display inline))
83 | |
84 | |
((= class tag:before)
85 | |
(content "\"#\""))
86 | |
87 | |
((= class tag)
88 | |
(font-style italic))
89 | |
90 | |
((= class sidenote)
91 | |
(float right)
92 | |
(clear right)
93 | |
(margin-right -60%)
94 | |
(font-size 12pt)
95 | |
(line-height 130%)
96 | |
(width 50%))
97 | |
98 | |
((= class sidenote-number)
99 | |
(counter-increment sidenote-counter))
100 | |
101 | |
((&& (= class sidenote-number:after) (= class sidenote:before))
102 | |
(content "counter(sidenote-counter) \" \"")
103 | |
(position relative)
104 | |
(color "#ff0000"))
105 | |
106 | |
((= class sidenote-number:after)
107 | |
(content "counter(sidenote-counter) \" \"")
108 | |
(top -0.5rem)
109 | |
(left -0.1rem)
110 | |
(vertical-align super)
111 | |
(font-size 70%)
112 | |
(color "#ff0000")
113 | |
(font-size: 0.9rem))
114 | |
115 | |
((= class sidenote:before)
116 | |
(content "counter(sidenote-counter) \". \"")
117 | |
(position absolute)
118 | |
(-webkit-transform "translateX(-100%) translateX(-0.25rem)")
119 | |
(-ms-transform "translateX(-100%) translateX(-0.25rem)")
120 | |
(transform "translateX(-100%) translateX(-0.25rem)"))))
121 | |
122 | |
;; the SXML chunk representing the navigation menu
123 | |
(define menu
124 | |
(let ((menu-item
125 | |
(lambda (name url)
126 | |
`(li (@ (class ,(string-append "menu-" name)))
127 | |
(a (@ (href ,url)) ,name)))))
128 | |
`(ul (@ (class navlist))
129 | |
,(menu-item "index" "/")
130 | |
,(menu-item "archive" "/archive/")
131 | |
,(menu-item "tags" "/tags/")
132 | |
,(menu-item "about" "/about/"))))
133 | |
134 | |
;; The SXML chunk representing a page on the site
135 | |
(define (page title content)
136 | |
137 | |
138 | |
(meta (@ (http-equiv "Content-Type")
139 | |
(content "application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8;")))
140 | |
(style (@ (type "text/css")) ,(scss->css stylesheet))
141 | |
(script (@ (type "text/javascript")
142 | |
(src "https://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML")) "")
143 | |
(title ,(string-append "what happens when computer: " title)))
144 | |
(div (@ (class "all"))
145 | |
(div (@ (class "header"))
146 | |
(h1 "what happens when computer"))
147 | |
(div (@ (class "nav")) ,menu)
148 | |
(div (@ (class "main")) ,content)
149 | |
(div (@ (class "footer")) "© 2015 getty ritter"))))
150 | |
151 | |
(define (add-tags chunk tags)
152 | |
(define (tag->link tag)
153 | |
`(a (@ (href ,(format #f "/tag/~a/" tag))
154 | |
(class tag)) ,tag))
155 | |
(if (null? tags)
156 | |
157 | |
(append chunk
158 | |
`((div (@ (class "tags"))
159 | |
(ul ,(map tag->link tags)))))))
160 | |
| 37 |
;; Grab all the posts and their metadata from the posts folder,
| 38 |
;; sorted by creation time. This does unnecessary work right
| 39 |
;; now; parsing all of them just to get the first metadata tag
| 40 |
;; out of them.
161 | 41 |
(define (get-all-posts)
162 | 42 |
(let* ((files (cddr (file-system-tree "posts")))
163 | 43 |
(files-sorted (sort files (lambda (x y)
164 | 44 |
(> (stat:mtime (cadr x))
165 | 45 |
(stat:mtime (cadr y)))))))
166 | 46 |
(map (lambda (file-entry)
167 | |
(let ((filename (string-append "posts/" (car file-entry))))
168 | |
(cons filename
169 | |
(cons (localtime (stat:mtime (cadr file-entry)))
170 | |
(car (translate-file filename))))))
| 47 |
(let* ((filename (string-append "posts/" (car file-entry)))
| 48 |
(metadata (telml-meta (translate-file filename))))
| 49 |
(make-post filename
| 50 |
(localtime (stat:mtime (cadr file-entry)))
| 51 |
(meta-slug metadata)
| 52 |
(meta-title metadata)
| 53 |
(meta-tags metadata))))
171 | 54 |
172 | 55 |
173 | |
(define post-file car)
174 | |
(define post-time cadr)
175 | |
(define post-slug caddr)
176 | |
(define post-title cadddr)
177 | |
(define (post-tags l)
178 | |
(list-ref l 4))
179 | |
180 | |
(define meta-slug car)
181 | |
(define meta-title cadr)
182 | |
(define meta-tags caddr)
183 | |
184 | |
(define (date->string date)
185 | |
(strftime "%Y-%m-%d" date))
186 | |
| 56 |
;; Turn a post into an <li> element with appropriate
| 57 |
;; link and date.
187 | 58 |
(define (post->list-elem post)
188 | 59 |
(let* ((date (date->string (post-time post)))
189 | |
(url (format #f "/~a/~a/" date (post-slug post)))
| 60 |
(href (post-url post))
190 | 61 |
(title (post-title post)))
191 | |
`(li ,(++ date ": ") (a (@ (href ,url)) ,title))))
| 62 |
`(li ,(++ date ": ") (a (@ (href ,href)) ,title))))
192 | 63 |
| 64 |
;; Turn a tag into an <li> element with the appropriate link
193 | 65 |
(define (tag->list-elem tag)
194 | |
(let ((url (format #f "/tag/~a/" tag)))
| 66 |
(let ((url (url (list 'tag tag))))
195 | 67 |
`(li (@ (class tag-entry))
196 | 68 |
(a (@ (href ,url)) ,tag))))
197 | 69 |
| 70 |
;; Generate the archive page
198 | 71 |
(define (archive)
199 | 72 |
(let* ((posts (get-all-posts))
200 | 73 |
(list `(div (@ (class archive-list))
201 | 74 |
202 | 75 |
,(map post->list-elem posts)))))
203 | |
(with-output-to-file "output/archive/index.html"
| 76 |
(with-output-to-file (outfile '(archive))
204 | 77 |
(lambda ()
205 | 78 |
(display (sxml->html5 (page "archive" list)))))))
206 | 79 |
| 80 |
;; Flatten a list
207 | 81 |
(define (concat list)
208 | 82 |
(apply append list))
209 | 83 |
| 84 |
;; Get the list of all tags
210 | 85 |
(define (get-tag-list posts)
211 | 86 |
(let ((c (concat (map post-tags posts))))
212 | 87 |
(delete-duplicates (sort c string<?))))
213 | 88 |
| 89 |
;; Get the list of all posts that are tagged with a given tag
214 | 90 |
(define (get-posts-with-tag tag posts)
215 | 91 |
(filter (lambda (post) (member tag (post-tags post))) posts))
216 | 92 |
| 93 |
;; Generate all tag-related pages
217 | 94 |
(define (tags)
218 | |
219 | 95 |
(let* ((posts (get-all-posts))
220 | 96 |
(tags (get-tag-list posts))
221 | 97 |
(tag-list `(div (@ (class archive-list))
224 | 100 |
225 | 101 |
(define (mk-tag-page tag)
226 | 102 |
(let* ((ps (get-posts-with-tag tag posts))
227 | |
(list `(div (@ (class archive-list))
228 | |
"pages tagged "
229 | |
(span (@ (class tag)) ,tag)
230 | |
231 | |
232 | |
,(map post->list-elem ps)))))
233 | |
(ensure-folder (format #f "output/tag/~a" tag))
234 | |
(with-output-to-file (format #f "output/tag/~a/index.html" tag)
| 103 |
(content `(div (@ (class archive-list))
| 104 |
"pages tagged "
| 105 |
(span (@ (class tag)) ,tag)
| 106 |
| 107 |
| 108 |
,(map post->list-elem ps)))))
| 109 |
(with-output-to-file (outfile (list 'tag tag))
235 | 110 |
(lambda ()
236 | |
(display (sxml->html5 (page tag list)))))))
| 111 |
(display (sxml->html5 (page tag content)))))))
237 | 112 |
238 | |
(with-output-to-file (format #f "output/tags/index.html")
| 113 |
(with-output-to-file (outfile '(tags))
239 | 114 |
(lambda ()
240 | 115 |
(display (sxml->html5 (page "tags" tag-list)))))
241 | 116 |
242 | 117 |
(map mk-tag-page tags)))
243 | 118 |
244 | |
(define (ensure-folder f)
245 | |
(if (not (file-exists? f))
246 | |
(mkdir f)))
247 | |
248 | |
;; actually load and generate the relevant files
| 119 |
;; Load a telml page and turn it into an html page
249 | 120 |
(define (main pg file out)
250 | 121 |
(let* ((page-source (translate-file file))
251 | |
(telml (cdr page-source))
252 | |
(meta (car page-source))
| 122 |
(telml (telml-content page-source))
| 123 |
(meta (telml-meta page-source))
253 | 124 |
(date (localtime (stat:mtime (stat file))))
254 | 125 |
(ndate (date->string date))
255 | |
(title (if (not (null? meta)) (meta-title meta) pg))
256 | |
(outfile (if out out
257 | |
(format #f "output/~a/~a/index.html" ndate (meta-slug meta))))
| 126 |
(title (if meta (meta-title meta) pg))
| 127 |
(target (if out out
| 128 |
(outfile (list ndate (meta-slug meta)))))
258 | 129 |
(display (sxml->html5 (page title (add-tags telml (meta-tags meta))))))
259 | |
(if (not out)
260 | |
261 | |
(ensure-folder (format #f "output/~a" ndate))
262 | |
(ensure-folder (format #f "output/~a/~a" ndate (car meta)))))
263 | |
(format #t "printing to ~a\n" outfile)
264 | |
(with-output-to-file outfile
| 130 |
(format #t "printing to ~a\n" target)
| 131 |
(with-output-to-file target
265 | 132 |
(lambda () (format #t "~a\n" display)))))
266 | 133 |
| 134 |
;; Figure out which page is supposed to be generated
267 | 135 |
(define (dispatch pg files)
268 | |
(cond ((equal? pg "index")
269 | |
(main "index" (car files) "output/index.html"))
270 | |
((equal? pg "post")
271 | |
272 | |
(lambda (f) (main "post" f #f))
273 | |
274 | |
((equal? pg "archive")
275 | |
276 | |
((equal? pg "tags")
277 | |
278 | |
((equal? pg "about")
279 | |
(main "about" "pages/about.telml" "output/about/index.html"))))
| 136 |
(match pg
| 137 |
("index" (main "index" (car files) (outfile '())))
| 138 |
("post" (map (lambda (f) (main "post" f #f)) files))
| 139 |
("archive" (archive))
| 140 |
("tags" (tags))
| 141 |
("about" (main "about" "pages/about.telml" (outfile '(about))))))
280 | 142 |
281 | 143 |
(let ((args (cdr (command-line))))
282 | 144 |
(cond ((= (length args) 0)