gdritter repos when-computer / fa6bc54
Modified color for sidenotes, too Getty Ritter 9 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Collapse all Expand all
117117 ((&& (= class sidenote-number:after) (= class sidenote:before))
118118 (content "counter(sidenote-counter) \" \"")
119119 (position relative)
120 (color "#ff0000"))
120 (color "#3366bb"))
122122 ((= class sidenote-number:after)
123123 (content "counter(sidenote-counter) \" \"")
125125 (left -0.1rem)
126126 (vertical-align super)
127127 (font-size 70%)
128 (color "#ff0000")
128 (color "#3366bb")
129129 (font-size: 0.9rem))
131131 ((= class sidenote:before)