gdritter repos when-computer / 9f69c6a
switch to https Getty Ritter 6 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 8 addition(s) and 8 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
1515 (format #f "/~a/~a/" date slug)))
1717 (define (atom-element post)
18 (let ((url (++ "" (post-url post))))
18 (let ((url (++ "" (post-url post))))
1919 `(entry
2020 (title ,(post-title post))
2121 (link (@ (href ,url)))
3131 (define (atom-feed posts)
3232 (let ((updated (date->tz (post-time (car posts)))))
33 `(feed (@ (xmlns ""))
33 `(feed (@ (xmlns ""))
3434 (title "what happens when computer")
35 (link (@ (href "")
35 (link (@ (href "")
3636 (rel "self")))
37 (link (@ (href "")))
37 (link (@ (href "")))
3838 (updated ,updated)
39 (id "")
39 (id "")
4040 ,(map (lambda (post) (atom-element post)) posts))))
4242 ;; the scss stylesheet
210210 (meta (@ (property "og:title")
211211 (content ,(++ "what happens when computer: " title))))
212212 (meta (@ (property "og:url")
213 (content ,(++ "" url))))
213 (content ,(++ "" url))))
214214 (meta (@ (property "og:image")
215 (content "")))
215 (content "")))
216216 (meta (@ (property "og:type")
217217 (content "website")))
218218 (link (@ (href "/feed.xml")
221221 (title "what happens when computer atom feed")))
222222 (link (@ (rel "icon")
223223 (type "image/png")
224 (href "")))
224 (href "")))
225225 (style (@ (type "text/css")) ,(scss->css stylesheet))
226226 (script (@ (type "text/javascript")
227227 (src "")) "")