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GitNode Design Document
One major design goal of GitNode is to allow GitNode instances to interoperate—that is, to support pull requests and collaboration between GitNode instances. To do this, GitNode repos can include a "link file", which is a special metadata file including metadata like:
- what kind of information the original endpoint accepts: pull requests, issues and bug reports, wiki pages, &c.
- the original HTTP location of the repo
- the original API endpoint of that repo
- the "API style" of the repo in question
- recursive data on the above, if the original repo also included a link file.
For example, if I maintain a GitNode instance at
and have a project called
, then the HTTP location of my repo is
, the API endpoint is
, and the API style is
. If my friend clones this repo to
, then those
values are stored in the repo metadata. Consequently, his
instance knows how to submit a merge request back
to my instance.
If I clone a repo from GitHub, then the link file can also be generated automatically: this allows a GitNode instance to host a project, but
The API is modeled after GitHub's API, but is missing all the
features that GitNode also lacks: for example, GitNode has
no notion of users or organizations, so a GitHub endpoint
like /orgs/...
is not provided. You can always issue a
request to the root endpoint in order to discover which
endpoints are supported.