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I basically always use some program in the `daemontools` family
on my computers. My home laptop and desktop are booted with an
init system (`runit`) based on `daemontools`, while many of the
systems I set up elsewhere boot a vanilla distribution
but immediately set up a `daemontools` service directory as a
secondary service management tool. Quite frankly,
it's one of the best examples of good Unix design
and at this point I wouldn't want to go without it.

This is a high-level introduction to the _idea_ of `daemontools`
rather than a full tutorial: to learn how to set it up in practice,
[djb's own site](
as well as
[a handful]([^3]
[of others](
are better references.

[^3]: This one is about `runit`, not `daemontools`, but they are
similar enough in principle.

# What is Daemontools?

The _core_ of `daemontools` is just two programs: `svscan` and
`supervise`. They're very straightforward: `svscan` takes a single
optional argument, and `supervise` takes a single mandatory one.

watches a directory (if none is specified, then it will
watch the current working directory) and checks to see if new
directories have been added. Any time a new directory is added,
it starts an instance of `supervise` pointing at that new

[^1]: It does this not using `inotify` or some other
mechanism, but rather just by waking up every five seconds and
doing a quick traversal of everything in the directory. This
is less efficient, but also makes fewer assumptions about the
platform it's running on, which means `daemontools` can run just
about anywhere.

And that's all that `svscan` does.

switches to the supplied directory and runs a
script there called `./run`. If `run` stops running for _any reason_, it
will be started again (after a short pause, to avoid hammering the
system.) It will also not
start the `./run` script if a file called `./down` exists in the same
directory. Extra data about the running process gets stored
in a subdirectory called `supervise`, and a few other
tools can be used to prod and modify that datafor example, to send
certain signals to kill the running program, to temporarily stop it,
or to see how long it has been running.

And that's almost all that `supervise` does.

One extra minor wrinkle is that if `supervise` is pointed at a
directory that also contains a subdirectory called `./log`,
and `./log/run` also exists, then it will monitor that
executable _as well_ and point the stdout of `./run` to the stdin of
`./log/run`. This allows you to build a custom logging solution
for your services if you'd like. The `./log` directory is

So, how does this run a system? Well, you point `svscan` at a
directory that contains a subdirectory for each service you
want to run. Those services are generally small shell scripts
that call the appropriate daemon in such a way that it will
stay in the foreground. For example, a script to run `sshd`
might look like:


# redirecting stderr to stdout
exec 2>&1

# the -D option keeps sshd in the foreground
# and the -e option writes log information to stderr
exec /usr/sbin/sshd -D -e

And your directory structure might look like

 | |---run
 | |-+-log/
 |   |---run
 | |---run
 | |-+-log/
 |   |---run
 | |---run
 | |-+-log/
 |   |---run

Once you point `svscan` at this, you end up having a process
tree where `svscan` is managing multiple `service` instances
which in turn manage their respective services and logging

        |         `-log-service
        |         `-log-service
        |         `-log-service

This design has some pretty amazing practical advantages, many of
which are attributable to the fact that `daemontools` _is written in terms of Unix idioms_.
The "Unix way" gets a fair amount of derisionsome well-deserved,
some notbut `daemontools` is a good example of how embracing the
idioms of your system can produce better, more flexible software.
Consider the following problems and their `daemontools` solutions:

## Testing a Service Before You Start It

The `./run` script is a plain executable. If it runs and stays
in the foreground, doing what it should do, it's correct. If it
doesn't, then there's a problem. That's also the only code path,
which is a sharp contrast to the infamously difficult-to-write
`sysvinit` scripts, where `start` and `stop` and `status` and so forth
must all be tested in various system states[^5].

[^5]: Of course, your daemon might still rely on statebut that's
the fault of your daemon, and no longer inherent in the service
mechanism. Contrast this to `sysvinit`-style scripts, where the only possible
API is a stateful one in which the script does different things
depending on the process state.

## Starting and Stoping a Service

All you do is create or delete a service directory. The most common
way of doing this is to create the service directory elsewhere, and
then create a symlink into the service directory to start it. This
lets you delete a symlink without deleting the main directory, and
furthermore ensures that the 'creation' of the directory is atomic.

Another tool, `svc`, lets you send signals to the running processes
(e.g. `svc -p` sends a `STOP` signal, and `svc -d` sends a `TERM`
signal as well as telling `supervise` to hold off on restarting
the service otherwise.)

## Express Service Dependencies

The `daemontools` design allows for various helper tools. One of them
is `svok`, which finds out whether a given service is running. This
is just another Unix program that will exit with either `0` if
the process is running, or `100` if it is not. That means we can

svok postgres || exit 1
exec 2>&1
exec python2

and the script will die (prompting `svscan` to wait a moment and
then restart it) unless `postgres` is already running.

## Express Resource Limits

`daemontools` has several other applications that can enforce
various resource limits or permissions. These are not part of the
service mechanisminstead, they simply modify _the current
process_ and then `exec` some other command. That means that you
can easily incorporate them into a service script

exec 2>&1
# change to the user 'sample', and then limit the stack segment
# to 2048 bytes, the number of open file descriptors to 2, and
# the number of processes to 1:
exec setuidgid sample \
     softlimit -n 2048 -o 2 -p 1 \
     some-small-daemon -n

These aren't actually special, and don't have anything to do with
the `daemontools` service mechanism. Any shell script
can incorporate `setuidgid` or `softlimit`, even if those scripts
have nothing to do with service management!

## Allow User-Level Services

If I want a given _user_ to have their own services that are run
_as_ that user, all I need to do is have another `svscan` running as
that user and pointing at another directory, which I can run as another
top-level service:

exec 2>&1
exec setuidgid user \
     /usr/sbin/svscan /home/user/service

# Variations

What I described above was vanilla `daemontools`. Other systems
are designed for booting entire systems with this kind of service
management. Variations on this basic design add various features:

* The [`runit`]( package
  extends `supervise` with the ability to
  execute a `./finish` script if the `./run` script fails, to do
  various kinds of cleanup. (`runit` renames `svscan` and
  `supervise` to `runsvdir` and `runsv`, respectively.)
* The [`s6`]( package
  adds even more options to both core
  programs (which are here named `s6-svscan` and
  `s6-supervise`) to e.g. limit the maximum number of services
  or modify how often scanning is done. It additionally allows
  control of an `s6-supervise` instance through a directory of
  FIFOs called `./event`.
* The [`daemontools-encore`](
  package adds even more optional
  scripts: a `./start` script which is run before the main
  `./run` script and a `./stop` script after the service is
  disabled, a `./notify` script which is invoked when the
  service changes, and a few others.
* The [`nosh`](
  package is designed as a drop-in replacement for
  `systemd` on platforms where `systemd` cannot run (i.e. any
  Unix that is not a modern Linux) and so has a lot of
  utilities that superficially emulate `systemd` as well as
  tools which can convert `systemd` units into `nosh` service
  directories. `nosh` is the most radically divergent of the
  bunch, but is clearly a `daemontools` descendant (and
  incorporates most of the changes from `daemontools-encore`,
  as well.)

Additionally, all these (except for `daemontools-encore`) have
other capabilities used to set up a Unix system before starting
the service-management portion.

# The Takeaway

The whole `daemontools` family has two properties which I really

1. A strong commitment to never parsing anything.
2. A strong commitment to using Unix as a raw material.

## Why avoid parsing?

Parsing is a surprisingly difficult thing to get right. Techniques
for writing parsers vary wildly in terms of how difficult they are, and
[parsing bugs are a common source](
[weird machines]( in computer
security. Various techniques can make parsing easier and less
bug-prone, but it's a dangerous thing to rely on.

One way to get around this is to just skip parsing altogether. This
is difficult in Unix, where most tools consume and emit plain text
(or plain binary.) In other systems,
such as in individual programming environments or systems like
Windows PowerShell, the everything-is-plain-text requirement is
relaxed, allowing tools to exchange structured data without
reserializing and reparsing.

The way to avoid parsing _in Unix_ is to use various kinds of
structure to your advantage. Take the file system:
it can, used correctly, emulate a tree-like structure or a
key-value store. For example, one supplementary `daemontools` utility is `envdir`,
which reads in environment variables not by parsing a string of
`name=value` pairs, but by looking at a directory and turning the
filename-to-file-contents mapping into a variable-name-to-variable-content

You might argue that this is sillyafter all, parsing an environment
variable declaration is as easy as `name=value`! Could a system really
introduce a security bug in parsing something as simple as that? As it
happens, [the answer is yes.](

So `daemontools` avoids parsing by using directories as an organizing
principle, rather than parsing configuration files.[^2] This is very much
a design principle in its favor.

[^2]: One might argue that this is a little bit disingenuous: after all,
you're still invoking shell scripts! If one part of your system avoids
parsing, but then you call out to a piece of software as infamously complicated
and buggy as `bash`, all that other security is for naught. But
there's no reason that you _have_ to write your scripts in `bash`, and in fact,
the creator of `s6` has built a new shell replacement for that purpose:
namely, [`execline`](, which is designed
around both security and performance concerns. If you wanted, you could replace
all those shell scripts with something else, perhaps something more like
the [`shill` language]( Luckily, the
`daemontools` way is agnostic as to what it's executing, so it is
easy to adopt these tools as well!

## What is "Unix as a raw material"?

The building blocks of `daemontools` are the parts of Unix which are
common to every modern Unix variant: directories and executables and
Unix processes and (in some of its descendants) FIFOs.
This means you have a universe of actions you can perform
outside of the `daemontools` universe:

- Your scripts can be written in anything you'd like, not just a
shell language. You could even drop a compiled executable in, at the
cost of later maintainability.
- Similarly, `daemontools` services are trivially testable, because
they're just plain ol' executables.
- Lots of details get moved out of service management because they
can be expressed in terms of other building blocks of the system.
There's no need for a 'which user do I run as' configuration flag,
because that can get moved into a script. (Although that script
can also consult an external configuration for that, if you'd like!)
- Your directories can be arranged in various ways, being split up
or put back together however you'd like.[^4]

[^4]: I personally tend to have a system-level
`/etc/sv` for some services and a user-level `/home/gdritter/sv` for
other services, regardless of whether those services are run in my
user-level service tree in `/home/gdritter/service` or the root-level
tree in `/service`.

In contrast, service management with `upstart` or `systemd` requires
special configuration files and uses various other RPC mechanisms,
which means that interacting with them requires using the existing
tools and isn't really otherwise possible. Testing a service with
`upstart` or `systemd` requires some kind of special testing tool
in order to parse the service description and set up the environment
it requests. Dependency-management must be built in, and couldn't
have been added in afterwards. The same goes for resource limits
or process isolation. and so forth.

"Unix design" has sometimes been used to justify some very poor
design choices, but well-done system design that embraces the Unix
building blocks in sensible ways has a lot in common with functional
program design: small building blocks that have well-defined
scope and semantics, well-defined side effects (if any), and fit
well into a larger system by making few assumptions about what
exists outside of them. `daemontools` is a perfect example of Unix
design done well.